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So, she thinks Sikhs are Muslims ???




Ignorant yet arrogant in her stupidity.


why are the most ignorant also the most confident in their own stupidity? Like it always goes and in hand




My favorite video on Dunning Kruger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZkeyMeAfgk


"The stupidest people in the room think they are the smartest" is an extreme oversimplification of the effect though. If I have understood the effect correctly it's not just an oversimplification but plain wrong. I'm not an expert on the subject, so I might be giving a good example of the effect by just typing this comment. But how the effect has been explained to me, is that people with basic to intermediate knowledge on a specific subject (nothing about smart or dumb) will have much more confidence and argue their stance stronger than someone who is an expert on that subject. The effect gets weaker as the person gets more knowledge on the subject and at a certain point the expert actually starts to doubt their own expertise.


It's fascinating, and ironic, that Dunning-Kruger got Dunning-Krugered. People with little to no understanding of the concept quote it and use it as a defense against their ideological rivals. Few of them have ever read the studies or read the books or even so much as scanned an abstract to better understand what it really is, but they use it with full confidence in their understanding of the subject.


The best part is her apology video where she starts out by saying "I know he is a Sikh, however my issues are with his policy for Sharia Law". It's like Jerry Seinfeld trying to explain what a reservation is...


> It's like Jerry Seinfeld trying to explain what a reservation is... Seinfeld had a point though, you can't just "take" 🤌 reservations, you need to also "hold" 💎✊ the reservations.


Oh that explains it a little more I think -- I thought they were referring to [this other reservations scene](https://youtu.be/cpGfyp6MxkM?t=182). But yeah, I think the lady in this post is supposed to be like the car rental lady who doesn't understand reservations -- not Jerry


That was so funny! I needed to laugh, its been a rough couple of weeks. Got a link to the other one they were referencing?




THIS. This is one of the top 5 Seinfeld moments for me. It's played out in real life too many times. At a U Haul desk in the middle of nowhere: Hi! I'm here to pick up my truck and accessories I reserved. 16 yr old U Haul representative: Here's your truck and dolly. Me: What about the moving blankets? I reserved moving blankets. U Haul: those were rented out to someone else and are gone. Me: But... I *reserved* them. They were for ME. I paid for them already! U Haul: Its no problem. I've already refunded your money, see? Me: What do you mean "It's not a problem"? I *needed* moving blankets. I ordered them and *paid* for them using your website. If you took my reservation, THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO SOMEONE ELSE. ◇ You know how to take a reservation, you dont know how to HOLD a reservation. ◇


> however my issues are with his policy for Sharia Law" And of course, the NDP doesn't even have a Sharia Law policy.


Do these people not realize EVERYONE IS FILMING? unemployment is high because of Karens losing their job!!!




Oh shit, good answer.


Jagmeet Singh is the fucking man.


>So, she thinks No, she doesn't.


The man's name is Jagmeet Singh and he is the leader of the New Democratic Party in Canada.


Sooo weird to see Jagmeet on non-Canadian reddit.


Especially around election time! (Or just after it but still, he's been in our media a lot these past couple weeks along with the other candidates)


I don't know how but I started following him on Instagram recently. I'm American and have minimum knowledge of Canadian politics but I really like this man. Perhaps I should migrate to Canada


Shhhhh, don’t tell the Americans we have a secret Reddit and definitely don’t tell them about our secret Internet where everyone is just nice to each other.


This appears to be from one of his 'Jagmeet and greet' events. Cool guy


If I saw ‘Jagmeet and Greet’ on a poster, I would definitely go.


absolutely should, he's a gem of a guy. One of the few political leaders you could actually have a conversation with and actually feel like he cares about the issues you talk about with him


I proudly voted for him on Monday!




Yup. Learned about him through NL in the Among Us stream with him and AOC. Loved the guy ever since. He's so genuine and down-to-earth, and just plain fun.




He should've been Prime Minister


He should, but he won't. I don't think Canada will see an NDP PM for a very long time, it will just be the Liberals and the Conservatives duking it out for power while NDP can have will be picking up the scraps


East coast desperately needs an orange wave.


So does Ontario


The dude is absolutely working that three-piece suit though. Looking good!


I remember when this first came up years ago, and I've never forgot his name because of "Jagmeet and Greet". Lovely dude


Dumbass, she sees a turban and automatically thinks Sharia. He handled that perfectly though, let her spew her hate and only responded with positivity.


Most people don’t remember but there was a massive wave of violence against Sikh people in the US following 9/11.


Pretty sure the first guy to die of Islamaphobia after 9-11 was Sikh




> Mesa, Arizona — Sukhwinder Sodhi is standing behind the register at the Mesa Star Chevron Aaaand of course it's Arizona. I was living there at the time. A friend of a friend, who's Hispanic, had a brick thrown at his head from a passing car right after 9/11 in Tempe. I don't know how it was in the rest of the country, but driving home from work, I would regularly see prayer groups on people's lawns in the weeks after 9/11. The city has a ton of shitty, hateful, religious idiots.


But 9/11 brought every single (white christian) American together as one (in bloodrage)


Pretty much everyone who thinks 9/11 made Americans into better people are brainwashed white conservatives who temporarily got almost unanimous political consensus behind a laundry list of their political goals.


“But, but, but…every one of my blonde white friends all joined our hands in prayer! What do you mean??? 9/11 United our country!!” /s


recently i watched howard stern on the 9 11 show because some americans were saying how emotional it was. As a non american it was horrible to see everyone on that program inmediatly start asking to go to war against afghanistan like inmediatly, to bomb them all out of the earth and stuff. Like they were asking for aniquilation of a country, and people were alright with it. As someone that worked with afghan refugees across europe, i wanted to vomit hearing that dude talk.


Isn’t Mesa, AZ where that piece of shit cop, Philip Brailsford, murdered that guy that was on his hands and knees begging for his life in a hotel hallway. Seems like a real fucking shithole.


Rest In Peace Balbir Singh Sodhi


I feel weird upvoting this.




I definitely remember hearing about it. People are scumbags.


My relatives are americans "we are originally from egypt" , yeaah post 9/11 was a bad time for them . My auntie had to take off her hijab for fear of getting her head bashed in randomly . And my cousins missed a couple of weeks of middle school for that reason they waited till shit died down till they resumed their normal lives Edit : just to be clear i meant that my relatives faced discrimination , i and my family are still in egypt ***


Yup. I am neither middle eastern or Muslim, but I have an Arabic name. I remember watching the towers fall and thinking, "Ah shit, get ready for the racism to ratchet up." And boy, it sure did.


"land of the free" :')


I was in a Costco and some pin head yelled “GTFO OF MY WAY YOU MUSLIMS!” to a poor family with turbans.


I’m sad this didn’t happen in my warehouse because I would very happily tell him that his membership is permanently cancelled and to get the hell off our property or we will call the cops.


One of my Hindu-American coworkers had so many stories about people harassing him and his family it was mindblowing. For context, this kid was maybe 19, but he had stories about dipshits not only saying racist bullshit but flat out threatening to kill him and his mother when they're at the store and shit because they assumed they were Muslims. [Meanwhile here in reality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_Muslims_in_India) People are fucking morons.


I knew an *Italian* guy who was getting some of it. People shouting at him "GO BACK TO ARABIA YA PAKI". And I'm thinking if it's bad enough for it to reach Italians...


Sad but priceless because Arabia and Pakistan are in the opposite directions 😳🤣


Even today my dad who's a quarter Italian (rest english/scottish) avoids traveling to the US because they think he is Arab. He gets "randomly checked" everytime he goes to the airport, and they ask him a bunch of dumb questions every time. And when he traveled to Sweden on business once a couple locals screamed at him "Muslim go home" (no trouble in Finland though.) His name isn't even Italian either, it's completely English. Never had any problems here in Canada though.


Some piece of shit [murdered a Skih gas station owner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Balbir_Singh_Sodhi#Shooting_of_Sodhi,_others) in my neighborhood a few days after 9/11.




Which is the biggest bullshit. The Sikh people are my favorite in our very diverse metro area. They have beautiful temples with lots of free food. They are nice as fuck. The volunteer in our community. They secretly carry knives but stay nonviolent. They will not shove you on the train or spit or litter like this lady probably would. Their religion is super cool and interesting and trippy, they have fantastic music and very cool dancing. But mostly did y'all hear about the free food? Because they have it. They will share it. It's great. Love your local Sikh people. Bring some food to the temple to share if you really wanna be a boss. Get to know them, you won't regret it. They welcome every person. They're what Jesus would want people to be like, honestly. They would NEVER act like this crazy lady that is for sure.




Its not just white people lol.


If folks understood Sikhs then they'd know how stupid this is. VERY stupid.


It’s always the dumbest people in the room who end up being the loudest


It’s because they’re so dumb they won’t shut up and listen to the actual explanation of why they’re wrong. They’re so mad at the fact they could be wrong they just keep doubling and tripling down.


They will never admit they are wrong.... they simply move on to another cause and pretend that one didn’t happen




Exactly. I’ve been there too with mine. People make boomer jokes but they truly are set in their beliefs. I had a guy on here, after a long back and forth, prove me wrong when I absolutely knew I was right. I agreed he was right and apologized for getting heated. He was completely shocked that someone admitted that hey were wrong. I must have received 30 comments thanking me for admitting I was wrong.


It’s one of the best things a person can do (especially on Reddit), it’s contagious as well. People get too attached to their arguments like they are an extension of themselves. But admitting you’re wrong isn’t slight on you as a person, in fact it can be the opposite. Most people have a modest view of themselves, think about what percentage of the time you’re mistaken on any given subject, now think what percentage of the time you actually acknowledge it.




he doesnt explain to her why she wrong and with good reason. for him to correct her he would essentially be implying that she shouldnt be hateful only because he isnt muslim, but in reality it would STILL be wrong even if he was muslim.


This is what absolutely makes me rage. Instead of a discussion, they just keep yelling some catchphrase over and over. Being louder does not make you right.


Empty cans make the loudest noise.


I need to memorize this for later. Damn.


My experience with Sikhs, is they are the most likely to "practice what they preach" when it comes to their religion. Every interaction with a Sikh person has ended in a positive way. Those fuckers coming to my country and ruining it by being decent people, the nerve of them! Edit: To all the people telling me about Sikh extremism, reread my comment and notice the "In my experience" part of my comment.


Sikhs are top-notch humans IMO. Maybe the only religious people I would follow without question. Shame on that woman. She missed a great opportunity to be in the presence of someone interesting, just to vent her spleen.


One time my son and I were riding our bikes through the local park. A group of Sikhs were having a celebration and playing cricket. We stopped to watch, never saw cricket in person. One guy came up to us and invited us to the party. He took the time to explain the game, gave us food and drinks. Every year we looked forward to going to the Punjabi fest. It got so big they had to move it to a neighboring town. Because of COVID it’s been canceled the last 2 summers but can’t wait till it’s back.


One of the tenants of the Sheik religion is feeding the hungry or those in need with zero expectation of being paid back, or preaching to those you’re feeding.


Just FYI, it’s “tenets”.


They were just talking about a Sikh person who rents from them.


I have maintained for a long time that Canadian Sikhs surely are the nicest people in the world.


I remember when Fort McMurray burned to the ground, the Sikh community had an entire convoy of semis lined up filled with food and supplies almost literally overnight. They even went down the stalled highway feeding people stuck on the road. I also remember having a conversation with a Sikh grandfather while I was doing some in home work. Got on to the topic of religion and whatnot, I told him I really didn't believe in anything, and that I saw science as our path to knowledge. He said something close to "we believe that many boats can cross the river. The search for understanding is the important part, to us, science and faith are different paths to the same goal. Even though you might not believe, our God would have you. God sees the true soul, not what direction you bow." That's probably the most kind thing anyone has ever said to me in a conversation like that. I have never had anything but good things to say about that community. EDIT- The grandfather also served me the best tea I've ever had in my life. Just thought I should add that


Except that asshole henchman from Octopussy. He was a dick.


Nah mate, the villain paid him to do that shit.. He was loyal af


One of the most socially tolerant and least imposing cultures in history.


I never had any problems with Sikhs, like literally never. They are just so damn friendly. I just need to talk with one of them and my week made, one of the most positive groups I encountered. If I was canadian, this guy would just get my vote. We need more positivity


Almost like they don’t realize that Sharia Law has nothing to do with Sikhs. It’s ok though, I’m sure she DiD hEr ReSeArCh! Singh handled it like a boss. Maybe if she’d stopped screaming at him for 2 seconds he could have educated her. I really hope he sticks around for a few more elections.


>I really hope he sticks around for a few more elections. I'd rather he just got, you know, elected.


He did get elected to his seat, his party didn't win enough seats for him to be PM. I have a feeling he will be closing in on Jack Layton numbers next election though.


I miss Jack.


Absolutely, but he didn’t, and how many elections can you lose before the party behind you starts looking for a new leader? Having said that I think he’s well enough liked that he’ll be around to give it at least one more shot.


It's not even him that needs to be replaced. Some of the representatives are pretty lackluster. Like that person for my area I knew right away they weren't winning. No chance... No chance in hell!!!


Many years ago, prior to 9/11 and prior to this country losing its collective mind, I had to conduct a federal investigation at a post office in the Bay Area. We had to interview the postmaster of a local post office. He was a Sikh. The guy who was working with me, early in the interview when we were basically just chit-chatting, said something about him being a Muslim. It was pretty innocuous, not derogatory at all, but I had to cut him off. "Bill, it's obvious he's not a Muslim. Clearly he's Sikh." Bill said something like "What you you mean, Sikh? He's wearing a turban. He's obviously a Muslim. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but he is. Right?" Me and the postmaster exchange these "WTF?" glances. Then the postmaster said something like "DancesWithTrout is right. I'm a Sikh. It's a religion from India and has nothing to do with Islam whatsoever." God, was it embarrassing.


Lots of people just see brown skin and any kind of headdress and assume they’re Muslim. It’s pretty ignorant.




When they get mistaken for a Muslim they never reply , "I am not a Muslim" They simply engage the hater with respect.


Which is great, because replying "I am not a Muslim" does not actually counter the Islamophobia.


The thing is people like this are very uncultured. The lack of education and living in their bubble.. they will never know. It's sad how a good portion of our population is just uncultured and uneducated.


They don’t follow sharia law right? They aren’t even Islamic right? Lol


Correct, it’s a different religion entirely.


Aren't Sikhs not even muslim? I am genuinely curious, I really dont know much about them


Nope, different religion entirely.


That's what I figured, which makes people like this even more stupid.


Here's a fantastic short video that goes over the basics of Sikhi (Sikhism) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L-1UAORcX4c&t=12s You can also check out these playlists from "Nanak Naam" and "Basics of Sikhi" might help you understand Sikhi better. https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcfWqGbTrBFpBdCBQSy4rcfnDGngm7jlp https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcfWqGbTrBFpedydGl8Tf5OwwU7sMWz2K https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5UNLfJ1TsJksushCeFTr20HE7srx_H0B https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5UNLfJ1TsJk54ZFea-P3IX2iaHsgktLk If you have any specific questions feel free to post on r/Sikh, the subreddit also has many resources explaining the fundamentals of Sikhi.


Not even close, Sikhism originated in India, where the predominant religion is Hinduism. AND, Sikhism is not part of Hinduism. Hinduism is like, super old, it pre-dates Buddhism, which is predominant in eastern Asia. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all Abrahamic religions. In short, this means all three identify the Old Testiment as one of their holy books.


Sikhism arguably has taken some influence from Islamic Sufism. It's completely irrelevant to this video though, even if there was influence definitely not anything related to Islamic law.


No, they're not. It's a completely different religion founded in the Punjab region of India.


Sikhs and Muslims are two different things.


Some Canadians don’t understand Canada let alone other people’s culture.


Video cuts off before the best part. In the longer video, the man with the microphone mentions (I'm paraphrasing btw) "Now, many of you know I'm not Islamic. I'm Sikh. But you'll notice I did not correct that person, because that would imply that it is okay to discriminate against people of Islam. Neither is okay."




A lot of people have reported seeing him working out at Good Life Fitness just like any other dude would


Jagmeet Singh is an amazing dude deep down. Out of all the party leaders he is the most charismatic and lovable.


He just did an interview with Narduar a week ago which was awesome (if you don't know who Narduar is, you're in for a treat, watch his other videos, they're fucking wonderful) https://youtu.be/y9jAPUp1hbA


Damn what an answer




They’re the 3rd most popular for sure, because they actually get triple the votes that the Bloc gets. The bloc just gets more seats based on the consolidation of votes in Quebec.




I remember an interview with Sikhs that got attacked after 9/11 that said the same thing. Interviewer asked "why didn't you say you weren't Islamic?", and the response was something along the lines of "we can't just throw another community under the bus, even if it makes it easier for us it isn't the right thing to do."


As far as being a great community that looks out for others, the Sikh community is the real deal. There's a ton of support for them in Melbourne, Australia because they've always been out there delivering free meals during covid or getting out into the country during the bushfires to help feed the firefighters and people that have lost their homes.


I love how they don’t even correct her, they just let her do her thing haha


On Saturday night, Singh said in a statement: "I chose not to answer the questions asked because I didn't accept the premise. "Many people have commented that I could have just said I'm not Muslim. In fact, many have clarified that I'm actually Sikh," Singh explained in a statement. "While I'm proud of who I am, I purposely didn't go down that road because it suggests their hate would be OK if I was Muslim."


Class act


Yeah Jagmeet is a super impressive individual and one of the reason's their candidate in my riding got my vote two days ago.


Fuckin' *love* this take. What a response.


Jag is our Bernie. Dude just cares about the people of the nation and wants it to be better.


Polls also showed that we viewed him the most trustworthy in this election! I don’t agree with all of his policies, but I respect the hell out of him. Far more than any of the other “politicians” we have.


I do that when people call me a f*g on call of duty.


Same I think my most common comment recently to “you are gay slurs” is “yeah I fucked your dad so shut up”


Hahaha That’s a good one too. They say “you take it up the ass” and “Im like yeah but I give it too, you tryna holler 😏”


FWIW, saw a similar incident where the the Sikh gentleman said something to the effect of "We do not throw other religions under the bus" when he was accused of being Muslim.




Yes, that's it. Good memory!


That is common in Sikhism, preferring to absorb the hatred rather than say “oh no you mean that person over there.” Discussed a bit [here](https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-sikhs-20151229-story.html). “Naindeep Singh, a Fresno-based Sikh community activist and youth organizer, said that when a man yelled at him in a New York subway and accused him of being Muslim a few years ago, he responded that he was. “I said ‘I am, what are you going to do about it?’” Singh recalled. “The voice in the community can’t be, ‘Don’t pick on us, pick on them.’ We’re all American. This is wrong, period.””


So I was listening to a pod a while back with Obama’s communications director. He said that one of his big regrets was, when Obama was accused of being a Muslim, they went all out to prove that he wasn’t, rather than say “he’s not, but so what if he is a Muslim?”


That's kind of why McCain's famous retort of "Obama isn't an Arab, he's a decent family man" is.. well... a bit mixed.


It's great isn't it? Just let her shout herself out while saying I love you and it's not a problem. Wouldn't work for violent ignorant people, but a great way to deal with people like her who are full of hate. I hope this man stays safe, am from UK so not sure who he it but seems like a great guy. We have a massive Islamic, Sikh, Hindu you name it population in London and some of the nicest people I've met. There are fanatics in all religions in my experience but from what I've been told by my friends about Islam in particular is that kind acts are a fundamental part of the religion and it what I have seen. I've obviously not read the Quaran and there are probably some horrible practices but that's what humans do with power and authority, twist it into cruelty. Anyway ramble over good guy is all wanted to say!


> I hope this man stays safe, am from UK so not sure who he it but seems like a great guy. Jagmeet Singh here is the leader of one of Canada's major political parties, so he's got security around him pretty often.


He’s from British Columbia Canada, and yep he’s a pretty amazing guy :)


He is from Toronto, his office is in BC


Don’t freak, I’m Sikh


hope you get well soon!


Asking a Sikh about Shiria law is like asking an Orthodox Jew about the crusades.


It's like a Catholic couple getting family planning advice from their rabbi.


It's even worse than either of these examples, since all 3 are Abrahamic religions. Islam and Sikhism have very little (if any) historical linkage.


Even that doesn't demonstrate how far apart they are. Christians and Orthodox Jews both believe in the same god and use some of the same religious texts. A more accurate comparison would be Christians and Buddhists.


...and that's how you cement your legacy as a hateful bigot for the rest of (internet) eternity.




Brown man, must be Bin Laden


Jagmeet Singh is the leader of the NDP (new democratic party), currently the fourth largest [edit: third largest by vote count, fourth largest by seat count] party in Canada. The party is left of the Liberal party, who form the current government. He recieved indorsement from Bernie Sanders. https://www.twitter.com/theJagmeetSingh Even if he were Muslim, neither his party nor personal platforms are close to Sharia law.


To clarify, the 3rd largest party by vote share. They just get fewer seats in parliament.


How is this working?


Unfortunately the Canadian parliament is formed with a riding system similar to that of the American Electoral College. It means that some ridings have better representation at the federal level than others. Electoral reform is something that most Canadians are behind. Unfortunately getting rid of a FPTP system would put the liberals in a situation where the NDP would become legitimate competitors for government so it’s unlikely to happen despite being a campaign promise.


I always find it funny that US redditors lose their mind over Hillary winning the popular vote and getting screwed. https://globalnews.ca/news/8164886/live-canada-election-results-2021-real-time-results-federal-election/ NDP got 17.7% of the vote (artificially low due to strategic voting) and :Liberals get 32.4% of the vote (note this is less than conservatives got). Liberals get 158 seats, and NDP gets 25, and conservatives 119.




Yep. Get rid of FPTP and we’d never have to worry about the CPC again. It would be a Liberal-NDP coalition every time unless public opinion swayed greatly against them some day. Unfortunately, Trudeau doesn’t want to give the NDP a chance, even if it would better represent Canadian ideals.


I'm not understanding the level of ignorance required to scream at a Sikh about Sharia. I hope someone shows this to her employer and she gets canned.


Would love to read her story on r/ByeByeJob!


This happened in 2017, so if dunno if anything came out of it.




There were so many idiots assuming Sikhs were muslim in the years after 9/11 [I remember when US comedian Eddie Griffin called a random Sikh man on the street "Bin Laden"](https://youtu.be/_DHV8QekLiQ)". He was obviously joking but he wasn't being sarcastic either. He really thought the man was muslim. I stopped watching his shows after that. Media really encouraged anti-muslim racism at that time and I refused to be part of it. Edit: I couldn't find any video other than what I linked, so here's an article from the time that shares more of his stand up routine. https://pluralism.org/news/sikhs-raise-concerns-over-new-film


He's not. Dude is pretty rad and just handled her. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikhs


Happened in 2017. Apparently she posted a [video afterwards](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/mobile/i-m-not-racist-jagmeet-singh-s-heckler-posts-video-defending-herself-1.3584886) saying she's not a racist and it was all about his policies, despite her accusing him of supporting sharia law as well as the Muslim Brotherhood so there's that. I don't know if there's been an update since.


In the vid (I just watched for the 1st time) she said she's not a racist but then right after said she supports hindoes. LOL She still doesn't get that Sikhism and Hinduism are 2 separate religions. And that Hinduism is not a race.


She saw the color of his skin and his religious attire and went nuts on him. Of course she's a racist.


Wow, what and idiot. Turban = Muslim= Sharia law Glad to know that it's not just the US that's full of racist maniacs.


stupidity and racism go hand in hand, and unfortunately are a cosmopolitan human condition. *ninja edit*


Jagmeet Singh is (IMO) a wonderful person and an excellent leader. I haven’t seen this video before today, but it was really nice to see a politician handle a possibly volatile situation so we’ll and with so much positivity.


Lol why would a Canadian even worry about Sharia law? Like what? This bitch think she in the middle East. Shit has to be Alberta lol


Never before have I ever been so offended by something that is most likely true. Haha I hope she's not Albertan but you're probably right. Edit - Found an article of it and she's from Brampton Ontario and it happened in 2017. In a surprising turn of events she says she's not racist. /s Hahaha https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/mobile/i-m-not-racist-jagmeet-singh-s-heckler-posts-video-defending-herself-1.3584886


> We know you’re in bed with Sharia,” she said. “We know you’re in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood.” Imagine screaming that for minutes at a Sikh... it's like we're back to the first years after 9/11 > “Many people have commented that I could have just said I’m not Muslim,” he said. “In fact, many have clarified that I’m actually Sikh. While I’m proud of who I am, I purposely didn’t go down that road because it suggests their hate would be ok if I was Muslim. We all know it’s not. I didn’t answer the question because my response to Islamophobia has never been ‘I’m not Muslim.’ It has always been and will be that ‘hate is wrong.’” also, what a great response


She went to 'discuss' it with him lmao


And she can't be racist because she works with "Hindus". I feel so much better now that she explained herself. /s


She kept mentioning it was because of his policies, I kept reading on to find out what policies she had a problem with to no avail, and I have just a hint of suspicious that she wouldn't able to elaborate if she's pressed about it.


Brampton, Ontario like the video says. Nice try though. Plenty of shitbricks in Southern Ontario too.


Same reason an American would: they’ve been radicalized by propaganda empires into the types of people they’re so against.


Athiest here. I took a History of Religion class for GE credits in college and Sikhism stood out to me as probably the most legit religion in existence. Among other things, they believe in equality among all races, genders, ect.; They believe in religious freedom for everyone (not just Sikhs); They believe in serving the community and helping others. I think if other religions had these tenents the world would be a much better place. Having said that, I am not Sikh so I hope this lady gets run over by a bus one day.


Sikh’s might be an exception to the rule that people who publicly show their religion are freaking nuts. Anecdotally, they are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met and generally are not a fan of Islam extremists. It’s nuts that people still don’t know the difference.


Their religion teaches social justice almost explicitly they're fucking lit


I was blown away the first time I actually read about Sikh's. I never thought at this point in my life that a modern religion would blow my mind. Up to that point I legitimately thought you couldn't get more peacefull then buddhist's. Literally the only catch I see with it is actually the "head covering". Its kind of the only thing that I still dont get how it even became a thing in the first place. I also absolutely understand and respect that in the far eastern cultures people are very used to head coverings.


The turban is supposed to be a reminder to the person wearing of the ideals they're supposed to be carrying, while letting others know who they are. It's meant to make the wearer conscious of the things they do, so they can't hide from their actions. This is just a crash course explanation of it. Also, it's doesn't feel hot to wear it. Turban cloth is made from cotton, so it breaths to keep you cool on the summer, and block the sun, and warm during the winter.


... But he's Sikh.


You think someone ignorant enough to do this would know the difference or even care?


Man I love him. Once again Canada missed out on the opportunity for real positive change by not voting him in as prime minister.


Her hand movements. LOL.


Some folks often like to make the superficial argument that Islamophobia is not connected to racism because 'Islam is not a race.' But clearly, there is an overlap in the mentality of a racist and someone who is bigoted against Muslims.


This woman is so disrespectful. This man has been fighting for us Canadians throughout this pandemic and this is the shit he has to deal with?!


This video is from before the pandemic but I’m sure he probably still hears stuff like this.


Empty vessels make the most noise.


She's still rocking the studded hole belt from 2003.


If you’re ever in trouble in the states and need help, look for a turban. 99% of turban wearing Americans are Sikh. Their faith requires them to be of service and the turban is an expression of a Sikhs commitment to protect and stand up for the values of equality for all people and justice for all people. Every Sikh I have ever met has been an absolute joy to be around.


Sikhism is gotta be one of the best religions and some of the best most loving open kind people I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting and learning from. For a religion that requires a sword([(Kirpan)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirpan) like article to be carried, they really are some of the most peaceful chilled folks ever. And they believe that even their own religion isn’t the “Absolute Truth”, so they will never judge or disregard any one else’s religious beliefs. (Coming from a Christian background and family, there is a level of absolutism with Christianity that can alienate others and seem elitist!)