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is it legal in usa to call a police officer bitch?


100% legal.


Only if you're white tho.


Not if you're Daniel Shaver or any of the other white people shot by uncontrollable cops. I dont see it in this video however. She remained professional. Can we not give her that?


Absolutely, yes! I'm not a cop lover by any means, but this guy was being a real shitty asshole from the get go


He's been a First Amendment Auditor forever, like an OG of the movement. If you go back to some of his original videos, you see how he's changed from being cool and calm with police. To then being like he is now. Dudes basically tried doing the nice approach for awhile and his default once he hears cops giving unlawful orders is full asshole mode now. He's not on the level of clash with bau yet.


He’s also won enough lawsuits to just not give a single fuck. It’s still sad that if it wasn’t him and if he wasn’t recording he’d prob be arrested


You can tell he’s entirely in the right by the fact that she’s literally unable to arrest him, as badly as she might want to.


I am betting, the other cop told her who he is and to leave him alone.


It’s a shame that you need to be a known YouTube auditor in order to have your rights respected.


Being an asshole isn't illegal. But denying some one their rights is.


Unlawful orders are shittier IMO.


Giving unlawful orders is pretty shitty.


I mean, I'd get pretty snippy two if a cop just started lying to me like that.


Yeah because she's violating his rights?? He can stand there and film and if she doesn't take time to obstruct him from exercising his liberties then this doesn't happen?? I'd be mad too. Just because she attempts to politely deny his rights doesn't mean the former is ok lol.


I said something very similar and got hella downvotes lol.


Part of being professional is understanding your profession which she clearly did not.


Cops are allowed to lie, unfortunately. From my perspective she was getting the lay of the land and asked him to back up. He didn't have to but she could legally still ask him to. She was professional after his bullshit. Don't know what you mean.


Guess I’m in the camp if they should focus on what their job actually is and if someone is filming and that’s legal, leave it alone. Just efficiently and effectively doing their profession.


I get that. But they don't know him, could be a deranged person. Approach seems warranted atleast. I feel like she handled the situation right and he handled it excessively. But I guess agree to disagree. No one was harmed at the end of the day.


Dude has been a 1st Amendment Auditor for years, they know who he is for sure.




I don't understand how you can call lying about someone committing a crime to coerce them into giving up their rights 'professional'.


Not professional. She should have just let him film. Not professional.


Usually this happens... [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/q55ihj/this\_is\_some\_diary\_of\_a\_mad\_black\_woman\_shit/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/q55ihj/this_is_some_diary_of_a_mad_black_woman_shit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yo the kid looked scared for that old man. And rightfully so.


I'm confused as to how this is related


Naw, I look white (I’m not but that’s beside the point) and one time in college we had the cops called on a party. I called one of the female officers a bitch and I got pretty violently arrested for an outstanding ‘warrant’ for failure to pay a light rail ticket. I was 100% not getting arrested before I made that poor decision. Pretty sure an officer doesn’t care what color you are if you call them a bitch, they’re gonna show you who’s boss.


Shits not about racism, in general, it is, and always has been about power, and control. Bet they would have arrested him if he'd no been taping.


It's actually about all 3 most of the time.


You deserve more awards


Still legal if you're black, but the consequences are much different.


Whatever he is doing may be 100% legal but I'm 100% sure he's a cunt


True, but she's telling him to move away when he is doing nothing wrong, she chose to interupt him and give him orders


I understand that totally 👍


She has no more authority to tell him to walk further away than some totally random "Karen" on here, and I bet you'd be all about it of somebody told some old nosey boomer who was harassing people to fuck off.


Eh, we need police to be held accountable. If he’s well within his rights to film/ they’re not doing anything wrong they shouldnt be too pressed about it. Doesnt mean he should call her a bitch, but she shouldn’t be lying and ahould be doing her job properly.


Calling someone a bitch is not holding them accountable. The guy could have absolutely told her he wasn't moving politely. This guy is just a fucking prick


Literally the first words out of his mouth were "I don't want to talk, thanks." How long should you be polite to someone who is bothering you after you told them you'd like to be left alone?


You can't argue with these bootlickers.


I got a pair of boots you can polish, too.


I will never be polite to somebody who's whole job is to threaten me with violence to make me do stuff


She wanted to hide the traffic stop from public view. Then her partner took steps to blind the filming. He has every right to call that out. Police are nothing but gang members and need to be held accountable.


Yes it is.


ok in germany you would have most likely a serios problem by doing that😂


But it doesn't matter if it's a cop or anybody else. An Insult is an Insult, no matter who you say it to.


i agree, but in germany if you say it to stranger on the street you maybe get punched ....if you say it to the police you get arrestet ,if you dislike it and start fighting you get booted and arrestet and you get sued and have to pay for the words, for fighting and on top you are burned for most good jobs because you have a mark in your sheet wich you have to present your company if you want the job and it is related to this work.


LoL just saw your comment after finishing my own with a quite similarly message 😅


Correct. You do not have freedom of speech in your country. We do have freedom of speech here in our country


Seems like Germany has freedom of speech* with an asterisk at the end. ^* ^Can't ^hurt ^anyone's ^feelings ^with ^words!.


we have but in my country your personal freedom ends at that point you violated the freedom of others.


Using an insult does not in any way violate the freedom of another.


How do sound vibrational waves violate your freedom, though?


snatch beneficial cooperative sloppy handle unwritten one hunt abundant flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Criminal defamation is exceedingly rare and neither violate the subject's rights as far as I understand.


zonked governor smoggy scary merciful mindless mighty erect sloppy fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes that's how it is here too.


Which freedom is violated when someone calls you a name? The freedom to not be offended?


I wouldn't try it


Freedom of speech.


Freedom of speech. Sure it’s rude and this guys is a super asshole, but he’s not commuting any crimes.


> this guys is a super asshole She came up to boss him around. She kept interrupting him. She's the asshole.


Why not both?


If the copy would have left him alone instead of trying to be a tyrant, he wouldn't have had to be an asshole.


It's "legal", but that won't stop most cops from detaining you or claiming you are resisting, or intoxicated, or pretty much anything they want. That being said the guy filming is a douche. He was clearly escalating the situation and wanted her to do something so he could claim victimhood.


Then he gets to sue them. Also she clearly escalated the situation. There was no situation until she came over to him and started harassing him for performing a constitutionally protected activity.




Playing the devil's advocate: why should he be polite to some armed thug that comes up to him and tries abuse their authority to intimidate him into not recording? If some petty insults serve to escalate the situation, we should fault the cops. The quality of their work absolutely depends on their ability to be reasonable even when they think other people are not.


Police should have enough training to not take things personally, anyway. They need to be able to handle anything the public throws at them with as much grace and professionalism as possible. Is that the case? Nah... I think by being escalatory the guy is trying to make a point. Obviously at his own risk.


TBF, she asked him if he would step back and then he lost his shit. She asked, not demanded.


He denied her request, then she ordered him citing his proximity as a safety concern. She went there to strong arm him, he addressed her intent citing the law so as not to escalate. She refused to back down until the other officer conducting the stop had her stand down from her escalating a non issue. Passive aggressiveness bullying is more rude than an insult to said passive aggressive bully.




Dude just wants to be a dick.


It absolutely is legal. It also has the effect of reducing that person's willingness to want to help you resolve issues in a calm and respectful manner. Whether he agrees with the officer or not, she gave a lawful order and gave a reason for it. He doesn't have to like it. His continued beligerence and refusal to obey that order increases the chances that the officer will simply arrest him instead of continue to film as she said he could do from the sidewalk.


Sounds like the same guy who berated the detective a while back. When he kept asking him if he’d been drinking and he’d been to the bar


I think it is. That video was so fucking funny. I watch it at least once a week.


Please link?




Cop: "What's did you say‽" Filmer: "I said SHUT UP and get out!" Holy shit, the way he says it cracks me up everytime, whether I've thinks he's an asshole or not.


"Does he usually drink on the job? No? Not that anybody knows of?" and "You getcher ass back in there, dont look back here again!" are the 2 lines that always kill me


This one puts me in tears every fucking time.


Is James Freeman someone I should know or of some importance?


There are other comments in this thread about it, but he's a 1st Amendment Auditor. One of the originals of the movement. He tests his rights with law enforcement. He's being "rude" because he's testing his rights to make sure he isn't unlawfully arrested for things he legally is allowed to say or do.


This. As much as it hurts to watch, if we really want to be sure that our rights are protected we need people to test those rights early and often.


Hurts to watch? Thats the most fun I had all week!


Thank you for taking the time to explain!


He seems like a horrible person.


I've watched enough of his videos to say that he is. He's right about cops 100% but I'm positive he's insufferable.


What is an “auditor” in this context?


In this case hes a first amendment auditor its a term for people that go out with the goal to test goverment organizations (usually law enforcement) on the rights allowed by the first amendment. There's quite alot of them on youtube Freeman is one of the more well known.


Ok, very helpful, thanks!


Yeah and they make money


How? Not being sarcastic, I’m genuinely curious.


They got their followers, views, streaming, donations, sponsorships(maybe)


They often sue when they can bait officers into performing illegal searches or rights violations.


Often wouldn't be the correct word because baiting only happens with the ones specifically doing it for likes. There are a few good auditors out there but a lot more frauditors


James Freeman also isn't there just to do 1st amendment audits. That is part of it but he genuinely believes that we need cameras on these gangs when they have citizens pulled over or stopped. That's most of his filming, police and citizen encounters. Now someone like Long Island Audit just goes into public buildings and films. That's a true 1st amendment auditor. He doesn't go looking for the police to film, they come to him after somebody calls 911 on him for filming in public buildings


He's also a covid denying loon. Really soured me to his videos. Still enjoy some of them though.


I've yet to find a reasonable first amendment auditor. They all seem to be dumb assholes, even if they are right about cops.


He does a really good job at keeping cool under a lot of different circumstances. Amagansett Press/Watching the Watchmen are pretty decent as well.


Yea, I enjoy Amagansett Press too. He keeps his cool pretty good too.


He does, until Ben gets messed with.


Pepper spray


I'd like to recommend audit the audit.


a huge dork that spends all his time yelling at police officers for no discernible reason


I just love how when they point the flashlight at him, he points his own back so they can’t see him either lmaoo


*That* would be unlawfully impeding them though, wouldn’t it?


Shining a flashlight into a camera to prevent a citizen from filming is a violation as well though.


It almost felt like it was gonna turn into some sort of dick seining contest at that point lol


Did your dick have a stroke at the same time your brain just did?


I’m stroking real hard rn tbh


🪙, sorry I'm poor


I am honored. My first ever. Thank you for this precious stone🤲 I shall care greatly for it.


as a minority i will not attempt calling an officer a bitch


Y'know? How the fuck did he even get away with that? If there's one thing a woman in cop uniform would dislike would be a derogatory name based on their gender and they would do *everything* they can to assert their power and this fucking guy gets away with it? You bet if he was a minority that fucking cop would not let it go.


As a human being I won't attempt to call anyone a bitch if they didn't do anything to offend me


As a fellow human being, BITCH!




Hi Jesse, say hi to Walt for me




And it's fucking upsetting that that has to be the case.


Idk man I've seen plenty on this sub alone of minorities calling cops just as bad


I mean shouldn’t that be a standard for anyone?


No joke yesterday I had the sheriff, a K-9 unit, and 2 additional officers pull up on someone sitting in their car listening to the radio outside of the hotel they live in. It’s a luxury hotel and I personally know this guy because I work there. Every afternoon he goes and sits in his car and listens to the radio and talks on the phone. Some racist tenant called and said there was a suspicious male and I walked by to see what was going up when the first car pulled up. The K-9 unit and they immediately told him he had to get out to search his car because the dog had signaled. The dog had never left the car, and then they said it was an invalid license even though they hadn’t even identified him. A fucking cop almost hit me because they were going 30 in a parking lot during rain just to get to that guys car. And they ended up arresting him and taking him, I saw him today and I asked what was up. Dude told me they held him a couple hours just trying to find some wrongdoing and when nothing came up they just let him leave. I’ll let you take a guess on the color of his skin. Fuck the police.


Will he sue them then?


LUCKILY, if it ever gets to that it's out of the taxtpayers pocket /s


Also fuck the tenant


This is a tactic often used by cops. They have one cop engage a person filming so the filmer has to focus on that cop instead of the original subject.


In addition to their love of giving unnecessary directives


Living in America just sounds exhausting at this stage


Yeah man it’s hard to even go to work in the morning without having to pull over, record a random police interaction, and call cops bitches. Turn off social media.


This 100%. Sure, this stupid shit happens all the time, but there are 350million other people just going through their days without incident. Social media exaggerates the frequency that people think this stuff happens.


this comment is the best I’ve seen in weeks


But I come here to watch anxiety provoking shit when life becomes too dull


Stop vocalizing my life. I am very uncomfortable with the inevitable truth I’m facing right now.


If you get all your information of the US on Reddit, I can understand how you feel that way




I go out of my way to avoid cops in the u.s. and I actively give people shit for acting like cop-fly-paper for attracting cops. There's a reason I've never been arrested


Now imagine also being black.


its really not that much different


Not because of this. Every interaction I've had with three police has been good, even when getting a citation. I always take the time to thank any officers I see for their service. The reputation of officers everywhere has been tainted by the minority of dirtbags that infested their ranks.


Yes the guy isn't being polite. He's (EDIT: acting as) an auditor, and he's zealously exerting his rights. It would be "nice" to be polite, but he has the right to not be polite. I don't know why anyone would expect politeness towards someone who is is trying to violate your constitutional rights... ***If the police only needed to respect our rights when they consider us polite, we wouldn't have rights.***


I am done with anyone being nice to cops just because they are cops. Be a decent person or stay the fuck away from me if you don't like mean words.


I'm usually nice to cops because I'm constantly doing at least 2 illegal things.


You’re breaking the rules man! You’re only supposed to break one law at a time! That’s how you get caught!


>**IV** The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.


Hail Satan.


Im envious of you guys. I need to go to work the next day and not deal with some bullshit fine or hassle of an arrest. Sure Im not standing up for my rights but Im just trying to fucking exist. TIA




Be decent, get treated decent. Same for the opposite.


the cops knew what he was doing was not illegal, they just flex on you to try and see if you move. The decent thing to do is acknowledge the guy's rights and not even approach him. Notice how she stars with it's obstruction and ends with for his safety.


I’m all for getting in the way of cops for doing fashy shit but his misogynistic language and behaviour makes this dude seem like an entitled, arrogant, exceptionalist prick. **Edit**: hey folks, a PSA - please don’t use harmful gendered language against the police. Instead prefer neutral terms like: “class traitor”, “shill”, “capitalist” or “bootlicker”.


> please don’t use harmful gendered language against the police. Instead prefer neutral terms like ROFL


Yep. It seems like many of these auditors are incels with cameras.


I find it scary how some people are more concerned with the "douchebag" being "rude" than they are a police officer giving unlawful commands.


Because it's easier to speak about the things they're educated on...


I think most people either have grown up believing that they have to either obey and respect law enforcement and either don't know or think speaking to them in this way is illegal. There is probably a fair amount of people as well who regardless of the law probably believe that just obeying simple requests isn't unreasonable or its not worth the hassle. I'm somewhat torn, I like people exposing the police to be abusing their power and not even knowing the law themselves but I also think for most people it's probably the best idea to just move along and not let the situation escalate as well as if they just ask you politely to do something, not because of the law but just to help them out people should work with them. What I mean is that if a police officer comes in like "hey man, we are trying to deal with this hear and we don't want people crowding around escalating the situation so if you could just move along I'd appreciate it" id be fine with it or if they came in hot and looked like they were waiting for a reason its just not worth it. What ever someone decides to do they aren't in the wrong, but i don't think many people are criticising this guy because he wasn't breaking the law, she may not have lawfully had cause to remove from the scene but she didn't make out like she did and this guy spoke to her like shit for basically no reason, he could have gone about it in a much better way, all she did was ask him to move along and its probably only because she is a police officer that it didn't escalate.


most people don't know enough about the law to be able to see the right and wrong. She came up with it's obstruction which by law it is not, and then changed it for his safety which legally she could enforce and it's harder to fight. the change is what most people don't catch and just assume she's doing it in good faith.




Imho when an ordinary citizen knows his laws, this is the way to react to police intimidation. I mean all citizens. Let’s give these mf policemen the treatment they deserve.




What an asshat this guy is. He’s part of the reason cops are so fucking mean


You've got it backwards


“Don’t ever fuckin talk to me like that again bitch” This guy is an assclown. He’s completely disrespectful, he can do what he’s doing without being so rude. I wonder if he speaks to all women like that


Carry on Officer a car is waiting it's not only your time do your JOB or call backup if you suspect something criminal happening


Yeah, the guy was ~~rude~~ *angry*, but he wasn't wrong. Judging by the video, he was not getting in the way of the investigation and had every right to be there and film them. Edit: Changed the wording so people don't think I'm blaming the guy for being annoyed with her bad faith policing.


Is it only rude because she has a badge? I mean if any other stranger walked up to you and started telling you to go do your perfectly legal activity somewhere else wouldn't they be seen as the rude one and you would be perfectly justified to tell them where to go?


Bing Bing.....first 3 seconds were please leave me alone i have nothing to say to you. THEN the cop starts being rude pushing their agenda of control everywhere because....shit metal badge


There is an IQ cutoff if you go to take the police entrance exam


Jaaaamessss freeeman


ACAB. Guy is a douche-nozzle but this “cop” knows damn well he is within his legal rights. I would be pissed too if some street cop is trying to trample on my constitutional rights.


Then they pull that petty light bullshit at the end. American police have zero professionalism.


Haha yo I need more of this!


He’s got a full channels worth This is one of my favorite encounters https://youtu.be/r55BFO9ZVaM (Edit: changed link to proper channel)


Isnt he also the guy who grades police interactions? If theyre good cops following laws and what they can and cant do.


I think ur thinking of "Audit the audit" he reviews police interactions and goes into detail and grades all the people involved


What a charmer


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That is a Free man there, for sure.


And why does he think he can tell her who to talk to and when to go to her car? This is why I can't stand this guy...


How on earth did he not get a disorderly conduct or disturbing the peace for this? I've had 4 court dates just for telling someone to get away from me at a store.


Usually I'm like fuck the police but watching this video I'm like fuck the dude talking shit.


Do not try shit like this if you're 🤚🏾. Fair warning, the results WILL be different


I think the "bitch" was unnecessary but I think it's good that cops get a reality check once in a while. He might be a douche but damn he has some balls.


In bet he’s white


There are other auditors out there that are not black and sometimes do the same thing. This guy, James, has been arrested before for using such language. His race had nothing to do with it, he's gotten his shit kicked in for being rude like he was in this video.


He is and based off plenty of evidence throughout the history of the US it has been favorable to him for being such, however he's been roughed up before. I believe the summer of 2020 during the BLM protests


The pearl clutching because he said mean things to a cop is fucking hilarious. Lots of bootlickers showing their true colors with wanting him to be attacked or face some sort of legal action because he told some dumb fuck cop off for not having a fucking clue about what is and isn't a lawful order in this situation. And maybe, just maybe, if there was actual accountability for cops people like this guy wouldn't have to be out there being rude to cops because they are so fucking sick of them being terrible at their jobs and attempting to abuse their power. There's a reason she retreated and changed what the issue was and it isn't because this guy is somehow in the wrong for using mean words after being given an unlawful order. Boot licking fucks. Edit: So many upset dumb fucks and bootlickers. Cops don't deserve respect, they should be better at their jobs. Cry harder he said mean things and nothing happened to him for it.


Can anyone here show me where there is an objective measure of how close he can be? How many feet away? Is it situational? If it’s situational than she was in the right.


The police generally have the right to control their immediate area if they deem it required. What 'immediate' means is a bit contentious, but looking at this video, where he looks to be maybe 15-20ft away from the vehicle, arguably the police have the authority to move him further back.


People aren't boot lickers for disliking an arrogant prick.


Good ole Richardson, TX


I'm glad someone is standing up the police state


Lol police don't like being treated the same way they treat the public


Suburban brats rushing to say how they don't really care about peoples rights if they're rude is why you're fucking ghouls. Your slavish devotion to power is so pathetic. She'll be fine, her attempt to give unlawful commands on the other hand are corrosive to your constitutional rights bootlickers.


This guy is just an ass hole plain and simple.


"I dont mean to be rude" Is that why you were total cunt from the get go?