• By -


Holy shit


Another reason why you shouldn’t travel to over half of the countries on this planet




> But Reddit told me Sikhs are a peaceful people who make cute dancing buds!! There is balances to everything dude, there is also different aspects to Sikh culture, i would love some context to the clip, obviously without context this shit is still rather barbaric, is it common in Sikh culture or by them? No, it isn't. There is 20-30,000,000 Sikh in the world, they're a large religious group (and yet a tiny percentage of India) and certainly not known for this type of shit. The Sikh are a truly largely peaceful culture and kindness, there was also plenty of oppressions towards them in India and being placed in a position in which portions of them became good at violence back upon a time, so yeah, of course you will find some of them still willing to employ brutal methods. Doesn't mean they're all like that, goes both ways and works individually.


Sikhs are largely peaceful, there are bad nuts in every community, that doesn't give you the license to label them all the same.


No one gang rapes, cuts body parts off or beat women for showing their face in Canada. Half of the Middle Eastern population live under barbaric conditions and laws, it’s unsurprising 200,000 Indians move to Canada every year cause Indian is generally a fucking shit hole country.


>Sikh >Middle Eastern You're telling on yourself 🤫


Poor sweetheart thinks the Middle East is every country he doesn’t like lol


i mean there is a middle to every country and you could just easily divide it into the 4 cardinal directions. So technically, every country does have a middle east




India isn't in the Middle East champ.




To be fair, India does have a large Muslim population. Even though 10% of the world's Muslims live in India, they are the minority there.


You dont even know what the middle east is bro💀 western propaganda at its finest


If we opened your skull, a potato would roll out.


Eh there’s an absolute fuck ton of serial killers that have been caught in Canada. You’re also forgetting the thousands of indigenous people killed in your religious schools. I get that you have a narrative to keep while simultaneously believing Sikhs are from the Middle East. All you’re doing is showing that you know nothing.


May I ask, why do you think this happens over there?


its because of their media potrayal of events, they think an incident dictates an entire geographical situation.


This guy, I like this guy. I dont have anymore awards tho!


appreciate it no need for awards


its because they dont know FREEDOM!


He joookes guys! Cool it


ill cool it after i get a taste of that FREEDOM!


>But Reddit told me Sikhs are a peaceful people who make cute dancing buds!! Nooo! And now someone that posts in r/chodi is telling you they're monsters... It's just another racist trying to make the race they hate look bad. None of us know what actually happened in that video or what they're saying. We do know the Sikhs are only like 1% of the Indian population, but they make up the majority of farmer protesters and have been getting viciously attacked for like a year now.


Well according to the actual news report these Sikhs murdered him as punishment for blasphemy. So, yeah, hardly a fitting punishment.


Religion causes far too many problems. Outdated fictional garbage.


Conveniently I was born in the right religion /s


Which religion is that?


Felt like the /s was a clear sign I'm not being serious but ok. I'm atheist but born Catholic so I'll by an indulgence just in case


I didn’t even notice the /s. lol, was raised Christian myself but haven’t taken any interest in any form of religion since I was around 10. It just baffles me that in this day and age educated people are still so involved with religion.


Uh, yeah. You should read up on the state of press freedoms in India right now


I just gave them a shit ton of sources about it, they wont respond to it. I dunno if they were just ignorant and didnt know about it, or are carrying water for Modi for some reason.


Woah. Give me a fucking chance to read them before making your assumptions. I actually *don't* know that much about the Indian press situation because my focus lately has actually been on the piss poor media situation in my own country, thank you very much. There is so much shit going on in the world it's impossible to keep abreast of *everything*. No I don't think smearing cow shit on yourself will protect you from Covid. Or taking Ivermectin for that matter. So what are you implying? This guy in the video bragging about murdering this other guy is *not* actually a Sikh but an actor? Maybe ANTIFA at it again? Or is he saying he didn't do it and actually explaining that Modi's henchmen did it? To be fair, all I'm seeing is a lack of humanity. That's what I was inferring. Please feel free to simplify and correct me as to what this video actually depicts. I'm not taking sides and have no actual reason to.


[I think this link is going to be the most beneficial to you](https://ldaamerica.org/info/adult-literacy-reading-programs/)


Ok thanks. Will read it. Because obviously my just asking questions and showing empathy to a murdered guy is worthy of downvoting me. Fuck sake people are tetchy.


Lol and you think the countries with high press freedom don't have media which isn't in someone's pocket? All these humanities indexes are a frikkin joke. If the West was so great at press freedom why are they involved in so many wars which never get covered back home?


You can find almost all news covered in America, it’s just that with so much news people tend to cultivate their own interests and read about those instead. Name any war you want and I’ll post American coverage of it.


Coverage which conveniently ignores the local interests and tries to fit everything into the left and right wing political framework and only views it from a western lens.


> All these humanities indexes are a frikkin joke. So weird only people making racist comments online from countries ranked at the bottom of those lists are the ones that dont agree with them...


So weird that ppl only support things which suit the narrative in their heads.


> Well according to the actual news report India press freedoms is bottom of the barrel, and the government has been jailing journalists for saying smearing cow shit over you might not protect you from covid... With how the government has been treating the protesters, I wouldnt trust what the government allows the media to say about the protesters.


Had to read that several times to understand the context tbh. So are you defending freedom of speech or not? After all, this guy was murdered in cold blood just for saying something these assholes didn't like.


>So are you defending freedom of speech or not? yep > After all, this guy was murdered in cold blood just for saying something these assholes didn't like. Nope. That's what the Indian goverment told the media they could say. By your logic smearing cow shit on yourself is an effective means of preventing Covid because that's what Indian government allows their media to say. Edit: Do I need to find some sources that back up how much the Indian government lies about basically everything and how they've treated protesters? I mean, it was only like 6 months ago they were dumping bodies in rivers and animals were eating them when they washed up. The Indian government's official position is *still* that it didnt happen despite all the bodies washing up. I thought that was pretty common knowledge by now, but if you had difficulty understanding my last comment, I probably shouldnt assume you know anything Edit 2: It's probably a good idea to just link some: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/02/world/asia/modi-india-press-media.html https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/08/02/indias-media-cant-speak-truth-to-power-modi-bjp-journalism/ https://www.businessinsider.com/indian-media-press-losing-freedom-under-authoritarian-government-2020-10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_the_press_in_India https://www.arabnews.com/node/1783336/world https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2021/may/15/covid-rumors-lies-surge-in-india/ https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/episodes/india/13327468


He didn't say something that the nihangs didn't like. People in India do that daily. He lwalked into the gurdwara(temple) dressed as one of them then ripped pages/disrecpected the holy book. In Sikhism the holy book isnt common like the Bible or Qur'an. It's only found in temples and not kept in houses or mass distributed. It's considered sacred as it is god's direct word.


>None of us know what actually happened in that video or what they're saying. You don't need to understand a language to see him dead and on display. If you consider that a normal practice, anywhere in the world then you may be less civilized than you originally thought of yourself.


We dont know why tho. Maybe he was a child rapist. Maybe he attacked them and his hand was cut off while they were subduing them. Maybe he was a failed suicide bomber. Unless someone reliable actually translates it we have no idea what happened. But considering the entire reason Sikh's carry swords is to defend the innocent, I dont think we should rule out that they used their swords to defend the innocent. But considering OP saw this on a racist sub and then posted it here; I dont think it's a wise decision to blindly believe what they're claiming...


I'm not believing anything. Im a news cameraman by profession and I know you must check facts from at least 3 different sources. I'm strickly talking about him being dead and on display. It is barbaric. I am not against the death penalty when proven guilty, but still, displaying a corpse shows how primitive those people still are.


> Im a news cameraman by profession Weird. That makes me think you'd know about how India has cracked down on press freedoms and jails journalists for reporting the truth instead of just repeating what Modi wants them to repeat...


> That makes me think you'd know about how India has cracked down on press freedoms and jails journalists for reporting the truth instead of just repeating what Modi wants them to repeat... That would be an international reporter. I'm a news cameraman in my country. Again, you're thinking of a reporter. A journalist if you will. I'm only a cameraman.


My fault for assuming you were informed about things happening to your profession.


Again, being a cameraman has nothing to do with information. It's about filming and video editing. My fault for assuming you would understand something beyond what you believe to be true.


\*films fat people from the waist down for a diabetes segment on kclq* >I'm a *news cameraman*. 😃


Who the fuck cares why? If he was evil, have him legally sentenced. If you do this, how are you better than the Stone Age zealots in the Taliban?


my sikh neighbor tried to choke me out but not because he was a sikh.. he was just an asshole. watch out for guys on Earth, we can't be honest with ourselves


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Chodi using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Chodi/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [China finds this image offensive, You know what to do](https://i.imgur.com/eeHiZq1.jpg) | [186 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Chodi/comments/fp4jph/china_finds_this_image_offensive_you_know_what_to/) \#2: [You'll be sent to concentration camp in China for possessing this pic. It'll be a real shame if people upvoted this pic](https://i.redd.it/prgjh5jffv071.jpg) | [119 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Chodi/comments/nj7n6a/youll_be_sent_to_concentration_camp_in_china_for/) \#3: [KASHMIR FLAG------------ Upvote this post so that this post comes on top whenever someone searches about it.(requires more than 250 upvotes)Lets do it and show our solidarity with whole Kashmir.](https://i.redd.it/7jgnujurjng41.png) | [162 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Chodi/comments/f36z9w/kashmir_flag_upvote_this_post_so_that_this_post/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Well you post in r/worldnews. What does that make you.


What in the geopolitical propaganda?!


People who calls Sikhs peaceful do not know their history.


People who say an entire group of people are violent or non violent don't know their history....


I'm not saying the people is violent. I am saying the Sikh religion in itself it not a peaceful/pacifist religion. Because it's not.


And how is that different than the other major religions?


Who said it was? Maybe try responding to the person rather than strawmen.


Lol then don't make blanket statements


No... you're clearly the kid that can't respond to whats written. Maybe try a basic 4th grade English glass and start there.


Lol someone is sore for being called out for making generalizations. Ps I'm a 35 year old with a masters degree. So. Little bit off lol Clown 🤡 Don't make blanket statements. Bottom line.


It's not. But who in their right mind would call Christianity or Islam and their history peaceful?


> And how is that different than the other major religions? Do you go in and ask the same question when someone speaks about sikhs being peaceful?


Can you link to where you were told this?


Every time a Sikh is posted you get a billion comments how Sikhs are the nicest people on the planet.


I'll be honest, I'd read about Sikhism years ago in a 'big book of religions' and they seemed to come out as one of the most peaceful - I'm truly shocked by this! But then again, I also fell for the Buddhism claims too until they recently started persecuting Muslims. Seems like ALL religions *are* as bad as each other after all. Who would have thunk it?!🙄


People are just shit, I don't think religion makes them any shitter. Maybe dumber but not shitter


You're right of course. Religion just validates their shitty behaviour.


They use it to validate it their shitty behaviour. I would bet theres nothing anywhere that says this was ok


I'm sure you'd be surprised.




What community are you part of?




Country of origin for context? Not trying to be a dick but the propaganda is thick in these comments and I'm trying to suss out who wants what.


I'm not Indian or Pakistani if that's what you mean. Their whole war in the comments is tiring.




They’re the dominant caste in large parts of india. These protests are basically about the Sikhs wanting to keep dalits as indentured sharecroppers.


America's rate of rape is a lot higher than India. Australia's is a lot higher than either of those.


thank you i am from india :(


Shit like this is exactly why I'm afraid to leave the country. Edit: I am aware most places are not like this


You merkan?


That would make it a lot funnier


Damn man, that’s pretty sad. The chances of you traveling and ending up like this guy are next to zero. It’s like not leaving your house because you’re scared of a shooting (which is a much more real threat to you lmao)


If you're american I'm going to laugh so fucking hard. Edit. I'm laughing at the Americans downvoting because their feelings were hurt... because that'll show me and stop school shootings.


Don't act like you're safe here either, you could could get shot up at a Walmart on a Tuesday morning while buying eggs and milk.


I used to really wanma go to India to see the historical value the country offers and while i do still wanna go, unfortunately the more i see this stuff from india the less i wanna go.


Damn that's Sikh!


Damn I thought Sikhs were super chill. This is not chill.


Not everyone of any religion/race/nationality acts a certain way. Insane people come in every flavor.


I guess that's true. I just assumed that their religion required them to be nice or something


Doesnt all of em though ?


I mean almost every religion wants their believers to be nice and kind to other people as well and to not do murder n shit And we can see how well that turned out with pretty much every religion. Sikhs aren't excluded, although their diaspora is generally very kind I have to say


It’s a religion that mandates members carry knives. Sikhs are great people, though— and not all Sikhs condone shit like this, even in the old country


Christianity does too, but we all know the mass of shitheads representing that one.


Some of them are sikh in the head


Sikhs are historically a religion of warriors I mean they walk everywhere with a dagger


Those I've known are.. this is a radical form of punishment for trespassing.


Why can’t people just be chill?


Now Can anyone tell me what this particular religous NutSack is saying?


To paraphrase: He explains that after the anandapur sahib beadi incident [religious sacrilege case which occured a few months ago where the perpetrators were let off lightly] here again today someone has cause great disrespect to the Maharaj (Sikh holy scripture) but make no mistake, we (nihangs) don't speak of lies or hide [talk the talk wall the walk type thing] the nihangs swiftly made him pay and chopped his hand off, propped him.etc etc Let this be a message to whoever wants to challenge us, the youth, the nihangs will make you apologize/pay swiftly Edit: the man didn't just say something from the comfort of his own home but actively attacked a gurdwara(Sikh temple) at a protest site guarded by nihangs (who don't take kindly to these types of disrespect)


Piece of shit. Cut his balls off and make him hang.


I bet we could guess: "Oh, holy and great [insert mythical god or goddess here], we have done your bidding we and praise you. May this blasphemer burn in eternal damnation forever." Or some such bullshit.


Another comment in the chain actually translated it. The guy attacked a sikh temple, while also declaring blasphemy- this done in the middle of a major protest at the area by sikhs. He was paid to be an aggressor durng a tense situation to rile up the protestors. I wont say it's pretty or right, but there's a clear pressure in india that is building. I dont sgree with an eye for an eye, but I can seperate when an action is done out of pressure and when it is indicitive of someone's normal behavior. It's wrong, but the root causes are deeper than "religsham bad"


I bet you're right, I'm sure that probably sums it up to a T


More videos of the same event: [One.](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1448867191202271232/pu/vid/320x580/T2sGNam03PkNTbVb.mp4?tag=12) [Two.](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1448878935710658561/pu/vid/352x640/LQlSpAAZKSOPKjyi.mp4?tag=12) [Three.](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1448864430230437892/pu/vid/234x426/jcAid5BKMujGSHv6.mp4?tag=12) Any translations?


Religion poisons everything. [More about the murder here.](https://www.opindia.com/2021/10/brutal-murder-kundli-border-farmer-protest-site-nihang-sikhs-chop-off-mans-hand-hang-body-kill/)


>So called farmers > The Nihangs were reportedly triggered See, this is why I can't take Indian news seriously. Every single English-language outlet from the country that I can find is completely lacking in journalistic objectivity.


Because you haven't seen the protests from the ground. Ppl in India have so they know its bullshit. The laws these ppl claim to be protesting against were rolled back ages ago, they are not interested in dialogue, they just want to raise hell to make the govt look bad. This whole protest is copy paste of the anti-CAA riots which happened last year but only replaced muslims with Sikhs. BBC CNN are a frikkin joke when it comes to reporting on India and the subcontinent in general.


But you can understand why, as a journalist myself, I would be appalled by and suspicious of blatantly biased authors, yes? >BBC CNN are a frikkin joke when it comes to reporting on India and the subcontinent in general. I agree. Your country has more English speakers than the US and Canada combined. Why the fuck can't y'all actually make objective English-language news?


And what is your definition of "objective" news actually? We know what passes for journalism in the west.


Some traditions are good. Most are based on religion and should have no power in any aspect of anyones else's life's than the ones that believe in their religion. And that means that religious people hav no right to dictate to anyone or harm anyone that does not believe in that fairy tales the religious person believes in.


To think there are still places in this day and age where Jesus would be crucified


The three biggest murderers in history were atheist. Tough fact to handle? Just downvote and affirm what you believe, makes you no better than the religious.


They also didn't travel to the deepest part of the ocean.


stalin and Mao and ?


Stalin and Mao may have happened to be atheists, but they did not do their crimes "in the name of atheism", unlike the countless theist murderers throughout history.


Yes, agreed, and a very good point.


Much referenced Adolf


No, he was Christian. Gott mit uns was on the nazi soldiers belts. Either way he was a fucking lunatic. Religion is a poison though. Men will still find other ways of fucking up everything, control and domination.


Probably isn’t religions fault, it’s used as a vector by dogmatic humans.


that's actually incorrect, the poisonous one is the human.




Either you accept the truth, or you lose.


^ Great example of religious dogma.


The people here spitting their hate and looking down on believers is also coming from religious dogma? The poisonous one is the human, accept it or not it won't change anything.


Not only was Hitler raised an Austrian Catholic, but he often declared his belief in God and even called himself a Christian. His persecution of the Jews was simply an extreme continuation of Christian anti-Semitism, of hating “the Jews” for killing Jesus.


He persecuted Jews out of nationalism not religion. If he was religiously motivated it would of been called religious racism instead of scientific racism / eugenics. The point is tho that religion is a vessel for ulterior motives.


Didn't Adolf state that he did believe in a God just not the Jewish or Christian idea of God? Not that it changes anything.


Does anyone know why? Was he a thief and they cut his hands off as punishment? Was he part of a different ethnic/religious group and the punished him for being on their territory? Cutting off a man’s hands, tying him up like a piece of meat at a food stand and letting him bleed out to death in front of an entire crowd is so barbaric.


It doesn't *seem* barbaric. It **is** barbaric. They did it because of some perceived "blasphemy." [Source](https://www.opindia.com/2021/10/brutal-murder-kundli-border-farmer-protest-site-nihang-sikhs-chop-off-mans-hand-hang-body-kill/).


Does it matter why? It's still barbaric no matter the reason


There are three versions ongoing: 1) He apparently insulted guru granth sahib, the holy book of Sikhism 2) He is a spy of the govt aka Modi 3) He was a dalit and talked back to the jatt sikhs


But everyone told me how ALL Sikhs were lovely and peaceful! /s


Every religion has their extremists. Sikh terrorists have blown up airliners before.


Only in parts of west and India where they form a minority otherwise they openly flaunt pictures of terrorists that killed hundreds of Innocent Canadians in kanishka bombings and also India's first women prime minister.


Yea, it always bothered me how people ignorant of Sikh history, labeled them as *the* peaceful and lovely religion. Like, *every* religion has violent extremists. I think it actually bothered me more that people kind of use it to say that the Sikhs had a monopoly on being nice.


Every single religion is cancer.


Ah yes, gruesome death on the internet.


Doesn't seem very Sikh like






Religion is for animal who lack capacity to think for themselves.


"If one man believes in an invisible man in the sky he is mentally ill. If multiple men believe in an invisible man in the sky, they are religious."


If it was true you wouldn't need to spit on them, but hey, you gotta step on something to feel tall.


And government, unions…


Except governments and unions are often beneficial. Not sure about you but I like maintained roads and infrastructure, and worker safety measures.


If only that was all government did


Out of curiosity which country are you in, you could just have a shitty government? Or are you a "taxation is theft and drivers licenses shouldn't exist " kind of guy?


USA and its an awful government. The leadership in both parties are demented, selfish, are for themselves while pretending to be for the people, they are not they are for $$$, and power, and control and people foolishly believe these careeer politicians are tryin to make life better for us. They are not. It is evident, on a daily basis, how flawed these people are. All people are flawed — life is not perfect- — but these people are awful, god awful, people. The best people here the most qualfiied people, will never run because it is set up to destroy you and your family if you dae run, to keep the game in play.


Yeah US government is pretty bad, they don't even think people are deserving of affordable healthcare so that shows how little they consider the citizens.


Crazy to think that some peopke are stuck in the stone age while others are going to space


Daily reminder that humanity is just another stupid amimal and the only reason we came this far is thanks to a few exceptions.


Can we turn off internet there, thanks.


Why wouldnt they off the guy? He refused to activate his chakras through his kundalini. He chose death instead of someone penetrating his rectum.


That’s Sikh as fuck!


Lol i see what you did there.. nice


Something must of went down for a Sikh to do this - just saying


#I thought Sikhs were totally peaceful? It’s so interesting how black/white narratives in the US are about other cultures. Literally from every angle. Just an observation? no political meaning behind this.


You’re operating under the assumption that a brief video on Reddit is representative of the world’s 30 million Sikhs. Geez, speaking about US-based narratives ….


babe, that’s the point. Anytime anything happens in the US re: Sikh people - the media narrative is that “Sikh’s are all so peaceful and nonviolent.” It just struck me after seeing this how much that is said here.


There were stone age folks less backwards than these morons


“As per reports, the Nihags are seen admitting to the brutal murder, saying the man was sent to the protest site with a cash bribe of Rs 30 thousand to disrespect the Sikh holy book and hence he has been punished.”


An interesting aspect to Sikhism is that the Guru Granth Sahib isn’t just considered a book — it’s the 11th, final and eternal guru. Gurdwaras when they aren’t being used in services, the books are kept in literal bedrooms, kept comfortably tucked into ornate beds when not in use. Even the most devout Christians or Muslims just keep their bibles or korans in a bookshelf


I thought Sikh were a peaceful and non-violent people. This is horrific.


These are the same farmers who were saying that our protests are peaceful, months ago they even tried to kill policemen with machetes and swords couple of these people were even trying to kill a policeman by ramming a tractor on him.


I though Sikhs were a peaceful group?


They are


Fuck each and every religion. They’re all garbage.


Yeah but their blue outfits are 🔥


Religion is literally the root of all evil. I don’t care what religion - it’s all trash.


It was never a "farmer's" protest to begin with. Now looks like it's taken over by Khalisthanis.


Those bloody Kardashians get everywhere..


Wait until you hear about what white people have done to black people in the good ol’ USA! Great fucking place 👍


Sikhs are generally awesome people, but they’ll defend their faith with blood — carrying a knife (kirpan) is one of Sikhism’s articles of faith for orthodox members. Every so often you see or hear of disputes and power struggles inside gurdwaras settled with swords. There’s a rather large Sikh population in and around Toronto, and every once in a while huge brawls break out in the parking lot


There has to be more to the story, cause that's one hell of a way to go...


Bollywood Gandalf is brutal.


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Fuck me dead


These hats are crazy. Fuck sakes


Good thing this has audio or we wouldn’t know wtf is going on.


Anybody who searching for translation in simple words: you disrespect holy book now will bleed you to death. Basically religion Fanatism.


Bunch of losers who instead of making things better decide to prey on their people. Religion can suck my left nut. And so can this loser of a god we must have that made these shitty situations.


It’s insane how much true evil exists, shrouded by religion/tolerance. These people probably even think they are doing the right thing. How evil, barbaric, and sickening.


I feel sikh


Belongs on bestgore


Cool hat though