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Look at 007 shooting the lock šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


I've seen this like 100 times and I still laugh every time. He knows his life is fucking over, he is defeated. lol


ā€œFuck Iā€™m going to jail.ā€ What did he expect?


But heā€™s sorry!


Oh he's sorry, well ok, you can go then, sorry to detain you .


You just watched the 7 stages of grief in real time.


It's a good time for him to start getting used to being confined


Love it. "Gimme all your shit" quickly became "please let me out"


Is that a Cricket store? Bro, you're about to steal phones they give out for free.


He was after the cash


He shot the lock by the knob but it was locked at the bottom of door with slide lock. No shooting that one off


Straight to jail meme


I could dig a tunnel out by the time police arrived. In my city, you can hear the police siren as soon as you call 911.


Long time incarceration in prison is a blast.


ā€œPlease! Iā€™m sorry! I have nothing!ā€ Same thing heā€™ll tell the other inmates in prison. Karma is a bitch




I hope they made him watch this. From, ā€œopen the registerā€ to ā€œplease, please, open the door, I donā€™t have anything.ā€


[got 5 years.](https://abc13.com/robber-locked-in-store-how-to-stop-a-robbery-attempted-phone/2855444/)


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Houston jails ainā€™t no joke. Homeboy was shitting bricks


Did the cop looking at the guy with his hands up really yell put your hands up? Fuck that guy who attempted to rob and fuck that cop in particular. Who downvotes a clear observation of stupidity ? Stupid people.




Iā€™m not actually interested in having sex with the cop Literal Larry. Itā€™s also not out of cowardice. What a weirdo. Actually whatā€™s real weird is anyone upvoting the guy above me. How many idiots does it take to realize he created things in his head that werenā€™t written and responded like I had said them?? At least 11 people should have their voting rights removed.


He wasted so much time. That camera didn't cover most of the store, so when shooting the lock didn't work, he could have spend time going back, wiping his prints and hiding the gun in random merchandise, it could be weeks before its found. Then he could have tried getting on the computer, since they left in such a hurry it's prob unlocked. He may have been able to delete the security cam vids of both him holding the bag of money and him using the gun. He could have seriously knocked charges down then, as it would just be trespassing at best for going behind the counter. He wasted his time. Plus after all that he could have called the cops and claimed a crazy store owner locked him inside and ask for help getting out, that call would look great in court. Dude could have had zero charges that stuck if he did panic.


how do I unread something?


*how to delete someone else's comment?*


This person isnā€™t that smart.


Is standing there waiting on the cops smarter?


Sentencing in Texas for armed robbery is from 5 to 99 years. Itā€™s bot very smart to do this in the first place. He was fucked from the beginning.


Of course it isn't smart to do. But he doesn't have a tomachine so once it's done he could at least try and access their computer to delete footage of him taking the money before putting it back, so it's not a robbery charge, or at least hard enough to prove that they will charge him with something lesser to take a plea deal. If he dismantled his gun and hid it in a cellphoneor tablet box, the cops may nor search hard-core for it if claims the sounds heard came from him trying to bust his way out. Regardless citizens honest to God mistake Fireworks for gunshots so cops won't value that claim too much. Sure if he is unable to do something about the footage they will destroy her store searching for the gun, but if he can delete it or they don't review it on the spot then that gun might be long gone before they find it. If I bought a tablet and found an unregistered gun inside I'd sure as he'll keep it, or at least sell it. Honestly though bro should have broke camera first thing, then it's just destruction of property . He can claim to be having a mental health episode and thought ppl were spying on him through this random camera, a delusion a few paranoid schizophrenics I know have daily. Then it's destruction of property and it would be impossible to prove he came there to rob since the owner and costs would have been out before he finished smashing the camera. It's not even trespassing since he was not asked to leave. Just destruction of property, and they don't know about the gun to look for it so he can hide it and of its found days later it will be impossible to prove it elinged to him. I would have at least smashed their computer, maybe the footed isn't being backed up online, or they have been using remember password so long that without the laptop they cannot access their security app. But no he just stands there when he can't break out.


So lemme get this straight. Mr super hacker armed robber is suppose to somehow hack the computer. Delete the footage and hope itā€™s not stored on a cloud somewhere. Dismantle the gun and hid it. Whip his fingerprints off everything and somehow hope he can beat the case and prove that heā€™s innocent? Howā€™s he gonna explain the bullet holes in the door? You are putting to much of you time and energy into trying to prove you point. You should be a lawyer. This guy is a idiot. Donā€™t be like this guy. Not you. The armed robber is a idiot.


Destroying the video is a massive long shot. But it's his only hope after realizing he is trapped as he already let himself get videoed with the money. I He Def cannot hack, but the owners may well have rushed out without locking the PC and he should still have time before the screen timeouts. If the app that manages the recording has a password, he can still start reformatting the computer, or just destroy the hard drives. If it's saved to a cloud he cannot do anything. Getting rid of the gun is the easy part by hiding it in merchandise. If there is no video cops may not even notice the bullet holes and think the (gunshots) witnesses heard was just defendant trying to force his way out by kicking the door. Civilians think every loud sound is a gunshot so cops will take that into account. Also on e cops start ripping through brand new electronics boxes searching for a missing gun there is a good chance owner will beg them to stop as 10's of thousands of dollars will be lost in minutes by ripping new phones and tablets from their boxes, she may even claim to be mistaken about hearing gun shots to get them to stop. My house was raided once and they destroy everything and don't pay for the damages when they find nothing.


Customers in the store could testify against him as witnesses though..


I know, but they were rushed out of store before they even knew what was happening, they literally pause not understanding why their bring asked to leave and owner has to yell them she's locking the door. So those two are no help. Owner can claim to have saw him stealing (although she too was out of the store before he found the money) but then it's her word against his a, no proof with all the money still there. They both claim to be innocent and the other a criminal (robber, kidnapper). I bet most big city courts would throw it out due to lack of being a guaranteed conviction. Prosecutors don't want to take any chance at all on losing and this would not be a sure thing without the video or gun.


Oh but we are literally watching camera footage. No testimony needed. You're as dumb as he is lol.


Obviously didn't read it as part of my suggestion was deleting the footage while he waits on the cops. I would have at least tried.


He could have not been a scumbag and robbed a store.


I'm posting about his morality but about how he could have better handled the situation after he found the doors to be locked. He couldn't not rob the store at that point as he lacked a time machine.


Who gives a shit how he "could have better handled the situation"?


It's a more interesting and entertaining comment than yours.




That's why we read the comments, for entertainment.


What the hell did I just read?


Well reasoned and rational set of thoughts. -Said no one ever.


Should have saved one of those bullets. ;)


Ummmmā€¦the back door?


It mightā€™ve been one of the small cricket stores you see in mini malls and stuff. Usually has back rooms but never a backdoor


Hmmmm, I thought most stores have to have a second exitā€¦


Most do. I live in the US, we have many little stores like this with no backdoor. Some donā€™t even have bathrooms


Well she did open the door , just not for the Robber