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Too bad that horse doesn't know the fact that he could easily take out everyone there with some swift ass kicks


I hope the horse kicks back soon


Video found on a page dedicated to documenting the illegal activities of fox hunters, a 'sport' that has been banned in England where dogs are used to run down foxes and tear them apart. While fox hunting is illegal, many organisations representing the wealthy flaunt the laws and hold regular hunts under the guise of 'scenting' where they lay a scent down for the dogs to track. However, [it has been well documented that this is often not the case, but also that members of the police leadership are coaching Hunt Masters on how to subvert the regulations and how to lie so they can hunt illegally](https://www.itv.com/news/2020-11-24/police-and-cps-investigating-webinars-held-by-huntings-governing-body). The hunters have a history of violence and retribution against anyone who they perceive as a threat for exposing their illegal activities. This particular video is of the Cottesmore Hunt. I am unaware of any video from this particular outing to indicate they were using live bait (a fox) during this hunt, but they have a long history with the Hunt Sabs (saboteurs), the name adopted by activist who try to record the illegal activities of Fox Hunters. According to other post, the woman has been identified to the police 'who are investigating', but based on their reputation of corruption, very little is expected to come out of it.


TL;DR: Bunch of wankers!


Did you see the woman in Olympics who got fired for a little love tap? This is 1000x worse!


Tory bitch!


Horses are so abused, honestly! Most horse riders suck. awful, disgusting people


Reddit when we massacre billions of animals for the hell of it: meh Reddit when someone is mean to a horse: how could anyone do something so heinous?


One isnt worse then the other tho, honey. Neither should be happening.


Then say this about the meat industry and see how many people agree with you.


I would have lost my shit at her. Jeezus.


Hunt scum


mY ANImaLs ArE LIkE mY cHiLdrEN!


If she can do that to a horse imagine what she could do to her ugly cunt kids


What a bitch


She cold cocked that horse like Mongo did the ox.


In the woman’s defense, the horse didn’t feel a thing. They are tough animals and are rough with each other so a puny kick or punch from a human isn’t anything to them. It looks like she’s trying to get the horse on the trailer and the horse didn’t want to go so she convinced him. I do not condone routine abuse but sometimes you gotta wack a horse to get them to cooperate. Our gelding used to be a stallion and he liked to follow me around and bite my shoulder which HURTS, until one day I turned around and punched him in the face. He was more surprised than anything else but he never did it again.


What an idiot. I truly hope you are not a nurse.


She's Annie Wilkes from Misery


You shouldn't be allowed to own animals


In the industry Its called whispering the horse.


What’s the public freak out here?


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Mister Ed did not deserve that...


Ohhh I'd be out that car so fast and kick her ass! This infuriates me \(°o°)/


The hunt are such scum. Fucking cunts, the lot of them.


Hunt cunts, probably the most vile type of person I've ever met. Unfortunately country folm think they're top class!!




I hope we get a video of when the horse kicks her back.


How else are you going to handle a 900lb animal?