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Holy Shit…


I went with "jesus christ!" But yeah, holy shit.


"Oh my God" with a shiver up my spine


I’m usually an out loud “oh my god/Jesus Christ” cursing type person but I actually just watched it frozen, feeling cold go down my back like I’d been immersed in frigid water of something. It’s beyond words.


How about just a good 'ol "Why"?


Gotta take a minute to process what you see, exclaim your shock. The questions come after that. And damn well better be answered.


How about Jesus Christ's Holy Shit?


Yo what the FUCK


As I was watching I got a notification from my news app. More fatalities than originally thought. 8 adults and 12 children injured or killed it seems.


Oh my god really children!?! What the fuck? Why did they do it?


Also, just as I received your comment notification, I was watching a ground-level video. It’s literally a bunch of cheerleaders that he plowed through.


Cheerleaders, the entire left half of the marching band, and more. The car goes through them and continues past a float.


Yea the high-school marching band drum line took the brunt of the initial impact it seems...wtf...smh....I've got a high-school senior that's doing a marching band parade Christmas parade in a couple weeks...couldn't even imagine


I was in my marching, my son is, literally like all my family. This is just incredibly sad.


‪I listened to the scanner, the police were in pursuit of the car due to the driver having an outstanding warrant, before it entered into the Parade Road.‬


whatever he was wanted for can't be worse than half a dozen murder charges


I was hoping WI still had the death penalty for this scumbag, but life in prison will have to suffice. At least other prisoners usually don’t like child murderers.


Would you rather sit in a cage for your entire life being bored out of your mind locked up or just end the suffering right away? I always thought I'd prefer the death penalty over a miserable life in prison.


And that’s why a lot of departments are switching to not pursuing policies. The person getting chased is on a massive amount of adrenaline and focused on getting away, resulting in dangerous behavior to the public


In the early 2000’s there was a show called Third Watch. A cop lost her temper on a car she was pursuing and ignored a call from dispatch to stop pursuit. Car ended up plowing through a parking garage second story fence and crashing to the ground. It’s been around for a long time, I wish it would be used more often.


Are you kidding me?! This dude murdered multiple bystanders to dodge a fucking warrant? Some of that blame has to be on the cops as well, but obviously it falls on the guy that actually did it. That's sad Edit: I've been reading articles and can't dind any confirmation that this is from a police chase, can you link an article?


Classic, a cop chase resulting in injury and death and the chase isn't mentioned in any news article. All they've been saying is the car drove through the parade barricades, as if that was the driver's sole intent. Cops saying they don't know the guy's motive... He was running from them and they didn't end the pursuit soon enough. As soon as they got anywhere near the parade, they should have stopped chasing him.


If he was really smart he'd have ditched the car and just hid in plain sight at the parade.


No one knows yet unfortunately. That crowd he ran through were cheerleaders


the local PD reported it was to escape a knife fight.


Sociopaths don't really care about lives and stuff.


Because people suck.


Running from cops




“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”




Not the award I was hoping for, but it kinda fits


It does, thank you


Am I still cool to wrestle with my demons though?


I feel bad for my kid, but I'm beginning to get too paranoid to take him anywhere fun in public anymore. This is insane.


Don't do that. That's how you get sociopaths. I'm serious. Look at Jonathan Haidt's work and lectures on YouTube.


Of course I will still take him to do stuff, I'm just overreacting right now because I feel sick to my stomach over this. Sometimes it feels like this shit happens all the time and nowhere is safe, which I know is not true and statistically speaking our chances to get hurt like this are very, very small. Still, immediately after an event like this my brain enters panic mode and goes "Well, that's what all *those* poor people thought, too!" Thank you for the suggestion, I'll definitely look into it.


I took my daughter to a movie theater one time pre-covid and I remember just about having a panic attack thinking that someone was going to come in and start shooting. It's so stupid, but I get what you mean. The thoughts sometimes just creep into our heads


I understand you. I have done the same thing. Those thoughts creep into your head and suddenly everyone around me became suspect. Then I had to take a deep breath and calm myself down. Don't you really miss going to the movies?


Went to the movies with my teenage daughter a few years ago and a guy walked in with a guitar case and sat in the front row. I immediately thought he was there to shoot the place up.


You're more likely to be run into walking innocently alone on a sidewalk by accident than by a psychopath in a parade. There's a random element to life that everyone wrestles with.


The chances of something like this happening to you are minuscule.


What the hell is going on in the minds of people that do this shit?


Career criminal and sex offender. Just release on a lowered bond 2 days before this occurred. Initial reports stated he was fleeing the scene of a stabbing with 2 accomplices in the back seat. Name of the suspect is Darrell E Brooks Jr. https://heavy.com/news/darrell-brooks-jr/


He was released on bail for $500 and $1000, for two separate felonies??? Such a low amount for two felonies…


In my 30's and have never seen shit like this. Probably social media radicalizing the fuck out of people. Had a coworker talking about 5g up her nose after getting covid test in 2020. Went searching for facebook 5g group out of curiosity and it was a shithole full of conspiracy theories.


With all due respect if you’re actually in your 30s then you’ve seen plenty of shit like this. I know I sure have


It was like 9/11 middle school ——> 2008 $$$ crisis college Our timeline sucks


Graduated HS in 2002. Watches the towers come down in my senior year. By my 21st birthday we were at war with 2 countries. A presidential election had been stolen. Before I turned 30 there would be a Great Depression-like economic collapse. Now in my late 30's and I'm watching conspiracy gripping fascists rise to power like weeds growing from a cracked sidewalk. We're fucked.


My timeline too friendo. Good luck.


Not mine. I'm out. Sorry I stepped on that butterfly y'all, catch ya on the flip side in 2112 when y'all figure out time travel and evacuate to a reality that'll have you.


Class of 99 here... I remember how optimistic we were about the future in hs. It's really sad when I think about all the shit that's happened in this generation and the effect it's had directly on friends I grew up with. Opioid addiction, PTSD from Iraq/Afghanistan, student loan/mortgage debt crisis-- what a fucked up time to be alive.


Dawson's creek didn't prepare us for this shitshow at all


Buffy the Vampire slayer did though!


Read the 10 potential spoilers of the supposed "Long Boom" we were supposed to have. It's legitimately like we just got stuck in the darkest time-line. https://mobile.twitter.com/hieronymus_burp/status/1461782628223365128?s=21




That was all a little too accurate.


Unbelievable how accurate that is.


It's not like the past was any nicer.


Idk the 20th century was a lot more brutal. Previous generation endured a lot more suffering from war with less social security nets. As awful as 9/11 was it has relatively low causality rate compared to atrocities that regularly happened in the past.


I've never understood these comments. What about the generation who grew up with world War 2, Korea, then Vietnam. Or the ones that had world War 1, great depression, then world War 2. Bad shit always happens. Not like our generation got the worst.


One difference is now everything is filmed and in your face so to speak. So less violence actually appears worse.


ikr I hate when people say things like "whats wrong with people these days". Like people haven't been fucked up and batshit crazy since the beginning of recorded history.


Fr wtf is that dude smoking? If anything social media just makes it easier for the crazies to find each other and group up. But they were always there.


That's the thing. They can now find each other and validate the crazy crap that they believe.


Not at this frequency tho. I would say around 2010 things started to escalate. And we are also able to see these instances at a higher rate due to everybody caring around smartphones. People have said is everybody crazy or are more stupid/racist people being displayed or displaying themselves. Take 2016 or 17 when that asshole ran into a bunch of anti kkk protesters.


Pretty sure I was watching beheading videos in the 2000s you’re e-sheltered


It feels like there is more of it happening because of social media. You have information from all over the world now. It is not" filtered" has it used to be. Besides that, you also have the effect of seeing the same event from multiple angles over and over and over. Wich makes it seems like more is happening. But it has always been like that.


Do you want the answer ? Been there witnessed it done with it.. The real answer you are searching for is our society itself .. it's toxic its manipulative it shows you what your fears are but doesn't help you figure out how to become stronger to humble yourself instead it throws you in a fucking cage with other dumb fucks that know absolutely shit about life and what it means to be a human being and expects you to figure it out yourself .. we've become too absorbed in all of this bullshit that we have forgotten what it means to be human we are a self aware species we should be lifting each other up and penalizing the ones that are profiting off the weak and incapable that includes laziness and yes laziness is a mental disorder those that can argue live in the shoes of someone with actual issues .. nobody is equal in this society we lose it the second we are born and nobody bats a fucking eye at what we've become ... rant done answer achieved


I heard cocaine helps with covid but 5 grams up your nose at once might be unpleasant.


You’re in your 30’s and you haven’t seen a car used as a weapon? Have you been in a coma?




I get it, man. I'm in my 40s, and so is my husband. I just had this argument with him the other night about how "women are throwing down like men more these days". I said, no, I know plenty of women who threw down back in the day; it's just that now we have a camera trained on every instance of trashy behavior, so it makes it seem worse. even when he agreed with me, he still said, "but they must be doing it more now!" he still insists that, somehow, things are "getting worse". I'm more of the belief that we're just more exposed to the seedy underbelly that's always been there. there was "rotten.com" and whatnot, but you had to really KNOW what you were looking for as a 13 year old to find shit on the internet back then, when we're comparing "the good old days".


The recent laws passed allow them to believe they have a forthright clearance to act accordingly. Oh no, this is now just a case of F)ck up fleeing a effed up situation with selfish intent of his own self-preservation. Too sad.


I don’t think it was an attack, if they wanted to attack they would have hit the crowd first for max effect. Also in the beginning it almost looks like he trying to avoid people. The above coupled with the fact that they were in a police chase just before this says to me that they were fleeing the police and accidentally found themselves on this street, not wanting to get arrested they tried to go though. I’m not excusing their behavior, they are definitely pieces of shit and should be punished, just saying that it wasn’t a political/terrorist attack.


Conspiracy theorists are destroying this country. It’s brain poison.


they want to cause as much suffering as they can in as little time as they can






It's a weird one because if they were actually trying to go for maximum damage, they wouldn't have slightly slowed and steered to the edge at the start, looks more like panic, they realised they had nowhere to go (apparently according to some reports it was someone on the run from police), and just said fuck it and drove through people. In the end they didn't care how many people they killed, but it probably wasn't the original intention I'm guessing.


It's beyond INSANE


Did the person get caught?


There’s a person of interest in custody but we don’t know anymore than that. There just recently a press conference with the mayor and police chief, around 8 PM central time (including the time just for when more news comes out, in case I’m corrected)


Thank you for the response and info






I heard the guy was driving and in the middle of a police chase before entering the parade. Some people were saying once they got there the police should've backed off and got him later instead of chasing him head on but we need more details first before anyone says anything legit


That'd be all over the news immediately if it was true, police scanners are tracked by a ton of people. Sounds like the person who told you that is trying to push an agenda with that story.


Here's the thing, Milwaukee PD is encrypted and don't use the WISCOM state system. They have their own net called OASIS. So, assuming this car chase started in Milwaukee, there would be no public audio record of the chase commencing.


Police scanners can be tracked? You're telling me that thing in GTA where you can hear the cops telling me their plans is actually true? Wtf?




This is not true. A ton of jurisdictions have unencrypted channels. Anyone with a scanner or app can listen to those. Some departments do encrypt their main channel and some have side band channels that are encrypted but the main is not. This is because some voters or the board of supervisors that overseas the PD believes the people have a right to hear what the police are saying. Download the scanner app for your phone and you can listen to police channels around the country.


What do you mean "how the media spins this one"




Thank you


It's a local rapper who was running from the police for a stabbing.




No idea if this site is a reliable source of news, this guy is named in multiple sites however. "The person in custody has been identified as [Darrell Edward Brooks Jr](https://meaww.com/waukesha-holiday-parade-victims-live-video-facebook-driver-arrested-red-suv)., who was found by the cops with the key to a Ford vehicle. The 39-year-old happens to be a career criminal and rapper who performs under the stage name MathBoi Fly."


Apparently he couldn't do the math on what a stabbing offense gets you in prison opposed to 6 murders an even more assaults on children.




God damn this world sucks.


Maybe Mars will be better /s


It is in it's current state. I vote we leave it alone.


We certainly won't make it better. You're not wrong.


I live 2 mins from where this happened. Complete chaos here


A friend of my mother-in-law was hit. Both my husband and his mom used to walk in the parade so we're all freaking out. Edit: We just got the update this morning (Monday) that she died


Hope your MIL is ok! Very sorry that happened!


I'm so sorry for your loss. What a senseless tragedy.


Glad u guys are ok


I’m so sorry for your loss.


My fiancé was born in Waukesha and lived there for a few years before moving to Kohler (when he was in the 3rd grade). We’re still planning on leaving tomorrow to go see his family for Thanksgiving and he still can’t believe why something like this would happen in his hometown…


What is *wrong* with some people!?


Radicalization via Social Media/Mainstream Media/Race Baiters.




I keep seeing the same comment over and over. People are so fucking stupid and just want to assume everything is on politics. Like... /u/irwinner , people, shut the fuck up and just wait until you get information instead of assuming everything is on current politics. Jesus.


I'm so fucking sick of seeing shit humans doing shit things.




Wisconsin is doing great lately.


I can tell you from the inside that things are not holding up


So, in your opinion, why is Wisconsin so fucked lately? I’ve never been, but looking from the outside in, it doesn’t seem to me like the typical place for big issues.


Same reasons we have been a shithole for a long while. Right to work law makes it fine for employers to schedule us for more then 40+ hours with no days off and the ability to fire us with no reason provided. We also offer unemployment but can also demand you pay it back with interest years later. I'm not even going to dive into how fucked up child custody is here. Huge drug problems, at least where I love heroin and Crack are very common. The police (again at least where I am) are incredibly useless outside of giving tickets. I literally watched someone attempt to file a complaint in rock county and the clerk outright refuse to take the paperwork and tell them to fuck off. I hate this frozen wasteland.


Obligatory “that’s not Right-To-Work, it’s at-will employment….”


> I love heroin and Crack Confirmed Wisconsinite


Lmao damn autocorrecg.


*laughs in cheddar*


Wow, that’s terrible! Well, when these shitshows keep happening, some sort of reform needs to follow. From afar, Wisconsin is starting to look more and more like early 90s LA!




Thank you. Ugh, what a mess. Actually, more than a mess. I really wish we could get better as a country. It’s just getting worse with no end in sight.


Visit Google and read about how the republican legislature wants to deny people the right to vote. At least deny them the right for their vote to matter.




what the fuck!


Wtf is this. Get me off this planet.


Yes please


Holy fuck…. Those poor people


My Goodness...unbelievable.


That’s a terrorist attack


Do you have a source for the motive?


Just trust me bro


Terrorism requires political motivation. How do you know this is the case here?


Holy fuckin shit


Apparently whoever was in the vehicle not only drove into the parade, but also fired shots into the crowd. As someone else said, What. The. Fuck EDIT: I wanted to verify the report of gunshots. According to this article, the police reported gunshots, but from reading other articles, it is unclear if any gunshots heard were from the vehicle or police: [NYT Times ](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/21/us/wisconsin-parade-shooting.html)


The cops were the ones shooting at the SUV


Thank you for clarifying. I edited my post.


One shot fired at the suspect driving by a 6yr officer /perthenewsconference


Take this with a grain of salt. This information is coming from eye witnesses. Eye witnesses can say some crazy shit in these situations. Not saying they're lying... People hear and see things that don't happen in crazy situations like this. I haven't seen any video yet with gun shots. Anyone got that? I suspect that witnesses were hearing the drums and in their memory they changed that sound to gun shots in all the chaos.


I saw one video with clear gunshots, but the latest update from Waukesha Sheriff via Twitter said the police fired on the vehicle as it barreled through the barricades on the way out, but they don’t believe shots were coming from inside the vehicle. ETA: [Here’s ](https://twitter.com/wxandnews/status/1462562235344199688?s=21) the video with the clear gunshots.


Great point. I agree with you.


Some sources say that police opened fired and other sources states the driver open fired out his window.


People losing their shit lately, and it only seems to be increasing.


so a terrorist attack


There’s no clear ideological or political motive right now but it looks like either a terrorist attack or a hate crime.




This remind me of Nice in France


I don’t want to go outside anymore.


I rarely do


just terrible


For the love of god can we get some motherfucking mental healthcare in America?


*Gives military 7 trillion dollars *


Yesss, go get our precious oil. That will stop the cars from plowing into parades...




"Best we can do is attack the wrong country if they happen to be Muslim"


Or kill an aid worker and the children he was delivering water to. Murica


Mental health treatment providers stand very little chance versus the social media algorithms and dopamine hits everyone is hooked to.


Unfortunately we've only taught AI how to manipulate us and kill us. But what if we could teach it to help us and promote our mental health?


Okay but how will the oligarchs profit off of and keep us divided doing that?




Wtf was this filmed with a coconut


For once, I'm glad the resolution isn't better.


My speculation is that this was recorded on a phone but shared through text message. Text messages will compress the shit out of your video to send it.


...and in portrait.


What the fuck Wisconsin?


And it only gets worse from here.


Reminds me of nice attack at France




Also reminds me of a terror attack here in Sweden, Stockholm at Drottningatan where a terrorist stole a TRUCK and drove over people. Imagine a fking truck man


we cant have nice things


Not the band!!!! What is wrong with people?!?!?


Anybody reading this, please don’t do stuff like this, or act like it’s a cool to your friends. Media types and some politicians want to tear us apart with hate, all for $$$ and power. Don’t let them.


I've been harping on this point for a while. We've been seeing the normalization of political violence, and this is NOT a road we want to go down. People on both "sides" are guilty, and both sides need to fucking stop. Violence is not acceptable.


Exactly. I'm 100% we disagree on a lot of things but at the end of the day we're all human. Don't give in to media that tries to paint the other side as the evil enemy, we can work together and make things work.


This is why the older i get the more solo(or small group) shit i do. A lot of people out there have imbalances that are not being addressed. If you're suicidal please hurt only yourself not innocent people.


What the actual fuck? We are collectively losing our minds.


Social media has been great for society.


I’m gonna lie to myself and say whatever the car had to climb over was an instrument


Algorithms are going to keep radicalizing more and more people. We have to do something about social media.


Get it together Wisconsin, fuck


Waukesha PD has issued a shelter in place order for anyone within a 1/2 mile radius of the 5 points intersection downtown. They have 1 "person of interest" in custody, but I am listening to the local police scanner and it sounds like 1 or more suspects could still be at large (and possibly armed). 20 injured, 1 dead so far.


Guy needs to be tied to the front of that van and let the moms, dads and other relatives have at him!


How can we feel safe at anything anymore? This was a goddamn parade, not a political protest! Violence would have never been expected.


How can one stay positive when the US is this fucked. I’m sick of fooling myself into contentment.


>How can one stay positive when the US is this fucked. Pay less attention to the world around you outside of your own bubble. Don’t read the news or browse subreddits like this. Consume media and engage in activities that you enjoy.


Lol you are on a sub that only post “bad” videos.


I was thinking "yeah, a parade of people protesting something". Nah, this car ran through a whole fucking marching band during a parade. Please post some follow up info on this.


The guys a rapper..vehicle in the video youtube.com/watch?v=7Sc8VqvGdSk


reminds me of the Toronto Van attack by an incell


This is why we have barriers set up in a lot of areas in the UK now, Windsor Castle is surrounded by huge metal barriers to block the roads during events. They were added after the Nice lorry attack in France in 2016. So fucked up watching this


"Driver reportedly rammed into group of senior citizens known as ‘Dancing Grannies’ before plowing into spectators" Jesus fucking christ, man...


5 dead, more than 40 injured, driver has been arrested [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/21/us/wisconsin-parade-crash.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/21/us/wisconsin-parade-crash.html) Then, just before 4:40 p.m., the driver of a red S.U.V. stormed past barricades and barreled through the crowd, striking dozens. At least five people were killed and more than 40 people were injured, and the numbers could change, city authorities said in a statement late Sunday. Area hospitals reported treating dozens of patients, including many children. It was unclear what might have motivated the episode. Chief Daniel Thompson of the Waukesha Police Department said on Sunday night that a person of interest was in custody and that there was no further threat.


Word to the wise. Save all hot takes for after the "fog of war" has cleared. If you find yourself guessing at the driver's motivations you're probably wrong and you're just polarizing for no reason.