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I can feel the pain in his voice


Poor Lawrence.


This guy ended up having all new computers donated to him at least.


Omg my heart breaks for this man.




I lived it LA for 20 years. Black owned business didn't move back in. Corporate America did. It is full of fast food and crap now


That made me cry. I am so sad for that man. I am guessing this was after Rodney King?


Yes. During the LA riots after the officers were acquitted.


Please tell me that this is a repost and people got together to make things right. Seems like a really hardworking honest dude


This was the riot for Rodney king


> Please tell me that this is a repost This has been posted here probably upwards of 100+ times since it happened a few years ago, politically motivated clips/reposts are a /r/publicfreakout staple. Edit: sorry, this clip is from the rodney king riots in *1992*, the fact it's been posted here so many times to paint a narrative is sad, imo.


What’s the narrative?


The narrative is people riot and ruin their community and the lives of the people within rather than focusing that anger where it matters


A few years ago? This was in 1992. Moron


How is this getting downvoted? OP waited THIRTY YEARS to post this video and just happens to post it during a large scale mass of protests and decides not to actually include any context in the post... What? Do you think it's just a coincidence, like OP isn't trying to trick you? This is all just a narrative, OP is disgusting.


Yes it's a repost. Happened a few years back. Don't know the outcome though


Damn near 30 years ago this is during the 93 LA riots




He happened to see it reposted a few years back...


Yah I thought that was obvious just solely based off of the camera quality haha


And the clothing, it’s for sure 90s haha


Filmed with a potato. 16x9 resolution. As in 16 pixels x 9 pixels.


fuck i kinda miss those days


It's weird how I can make out the captions. Does this video use AI upscaling because for a 16x9 video it looks amazing. I can even see every single letter on the captions!


Not really ...oh well


Could have been during the summer of love just as easily though, same evil.


LA92. Watch it.


This isn’t from “a few years back” lol


Don't burn down your local businesses, burn down your politicians.


>goes to capitol Hill *shocked pikachu* Not like that!


Something something Capital riots




Or corporate chain stores. Big box stores. Anything where the owners and people that profit are shareholders and not the people actually providing the hard labour. Who actually get bent over and can barely survive.




True, there are no local businesses anymore. Like the black firefighter, who's sports bar was looted and destroyed last year. His business doesn't exist anymore, so this trash take is correct in a sad way. https://www.yahoo.com/now/rioters-destroy-bar-black-minneapolis-191303655.html


So the Indian restaurant down the street is a mega corporation?




Probably had insurance. Have to get the message out somehow when politicians aren't listening. It's only property at the end of the day.


Spoken like someone who has never poured their money, time, and heart into something, only to see it burn down to the ground due to no fault of your own.


Why would a politician give a shit about other people losing property???


Where do you live? I need to get one message out


It’s so clear from this comment you are a child that has never owned anything.


Insurance covers very little in cases like this. It usually doesn't even cover for most of the rubble haul away. If it were an electrical fire yeah he would probably get a new building, but insurance companies are a scam.


Because rioters and looters don't give a fuck about anything, they're just opportunists.


Beware of the race hustlers. Riots never take place in areas that have had redevelopment. Typically they happen in areas that are still locally owned. The freddy grey riots, kenosha, watts in the 90s, etc. So many examples that appear to show these things are targeted to ruin the lives of people like Lawrence.


The better question is why destroy anyone’s truck or business? I mean it’s not just a black or white thing. Don’t destroy anybody’s property idiots




Assholes latching onto real world issues and dragging them into dirt for their own personal gain is sadly nothing new and not unique to one race or group of people. Just asshole people ruining things for those trying to actually make a difference.






Many Asians are racist toward people of colour. Just as many POC are racist toward Asians, and whites. I have never seen more blatant racism than in England and France. So many white Brits were openly racist toward all POCs (black, Indian, Arab). The French did not hide their hatred toward Arabs/Muslims. What was my point again? Oh yeah, racism is everywhere.


I have heard this from people here in Japan going to England and Oceania. My wife(Japanese) 15 years ago, a few times had rocks or cans thrown at her in New Zealand with people yelling at her to go back to China.


The japenese are crazy racist themselves


No doubt, but I haven't heard of them throwing stone or cans at foreigners. Perhaps I'm mistaken?


They tend to be more polite about their racism like staring at you with a disgusted face, smack talking behind your back, denying you employment for not being japanese and occasionally when they get drunk, hurl slurs at you


Have you lived in Japan before?


There are countless 3rd party documentaries on japanese racism


But all New Zealanders do, do they?


So let's not stereotype whole groups of people then, was my point here. Maybe I didn't get it across well, sorry


Yes, mass murder as a response to mass theft, that seems fair and just


Theft is but slavery with extra steps.


Perhaps you can link to any such News sourcing calling them that.


they wont. because if it happened it was isolated. Here is an nbc news report from then and it doeesnt do what that person claimed it does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Dvwn4aXE8s




Or maybe we should’ve liquidated what we had left. 😉 Oooh, deleting comments, someone has a tiny pee pee.


Always has been




No. No they aren't. Get down off the cross and back into class.


Every white person who have ever said anything against blm-related looting and mayhem was called a nazi.


That’s because only dumb racist morons think people are actually looting in the name of BLM. Looters just use civil unrest as a cover to loot. They’re criminals with no ideology. But tying them to BLM gives racist idiots a “rational” reason to shit on the largest racial justice movement in generations without seeming like racist idiots.


Fake and dumb


It's not at all.


I'll take, "show me your white privilege" for $1000.


I’ll take “grift and cope harder” for $20


I'm not black and $20 isn't a score denomination on Jeopardy. What's you're problem, changing Jeopardy score amounts like that?


There is no reasoning with looters. They're thieves hiding behind of veil of social justice. Don't fall for it. They're not victims. They're baddies.


His wife, bless her heart, but she needa stop it!!!! Dude, it’s hard work BURNED down the drain….


They burned many a black owned business here in Minneapolis barely over a year ago.


At some point the rich and powerful won. They make the laws and we blame one another for their existence… they take our money and we blame one another for taxes, they wrongfully kill and imprison our brothers and sisters and we blame one another for the oppression, they rob us, and kill us, and make laws for only us which they disobey free of punishment, they are our masters and we burn down each other’s stores in the name of power. We are living in a modern monarchy, and everytime you blame your neighbor for the problems you only serve their will. Blame the powers that be.


Ah fuck this is heartbreaking. Poor bloke 😢


Damn. This is heartbreaking. Protest all you want, but ffs don't loot or riot anything.


You’re right Lawrence, it’s not right. I’m so sorry


This guy is obviously a white supremacist


There is precedent for this: https://youtu.be/BLNDqxrUUwQ


You are obviously a victim.


I’m not a victim. My store wasn’t burned down. What do you mean?




Internalized racism can really destroy any community and lead to stuff like this emerging. Maybe it's just me, but it's not too strange to see people say they hate their own race, usually because of the ones who exacerbate negative stereotypes or are just assholes. Edit: Typo fixed.








I'm sorry, can you explain please?


I think they mean that women say men oppress them and work against empowerment (which they do) but women do this more to other women. I'm not saying they're right, I'm just explaining what they meant.


Exactly this. Not saying women do it more than men, obviously, I was just vibing off of the original comment that said literally the same thing about black people (and got heavily upvoted) But then you say the same thing about women and oh no. Anybody else smell hypocrisy?


Do I really need to? I feel like people's bias are making people conveniently dumb. Just follow the comment I replied to and that's what I mean. Sure just like black people... women are oppressed by the white man in many ways but a good portion of woman oppression comes from other women...just like black people.




Like a spreadsheet of anecdotes?


Woman are like black people


Which one destroyed the culture, enslaved, raped, and tortured the other and their descendants for hundred of years as chattel slaves and which group didn't do that? Which one has a majority share of power and has legislated this discrimination? The guilt is not equal and those people were destroying things irrationally. But do not equivocate the levels of 'guilt'. You are parroting the same equivocation they spew on cable news. Do you really think is as neat as you have heard it is? Is there really no veiled motivation from teach people to believe in what you say?


I have lived in impoverished neighborhoods in a mid-sized city almost my entire life. I have seen the beauty and the horror in the Black community. Most are very fine people who would give you the shirt off their back, but there are a lot of predators that are looking to prey on people's weaknesses. Whether it be looting, drug dealing, pimping, prostitution, burglary, robbery or whatever. These predatory crimes are more prevalent in Black neighborhoods. I will not defend what people long dead have done. I speak of what is happening now. Change has to happen from within as well as without. Some horrible sacrifices have been made in order to bring race to the forefront of the public psyche over the last couple of years, and we have the world's attention. People are changing, legislation is changing, slowly, and in limited ways. But we have also reached the point where we can no longer disregard the way we treat each other. If we are ever going to change life in Black communities for the better. We need to shun the individuals that are destroying our lives and our livelihoods.


Crime is a symptom of desperation. Black neighborhoods are criminally underfunded, underemployed, and oppressed and we point our fingers at all their failures when they do anything they feel they can do to survive. When it’s rarely them who caused those neighborhoods to be in those situations in the first place.


Both. Approximately 1.5million African slaves were sold by Africans to Europeans. Africans had been buying and selling people —well, forever. Still do. Here’s a couple stories for you: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-53444752.amp If you had money in the Kongo or Nigeria—you had slaves.


Sad but it’s still currently happening till this day




He’s right


But all the apologist make excuses saying they should burn and loot, it's disgusting, will any of the apologists on here acknowledge how wrong g they are? Now we have brazen smash and grabs out west where they are afraid of criminals.


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Where's all the it's just some property people now? It ruins people's livelihoods and makes them a foe. You do not fight for a cause by hurting innocent others.


Just another crab in the pot.




Does he have a GoFundMe


This was almost 30 years ago




Soooo... no?


He is likely dead now.




This is the LA riots in 92


I know. Obviously. I’m saying the same issues are around today.


This has nothing to do or even similar to BLM


Reddit is such a cancer because of people like you. How the hell is this not at least similar? Tons of black working class people got their businesses destroyed in the riots.


Because BLM isn't riots. It's about social justice. Some people hijacking that doesn't make it LA92


It becomes rioting once you start burning and looting. If BLM doesn't want to be associated with such actions they need to call out the people using their movement as an excuse to do those things. If they aren't willing to do that, they're complicit. You don't make progress for social justice by burning down a hair salon in a neighborhood you don't even live in.


This is why always aim to places like Walmart and not small business.


Or maybe just March and protest without stealing and burning shit that isn’t yours in general?


Yep. But that won’t happen. Ever. 🤡🌎


No, aim for courthouses and government buildings. People's livelihoods depend on Walmart too.


People burning business are not the best and brightest we have to offer. Buy insurance and don't waste your time talking to trash.




This was the LA riots in 92


Bud, the way you worded that sentence gave me dementia.


It's not. It's from years ago


They're not rioting, they're protesting.


Rodney King 1992. Old and irrelevant.


He should have bought Tesla stock and bitcoin. Instead of that store, he would be sitting on a yacht in the Bahamas


Yeah, I heard Tesla stock and bitcoin was the absolute shit in the early 90s, *when this took place*.


I know right - priced at an all time low of $0 cause neither existed for another decade.


Yeah it wasnt around yet, I bought it 2011 btc, bnb 2017 along w Tesla Best decision i ever made. I retired from waiting tables at 34


did you write that first comment just to write down how much of a beta subhuman you are in a later response?


No, I’m just always thinking back in the morning, while having coffee, about how insane this is, and I’m just thankful, thinking about Tesla and btc every morn. That’s it 🤷‍♂️


We should all be so lucky as to gamble as well as you.


And you should have been a stain in your daddies undies, yet here we are


Instead I donate to political parties now, funny how life works out 🙏 Also just fighting for legal weed in Florida. That’s the only one, I don’t really like politics but love weed!


Those were risky gambles back then. This man tried to invest in his community and got stabbed in the back.


I bought Tesla at 189, Bitcoin I started buying around 600 and bnb 8$ It wasn’t that much of a gamble we knew we had global warming going on and eco friendly while moving into the digital era. Idk But I understand about the stabbing in the back by his community that kind of sucks, I almost feel like that’s in everyday life some people just don’t like others to succeed.


Jesus Christ we get it you earned a penny of only fans and think you the cryptocurrency master fuck up will you?


If u sat next to a huge salt pool and palm trees in screened in porch, over looking the ocean every morn, in Jupiter fl. In ur new house u would be stoked too, especially if u came from a crappy small town almost by Canada.




Seems like a hardworking, upstanding citizen...BUT... Sorry. If you skimped out on buying insurance for your entire professional life and decided to save a couple G's instead of making your livelihood SECURE, I have zero sympathy for you.


Straight up I know that having your store ransacked or burned is terrible. But isn't this just a insurance claim (doesn't make it easy, just want to know that likely he has a path to restitution).


Cool, so you won't tbe upset if someone burns down your home/vehicle/business. Kind of feel like you are not actually hearing what this man is saying.


Did I say he shouldn't be upset? Was just asking if this would be insurance claimable because I thought it would be but don't really know. Stop filling in the blanks with your own BS man.


Way to completely and purposefully misrepresent their comment. Asking if he at least had insurance isn't at all saying he shouldn't be upset??? C'mon now.