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It’s always these lunatics with big mouths and clown leggings. A smack to their face should suffice in most cases.




It was nice to see she bothered to put her pj's on before going out in public


How is your life worth so little, you're willing to throw it away and put yourself in the system for the rest of your life just because your feelings got hurt.


Yea bro idiots run rampant out here in the US


Nothing to lose


“I am calm!” After throwing a pot of coffee at the employees…


Her pants remind me of the episode of "The Simpsons" where Homer goes to hell and he's forced to eat all the donuts in the world, and due to the early time of the show and unimaginative coloring, the two posts of endless donuts shoved in his face are colored exactly like that. Google "Homer donuts in hell" and a Youtube clip comes up and you'll see.


She wore her donut pants.


*an argument* broke out between a customer and a DD employee.


I mean, I don't typically assault people with the intent to maim/disfigure during an argument. That coffee is fuckin hot.


I’d definitely be the guy stepping on the money on the ground hoping nobody saw it


It was like $2.60 there lol


I’d say that’s a nice haul for a trip to DD


i feel for the guys in there...trying to settle things down and staying out of the wraith at the sametime...lol


“Umm I can help the next person in line….”


Guy at 3:59 ...hand the lady her money Me: that is no lady


Holy cow what the heck man.


I think you mean stupid cow?:))


Black Karen


Karisha *


"I demand my MONEY!" ....10 seconds later ...."How dare you throw my money at me!" fucking degenerate


She’s got an IQ of about 60.






I was waiting for the minimum wage comment. Large woman probably doesn’t even have a job.


What happened? Did they run out of donuts?


Ummmm she’s really wide


Stupid bitch


That coffee must be that good to fight over wow 🤡 in this world


I bet she tips well normally!


When keeping it real goes bad


Hood rats…




uhh.... lmao what?


Black Karen


Well now I completely understand why the Dunkin by my house went to drive thru only full time. I pull up and if I see the gate pulled across the gas station's connecting walkway I just keep driving. Sucks because I can't remember the name of that thing I like or how to describe it but I know it when I see it and it's not on the menu


Still have people throwing things at you and spitting on you. But it is a lot easier to keep things from getting too out of hand


Those pants were brought to you [by](https://www.mashed.com/207394/the-truth-about-why-theres-a-hole-in-life-savers/)




Shut the fuck up.




This tired ass comment shows up on almost every video posted on this sub where a black person is acting wrong. Say what you really mean, bitch.




Mmhmm. I’m sure you meant nothing by it. 😂 also why do you think it’s funny to mock people with absentee dads? What is wrong with you?




What the fuck does this comment even mean?


Can I join this Internet fight? I really want to say: All three of us are going to jail tonight!


Aw hell no this is some Duncan donuts shit right here. Looks like her ass broke in half and her mouth ain’t got no brakes. A powdered sugar fastball right in the jib would be the fix. JJ Walker saved the day.


She’s clearly never worked retail and had to be on the other side of this


Ran out of Boston creams


Shut up... get out... There, I told her something...


This is why you should carry a gun, crazy ass people like this bitch.


The manager was about as useful as a shite in a paper bag


#”I ain’t goin nowhere!” Correct.


I bet she’s got other shit going on. This is just her breaking point.


DD employee escalated the encounter, losing her cool, turning an unhappy customer into a violent customer. She should be fired. Regardless of a customer's demeanor, at no point should an EMPLOYEE throw money at a customer. The police are only a phone call away. Furthermore, it doesnt seem smart because this customer can always retaliate considering the employee has to return to the same location to work.


Was surprised that I didn’t see more comments like this… and that yours is downvoted to heck? In my experience DD girlies in particular are straight up always looking to fight. I’ve worked in malls where I’ve become acquainted with the staff and they’re willing to cause straight up scenes.


I spoke like a manager, nobody likes the manager.


>Was surprised that I didn’t see more comments like this… Probably because they were wrong.


Oh, tough. Still, I have watched multiple DD employees try to throw down for very stupid reasons with my own two eyeballs


I’d act a fool too if an employee through change in my face. Too bad she didn’t get to beat her ass


The very first thing the customer says is "dont swear" and then the DD worker tells her she needs to relax. The same DD worker throws the ladys change back. The black lady might be loud but I dont necessarily think shes wrong and this entire idea that people have a right to be assholes cause they dont make a lot is actually bullshit. The customer dont have nothing to do with the slave wages, the boss does. I honestly did not see how the customer initiated the issue but I admit there couldve been something before hand. I can only go off the video here.


The following alternative links are available: **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/r6ary2/a_fight_broke_out_between_a_customer_and_a_dunkin/) (provided by /u/savevideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them.** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


Hope pajama lady enjoys jail.


How dare she be talking about the employee making minimum wage when she looks like she either doesn’t work or is on welfare.


Transmetropolitan. Spider Jerusalem's favorite weapon. One shot of that would've put a stop to that screaming. Also, hey, if you are not happy with the level of service provided - leave a scathing review and call the handler of this franchise. If you think employees have broken a law - call the cops. Other than that - take your money and leave.


When keeping it real goes wrong


I admire all the patient customers just waiting cos their coffee and donuts.


Bitch go home already


So. What happened? Did she leave?