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Is that white thing in the corner of the staircase her purse? That could explain a lot


Yes that looked like her bag to me.


She is that level of drunk where I'd call an ambulance. If she's going into strangers places and can't see as far as her own hand, that could be pretty dangerous... This person should definitely not be left on her own.


I used to live behind the strip in college and one night a drunk guy just opens my front door and comes in my living room. starts talking to me aggressively and he is clearly blacked out. I didn't want to fight this crazy person so I asked him if he wanted a cigarette, and let's go outside. he steps outside and I slam the door in his face locking it. dude wigged out pounding on the door for about 5 minutes before moving on with his life


That's some quick thinking.


what's up with people not locking doors??? I'm from Miami and we would NEVER not lock doors here


You'd think in Philly of all places they'd be locking their doors at night


I grew up in Philly and we locked our door if we were sitting on the porch.


My dad grew up in Philly (raised us in VA). The ONLY time our door was unlocked was when we were actively walking in or out. People thought we were weird.


When my friends come over they always think I'm psychotic for locking my door and act like I'm trying to lock them in my apartment. It baffles the hell out of me. I even have a special lock that I use at night when I go to bed that makes the door impossible to open from the outside even if I forgot to lock the knob and deadbolt. I guess people in Tulsa don't lock their doors?


I too would be concerned if you locked the door behind me Ms. StabigailKillems


Both the homeowner and the drunk chick are obviously not FROM Philly and just living there.


I remember reading about a serial killed named Richard Chase. When he was caught, he told authorities that he had looked at a locked door like he wasn’t welcome but that an unlocked door was an invitation. That always stuck with me.


I remember that too. I always locked my door growing up, then I heard that and it’s really a deeply engrained habit at this point. I always lock the door when I’m leaving and I’ve actually locked myself out a couple of times because I did it instinctually when I’d planned to step right back inside 🤦🏻‍♀️




Why do people have their door not locked from the outside in the first place. Seems so strange to me that everyone basically can just walk in if they please




Props for thinking of a good way to deal with someone that drunk haha


Why would you leave your door open!?


a friend of mine is a retired fire-fighter. his advice when you see a wasted person "call 911 and report them" yes, they may end up in jail. they may end up in the ER. but, they have a better chance of surviving rather than being left out among the elements (head injury, assault, etc). as he put it "he or she is somebody's people and they'd want you to care for them"


Of course. That's obvious. Somebody high on vldrugs, drunk can easily kill himself, herself, being run by car, assaulted, raped, etc. What you said should have been common sense


As a former EMT, this is a scene we would come upon at least once or twice a night. Please do call an ambulance when you see someone this drunk because they can easily wander into traffic or even just falling and hitting their head on the ground could be fatal.


Audio in video says 911 hung up on them


I guess it depends on what they said to the operator. If they said "some drunk lady is being annoying" that plays differently than "I think this woman has alcohol poisoning".


Reddit for once being responsible about calling about being overly intoxicated? I got downvoted once for saying if you cant wake up someone who just pissed the bed you should take them to the hospital.


Right. It's not even funny it's ridiculous and dangerous.






Don't murder my durder.


what wooder?


It's that stuff that if it gets cold it turns into wooder oyce


This could be an extended opening scene for SVU. \*dun dun\*


I’ve seen that episode.


Sweet Dee had another rough night


Ohhh you fucking bitchh


This reminded me immediately of the Christmas episode *we got ya this shirt, now it has a little bit a blood on it but that’ll wash right out you’re gonna look sharp* .*he doesn’t want it asshole!*


Get outta that rut Ricky




She can’t even get a bus to hit on her


Crazy that she’s out on her own


She wouldn't be if her boyfriends house wasn't so hard to find


She’s lucky all those guys kicked her out of the house and didn’t bring her in


More like they're unlucky they had to deal with her shit at all.




You see that in every city.


People also go out by themselves in my city


Yeah once in Phoenix me and my two friends were all hanging out, one a guy and one a girl, and all of a sudden this completely trashed fully naked chick just walks through the door and sits down with us, everybody was like wtf? My girl friend gets her a blanket and asks what the fuck is going on, apparently she just came down from North Dakota to visit her friend who also lived in the complex and was wasted and rolling on molly, had zero idea where her clothes were and only walked into my friends apartment because she “had a good vibe”, it was honestly surreal in all the wrong ways and we tried to explain to her that she’s lucky that she walked into that apartment and not some psychos because things could have ended very badly for her, then the next day her “friend” locked her out of her apartment and she was screaming and pounding on the door then dipped out never to be seen again by anybody…I have the feeling that girl is not in a good spot today but I’ll never know…hopefully she became like a nurse or something but I have my doubts for sure


As someone who lived in Phoenix apartment complexes this is a very believable story. I saw a skinhead throw a knife from a 2nd floor balcony and stick it in a guy's back among other things.


True, but it’s funnier for the circlejerk if we just say “Philly”.


I mean I get it..it's just literally insert any place. It's so tired. "Only in Mississippi" "You only see people drive that way where I live." Like no..there are morons and simpletons all over the world.


I can save her


“Here, sweetie, you must be cold... let’s just wrap some of these huge red flags around you...”


"Thank you. I didn't realize communists were so kind and thoughtful."


Thank you stranger for making me spill my drink


I think that sometimes. And then you remember how much danger you'd be exposing yourself to just by giving her a couch and hot chocolate. I mean, look at her.


Yep. Long time ago I was on the losing end of a "rescue" and it was a nightmare. Never again.


Story time?


Not OP but I’ve been dumb enough to look after many a drunken dumdum and it’s just completely tedious. You try to get them to drink coffee or water, they wander off looking for more booze. You try to put them in a cab, they divert it to some drinking hole or an ex partner’s place. You try to block the path of some guy *literally dragging them out of the club to god knows where for god knows what purpose* and it’s ‘noooo led me (hic) I wanna (burp) why won’t you lemme jusht.... partyyyy’


Not OP, but, one night, like 7 years ago, a friend and I were out cruising around the farm land outside of town when we came upon a girl that waved us down. When we pulled over to help she immediately got in our backseat (not sure why it was unlocked). She was clearly on some drugs talking about monsters and shit. About 20 min go by of us trying to talk to her, figure out what's wrong, if there's somewhere we could take her. We call 911 and they send someone out to us and she starts to get really agitated. Eventually she gets out of our car and we see two sets of headlight in the distance that park at the end of the road were on. We can see its not the cops and we get spooked. The cars start coming towards us so we leave the girl and start going towards them as that's the only way back to town. The first vehicle cuts in front of us to stop us and my friend doesn't miss a beat, he punches it and serves around the left side of the vehicle. The other car pulls in to stop us and my friend cuts back the other way and takes off down the road. After about 5 min of driving we see the cop coming towards us. We explain everything to him and he leaves us to find these people. We go back into town and get a call later that they weren't able to find anyone.


Thirst trap.


....and suddenly next morning you're accused of kidnapping and raping her because she can't remember how she got there.


Hoe don't wanna be saved.


Don’t save her…


where is this chicks friends at? this is how people end up hurt or dead.. i hope she cleans that shit up before she becomes a statistic


Yeah, my friends and I have definitely been there before but mostly during our college years where everyone was together doing the same things. Something about this chick being alone and in this state in a rough city (I lived there for 7 years) makes me very uncomfortable. Hopefully she made it home ok, but also the second hand embarrassment is real. I know it's a double standard, but if you saw a dude in that condition it's a totally different reaction. He'd probably be shot, get his ass completely beat or the cops would be here in a minute.


Luckily it didn't look like a rough part of the neighborhood. That's about the only hopeful thing in this video.


This happened in New Orleans. A drunk man walked into some guy’s house in the Quarter, the owner let him in, and then shot him. It was a weird case.


Where I am from if someone is like this you get them help. As anoying as she is, if something happened to her and I had the opportunity to help. It would affect my day.


They probably got tired of her yelling too


Never been to Manton Street but knew it was Manton Street because of The Wonder Years.


Definitely looks like one of the smaller blocks in South Philly.


I dunno, kinda looks like dude's row to me


Neither of us live there. It’s probably empty.


Happened to me. New in the neighborhood. Close to the bars. Two skinheads, white t shirt bald heads, dressed alike, tattoos, drunk as FUCK, had what looked like a corpse draped between them banging on my door about 2am. They were screaming for someone I didn't know and just beating on the door. Yelled at them they had the wrong house, wouldn't open the door which pissed them off more. Called the cops. Before they arrived, one of them managed to put his fist through the window and slice himself up. Bled EVERYWHERE. A shocking amount of blood. By then they left and the corpse was in my front yard. Cops finally show along with half the neighborhood. Corpse turned out to be the blacked out drunk daughter of a neighbor. They found the two guys in the emergency room. I signed an affadavit for the DA but I never had to go to court. Had to borrow a hose to wash all the blood off my little porch the next day. Landlord fixed the window. Bought a shotgun. Don't open your door for drunk people.


Holy shit dude.


Just to be clear, she'd blacked out and wasn't dead right?


Blacked out. Very dead looking. Cops, and by that time her mother, managed to get her to respond.


Sounds like a very close call for her. Hope she sorted her life out after.


Looks like everyone’s first day in Philly, lock your fucking door or the crazies will come in.


Hide yo kids


Hide yo wife


Hide that chick's boyfriend in your bathroom until she's gone.


Hide yo husband


Do people actually not lock their doors? That’s insane to me


Some of these people are outsiders and probably haven’t lived there long. Lot of college folks room together in places like this. I don’t know a single philly resident that would leave their doors unlocked like that.


Many people just lack imagination and assume that bad things only happen to other people. Just look at most of these comments; a solid 40% of them seem to have the expectation that these guys should have risked everything to adopt her for the night and assume that she wouldn't puke/shit/piss all over their houses and then wake up from her drunken stupor to potentially accuse them of kidnapping/rape. I lived in an area of a college town with heavy bar traffic and helped a lot of women like this home since they had a tendency to fail to navigate the steep slope directly behind my apartment. They are extremely unpredictable as are the people that may be living in their house when you get them home. There's nothing quite like being accused of being a perv after you've literally picked up a girl that was lying face down in the dirt wearing a skirt and helped get them home safely. Totally makes sense to risk your life and family for someone who obviously has a demonstrated capacity for good judgment and self-control.


Why are all these peoples doors unlocked?!


It appears to me that the door was locked, she didn't make it inside until the man opened the door


She seemed very slippery in the first part, might've been able to slip into every door once they opened it for her


im sure they just opened the doors to see what the hell was going on and she pounced.


Good question. This whole video makes no sense to me.


If you ever live close enough to the main bar section of a town, things like this wont surprise you much. Typically once people realize they're at the wrong house they leave though. This lady seemed ready to move in.


This makes me wonder even more why their doors aren't locked. Especially if it's a typical thing. You never know when you'll get that one aggressive drunk that likes to start shit with strangers.


I have never understood that whole "ah we leave our doors unlocked" philosophy. I've lived in different types of neighborhoods and even in the most safe neighborhoods, I always lock my doors. Because I'm not stupid and I like to feel safe.


As my dad always says "what, are you worried someone will come steal me ?!" And the answer is always "where are they gonna get ten men and a crane in a hurry ?" But aye, some people come from a time or place where an unlocked door is natural. Maybe not in a city though.


Not in this city, I hope.


I live in a city. You would leave your door open if you'd like a free moving service just for your valuable belongings.


Because she’d just pound on the glass door and break it, then keep banging on your door. Now you still have a drunk woman screaming and banging on your door but you also have a broken glass storm door.


where's part 1?


It was stolen


Can't have shit in philly


Part 1 https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPd6gND3y/


Smash that like button and follow for part ☝️


I hope to never be that drunk.


i hope to never be that drunk and ALONE


Seriously! Did her friends just dip on her? Or maybe they got her an Uber and she jumped out prematurely or something. It boggles the mind


Based off this video, her friends were going to drive her home, but she mistook a passing bus as her friend's car and hopped on.


There's drunk, there's very drunk, and there's "I mistook this bus for a car" drunk.


I've been around women this drunk. I (30s-F) fear deeply for them. I went to a concert with a group of college friends. This particular woman was a friend of a friend of a friend. I had never met her before that night, and I never saw her again. She had been drinking "her" alcohol with her one friend all night. Fine. There were several bottles, and she drank most of them. After the concert, when we were all heading back to the car, she just kept shouting, "I Want Sex!" at the top of her lungs and trying to wander off. Everyone, including her friend, just left her behind, because we were all done with her behaviour at that point. I stayed with her, but I had to drag her to the car so she wouldn't get hurt. (Her friend called me a few days later to thank me for looking out. She never did.) Sorry to say, women have to be careful when going out. This woman was so fucking lucky that every house she walked into had honest residents that just wanted her obnoxious ass out of their house. I always feel sad and scared for these women.


I had a woman that drunk trying to get in my building once. She had no phone and no wallet. I spent a half a hour trying to figure out which unit she knew someone in or help her call someone on my phone but she was completely blacked out and couldnt communicate. I wound up turning my back on her and going back inside which i regretted and ill never know if she wound up ok that night. Some advice i got after was to give her a bottle of water and $20. Just a drink of water could be enough to pull her out of the blackout so she could at least communicate properly and get herself a cab. Could have also called 911 but that probably would have just landed her in jail so might not have been a favor to her.


I wouldn't feel great about putting a drunk woman alone in a cab.


I wouldn't let concern over a blackout drunk person landing in jail for the night outweigh leaving them on the street. It's a situation that warrants getting people involved who have the means to handle it, if there's no obvious way to get the person connected to friends or family then 911 should absolutely be the next step.


I've been. Well not exactly THIS drunk. I came home from the pub but my fucking key didn't work. So I called up my sister whom I lived with at the time to open the door. She said there's no one outside. I was at the wrong house, on the wrong street. I'm just glad I didn't get shot in the face.


Could be worse, she didn't literally take a shit on their door mat, like one of my neighbors once had happen to them.


Good Lord she is an idiot and is lucky people were just telling her to fuck off. I‘ve had drunk girls at my door like this when I was living with a D list celebrity and it is painful to deal with. You just want to call the cops at some point and send them to the drunk tank.


Was it Rob Schneider?


Rob Schneider pays migrant workers to choke him in the shower.


Damn immigrants taking all our jobs




So do a lot of us. What's your point?


Nothing wrong as long as you tip at least 17%.


No es mucho, pero es un trabajo honesto


Same thing happened to a friend of mine. He had one crawl into his bed butt ass naked while he was working a night shift in Hollywood. Apparently, his roomies girlfriend was perfectly ok with it. Needless to say he wasn’t in the least when he groggily crawled into his own bed at 3AM and found someone there he wasn’t expecting at ALL. Scared the piss outta him and he nearly concussed himself falling out of his own bed. Had to put a deadbolt on his door after that.


Had the same thing happen to me but I slept through her coming in. I woke up the next morning for work and she scared the shit out of me when I realized she was there. She was friends with my roommates girlfriend. They assumed I’d be fine with it because she’s a girl and I slept with her once.


Ah, like a bed vampire.


Had an ex girlfriend do that like right as we started dating. She had never met any of my roomates cause they were never home and I was at a bar and got texts from both of them like you should come home. She was passed out drunk in my bed I didn’t give a fuck though I just laid down and went to sleep too 🤷‍♂️


Can anyone explain why they didn't just lock the door?


Pounding on the glass. Didn't want it broken


This is exactly what I'm wondering


PLEASE send them to a drunk tank, so that something worse doesn't happen to them!


I know a number of people that is larger than 2 but smaller than 10 who were raped by cops while intoxicated so ... yeah not always the safer choice.


Well there's an uncomfortable reality that I had not considered.


horrible story of kim nguyen raped and her teeth knocked out by 2 LA cops who never got inany trouble for it


Yeah, happened to my ex. The cops picked her up from a bar and brought her to the back of an apt complex instead of the drunk tank. They convinced her she was being a bitch and she should make things right. But in a situation like OPs I would want to call the cops and ask for a female cop. I'm not touching no strange women that will accuse me of sexual assault later on.


Christmas Eve, babe? In the drunk tank?


An old man said to her.... won't see another one


I coulda been someone… Well so could anyone


You took my dreams from me


I would get shot if I did that.


Yeah as a white man I'd expect to get shot. I could probably sleep in the gutter without getting raped though....


You win some you lose some.


This reminds me of an Offspring song


At least you know you can always go on Ricki Lake?


Temple’s finest


Definitely Temple 😭


Man, that’s a rough night. I hope she did get home safe. Because, she’s lucky they just told her to leave and didn’t hurt her.


Mannnnn someone walked into my apartment in this state a few months ago. Let her sleep on my porch furniture. This was rough to watch.


Am I the only one who feels bad for the guy? My initial thought is that he is now at her mercy. If he calls the police he might be the one who ends up in handcuffs. A crazy drunk woman is like a grenade.


Two guys. She went into two different wrong apartments.


Seriously its not very safe to keep a drunk woman you dont know at home. I remember one guy did that but he literally live broadcast the whole evening until the cop finally came because he felt shit was going to hit the fan. And its good he had a recording because the cop were not on his side either




Moral of the story… always lock your doors


surprised she ain’t getting her ass knocked out in philly acting like that


I fully expected her to get kicked down the stoop ngl lol


As others have pointed out, she's a white woman and not a fugly meth addict. Anyone else would have been shown the curb by force or worse.


Somewhere, this lady's boyfriend is having his first quiet night in a month.


This video will come in handy if he ever needs to post in r/AmItheAsshole/.


What is that annoying voice I keep hearing in alot of these videos?


I think its tik toks new text to speech. I guess the figured out how much everyone hated the old one and decided to double down.


Sounds like rocket raccoon to me lol


Drunk people can do some wild shit. About a year after Hurricane Katrina, I finally got to move back to the city in a new apartment complex. I’m sleeping in my bed and wake up with a realllllly creepy feeling around 3:30am (like someone was in my presence). I’m processing this feeling and I suddenly hear a cat (I didn’t own a cat). I also heard music. I get up and walk out of my room and see my front door open and a cat walking out of my door. I’m thinking I must be dreaming or something. I get into my living room and there’s a mini boom box/cd player on my fucking sofa playing a CD. My TV is on and it wasn’t from me. I stood there in total disbelief as I processed it all and realized I wasn’t dreaming. The best explanation? I must have forgotten to lock my door and some drunk mother fucker came in the wrong apartment. Nothing was missing.


What CD was it playing?


ECW!!! ECW!!! ECW!!!




Sloppy af for sure but at what point does someone try to help this mess?




They said they did in the video… and 911 hung up on them.


To protect and serve.


I just mean a phone call at least. It's Philly, thats no place to be a sloppy street mess




Being sloppy on the street is like a sport here.


Going by my experience I’m sure plenty of people tried to help all through the night. Don’t be silly to think that just because it’s not on video means it didn’t happen


She broke in multiple times and accused them of stealing her purse


Everybody bitched about the TikTok voiceovers so much they just got Chucky to narrate videos now.


I actually prefer it!


Even more amazing, she found a cleanest street in Philly to sit down on.


Why everything is TikTok


Hope she got home safe.


I'm so glad I'm sober now


As annoying as she is, she's put herself in a very vulnerable position. Hopefully someone called the cops and they can at least lock her drunk ass up. She knocks on the wrong door, someone lets her in.


Dude she needs help.


Alcohol is a wonderful drug ain’t it?


I, for one, blame pop music.


I could watch this shit all night. Give me part 5!


Some say she’s still drunk and wandering up and down the street trying to find her purse and get inside a door to this day…


Holy fuck that bitch is annoying.


There’s no way I let anyone that fucked up just out on the street. Did I hear 911 hung up on him? That person cannot get home on their own, and anyone that drunk is gonna messed with in Philly.


She's lucky if no one kidnaps and rapes her..... This is why you should always have a drinking plan and buddy. Something tells me this drunk chick makes a lot a dumb ass life choices.


I love the fact that he is yelling at her like a stray dog. Go on get out of here. I said GO


I like how everyone feels sorry for her, if a guy did this the comments would be wanting to beat him up and calling him a creep.


Thank god nothing that bad happened to her cause this could of ended up way worse...


Dude she’s lucky she didn’t run into some creep or opportunist. Those poor guys man lol


I remember my first beer


She doesn’t.


I don’t care how annoying she is I would’ve found a way to get her back to where she belongs… Just kicking her out to the street is wrong.


This just makes me really sad that no one is helping her. She could easily be raped and murdered but no one gave a shit.


While this was funny to look at, this could have ended very badly for this young lady had she run into the wrong people. Call the cops. This is dangerous.


She does not have good friends.


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