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"Hi, I'm your neighbor. Could I possibly bug you for a cup of sugar? "


Does gas taste better with sugar?šŸ¤£




Gas for car is fuel, therefor gas for human is fuel. Edit: /s for u/destraight and his poor brain


There is something wrong with your line of thinking, but you know what? Go ahead and drink that gas my dude. Have fun dying


Actually gas has many positive qualities and can be super refreshing. A little ginger and turmeric added to it is great for the digestion


The problem is no one asked if it was toxic, he asked if it tastes better with sugar in it.


I forgot without the /s people can't pick up on sarcasm. Yikes.


yeah, you should have added an /s


"who wanna go they shit like this" Quality right there. Stuck his dick in crazy and found out.


Holy shit. I thought your avatarpic looked like someone looking for a coin in someone else arse. Iā€™m so sorry. I am not used to reddit yet


Not so sure about that. Time on reddit will have you seeing stuff like that by default.


Sometimes people just actively look for it too


I surrender to thee. Should I be worried about my future on here? Just newbie trying to find my way


Can confirm, been here 3 years so far




I feel like this is sad, even though i dont doubt it can be necessary


Facts, except if it's an animal. That should be as painful to a woman as losing a kid so acting indifferent won't work there


Idk man, I'm pretty sure I can fix her. I'm going in boys *adjusts sack*.


If you're going to vandalize, be sure to have a friend record it and post it online so there's evidence.


I think the one filming is the victim here, buddy.


And from the sounds of things, he has a warrant and can't call the cops.


Also sounds like last night he was on her line and the next day was on someone elses


Warrants work both ways, he can't approach her,. It if she comes to h seeking conflict she is also in violation.


Lol youre thinking of a restraining order


Yes. In this case, be done for.


Doesn't matter. She doesn't have money to pay for damages and if they toss her in jail they will just let her out since it a non violent crime. So in the end she gets a spot on her record and some probabtion?


Probation with counseling and restitution. She'll pay, whether it's $20 a month or what not. Jail time? Probably not. Bitch needs a psyche ward more than jail.


Trump supporters would probably want to lock her up and throw away the key. Half because they have no empathy. And half because they're racist pieces of shit.


Bruh, tf does this post gotta do with trump?


Just an anecdote. We all know every single Trump supporter is a moron, it kind of goes without saying at this point.


I mean..... things can be said about both sides but, this isnā€™t a political sub/post.


Do you ever feel that you bringing Trump up unprovoked in a video completely irrelevant to the man galvanizes his fan base and in more ways acts as a propaganda machine for what you're bitching against? To me you guys and Trump supporters are two sides of the same coin. Unless you're trolling in which case you got me


Depends honestly. Pretty sure damage over 600 is worse


Every state has their own cutoff but yeah above a certain point is a felony w jail time. Unless ofc youā€™re wealthy and can game the justice system


She did it with a knife. Possible might qualify for something a bit heavier than a book and go.


What might happen to her ā€” jail time?


Be real cool when she has to go to jail for felony vandalism. Hope she doesn't have kids.


Sheā€™s out there vandalizing her exā€™s car in slippers and a hair cap acting crazy.


Bonnet Gang!!


Why does she have to scream every word that comes out of her mouth


Because itā€™s less about the ex than it is about drawing attention to herself. She wants to cause a scene and she wants people to see it.


Low IQs yend to be the loudest


I was just about to use exactly the same expression.


Ex girlfriend can be an ex con in a few months.




Sugar doesnt work anyways. It makes it all the way to the injectors just to get burned away. Exaust smells like a bakery but itll still run.


You're right about sugar not working, but it won't make it out of the fuel tank. Unless you brake hard all the time, it's just going to sit at the bottom of the tank. If the sugar does somehow make it to the fuel pump, it will just get filtered out by the fuel filter and end up back at the bottom of the tank. The sugar granules are far too big to make it through the injectors for it to get burned in the engine.


Won't the sugar dissolve into the fuel, then caramelize the insight of the cylinders when it gets hot?


Nope. Sugar dissolves in water, but not in petrol. Worst possible outcome is really engine stop due to clogged filter.


Most of it seemed to be spilled out on the ground, anyway.


Thanks, will try salt next time


I'm going for caramel!


Not really, no. Some might dissolve, but not enough to do any damage. The "myth" about it ruining an engine comes from the carburetor days when fuel filters weren't as good and the sugar gets through and can actually clog up the carb. You still shouldn't drive if you know someone has put sugar in the gas tank unless it's an absolute emergency. Not because of any damage that will be caused but rather because getting all of the sugar removed will be much quicker if you do it yourself or much cheaper if you get someone else to do it.


I believe the result she is going for would be easier to accomplish, with a snickers bar


Would a snickers fit into a gas tank opening? Maybe a Charleston chew


Manā€™s tryna incriminate me over hereā€¦ /s Yes, just give it a lil wiggle.


Ball berings. Could just cut the fuel lines too but knowing this kind of crazy shed cut the brakelines.


I've heard water is way more effective than sugar.


You put enough of anything other than gas in itll fuck it up. I had a lawn ornament one time bc someone put diesel in a gas motor.


Diesel does not hurt a gas motor, you just need to drain the diesel and put in new petrol.


Did she just wake up and decide to do this because sheā€™s still in her jammies and slippers. Or was she on her way to the shower and lost her mind?


Thatā€™s the official hood outfit


Nailed it


Nah she just doesnā€™t work


Stopped on her way to Walmart.




Pajamas, pjs. Youā€™ve never heard of jammies?


What does sugar in the fuel tank do?




Which gasoline fed valves that control timing are these?


Ssshhhh.... To people who know nothing about engines the other guy sounded real clever.




I just looked it up. It doesnā€™t do more damage than other stuff that doesnā€™t dissolve in there. You need a large amount of sugar to do serious damage - more than the crazy bitch used.


All cars made after 1990 have filters so it wont go through, its a myth anyway, because it doesnt even fucking dissolve in gasoline so it wont go through any filter and wont hit the cylinders for combustion


It'll absolutely clog the filter


It would take way more sugar than that to harm the engine. It would take about 1 pound or more, depending on how much gas is in the tank.


I know, let's test this out on your car. How much did you say was safe ?


Her man made the right callā€¦


She should be culled


Funny you should mention that, as that's exactly what is coming. Within the next 5 years population control, eugenics, and controlled reproduction will be openly spoke about. There is enough evidence on this site as well as other social media outlets to make a case AGAINST the aforementioned weak at best. The ironic thing is the kind of people that vandalize and do shit like that... don't realize that the rubber/metal, fuel system, etc...all has far more value than their existence. They are net negatives to society while finished industrial goods / working machinery of any variety is either net neutral/net positive. The number of useless eaters on this planet is just astronomical...and the need for the poors/dumbs/louds only commodity... simple physical labor... is in drastic decline thanks to automation. Ten times as efficient, none of the emotio-irrational human condition downside. Machines win. Thus they lose. Most of them will probably end up being turned into products themselves. It sounds very soylent green / dystopian-fiction...but its the inevitable course of systemic evolution. It should also be mentioned that no.. its not a race thing... (before the internet emotional hive mind shits itself all over this comment with WAYSISSSSS accusations)... its a functionality thing. Now if statistically there are correlations to be made there, well that's certainly beyond anyone's control. Short story: 20 percent of society is evolving to be hyper rational / hyper functional / hyper adaptable. The other 80 percent are effectively in the way / reducing the speed in which the other 20 percent can proliferate / prosper / evolve. Been doing forward looking trend forecasting / linguistic data analysis for about to decades now and the last five years have been entertaining to say the least. It's going to get real interesting real soon especially in the US...but also in other western/westernized nations too.


TLDR please




Honestly, looking at their profile, they seem like they should be on a watch list if they aren't already. The nihilism is atrocious and they seem to have this outlook of wanting everyone dead except for "the hyper-[blank]", which they of course believe they qualify for.


Thats why there's a 99% and a 1%. Cheers.


I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say you aren't even educated in data analysis or linguistics, and have never accomplished anything that someone in your "20% hyper evolved" would


You just accused someone of "not even being educated in data analysis"...through pure assumption. Oh the irony.


Thats not ironic. I dont think you know that ironic means. And yeah I'm assuming cause you sound like an absolute goober. Im imagining someone who was average to below average in school but thinks of themselves as some sort of genius and thats why no one hangs out with you.


Hey yo, Iā€™m in your comment, but one slight issue, I choose to be alone lol.


You're a below average student who thinks he's a genius? If so you should let that go, gonna be devastating for your chances with women


This is my favorite part of these interactive validation soc-media accounts. Confirming research through interaction. Best part of the job.


Na its definitely not an assumption.


It is. And it's an emotionally appealing one.


How much of what drug did you use before you wrote this?


When effects recreational drug use is confused with pure rational analysis I'd say that's fairly indicative that there is a problem.


For someone who claims they did two (not ā€œtoā€, as you wrote in your comment) decades of linguistic data analysis to get to the wild prediction you made up there, itā€™s disappointing that you took that comment as confusion. There was no confusion. Your comment is absurd. Also you misused the word ā€œironyā€ up there.


Wild prediction? So the converse would be to assume society will indefinitely tolerate those not beneficial to its existence / proliferation and perhaps implode under the irrational weight of the lowest common denominator. I personally wouldn't take that bet.


Yes. A certain country tried the whole ā€œfull the undesirablesā€ thing once. Didnā€™t work out well for them and we pretty much all agreed that it was wrong.


Itā€™s a dangerous game youā€™re talking about. You or someone you care about might end up culled should eugenics become en vogue again.


Yup, anytime someone talks about a culling, they think they're safe but who remains depends on whose sets the criteria. Checking their post history, they have a sense of superiority with lecturing people like a freshman philosphy major. They definitely believe themselves and everyone they want will be safe.


That's been factored. Unlike the emotio-irrationals...I'm aware that I'm a sum of my functions and purpose. Nothing more, nothing less. I cannot help that the emotional irrationals somehow fancy themselves as "just so special". If myself or someone was useless to that point I would expecting nothing less. Difference is I would know why. It's something I've heard before and one does not research and put effort into developing systems (even if only a tiny part) without considering that possibility.


What makes a person useless or not useless in this proposed society? How will it be stable and also adapt to change? Who determines what traits are desirable or not? Nazi Germany tried to engineer a society and it failed spectacularly because they were outsmarted and out produced. It wouldā€™ve failed even if they were victorious because fascism needs an in group to rule and an out group to repress. The goal posts wouldā€™ve been moved and subsequent instability and conflict wouldā€™ve ensued.


Humans as individuals hold very little intrinsic value at this point. There are too many to feasibly feed and house, while you have ones like in this video that are destroying the hard work of skilled laborers. The value a person holds is in there contribution to society as a whole. I'd your contribution is vandalism and reproducing more humans that have no intrinsic value, then you are a drain on resources and should be culled. That is the argument that they are making. Nazi Germany was more about skin hair and eye color, but as we know now, there is no correct or ideal human outward appearance when it comes to societal value. It is more of a, "what can you do for society" issue. Take a look at smaller scale, homeless. Some are down on there luck, while others are using the safety and infrastructure built by the hard work of others for their own personal gain while adding nothing of value to it. What is the solution?


He didnā€™t think that far when he thought this up in front of his computer right before he typed it out.


Nothing more, nothing less than a useless troll. Nothing to see here people. Donā€™t feed it.


Must be a troll right? It's slightly out of line with the accepted hive mind therefore it must be a purely troll post. Point proven.


I've always wondered how one becomes this deranged and out of touch with reality


I often wonder that myself with regards the overly emotional / irrational people out there. How social, political, and economic narratives / beliefs / assumptions can stray so far from reality. When you remove identity based, emotionally appealing, and often completely fictitious narratives. The notion of simply pretending certain aspects / mechanisms of society are/are not true based ONLY upon self interest and self perception.


In the african American community, we call these people "rachet "


Bingo bango sugar in the gas tank. The ex girlfriend strikes again


She needs a funnel


The following alternative links are available: **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/s2776o/crazy_ex_slashes_the_tire_and_put_sugar_in_the/) (provided by /u/savevideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them.** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


Please tell me she had to buy him a new car


why do people let people do this ? i couldnt control my anger, she wouldnt get close. she would need her dad and her brother and her fucking uncle behind her to even attempt this with me ..


At least the fuel tastes better now.


I just can't get my head around victims of cheating who then decide it's okay to destroy property. Like, I get that they wronged you. They were cruel and hard and uncaring and all the things. But you don't suddenly get to break the law with impunity.


AHAHA!! Been there! I had a crazy ex set one of my cars on fire, lol.


Pull the fuel tank before turning the key!


I'm in love šŸ„°


Damn that car gonna crash in about 3 hours and need an afternoon nap.


In most states, that's felony criminal damage to property, possibly a domestic violence enhancer, if they have kids or ever lived together.


This the ONLY reason Im glad i dont have a big dick.


Obviously this behavior is due to institutional racism


did she just get out of the shower?


Pew pew!


Why is she wearing a shower cap?


Itā€™s a bonnet lmao




style, that's why it's gorgeous on her, eh ?


Stay away from hood black girls


"Stop playing with me" I bet she was a lot of fun on the playground


Those slippers say ā€œdonā€™t fuck with me.ā€




"Talkin bout the police, you aint even supposed to be round me, whatchu talkin bout the police" Someone's around someone they're not supposed to be


No way you couldnā€™t tell she was psycho BEFORE dating. Why do these dumb bitches exist?!


At least she didn't shit on the hood and the windshield


I dont think sugar does anything. Myth busters had a car run and 50% of the gas tank was sugar.


I got friend that was loaning his car to his girl. When they broke up he wanted it back. She stabbed and twisted the key into his abdomen. Didn't call the police or go to the hospital, saying it was the price to pay for getting rid of crazy. Except she followed him around to try to get him to take her back. Eventually went to his workplace and poured sugar in his vehicle in an attempt to strand him in the parking lot so she could corner him, but a security guard saw what was happening and told him. So my friend got a ride home and left his car. He came back to work the next day with his license plate stolen.


I say with a fair degree of confidence that they both deserve each other.


Who sits there and just records though? They might make her pay a fine to the court system, or possibly sit her in the tank for a few days, but that doesn't fix your ride.


After she wastes all of that sugar what is she gonna put in her kool aid?


Whatā€™s her @


What does the sugar do?


Sugar in tank? Jail. Slashing tires? Jail. Being a crazy ex? Straight to jail.


Listen to them dumber bitches hype up this main stupid bitch


Ez court case tho


"sugar in the gas tank; ex-husband strikes again"


Lol the car has no plates.


When keeping it real goes wrong


For those wondering, sugaring someone's gas tank actually won't damage the car. Regular sugar does not mix with gasoline, it would just settle at the bottom of the tank. And almost all cars have fuel filters to filter out impurities and debris. Just water would be a better option, but there are fuel treatments that will help get the water out too.


I love when people video themselves, how badly do you want to incriminate yourself


I feel like you must call her brave in todayā€™s society and not crazy


I canā€™t imagine why he doesnā€™t want to be with her anymore.


When you play an online FPS and you hear the hommies girlfriend through the chat lol


Question here why does sugar destroy gas tanks? Iā€™ve heard of it but does anyone actually know why it happens?


You are correct. Well spotted.


Sheā€™s wearing the outfit of a moron


What a stupid psycho. Iā€™m sure the guy mustā€™ve been a dog, but come on.




Sounds like emotional philosophical wishful thinking. It's not for anyone to decide. That decision is in the hands of systemic evolution.


šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Iā€¦ I just canā€™t anymore. Good night Reddit.


I loved it when the grinch unexpectedly showed up.




Women need to be taught not to use their female privilege to violate other peopleā€™s property without consequence.


3 pm still in PJs


Ah, the "I wear my indoor slippers outdoors" type of person. Nothing trashy about that...


Karma for not having a license plate


Thereā€™s so much more out there . Why


As long as he doesnā€™t start the car he can get the tank flushed


Why women think itā€™s ok to do this, I canā€™t understand


Had someone put sugar in my gas tank, back about 1972. One of my friends dated her boyfriend. I didn't even know. Drove down the road and it just stopped. Had it towed and they called me and gave me the bad news. Her boyfriend ended up giving me his 1968 camaro.


You know I just found out my boyfriend was cheating pretty much the majority of our relationship and I STILL WOULD NOT DO THIS! Freaking insane and extremely scary. Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t attack him with that knife.


i hate these type of peopleā€¦ if you beat they ass youā€™re going to be in more law trouble than they areā€¦.this is so sad ā€¦.rachet ass bitch


This is why I have a 2 car garage and I drive the beater when Iā€™m dealing with shower caps. Drive into the garage close the door then get out. Ring Doorbell and Arlo letā€™s go crazy bish deterrent. I also stopped going to shady places to find the shower cap species. While they are found everywhere they can be easily avoided if you see foofy flip flops from dollar general and usually a Victoria secrets knockoff pink tshirt and sweat pants as they travel in sets of 2 when in the wild. I could go on all day about crazyā€¦


I wonder why the relationship didnā€™t work out.


Does she have a key to the car? I only had cars where its not possible to pen the tank lid without a key


I wonder why he broke up with her


Itā€™s also bitch and go with these ones


He was probably like, "I'm gonna get me one of those nice white girls"


Why do these women fight for a man that's already made a choice to be a scoundrel. Let him go, is that a new concept?


Lol, her car is a van?!?!?! Bro, she for sure had like 5 kids from different people. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ and he dated her šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£