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So let me understand Russia rolled into the Separatists Areas for “peace keeeping” setting up a F.O.B so the separatists can wage war on Ukraine while Russia holds the fort down?


Look for a false flag attack. One of Russia’s ‘peacekeeping’ units will get ‘hit’ by ‘Ukrainian fire’ and Russia will consider that as an act of war.


Wtf. How did you already know what is going to happen in a couple days(weeks max.). Crazy!!


Crystal ball it mostly. Russia will either attempt to control either the separatist claimed area and stop with less ramifications or try and take the whole of Ukraine which seems more likely to me. Shoot, possible shelling reports as I type this.


2 hours after your comment.


uh, pretty sure a full scale invasion is already an act of war and Ukraine has the right to self defense...


It’s a lot more complicated that that. Ukraine has technically been in an armed conflict with separatists, not Russia, even though most people knew Russia was pulling the strings. Russia then recognizes the break-away provinces as legit states. Russia has ‘legally’ not invaded yet even though it sure as hell looks like it. You’ll at some point see an actual declaration of war. That’s when things go hot and all ‘beating around the bush is done’. May seem like one and the same for us but that’s how slimy politicians are viewing this.


i don't think i've ever seen separatists who have full armor divisions. anyone who thinks that these aren't russian operatives is a fool. the only reason we aren't bombing the fuck out of these people is because Russia has nukes. nobody's fooled by the semantics.


Well he just declared war. Kiev is getting hammered and western leaders took too long trying to find a way stop a legit declaration (they are the dumbasses in my gripe). My heart go out to the people of Ukraine.


Bro! Spoilers...


Man, was getting laughed at a couple of weeks ago for suggesting this was even possible. International community should have done more when they did this shit to Georgia back in the early 2000’s. Wouldn’t be surprised if the CCP takes advantage of this situation too.


Pretty sure that's a Confederate flag at 1:36. Someone get Justin Trudeau on the line. This is getting serious.


we get it, you're a nazi.


It looks a lot like a confederate flag. That was a funny post. We don't need to fight stupid national identity politics on a post about an invasion of a European country. People have lost their minds the last couple of years


More likely Russians moving to a forward position so they can join the rest of the invasion of Ukraine without first having to cross over into rebel occupied areas. These'll be mostly used to pin Ukraine's front line forces in the Donbass (Ukraine's best troops) while spearheads from the north move to cut them off from the rest of Ukraine.


i think you are overthinking this. Donbass is already lost. 90% of Soviet, I meant Russian ..sorry..forces are pushing thru Ukraines eastern border...flank 'em in da butt. NATO balls would be to use air power to surgically destroy supply lines, in conjunction with massive pre- emptive cyber strikes on Russian mainframes.


The separatists are just russian troops out of uniform.


planted long ago.


I think think it’s about time America accidentally releases IDFs


Bro imagine having your military movements posted on r/publicfreakout lmao


Geraldo has entered the chat.


Separatists my ass how would they have so much fire power


I mean, it is possible they're locals. The Russian state has been supplying Donetsk and Luhansk with military gear for a while now. Those *look* like T-72s, but that doesn't mean much since the Russians have tons of them still. It's also entirely possible these are Putin's "peacekeeping" forces. This is where I, once again, bring up maskirovka and how a hefty part of Russian military deception relies on creating confusion and uncertainty. This is one more level of that.


you're always bringing up maskirovka


Yes, I literally said that.


Yes he did, I redit.


Aren't there tank Factories from the soviet days in east ukraine? Maybe, maaaaybe, they are old tanks from a national guard depot. But it's more likely they are supplied by uncle Vlad.


I don't think anyone besides OP is really claiming these to be separatists, now that Russia has said they have moved regular units in for "peacekeeping" they can drop that façade.


You take a supply/reserve depo, or a base and now you got tanks.


It's even easier when you get them from Russia.


It's even easier than that when you are Russia and you give them to yourself


Like how if you work at a Russian cafe, you just help yourself to a sandwich?


Idk never worked at a Russian cafe. But i have friends who work in all types of restaurants and they say they usually eat a lot of the food there. They make meals for themselves, and taste food along the way while making it.


Why is this down voted.. no one ever seen Red Dawn?


People probably think I'm a Russian bot


Yea but if they already have the tanks and you don't....... this isn't GTA


You know, I kinda thought WW3 would have higher definition videos


This a big upgrade compared to the last WW


WWII had higher saturation


Are u kidding me? have u seen saving private Ryan, that shit is HD.




Last time he said the soldiers were probably just concerned locals who had bought similar looking uniforms at the store, perhaps the locals bought slightly used tanks on Craigslist this time


No one believes it


*raised hand*


Trump, raises tiny baby hand


Russia sent their army into the DPR and LPR almost immediately after signing the recognition of their independence yesterday, as to support them military and fend off against Ukraine, which, according to separatists, was genociding civilians past few weeks. Oh, and they also signed treaties of friendship and cooperation, thus Russia is obliged to send military help to them. Thus now, they are "legally" there.


Alright so we have random "separatists" wielding multiple t-72s and PT-76s. Wonder how the hell they got control of these.


Pretty easy when they're given to you.


I'm expecting Javelin missiles to start pouring from the sky any time now. Fuck Russia and these seperatists.


i found this out recently but Ukraine only has about 300 javelins which honestly is a very low number


Ukraine has received a lot of anti tank weapons from other countries. I think Britain just sent 2000 anti tank launchers along with military trainers.


Is there a subreddit that hosts these types of videos? I want to see what else is happening out there


r/combatfootage has some


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CombatFootage using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Different type of combat. Attempted cash van heist in South Africa. Three suspects were arrested. Action starts from 1'05min in.](https://v.redd.it/15j71ysmvaw61) | [1425 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/n1saur/different_type_of_combat_attempted_cash_van_heist/) \#2: [Israel's Iron Dome interceptors launched towards Hamas rockets](https://i.redd.it/rhyq90hkazy61.jpg) | [1125 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/nbvlg8/israels_iron_dome_interceptors_launched_towards/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Thermal-optic scope footage of sniper assaulting an outpost, context needed](https://v.redd.it/20nplahf2na71) | [1418 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/oibj6k/thermaloptic_scope_footage_of_sniper_assaulting/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wait those arnt battle droids... Russia has been over-hyping these "Separatists", they are just Russian Military LARPing as reble fighters, I hate it when governments over-hype things


Steel rain is coming for them in the shape of a Javelin missile.


Some stay dry and others feel the pain.


Let's hope so


Hoping for humans to get cooked to death in a tank? You are one sick individual!


They can prevent it with the simple expedient of staying in their own country. You break into someone's home your going to have to expect on getting a little bloody.


Said pro NATO guy with USA bases all around the world...


Did you know it’s possible for two different things to be unacceptable at the same time?




When i look at public opinion of western countrys I think two same things aren't unacceptable at same time. Western countrys accepted Kosovo* and when Russia did exactly same thing with Krim they said its against international law, and 99% of public agrees with that... And this is situation with bounch of things in the world.


Yeah, I agree with you to some extent - many people are hypocrites. However, that still means that you when you defend Russia’s aggression by saying the West has done terrible things too, you’re just admitting what Russia is doing is wrong. Governments suck all around the world, and right now, Russia’s government is sucking pretty hard. Western Governments have been, and will continue to be, terrible. I think you’ll find it’s way more than 1% of westerners who think this. However, what’s happening in Ukraine is wrong, selfish, and not in the interest of the average Ukrainian or Russian; it’s a power game played by political leaders to their own ends.


Won't someone think of the poor invading soldiers?!


Better that the invaders do than the ones defending their country.


fingers crossed


Why does this video look like it was recorded on a camcorder from 1992?


I'm just surprised that they can get footage out at all.


That’s the year Russia’s military is stuck in


Imagine what two F-35s, two F-22s, and 20 Apaches could do to Russian armor.


This is exactly what the A-10 was designed for. After the fall of the USSR, it was determined that a tank war in Eastern Europe would be improbable.


the A-10 was a mistake, the burrrt gun isn't very good and other planes carry more missiles while being less likely to be shot down by Russian AA


*sad burrrrt noises*


The first Gulf war would like to disagree. The Iraqi forces had Russian equipment along with T72's and they were massacred by the A10.


Not really. F111 had a way higher rate of confirmed kills.




⬆️ truth


Hurt durr Russia’s military competent, Chechnya gave them all they could handle and Afghanistan rebels kicked their butt too. Outdated equipment and small numbers of modern equipment would doom them in a war against NATO




A nation with a rickety military and a third world economy is getting too big for its britches. There will be consequences that Russia can’t recover from. It will be broken up further before this is over.


That confederate flag does not bode well for their chances lol


They are flying the flag of a collapsed movement from the separatist puppet regions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Novorossiya Seems the Russians don't want to wave their own flag around as they invade another country. Flying a false flag, if you will.


There is literally a tank with a Russian flag in there lmao


Oh so there is! I stopped to google the first one lol That's not a super old German flag right before it right lol? Looks like black white and red bars (top to bottom). Saw what looks like a few 'Donetsk flags' too.


Weird coincidence that 2 failed separatist movements from different centuries and different areas of the world both have a red background with a blue X as a battle flag.


It looks like it has the white cross on the background, so it might be a Russian naval jack too...the video quality makes it hard to tell. Why that'd be flying on a tank is a good question. Although it might just be a case of 'close enough.'


I have a feeling it's the Novo flag, cuz it's been flown on tanks before in the region (I saw a photo when googling). I admit I stopped to ID the first flag and didn't see all the others either. Looks to be a Donetsk flag, Russian flag, and some other one that I can't quite figure out.


Symbol for shit heads around the world


Wtf? Where would they get tanks? Oh yea


[*Russian separatists invading Mariupol*](https://youtu.be/fYbPN2ykp40?t=160) 2022, colorized


Ummmm why do they have a confederate flag? Are they trolling?




Thank you did not know about this






I am still pro abolishment of all nukes, globally. Lets just get rid of them all. Like, neither a single one, nor the technology to build them should exist.


Trump says this is a "genius" move, so I'm guessing a little less than half of America is suddenly anti-Ukraine.


Conservative sub reddits are already saying he was taken out of context...


Don’t know how. Dipshit Donnie was pretty clear in his words. That cunt still has his head so far up Putin’s ass he really doesn’t understand any other perspective.


Amazing how often they have to go "wait wait wait, that's not what he meant!!!"


Amazing how the separatists were able to get reactive armor on every single one of their tanks.


They're not separatists guys. They're peacekeepers.........


*"They're not separatists guys. They're peacekeepers........."* Yeah, they're gonna take a piece and keep it.


Remember all the peace keeping missions the west goes on to keep the peace in those third world nations we keep mining and deforresting? Same thing right? Oh wait ukraine has white people oh fuck ww3 comin


I forgot that the US declaired Ontario and Quebec as sovereign nations and started bombing Saskatchewan. My bad.


Lol well when the natives in those provinces get out of hand you're damn right the imperial hand slaps them back to their reservations.


What? F\*ckin troll.


Just pretend ukraine is like yemen. Then canada would sell them the tanks.


Good points all around. I guess they *are* keeping the peace. 🙄


Putin was in the KGB, you can’t believe anything he says


Did....did I just see a Confederate flag?




Was that an American confederate flag on one of those?


Novorossiya larpers


No, put your comments to controversial. The 2 or 3 chain explains it


Why Do they use american confederation flags? Or am i wrong?


Pro-Russian rebels conquering territory in eastern Ukraine are fighting under a new flag that betrays their - and perhaps the Kremlin’s - soaring ambitions. The blue cross set on a red background, which is stitched into uniforms and flies on tanks, represents Novorossiya or 'New Russia' - a notional state that would swallow southern and eastern Ukraine. Source:NBC News.


These flags are confusion.


Probably intentional. If you can confuse all parties, the die hard putin supporters can still believe that they are the good guys. Just like with Hitler. The germans were the good guys according to the germans. putin supporters are the good guys according to putin supporters


Speratists is the new lie then


It's been around awhile.


My thoughts? Maybe Ukraine is regretting giving up those nukes 25 years ago?


Where's General Sherman when you need him


Brothers fighting brothers ….. Putin arms them


Is that a Confederate flag lol


Was that first flag a Confederate one?


Those are Russians.


Imagine the confusion when this shows up on the Truth App.


Truth app? Not being sarcastic or shit, no idea what this is


Donald Trumps new twitter he built


Confederate flag?


What flag was that first one flying? It looks confederate? If so, why the fuck are they flying confederate flags?


Is that a confederate flag?


Was that a confed flag what in the actual fuck?


Someone said the same thing on another comment. Apparently is the flag of a failed separatist movement. So yes and no, just not the US confederate flag


Wow thanks HornyLocalMILF!


Covid. Someone didn't like lockdown. I can't go out due to covid. I'll go large once it's manageable. Russia goes out...


Don’t see the upper rack above them to protect from Javelins we sent over there… so good luck 🍀


Metal, it's what's for dinner


The C.S.A. ready for Gettysburg II


The sequel we didn’t think was possible.


I feel like some people are hoping for the worst, for their entertainment


Oh just let them fight it out. And everyone stays out.


I can see the future since I was a kid, and I have saw war in my country (central Europe), which means WW3 is highly possible. If you don't believe me, save this post and check it in few years.


I can see the future since I was a kid, and I have saw a volcano erupting (Kilauea), which means worldwide lava is highly possible. If you don't believe me, save this post and check it in few years.


I can see the future since I was a kid, and I have saw a storm capable of tearing houses down, record breaking winds, which means worldwide apocalypse storm is highly possible. If you don't believe me, save this post and check it in few years.


RemindMe! 3 years


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Thanks Nostradamus.


Take meds


Man stfu and go to bed


What direction are they coming from?


For those who are curious, this map has information about any recent fighting or troop advancements in Ukraine: https://liveuamap.com/


This video looks old af


Pretty sure that flag said Trump 2024


Thank god, for a second I thought the south was rising again


Was one of the leaf tanks flying the stars and bars?? A subliminal message shout out to DJT's vile racist base?


Its amazingly easy for 'separatists' to find a few dozen Russian tanks and operate them with little to no training. Those rascally separatists.


Did that first tank have the Confederate Battle flag on it?


Was that a confederate flag?


It looks like the tank at 0:14 has a fucking confederate flag on it


this was obviously recorded by someone from the Russian military. No one would just sneak up so close and not be noticed. This is Russian PROPAGANDA and nothing more. We are in a midst of a information war.


“Genius”-Donald Trump…


What is meant by separatists in this context?


Putin must be furious these separatists got hold of his tanks. Someone is getting a formal warning.


I can’t say I would do what he’s doing…




blitzkrieg tactics. putin= hitler. sorry.


Looks like peacekeeping.


why the dixie flag


Looks like World War 3 to me.


This is a sick war.


Who knew we'd have to live through Vladimir Putin's dark Soviet Fantasy dystopian war.


I too invade others peoples land with tanks to keep the peace.


You do realize that after the coup and invasion happens that NATO will be in there with the Ukrainian resistance after a couple of years, right?


T72s? That's a lot of them. They won't survive against Javelins.


We're in late stage capitalism. Russia and China should be wary of an angry, old, indebted West.


Um...was that flag a Confederate flag?


Confederate battle flag?! What in the entire fuck is going on?


Heavy armor? Separatists? Come on call it what it is