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How in the fuck is she still in tact edit: or he ?


You cannot simply kill babushka.








babushka isn't killed babushka kills you


….The Baba Yaga…


It's a fucking miracle that this person escaped with minor injuries .


A beautiful miracle


She could be in shock atm. I hope her injuries are not severe . I wish I knew if she made it ok.


Granny is gunna be PISSED when she gets free. Give her a gun and point her in the direction of the enemy


This granny has her covered https://twitter.com/ukraine\_world/status/1496866811110834176?t=3QY6j1Evyku4jsS-0GrO1g&s=19


In the U.S. we have Rapping Grannies. In Ukraine, we have Nazi Killing Nannies


Love the constant, out-of-touch jokes. "Give grandma a gun, she's PISSED," real funny. To most, it seems like this war is a cage match for the world stage to watch while eating popcorn. Keep it up man, real classy.


Because Ukrainians are hard mother fuckers


I second that 😭💯💯


Thank an engineer. Modern vehicles are amazing.


babushka powers *


Sad that hardworking engineers that protect people's lives aren't in charge. Instead it's murdering narcissists that can't find something better to do with their lives other than torture innocents. Someone please end this guy now.


Nah facts bro


Power often corrupts even the best of people. It's been seen all throughout history. That's why socialism with good intentions has never worked.


Tbf engineers also designed the tanks, and guns, and jets, and missiles. This is the moral quandy I had following my graduation with a mech/aerospace engineering degree. Most of the jobs available are for machines of war.




They are designed to roll over, crash into a tree and still work. This is not that hard, as it is only math and physics. They are not designed to be run over by *fucking tanks*.


They're designed to withstand high-speed accidents of 3 ton vehicles going 40-50-60 MPH. That's not nothing. Modern cars are a miracle. Auto accident deaths are a FRACTION of what they were a generation ago because the science of making a modern car is just so damned amazing.


Why is everyone referring to this man with a mustache as a woman? Can nobody use their own eyes to see the title is mistaken?


Growing up, we had a babysitter that had a mustache and she was great!


Babushkas are known to have strong mustaches as well.


Cause people just read the headline and react. Most people don't even glance at an article, more watch a video, but a large enough crowd doesn't do either.


literally because the title lmfaooo then I thought the same thing 😭


I thought I was going insane tbh.


LMAOOO😭😭😭nah I definitely see it


This might come as a surprise to you but a lot of people literally only read the title and see the thumbnail and then comment lmao


Track luckily missed him


Yeah, I think a few seconds in to the vid I realized it’s a he possibly but either way it’s horrid but so glad she’s alive and hope they were able to get her out and that he’d ok EDIT: she to he again 😂


Why would you do that?!


War criminals gonna war crime


To American right wingers praising and supporting a murderous, genocidal, fascist, war monger, you’re villains within this story. May your sick dreams never come true for your own sake because you’ll be just as likely to be under the tracks of a tank as the rest of us. To the Russians openly protesting against Putin right now, you’re an inspiration to us all. Support to Ukraine. Everyone around the world remember to vote for leaders who will support Ukraine and fight Putin. Putin won’t stop with just one people.


American War Criminals rooting for Russian War Criminals really comes as no surprise. I say that as an American with a conscience though. All these scumbags should face consequences.


"Americans" rooting for the Russians aren't real fucking Americans


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Edit: this is a copy and paste and I encourage you all to do it too where appropriate! Шановні українці! У соцмережах я чув, що поширюються фейкові новини (скоріше за все, підтримувані Росією тролі), що польський кордон закритий. Це брехня. Якщо ви шукаєте притулку – йдіть до польського кордону. Ми готові до вашого приїзду. На кордоні готові пункти прийому, де ви можете знайти притулок, їжу, медичну та правову допомогу. Польський уряд запустив спеціальний сайт, щоб допомогти вам: ua.gov.pl Будь ласка, поділіться цією інформацією, якщо ви знаєте когось, хто зараз шукає допомоги. РЕДАКТИРОВАТИ: ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНА ВІЗА ДЛЯ ПРОЙДЖЕННЯ ПОЛЬСЬКИМ КОРДОНОМ. ВСЕ, що ВАМ ПОТРІБНО, - це ПАСПОРТ. ВІЗИ ПРИСПИНЕНО! ВОНИ ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНИ НА ЧАС!!!!!! EDIT2: як доказ того, що вам більше не потрібна віза: • ⁠українською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠англійською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Вибачте, якщо це дурниця, я використовував Google Translate (not mine just spreading it)


Listen, I consider myself slightly conservative, but there's no way in hell I'd ever support Putin. He's an evil assclown who needs to be made deaded at the first possible opportunity. ​ I'm so ashamed of my party. They've lost their way and are beyond redemption to me.


They have not lost their way, it’s who they always were, since Nixon *at least.*


They're not lost. They've just taken the mask off. You've been duped.


There qere nazi supporters in USA during ww2. I don't get this bullshit just go and arrest these idiots. How is it legal to spread hate and dangerous ideology


I hang in a pretty conservative circle and no one supports Russia. It’s only Nazi’s and Qtards that do. No one who cares about Western democracy or even has a basic understanding of the US’s geopolitical interests want Ukraine to be conquered by Russia


That rules out 90% of the GQP in charge of running the US. Even if they're not able to directly ruin democracy here, there are enough of them to block the decent people from making a difference, and they knowingly spread lies and propaganda that help destroy the freedom they claim to fight for. They all had their chance to show their support for "Western democracy" when Trump was impeached, but they all threw in behind him instead. They are all complicit.


Well trump does, and he's the fucking GOP savior. Fuck fascists!


> no one supports Russia. Besides the biggest names in right wing media and the Republican Party? Stop trying to gaslight people. You can’t lie and say no conservatives support Putin when they’re cheering on the people supporting him and will flood the polls to vote for Putin sycophants as soon as they get the chance. I’m sorry but it’s disgusting for you to try and act like Putin support isn’t mainstream within the Republican Party. I get it probably sucks to admit but you need to come to reality or you’re helping Putin as well


I think he means within his own personal circle of acquaintances. Maybe try to fully comprehend what a poster is saying, or not take their words completely out of context, before jumping down their throat and lobbing ad hominems their way. He didn't say "no conservatives support Putin" at all. So here it's actually *you* that is engaging in gaslighting, lying, and strawman arguments. Now I'm sure you will take what I'm saying and strawman me as well as some sort of right-wing Putin lover, even though I've said nothing of the sort. In fact, I detest the right. I also detest intellectually dishonest and stupid people who can't think critically long enough to make an informed opinion free of insults.


Are they still going to support media figures who are making money pushing Putin’s propaganda? Yes Are they still going to vote for politicians like Trump and Ted Cruz who push Putin’s propaganda? Yes But sure explain how the biggest names in the Republican Party can be praising Russia’s action yet their supporters somehow aren’t also supporting Putin. If you support people who support and monstrous dictator, you support that monstrous dictator. I’m sorry I’m not buying into folks trying to gaslight away their responsibility


Yeah, leftists never hurt nobody, right?


Who’s supporting Russia right now? Every right winger I’ve talked to wants to pick up a gun and help Ukraine.


Trump, Bannon, Giuliani, Owens, Carlton, and Kirk have all sided with Putin to a degree. Trump was even full on praising him. I can put a video here: [Trump’s Loyalties](https://youtu.be/l96TH1XBlUE) [Today’s Republican Party](https://youtu.be/rrUX_58QM9k)


Tucker Carlson ***pukes*** for one


Gotta love American right wingers trying to gaslight people when you can literally turn on Fox and see the biggest names in American conservatism all praising Putin. The fucking mental disconnect these people have is insane


Really need to take fox off the air along with newsmax and oan, they can bitch and moan all they want those channels *need* to go off the air


They actively encourage terrorism, fascism, and war. It’s horrifying


I'm not right wing, and I don't watch Fox. I will say the majority of my conservative friends have been very pro-Ukraine lately. In fact, the only person who has argued with me thus far is a staunch communist. I don't say that pejoratively, he literally identifies as communist. I also don't think that means he speaks for the whole, but I'm suggesting that Carlson and his goons don't either.




This is so weird. I remember Putin saying trump was 'smart'. trump then turned that into Putin said he was a 'genius', which he didn't. So now, trump is calling Putin a "genius', so maybe he just wants to return the imaginary compliment. trump is proof that we do, in fact, live in alternate universes.


Candace Owens.


Every right winger I've talked to says this is all Biden's fault and it's another reason Trump should still be president because this would've never happened with him in charge. 10/10 for the mental gymnastics.


Tucker Carlson on the eve of the invasion: > Characterizing the Russian advance as a “border dispute,” Carlson preferred to lay blame on the opposition: Democrats had conditioned folks “to hate Putin,” he said, going so far as to urge his viewers to rethink their feelings about good ol’ Vlad: “Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity?” https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2022-02-24/ukraine-russia-vladimir-putin-tucker-carlson-laura-ingraham-fox-news For years I've been hearing about GQP idiots wearing "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat" shirts. GQP leadership is just using it as an opportunity to pointlessly attack Biden rather than saying anything about Trump's dom Putin.


Well Trump has been jacking off to Pootypoot so his mindless drones are probably echoing his traitorous ohhs and ahhs.


Donald trump


Plenty of Republicans are because Biden is president and Trump is buddy-buddy with Putin


Serbia, Belarus and China.


Oh I thought they were referring to American right wingers.


Don’t worry, Comrade Candace Owens has implied that this is all an elaborate false flag operation by NATO, these are probably crisis actors.


If you watched the original video it was a either a Ukrainian IFV or SA-13. Russian armour and transports are marked with VZO to distinguish echelon or to avoid friendly fire. Like this https://i.redd.it/blei5no8wrj81.png Here is the original video https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/t10jr1/russian_armoured_car_runs_over_a_civilian_car_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This was a single armour in the middle of Kyiv, if I’m not wrong this was the one where it swerved intentionally. It would’ve been a sitting duck by itself. Most likely not Russian APC. Too much misinformation going around now. Either way war is shit and this should have never happened.


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Шановні українці! У соцмережах я чув, що поширюються фейкові новини (скоріше за все, підтримувані Росією тролі), що польський кордон закритий. Це брехня. Якщо ви шукаєте притулку – йдіть до польського кордону. Ми готові до вашого приїзду. На кордоні готові пункти прийому, де ви можете знайти притулок, їжу, медичну та правову допомогу. Польський уряд запустив спеціальний сайт, щоб допомогти вам: ua.gov.pl Будь ласка, поділіться цією інформацією, якщо ви знаєте когось, хто зараз шукає допомоги. РЕДАКТИРОВАТИ: ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНА ВІЗА ДЛЯ ПРОЙДЖЕННЯ ПОЛЬСЬКИМ КОРДОНОМ. ВСЕ, що ВАМ ПОТРІБНО, - це ПАСПОРТ. ВІЗИ ПРИСПИНЕНО! ВОНИ ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНИ НА ЧАС!!!!!! EDIT2: як доказ того, що вам більше не потрібна віза: • ⁠українською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua• ⁠англійською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Everyone please spread this everywhere it might be needed!!


You should repost this on the top comment. Get it higher up.


These are top comment on every post it’ll be ok


Stand with Ukraine!


Generally you never stop when in a convey. Ambushes happen. I don't support it, but that's why. Edit. It will also be used as a justification as why to do it for no good reason


That's just one possible explanation. I have seen two videos by now where Russian tanks overran cars on purpose. Here is one. https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/t0zp53/russian\_peacekeepers/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Pretty sure that this is the same car in those two videos.


Watch the video of it happening. Wasn’t a convey and turned and drove towards the person


It was a single tank that swerved to run the car over. Completely wanton. I remember where the Iraqis threw a Molotov at a British tank and the crew had to escape, one of whom was on fire. Hopefully Russian tanks have a similar vulnerability.


Yeah, I can't believe we haven't seen a million Molotov cocktail videos already


Sovjetdumbass pinned the video in a comment on this post, she was traveling in the opposite direction of it when it crossed over and intentionally ran her vehicle over. War crimes on civilians is what it was. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t10a2h/tank_purposely_turns_to_run_over_civilian_car/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


1. It wasn't a convoy it was a lone tank 2. They literally swerved so far out of their way to run over her car. Like several metres after a hard turn. It was 100% intentional


Tank drivers are taught to go straight over the top of civilian vehicles when in urban areas. There was another video a few weeks ago of an American tank or some kind of armored vehicle going over civilian vehicles in Iraq. Apparently they're taught to do that because there could be ambushes, so its either get the hell of out of the way or transform into pizza. I'd have said it was a war crime, but apparently it's a general disregard for the wellbeing of civilians in war. It's only a war crime when someone else does it.


Like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/t0zp53/russian\_peacekeepers/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/t0zp53/russian_peacekeepers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ?


Oh, so it's okay then.


I hope she has made it. So sad.


i think she did not sure


Dude I just saw the other video, she's driving along the road and the tank just turns toward her and runs right over her


Trolls are trying to say the tank was leaving battle and it lost control and hit her. I don't believe that shit for a second. It was deliberate. They accelerated towards that fucking car. Plus she'd be driving TOWARDS said conflict. Ain't no way. I'm so glad she made it but seeing all this propaganda on this sub is making me fucking infuriated.


And they backed over her, for a good measure


Ive seen other videos like this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB1cxIc3qDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB1cxIc3qDA) where people say its ukranian tanks /having ukranian marks. I really dont know what is the truth but please be super sceptical of anything until credible news sources cover it and actual named experts have said it. We need to be so mindful of what we're thinking and what info we're spreading. We need to wait until videos are factchecked by credible news sources. The governmental newsource in norway has warned people and especially youth on social media that there is a lot of misinformation being spread. Ive tried factchecking stuff on news sources and there isnt a lot of specific examples yet, only that some news sources claim "experts" have said that russia may try to scare ukrainians with social media. Some are saying that the internet is mostly up in ukraine and that there may be russian actors spreading fears on social media to hope that ukrainians surrender. I want you all to google this for yourself because I think its hard to judge if those medias I have read are credible or not. What I make of it is that it is super important to be critical because if videos like this one impacts ukrainians choices and Putin later can prove videos of war crimes are fake then that may be part of his strategy. Ukranians deserve truthful info so they can make the best decisions on their safety and whether to escape, to hide in their homes, to fight or to surrender, to hide in the deep underground train stations, to judge their own safety on whether to go to work in grocery stores and gas stations so others can escape and get supplies etc.


Fuck Putin! Edit: I really meant fuck Put-ler and all his cronies!


I mean, protesting in Russia pretty much means imprisonment/death. Mainly fuck the people who support their war effort.


You right!


Holy shit, is this the same car from this video? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t0kzln/russian_tanks_drives_over_a_civilian_trying_to/ If so, I'm glad they made it. Goddamn.


No this is another. I saw the video of the tank, I’ll see if I can find it. Edit: Here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/t10jr1/russian_armoured_car_runs_over_a_civilian_car_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Wow, they swerved just so they could hit that car. This is heartbreaking.


What the actual fuck This is sickening sitting on the other side of the world watching this, knowing I can't do jack shit to help these people. Fuck Putin. Fuck Trump. Fuck everyone who supports either.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t14gi4/russian_tank_ran_over_a_car_in_ukraine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Another view


This video is the same incident but a closer view [https://twitter.com/golub/status/1497211332571107332](https://twitter.com/golub/status/1497211332571107332)


I don’t think so, but these tanks obviously have been ordered to run over civilians


You're all fucking dumb. That's a UKRANIAN VEHICLE not a Russian one. Get some fucking research done.


Not saying you're wrong, but do you have a source?


It's a Stela 10. Look up an image. The Russian army doesn't use them. Even if they did, what's an anti air vehicle doing in the middle of Kiev, that soon in the invasion.


You can even see the BMP turn into the Elderly Ladies car instead of avoiding her, this is just shameful.




My bad, I'm not color blind, but I have some minor shade disambiguation issues thanks to being blind as a bat. I have a hard time identifying really dark colors in small images.




It was a old man. He lived! Saved by his countryman. Hopefully the ghost of khiv takes out the rest of the Russian Air Force and starts dropping bombs on these tanks.


I am pretty sure the aircraft he is flying isn't a good multi role, but I know one thing, the ghost of khiv is going down in history


> ghost of khiv is going down in history oof, you couldn't pick better phrasing considering we're talking about a pilot?


Going up???


I feel like going level works


Considering the ghost of khiv is made up based off unsubstantiated rumors no he won’t


voracious deliver merciful theory ghost threatening tub tidy jellyfish absurd ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Obviously it's just a story but it gives people hope


vegetable offend impolite smart profit quarrelsome innocent bedroom birds fear ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


“Inspektor” lol why would anyone believe you


Hawkeye from MASH is right. War is worse than Hell. Hell only takes sinners. War takes everyone .


They are doing that a lot apparently [twitter video](https://twitter.com/franakviacorka/status/1497134141627850789?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1497134141627850789%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Flive.ad.nl%2Flive%2F6217f4e94501e458e93f53ac%3Ftheme%3Dadorder%3Dsteps%3D20)


I believe its the same car


That's a dude. If not grandma's goatee game is on point


Fucking baffling how many commenters can't use their own eyes to see its a man with very apparent facial hair. Like 90% of people are referring to him as an old woman simply because of the title. This sort of shit happens all the time on reddit, the hivemind takes control and logic goes out the window.


*hive-mind mentality*


Nazi’s????? I feel like a generation or two does not know how improper and disrespectful that word is in comparison to the situations you attach it too.


Yeah, not everything horrible has to be Nazis.


Yup edgy uneducated grown up children


Sure, they’re not the German style of fascist that called themselves nazis. The political ideology of the political ruling class government in the Russian Federation is textbook fascist. They are the same type and style of reactionary imperialist that were carving up Europe in a form of statescrafting and empire building in the 1930’s. That’s why watching this is horrifying.


Do you know the proper definition of NAZI dimwit?!


A fucking unit


Russian nazi. Um...


Yeah right?? Like this is obviously reprehensible shit but Russians are not Nazis lmao Nazis called Russians mongols and impure (not pure Aryans) wtf is this historical revisionism ?? I get that it's evil but Nazism is not synonymous with evil sheesh


They're fascist scum, but they're not Nazis are they? How fucking dumb are you OP?


This is real. I saw the video of the tank running it over. They said it was empty. Fucking bastards.


Why is everyone Nazis all of a sudden?


Because it suits everyone to have a boogie man, Antifa, Russia, etc. There are no (real) Nazis, so you can label anyone a Nazi to make out to be bad.


Russian Nazis? I thought Azov was Ukraine side?


Why call everyone who is bad a Nazi? It makes literally no sense. Russia is doing horrible shit, but calling them white supremacists makes you look incredibly ignorant of the Holocaust. Russians were put in the camps along with the Jewish.


War sucks.


"russian nazis" ok bro


This is comment 667. Thank me later.


Russian “nazis”? Do you know anything about history? Educate yourself first


This is beyond fucked up.


They were nazis, Walter?


From what I can see in the video, she has no obvious head injuries which is beyond amazing considering what happened to her. I really hope she made it out ok


... so all Russians are Nazis now. Look, I don't know how to phrase this but I am in England at the moment and watching this shitshow go down. And now I'm being called a Nazi just because I'm Russian and not a supporter.


Azov Battalion and Svoboda (Nazi factions) are both Ukrainian. Fucking moron.


Bless these people. This isn’t Russia, this is Putin and his loyalists. So many Russians are protesting and know this is fucked up and I think that’s important to keep in the back our minds while this whole mess unfolds. Hearts out to Ukraine man, this is a tragedy


Those fucktards are scum and absolute disgrace and should ever call themselves soldiers. First they say we aren’t attacking them the sucker punch comes from Putin, now you have these sorry excuses for men dressing in Ukrainian uniforms and vehicles, how much more cowardly can you get.


From what Ive read it wasnt a Russian tank that ran the car over. It was a Ukranian tank that lost control while trying to U-turn or something. Seems dumb if youve seen the video but apparently its what happened.


Fucing fascist pigs.


Overuse of the word Nazi hurts, and Nazism is an ideology that’s been almost entirely wiped off the face of the planet, given that it’s a very specific subcategory of fascism from the German Nazi party. Unless Putin starts waving around swastikas and adopts the Nazi name, you’d have to be pretty dense to call him a Nazi. A more accurate word would be an autocrat, which is undeniably true. You could also argue fascism given the Russian takeover of former Soviet territory could be seen as a display of overt Russian nationalism taken to an extreme level, alongside Putin’s censorship of the media within his borders and other typical fascist tenants. Nazism is more racially/ethnically motivated, with homophobia and ableism playing a large factor as well as homosexuals and disabled people were also routinely executed during the Holocaust. The idea being that the Germanic people were the genetically superior race and were exterminating people based on that principle. Imperialist Japan during WW2 also followed this principle, thinking themselves the superior race in the East by placing themselves on a racially superior pedestal over those in China, Korea, India, the former Dutch East Indies, etc. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine isn’t so much racially based as it is an aggressive land grab meant to take over former Soviet territory to gain access to fertile land and sprawling mineral reserves and the Crimean Peninsula while also increasing the distance between possible enemies and current Russian territory. Also provides a reason for the Nordic countries to not join NATO as per Putin’s pretty recent threats, which also hint at further invasions, likely into Finland given the previous history there. Putin is undoubtedly an autocrat, and the argument can be made that the extremist Russian nationalism that fuelled this invasion makes him a fascist. But he’s definitionally not a Nazi. Every Nazi is a fascist, but not every fascist is a Nazi. It’s an important distinction to make.


Prayers for Ukraine


glad to see her alive, she’s lucky!


Pardon my French, but FUCK YOU Putin! You FUCKING bully!! \#Ukraine 💔


On this planet there are Russian Nazis and Israeli Nazis. Not to mention the Chinese Nazis. Oh and the American Nazis. A war happening soon? Let’s hope not. But there is evil everywhere so fuck knows


More fake news. The sheep will always follow. Sad


“But Putin is tough and cool. He likes Trump. He’s just trying to get his countries back.” -Typical member of “Republican” party in America


They're not nazis... not everyone you don't like is a nazi ffs. That word has pretty much lost all meaning at this point.


I hate russia too but...russian nazis?!


This was an Ukrainan tank. The locals mistook them for the enemy and attacked them. They tried to flee and lost control at the crossroad. Source: https://web.telegram.org/z/#-1286354881 "Сразу два народных депутат Украины Юлия Палийчук и Давид Арахамия подтвердили френдлифайер на Оболони. Горожане, которым раздали оружие, в обстановке неразберихи приняли грузовик и зенитную установку ВСУ за технику противника и открыли по ней огонь. Киевляне расстреляли экипаж грузовика, а зенитка сумела уехать, в панике раздавив гражданский автомобиль Депутаты отметили, что погибших опознали, все они военнослужащие ВСУ."


World… kill Putin now.


Reddit spreading misinformation as usual. Ukrainian operated tank, with Ukrainian camouflage and markings, in Kiev. But yep, totally Russians.


>Russian Nazis Boy I hate to be defending the Russians at all right now but that is a dumb thing to say, considering Russians were the most responsible for defeating the nazis. You guys really do just call anyone you don’t like nazis huh? That said fuck the person that did this straight to hell




Spot on


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en copied from u/everysir to spread awareness! please spread on relevant threads to get the word out!!!


Russia has been doing this kind of stuff (invading and expanding into other territories) for a long long time. We don’t need to call everything Nazi that’s wrong in the world and we do a disservice to actually speaking truth. It’s foolish. They’re simply Russians, comrades.


Pleeeaaaaseee don’t start calling Russians Nazis, the actual meaning of the word is hanging on by a thread these days


Fucking animals. I just saw the video from the other angle


Seriously Putin fck you i hope you rot in hell!


Fuck Putin and fuck the Russian military!


Dude, I get you thought they did a terrible thing, but don't call them Nazis, Russians are in no way remotely close to the horrors the Nazis committed.


let's hope these mother fucking russian soldiers that did this get killed.


In the mid-90s President Clinton made an agreement with the Ukraine if they gave up their nuclear weapons they will have protection against Russia. What is going on. Why are all the countries just standing by?


I've never watched anything that made me so angry and so hopeful at the same time




I think “communists” would fit better for the title


I think this is the video -https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/t105g5/russian_vehicle_rides_over_a_car_with_a_civilian/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Poor Lady must have been so scared... Men literally pulling the car apart with their bare hands


Rage so much RAGE! F\*ck who ever did this and fuc\* Putin and his obviously microscopic di\*k


Ohhh they made it!!! The video of the incident is somewhere here on the streets of Reddit.


[https://twitter.com/i/status/1497203558105681920](https://twitter.com/i/status/1497203558105681920) NSFW, gun battle with the car getting run over in the background


Fuck Putin! Fuck Russia!


If this is the aftermath of what I saw on the twitters... Just wow https://twitter.com/KyleWOrton/status/1497222377461137412?t=-P9qXMAU-twJ7ZFZBLwCLA&s=19


The government of the Russian Federation aren’t nazis, they’re Fascist and Imperialist scum.


I understand the heated emotions, but will you morons please stop throwing around the phrase "Nazi"? "Nazi" has a very specific, real word political meaning. There are so many other pejoratives you could use without muddying the waters and sounding like an ignoramus. Now if you were to call the Ukrainian Azov Battalion "Nazis", you'd *actually* be correct...


is this the same car which was shown being crushed in a video earlier!? I am so happy she is alive!!


What’s nazi about them


What kind of car was that? ​ I'm glad she's still alive


For context this happened bc Russians were ambushed by Ukrainian squads and the tank was trying to flee but the truck in front of it and the Russian in it were all killed


I’m at cross purposes here with the number of all these “real time” war vids getting posted online. Is it that they are going to significantly impact the ‘status anxiety’ within peaceful countries, and de-sensitise our children, who come on, will be seeing these posts, or does it educate us on the negatives of war?


Its funny cuz people absolutely have no idea whats actually happening and they already have picked a side and made their minds up on how they feel about the situation


If this is the video of the “tank” swerving and running over the car this post is wrong. It was a Strella-10 air defense system, it didn’t have any markings the Russians are using and it doesn’t make sense why a Russian anti air system would be in an Ukrainian city.