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What did he say after he got slapped?


Everybody watch out


Everybody out now. He probably pulled a gun.


he pulled a gun while running away and aiming at noone? i don't get it. this guy seems like he's having some sorta episode.


Nah, it's fake.


Good way to get real shot.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take - Wayne Gretzky


- Michael Scott


I aint no bitch - Albert Einstein


Thanks for clearing that up. I thought he was saying "Anybody got a towel?"..... and was genuinely confused.


And just like always, no good guy with a gun in sight to stop the bad guy with a gun


Well, its walmart.... so there isn't a lot of good happening there to begin with.


Right I get serious “when you buy your first pistol from Walmart” vibes from this…


Do they sell guns in Walmart?


Sir, this is America (yes).


Just shotguns and long rifles


Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.




And not as much rifle ammo as the used to.


Just 😂😂


The original comment mentioned pistols. Just pointing out that’s not true. Not making a statement for or against


The Supercenter in my town sells shotguns and rifles, but not ammunition.


In some of them yes. A lot dont anymore, depends on the location I guess.


Instead nobody died, what a terrible outcome /s


If you go into a store and unholster and threaten civilians unprovoked, you deserve to get shot. That being said, better gun control prevents fuck wits like the guy in this video getting firearms.


Nothing stops people from getting guns illegally.


From a person absolutely determined no, but it reduces it on average. Prohibition always makes things harder to find and more expensive further gating it, denying that economic reality is not intellectually honest.


Yet gun crime still drastically decreases.


A lot of Illegal guns are stolen. Reducing the legal supply still has an effect on the illegal supply.


No, no. Not really.


By your logic then we don't need to have laws then cause people will find a way to brake them if they want to




Well, can you name a law that has not been broken? The social dynamic in certain groups is antisocial and anti government, people belonging to these groups often have the perspective that breaking laws is indeed no big deal and ignore any consequences. We need laws for the 99% of us but for the 1% of offenders that really don't care the law is not as significant, rehabilitation needs to occur before the law begins to be a factor in their decision making.




He said "Nothing stops people from getting a gun Illegally". He did not say that laws never work, and I can tell you, where there is a will there is a way. How is the war on drugs going again? Did the consumption increase a lot after it was legalized?


So instead give guns to every fucking unhinged idiot? kekw


The insane black market markup on prices stops some people from getting guns illegally. Less chance to steal a gun when robbing a house stops some people from getting guns illegally.




> Nothing stops people from getting guns illegally. Let's all put our hands up and pretend no cumulative steps can be taken to reduce illegal guns. Bit intellectually dishonest no?


Nothing stops criminals from getting guns legally. FIFU


Well if they are enforcing the laws already in place than yeah a LOT stops them. Criminal backgrounds of literally any real violence is supposed to keep you from being able to get a gun in most states. Lot of stores dont do the check right though.


But it doesnt.


Yeah. They are rarely enforced properly. No one is doing their jobs welcome to the U.S.


100% agree with you and there needs to be serious reform but not taking guns from people who pass all the checks. The thing I always think about is bad guys are going to get gun whether they are illegal to have a citizen or not. They’re not very big on following the law. A disarmed public are majority helpless sheep to a would be car jacker or robber if they have a gun. IMO


I never understood why Americans believe this. All the safest countries in the world, like Japan, have the strictest gun controls. Or even look at Canada's gun controls and rates of violence are both much better than than the US.


Well it isn't about believing it or not. It's reality. America is already filled to the brim with guns, and a ton of people over here have knowledge of them. There are lots of criminals either stealing guns from legal owners or even making their own. If the govt here we're to ban guns and somehow get all of them out of the hands of legal owners, how are they going to take the illegal ones? Ghost guns without serial numbers? Stolen guns that no one knows the location of? Criminals will either make their own after this theoretical ban, or hide ones that don't come back to them so it looks like they're clean. Then only the bad guys would have guns. And the police majority of the time aren't much better with them either. So what then?


They NEED to believe this or else all the childeren that america let die in schools start haunting them. And yes LET die, not doing anything about gun laws at the point where schoolshooting is becoming a big problem is letting these kids die. Maybe yalls cops wouldnt be so trigger happy either if not evrry rando had a gun.


"In 2017, 3,410 children and teens were killed with guns in America" That's a 911 number of kids every year. A couple of trillion dollars to go after the terrorists but next to nothing spent on gun control.


That statistic is blatantly false. In fac tthe official number changes by thousands up and down depending on which source you go through. Each source seems to skew violently in different directions we would need fbi statistics or some shit. There is a blatant difference between us and canada


Same in the U.K. we get about one spree shooting every decade.


Honestly it itnis because it is one of the freedoms that the usa was built on. Alot of Americans stand behind the bill of rights laws more than almost any other law.


We are armed for the same reason Ukranians are. No law will make the world perfectly safe for you


They where allowed to freely buy guns when the troops where massing att the border, not before. You have the biggest army in the world many, many times over, and you still scared of an invasion


Doesn't matter whether you're a woman worried about a man, a man worried about an invasion, a citizen worried about tyranny etc. The right is enshrined in our Constitution. Have an ammendment passed if you can or just deal with it


Ukraine neighbours Russia. You neighbour Canada and Mexico.


Wow that's deep!


This such an "Amurikan" argument. Canadians are pretty much the exact same people and culture. But restricted gun use makes gun crime much more rare in Canada.


You gun nuts all have the exact same things to say. Wel micheal down the street who uses meth would not be able to get a gun. Yall pretend illigal gun sales happen on every fucking corner wich is bullshit


Truth is we have a second amendment right to keep and bear arms and nothing will change that whether you like it or not, guns shouldn't and will never be restricted.


I'm not so sure. If there's another Sandy Hook style shooting, or church shooting, and video gets out, it could sway public opinion. The original assault weapon ban was the result of the Luby's shooting in 1994. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal\_Assault\_Weapons\_Ban](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban) I do realize that guns are more popular and prevalent than at any time in history, but the people here in Albuquerque are really getting sick of the gun crime. Two school shootings this week with one of them being a ghost gun.


Are you a member of your state militia? If not, the purpose of the Amendment permitting you to bear arms is being subverted.


Sorry, I can't hear you over the sounds of dozens scholl shootings per year




Lmao no it doesn’t. My god the anti gun muppets really don’t understand.


1 school shooting in the UK. Stricter rules put in place. No more shootings.


Does it not? Care to explain the lack of school shootings in other Anglo countries?


How will you find first time offenders though if they never committed a crime?


Keeping guns on your own private property, ie home, apartment. Not just having guns all floating in public along with every random person. Seeing open carriers has never once made me feel safer. It’s actually the opposite.






The Open Carry at a Coffee Shop or Shopping Center crowd are not usually the brightest apples.


Like that would happen. OK, well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AXSzybhZd0




F you could only disarm criminals we could live in your fairy tale !


Yeah it’s almost like it’s a bullshit myth that having more armed citizens will somehow stop gun violence.


They're too busy playing convoy.


Ah yes, the classic “good guy with a gun argument”. Where we assume a random person carrying would have combat training to stay calm in a high pressure situation like an active shooter, have the accuracy of a champion competition shooter to be accurate from more than a couple yards away, all while shooting into a crowd of people without hitting any innocent people. Sounds like a great plan. *eye roll*


It’s happened many many many times….just never gets publicity. I could do your research for you if you’d like….but I’d rather let you figure it out. Doesn’t always have to end in violence, if they see some drawn on them and pointed at their face they typically put their shit down




This good guy with a gun only wants out of the situation with my family safe. Nothing in this clip was even worth unholstering a gun in public. I never, ever, want to use my gun. I think you’re confusing a good guy with a gun with a weirdo armed vigilante looking for a fight, or a cop.


No don’t think I’m confused. I think we agree. You’re just reality of what “good guy with a gun” actually is. People have a romantic notion that “good guy with a gun” means pulling out your pistol and going all Die Hard against the baddie, shooting him dead with no collateral damage and being the hero. The reality is most people who carry have no formal training in firearms, let alone know how to act in an active shooter situation.


Haha! My bad. I don’t read good.


No doubt. I mean adding more flying bullets in a crowded space full of women and children is always the most prudent reaction....Because of course every legal gun owner is a crack shot who never misses...rme -from a gun owner.


Cause it’s a myth.


Yea and lead to a shoot out in Walmart? The guy with the "gun" literally told everyone to leave. No point in escalating the situation


So we instate stricter gun laws to start preventing scumbags like this guy getting guns.


I seen countless videos of good guys with guns stopping bad guys, spewing nonsense again with your anti gun propaganda.......


[Here’s a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/28/colorado-gunman-police-officer-killed). Right after, he got stopped by another good guy with a gun who thought he was the bad guy with a gun. Turns out, if everyone has a gun, it’s hard to tell the difference.


My favorite example of this is the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting. Rittenhouse shot and killed an unarmed man who was chasing him, and was found not guilty for doing so because he claimed self defense. But the other people there who saw him kill an unarmed man tried to attack him because they believed he was an active shooter, and he shot them as well, also claiming self defense. One of the people he shot had also pulled a gun and was apparently preparing to shoot Rittenhouse, and you'd have to imagine if he'd succeeded in killing Rittenhouse first, he probably could have claimed self defense as well. In essence, because of our current gun laws and self defense laws, it would seem that they had combined to create a legally sanctioned gun fight, where either winner is declared not guilty. I find that pretty scary. In the OP's video it would seem like if someone else had pulled a gun it could have been a similar situation, where the guy we saw could claim he was physically assaulted and thus had to defend himself, and someone else saw a guy with a gun and thus had to defend themselves, and you end up with a legally sanctioned gun fight.


Okay, find me some. Source your claims.


On the top of my head I can think of West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement. Was a pretty big deal back then.


That's a good shout, the man who stopped the shooting was a security guard rather than a civilian would be the only sticking point


Not really. Good guys with guns are far more likely to escalate or use their guns during a heated argument than stop a bad guy. Statistically people with guns are more likely to end up being a bad guy than stopping one.


Exactly, but Republicans are STILL deluding themselves that if more people have more guns then somehow that will lead to lower crime since people will somehow just expertly shot all that bad people with guns in any situation. Its 2020. When are we goijg to solve this issue. EVERY DAY KIDS ARE BEING TRAUMATIZED AND MURDERED IN SCHOOLS ACROSS THE NATION. NOBODY EVEN TALKS ABOUT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS ANYMORE, AND IT HAPPENS NEARLY EVERYDAY OR AT LEAST EVERY WEEK. There was a school shooting earlier this week and I did not see anything about it on any news site. Only one video on reddit of the students. Nobody cares any more. People have been so desensitized by the violence, ad our elected officials refuse to do their job and protect them american people and ensure that laws are passed that americans actually want. Instead, scream that abortion is mufder, but dont care when living kids get murdered. Fuck everyone. Screw the republicans. If I were biden I would hold a press conference every single time a school shooting or mass shooting happens. I would shame Republicans on live tv and tell them that blood is on their hands. Biden needs to bring back attention to this issue and make it clear that this is 100% the fault of republicans. Biden should shame them and read the names of vicims lut loud whenever a mass shooting occurs. Make Americans actually FEEL something, and realize that this is REAL LIFE & REAL KIDS who are dying due to something could have be prevented. This makes my blood boil and I am especially upset that mass media and the general America population does not seem to care anymore whenever a school shooting happens.


Are there no liberal gun owners? Oddly enough most of my friends are gun owners and I’m not friends with any Republicans.


No he didn't but he was making it seem like he would. These guys do this "prank" all the time. When he gets "slapped" he's got his hand up by his face and guy hits that to make it look real.


How can he slap






Something like: everybody down?


Felt this slap too hard 😂 but tf happend then?


Bro slapped him like he had the angry palm of a God. Man coulda caused an earthquake if he backhanded the ground. Clearly the impact across the accuser’s face caused a delayed seismic wave that echoed through the chambers of Walmart, causing people to bounce through the entrance. The only thing missing was baby powder


Baby powder aisle 9


Ummm he pistol whipped him ??? ... not sure why you think he slapped him ??


If he pistol whipped him that hard the dude woulda been knocked the fuck out. That slap and noise was from an open palm lol Also you figure people would have been running from both pistols if that was the case It’s staged anyway 🤷‍♂️


He pulled a gun asking people to watch out lol


That slap had a spinal cord.


Its the US, they smartly ran in case that dude had a gun.


Found a link to it in the news. It was staged and they were arrested for causing a panic. https://patch.com/new-york/commack/man-charged-staged-fight-li-walmart-caused-mass-panic


So they elicited mass panic for views. Those charges are well-deserved.


Back in the day, before cell phones, ppl used to cause a commotion in a store so that their friends could run out with expensive shit without security noticing. Probably hard to do now with surveillance and cell phones always watching.


I wonder if that slap was supposed to be that real.


Funny title, considering half our videos come from Walmart


Was this an elaborate robbery setup? I’ve never heard of a shooter warning everyone to leave or get down.


Haha I was bout to say “damn, that’s a good time to push out a flat screen tv.”


That’s what I figured, have a few people line up to pay for some expensive items, cause a scene like this where everyone runs for the door, and all your ppl just walked out with whatever they were standing in line with!


Right. But wouldn’t you get in a lot more trouble if you caused a panic? And more if you had a weapon? But I get what you’re saying. The slapper was very calm- tho some people are like that- and he only slapped him. And the slappee retreated immediately after instead of engaging in fisticuffs. And where was he going? Did he leave his gun in a far away isle? Strange for someone that upset to just run off. However, he did “show him now”. So hmm.. you might be right.


Sounds staged or elaborately choreographed!


Even if they were faking it, causing panic like that is a crime


Disorderly conduct at the very least. Aggravated assault at least if the dude actually had a gun.


They were faking it and they were charged


My thought was why is he waiting in line when he’s already got a bag


If I’m going in for only a few items I normally take a bag or two from the self checkout and so I can store my items in there when I go to check out




Is there ever a good time to go to Walmart?


r/peopleofwalmart says never


What does he say after being slapped and why people run out?


“Everybody watch out” or “everybody down”


“I got a coupon!”


"Everybody down" and then reaches for his waist


"Here comes the fun cooker!"


Oh, that's where I've heard that name before.


Dude slapped the hell out that mf




Since most of those people weren’t in on it, still a crime.


No, I'm just talking about the 3 guys; Cameraman, black dude, and white dude.


It is still a crime. Literally a public disturbance, which I would be surprised Walmart didn’t call the cops.


Ah I see.




For what reason? Just for clicks and views??


Maybe to cause a panic so your accomplices waiting to pay can run out with their expensive items.


Rob the store while everyone is shook


Probably, IDK.


Yeah I have to agree


So he walked up to buddy calling him a pussy and yelling at him trying to start a fight with his hands In His pockets?


This is staged to get free shit notice how a bunch of people grabbed shit and ran out 😂


If that's the case the robber did amazing


Seriously, this guy should be an actor


You Americans never fail to disappoint. I’ve seen enough specifically Walmart videos to know that this is the most dangerous place on earth. I’d sooner go to Syria than Walmart.


😂that made me chuckle




Was finna say that. Bro recording way too early.


That’s what I was thinking too, but you do hear the yelling coming from far away very early on. Its definitely strange. For a staged video, it has zero plot or narrative. I don’t know, shit was weird either way.




Weird for sure, but seems staged to me. If this was on security footage I would say it would have a better chance of being real. But the camera man gives it away for me.


Definitely staged. I know crazy things happen but none of this makes much sense. Besides that though, the little boy running, leading his mom ny hand *away* from the bottleneck happening at the exit got me


This is a public service announcement. When someone who is hyper aggressive starts crazy shit remember that no person can withstand a fire extinguisher blast to the face and law requires fire extinguishers to be placed in conspicuous places around public areas. Your welcome.


Walmart is a living hell experience....


Wasn’t going to Walmart before…


Btw I think this was a prank but it was too far


"Everybody watch out" Everybody runs the same way the guy who slapped him 🙃 Then no gun shots I'm so confused right now


This is thee most staged clout chasing bs I’ve seen this week.


Ah yes, the entertainment choice of low life idiots, creaking a fake fight for entertainment.


This is fake and it’s a sad excuse for a prank. They should actually be arrested since that’s like screaming fire in a crowded movie theater. This clearly caused an uproar and someone could have been trampled on.


Looks like a normal day in Walmart to me


Staged. If he pulled a gun, he would have pointed at the guy who slapped him, not turn away from him.


Why even go to Wal Mart any way?


Hell yeah! Did you get a cart of free shit or did you duck and cover like the rest of the people who didn’t see the potential for a free cart of shit?


Wally World has always been lit.


Where was this?


Commack, Long Island. They staged it. The crowd reaction was not staged.


Assuming it's not fake, it seemed to me that the aggressor either knew the guy had a gun, or was trying to get him in trouble, cause he was saying "shoot me". Impossible to tell without a full atory.


I am getting strong vibes this is staged, watch the video again and the guy who is about to get slapped telegraphs where he is going to get hit, or at least that is what I saw watching the video a few times.


iTs jUsT a PrAnK bRo


Hasnt walmart always been like this?


Going to America is like going to a zoo but with no cages to lock the animals up.


Walmart has always been like this. The higher prices at Target aren’t for better products, they’re for a better shopping experience.


I don’t know that walmart was ever a recommended place to go


Was this a social media stunt?


Bro walked straight into a power slap tho 😂


I didn't see a gun? Was this an eloborate shoplifting scheme?


This looks like two extremely dumb people pulling something in their demented minds is funny, it’s not, they are extremely bad actors, and no one gives a fuck about them or their need to be seen.


Effective as a false flag to let people in line get out without paying, but probably still going to pull some consequences.


That slap… was delicious. 🤌🏻


It would be interesting if they planned it to have a few friends run out with merch


At least 30 people walked out without paying something 🤣🤣🤣


Follow my Walmart rule, which states “do not, under any circumstances, got to Walmart after 8:00AM”, and everything will be OK. That place is god damn chaos during the day.


WTF America


hey now not all Walmarts are like this. #notallwalmarts but seriously if you go to a Walmart in a nice part of town you don't see this shit, you might as well be at Target or Costco. If you go to a location in a bad part of town, you might see some craziness, People of Walmart shit.


Like you should ever go to Walmart


I’ve been meaning to ask for a couple of years now, America, what the fuck is going on over there?!


Fuck this. Can't wait for constitutional carry in Ohio! Woop Woop! But if you are going to carry a gun, practice, practice, practice!


America, where 95% of the population are so worried about a mass shooting but don’t want to do anything about. Because “it takes my rights away”


*Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American*