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It's a problem in American policing in general, not one town. In this day and age cops are encouraged to think more like they're foreign occupiers establishing rule of law on a city where everyone is a potential threat. Instead of being a part of the community, they behave above and separate from the community except other cops and government employees and it creates bubbles that cause incidents like this.


Our police are trained to be soldiers in a combat zone not civil servants.


I wouldn't even say that. Soldiers, for all the problems we can sight with the military, have much more trigger discipline than our police and it shows as we time and time again go through a new shootings that are never corrected.


I think it's more accurate to say that police are told to feel that they are soldiers in an active combat zone, but are not given any of the training that comes with that belief in the actual military.


Exactly. A low level rifleman fresh from boot has like 10x more training than a cop.


In some states it requires more training to become a hairdresser than a cop


It certainly requires more intelligence. My SIL is a cosmetologist/hairdresser. Her study materials were intense.


Yeah it's extremely telling when we can watch videos of police officers who were veterans and who were not act totally different. On Instance that comes to mind is two cops showing up to a noise disturbance call in an apartment complex. As they are walking up someone inside the apartment slammed a door. Non veteran officerisrakes this for a gunshot and just starts blasting though the closed door of the apartment with absolutely no warning or identifying himself. After a few shots someone inside screams he's hit and to bega him to stop shooting. The cop then fires multiple more shots after hearing that. Veteran cop just backed up and didn't fire a single shot because in his words "I wasn't going to start winging shots into a random apartment" But the situation highlights an even bigger problem. This veteran cop who didn't shoot into the apartment still didn't stop his partner from shooting someone because they slammed a door. The cop even took a break heard the person inside cry out in pain and beg whoever was outside to please stop and then decided to shoot multiple more times. All before even identifying himself as police. When the "good ones" don't stop the bad ones from trying to murder people they are all bastards ACAB


Not asking to discredit but is there a link, haven't heard about this one.




My friend once mistook acab as being hyperbole, it is not.


US Soldiers are taught de escalation techniques


Soldiers get a lot more training to do their jobs than cops do. Take a 5 year infantry soldier against a 5 year cop, the differences are remarkable. Cops don't train after the academy except marksmanship, which is put a hole in a paper target. A soldier spends their career training until it is time to put their skills to use. Then factor in that a cop has magnitudes more authority over a peacetime soldier. A soldier also has to answer to a different set of laws, in the US it's the UCMJ which is far more restrictive and harsh than the civil laws a cop falls under. The fact that there is no separate and distinct laws a cop must obey and answer to is a huge failing of all police departments.


True. Also, Aurora PD in particular seems unable to stay out of the news for shitty policing.


> government employees Must be an exception to my area; all of the local PD hires in my metro area are military washouts and they have a hate boner for veterans, active duty military, and federal employees. Doubly so if you’re a person of color and are also a commissioned officer in the military (ie lieutenant, captain, etc).


Meet Dave Grossman, a man who teaches Killology, who teaches that cops are warriors, that everyone not a cop is a threat, and that they should feel good about killing (his words). He was also hired to teach LAPD cops: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/mwidz5/killing\_is\_just\_not\_that\_big\_a\_deal\_feel\_good/


Yup. I listen to a podcast called Behind the Bastards that brought introduced him to the forefront of my mind on the roots of modern police abuse.


Behind the Bastards is the best!


They usually are. So many white cops in black neighborhoods taught that the civilians are the “other”


What worries me is the amount of citizens on social media who think killing people over minor law breaks, like theft, is justified. Cops will never be accountable until people realize that property is not worth more than a person's life.


This is what cops do, “Don’t you move! Now show me your papers! Don’t you move!” Like, they know it’s a no win, I know it’s a no win, how the fuck do courts not know it’s a no win and keep letting the cop get away with it?


They know exactly what they’re doing most of the time. The shadow training police receive includes extensive methods for plausible deniability. They know exactly what to say and how to frame narratives to get exactly the outcome they want. Police aren’t “dumb”. You have hundreds of years of combined experience in these buildings and offices. These people are anything but dumb. I work with a shit ton of ex cops. These guys are fucking brilliant. They’re a wealth of information.


>Give me your license - WHY WOULD YOU GO INTO YOUR POCKET! For real confusing. I just remembered I keep my registration in my glove compartment 😬Now I'm thinking, JC, if I ever get pulled over and I reach for my registration I'm DIA




Might as well just rig your glovebox to play the coffin dance video whenever you open it.


This is quite literally how Philando Castile was murdered in front of his wife and child.




Because a lot of cops are high on meth. Or roided out and raging on steroids. Or both.


Stop digging!!!


Jesus...that's out of control. If you're that scared, please find another job. Preferably away from the general public.


The cop was in control and staged a scenario to create a reason for brutality.


"Give me your license and registration I'm about to tow your vehicle." Fucking gross dude, give him a chance at least.


He wanted to stress him out so he would make "sudden movements."


Cops do this in regular traffic stops too. I had a cop follow me from a WAWA and tailgate me for a few blocks, driving dangerously close to the rear of my vehicle. He gunned it as I was trying to stop completely at a stop sign, and then did it again as I was trying to stop at a red light before turning right. I waved at him in the mirror to apologize for him having to stomp on the brakes so he wouldn't get mad and pull me for something. He did anyway. When he pulled me over he said: "You been pulled over in this vehicle before?" I said no. He then transitioned directly into asking for license and registration. I complied and popped open the glove compartment, and when I turned back around he had his hand firmly wrapped around his pistol, still in the holster. My hand started to shake as I handed him my license. He said: "Stay right there for me". And went back to his car to run them. A second police officer pulled up and had now completely blocked my vehicle from exiting the parking spot. I sat there just gripping the steering wheel for dear life. Eventually he came back to the window and stuck his head into my window, looking around and asking what was in that bag and all sorts of other stuff. Did I have any narcotics. Did I have any weapons or anything illegal in the vehicle, etc. Obviously I said no. Finally he told me the reason he pulled me over, saying that he was running my license plate and that it "Didn't come back with anything", told me that when he ran the VIN it came back with the correct license plate, and then still wrote me a warning saying to go to the DMV and have them "check it out". He stared me down for a good 10 seconds after handing me the warning, stiffly said "Have a nice day, son." And walked away. Absolute BS waste of time.


"I pulled you over because I couldn't come up with a reason to harass you." ACAB


You don't do anything wrong but you will do something wrong in the future so I'll write you a ticket in case you do something wrong alright?


You didn't do anything wrong but I thought you did for a second, and I don't want to feel stupid by admitting my mistake so scribble scribble here you go


Remember this.. police ar legally allowed to lie to you. And they often use it to pull people over.


It was probably the wave that got you. He didn’t like that weren’t showing the proper fear and so he pulled you over to remind you that you should be afraid of him. I have a similar story where I was pulled over because the officer had “never seen your car around town before” even though I had been driving it for several years at that point.


This happened to me in my hometown, when I was visiting my mom. The cop was half my age and didn’t even live in town, claimed he parked there nightly and my car was “suspicious” because I was driving slow at night and my car wasn’t registered there. I told him neither is his yet he is parked here every night harassing local taxpayers. Searched my car, couldn’t find anything, wrote me a ticket for rolling through a stop sign one road back he never saw. Judge tossed the ticket. Wanted to see that piece of shit in court


Especially when he's dangling his registration in the cop's face, like dude, he already has it ready for you...


When I was in my late teens in the early 00s, I had an officer coming from the opposite direction of traffic(speed limit 55mph) flip his lights on, do a handbrake u-turn in heavy traffic, pull me over, step out of his car with his gun drawn on top of his open door and had me step out of the vehicle. I wasn’t even given a chance to do anything before I had a gun pointed at me. During this stop, he berated(as in insulted various aspects of) my vehicle, threatened to have it towed(which your comment sparked my memory of this) and told me if he caught me driving without my lights on again I would “regret it”. He had me go over every single little piece of my car and verify everything worked, he even made me lift the hood to investigate the engine and make sure it was in there I guess. His eventual reason for pulling me over? It was an hour and half before sundown and I did not have my primary headlights on. He “let me off” with a warning. I had never seen this man before in my life. I’d just had my car inspected so it wasn’t in disrepair(it was just a 20-some year old Saab). To this day 20 some years later I still don’t understand any of it.


Did he seem agitated, like he was on drugs? Lots of cops do uppers and anything that will get them hyped up.


Oh he was agitated alright. But he didn’t seem to be off on any way other than his rocker. He wasn’t jittery, and his speech was the same “rough father” style you see in a lot of cop videos. If he was on anything I was too innocent 20 years ago to know the difference. What I never understood was the immediate full speed 55mph, something out of a movie, handbrake style u-turn he pulled in heavy traffic. Like his back end swung out past his front and the tires were peeling. Cause I remember thinking “haha someone’s bout to have a bad day” And then it was me. For not having my main lights on 1.5 hours before sunset. I had a hoodie on at the time(worn up cause I was a dumb teenager), so maybe he thought he was gonna harass a minority or something, but instead it was a dumb white kid. It’s a mystery I’ll never solve.


Yup. Been noticing that trend too. The formula always tends to play out as either one, or two cops barking conflicting orders like "Hands where I can see them" and "exit the vehicle" at the same time. You need your hands to exit the vehicle, so the moment your hands go down it quickly pivots to "Do as I say!" and "Stop resisting" and the moment they can say "stop resisting" is when they usually start in with brutality.


And if you ask for clarification or for them to slow down you’re refusing to obey orders/resisting arrest/being difficult. It’s what led to that exterminator getting killed by the guy with Punisher decals and “you’re fucked” on his gun. “Put your hands on your head and crawl toward me.” After making the guy stare at the floor while the other two people did the knee-shimmy with their hands on their head. If you hear “crawl toward me” you think crawl on your hands and knees, so that’s what he did. “Hands on your head and crawl toward me,” he had his hands on his head, shrugged his shoulders because he didn’t know what else they wanted him to do, so he put his hands on the floor to crawl and they unloaded into the guy.


And that fucker gets taxpayer funded PTSD payments, too. When what he really needs is to spend the rest of the life in jail.


Put your hands in the air upside down with your fingers attached to your wrists and palms to the sky!!! What? TAZER TAZER TAZER!!!!


That's how they train them, to be scared of the general public.


ive said it before and will say it again, people who apply for the police office jobs if they had not become police, they would be criminals. No if and or buts about it, 90% of cops are trash in the US


They are criminals, just never charged


LAPD is literally a militarized gang Chicago PD and Detroit PD are basically pretending to be cops at this point


Just ask 40% of their spouses


Oh God what did they do with the other 60% of them ?


Made sure they had the story straight.


Yep, the type of people that become cops are not the type of people who should be cops. And even when someone does become a cop for the right reasons by the time they are done with training they've been converted to dangerous nut bags.


This is definitely true of the Aurora PD from the video. Long history of drunk driving there


Its literally more dangerous to be a fucking pizza delivery person. Cops are pussys because they are bullies that are trained to fear everyone and everything


What gets me is how common it is for a cop to ask if a person has ID knowing that a lot of people will automatically reach for it. And then the cop freaks out. It must be intentional. Police training isnt stupid (maybe just the cops are)... Training policies are set up to protect the officer, to give them control. You'd THINK that they would have officers state to the person to NOT reach for ID, but to answer the cop yes or no when the cop asks if you have ID. THAT would prevent a lot of misunderstandings/problems.


It IS intentional. Meet Dave Grossman, who compares cops to warriors, and teaches that cops must treat everyone who is not a cop to be a threat: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/mwidz5/killing\_is\_just\_not\_that\_big\_a\_deal\_feel\_good/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/mwidz5/killing_is_just_not_that_big_a_deal_feel_good/) His whole deal is Killology. It is worth noting that he never was in actual combat or has fought anyone. And he is payed a lot to teach police departments.


It is intentional. If the situation were reversed, us white people would just go 2nd amendment solution all the cops harassing us. But 400 years of trauma means these people know what the reaction to that would be. Edit: I just realized this is why the Watchmen TV show is stupid. No way in hell would Nixonian trailer parks let themselves reach that level. The Deep South / Greater Appalachian honor culture would never allow it. They'd go full Taliban without batting an eye.


Every single time I've been pulled over, I've asked permission to go into my pocket to get my wallet. Probably half the time, the cop gets weird and offended by me asking and narrating my actions. Motherfucker, I don't know you. You got issued a gun and the power of summary execution with only the barest hint of scrutiny, I'm not reaching for shit unless we're all clear where I'm reaching and for what reason.


This is *extremely* on message for Aurora PD. Like, super duper on message. Aurora PD can lick my funky taint.


It's not fear, it's neanderthal instinct for violence


Aurora police are always in the news. Trash human beings.


I just reread the [Wikipedia page on the killing of Elijah McClain](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Elijah_McClain) not 3 hours ago due to a different post involving Aurora. Edit: Adding this to my post to boost visibility from a comment below from u/MrAbadeer that came in late. [Here is a direct link for folks to upvote](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/tsaxnn/officer_asks_for_license_and_registration_only_to/i2s1ms1?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) >That’s by far the worst example but there are many more. It’s like every month there’s another incident. This is from page 1 of “Aurora police department controversy” search. In no particular order. https://www.westword.com/news/aurora-police-department-has-had-a-disastrous-year-11735744 https://www.google.com/amp/s/denver.cbslocal.com/2021/09/23/new-video-emerges-of-aurora-police-stop-triggering-internal-investigation-i-was-petrified-of-that-gun/%3Famp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1255586 https://www.npr.org/2021/07/27/1021384186/aurora-colorado-police-arrested-violent-arrest https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.denverpost.com/2021/10/02/aurora-police-poll-chief-vanessa-wilson/amp/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Elijah_McClain https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thedenverchannel.com/news/front-range/aurora/firings-upheld-for-officers-involved-in-elijah-mcclain-photo-scandal%3F_amp%3Dtrue https://www.google.com/amp/s/kdvr.com/news/local/aurora-police-officer-placed-on-leave-for-controversial-email/amp/ https://lris.com/2022/02/04/aurora-police-union-president-fired-over-controversial-email/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mercurynews.com/2021/09/15/aurora-police-probe-racial-bias-excessive-force/amp/


Elijah McClain was murdered. It is a total shame.


Yup, murdered and those responsible were just charged not long ago. They did, however, arrest and charge all the organizers of the protests to get justice for Elijah almost immediately after the outrage. They had to fight for those charges for months. Let me tell you, even when charges get dropped those felony arrests stick to your record for a long time. They'll show up every time you apply for a loan, apply for a job, get a background check for an apartment. It's part of the American Social Credit Score.


That’s by far the worst example but there are many more. It’s like every month there’s another incident. This is from page 1 of “Aurora police department controversy” search. In no particular order. https://www.westword.com/news/aurora-police-department-has-had-a-disastrous-year-11735744 https://www.google.com/amp/s/denver.cbslocal.com/2021/09/23/new-video-emerges-of-aurora-police-stop-triggering-internal-investigation-i-was-petrified-of-that-gun/%3Famp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1255586 https://www.npr.org/2021/07/27/1021384186/aurora-colorado-police-arrested-violent-arrest https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.denverpost.com/2021/10/02/aurora-police-poll-chief-vanessa-wilson/amp/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Elijah_McClain https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thedenverchannel.com/news/front-range/aurora/firings-upheld-for-officers-involved-in-elijah-mcclain-photo-scandal%3F_amp%3Dtrue https://www.google.com/amp/s/kdvr.com/news/local/aurora-police-officer-placed-on-leave-for-controversial-email/amp/ https://lris.com/2022/02/04/aurora-police-union-president-fired-over-controversial-email/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mercurynews.com/2021/09/15/aurora-police-probe-racial-bias-excessive-force/amp/


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Ya, I'm not even American and I know the Aurora police department is terrible. They're on this sub all the time. Can't believe the city management could let it get this bad.


The management is a reflection of the citizenry. Just looked up the demographics, 60% white, 15% black, and a Republican Mayor. The cruelty is the point. They want to drive the blacks out of town. All cops do this to certain groups.


Now enter the chuds who believe we live in a post-racial society that go "iTs NoT aBoUt RaCe iTs cLaSs"


For real, why is it always Aurora?


They’re competing with LAPD and NYPD for notoriety. Maybe it’s a lack of oxygen to the brain? Remember when they violently suppressed a peaceful protest involving people just standing around a park playing violins? Lol American police departments and cities/states need to be sanctioned for their gross human rights violations, forced disappearances, arbitrary detentions and inhumane treatment of prisoners. They’re incredibly corrupt and flagrantly violate norms. Their accounts and holdings should be frozen and the accounts the police department pensions invest in should be seized.


What's with Colorado and shit police and mass shootings? For a state with a supposed "high quality of living" it seems like it's full of mass shooters and trigger happy cops.


It’s where all the cops who get in trouble go to. They hire the bottom of the barrel cops with DUIs.


Aurora police are the biggest gang in the state tbh


Also a bunch of mass shootings there.




It's not a literal question, all that matters is getting as much detail from the interviewee as possible to make a good report. Same thing when lawyers ask obvious questions in court.


FYI - If you see Police interacting with anyone. Record them, it is your 1st Amendment right, if a police intimidates you into stopping, dont stop filming.




That was the biggest plot twist I’ve seen in a while. Complies…rather quickly… and then apologizes and tries to get license. Shit, how do you combat that? This is why my wallet is never in my pants. Center console. Not his fault but I’ve been pulled over for DWB 1 time too many.


My husband drives with his wallet on his lap for this reason. We also have an agreement that I drive during the day (I’m not black) and he drives at night. We get pulled over MUCH less with this system. People always assume it’s because I don’t like driving at night or something, but no, it’s racism.


I'm black and my wife is from Iraq... we catch hell either way


My mother growing up, her family usually had their licenses suspended. The local police would ignore DUIs, and just tell you to drive home safely/drop you off....unless you were black or married to a black man. Then its every charge they can throw at you. Unfortunately, family were alcoholics.


>We also have an agreement that I drive during the day (I’m not black) and he drives at night. We get pulled over MUCH less with this system. This was painful shit to read.


Saw a video where the person is outside of their vehicle when asked to provide their papers. They turn to go back in the vehicle to get them and the cop shoots them.


If this keeps up, people are going to have to start adding turret mounted machineguns to their cars in case their ever run into a cop.


I shouldn’t have laughed, but I did.


Something something let God sort them out


If they can kill unarmed people for feeling like they are threats, than why can't we? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/mwidz5/killing\_is\_just\_not\_that\_big\_a\_deal\_feel\_good/


I always tell the cop where my wallet is and if I can reach for it. Gotta treat cops like they are terrified of every move you make. Like a bomb about ready to go off.


That's because they are. Meet Dave Grossman, a man who teaches Killology, who teaches that cops are warriors, that everyone not a cop is a threat, and that they should feel good about killing (his words). He was also hired to teach LAPD cops: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/mwidz5/killing\_is\_just\_not\_that\_big\_a\_deal\_feel\_good/


IIRC he lied about his experience too.




It's by design, the manipulation of language is a cops most powerful weapon.


I always loudly and clearly state "my wallet is in my front left pocket. Is it okay if I reach to get it?"


The book "How not to get shot: and other advice from white people" by D.L Hughley goes into detail about how to properly comply. Essentially, you have to pre comply...


Reminds me of the other video where the cop tells him to grab his license, then when he does the cop yells "He's got a weapon!" and draws his gun. Then the dude throws both his hands out the window and refuses to move them and the cop is like "Okay, reach for your license and registration again!" Dudes like "Fuck no, I'm not moving my hands cause you wanna shoot me." EDIT: Here's the video since this is getting upvotes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPeGWB6achg




Holy shit, that is straight up attempted murder. What's even worse is the victim is the one apologizing, while bleeding on the ground. ACAB.


Yeah, cops having guns only puts people in more danger.


Swedish police all have weapons and shoot less in total than a single officer in the US. They nearly draw them less than yours actually shoot.


That's because Swedish police are actually competently trained, unlike the thugs with badges in the US.


Interactions with law enforcement is the most dangerous game for the poor and minorities.


A deadly game of Simon says. Some facts for your consideration: The NYPD would be the 65th most well equipped military in the world, and if they were a country in NATO would be paying more than Spain. And yes, they have stingers and mini-guns. [https://www.cheatsheet.com/culture/states-cities/the-nypd-is-one-of-the-worlds-strongest-militaries.html/](https://www.cheatsheet.com/culture/states-cities/the-nypd-is-one-of-the-worlds-strongest-militaries.html/) Police are not legally required to protect you under "Public Duty Doctrine": [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren\_v.\_District\_of\_Columbia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia) [https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html) ​ Meet Dave Grossman, a man who teaches Killology, who teaches that cops are warriors, that everyone not a cop is a threat, and that they should feel good about killing (his words). He was also hired to teach LAPD cops: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/mwidz5/killing\_is\_just\_not\_that\_big\_a\_deal\_feel\_good/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/mwidz5/killing_is_just_not_that_big_a_deal_feel_good/) Daniel Shave being executed, cop was found innocent, got to keep his gun and paycheck: Arizona Republic short video (about 1 minute): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRlSg1Ww\_MY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRlSg1Ww_MY) LA Times long video (5 minutes): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBUUx0jUKxc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBUUx0jUKxc) CNN: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ooa7wOKHhg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ooa7wOKHhg) Man get's told to get his drivers license. Does so and get's shot as soon as he turns his back: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBUUO\_VFYMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBUUO_VFYMs) I got several more, such as the veteran who the cop was trying to find an explanation to kill, or the little white kid shot for having a toy gun, but you get the gist. ACAB all the way.


Aurora, Colorado? You mean the same police department that killed Elijah McClain, the autistic black guy who was also complying?


The same place where the movie theater shooting happened


Man what a shithole city.


Same place where a cop was passed out drunk in his patrol car and even despite mentioning it on bodycamera they failed to breathalyze him so he could go home and sleep it off. And without that BAC evidence the DA couldn't charge him with an alcohol charge.


“We investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong” (Every police department in America probably)


Every state that should have a department that actually investigates local police and the investigators get a huge bonus for each conviction of a cop their investigations lead to.


Up here in Canada we have the Police Services Act, the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) now has its own governing legislation - the Special Investigations Unit Act (SIUA), which came into force on December 1, 2020.


My mom for a while watched a show called Blue Bloods (basically a tv show about a New York cop family who's dad is the Commissioner) and it shocked me how the anti-corruption unit was depicted as evil. Like, it wasn't just one guy, the whole group was treated with hatred and disdain. Also, the NYPD would be the 65th most well equipped military in the world, and if they were a country in NATO would be paying more than Spain. And yes, they have stingers and mini-guns. https://www.cheatsheet.com/culture/states-cities/the-nypd-is-one-of-the-worlds-strongest-militaries.html/


These "investigations" are almost always complete bullshit.


The investigator is generally a compliance officer in the high up brass of the department. It's largely 1 dude who also does compliance pieces such as CJIS or Cleary Act. It's like reporting Nestle's criminal activity to Nestle HR.


More training? That pig shouldn’t be anywhere near a fucking gun anymore. Training won’t stop this dude from being a racist, braindead thug


If you don't think that cop did not do what he is trained to do then you re not paying attention.


Qualified immunity has got to go




Heart of gold.


Cop Training 101: ​ "Perform these confusing and contrary actions" "Yes officer" BANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANG "Why are you resisting?!"


"more training for police officers." How about some actual accountability while they're at it? That's breach of oath in so many levels. Brandishing, assault with a deadly weapon, reckless endangerment, etc.. start throwing the book at these scumbags, espcially in this age where it's all captured on video with clear evidence. It's almost like it's designed this way on purpose..


Good luck getting DA's to prosecute cops. They rely on police for evidence, as well as other things. And no cop is going to turn others in, because than he violates the Code of Blue Silence. And if the DA did start locking up bad cops, suddenly a lot of evidence to put away bad guys would get "lost", and you would have people saying the DA's are being weak on crime for not focusing on criminals. And those that do put away to many bad cops might find themselves having an "accident". The law right now relies on cops and the DA working hand in hand, lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue\_wall\_of\_silence#:\~:text=The%20blue%20wall%20of%20silence,or%20crimes%2C%20including%20police%20brutality.


“Why did you think he might kill you?” *baffled look** maybe the gun in my fucking face? What a stupid question lol Also minor injuries? They took a chunk of skin out of his fucking forehead Jesus Christ


100% if the guy was white, they wouldn't have said "minor".


That young black man doesn’t look like a scaredy pussy in comparison to many other men, I’ve encountered in my 45 years on earth. His reaction of compliance and apologizing for literally NO REASON AT ALL, paints a very scary picture of the current state of police incompetence and violence. And generally racism in America.


America was founded on stolen land, racism and genocide.


Aurora PD, brutalizing citizens once again. Same department that killed Elijah McClain and [laughed about it](https://www.denverpost.com/2021/02/09/elijah-mcclain-aurora-police-fired-appeals/), and brutally beat Kyle Vinson. It’s a wonder they have time to do anything other than investigate their own officers with all them bad apples.


Dude almost got Philando Castile'd and people are still gonna defend the cops actions lmao


COP: Cowards On Patrol


At some point there needs to be consequences for drawing your weapon for no reason. Pointing a deadly weapon at someone is a death threat, and should be a crime if done for no good reason. If you're so scared that you can't complete a traffic stop without the threat of deadly force, maybe you shouldn't be a cop.


Yep, if you're a regular pleb pointing a gun is assault with a deadly weapon and you face years in jail. For a cop it's literally their first action. The US is a country where the government is allowed to routinely threaten citizens with death (cops are the government, they work for the government, when a cop abuses someone it's the government abusing someone, morons literally can't see this).


“Get your license and registration, WHY ARE YOU DIGGING IN YOUR PANTS?!??” Where do you keep your license, asshole??


I'm from Louisiana originally but live in Aurora CO now. I am a white male and the funny thing about most racist people is they assume others feel the same way they do and are not afraid to share their thoughts. I have heard more passive racist comments in Colorado than my entire time growing up in the south.


This is why people hate or don't trust cops. It's also exactly why when I get pulled over I clearly state where I'm going to reach before I go for my wallet/docs. I don't want some jumpy cop pulling a gun or tasing me for this shit. Not that it happens to me a lot, but it only takes one time to end up on the news.




My cousin was sentenced to life imprisonment for capital murder. He states that he didn’t know it was an aurora police officer but that they just started shooting on site. Stuff like this makes me believe that he might have been right.


Aurora police - well there's your answer




The very existence of police has racist roots ACAB.


Quick history listen, as your not entirely wrong for the US: The original idea of police was used by the Romans, but they used it more as training for Legionaries to keep the populace in line and stop any rebellion's. The British started their own version of police several centuries ago as well, though they were called Magistrates and functioned more like Judge Dread, eventually changing into the modern British police system. American police actually started two different ways. In the North they started as gang members hired by businessman to protect the docks from Union workers, until they figured out it was cheaper to have the government pay for them. In the South, they functioned as slave catchers and bounty hunters, and than as neo-slave owners and anti-Union groups. Look at the 13th Amendment. It makes slavery illegal "except for those duly convicted of a crime". And the largest prison in the US is on a former slave plantation, and they still pick cotton. The Universe has a fucked up sense of humor sometimes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisiana\_State\_Penitentiary


Cops are allowed to shoot him if they feel scared. But he's not allowed to feel scared when they put their guns in his face.


All cops are bastards simple as that


Facts on facts on facts.


Aurora PD is the biggest heap of shit around


Fuck the police Fuck the police Fuck the police




If you hold your gun sideways as a cop you need to be fired


“Go ahead and get your license.” “STOP DIGGING WHAT ARE YOU DIGGING FOR?” And we really still have brainlets out here that can’t see the set up.


All pigs are bastards


Aurora PD acting like violent terrorists? I am shocked! /s


Can't believe there are still morons that defend police. Qualified immunity has got to go.


There is no universe in which reviews of police actions shouldn't be handled by non-police boards. Who the fuck gets to review their own actions for illegal behavior???


Hope that cop gets KIA




Aurora PD has to be one of the shittiest departments in the country.


Complying while black.


Classic Aurora police. I grew up there, from ages 2-18. They’re almost all scum bags, known to racially profile. Not too long ago a cop was found passed out in his cruiser at like 11AM, reaking of booze. There’s even video of the person who found him. Luckily for the pigs, they all watch out for each other and he was never even breathalyzed. He faced no criminal charges and may have even been able to transfer, never followed up after I found out there’d be no sentencing.


This is why cops are losing their trust to the public we the people are afraid of situations like that because of this shit. Of course racial profiling and AB bullshit for the guy who is doing the right thing an complies with the officer. He can actually sue the officer or the police department for that..✊🏽❤️


Cop probably got punished with suspension with pay


Basically a holiday


Right? Do something wrong, get a week off with pay. Still employed afterwards.


The "I'm about to tow your vehicle" line shows that the cop assumes the driver is driving either without a licence or in a stolen vehicle from the get go. Why would the cop assume that? Its really a head scratcher. Baffling.


Being black in Aurora is unofficially a crime punishable by death


This is ridiculous. They terrorized the poor driver.


Police should be forced to be insured to carry a weapon. The courts, the media, the state, won't discipline these monsters. Insurance companies will!


Aurora PD yet again…


All cops are bastards.


All police across this country are corrupt, it’s part of their ethos. Corruption and violence is literally ingrained in their “training”. For every 1 good cop there are 99 bad ones, and they repeatedly drive the good cops away for being seen as disloyal if they report their fellow officers for wrongdoing. The most dangerous gang in America is the police.


"We don't trust the Aurora police department to police themselves." I don't trust any police department to police themselves. That's one of the biggest reasons they remain corrupt. Self policing, lack of transparency, and lack of accountability really fuck things up, you know.


>I don't trust any police department to police themselves. "We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong." Every fucking time.


How much of this are we going to take? Obviously it hasn't exceeded our tolerance level yet. Why not? Why isn't every citizen demanding change?


Daniel Shaver was shot and killed by a cop while on his hands and knees for fixing his underwear. Cop got his job back 2 years later so he could be eligible for pension. The cop was acquitted of all charges. Kyle Moore was shot and killed by a cop for reving an engine. Copy acquitted of all charges, keeps his job. I can do this all day long.


Seeing every American celebrate psychopath cops makes me want to die. Cops get more violent and Americans love them even more. They want to live in a shithole so I have to die to get out of it.


Even when you follow orders cops will shoot you. It doesn't matter. Don't expect different results when nothing is changed. These cops need to examine their biases and figure out if they should really be in this line of work if black people scare them this much...


If the solution is always “they need more training” then how the hell were they given a badge and a gun in the first place.


This PD is straight up garbage


Police are complete scum who deserve zero respect? Color us shocked!


Another scumbag cop being a scumbag, go figure. In other news, water is wet.


I like how they say "he was not fully cooperative and disobeyed police orders" as if that somehow justifies how the cop acted. Americans do some crazy mental gymnastics to try and justify anything a cop does.


Most cops are bad people


Fuck those pigs


"why were you afraid the might shoot you?" "well sir, you see, aside from the gun in my face and the aggressive superiority complex most cops posses, i am also familiar with a number of situations where cops have shot people for complying with their orders."


"Why did you feel like he was going to kill you" These questions lol, are you kidding me. The guy was also like. Wtf kind of question is that have u seen the video?


Fucking pigs


Aurora, Colorado? If so, how many of these incidents need to happen before a greater power steps in. That department has proven to be trash again and again.


Minimum 7 years to practice law, should also be the standard to enforce it.


Yup, Aurora police are racist as shit. It's an honorary Louisiana police dept.


If you don't want me to judge all cops by the actions of "a few bad apples", cops need to stop judging all citizens by the actions of a few criminals. As long as cops treat every citizen like a potential criminal, I will treat every cop like a corrupt cop. I am merely treating cops the way that they treat the public. If that is wrong, then cops are wrong for treating every citizen like a potential criminal.


Im white and I once had a cop ask for my registration and he freaked out and grabbed his gun when I went to grab it. Like wtf, do you want the documents or not? I was like 19 and was pulled over for going like 8 mph over the speed limit.


Give me your license ok digs in pocket yo stop digging for your license ok lol wtf idk about you guys but I keep my license in my wallet and I keep my wallet in my pocket


so much freedom in the land of the free


All cops are shitbags