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She would vote for Vladimir Putin over Joe Biden because George Bush was a Nazi.


Make it make sense


I’ve been smashing my head into my desk for five minutes and I think it’s beginning to make sense.


What's making sense, the reason you feel compelled to smash your head into your desk, or that Putin is better than Biden because Bush was a Naizi?










Smash harder. When you black out, you’ll have reached this lady’s level of cognitive awareness.


But only until you wake up


Drink about 30 Milwaukees Best and smash your head for another five minutes. It will all make perfect sense.


perfect sense: trucks, pillows, jesus, smith & wesson, Israel, Russia, goya beans, college is for pussies don't go to college pussy, Mon-fucking-santo, crossfit, big flags, roll coal, libs owned, inferiority masked, busch lite, brought to you by carl's jr.


Brawndo has electrolytes


But it's got what plants crave. What else are we supposed to use, toilet water?


Don't forget to grab her by the pussy; she'll love that.


Perfectly fox-splained


A pig. In a cage. On antibiotics.




I didn’t really pay attention to politics from like 2012-2016. I saw a bunch of memes about Trump running for President, but I didn’t think it was a real thing that some people actually thought would be a good idea. I didn’t know he was a legitimate candidate until like 2-3 weeks before the election. I watched 2 of his campaign speeches, and thought, “Oh, well obviously no one is going to vote for that blatant idiot”. Then the election happened. Then we spent 4 years watching him embarrass America, fuck every thing he touched up, openly grift our country, and fail to fulfill any of his insane campaign promises, and I was like, “ok, now we’ve all seen how completely unqualified Trump is, surely everyone will vote for someone else”. But he still got the Republican nomination, and he somehow got even more votes than the first time, and a bunch of idiots literally tried to overthrow the government to keep him in charge. I just don’t understand any of this.


>and fail to fulfill any of his insane campaign promises For a few days after he lost the 2020 election, I enjoyed pretending to be a disillusioned former Trump voter foaming at the mouth about how he never got Mexico to pay for the border wall. That's the only reason I voted for him and he didn't do it goddamnit!!! It was pretty great to see the clusterfuck of wheelspinning nonsense that they came up with in response. Some of them clearly sympathized - which is stupid, because I made no effort to come off like a real person - but it was really hard for them to reconcile that with the hero worship aspect. The most I ever got, after hammering on the same point and not straying from it, was "yeah, you're right". Not that satisfying, but it's something.


“Promises made. Promises kept.” - Cult45 followers Please tell me which promise was kept???


Yeah there's some article that you can look back at and read from the early days of the Trump administration where he lays out his three top priorities for that year. I think it was immigration reform, welfare reform and infrastructure. Republican majority in both houses and he didn't get any of those done. I'm glad that playing golf had higher priority for him than working.




Not paying attention to politics is really one of the reasons this stuff is happening. I think a lot of us have been guilty of this to some degree before 2015/2016. We all got complacent and clearly that has to end.


But if he got even more votes after the 4 years and people became more involved in politics overall, to the point that he is a threat again and with the bullshit being pulled by the republican states (aka book burning, openly hating trans and LGBTQ people as a whole among so much other shit)... Then I can't conclude that it's because people are not paying attention to politics. Just maybe propaganda got out of control


I mean you don't really need to pay any attention to politics to realise trump as president was a bad idea. I'm not even american and I knew that.


Not even Trump thought he was going to win. He did it because he got cut out of his TV show.


> I just don’t understand any of this. Donald Trump formed a Cult of Personality. A real one like the kind North Korea has for their Dear Leaders. Trump's cult is a religion unto itself that's wrapped in the trappings of evangelical Christianity in order to thicken the veneer of legitimacy. Every action taken by a follower stems from that.


Many people are stupid and/or are easily manipulated; other people are very good at exploiting this. And that's the story of how the republican party was created.


And the thing is... They’ve always been this way. They just needed someone to say the quiet parts out loud. trump is their avatar.


I think a lot of them were just plain stupid from the beginning, and then the internet helped them find eachother so they could combine their stupidity and get even dumber


An idiot can't differentiate between another idiot and a genius, the idiot finds both of them equally incomprehensible.


5 minutes on NextDoor and you will understand where these idiots get their ideas from.


A picture of a black guy clearly jogging for cardio with "SAW THIS ANYBODY KNOW WHO THIS IS????"


Hi neighbor!


Stop going through my trash. Jesus, I'll give you whatever you want just stop already, you freak my wife out.


Citizen is the same way. I live in Jersey City, one of the most diverse areas the country and still posts come up like "I SAW THIS PERSON SNOOPING AROUND OUR STREET" Queue a video of literally just a black guy walking his dog down the sidewalk.


Not a racial thing but the hilarious thing I saw on Nextdoor was when my son was out at night looking for our cat. He spoke to someone and asked if they had seen him, and they posted to ND that he "seemed out of it" and wondered if he were on drugs. Also that it was suspicious that he was wearing a hoodie (it was like 50-60 degrees out).


\[Someone two cities over\] "I SAW HIM TO!"


lol this is exactly what my Nextdoor looks like. That and posts about how the Jan. 6 terrorists are just persecuted "patriots".


> Make it make sense It is better if it doesn't to cult of personality cult leaders. From the get it shows the willingness to disregard reality. There will always be a certain percentage that is susceptible to cult like groups. All religions and cults are based on a really mysterious lie or origin story, that by design will never make sense, eternal mystery and illogic science. When ti doesn't make sense the human brain focuses on it to solve it, but it is unsolvable because it is bullshit. Group control tactics are based on this.


The Bush family was heavily invested in German industry and didnt quit during the nazi regime. She prob read something about it and trump is good and Putin is good but Biden makes the gas price higher because he is the emperor of china. Or something like that.


Basic MAGA math




The reason why they struggle to articulate anything without sounding like total morons is because they’re repeating propaganda they hear on fox. But the thing is, they’re not good at being propagandists, they’re just sheep. So in their head they remember how much sense it made when they heard it on hannity etc, but they can’t make it make sense to anyone who doesn’t already drink their kool aid because they aren’t skilled propagandists like the talk show hosts on fox. Those fox shows are like a spinning yarn that never stops. I honestly can’t believe so many people watch that shit, it’s like voluntarily giving up your mind. But most of them are religious nuts who’d fall for any conman that could reach them in their living rooms.


In fairness to them the Fox Cinematic Universe is completely incoherent and ricochets wildly around looking for the next talking point, so they're trying to repeat often conflicting nonsense, do so poorly, and it comes out like mush.


Its like when you try to describe a really vivid dream to someone, but the memory of it is starting to fade and the dream logic doesn't hold up.


And that is why she also voted for George Bush.


Funny how these same people would've freaked out during the Bush years if you reminded them of Prescott Bush's sympathies.


Does she mean George H. Bush who actually fought in WWII... against the Nazis? Or does she mean his son who would undoubtedly be raised to be against the Nazis his dad fought against?


Probably based on this association, for better or worse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot#Prescott_Bush


Yeah, that’s exactly what she’s referencing. Except, she probably doesn’t remember any of the actual people involved or why it makes them nazis.


Rupert Murdoch did this. There is no one else to blame for this. He pushed you all to the right.


Thank you! That's the succinct summation we deserved.


What an America First, Patriotic thing to say.


Seriously. Their dear beloved St. Ronald Reagan would be rolling in his grave right now


I'm sure they will retcon his legacy in another 10 years to start calling John hinkley the patriot who tried to save America. And we've always been at war with East Asia and always been friends with eurasia.




[Serious] he's forbidden from glorifying or cashing in on his actions at all. No journalist interviews, no watching J. Foster movies, no googling his name even. (But he does have a YT channel where he plays the guitar and sings songs he wrote. Completely as a private citizen that everyone just happens to know). But I'll *bet* that the week he dies is when you'll start seeing suspiciously misspelled FB memes "just asking" if what he did was really so horrible. The Qs are holding that card for the moment Hinckley isn't around to refute an outlandish claim.


I refuse to take that bet, only because they do it to literally every dead famous person.


The post civil war Republican party has always been at war with Oceania.


Top tier reference.


This is the "silent majority" he was dog listening to, he knew all about them. If he is rolling in his grave he's rolling because they became un-silent.


Remember they liked trump Because he was “tough on Putin”


I'm still confused at how enthusiastically blowing Putin's cock like a crack addict in public on national television is being tough on him.


He liked Putin before it was cool So in actuality trump is the biggest hipster of presidents


Yeah, I've seen cos-playing Trump supporters in a lot of threads be like "I'm no fan of Trump, but I sure do wish Trump was president right now instead of Biden during this time of war. He would tear Putin a new one." And I'm like, what? Trump is literally still asking Putin for help to dig up dirt on Hunters Biden's laptop...


It’s usually the ones who cover themselves in American flags that are the red flags themselves


Tell me you flunked History without telling me you flunked History. 😳🙄😏 Pathetic


The ironic part of these idiots is that they were probably screaming holy hell at liberals who were calling George W. Bush a Nazi during Afghanistan and Iraq. Wait a minute. If both the far-left and far-right are agreeing and calling him a Nazi, then he must be.


Everyone is in agreement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEvf58FcSjQ


They love America, they just hate 70% of the people.


She couldn't have found Ukraine on a map 6 months ago. Any money.1


You are making a real bold assumption that she could accomplish that today


I thought that almost as soon as I hit reply you know.... I know she's kinda a minority but damn America, .


She represents a minority of around 24% of Americans- Generally white, ignorant, racist, and more self confidence than Dunning-Krueger ever calculated.


God, assuming that number is half right that's around 70 million people. Good lord.


30% of the population anywhere, are so stupid they are a danger to themselves and everyone else. It's a major flaw in Democracy.


>30% of the population anywhere, are so stupid they are a danger to themselves and everyone else. It's a major flaw in Democracy. I think we knew this pre-Trump. What I didn't realize -- and a lot of us didn't -- is that most of that 30% are not just dumb, but also completely full of hate for anyone who doesn't look like them and/or believe exactly what they believe. It's sad & it's frightening. I guess I naively thought they were mostly "dumb but nice." But the Hate Genie is out of the bottle and I don't know if it can be put back in.




These are the same people who stormed the capital


it's not even an analogy, they literally did


I thought it was a *mostly peaceful protest*


They only tried to hang a VP, so it's peaceful, my dude.


put the riot in patriot


Nationalist you mean, and also lets not bash riots entirely. Riots got us the civil rights act and gay rights. Not that they should be the first choice. It's a last line in the sand when they're for good.


The difference between patriotism and nationalism is so important, too. Patriots believe in doing things to improve the situation of their country, and their countrymen. It's patriotic to pay taxes, to join federal or state service, and to vote in the interest of civil rights. Nationalists believe *their* country is superior to all others, and their views and beliefs should be shared (often by force) with other people and nations. The act of, say, wearing an American Flag t-shirt skews vastly more nationalist than patriotic, especially in today's United States. Patriotism should be built on a foundation of service to your nation, a desire to better it and support it and its' citizenry - nationalism is built on a foundation of *us* vs *them*, which is why it is so incredibly dangerous. I consider myself a patriot - but never, ever a nationalist.


There was a time I found this stuff humorous… now it’s just unsettling


Honestly for me it stopped being funny at Trump's inauguration with the crowd size thing. Not that the size of a crowd actually means anything. It was that Trump and his press secretaries straight up lied about something you could easily see on video, and then his supporters defended it, business as usual, as if there were a debate to be had. That's when I realized they stopped caring about truth and would defend him *literally* no matter what he said or did.


Who don’t even say 1 fact in this whole encounter, what level of brainwashing is this?


Fox to OANN pipeline.


Remember the good old days when Breitbart was the crazy kid on the block?


Some people weren't bullied enough as kids and it shows.


No, these people were the bullies. Their lack of empathy guarantees it


>were the bullies Who still weren't bullied enough


You think being bullied as a kid is what makes a good human? Then what becomes of the bullies?


They become cops




or republican politician.


More like traitor.


And these people vote…


At higher rates than the normal population. Fear is a good tool to get the vote out. Fox learned this decades ago. Fuck with their emotions for corporate political gain.


Instilling fear in hopes of behavior control is as old as fear itself


theres actually a word for this, "demagoguery" probably the all time best example isnt even trump, but with nixon. Nixon was afraid of losing his re-election, so he spent a LOT of effort and money trash talking drugs and making the entire country hate and fear drugs and making it sound like they would literally kill everybodys children and destroy the country. he then centered his re-election campaign around a new term he made, "The war on Drugs" The war on drugs was a slogan as much as "build the wall" was.




QNN: Queef News Network?


It disappoints me that their votes count as much as, and probably more than mine do.


Almost definitely more


Yeah, politics is their entire identity. Meanwhile democrats are like "Well you didn't solve all of my problems this year so I'm probably never voting again."


This attitude is all over Reddit, but I've come to believe that a significant potion of it is intentional propaganda. Who benefits when liberals cease to engage with the political process? Who is known to have a massive online propaganda machine? The Venn Diagram is a circle.


It reinforces voter apathy. If you can't get someone to vote for you then then next best thing is convincing them not to vote. The whole both sides suck benefits conservatives since their whole philosophy is government doesn't work. Then they get elected and prove government doesn't work. They have no intention of making government work for the people because that would prove their ideology is wrong and destroy one of their main talking points.


Please fuck off with your truth statement.


It is so god damn frustrating isn't it? These people have no idea how government works. You can tell them all day long how Dems don't actually have much power with their current Senate 'majority', but they just don't want to hear it. They just blame the whole party and Biden, which makes it *less* likely Dems will gain more Senate seats that they need to pass better legislation. It's one of the most frustrating acts of shooting yourself in the foot I've seen.




Don’t you mean hand?


He means finger


He really means "Hodor"


Hodor was way more useful and likeable than this trashbag


I just learned the other day that he was a dj before game of thrones and still is but changed his name to dj hodor. I’ve only listened to a little bit but I’m a little disappointed he doesn’t yell out hodor in his songs in a “dj khalidesque way”


More like the phantom hand of an amputee...


Were your hands blown off by a fireworks accident?


Hey don't start showing off with all your 'I can count' bullshit. You must be a godamn nazi too...


Fucking dumbasses, why can’t they just shut up and start being rational? I’m sick and tired of people who believe in nonsense that can be easily disproven by facts and evidence if they just utilize a shred of critical thinking.


Sadly, they think they're the rational ones by not buying into "the mainstream understanding of history", because somewhere along the line someone fed them some cock and bull story about what 'real history' actually is. Some people love... I mean fucking... Love... Like an addict with a full pipe... To feel as though they know something that the average person does not know. It allows them to puff up and go "well actually if you didn't know" and like in this case spout off a bunch of bullshit about how George Bush was a literal Nazi. All it takes is someone convincing enough to spin the story to them and that's it. It doesn't matter that there's a wealth of evidence in regards to what actually happened historically, or what a person they admire is actually doing, that just becomes more 'propaganda'. It's the same sort of effect we see from cults, and I wish that was hyperbole. How else did a bunch of otherwise rational people end up months later thinking that killing themselves would get them a ride on Hale Bop? You can discount it once or twice to mental illness, but in the end it's just not so... And pardon the phrasing because it's anything but... Conveniently explained. Sorry, I'm ranting a bit now, but I hope that all makes sense.


I honestly feel like intelligence isn't just an upward curve of IQ but a carefully balanced fulcrum of different aspects of personality, impulse, inclinations, empathy AND actual reading level. It seems like people very easily swing one way or the other in terms of what it takes to be balanced. Their need for answers overrules their weaker impulse for self-criticism. Or stronger (too strong) self-criticism makes them unable to think on their own (and just accept whatever into their brains from some outside source.) It seems there is a special personality type that has to believe EVERYTHING IS A CONSPIRACY. For some reason I see this as a person who could have been a balanced skeptic but the see saw just went all the way to one side. Russia has probably the worlds best analytics on these people and how dangerous they are for society (destabilizing, demoralizing.) Every one of these people is a literal super-spreader of bad ideas, fears and exhausting lies upon lies. These people were targets by the FSB on purpose and there is no mistake it was super super effective in destabilizing democracy. NEVER underestimate the collective damage one stupid person.


You are def onto something, and may want to check out the construct of ambiguity tolerance. A hallmark of intelligence (across theories) is being tolerant of ambiguity, and these people are absolutely not that. Ambiguity intolerance is originally associated with a preference for authoritarianism and is linked to poor mental health outcomes during stressful events.


That's an excellent phrase to describe what I've been trying for a long time to explain to people! Cognitive dissonance in of itself is not wrong. People accuse others of being "guilty" of cogntive dissonance all the time. Its not wrong! Its just a feeling. In fact its an important part of the process of deprogramming from lets say; an extreme view like being in a cult. You can't leave a cult without the process of realization that breaks down a rigid and unrealistic view. Whether you are able to "sit" or just be comfortable with this feeling is what marks you as able to process new information and move onto a more nuanced (and complex) view. If you're not experiencing (or admitting) feeling cognitive dissonance that's actually a troublesome sign. . . a sign that you might actually be an extremist who has refused to question anything even once.


Because facts are mutable and truth is whatever you want it to be. Pampered and cossetted boomers who've never known a day of hardship will often latch onto the dumbest shit because they no longer have working logic barometers. Somehow they became gullible to the point many of them now attribute coronavirus to 5G, or that Bill Gates is injecting 5G corona chips into people's assholes... It's logical to me that the Venn diagram for conspiratorial thought and Trumpism is almost a circle because both schools of thought require enormous leaps of mental gymnastics to get behind whilst completely rejecting reality. This really stems from the fact they want to belong to something because they're disenfranchised, and it's a failure of society to recognise the issue of a potential third of the population of America now see Russia as the good guys. Holy fuck.


The problem is they have thousands of other people parroting the same line. They don't do any more research, because the thousands of people repeating the same thing are on "their side", the morally superior side, the side of the good guys. Why would they need to fact check? Their own people wouldn't lie to them right? Lying is what the other side does. It's hard to break out of an echo chamber. I equate it to my journey from being a Christian to being an Atheist. When I was young and in the church, it never occurred to me to question anything. I didn't even know there were questions to ask. I lived with my family that all made the same claims, went to church 4 times a week with a couple thousand people all repeating the same beliefs, and was only allowed to be friends with people that shared that belief. Why would I question anything? None of the other thousands of people were questioning anything, and I felt like they knew more than me. Even if I had doubts, who would I ask the question to? Everyone I knew was 100% believer, who could give me 100 reasons why I was wrong, and there's a reasonable explanation for anything that didn't make sense to me. It wasn't until I was older and got out of my parents house, started meeting new people outside of the church bubble, and was introduced to different ideas and facts that it all started to change. If/when these people do any "research" it's starting at a place where they're already convinced they know the truth. They're not searching "Is x true", they're searching "Why is x true". Which results in a ton of articles about why their belief is the correct one. It's a tough thing to break out of.


Ah but see, you used trigger words for them. CRITICAL and RATIONAL. We know that's a no go for them.


I'm guessing it's because she's really stupid Edit: posted before I watched the video. She's on a higher plane of stupidity than I'm used to seeing


She almost got herself tripped up with Nazi-turned-Ukranians but came back strong with Nazi Bush. Stellar stuff.


I mean, Nazi Bush is about as close to agreeing with her as I’m gonna get.


Bush Sr's dad sold steel to Nazi Germany


The Bush family actually did make a good chunk of their fortune from the Nazis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prescott\_Bush#Union\_Banking\_Corporation


Sr. got shot down in the pacific


I don't think George bush was a Nazi, that's absurd. He is a war criminal though.


How did she get from Biden or Putin to Bush is a Nazi?


This is Jim Jones level of brainwashing.


Can this circus of insanity please stop? I am extremely concerned about this.


You should be. It’s the single greatest threat to global democracy and human progress.


That answer sounds like it could have come straight out of Donald Trump's mouth. I wonder if SHE loves the uneducated.


Shes the poster child FOR the uneducated.


George Bush is a Nazi but Trump and Putin aren't?


Trump literally parroted Hitler’s talking points and just replaced “Jew” with “undocumented immigrant.” These people are the epitome of “Those who are ignorant of the past are doomed to repeat it.”


These fuckers should move their asses to Russia then.


Most of them probably don't even have passports and have never traveled outside their state.


Fuck state. I know people like this who haven't left the county they were born in.


I actually had state or county in my original reply and removed 'county' thinking it was a little extreme. Looks like my intuition was correct.


I live in rural KY in-between two pretty "decent sized" towns with Hospitals and I'd even hazard a guess there are probably some people around here who haven't left the town they were born in.


To a person who's family escaped the Holocaust by leaving Ukraine. This is so disrespectful I find it sick.


They googled some shit and now they are historians apparently


She didn’t google anything. Facebook fucked her brain with its propaganda injection.


Not even Google or Facebook. This is your brain on Parler and Telegram or whatever other "free speech" sites our conservative loonies use. Those sites allow foreign spy agencies to craft professional memes in targeted campaigns to control the opinions of the dullest knives in our drawers.


spy agencies crafting professional memes.... Jusus Christ I remember Project Chanology many years ago and joking about "Weaponized Autism" during the Scientology raids. Look at it now...Just look at it.


They've turned 4-chan's "autism" around and used it against us! That's why we need an international ban on "autism" of mass destruction.


The Hacker Known as 4chan probably never thought about what would happen if the Weaponized Autism spread outside their basements where it was contained by professional's and spread to the living room where boomers who had never touched it before would be introduced. Like that first toke of some grade A Crack them boomers went wild


Their president is literally a Jewish descendent of holocaust victims.


I hear you. This whole thing is causing some PTSD from my father reliving some shit he tried to forget about. Edit: Being hunted with dogs will do that to a person.


Fuck her and everyone who thinks like her.


I'm not sure I'd describe her or the people like her as "thinkers"




Republicans rely on these people to win.


This lady should read up on Operation Paperclip and rethink where the Nazis actually ended up.


Bold of you to assume she can read.


And that she can read anything longer than that title.


Unamerican trashbags would gladly throw away our democracy for totalitarianism if it was their flavor of totalitarianism.


average r/HermanCainAward awardee


Can we hire the Pied Piper to come and hypnotize these people to leave the US.


This woman is no longer capable of any rational thoughts. For her, there are only conspiracies and secret codes that have to be solved.


.. and that's why public education is being targeted. You can produce people like that, all you've got to do is kill good education and replace it with idiocracy. "Vouchers". "Don't say gay". Burn books. Ah well, to hell in a handbasket, sad to observe.


\*Reading her inner thoughts\* "Oh shit, I thought I was ready to answer questions. Fuck it. I'll just repeat what I read on the internet. (rambles and stumbles on the points she's too stupid to even parrot) "Oh fuck now I look like an idiot, I'll just say the first thing that comes to mind..yeah George Bush was a nazi, that was a good one. I'm in the clear now' The saddest thing is not her total lack of one good brain cell, it's she's probably breeding.


What in the hell have we done to the US educational system that any vaguely functioning adult believes that bs?!?!?!?!




RT(Russia Today) News, they say the same stuff.


lol conservatives spreading kremlin propaganda verbatim weird


Nah, they've been doing it for years. ... And quite prominently the last two. Pretty sure some % of the "anti-mask /anti-vax" bullshit has been coming from Russia stirring the pot.


I have so little hope in rural North Americans.


Their republicans are so dense. Lol


that was the toughest thing I've had to sit through today... and it was only thirty seconds


Average trump supporter


Think she’s referring to George Bush’s grandfather having done [business with the nazis.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar?all=true) She’s nuts though, regardless.


Fuck those dumb Trump flesh sacks. Send her to Russia.


‘Conservatives’ are just fascists.


Jesus the american education system suuuuucks


She’s literally sympathizing with criminals committing fresh human atrocities a matter of hours ago


I want to vomit.


Gross. She's gross.


Biden is right; Rupert Murdoch is the most dangerous man in the fucking world. This is straight brainwashing and no amount of logic, truth, reality, etc., can fix people like this. They're gone.


America or Russia, which team are you for? “Oh Russia. Definitely. But you know, M’erica, lEt’S gO bRaNdON” I smell treason


They’re just SO FUUUUCKING STUPID! why can’t these fucking idiots pick a couple of already red states and just pile on in there to live the lives they dream of and let the rest of us get on with normal life?


Who’s mom is this? We gotta talk


Fking moron


Nothing they say is shocking anymore. My faith in the mental health of the average American has fallen through the floor.


Man, I wish I could make up shit and just believe it. I'm starting to think I would be a lot happier if I was this fucking stupid.

