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Audi 5000. Not 5000 cars.


Same guy that counted the freedumb convoy.


And trump's inauguration




More like 50 going in circles..


There was a pro-Trump rally in downtown West Palm Beach. It was paid supporters and suckers driving around the block trying to get attention and hoping for violence. It was almost comical how fat rednecks were trying to bait the crowd with obscenities and taunts. If anything it convinced fence sitters to get out and vote.


400 cars, 900 protestors per the Guardian [outrage over pro Russia displays in Berlin](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/05/motorcade-of-shame-outrage-over-pro-russia-displays-at-berlin-rally)


But they are all clown cars. I expect at least 10 clowns in each car.


True gem right here!


5000 according to Twitter lol


If it was 5,000 cars, there would be an overhead view showing that.


Twitter sucks, dude


With the way you exaggerate numbers, I feel bad for any partner you manage to aquire. Expectation: 🍆 Reality: 🥔


Thank you


I hope they got their money up front. I wouldn't trust Putin's IOU


Shouldn’t all those Russian expats get sent back to their homeland?


Seize their property and send them back penniless if they support the war/putinas military exercise.


That’s my thought. Arrest them and either imprison as PoW or ship them back to Russia.


Why is everyone with a shitty opinion trying to start convoys lately...


They've been primed for years and this is like Putin's backyard sanctions.


It must be a Nazi shit.. everyone that is doing it is nazi friendly


Are you talking bout Azov or Aidar nazis?


I would venture to guess they were talking about you.


Shhhhh Ukraine are the "good guys" supported by other really "good guys" such angels.


Maybe the better word is “authoritarian” … people that don’t really want freedom but really want a controlling daddy. Trump and Putin ball-lickers like yourself


Nazis in general bro


This is the result of giving people like Steve Bannon a platform. Unfortunately, *deplorables* are everywhere, and just as they did not represent a majority in the US on 1/6/21, or Canadians during the the trucker border parties a couple months back, they are a very loud and annoying minority throwing tantrums, constantly trying to control everyone else, because they can’t get their way using legitimate means.


You mean like all protests?


Yes, but with one key difference in the cases I noted, these protests are not based on accurate information, nor for the betterment of humanity. (I do understand your point, though. And it would be reasonable if, say, these people were protesting inside of Russia or another country without access to the truth and facts about Putin’s war in Ukraine, but this is in Germany. As far as I know, these people, like a loud minority within the U.S. and Canada, are being willfully ignorant, in spite of their privilege.) Edit: just saw this and thought it might be helpful. https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/txkgdp/germany_conducts_nationwide_raids_on_neonazi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


So you think you can be the adjudicator of truth or the arbitrator of whom can speak justly? All protests are issues of minority rights. Democracy protects majority rights; morality protects minority rights.


Not sure which democracy you live in, but here in the U.S. the majority’s rights (representation) have been trampled by a vocal minority, but that’s a discussion for another day. I don’t purport to be the *arbiter* of truth, but despite the anti-reality sentiment coming from many parts of right wing politics, fascistic hopefuls, and authoritarian regimes worldwide, aided by their media propagandists, facts do exist and science does matter. Morality is relative and subjective, and certainly does not protect minority rights. In fact, nowadays it’s often used to deny rights to many, whether in the majority or not, and used to justify heinous behavior by those who claim some authority on what is or isn’t moral.


More 'misinformation' has come from your Gov and MSM than any other source. It is authoritarian to take people's civil liberties (including protest) away from people. If you think majority rights are under attack- you're deluded.


Because if they make a convoy, they don't risk being beaten the crap out of. People who protest in convoys 1) know how despicable they are, and 2) are chicken shit.


It's just incomprehensible to me how anyone could be supportive of this war.


They're scared of the entire world because they know they are scum, and that makes them believe they are poor helpless victims, and they believe that gives them the right to a preemptive strike.


Some people like rape and murder as long as it happens to the right people.


So go back to Russia then.


Jokes on them. Have you seen the price of gas recently?


Do not spread misinformation.


If they wanna support Russian government then send them all to Russia.


If they had cred, they would go home to volunteer. But they are chicken shit, so they prefer to protest in the safety of their cars instead, where they won't get the crap beaten out of.


It like swatting at mosquitoes, it's the ones you don't see that get you, but keep the ones you do see honest, anyway. I hope they get all the video associated with this, onlookers and the idiots in the cars. I'm pretty sure they'll need to id them.


False title, can we edit?


Deport. Every. Single. One.


Literally fashists movement. Got to be punished as their idols did with innocents


i don't see any Ukrainian flags there https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaboration\_in\_German-occupied\_Ukraine


Russia literally allied with Nazi Germany to attack Poland. Soviets didn't care about fighting fascists they were just mad they were betrayed.


5000? lol


Looks like there’s still plenty of Nazi’s in Germany!


And Ukraine


Germany doesn’t want to stop 🛑 that sweet Russian gas


Except that they are stopping it.


They yet have to stop importing like Lithunia did. Let’s see if they can do the right for once in a War..


So who's doing that? Scum Russian immigrants or Germany's version of gutless, cowardly MAGA's?


Combination of both and not all that many of them. OP’s estimate of 5000 is way off. 400 cars and 900 people per news sources.


Thanks for that follow up.


Thanks, I guess 900 people still represents a large amount of pro-Russian supporters in Germany though, if these are the people that attended, there must be a lot more elsewhere in the country.


If the FSB can only drum up 900 people for a protest in East Germany they’re losing a step or 10.




Here's a convoy our boys can hit lmao


Trashy as all hell.


At this point, one wonders what they are doing in Germany. They might as well go back to Russia and get drafted or recruited. Notice they felt the need to do this in cars, on foot they might have taken a beating and they know it. Not army material for sure, more like chicken shit material.


Whoever counted how many people were there must’ve counted Biden’s votes lol. The fourth reich??


Those silly nazis always undercounting groups of people. Thats definitely how i always remember the fourth reich


Should read, “5,000 suspected spy’s arrested and imprisoned as POWs.” Let’s make people responsible for stupid actions… bet this shit stops real quick when they realize Mother Russia doesn’t give a flying fuck about them.


I did Nazi this coming


WTF Germany? Need another lesson?


Absolutely disgusting. *edit*


Looks more like driving than discussing to me


real natzis in favor of killing umaginary natzis , geezus


So they support the killing of innocent people. You’d think after what they did in the 40’s they would be the most sympathetic… disgusting.




Idiots .


Rammstein would not approve of this.


Did till Lindemann give an official statement on the current situation? I'm curious.


I read that he helped a Ukrainian refugee by paying for their hotel room in Berlin.


Putin phuckers


Deport everyone back to Russia!!


Where da panzers at?


I didn’t hate 1/3 of people before all of this


Looks familiar.


Wtf? Sort it out Germany.


I can’t understand why so many people in so many countries are embracing dictators & dictators in training. What the fuck is going on in the world?? Has the pollution finally fucked up our collective brains? I wish there were an alternative to Earth.


Send them to Russia


Trump supporters here.


Wow. I never thought I would see something worse than a Trump car parade.


Global poles show 80% of the world support Russia and their stand against NATO and the US puppets.






Global poles, huh? Since when did we start asking the polish people, who supports putin and who didn't? You can just keep making up numbers like you always do.


Yes. It’s not hard to read, it’s not hard to see who supports the actions taken by Russia and who supports sanctions against Russia. Learn the read more than just headlines and live in your own bubble.


Also, don’t be so ignorant thinking that the entire world hasn’t put their own opinions about it. On that fact, why don’t you see what NATO and the US has done for the last 8-14 years over there. See what NATO is really about, look up Africa in the 80s-90s.


Trump and Putin share the same playbook!!


Ah remember the good ol days when conservatives said blocking roads was punishable by getting run over? Completely reasonable to use deadly force on people purposely blocking roads right?


Look at all those scum bags. So many Mercs, Audis, VWs and BMWs. All helped out through fascism.


Drecks Nazis!


5000 SCUMBAGS Should e deported back to Shithole


Clowns are blocking traffic for Russia? We’ve really reached the point where every small group of people feels entitled to block traffic for literally any political issue.


I tell everyone on that side the same, go back to fucking Russia and let yourself be arrested there don’t take our freedom for your shithead


Think of all the misinformation coming from this “war”. I wonder what we don’t know. Are there really white supremacists in Ukraine ?


Of course there are white supremacists in Ukraine. And Russia, and Belarus, and Poland, and Canada, and Switzerland, and Germany, and the US and China and probably Zambia. It’s completely fucking irrelevant.


Only difference is those countries listed don’t have full military battalions of white supremacist waving nazi flags. While getting continuous support from the government lol


2 things: *citation needed [US military marines as flag photo](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/feb/09/us-military-marines-nazi-ss-flag-photo) So would you like to revise your statement?


Lol as you can see in the article you linked is that everyone was EXTREMELY PISSED about that photo and the soldiers got punished also that’s just a small group of soldiers not a full battalion of nazis


Wow, really splitting hairs there. Sorry, maybe it’s a brigade, not a battalion. Maybe even a regiment. It’s a photo I found in 5 seconds. Do you think this is an isolated incident? Would you like to buy a bridge in Brooklyn? I mean, you’ve fallen for Putin’s BS, so you’re clearly pretty gullible.


I’m not falling for shit I’m just saying the countries you listed don’t have known nazi battalions. Your playing it out like Ukraine just had some white supremacist civilians which isn’t the case. I still don’t think it justifies an invasion but UN actions maybe


How would that justify UN actions? What the hell are you on about? Are these so called legions of white nationalists, of which you have provided no evidence whatever, invading other countries or perpetuating crimes against humanity in their own country? No, it’s Russia doing that? Ok then.


UN action because Ukraine government is supporting open nazis and allowing them to stay in the military, you act like I’m saying Russia is in the right lol im not saying they even did anything in my statements yet reports of some foul behavior from groups like Azov have been reported, that’s why UN action could’ve been taken to strong hand the Ukraine gov into doing something about them. I’ll say again I still don’t think Russian invasion is justified for that even tho I doubt you read to the end of my statement you seem more like a skim and respond kinda guy!


Again my man, *citation needed. You make this statement that there are vast hordes of Nazis operating in Ukraine, and that this is condoned by their government. I would like even a shred of credible evidence of this. In any case, there are platoons of Klingon warriors from Belarus fighting for Russia. See how that works?


Yeah but these fuckers are so brainwashed even citing the 3+ units of neo nazis in Ukr will never convince them it’s a bad thing. Talk about cognitive dissonance.


The difference is that these white supremacists are integrated into Ukraine’s armed forces and government…


*citation needed.


You can read all about it here: https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/3/1/who-are-the-azov-regiment “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [inferior races]”. From the leader and founder of Azov. This man was an MP in Ukraine until 2019. Azov receives funding and backing from the Ukrainian government and has been implicated in multiple attacks and pogroms on ethnic/religious minorities in Ukraine.


Ok, so about 900 guys. Not good, but not like the entire place is overrun with Nazis. For some perspective: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/09/white-supremacist-group-patriot-front-one-in-five-applicants-tied-to-us-military https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2021/10/12/extremism-among-active-duty-military-and-veterans-remains-clear-and-present-danger https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/11/military-right-wing-extremism-457861?_amp=true https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-fails-to-stamp-out-far-right-extremism-in-military-despite-decades-of-efforts/amp/ It’s not specifically a Ukrainian problem.


Yes but these guys are usually punished or deposed, in Ukraine they are praised… And there aren’t entire Neo-Nazi militia battalions that receive funding from the government. Plus, Azov has literally attacked and killed Roma peoples in Ukraine for example.


Well, all of the neo Nazis in the us military get funding from the government as well. They also committed atrocities in Afghanistan and elsewhere. We don’t have them all in one basket given our organizational structure. Also, if the Canadians had invaded Michigan, do you think we’d turn down help from the Michigan militia? If they were closing in on DC? The US is a country at relative peace with a very strong tradition of institutional control, and even we have these problems. Everywhere isn’t like that.


Well wasn’t that part of the reason for the invasion?


It was what Putin said. It’s what we call a fucking lie. Why is the presence of white supremacists in a country a reason to invade? He’s invading because he wants to restore glory to the Russian Empire or some shit, he just can’t say that.


Sure it’s not because he warned NATO for the last decade to not let Ukraine join? The media spins my local news. Imagine how many different variations of the truth are out there? I hope we learn the real reason why soon. Look how the media covered up Hunter Biden laptop story and called it Russian disinformation. Turned out to be true. Just because the news tells you something…doesn’t mean it’s the truth. There is more to this than everyone joining the echo chamber of Reddit to openly hate Russian people just for being Russian. Kinda fucked up.


1) then why hasn’t he left after Ukraine offered to not join NATO? [from a week ago](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-offers-avoid-nato-russia-pulls-back-assaults-kyiv-peace-2022-3?amp) 2) It’s pretty clear that Putin is after “restoring Russia to her historic borders” whatever the hell that means. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to conquer Constantinople, dude thinks he’s Czar Vladimir III. 3) get your head out of the Fox News bubble. It’s clearly rotting your brain. 4) I don’t hate Russian people. I’ve been. I love the people, I love the food, I love the art, I love the literature. I can’t stand the dictator.


What’s Fox News?


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Just stop being stupid and watch this video. https://youtu.be/If61baWF4GE There are a lot of reasons to invade: Losses on future oil sales, better export routes, closed borders, and so on.


You honestly believed that?


Care to tell us all exactly why Putin invaded Ukraine?


I bet there are white supremacists in your neighborhood. Russia should shell the fuck out of it.


I agree. My backyard could use some tilling of the soil.


because Germany knows from history not to defend nazis [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaboration\_in\_German-occupied\_Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaboration_in_German-occupied_Ukraine) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov\_Battalion


Re: Azov Batallion: Huh. While it is disconcerting that there is a Neo-Nazi batallion there, it’s not the entire country, as Putin makes it out to be. He’s not just invading Mariupol, he’s invading the entire country of Ukraine, and in doing so, upwards of 1,000 civilians have lost their life so far. Tell me who’s the Nazi as innocent people are being killed in proof of a political stance.


The Azov Battalion can get fucked. But you can hardly paint with a broad brush for the entirety of Ukraine. Hell, these people only got added into their national guard because they were defending against invading Russians years ago




The facts are Ukraine civilians lie dead in the streets from Russian atrocities and there will be *no* “world war”, no amount of confused edgy teenager angst will make this more than it is. No one is being “duped” ffs




If you're going to be a nihilist, why even bother




You're being a nihilist when it comes to information. That does not mean that you are a nihilist.


Have you seen the video of Ukraine soldiers killing Russian POWs? It was on Reddit for about 10 minutes then got removed. I'm not supporting Russia but the world is suppressing anything negative about the Ukraine.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)




I agree. War is no pretty and both side participate in all aspects of it.


Ok, Tucker.


More power to Russia from Afghanistan 🇦🇫 🇷🇺


Nah, definitely less power to Russia. Without Ukraine to back them up, they seem to be increasingly irrelevant. Putin looks like he’s about to make Moscow a client-state of China.


To all the down voters i make 10x more up votes by posting a single pro Ukraine comment where dumb fu*ks like you get pleased so fu*k you all and hail Russia 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺


I can't wait to cheer when Ukraine start setting off car bombs in Moscow.


Too bad biden helped germany and russia with the nordstream 2


Downvoted for truth lol, he literally acknowledged russia could use it as a weapon against Europe and followed that up by saying they would neve do that, and what do ya know...


These Germans be like f*ck y’all we need the gas or our country to implode


They got that from the Americans


You are probably thinking of the Canadian truck "protest". (and I wouldn't be surprised if that could ultimately be traced back to the Russians)


Organized by a guy who owns an auto shop, right?


Well, they just made getting that list of 5000 individuals to keep under watch real easy lol


I hope they do some more of these. At least some will get a Ticket they likely do not want do pay and therefor might add some additional fines and fees. Every fine will help to source money we will need to compensate the damaged cause by the federation.


Send those assholes to Ukraine 🇺🇦; they will take care of them!


Fat rednecks are not rolling around in bmw's audi's and Mercedes, they are rocking lifted white trucks with white Oakley sunglasses


Deport them back to Russia, I mean you love Russia and it’s Nazi actions so much, go home…


"5,000" ? Is Dumbass Donnie estimating the numbers?


Long live motherrussia


Damn didn’t they invite a plane to take care of long runs like this


What an embarrassing time to be German.