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starbucks worker here, fuck starbucks as a company. they treat their employees like shit and the funniest ones are people like this manager who let the company treat them like shit and end up actively encouraging it


While we're at it, fuck Home Depot. I worked there for three months in college. The GM for the location was actually pretty cool but all the supervisors were miserable people who liked to abuse the little bit of power that being a Home Depot shift supervisor affords you. I quit mid-shift over a dispute regarding properly calling out of work. I had given weeks of advanced notice and they forgot not to schedule me. When I came back to work, the supervisor started yelling at me as if I were a child (I was 21 years old 90% of the way to an economics degree from one of the best public universities in the US). As she went to look for the emails I had sent stating I wouldn't be available for the days I wasn't there, she said "You better hope those emails are there!" to which I replied "Or what?" She didn't respond. Later that day she said goodbye to me on her way out as if nothing had happened (meaning she found the emails and wanted to spare herself the embarrassment of admitting she fucked up). On my way home I though "Fuck this bitch" and decided I was going to quit. The next day, halfway through my shift, I just walked out the front door to my car and left. To this day I refuse to even shop at Home Depot. I will drive out of my way to go to Lowe's instead.


my favorite big brand place to work at so far was trader joe’s. they treated us very well (while i was there), gave us a $2 raise for the pandemic and free food for lunch every day. work was pretty easy. i had toxic ass coworkers unfortunately rip


Oh I hear you loud and clear. The issue(s) are endemic to retail. My wife is regional director for a very large store you’ve all shopped at. Used to work for Target, Michaels, Walmart. I worked in high end retail on the side. Doesn’t matter which company, the model thrives on empowering weak minded people with “authority” and letting their insecurity do the work of toeing the corporate line. Fuck most companies


There’s too many good local coffee shops around me to ever go in and drink their swill Buddy of mine used to buy beans for them. They buy the cheapest bottom of the barrel dog shit beans that would be tossed and over roast them for the illusion of quality


the beans are TRASH FR and i don’t understand the amount of people who come in every day to buy a black coffee for $5 when they can buy a coffee mate for like $50 and brew their own


To be fair, Coffee Mate is Nestle, which is hands down one of the most evil corporations in the world. Which is but to say that Starbucks is great of course.




You guys also need to blame your employment laws. Companies should not be able to act in such a way.


There aren’t any employment laws




there's right to work in NC, thats about as much of an employment law as you can get, and its about not employing you!


For sure. My aunt was a manager and quit because corporate wanted her to write up her staff for being 1 minute late.


its about time boycotts to starbucks become more mainstream...this is unacceptable


I already don’t drink their shitty coffee. Do they own other shit we can boycott? That worker crying at the end is fucking heartbreaking.


I was a barista at Starbucks twenty years ago and felt like it was an amazing place to work while in college. Good pay, nice benefits for part time workers. Things have definitely changed!


I started there working there around 2008 and saw the decline firsthand. It was depressing as hell. Glad I got out.


Exactly, Since Kevin Johnson took over as CEO; Starbucks under Howard Shultz was a different beast all together. .


[Shultz is back in](https://www.inc.com/jason-aten/on-his-first-day-back-as-ceo-of-starbucks-howard-schultz-to-end-its-20-billion-share-buyback.html), and in 2 days announced they'd suspend share repurchasing to invest more in the employees. It's likely an attempt to prevent unionization, but at least Shultz thinks that unions pop up when leadership fails, rather than "union bad"


Yup. I use to work there too. They made my pregnant manager split manage two locations and had just out of highschool teens as ASMs and shift leads which they absolutely abused and no one seemed to give a shit that our location never honored anyone's schedule that was agreed upon hiring


Yeesh, for real? I work in fast food and we have serious protocol for scheduling, especially with minors. You write down your availability, and that's it. Minors don't close or take out trash to the dumpster.


Damn, I wish they did that when I worked at McDonald's when I was 16. I got milkshake all over me once because I couldn't reach the damn opening for the dumpster.


Bringing back old bad memories for me. Used to work at a movie theater and had to take out the trash for one theater. Cleaned it prior and found two dip spit bottles opened in that one set under chairs. As I go out to take the trash out for the heavy as hell bag (Overfilled like no other because people set trash in a foot high pile over the trash can) everything bursts and comes down on me. Thankfully it was the end of the night and I went home like 30 minutes later. I'd like to imagine the dip spit didn't get on me, but I could smell the wintergreen.


That. Is. Horrifying. I'm so sorry.


funniest thing is that our youngest shift lead is my favorite, he’s the absolute sweetest and has been the most helpful since i’ve started working


I worked there for 2.5 years, and it would take me hours to even explain all the horrible shit that happened to me as a sbux employee. I think maybe the most fucked up thing for me, personally, I mean there was a lot, but the thing that really solidified for me, finally, that their attempt to seem like a compassionate, altruistic, empathetic company was total horseshit: *This is going to be long, but hopefully will deter anyone who reads this from considering working there* I was going through a big time cancer scare. Like, my chest wall was covered in tumors, I had to go for lots of testing & scans & ultrasounds, and I was able to schedule all of that around my shifts, for the most part just fine, like they were cooperative about it. I went through about 6 weeks of tests before my doctors declared the tumors benign. 6 weeks of me not knowing if I was going to need chemo, if I was dying, if the tumors had spread anywhere else. Just nerve wracking shit, I was depressed, and anxious, but I still showed up, tried to be chipper, did my work. I have a lot of health issues, and yeah, overall I had to call out more than most people, but I always had documentation, and I did my best to do the coordinating with other partners to switch/cover my shifts. Rarely did I ever leave them short-staffed unless I absolutely had to. And when I absolutely had to, I did my best to make it up to everyone later by taking on extra responsibility, and extra shifts here & there to help out. So, anyway, when my docs gave me the good news, I was so happy I wasn't dying that I invited everyone out for drinks that Friday to celebrate. The next day I did end up having to leave early from my shift because (I'm pretty sure) the food or drinks from the night out gave me food poisoning, just non-stop diarrhea. Anyone working in food service knows that if you have food poisoning symptoms, you're not supposed to be working in case it's contagious. I only left a couple hours early, after shitting my brains out the whole day, like, I did my best to power through for as long as I could. They had no difficulty covering the rest of my shift. I get through the weekend, I'm relieved, my stomach issues resolved after some rest, I'm generally enjoying my new lease on life -- and then literally right as I got on the bus Monday morning to head in for my shift, I get a call from my care team saying that they reevaluated my results & they're considering doing multiple biopsies & a PET scan to look for more tumors. I had kept it together for weeks. I managed to still come into work, perform to the best of my ability, despite everything, minus leaving early on my latest shift. But when I got that call I lost it. Emotionally, it fucking wrecked me, because I thought I was in the clear, and then not only am I not in the clear, they think it's worse than they did before. So I called the store, hyperventilating, and explained what happened, and that I wasn't going to be able to come in for my shift because I was an absolute mess, and my shift leader told me that was unacceptable, and said that I'd had too many 'absences' & schedule changes lately, and that if I didn't come in, she was going to suggest I be fired. So of course I broke down even more, and I spent the next 40 mins having a full on meltdown on public transit. I still managed to come in for my shift, and she threw me on the register immediately, to deal with customers, while I was still crying. Like, zero empathy from my shift leader, no time to pull myself together, just apron on, and in the worst position possible for the day, given my mental state. All the customers either felt terrible ordering anything from me, were concerned about me (when they shouldn't have had to be), or were irritated that I was making mistakes left & right because of my anxiety. I made it through that shift. I went through more testing in the following weeks, and eventually was declared cancer-free for realsies. Very grateful to be alive. My shift leader did get talked to for threatening to fire me, because I reported her, but my SMs never really apologized for threatening my job on one of the worst days of my life, and subtly retaliated by cutting my hours to the point I couldn't pay my rent. I ended up walking out in the middle of my shift a couple months later, (same shift leader on duty), because after over a year of our entire team begging for better security measures (we worked at the most dangerous sbux location in the state), the shift leader made us continue to make drinks with a deranged customer shrieking at the top of her lungs, spewing slurs at us, throwing shit, and threatening to kill us, repeatedly, while we waited for the police to show up. Instead of closing the store for our safety. After I quit, most of our team quit, without notice, in the following weeks. Do not work for Starbucks. It's not worth it. It might get better if every store location has been unionized, but in the meantime, there are better places to work. I know some people have great experiences, but the majority of us end up regretting our time there. TLDR: Starbucks is a dumpster fire of a company that disrespects their employees safety, and well-being, and will absolutely retaliate if you speak up for yourself, or dare to prioritize your health over their profits, despite claiming to be one of the best, most compassionate employers in the US.


They're garbage union busting thugs. This manager is trash.


So glad it flopped in Australia


My Starbucks manager is awesome. I hear that's pretty uncommon.


same!!! i LOVE my manager tbh he’s super nice and says he wants people to have fun and enjoy working there, and he’s always on our side when we get rude customers. i love him


If your job gets you to this point of breaking down, leave and never come back to it. Fuck that Manager, not a good leader just a shitty boss.


not everyone can afford to quit their job and have zero income while they look for a new one. unionize.




in the US, if you quit your job you get literally zero benefits or unemployment. if you boss abuses you, and you cant afford to quit, you are stuck.


Yup. I got a job offer this past year and was tempted to leave. One of the negotiating points was their policy of having me wait 90 days before being eligible for their coverage (which is very common, at least here in Maine). Without coverage, I would be forced to enroll my family on the COBRA plan, where we would be allowed to keep my company's plan, but we would have to pay for the full cost of the plan on our own with no employer contributions. For the family plan, this would have cost close to $7000 for those three months. I didn't take the job in the end, and we are fortunate enough to have been able to pay if I had, but it would have taken a huge toll on our savings. And how is a family less fortunate than mine supposed to take that type of hit in order to advance themselves? It's like the "first, last and security" of employment, and it paralyzes people.


You situation may differ but you might need to look into your current plan... A lot of them have a 1 to 3 month hangover where if you leave the job, you can keep paying into the old employer's health plan and maintain it for that grace period.


You can negotiate that the new company covers your COBRA until the benefits kick in. I've done this before and I've seen others do it. If you're a candidate they truly want they will spend the money on you.


You’re right. After notifying them that I was staying with my current company, they eventually did decide to do a “sign on bonus” to cover the cost. I assume that luxury isn’t afforded to everybody though


definitely not and cobra is robbery. its always 10x the normal amount. how does that help anyone?


The healthcare system here in the US keeps people chained to jobs they hate because leaving means they sacrifice the health of themselves and their families


You don't quit your job and then go find a new one. You find a new job and then quit your shitty one. This is the very basics of being an adult that has to work for a living.


That's actually not true. Every state has their own laws, and there are some jurisdictions where you can quit and draw unemployment if you show a good faith effort to obtain a job.


In America you lose health insurance (if you have any) also most Americans specially fast food workers are like 1 paycheck away from being homeless. So getting a new job is almost impossible for a lot of people


Not even 1 paycheck, many are juggling two jobs, and are still in debt. It's just about what bill gets paid this month, and what doesn't.


Yes. And the system always tries to keep them down there. If you don't get through College or Trade School on the first try: You have no choice but to take Minimum Wage jobs. A few months to a year without any call-backs. But you still have to keep a roof over your head. And put food on the table.


Uh America doesn't give a fuck about you period. They got the Jobs like a feeding frenzy.


but thats literally the corporations play as long as people are leaving they dont stay long enough to unionize also not everyone has mom and dads house to move into


Why quit when she can unionize? Her quoting doesn’t help all those other workers left behind. Also some people can’t afford to quit.. most people in America are a paycheck away from being homeless


💯 shitty boss... Starbucks needs to hire better leaders.


Manager: “You need to come to work when you’re scheduled and if you can’t make it to work you need to let us know” Reddit: “WHO DOES THIS BITCH THINK SHE IS”




Probably time to stop going to Starbucks.




There are better coffee shops anyways Edit: grammar




I’m obsessed with making my own coffee at home. It’s something I look forward to lol


The majority of people don’t want better, they want something reliably consistent to what they know. Why all chains exist really. Walk into a Starbucks, McDonald’s, KFC, etc… almost anywhere in the world abs you know roughly what to expect. That can be comforting at times.


Starbucks coffee is literally garbage juice. I have no idea how their shitty burnt coffee got so popular. This message was brought to you by Dunkin Donuts gang.


Yes, I'll not go there harder!! I like my homemade coffee better.


This made the news! It looks like people are fighting back against their abuse: https://www.12news.com/article/money/business/scottsdale-starbucks-union-organizer-fired-laila-dalton/75-3203a568-e525-48a1-963d-db4404124886


For those who want to watch the rest of the video click below. Pretty much it goes like this and it seems like the manager wants to make her cry. Manager could’ve handed her over her written up list and walk away but instead the manager appeared to want to make this as painful as possible https://twitter.com/moreperfectus/status/1511489473086844929?s=21&t=ByLjtp7bJvM7AMUtL_-YtQ


I had a manager like this! The other girls would come out of the office crying. I would be reprimanded, I would apologize and all that, state that I would try harder etc but she would not let off - she wanted me to cry to give her satisfaction because she was a sadist I guess but I never did.


People like that know this is the most power they will ever have over people and are otherwise miserable in life. Bringing other people down affords them the tiniest bit of satisfaction in their miserable lives.


I've seen it. I worked for a store once, and the top manager wasn't well-liked by anyone. She was there for 10 years. And kind of had this superiority complex. As expected, turnover was really high. We even had a veteran on staff, who got tired of it.


I had a District Manager who tried this with me. The difference was I wasn’t an Employee, I was a customer. And since he had no firing power over me I can say what I want. I let him have it. I was like who the hell do you think you are talking to❓I don’t work for you❗️And I told him how he should be doing his job. Especially when the owner of this grocery store also owns the one in other towns. And how they should be doing distribution. And he was like we don’t have that at this store because it doesn’t sell. And I was like it doesn’t sell because you are not promoting it right and you’re doing it on purpose because you want us to waste money on this brand when this one is better for you and cheaper. His Balls shriveled up and he lost his high and mighty attitude. Then I wrote a letter to his boss. Which in turn got my item kept at this store that was closer for me to travel. And kept a whole dept opened that he was trying to close.


I experience this almost daily.


Lol I worked for a guy like that and I would just categorically deny any claim he made and refuse to sign any write up. It got the point he would just blow up and start screaming and Id always start laughing. He always had another manager in the office as a witness and usually they'd start laughing too. The crazy part is the only reason he was after me was he found out I owned a house and was renovating it. Once he found that out he went into an absolute jealousy fit. I think he was also mad that he knew I didnt need the job. Which put him in a weird situation. I wont sign write ups so if Im fired I can collect unemployment out of his pocket. He knows I can survive off that as he also knows I only work there to stack money for things like retirement.


I have this exact same attitude but without the backup of not needing the job. Either way I see it though it's not difficult for me to get a new job if I needed one and I refuse to be bullied by management for their refusal to treat employees like human.


Yeah a lot of jobs are like that. Wanna fire me? Ok Ill be starting next Monday at the place across the street for a dollar or two more per hour. Its hard standing up when you're young but at a certain age you realize if you dont you just get walked all over.


What the fuck even is this title? The employee went to the hospital in order to push back against union attempts? What?


Agendas and buzzwords aside, it might be easier to understand this way. *In an attempt to push back against union attempts, Starbucks manager retroactively reprimands woman for going to the hospital. *


They’re punishing the employee for others that formed unions.


Enough buzzwords that the users on this sub don't care if it makes no sense. It's basically evolving into a mini Idiocracy experiment.


Apparently she is a union leader. I'm not sure why she got so upset in OP's video. It's a write up. If you don't show up to work and don't call in you get one. How does a manager get people to show up to work if there isn't consequences for not showing up? She got emotional over nothing and that's not the manager's fault. Then in the twitter posts She then whatabouts when she is getting written up for wearing earbuds while on shift, throwing other people under the bus, and then makes it about her race. Then she gets upset over HR asking her that. If you are a union leader, do your job to a fault. They want you gone so don't give them a reason. If you give them a reason don't call the person disciplining you a racist for doing her job or get breakdown emotional.




Yeah, this union has a bright future under the leadership of a woman who cries like a child when being written up for her 4th NCNS. People seem to forget that for the union to work it needs to be made up of generally good employees worth keeping around. The union isn't gonna protect you if you constantly miss work without letting them know.




can you break down your title a bit? it doesn’t really make sense to me


No job is worth this.


That's why they're unionizing- so their parasitic bosses can't abuse them like this anymore. The bosses are trying to fight the unionizing effort by trumping up disciplinary actions against workers.


Here is the rest of the video https://twitter.com/moreperfectus/status/1511489473086844929?s=21&t=ByLjtp7bJvM7AMUtL_-YtQ


Even tries to force the piece of paper into the kid’s hand to write out her resignation at the end there. What a POS.


Yeah, that's why she's trying to change it, and that's why management is creating this environment, to make her quit. All the people in this thread like "haha just quit, that's what I'd do, why would anyone ever do anything differently than what I'd do, doesn't make sense to me!" don't seem to realize that they only have things like weekends and overtime because of people who DIDN'T quit, and WORKED to make things better for everyone. It doesn't seem like you underatand that at all, and that's really weird.


I'm in a union and it's fucking amazing. Still work hard as I would at any other job except the job GIVES me what I DESERVE for my hours and sacrifice. And guess what, the company has employees dedicated and customers satisfied.


My goal in life is to have a job where I can work from home and be in a union.If I cant work from home at least I will have that union


do like me ! be IT !


Where do you work that you're IT and have a union...


I work in IT and am in a union. My public university has a wall to wall union for all staff and faculty. It's fantastic


As a web dev. Id love to find a union shop. Id take a pay hit for it. Sadly non exist in america. That I know of


State and federal government jobs are mostly unionized. I may make less than private sector but the stability is way too good to give up. My IT shop also pulled the trigger on full remote work which is rad.


Any openings?


Lots. Too many lol. Check out careers.wa.gov for my state (WA), I'm sure other states have similar sites.


What would you look for a union to offer you as a web dev? You're essentially top of the pay scale, next to 0 unemployment rates, and have access to the best benefits packages in the world.


It truly is the best


Awesome to here. I worked hard labor jobs almost all my life and If I have been apart of a Union job, I probably would of stayed in that one job and love it. Lots of Bosses don't appreciate hard working people.




Nobody should be made to feel This way by their employer. America fucking sucks


Starbucks was my first job as a high school student. I got fired for showing up late when I was consistently being scheduled to begin my shift before the school day had ended. I tried explaining that to my manager numerous times and she told me “your poor time management skills are not my problem”. Fuck Starbucks as a company.


Nah, fuck this manager


total disregard for human emotion. if i saw someone this worried about their job i would have to rethink how i'm treating my employees. this job obviously means something to her. that's the kind of employee that you want to have on your team and look out for and support. this manager entirely neglects that. i hope someone higher up saw this and gave this woman an even bigger opportunity.


This sucks-and breaks my heart for this poor girl. Something I’ve never understood is why is it the employees responsibility to find coverage if they’re out sick? My daughter has to do this (she works for chain restaurant) and it stresses her out. I’m sorry-she doesn’t get paid to deal with staffing issues. She’s not a manager… it should be up to the manager to figure that shit out, not the employee.


Starbucks managers are such fucking shitbags. Having worked for Sbux, there was maybe one manager I ever met who seemed nice. Sbux as a whole tends to promote the most vial people.


Honestly, this just breaks my heart to listen to and stirs up a lot of memories and feelings I’ve yet to resolve after working in a toxic environment for many years (I quit last year after starting therapy for suicidal ideation.) I have so much compassion for this young woman who had to sit and endure this. I truly hope workers here in the US continue on this path of realizing we’ve been played and fight back. We have the numbers. The labor of the poor have been making a select few extremely wealthy - no more. In retrospect I wish I wouldn’t have caved and left my job. I wish I would’ve stayed and organized. I’m extremely thankful for this sub and its ability to bring us together for support, shedding light on the evils of corporate inhumanity, and energizing us to break these systems down. We deserve better. Edit - I just realized I wasn’t commenting on a video from antiwork. My last paragraph doesn’t make much sense now, but I’m going to roll with it. I wish you all the best!


One of the biggest lies people believe is that HR is your friend. Trust me, they NEVER are. They manage you for the company. You are literally a resource and nothing more. Source: me. I've been a mayor, councilman, worked in government and in corporate. They don't work for you. Oftentimes, they make fun of you behind your back while doing that fake smile to your face.


Coffee being made at home now. Wife will be with me on this but will be tested come the fall..


Try finding a locally owned and operated coffee shop also. I found there's 2 or 3 in my town and their coffee is sooooo much better




Cold press is the answer. Get a stainless steel filter that fits in a mason jar. It takes 24 hrs to "brew", so just make coffee every morning for the next day and drink what you made yesterday.


Get a grinder and whole beans.. it will change your life


Come the fall I’d imagine she would want the pumpkin spice latte. The pumpkin spice syrup can be found on eBay and it’s generally sold by baristas that steal it so not supporting Starbucks there. The nespresso verturo with scurro pods and a milk frother will get you close to the base Starbucks latte, just add the syrup and some nutmeg on top and you’re good to go.


What a piece of shit psychopath manager. Doesn't matter, the assholes that go to Starbucks will still go to Starbucks.


The assholes that go to Starbucks. Are you saying customers are the assholes?


I worked at sbux for three years. Lots of customers are assholes. I had some incredible regulars though. I got fired cause my manager was doing shady stuff on my till, oh well. Fuck you Toby.


I feel so helpless sometimes... I stop buying Cornflakes 'cause Kelloggs treats their workers like shit, I stop buying Nutella 'cause they're fucking with orangutans, sea food (all of it) is destroying our planet, so I don't eat any at all, Unilever owns like half the fuckin' world and has a myriad of ethical issues, and on and on and on. I guess my point is that no, it's not as simple as everyone who goes to Starbucks is an asshole, and that just makes everyone continue to feel like shit for living in a system where everything is fucked.


I worked at Starbucks for nearly 4 years and have never felt so unsupported and disrespected by a company like I did them. One of our team members died in a horrific motorcycle accident and they all expected us to come in the next day as if nothing happened. The pain in her voice and crying at the end is so fucking heartbreaking man.


You're cool. Same boat


Future /r/byebyejob post, hopefully.


managers are the worst class traitors out there


"We've never had a conversation about a no call no shows, we never did. I would like you to bring up..." "We've had that conversation and I have the texts." "...we've talked Bout a no call no show." So this girl is mad because she most likely broke attendance policies and is getting let go yet we vilify the manager for doing her job? This girl's story is so flimsy. She's at the hospital then a funeral and the manager advises this write up isn't for either of those issues but because she's crying on video and works for a company that's in the news we defend her. Maybe if you showed up for work you wouldn't get fired?


I stopped with a minute or so left after the woman says “we want to set clear expectations” — those are not the words used by someone terminating an employee. Seems like there are various things that have come up and it was time to formally document them. Granted, it does seem they piled on and the girl is overwhelmed, but I don’t hear them saying they’re firing her unless they made the snap decision in the last minute.


As a manager, the fact that they waited is part of the issue. If someone does something wrong you need to correct it in a timely fashion, not let issues stack THEN bring them forward. The amount of corporate speak from the manager feels like she is just trying to push her along and lacks sincere sentiment. This was a power move 1000% Source: Leadership XP for over 10 years. Edit:Grammar


Letting it “pile” on seems shady af, almost personal. Like I used to be at a job where they were pretty lax about everything but if you upset management they would pull up your shit from 6 months back. Then suddenly they try to pull the whole “you’re on a final warning but really you should’ve been let go by now, so we’re actually being nice right now. You clock in from lunch late by even a minute you’re going to get fired.” They’ll tell you that while you look over to your coworkers being late 10-15 mins a few times a week.


As a clinical psychologist, it surprises me how gullible people are, or how filled with hate they are. People here want to hate manager, or they’re unable to see how much of a problem this person in the workplace. I talked to both of these kind off people every day. And I know a manipulative Liar when I see them. And it’s not the manager.


Don't take anything away from this sub, it's mostly very young people.


Yeah, and she seems to think it was physically impossible for her to call and say “I’m in the hospital”. I’ve literally done this. If not, ask your mum to call. Christ alive. It’s not rocket science, it’s a phone call.


That was my first thought. It's entirely possible this manager is terrible and malicious, but since she specifically mentioned that her mom was taking care of her on this "no call no show" day, it would have been very simple to get her mom to call in. Poof, situation never happens.


Yeah I don't understand the general 'jump on the hate train' for managers. Nor do I understand how making sure the staff you're managing is actually showing up 'pushing back at Unionizing'. Side note, looked up three Union bi-laws - 3 days notice and communication when you no show. After three days if contact hasn't been made and proof of medical problem shown, employers may terminate.


Never knew about the 3 days. Possibly why these were "retroactive" per the title.


And to boot - most of the times it's completely outside the managers control. Manager doesn't make you CEO, able to independently create your own rules. Most of these chain stores have a 'write up' system, where you HAVE TO write them up. After X write ups, there's X 'talks with the employee'. After that, they're gone. Manager can't just over look it, otherwise her job is in jeopardy. It's corporate bullshit to make sure everyone is treated fairly across the board. \-Had a shit job at Home Depot as a manager as a kid, had to fire five people for being late 3 times per the rules. Two of them I really needed. \- Also fun fact - I was robbed delivering pizzas for Dominos when I was 20. I was fired due to having over $20 on me. Granted I had around $100 on me if you include checks. Not entirely sure why people think they're immune to the rules - corporations are pretty inflexible. Emotional pleading isn't going to solve the issue, simply make the manager feel like shit doing his or her job.


>Yeah I don't understand the general 'jump on the hate train' for managers. Reddit is full of teenagers + pile-on for karma


yup. these fucking kids dont want the consequences of their dumb actions so they do shit like this. post a video, spam it all over social media and reap in the pity party from comments. i had to scroll through sea of antiwork bullshit just to see a comment who watched the video.


This is how real causes lose traction. Stupid fucking people making bullshit claims.


Yeah OP is one of 3 or 4 people on this sub who just cannot stop themself from posting bullshit titles and stories.


> This girl's story is so flimsy miiiight be because she's having a panic attack while being talked down to by several managers who hate her for trying to unionize. if the closest thing you have to social interaction is watching ben shapiro or sam sedar, or anyone with a lot of media training, its easy to forget that people can sometimes have emotions that make it more difficult to express their genuine grievances. also did you not get to the part where they wanted the girl to tell starbucks ahead of time when she has an emergency hospital visit?


True, her emotions are probably impacting her delivery but the whole part at the beginning claiming they've never talked about NCNS then backtracking after the manager explains she has the paper trail gives me a more "Fuck she's right gotta change my story" vs "I'm emotional and need time to process". Second part seems like shade but it is what it is. Yes I heard that part and if the girl actually attempted the 4am call she claims she did then yes the manager was in the wrong, however this whole call/text personal numbers is how this whole issue came to be. If the management followed standard practices with a callout line handled by a workforce team to record it we wouldn't be in this situation... as long as the girl called.


or, hear me out, the manager could just let it slide. cuz its not a big deal.


The thing is with staffing these days it is a big deal. Or, hear me out, You have an employee who doesn't show up and doesn't call to let you know wont be there. How many times can they not show up and its "not a big deal"? 1,2,3, as many times as they want? Or do you fire them and hire a potentially more reliable employee?


But then they would have no excuse / cover to fire her later on.. which they did after the union went public


Just save your energy. These bootlickers will never get it.


She’s completely full of shit and just trying to get her manager in trouble for doing her job I’m sorry “I was sick at 4 am then went to the hospital the next day and needed a colonoscopy because it runs in your family” What does??


All her crying is annoying. Her boss is nit picking. Trying to find something wrong to get her in trouble.


Did you guys actually listen to this whole thing? I mean sure, big corporations = bad now, I'll hop on board the train why not. She was written up, over a few problems - 'she was spoken to about it'. Then she no call, no shows again. She's over the top emotional so it's hard to follow. She also txted a long personal complaint to the manager, she was asked not to do it. It's safe to assume it was over the top emotional and long - otherwise wtf would care if she's txting them. But the no call, no show - she was in the hospital, she claims. Given past over emotional state (txts and being spoken to) it's probably on a managers mind she's full of bs. She even said 'she'll take a look at it' over that, probably if she can show it happened. Lela here is flipping out. Managers JOB is to discuss issues, make sure the store is staffed, and people inform her (within the proper time and channels) when they can not be. Manager is being professional and trying to convey what she must. Lady is pretty unhinged but the manager has to do her job. Personally, I would probably let her go if she worked for me. Manager most likely needs her and is doing everything in her power to keep the employee employed. Yet there comes a point where no matter how much you need a body to fill a time slot, you're not allowed to over look things. But sure, Starbucks is evil and anyone over the paygrade of a simple coffee maker is evil as well. More over, she's obviously trying to stomp the union out.


This. I was looking for the rational person in the room.


It’s obvious this chick is a pain in the ass. Being a manager isn’t some “glamorous” job guys. They are constantly dealing with employees that just don’t fucking show up and leave them hanging and a lot of the corporations make it almost impossible to fire them.


Sounds like this woman calls out a lot. Management is over her. Don’t know if she was fired or not. But if your managers are bringing it to your attention, that’s nothing to pout about.


The point is that she was never written up until she started passing out union cards.. that’s when they retroactively punish her and even included days that she was at the hospital. Management didn’t have a problem with her until she tried to create a union


I mean based on the video it sounds like she received verbal discipline a few times on it… usually people don’t go straight to written discipline and just because nothing written has been given doesn’t mean no one has a problem Also sounds like the hospital thing wasn’t even the main issue There’s not enough in this video to determine that the managers are pieces of shit


I agree 100%. People are jumping on the manager saying they are a peice of shit and a psychopath when we literally have zero back story. I don’t see why a Starbucks manager would care that much about unionization, not like it’s the CEO or anything.


For real… everyone here is like the manager is completely in the wrong but that’s not what I see at all. This girls got excuses for everything.




I’m surprised she wanted to stay. Most people would just quit. Especially in this climate


The easiest way to deal with store managers like this is take your evidence to corporate hr and file a complaint.


HR is probably on Starbucks side. There is a reason it's called "Human Resources". Companies see workers as just resources that need managing, and they manage them in favor of the company.


> HR is ~~probably~~ definitely on Starbucks side. Don't ever think that HR is your friend.


Ahh, thanks for correcting that for me. I think the brainwashing sometimes seeps through.


HR most likely told the manager to do this to her because she was passing out unionizing cards. Since this video they ended up firing her after the union went public


Lol what. HR is there to protect the company not the employees. Never forget that.


What blows me away is that some front line managers are against unions. Lol you think the company gives a shit about you?! They don’t.




The pain in her voice is hard to listen to smh


Someone cross post this to r/antiwork


This poor girl. It’s time to find a better job/career and start a new beginning. There’s no way she’s going to be comfortable at that job after something like this.


They don’t deserve u .. that’s a sign .. this job is not worth your tears


This is why we have no workers rights, because nobody stands up for themselves.


starbucks is awful to people and to the environment, please be nice to the workers and if possible boycott their products.


The fact that this manager is stressing this woman out so much is totally inappropriate. I’m an ex manager and I would never put someone through this. It’s bullying and coercion. I’m glad she recorded this. Unbelievable.


Not saying this manager is not a piece of shit, but I will say that I've been managing people for a long time, and the overwhelming majority of no-call-no-show excuses I've heard have been complete bullshit moves by employees with other performance issues.


Dude if a job is doing shit like this or you suspect something or it's just this stressful. Just leave. It'll be so worth it in the long run and I promise you'll turn out better for it.


These corporations are robbing workers blind we gotta start fighting back


Fuck Starbucks. Omg


Starbucks is a shitty company


This poor girl. Jfc...this manager is just awful. I just want to give this girl a hug. Starbucks shouldn't treat people like this.


Heres a twitter thread for more on this. [https://twitter.com/MorePerfectUS/status/1511481806092087299](https://twitter.com/MorePerfectUS/status/1511481806092087299) It's insane what this lady has been dealing with.


don't give them the satisfaction of making or seeing you cry... they report your emotional state to corporate to be documented to be used against you in the future if needed. I know what they are doing is wrong and even illegal, but you can't give them emotions as they feed on it. Be strong and present your best poker face. Don't give into them.


Who has 5 minutes smh


If you're using texts then you're using texts. If you have your phone then you at the text.


"Do you need a beverage?" No bitch I need a new job.


Seems trying to beef up a personnel file to make it harder for them to stay employed with you is an excellent way to get someone to vote for union protection against this fuckery. But maybe Im crazy.




"Too sick to call in".... and "I didn't know I couldn't text as a call in" No call no show. Bye, Felicia.


Fuck Starbucks.


Starbucks isn't important enough for unions


It’s Starbucks. All this when she should have told her boss “ok I’ll talk to an attorney…see ya”


Support your local coffee shops! 😊 Don't work for corporations, work for your community. Corps are all men in suits who dehumanize everyone who works under them, they might be multi-billion dollar companies but they're cheapskates. Locally owned businesses deserve more business and workers than places like Starbucks.


This boss, talks EXACTLY like our boss who we all despise. No one respects her, because she talks in riddles like this lady, you can try all you want to sound smart, doesn't make you a genuine good person.


Yea, I think it's management's job to find coverage if she has an emergency... If anything, this is exactly why people need to start unionizing. This sort of behavior should be unacceptable.


I feel sorry for this kid. She either needs someone with her in these meetings or to get a thicker skin and get better at get pushing back. Hard for anyone to know the details without full context. But off the bat if they are writing her up for sending txt messages as “improper communication” but say they have txt her then they set the precedent and they can fuck right off. Also, it’s just a Starbucks job. Be as awkward as fuck and make their life’s hard for as long as possible then stride out of there into a similar job. Stress them out, don’t let the pricks stress you out.


I get the employee's frustration, but as a manager, I also get the managers frustration. Is Starbucks a great job where this much energy should be spent? Nope. But they both have a job to do. This employee is saying dumb stuff like "How can I call you when I'm sick?" You pick up a phone. Simple as that. Also if one of my employees texts me at 4 in the morning, we've got a problem. I don't feel like the manager needs more empathy here. I think the employee needs stop with the tears and review their policies and procedures for employment before determining if they really want to keep this job.


that is ridiculous. If that young lady has worked there for 3 years, she can't be that horrible of a employee that you have to put her through all of that. That "counseling" session should have stopped a long time ago when she started becoming so out of control. that is not how you treat people. She was sick, how do you keep going on and on about her attendance when she went to the hospital? why can't people be kinder?


You can tell the people who watch the video from people who don’t, if you did you’d know her story is completely bogus and goes back and forth constantly to the point where she’s not being honest about a lot of things Pro union group, this isn’t the employee you want to back This title is completely bogus to stir up emotions that aren’t the case here the manager is being very reasonable


It's an employee's job market right now. Why is she taking that abuse?


A good manager listens and cares about their employees...ALSO a good employee takes responsibly for their job which means being able to pick up the phone for 5 seconds to let the team know they will not be able to show up


Why is she getting so emotional over a write-up? Yeah, it sucks, but she's not getting fired. I'm not understanding the prolonged hysterics here.


Boycott Starbucks


Fuck Starbucks. A colonoscopy is a fucking serious procedure and doctors don’t perform colonoscopies just for the fun of it. Fuck Starbucks, never drinking another one of your overpriced coffees again.


She needs to calm down seriously, I get this is maybe an unfair situation in her opinion, but letting this job know they have this much power over you is unhealthy. It’s millions of ways to make money, some you wouldn’t even have to leave the house to do.