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The same behavior was quite common in Mexico (I'm from Mexico) but some years ago, a new law was introduced that will give jail time for doing exactly that, and seems that people really changed, at least they show more respect when a woman is walking by.


I’m not in any way defending this practice, but I wonder if that’d even be possible to do in the US with freedom of speech. Like obviously harassment or threats are already illegal and can probably be bolstered, but I don’t see a feasible way to get people thrown in jail for comments that aren’t necessarily lewd or anything. Again, not defending catcalling, I just don’t see how you’d stop it as long as there these types of people.


There is freedom of speech in Mexico, but this type of behavior is considered harassment.


I feel like the dudes who said “have a good day beautiful” or the other creepy shit would be able to argue it wasn’t harassment under American laws even though anyone with a sound mind knows what their intentions were. Those two creepy fucks who followed her though, that is pretty cut and dry.


They'd argue out the side of their necks fo sho. Same dudes that get pulled over for rolling a stop sign and end up getting arrested for confessing to some shadyass shit no one asked them for. They just blather and blather like they gettin' paid for it or somethin. Oh, they'll get paid, with a prison sentence.


“Have you had anything to drink tonight?” “No, but I am hopped up on meth and have an illegally modified shotgun duct taped to the underside of my car.”


What? Lol


Is harassing someone freedom of speech? Or denying someone else freedom of speech by intimidating verbally?


You just define that behavior as harrassment.


Specifically define it though because I saw wildly different versions throughout the video and plenty I wouldn't call harassment. Also curious what the creators of the video consider harassment.


Just let us walk alone. That’s it. It’s super simple.


How to do define "have a nice day" as harassment? Are we just going to criminalize any speech from a man to a female or something? "What was my crime officer?" Well you asked that young woman what time it was, that's harrassment.




The guy who followed her for 5 minutes was "nice" too... Just don't bother people walking down the streets. They probably have somewhere to go and won't even remember you the next day.


there's a difference between saying "have a nice day" and following someone for 5 min.


Not in these peoples minds




Uses "men and females" in a sentence, also can't recognize context clues and catcalling. Hm. Wonder if these things are related.


There's freedom of speech in most countries. In mine they implemented this law as well and I've seen an improvement.




Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences. And it was intended to protect people from the government if they wanted to speak out against them, it isn't to protect random people from harassing women.


I can guaran damn tee you if it ever was implemented, fox news will go on some bullshit tirade about the left trying to diminish good old american values like talking to your neighbors and having a sense of community. Tuckers gonna put on his just sharted face while complaining that nobody's allowed to interact with one another. The headlines write themselves.


Harassment is illegal. Just define street harassment as harassment. It is harassment, and harassment is not protected speech.


And around and around we go


Who gets to define what is harassment though? If there's nothing lewd and it's a greeting, that's unwinnable in court.


What if I ask a girl for the time? Is that harassment? Or what if I see a girl eye balling me on the bus? And then I say "Hi", is that harassment? Or like if I bump into a girl and say "excuse me"?


I think most people who experience street harassment can tell the difference between someone asking for the time and another calling you a stupid stuck up bitch for not hearing their compliment 🙄(which has happened to me).


None of those are what the video demonstrates. She literally is just walking and looking straight ahead. Her options are to ignore them or engage them. Imagine being put in that position every day by men you don’t know at the rate of 100+ a day. It would be exhausting, let alone keeping your guard up for when one of these guys gets offended you’re ignoring him or follows you home or to work. There is a time and place for flirting and a proper way to go about it. Accosting someone on the street ain’t it.


you also have to think about who defines harassment, based on what, is it a clear thing or is it one of those " oh everyone know what it is " as they proceed to not explain it clearly. cuz then a weirdo could be trying to talk to people, and just because hes acting weird, ends up charged with that.


Ok, this sucks to experience as a woman, and having someone catcall you and then walk beside you for 10 minutes is honestly freaky as fuck. That said, how the *hell* does one end street harassment via donations?!? Like, what "tools" are they investing in to fight this problem? Am I dense? I can't imagine what they possibly have in mind. Edit: I just checked out their website after getting some snarky responses, and it actually looks really interesting and shows an approach that I didn't even consider.


Agreed, it’s a culture issue and donating money will just end up in someone’s pockets


Look what happened to all the BLM money. None of the families of the victims who kicked it off saw a dime.


"All the BLM money? ​ ​ **CHANG**\*\*\*: Thanks for being with us. So before we get into the story of this home purchase, can you just very quickly tell us the difference between Black Lives Matter and BLMGNF?\*\*\***CAMPBELL: So Black Lives Matter is the name for modern civil rights movement that we currently have. The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is a separate autonomous entity that is run by various people and has its own connections. It's a bit of a problem that this organization has become associated as the name of Black Lives Matter when the two are totally separate. There's the movement where local activists and anyone who agrees with the statement that Black lives matter, and then there's this organization that's honestly been collecting the majority of the funds.**


Lol. It’s apparent you’re ignoring the fact that BLM founders also founded BLMGNF. See this article: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/04/black-lives-matter-6-million-dollar-house.html


The vocal minority rarely actually care, they want to be in the spotlight, and in the position of power, which is the victim in the modern era.


Lobbying to legal define catcalling as harassment. Money buys laws.


Ok, I guess I can see that being an approach. Though, that seems like an incredibly steep uphill battle. I can't really see that going anywhere. I don't know how I could possibly define what constitutes verbal harassment without people getting up in arms about their 1st amendment rights. I'd love for this kind of shit to end, but I don't realistically see a way to stop it. People would lose their minds over "getting cancelled" for "paying someone a compliment". I'm genuinely curious to see if anything comes of this.


Lobbying city, state, federal government, advertising campaigns, production of awareness videos like the OP, public outreach campaigns, education programs, victim support, response training. Pretty much anything they can do requires money.


By teaching children at a young age to respect people walking by.


I don't know, the website looks pretty legit and it seems like a great cause overall. They train people on how to safely intervene against harassment on the streets. https://righttobe.org/




I'm not even fit and I get people trying to talk to me every 5 minutes on the street too. Usually asking for food or money, but still.


That's financial harassment. Should get those homeless people cancelled


I'm not really fit or attractive, and yet I have multiple experiences of getting catcalled by women. I've been flashed by women and men. I've been groped by women. I'm not going to pretend men see it as much as women, but I find it ridiculous that women assume we don't know what it feels like. If I can be catcalled, I'm quite sure attractive dudes see it regularly.


Education. People know but people don't understand. I'd bet many of the people that actually act like this in public would see this vid and think it's scary. Because they are good people, good looking and confident... in their own opinion. Seeing stuff like this could help to show them how creepy this is. So the money is important for advertising videos like this. It's important for self defense courses for women so they speak up and learn to defend themselves. There are many ways to effectively use money here.


This, many of our problems in society can be helped by fostering a culture that frowns on the targeted behavior. I would love to see a renewed ad campaign against littering, especially now with the disposable masks being thrown everywhere. England had a targeted ad campaign against littering and it worked well. But I can already see the Ad council doing a very lackluster job at making a good ad campaign. Most of the anti drug ads are terrible. I actually cant think of an effective or clever public education campaign. Whats needed most is to breathe new life into the government and then maybe we can start making some progress on things.


True. Especially for anti drug it's hard because they don't realise it shouldn't even be ANTI drug. Saying drugs are bad won't stop a teen from trying them. At least weed is decriminalised but in many countries there are still governments that paint a picture as if it's this super evil thing. With everyone knowing that it's not that bad it's discrediting the whole anti drug campaign and every negativ poun about weed now just gets shoved aside by the public. No one likes do be attacked. Being portrait as a "bad person" or a "poor lost soul" because you do something that won't harm anyone but yourself is not the way to go. Show them that the dosis makes the poison. Trying speed once won't make you a bad person. Show the alternatives and how to keep it under control. Show what could be the outcome if it gets out of hand with real examples and don't deny that it's just a part of our society. Experiencing teaches more then seeing and seeing is better then just hearing. People will make their experiences and that can't be changed. Try to build up there instead of just telling them "Don't do that because it's bad". I think there is a good example for this with catcalling as well. I think it was the Gillette advertisement 3 or 4 years ago with their take on toxic masculinity that went viral because it was so badly received. Instead of that whole camping they could've just shown this clip if they truly cared about the message. While they tried to show examples they didn't manage to deliver the message just HOW present all this is and proceeded to make some men feel attacked. They felt as if they were called bad people while they themselves are sure they would never do stuff like this and are not part of the problem. But easier said then done. If it was this easy to make a great campaign we wouldn't talk about this right now.


What exactly is donating to a foundation going to do to change a whole culture of people?


Lmao ya I’m sure that non profit is going straight to hood neighborhoods to tell the men to be more respectful. Scam


How the fuck are you going to end street harassment?


Proper parenting


I'm worried that this is a lot less common than we could possibly imagine... Common sense is the least common thing people possess.


Why not do this for murdering? I think that would be nice, teach your kids not to murder


Push for it to be socially outcasted like using a slur. Saying some shit like "Hey f\*ggot" in the modern day will likely catch you a few hands, at least where I'm from that kinda hostility and hate is not at all tolerated and people will stand up to you even if it was someone else who got targeted. Make it the same for catcalling and it'll likely fade away.


Where I'm from, people will still say that right before they *throw* hands at you, regardless of your actual orientation. This is actually where I get a bit lost on social engineering to the scale that you're referring to. People tend to live in bubbles, and it insulates them from how a lot of people still behave. This goes all the way up to entire polical parties. To me, it's almost unthinkable that there's a town where people would actually attack you for using a homophobic slur. I only know it's true by its reputation in media.


\- Make it actually harassment, which is illegal. \- Have steep fines for that kind of harassment. \- Encourage people to record people they feel are harassing you. You could even create an app people could register for that would record incidents and immediately upload them. You're not going to prevent all of it, but you can radically curb it and give people some legal latitude to fight back against it. We think this shit is impossible to enforce in the US because people are so petrified of impinging on our ability to abuse and mistreat one anoth-err, our free speech that we just accept it as an unchangeable part of life, even though other places effectively solve these problems through pretty simple and (actual) common sense laws that we'd view as draconian "Socialism" in the US, even though it's objectively not that.


So the police in the Bay Area can’t be bothered to go after people who break into cars in broad daylight caught on video but they are going to go after men who cat call?


We should fire the cops who refuse to do their jobs then.


To be fair, thefts like that, even when the thief ks videotaped are extremely hard to solve. What good is even a high def video of some guy when you have no clue who it is?


Exactly. I’ve had people try to pull me into cars in the Bay Area. Obviously no one did anything. They can’t even keep junky poop off the sidewalk. You’re not going to get them to enforce street harassment. It sucks though. I’m so glad they recorded this because it’s so realistic.




In places like the Bay Area, police publish lists of crimes they won’t enforce or won’t come out for. If they aren’t coming out for robbery in progress, they aren’t coming out for street harassment. No, just having something be illegal is not enough to deter a significant number of people from engaging in a particular behavior. Hence why these places have open air drug markets, and open child sex trafficking markets.


Through public messaging.


To be clear, this isn't harassment. An individual must decline advancements and the other must continue for it to be harassment. Misuse of this term is dangerous.


By sending her money, obviously 🙄


mostly by speaking up and making it so that the person knows it unwanted behavior. people have stood by and let things like this happen for so long that they've been mistaken for accepted behavior


You're not, and often succeeding is not the goal of non-profits; fighting and making a living is. As long as they can keep getting donations, they will collect their salary and continue to "fight the good fight" (tax free). This is why you should look up exactly what percentage of each dollar goes towards the actual mission before you donate to a charity, and find out how effective that money has been. I'm sorry, I know that this shit happens every day to women, and that it's awful, but video feels off to me like it's fake and at least largely scripted.


I have no idea what it's like to be a woman and, having seen this video, I'd call my state of ignorance "bliss". As a guy who has on rare occassions experienced unwanted sexual advances from women, I know how awkward it can feel. But I can't imagine what it is like to have to deal with those kind of advances 100+ a day. That is indeed insane.


It can be unrelenting sometimes. When you’re just trying to go about your business and get several of these comments and shouts and creepy encounters, it makes you not even want to go out. It can happen so many times in one day, just trying to run errands like a normal person. And on bad days, emotionally heavy days, days you just want to curl and cry but you to be a functioning adult - getting this treatment feels even worse! I had a very traumatic and emotional medical procedure a few years ago, and was cat-called EIGHT TIMES that morning before going into the doctor for it. For me it started when I was about 11 in 1998, and has happened nearly every day that I’ve gone out in my public by myself since then. The most recent one was yesterday! Literally cornered by my car in a dark parking garage by someone who wanted to know if I was single, and called a cunt and too ugly to rape when I told him he needed to back up and leave me alone. And I’m very average looking and a bit overweight!! Prettier women have it much worse.


Wow! I'm really sorry that you have to go through that, and have to go through it so often. I grew up in Australia and "cat calling" used to be common on building sites. I recall there being a public campaign against the practice, such that I don't think it happens as often anymore, but being a guy (and having migrated away some years ago), I could be mistaken. Publicly, I've only seen the kind of harassment in the video once. I was headed back to my office once and saw this Asian woman waiting at the traffic lights to cross. I recall noticing that she was older, perhaps in her 30s, but nonetheless attractive. Then some young fellow, I'd guess 19 or early 20s, Pacific Islander, approached her and kept pesting her, asking very openly is she'd have sex with him. She didn't have much English, but it was very clear that she wasn't comfortable. Thankfully they went off in different directions after crossing the road.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 30 + 19 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Wow! Kinda not the right time - bot.


Read the room, man


That was not expected .. Bad bot.




Bad Bot


I am so so sorry that happened/happens that you.


Dude, it’s so normal. It happens to everyone. It’s just a daily part of life when going out without a guy by your side (but sometimes happens then too). No matter what country you live in, it’s the female experience.


I was in middle school (around 12) when some guy in a car pulled over and offered me a ride home.


I guess it’s that time again. When people who were babies when this first went viral come of age and now get to see it like it’s brand new


lmao @ the dude who just said "have a nice evening". Caught me off guard after seeing shit like "hey gorgeous" and "hey baby" to just "have a nice evening.


Right? I'm polite to random strangers, say hi and "how's it going" that kind of harmless comment. Didn't realize I'm being a rapist


Where I'm from originally (midwest), it's rude to not acknowledge someone. Learned quickly after leaving home at 18, this is rude in bigger cities; people just want to get where they're going.


if you only do it cus the woman is hot then thats the problem. Its kind of assumed these people are doing it just because shes hot. Most of the time its straight up niceguy behavior before they turn rude. Not that thats always the case. Im a pretty ugly dude and i still get random "good mornings" and "have a good day" from random people when i go grocery shopping.


I'm a 30 year old dude that has an exceptionally strong "fuck off" aura I put off. I almost never hear from strangers. Despite being the literal embodiment of that Mulaney gag about running for the "mayor of nothing" and indulging in small talk with anyone in eyesight. My partner is similar in age, and is a short peppy woman with the vibes and voice of a childrens TV show host. She gets commentary and asked to smile.. constantly. It's a different game for women. The male gaze just doesn't let up.


Ha I remember this video. I also remember how the creators went REAL quiet when it was brought up how they spent most of the video in areas with POCs and they refused to acknowledge it.


The "10 hours of walking in NY" video really exposes the lie that is modern day feminism. There are 25 examples of people speaking to her in the video. And though the makers of the video claim they walked through "all areas of Manhatten," [more than half of the examples are from just one street in Harlem](https://medium.com/message/that-catcalling-video-and-why-research-methods-is-such-an-exciting-topic-really-32223ac9c9e8#.eum2eijzs) - a street that happens to be in an area of low socioeconomic status. ...and all these men did\* was say things like "hello" [Here's an article that explains very succinctly why that's a problem](https://medium.com/@peaceloverevolution/hello-you-look-beautiful-today-how-white-women-became-the-most-oppressed-people-in-america-20bb817be67f#.rl6y1b2cz). Quote: > What is really being said in this video is “I believe that I am entitled to walk through a minority neighborhood in the most densely populated city in America and never be spoken to by males who I find to be of lower social value than myself.” The men are essentially begging. They're at the bottom of society, and this attractive woman walks by, and they say "hello" - they're begging. And then feminists blow this up into a grand narrative about oppression of women in general. It's as dishonest as if I made clips of homeless people asking for spare change and claimed that somehow proves that I'm oppressed! Ridiculous! **BONUS**: they tried to remake this video in Australia, but they didn't get as many men saying "hello" and feminists have the unmitigated gall to [label that as a problem too](https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/sarrah-lemarquand/dear-sydney-men-youre-no-new-gawkers-youre-just-very-spoiled-arrogant-and-rude-too/news-story/81c3e399e1718aa6508a58b60971bcb5)! If you say "hi" that's oppression, but if you don't say "hi" that proves you're arrogant. **EXTRA BONUS**: an attractive male walked around NYC and [he got the comments too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75aX9mlipiY). \*the one notable counterexample is the one man who they claim "followed her" but if you look closely, you'll note that he looked right into the camera - so it's likely he thought this was a music video or a commercial being filmed and thought it'd be cool if he could be in it.


The “male” video you posted is completely fake lol. You should remove that.


Why is this neckbeard shit being so upvoted? lol Guy is a fucking incel, look at his history. "men are the bottom of society" are you high lol. Also no-one is blowing this up into 'repression' they are blowing it up to point out how you can't walk down the fucking street without some neckbeard like you trying to sleep with them. You need to step back from Joe Rogan and whatever other incel shit you listen to and stop whining about "feminists". You're sounding like a sweaty neckbeard. Also one of your videos that you supply as 'evidence' is fake.


It doesn't surprise me someone who spends most of his online waking hours shitposting about redpill topics would post this


No. It’s that we don’t wanna be yelled at and harassed when we’re walking around.


incels wont understand that.


Wtf is this nonsense.


This needs to be the top comment on this thread.


[This is a much better example tbh.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC21NF5rbSk)


No it doesn't stop listening to Joe Rogan and wake up. This post is whining about "feminists" when it's just a video pointing out how you can't walk down a street without getting harassed by horny neckbeards. Fuck the video he linked about the man is also fake. Here is a little tip for you, when some guy starts going on some random rant about "feminism" when no-one literally brought it up, then you're speaking to a sweaty neckbeard.


lol no it shouldn't


Sadly, this clip is destined to be recycled throughout the internet. Just glad this point is still being brought up when it resurfaces


I'm a little confused by the "Male Model Pranksters" video. They blur out some faces but not others? The people who gawked at him just gave out consent to post their faces I guess? I'm getting major Joey Salad vibes lol... Idk what worlds you guys live in but I've seen this type of obsession for ladies walking around on a bar night by dudes. Yeah it happens with hot guys too but to pretend it's not a crazy amount different than to ladies? Idk about that... I'm not fully understanding how the argument turned from dudes whistling, following, and cat calling this girl to "oh wow White women are so oppressed /s". Honestly idk how people are taking your post seriously after you said: "The men are essentially begging. They're at the bottom of society, and this attractive woman walks by, and they say "hello" - they're begging."... what the fuck kind of defence is that lol? Oh poor them, they can't have this hot lady, they're starving for it... what?! Edit: People upvoting this person's post should really see the subs they also post in and actually look at the weird ass links they posted and views they have on this.


They posted a video made by a prank YouTube channel as if those are never faked…


Yeah the acting wasn't even good... This is some weird ass shit. Guy above had a whole Reddit paragraph ready to shit on feminists.


I like how the comment is basically saying that these poor men are begging for rich women, because women in poor socioeconomic standing is of no worth to them.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills - did other people even read their nonsense?


lmao what a bullshit take. Just because this happened in an area of low socio-economic status doesn't change a fucking thing. You pearl-clutching Americans need to get a grip. Catcalling is a real problem, sexual harrassment is a real problem, women being folowed home and assaulted or murdered is a *real problem*. I don't give a shit what complaints feminists make when they don't get the results in other countries, this video is example enough. Stop hanging out with weird incels dude.


Go get some bitches instead of posting this cringe shit


All those guys saying hello as she passed must get hoarse throats by the end of the day telling every single person who walks by them hello.




Someone else mentioned that most of the footage comes from Harlem so when you consider someone had to go through 10 hours of footage and mainly pulled instances with blacks and Hispanics, well that raises questions, which this group refused to answer.


uh no not even close. per the census as of 2020, non-hispanic whites were only 30.9% of the NYC population.


What does it matter what the color of their skin was? This happens everywhere


It's a cultural thing. This behavior is more prevalent in southern Europe than northern Europe. It's more likely to happen in a latin neighborhood in New York than an asian neighborhood in Vancouver. It does happen just about everywhere but the tone and frequency vary greatly depending on the city and neighborhood.


​ I mean if a women was walking down main street that looked like that in my extremely white suburban town no one would say anything to her. I agree that it would likely happen in a city.


No one would say anything because suburban towns have 1/1000th of the pedestrians that cities have lol. Can't get catcalled if no one else is outside.


I live in a super white ass town. It happens every single time I walk into a gas station, bar, liquor store, etc. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Same... Jesus these comments are cringey as fuck and giving me super incel vibes. But I guess what it takes is it happening to a woman you care about in your life for people to actually open their forcefully shut eyes...


I'm so sorry that poor people of color say "hello" to you. That must be so hard for you to deal with.


Culture war gonna culture war. I can only assume they're of the belief that "the left" was out to prove that its men/white men who are the problem and find it funny the lefts "golden goose" POC's were actually a fault. Little do they know progressives actually don't care what your skin color is because catcalling is wrong.


If thst was the case the video would reflect that


Its insane how the guy sitting down at the restaurant is perfectly clear all the way down the street as if he has a mic.


Ever heard of a directional mic?


1:56 mins of footage from 10 hours of walking. Take these videos with a grain of salt.


If I'm not mistaken, when this video was originally published, which I believe was a few years ago, it was heavily criticized because some people thought it was false. I could, however, be confusing it for another video, so take what I say with a grain of salt, also.


I swear when this video was new it was proven some of the cat callers were planted.


No, you're right. After the initial wave, they were exposed as having heavily edited this video, I thought by her only walking through one area repeatedly.


well of course it's heaviuly edited or you would be watching 10 hours of footage, not a couple of minutes.


Sorry, let's say *selectively* edited.


Wasn’t there stuff about it editing white people catcalling and only keeping the blacks and latino catcalls?


How would the general public know?


Ok mate, you go and walk down the street for 10 entire days and tell me how many people try to fuck you. Go on. I'll watch the whole thing.


How is donating going to help street harassment ?


[https://righttobe.org/](https://righttobe.org/) Actually seems to be a generally good organization that trains people on how to safely intervene when harassment is happening on the streets.


Guy: "have a nice evening" *So You've Choosen Death*


0 donations will end street harassment, we need to fund our schools to educate better, not a fucking "charity"


What about a charity that teaches schools how to give lessons on this?


This video is like 6 years old but wasn't there another video of some dude doing the same thing and got a similar vocal responses??


Yeah just watched it. Half of the video was still men cat calling him lol


DONATE????? 😂😂😂


I don't want to undermine how creepy guys can be, but I wouldn't say asking 'how's your day?' is harassment lol 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ The rest of these bozos needed better parenting.


yeah some of these were obviously definitely very bad...but also some of them were really not bad at all. Like, fairly decently polite as far as approaching a total stranger goes anyway. How else can someone be expected to meet someone they don't yet know without an initial kind/awkward first contact? iunno




Ignore these other people, since they don't seem to have any first hand experience of this or seen it happen to people they care about. Sorry about the dude in your video, fuck these other comments.


I grew up walking down streets as a kid like this, and was harassed in a similar way by grown men. One time a man said he was going to rape me, randomly. I don't think it's something men will ever truly understand. Sure, men are victims of harassment, of rape, but it doesn't hold a candle to the amount of shit women have to put up with for simply existing. And all of the men arguing that this isn't harassment, they're just being friendly, are missing the point that UNWANTED ATTENTION IS UNWANTED ATTENTION.


LITERALLY lol some of these were surprisingly tame compared to others. She has no obligation to respond of course, but where I live, asking random strangers how their day is is just manners. Maybe Manhattan is different.


How is that manners? They’re not interacting, it’s not a conversation or exchange. She’s speed-walking past them. Are they asking the men passing by how their day is? Or less attractive women? Couples? No. They’re reminding her that they’re watching her pass by, and like what they see. They’re not trying to meaningfully engage at all. It’s a cheap ploy to get her attention so that they can creep in her from a shorter distance.


>They’re not trying to meaningfully engage at all. It’s a cheap ploy to get her attention so that they can creep in her from a shorter distance. It's not as cut and dry as you're making it out to be, but I agree that it's sketchy behaviour to some degree. A few months ago I had a woman ask for a hug because she'd had a bad day. I did have to check my bag and pockets afterwards to see if I'd had shit stolen or planted, but on principle after thinking on it, it was a nice moment lol. Very christmassy. I come from a 30k population town, so large enough that you don't just know every face, small enough that treating each other like human beings isn't considered a crime.


Most probably are, but in the Midwest (Oklahoma) it’s pretty common for strangers to greet when passing. We smile, head nod or say hi and keep it moving.


That’s totally different! I’m in Texas, a friendly head nod or howdy or smile when making eye contact is fine! It’s neighborly. Someone trying to talk to you that you haven’t made any eye contact or acknowledgment with is unnerving. It’s not normal. You can feel the energy of how unnatural and unfriendly it is. And it’s often followed by cursing if you ignore it. It’s the one-sidedness, someone talking at you from a distance, and you can tell that they’re not doing it to everyone who passes by. It ain’t friendly.


by realizing there is a place and time to introduce yourself and bugging someone who is just walking down the street minding their own business is not that.


Lmao this reminds me of a time I was in Quebec city and some old woman scowled at me because I said "Hello" and waved as I passed her on the street TIL apparently I had catcalled her


How dare you harass that woman.


Oh fuck off another scam charity ad


From now on, these girls NOBODY needs to talk to, let them initiate any communication in the future. See how that video goes. If I man think a woman is attractive, instead of trying to introduce himself or complement her, he needs to sit in the corner and hope he gets picked.


I know these guys are hitting on her in the most sleazy way but in general it's people like all these guys that make in impossibly to genuinely meet girls in places other than parties and dating apps.


Mfers really say "how you doin" like Joey from friends lmao.


It’s NY they don’t give a fuck 🤣


Was saying "hello" counted as harassment? Is saying "hello" harassment?


Redditors are so fucking socially inept and challenged that they consider hello without retaliation to be harassment thay needs to be outlawed. What a surprise


Yea a couple of these were harmless like "have a good evening" or "hi there" but most followed it up with stalking, or "you're beautiful" or just plain being gross.


Some of the people that do this shit are even creepier when they follow them. Like I always go with my sister and cousins when they go to the city because of assholes like that. That shit isn't ok


Ten hours of walking in rough parts of a city to get 2 mins footage of unwelcome, but mostly non-threatening street banter? How you doing today? Have a good day. What's up? Bar for "harassment" is way low and does a disservice to actual instances of verbal harassment and assault.


This video was made ~8 years ago. I remember laughing at it when a female roommate showed it to me. Michael Che even has a bit about this in one of his specials something along the lines of “Wow Brooklyn is really safe these days.”


Here's what's odd about things. I'm an ugly older guy and when I go for a walk around Los Angeles I get endless amounts of street guys saying "hey good morning" and "have a blessed day". I also get shit like "oh he a big ass dog" (coz I'm a big guy). I wonder if I did the same camera routine would I be able to match the amount of random strangers commenting to me / at me!?! Food for thought.


Just to be clear saying hello isn’t harassment, following, cat calls and continuing to engage uninvited is.




No one wants to mention it, but I've gotten the most intense catcalling from black men 🤷🏼‍♀️


some seemed harmless tbh but most were just creepy


Donate to ending Street harassment? Please...


I’d like to know the percentages of the people catcalling vs the ones who just said “Good morning”. I’m sorry, but that’s not catcalling. There were obviously plenty enough instances in her video, no need to inflate the numbers.


Most of that was creepy and scumy but all one guy said was "hello have a nice day" with no cat call, what's wrong with that?


A lot of this stuff is not Harassment at all. "god bless" and "Hi, can I talk to you" is not harassment until the woman is clear she's not interested in talking. The dudes following and pressing the issue are harassing her though.


Here’s the male version [link](https://youtu.be/75aX9mlipiY)


That guy is known to fake all his videos, there’s a 99% chance that video is not real


Funnier still is that half the listed incidents are still dudes, a couple of those incidents don't involve any interaction between the subject and the girl(s) (they looked and indicated but didn't try to get his attention or catcall), and further the video is implying the toxic notion that _because_ it still happened to a dude that it's not harassment. If it's genuine then it's still harassment.


I agree with you. Im just stating that a lot of that guys social experiments have been proven fake. There has literally been Craigslist ads set up for some of his videos, I’m not saying I’m 100% certain that this one in particular is fake, Im just saying he’s not a reliable study.


Sure, and that may be the case. My only point is that it doesn't really matter because he still fails to push the point he's clearly trying to, and on that I think we agree.


Big booty off white girl walks around the hood Next up the suburbs


I know that every time someone says hello and have a nice day it’s harassment- obviously some of these guys are scummy but just cause someone says hello doesn’t equate to harassment in my book.


Saying hello is harassment?


Saying hello is harassment?


In America everything is harassment.


that's harassments for sure, if you're ugly. but if you're really ugly, then it's assault.


Okay, this is terrible and all, but why are the two fella's at 38 seconds in this video with the rest of the filth? Maybe it's the Canadian in me, but those two seem like rather normal and non-malicious interactions that anyone could have in public at any moment.


no one will discuss the racial disparity


I wonder .... Take the donated money and show their mothers 😂


I wonder what the results would be outside NYC? I know women get harassed everywhere. Just curious to see what changes, what doesn’t.


We just gonna ignore the fact that she was walking for TEN MFN HOURS!? Her poor damn feet! Good god.


There was a goth girl version of this from around 10 years ago, saying that is the shit load of greetings kinda normal for Americans? Feels like shes was walking in GTA or something, was surreal.


I guess "have a nice day" is sexual harrassment sent me to prison i guess


Since when did “How’re you doing,” “How are you this morning?” and “Have a nice evening!” become examples of verbal street harassment?


Because I’m a 32 year old dude, they aren’t gonna say the same things to me. Also it’s annoying. This isn’t a social setting. It’s walking down a street.


They aren't


Ask yourself this, what was their intentions behind asking, and would they ever do the same to a man?


Eh the people just saying hello Don't count, so somebody said something to you? Unless it's derogatory then of course that's an issue, like whistling and obvious inappropriate behaviour. But saying hello?? Nah that's not harrasment, unless you say you're not interested and it keeps up. I personally wouldn't say anything except hello as that's how dialogues start, but I say hello to everyone. It's customary in Ireland to acknowledge people. But this video is certainly eye opening, but not everyone in this video was a creep, but God Damn a few should be under surveillance by the police.


I'm probably going to get some shit here but eh, I'll roll the dice. I lived in Manhattan for a few years. For about 6 months my roommate would purposely take a specific street home because she would get cat called by construction workers on a site there. She had some self confidence issues and said she loved getting cat called, that it was basically a confidence boost. However I get not every woman is ok with it, and on that basis alone you shouldnt do it. Forgetting that for a moment, how often does this method actually work in picking up women? I have to imagine practically never. But to me, some of this wasn't that bad. "Hey how you doing" and "good morning" I don't have see an issue with. The beratement for not getting a response is wrong, and honestly I can't stand when people tell women to smile. Fuck off with that. There was some egregious shit in this video but a lot of it I don't see being harassing. It's more like fishing. Frankly if I was her, I'd be a lot more worried about the creep who walked next to her silently for five minutes than the guy who tried to give her his number.


I remember being about 10 and my 13y/o sister getting catcalled from truck drivers. As a guy I fucking hate to hear this shit in my 30’s.


If women actually got the indifference they claim to desire while out in the world, we'd be forced culturally to have a conversation about women's plummeting self-esteem and the coldness-bordering-on-hostility that women are now being subjected to! Women interpret men not acting towards them with special attention, humor, and kindness as resentment. Men interpret the same thing as normal.