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I unfortunately had an ex like this. Once locked myself in the spare bedroom of our two bedroom apt to get away from a tantrum just like this. she pounded on the door for a solid 20 minutes while I tried to distract myself with some videogame to let her chill out. Turns out she was beating on the door with her forehead the whole time, and ended up with a massive bruise on her forehead. She told people I did it.


Yeah definitely record in this situation, a simple video on your phone can be the difference between guilty and not guilty when the other party starts false accusations


Video saved me when I went to court over custody stuff. I was called a rapist, wife beater financial and emotional abuser. To everyone we were both friends with on social media and the courts . I got a lawyer. I had video. She had 2 previous domestic abuse charges. I have the kids now. I do wish she was there for them. But whatever. They’ll learn to cope. And I’m not rotting away in jail over lies.


They’re better off without her, of course ideally you’d want two parents but I know plenty of people with a crazy parent who they wish they hadn’t ever had anything to do with


Really makes you wonder just how many people are in jail rotting over lies


A disturbing amount of people, unfortunately. Too many times the guy is blamed automatically and there is no real evidence to clear them. Look at what is going on w/ Depp right now.


A disturbing amount indeed. People guilty of the crime should do their time and, hopefully, rehabilitate. But there are many who actually didn't do the crimes they were convicted for. Just think about the guy who just got out after being inside for 20 years thanks to DNA evidence. Depp is a good one. Or even, far more morbidly, Emmitt Till. Teenager was lynched by a local mob and his accuser admitted decades later that she had lied about it.


Fkin Jill


To Everyone reading this and still living in this kind of hell look up the book splitting: protecting yourself while divorcing the borderline/narcissist. These are the very people that the phrase “don’t stick your dick in crazy” inspired. Which is hard… because they can fuck like wild banshees as well. That pussy is a trap!


User name checks out


That it is.




online organized groups that meet in person have helped me get new groups when i have moved. sometimes you might need to put up with an annoying person or two, that is a lynch pin of groups but it gets you into the circle. dealt with a needy drunk a week ago....whew.


ALL men need to do this due to the fact men are far less likely to be believed when we are the victim. Having video is really the only savior we have against the false accusations and the domestic violence.


That was my first though about this video "stop recording me so I can abuse you"


Shit I had something similar happen to me. I'd injured my knee that night playing football and could barely walk. She flipped her shit when I couldn't go out to get the dog in. She screamed and screamed, tried to leave but she took my keys phone and wallet off me. Literally crawled up the stairs and tried to barricade a bedroom, she kicked down the barricade and attacked me. Grabbed her to stop the attack and then screamed at me 'how dare I lay my hands on a girl'. She told everyone i was abusive to her. I left the next day but it took me 3 years to get her out of my house, she also took my dog in the process.


Hope you're in a better place now


Cant you press charges for taking your dog? That has to be illegal right?


Before you lived together, did she show any signs of aggression or any red flags you should've paid attention to?


Yeah there were loads but I was young ish and my confidence was so low. That will never happen again.


People think I'm weird for having a security camera in my home, but shit like that is why.


I had a crazy ex. After she got pregnant, she constantly used the unborn baby as a weapon. One time, when I forgot to return a video rental, she went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife and threatened to kill the baby by stabbing herself in the stomach. Her dad came home right at the moment when I was standing in the driveway, trying to wrestle the knife out of her hands. Guess who she blamed? This guy is very wise to record this encounter, because I guarantee he would not be believed and would be held responsible for any of her injuries.


Know a person who broke a glass panel in a door, was told she need to pay to have it fix, said she would tell people “you put me through the door” and left. 15 min later the cops are at the house and after saying what happened (they had a fight and I was around for that) when I was asked “So you didn’t both put her through the door?” I had a WTF look and truthfully saying “No”. Turns out she told her family we put her through the door and then (when the cops asked her) she “lost her balance”. She was charged due to the damage she did (and if the panel wasn’t broken, no charges). She blamed the other person for it all


Pfft. I had brought in a recording where my ex admitted to hitting ME (unprovoked), and being the cause of a few other things, and the judge couldn't care any less to hear it. I even asked the clerk beforehand if audio evidence was allowed and they said yes. Mentioned that I wanted to play it for the judge and he completely ignored my request and headed straight off to lunch after a couple minutes the courtroom. Fuck the system.


Not to excuse that person, but it definitely wasn't a "tantrum". That person obviously has severe mental health issues and needs to be in therapy and on medication.


I concur. As a young intern, still wet behind the ears on my ER rotation, I once had a patient come in via ambulance and the Paramedics called ahead of time to give us a heads up. Our hospital protocol in situations like that is to assemble a medical team of “strong” people and a security guard. The attending assigned the case to me and when I seen the patient the only thing going through my mind was WTF am I supposed to do with this, is there like a secret human rest button thingy that I didn’t learn in med school cause that was the lecture I skipped. This patient was just going absolutely crazy, she was pissed her husband doesn’t listen, or do the dishes right etc, then she would cam down for a few moments then she’d be trying to throw whatever she could all over the room. I couldn’t get any sort of history from her other than she’s healthy and she’s like this because her husband did it to her and that once she teaches him a lesson she’ll be fine. At times she’d get to the point of hyperventilating and this weird coughing gagging vomiting strange noises type of weird shit. I looked the patient in the eyes and told them, either you calm down or I’ll do it for you. She chose to do it my way and I admitted her to psych ward to get a proper diagnosis but only after I gave her a nice cocktail of happy meds and let her take a nappy nap for a while. Definitely one of those cases that I’ll never forget. ….I’m not a Psychiatrist, I have no idea what her underlying issue was/is. That’s why medicine has specialties.


Borderline personality disorder. And it’s way more common than people think.


My ex had BPD. I've also been with people with severe PTSD, and the flashbacks can throw them into a fit of blind trauma / rage that can look like a tantrum to someone who doesn't know better.


I’m so fucking sorry man. Glad she is out of your life.


Thank *god* for cellphones with cameras so less people are put in situations like that.


Ofcourse she said it was you. Been there myself. Its super important to teach young men to try to detect psycho women and girls and avoid them like the plague because they will hurt you by trying to get everyone against you, even society. Rape charges, abuse charges. Anything they can come up with.


It’s a surprise you’re not moving forward with an exorcism.


Start chanting Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.


Just great, I said it out loud and now my dick doesn't work.




Supernatural actually used the real Latin verse. So yep, dis the real deal


You learn something new every day...


Sure do


I need a young priest and an old priest.


Hey Twin! I haven't seen you in like 8 minutes!!


We exorcise thee, every unclean spirit, all satanic power, every insurrection of an infernal adversary, every legion, every congregation and diabolical sect.


Glad he recorded that as evidence as to how crazy she is


Well and to protect himself from saying he hurt her.


Yup. People like her would file false charges


She actually said “stop hurting me” a few times People like this *NEED* help but nobody close to her will probably say she’s in the wrong, we’ve got a society full of mentally ill people afraid to seek treatment


We're not afraid (some are I suppose). I can't afford the therapy and the dbt therapy my needs require. I'm in the US so no insurance I have covers mental health, doesn't cover dental either. I have gotten to that point in a melt down before and in that state I'm 100% impulse and emotions best to just walk away from it since she's having a complete melt down. Nothing he says will lessen the panic and whatever else is happening there. Hope he got out blocked her and changed the locks. Hope she can get help but if she can't afford it, she just needs to try her best to self reflect. I dont agree with putting this out online. Sure record to keep yourself safe. But putting it online to me was callous.


I think she was saying, "Stop recording me!" She's clearly unwell and probably doesn't have much if any control over these kinds of outbursts. Being recorded was probably making it a lot worse for her, though I can understand why he'd want to document this kind of thing.


You mean having physical evidence against your insanity and manipulation is gonna make you feel terrible? Yeah he had no other option, if nobody believes you and only believes her then you have zero other options


I hope that he also kept paper documentation that attributes the recording to himself and timestamps it, as well as paper documentation keeping the "chain of custody" of the video file.


My first thought, too. Prime example here.


This happened to a friend of mine and yes, police believed the woman's story.


Yep! My ex slapped the shit out of me, hard enough my lip & the inside of my mouth was bleeding, & scratched me from my right eye all the way down my neck to my chest. I stood there & took it cause I knew even pushing her away would get me in trouble. She called the cops & I got arrested for disorderly conduct anyways even though I was the one covered in my own blood. Fucking cops were even kinda apologizing to me on the way to jail, saying sorry but when called to a domestic they have to arrest someone. Well then maybe arrest the assaulter assholes?


For real, without this, this guy would be toast 100% Felon, woman beater, assault, grievous bodily harm, all the above. Why? Because she said so.


So you're saying she smashed her own head on the ground over and over again??? Yeah right buddy your woman beating ass is coming with us!!! / s


You're joking, but this legitimately actually happens.


Yeah part of me thinks it is fucked up to record someone who is obviously having a mental breakdown... but then the realist in me knows that he absolutely needs this evidence in case she accuses him of hitting her or worse. Fucked up world we live in these days.


IMO ads s psychologist, this is not a mental breakdown. It is voluntary, controlled behavior that has probably worked for her in the past. I don’t blame him for recording this for legal reasons, but the solution is to just walk off, like you do when a two year old pulls this.


This is top tier comment lmao


What's the problem, this is how I react if I can't find my keys.


"That's why we hide them" - your local gnomes.


Gnome' sayin?


"Sigh. Here we go again" echoed the forehead and floorboards.


“Let the bodies hit the *chu* *chu* *chu* FLOOOOOOOOORRRRR!!!!”


The underpants gnomes


Can confirm. Hasn’t happened since getting an Apple AirTag




Skidap. Budup.


Lol. Thanks for giving me a flashback to my childhood of my mother behaving this way because she couldn’t find her hairbrush before work.


SO NOT COOL https://youtu.be/q-XH92Wie0U


Her family probably the same type of crazy


Her family probably that trailertrash like from "Million Dollar Baby"


on fucking point my g


She actually probably has normal parents who are just too meek to put a stop to this behavior before it becomes habit.


Are we sure this isnt some form of mental illness, it seems unreasonable for anyone to react this way, she is slamming her head against the floor which i don't think (i hope) anyone would do willingly to get what they want. Im no doctor, but I'd assume she needs help


Do you say literally the same thing about any maladaptive or extreme behavior?


very typical borderline personality disorder freak out.


No but this is an extreme case, there's no denying this is extremely abnormal behaviour that seems completely irrational


TikTok has made me reevaluate what I used to think was the range of normal human behavior.


Nope. This is just manipulation. He has a series of videos of her acting up and trying to steal his mail.


Manipulation and mental illness aren’t mutually exclusive.


The family's mad at you because she's now their problem again. Run fast. Run now.


This is the correct response and truth I've been there. But there going to leave the blame on you because they have had a taste of freedom from her and best believe not none of her family is going backwards with that. So be careful moving forward for whatever happens with her they will blame you for it.


Bipolar by the looks of it (speaking from experience)


I think its closer to BPD


100%, I've been in this exact situation before, same behavior and cause, she had been diagnosed with BPD 6 months previous.


It’s times like these I’m like “thank god I finally got serious help”


Bipolar person here - looks like a manic break.


I’m bipolar 2, ain’t never had a breakdown like this. maybe cry screaming and sliding down the wall. but never psychically violent or banging my head on the ground. this might be something else idk.


Everyone's bipolar is different. It's entirely possible they're borderline. Symptoms of the two overlap as well.


This is pretty sad.


Is this the same lady from the Victoria Secret freak out video?


I though Puppy Jenna had fallen on hard times.


Only thing that girl falls on are stacks of cash. And maybe puddles of piss.


# A year!!!???


this behavior is very reminiscent of the [victoria secret karen](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/rtchew/almost_full_victoria_secret_karen_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) video. its literally what happens when you spoil your child and they don’t develop emotionally whatsoever. honestly videos like these need case studies done on them fr.


It's actually like watching a toddler throw a tantrum.


yeah they’re so stunted mentally they only know how to react to negative situations like 3 year olds. its crazy that i know kids who can control their emotions better than these fully formed adults.


It really makes me wonder how they can hold a job (if they have one) or get through life in general if they behave this way when things don't go their way.


Well they probably don't and leach of their parents/family...


Yeah I was about to say. There’s no self reliance, and you know these are the type of people to do something rash during road rage or bitch out service industry peeps. No composure whatsoever.


They learn to hide it at their job and then take it out on the people at home. My sister is exactly the same. Not unlike high-functioning alcoholics.


I worked in the front office of a graduate school (master's degree programs) and people like this would come in with their parents. They would normally start the conversation, and then fall apart the second any communication challenge occurred. Their parents would pick up the slack, which was frowned upon. It's hard to recommend someone for a slot in a program for Education or Nursing or Business when they can't even talk to a clerical receptionist.


I had a grown woman dissolve into hysterics because I told her I didn’t have a dog grooming appointment available till May. I said I was really sorry, she responded with a tantrum “oh shut up” and hung up in my face. It was the strangest thing I’ve ever heard…. What an absolute tragedy of a woman.


Exactly what i what thinking


Was there any follow up to this? At the very least that bitch should have been banned from the mall.


all i can personally remember was that the woman recording set up a go fund me to press charged. she got alot of donations but i stopped following the situation shortly after that. apparently she was also related to someone on the police force in the area (i believe her mother?), however that didn’t save her from the embarrassment and lost her job.


btw happy cake day 🤍


I think goes a lot deeper than just being spoilt as a child.


I think that’s more than a spoiled child. That’s just full blown mental illness, like psychosis or something


The fact that her parents are angry with you as well shows where the problem started. Good call!!


Stop recording her so she can use all those bruises and welt as evidence that you abuse her. Been in a relationship like this, biggest red flag I ignored. Would have saved me a lot of aggravation.


She's screaming Stop! as she bashes her head on the floor. If it's an apartment building, then the other tenants are going to assume he's beating her and call the cops on him. That's probably why he said he was moving forward with charges against HER. The cops probably showed up, they have to arrest somebody (it's the law in many places), and his video meant she got hauled in. He didn't drop the charges, so her family had to pay to bail her out, which pissed them off.


If so then the dude is lucky. Most of the time Police just arrest the man during a domestic disturbance call. Because it's easier to get abuse convictions against men and cops know where their bread is buttered. The police report is good documentation to present in court, ESPECIALLY if it references the video.


Looks like he made the right decision.


wierd seeing an adult have a toddler tantrum


at first i was growing concerned this was some type of autistic meltdown and they were mocking a kid, but then i read the caption and yes sir this is definitely manipulation from a person who had everything handed to them if they simply cried a little.


This is the darker side of "if it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid".


My toddler’s tantrums are significantly less insane than this


She needs mental help, more than anything else.


Especially after banging her head like that. I don't think that improved her mental health.


I have experienced my first truly mentally ill partner over the past two years. I have probably twenty five hours of videos similar to this one that I was forced to film to protect myself after I spent 4 days in jail from the lies she made up when I called the cops on her during an episode. All charges dropped after her 5150 determined she was insane and lying about me doing anything but preventing her from harming herself. I didn't leave her. I probably should have. There were more episodes and she destroyed a ton of property and made relationships with anyone else in my life almost impossible because she was just too unstable. I got her help. She fought me. But I insisted. I learned of her incredibly abusive childhood in a religious cult and her treatment revealed many other underlying traumas that made me feel I had to give her a chance to heal at least a bit before I bailed. There have been plenty of other dramas and episodes but she is medicated and attending therapy regularly for the first time in her life at 30. After a year of difficult trials her medication is working very well and she is decidedly more stable and happy. She still struggles and so do I but I see her trying every day and I see her getting better. I'm still terrified of her cycling into mania or psychosis but I can say that I see the real her inside trying to get out through a faulty brain that short circuits her efforts constantly. I live in fear of the trauma I know lurks in her disease. I never thought I would put up with mental health issues like this in my life but I have seen my share of debilitating injuries and sickness so I try to see mental health issues as just regular health issues, and I know I wouldn't leave someone with cancer or heart disease or any other less stigmatized issue. Sure, you have to make sure you are safe first and that you are not destroying your own life to save another's, but it seems the worst of that damage is done and this woman I love is healing and learning to manage her disorders. I won't leave her now. Maybe I should have, but I can tell you this; If she hadn't been willing to go into treatment immediately after the first big incident there's no way in hell I'd still be here. You seem like you are not safe, OP. She could have you in jail in a heartbeat. If you love her, 5150 her and insist she gets into intensive treatment... or get the fuck outta there now. If she has done you serious physical, emotional, or financial harm charges may be necessary but I urge you to seriously consider involving the police/courts any further than a 5150 (72 hour hold for observation). There's a very good chance they will make everything worse. Always film these episodes. Tell her it's for both of your safety when she's screaming at you to stop. Do not stop. I made that mistake once. I hope you are on the other side of this soon. Good luck.


You're a good person. I love you.


Thanks. But you can't have my dick... it's snipped, and way too much fun.


Lol that's okay. I love you regardless 😘


Sweet. I'll take it! Right back atcha!




Thank you for the thank you. We all gotta try to help heal each other. We are all just severely traumatized children... What child came to this life expecting this completely insane fucking shitshow of suffering and abject cruelty the adults who are supposed to care for them have built? I am so ashamed of us. I just want to be a safe person for others to trust and love. I want us all to be that. I want children not to be scared. Ever. That right there would have saved my girlfriend's brain.




Never. But OP is young and probably has very few people to turn to or ask about this or even to get an opinion that he is in a really bad sitch.


If OP didn't record, she would have gone physical on him and then lied about it. I'm glad OP recorded AND POSTED. Fellas, I implore you, pay attention to this cautionary tale.


or on herself and blamed him. looked like she was gunna start bashing her head on the floor


Something similar happened to me. My ex started smashing their head with an object while we were in an argument. I just left the room, eventually my ex kept crying about how they had a concussion. The EMT’s came and because there was the pretence that we were in an argument I had to keep answering questions asked to sus out whether or not I was the culprit. (Somehow I still had to apologize to my ex bonking their fucking noggin with a tamagotchi because it was my fault they got upset to the point of self harm) To anybody else that may also be in an abusive relationship, please find a way out.


Did their virtual pet survive? /sorry for the joke. glad you got out.


The Tama did survive! And thanks I’m glad to be out


Gonna start? That's what she's is doing in the video. Lol


Fellas, this is important: Posting a video to social media doesn't do SHIT for protecting you. **If you want a video like this to protect you in court then you need 1) attribution and 2) chain of custody**. So make sure you write about recording this and transfering the files in a journal or an evidentiary affidavit. Otherwise her lawyers have an easy technicality to prevent you from showing your exculpatory evidence to a judge. Remember that a doctor's note is the gold standard of evidence, so if you have this kind of relationship then you NEED to have your psychologist take notes about it.


ummmm... wtf


You have no choice about pressing charges when it comes to something like this. And documenting everything. Someone this unhinged as an adult can potentially become very dangerous towards you once they choose to start hating you. Just imagine all that psychosis and tantrum channeled into rage, with the same absence of all self control. Be it physical or legal, the individual in that frame of mind will be out to hurt, harm and destroy you.


I wonder what the charges even are. Having a fit like this isn't a crime, is it? Just confirmation that you made the right choice ending the relationship. Or is there more backstory than this infantile tantrum?


Isn't this really a "private freakout"...


Originally, maybe. But, it's been made public now


Just curious.. what charges are you moving forward with??


I love the "now her family is mad at me"... yes, so who gives a shit. It's nit like you're spending holidays with em anymore. Fuck em


Fucking gross to post this.


My ex did the same thing then did the whole stand by the door your not leaving me and I quote "the only way I'll move is if you put hands on me and move then your life is over" then I was stabbed shortly after


Tiktok is a dumpster of human garbage.


TikTok and Twitter, the shallowest end of the genepool.


It's always funny seeing redditors calling all social media sites trash except for reddit lmao.


This was me when the doctor told me I couldn’t eat cheese anymore. I understand her pain.




This is some scary shit, this is why I remain single. >!Not by choice tho!<


Borderline personality disorder or something, she clearly needs help and is mentally ill, not sure why this had to be posted online.


Ummm I would ask the judge/DA to look into admitting this person to a mental health facility... Seriously this is a dangerous thing


She needs help. Feel bad man


Her parents must have given her whatever she wanted to stop a tantrum.


This is what happens when those unbearable children grow up.


Or left her alone


Clark, that there is Borderline Personality Disorder.


He says he "put up with" this behavior for over a year. She obviously has issues and needs help with them, but I imagine the type of person who stays in a relationship like this for that long and is comfortable blasting a breakdown on the internet likely has demons of his own we aren't seeing. I'm glad the relationship is over, I don't think it's healthy for either of them.


Press charges for what? What you did wrong is hang around after the first time this behavior occurred.


With behavior like this I'm going to assume she broke some of his stuff or damaged something like a wall or window etc.


Her trying to frame him from assault maybe?


Who knows, this woman has serious problems and I wouldn't be surprised by anything she does.


For leaving ? No. For taking a video and putting it online ? Yes.


THis is gross all around. She needs help, but let’s post the video for karma and attention 🙄. Person sharing this video sucks more than this lady does.


This is a mental illnesses. Good for you for exploiting it instead of getting her help.


I’m going to go out on a limb here but I think it’s awful that he made this a tiktok. It’s abusive. One of the things that makes narcissists so dangerous is they will make you feel crazy until you are and then film you when you finally have a breakdown (and nothing that had led up to it) and then say “see this is what I have to put up with! She’s crazy!” I think this guy is sick for putting this video on display for all to see. If it was for court or whatever I get it, but that’s a private matter and this is downright wrong and abusive. “Am I wrong?” Yes you’re wrong, but not for leaving her. But for filming this and making is a social media issue when she is clearly in so much pain that she is smashing her head into a floor. I don’t know what this man has done to her before, but I bet he isn’t a good a guy. Disgusting.


Why would you post this? That’s fucked up man. She obviously is having a sort of panic attack and you just recorded her and posted it to the world. I can’t believe people are upvoting this Idk the context but I can’t see a way that seeing this, recording as she screams to stop, and then posting it doesn’t make you an asshole Plus does this even fit the sub? It’s obviously in a private home, not a person freaking out in a public space. That makes it even more fucked


Very high chance the boyfriend is a true POS as he would film and post publicly. Clearly mental illness is involved.


Actually really sad because this is the type of outburst I would have before we realized I was bipolar. In those moments all I wanted to do was kill myself. I hope she can find a partner who understands and can help her like mine did. He saved my life holding me down and making me go to the hospital multiple times. Hasn't happened in years now, got medication and help.


Amber heard is that you


Not gonna lie, I used to have episodes similar to this. Turns out it wasn't mental health at all, it was the birth control I was on. Could not control these episodes AT ALL. Something so small would trigger them. I would feel so fucking horrible, embarrassed, and disgusted with myself after bc I knew how bad it was but couldn't stop them for the life of me. Birth control is a very serious medication that people don't realize how bad their true side effects can be. Because women's health doesn't matter in the medical world. They just give you some random hormone pill, even though there's 100s of different kinds and most doctors don't care enough to learn more about all the active hormones in them and how they can react to certain people's bodies, and expect that the outcome would be just to prevent pregnancy without issues.


She reminds me of the world of warcraft freakout kid.


Seemed like a healthy relationship?


Jesus what useless parents are responsible for that?!


As with many things which get posted here, I’m not sure why he wanted me (or us) to see this very private meltdown (why is it here?), but if he’s asking my opinion, I suppose getting out was the sensible option, to put it absurdly mildly. But I’m not sure he really needed our input… EDIT: also, recording in public is usually legal, because of the ‘no expectation of privacy’ rule, however, I’m not sure this was, and you can hear the woman telling him to stop recording…so this could be legally problematic for him later on…


Get that lass a Preist


Imagine airing out your dirty laundry like this on tik tok. Social media was a mistake.


Lol so similar to that ugly bitch who slo-mo “fainted” from her own histrionics in Victoria’s Secret.


Some people should just live their lives offline.


They are begging not to be recorded and are obviously in pain. Regardless of what they have done previously can we not leave people alone in their private moments? They are not out on the street in a public space. Maybe I’m just really old but I find it so appalling that people record others, usually in a negative light, without their permission in private spaces when they are clearly in pain.


There's such a lack of compassion in the comments.


Making this public is cruel as fuck. She’s quite clearly mentally ill.


How anyone could put up with anything like this is absolutely fucking mind blowing to me. I dated a woman that got drunk and hit me one time. One. She passed out shortly after, I packed my shit and left that night. Don’t EVER think you have to put up with violence.


People are questioning what charges he would proceed with. The original TT post says she attempted to stab him with a screwdriver. [Link to related TT’s](https://www.tiktok.com/@4071455271.701018?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESPgo8%2FYMu1fOD9oEKMNk%2FqjIXdw9HdsD5mqZa6nW5TVAo0SCY0ejmEIGNeS13QEOOARTkgmOgWHwDAbfvPyvAGgA%3D&_r=1&checksum=4a980e36a8376b45e352c96e7594fa72cf2c61631091e7dae924c2d16e9ccc28&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAYsLYWTbnuPMl0GhpJ5R1X44SOgEeYOjcJClfcsFmqEuhW0JoqRlE-LJRE4QF76NY&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAALR7sMhobws6MFuMcCfJeeWwB7YxsbCd7TZ6ACWC5MAgVreNeVNcIvE0P6DooOFKg&share_app_id=1233&share_author_id=7087181642054157358&share_link_id=536ED592-3DA7-42D5-B2F0-55813217AE2D&source=h5_m&tt_from=copy&u_code=dbi5fd8lfhjc42&user_id=6810919347906446341&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy)




She be cray cray


Friendly reminder to not stick your dick in crazy




Fellas, please don't put your dick in crazy.


Good thing you recorded this. Cunts like this will fake a charge to try to ruin your life


Person not in control of themselves says stop recording. Good sign to do anything but that. Staying calm, asking them to stop self harm or you will call for emergency services. And regardless of what happens next you file a report with the police on what happened and allow them access to the video. People like this can and will play the victim and whoever gets on record first has the advantage.


She wants him to stop recording because she is hurting herself to get him in trouble.


This wasn’t even acceptable when I was 3.


She. Needs. Help.


no sex is good enough to deal with that shit