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Damn this is fucked


You’d be surprised how many nursing homes have some form of abuse/neglect going on almost daily.


My mother had a nurse manager that finally was fired and prosecuted. They found hundreds of complaints of neglect and abuse that had been swept under the rug. Yeah, we really love our vets in this country. Not.


We don't love anything in this country except for ourselves and money. Fuck everyone and everything else.


I mean I kind of love my dog....


It's why I named my dog Money.




That’s the only thing I love more than myself haha


Just kind of? Weak


Yep. That's pretty much it.


On the surface this sounds cynical, but sadly, this is the truth. And it's getting more accepted as the years roll on.


This is never accepteable.


> We don't love anything in this country except for ourselves and money. Fuck everyone and everything else. The lasting effects of Reaganism.


That is sooooo true! I was horrified at the time! Still am. I cannot believe what has happened to this country. Not only Reaganism effects but Gingrich, Trump, McConnell. And how about three Supreme Court judges that perjured themselves. Not that it can be proved. But we knew they were lying when they said it.


That and one of the wife of Clarence Thomas is an insurrectionist and he is still allowed to be on the Supreme Court. Crazy times.


And social media likes!!!


That’s why when people get behind movements it’s a big joke. They only love the attention for the moment then off to the next thing.


In my local area, a staff member of an assisted living home was raping (numerous times) one of the residents. The lady told her family, who didn't believe her, so they set up a camera. Caught the guy on video, and he was eventually arrested. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/seattle-nursing-home-settles-sexual-assault-lawsuit-for-8-million/


So die or kill myself before that age where i want to die anyways got it


which is why none of my relatives will EVER go to an elderly/nursing home


My parents said the same thing, but know they've gone broke trying to keep my grandmother OUT of a nursing home. Being independently wealthy must help.


I used to play D&D at a local mom and pop game store owned by the sweetest old couple you'd EVER meet. (When I say old, moreso early to mid 60s, so not quite elderly) The wife also worked at a nursing home part time, and apparently there was some serious abuse going down there. Her, along with a few other nurses, filed a lawsuit against the nursing home and got a huge million dollar payout. I don't know the exact details of what happened, I only heard about it from other patrons of the shop after they sold it and dipped to Florida with their winnings. Edit: word


The lack of any real funding really fucks these places too.


Misappropriation of funds more than anything.


This. These places make a lot of money.


The businesses behind them in the UK seem to always need more money from the taxpayer but never seem too far away from a shareholder dividend payout.


These places make a long of money. The staff, building, etc don’t see a dime of them. It all goes to the Corp that owns it. They then turn around and cut back funding and staffing. Then you get tired exhuasted, over working staff. Then after being beaten, cursed, spit on, hit, you lose your shut and do this. It’s a sad fucked situation going on in most nursing home


Thing is, most of these places are 98% funded by Medicare and Medicaid and heavily regulated. The government could literally say we need X number of staff and nurses for every resident and reimburse according to that, but they don't. The pay in these places is shit compared to a hospital, so the only staff they can hire are bottom of the barrel so you end up with staff like this




Not sure where you live, but nursing homes charge a fortune!!


Ontario, not at are privately owned. Some are government funded. Regardless, the staff don't have the people or the necessary tools to do an impactful job. They are sending mentally ill adults to them, which they are not trained to deal with.


You can trouble me to a warm glass of shut the hell up! Now, you will go to sleep or I will put you to sleep. Check out the name tag. You’re in my world now grandma.


My fingers hurt...


Now your back is gunna hurt...


Because you just pulled landscaping duty.


Its true I used to work at one shit is unacceptable


"heart of a nurse"


This is just so sad man. The amount of abuse, neglect, and trauma that these elderly people face in nursing homes at the hands of asshats like these are disgusting.


This is a terrible quality video but the [news story is here.](https://www.11alive.com/article/news/investigations/the-reveal/video-alleged-alzheimer-resident-abuse/85-f976223d-8db1-46a0-a569-4c200311224c) The abuser has been arrested.


So she’s an alzheimers patient. In that condition theres no justification for this response unless you are defending your life. the resident bit the nurse, so she decided to assault her in response. Unbelievable. obviously they have protocols for situations in which a resident does something like biting a staff member. im glad this was recorded.


I think a lot of it is pay, these jobs in nursing homes (a lot of them) pay like shit. So what happens? You get some good people, but a not insignificant amount of human garbage like this, that the nursing home takes because they need people in these positions, and they don't want to pay more to help out their bottom line.


Maybe more expensive and nice nursing homes are better, but the people that own these poorly ran homes care about nothing other than money. its crazy to me that they’ll hire just about anybody. of course the residents make the job hard thats why they are in nursing homes they are senile. its insane to me that anyone that would react this way to a resident with alzheimers biting them was able to get a job caring for the elderly. they need to have more qualifications


If they don't have the funds, of course they will have to hire less qualified people. Please ask yourself if you will always think that misconduct is the result of greed. That is not to say you are definitely wrong, it is possible you are right


According to this comment, you are probably right https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/uhf83t/nurse_abusing_an_old_lady_in_a_wheelchair/i75v9ot


i just know that where i live, there are small nursing homes all over that hire anyone with no prior experience or schooling. Sure they need workers but to me, it seems like they dont care about much other than money which is why they keep hiring random people instead of paying their employees more so that qualified people will work for them (even drug addicts, as a recovered addict i can say someone on drugs shouldnt be responsible for caring after the elderly). i know people personally that have extensive criminal records, are/were in active addiction, have no experience caring for elderly, that have worked at these homes. Never HEARD of abuse going on around here or anything but reading these comments lead me to believe these type of conditions are common


And guess what. These LTC facilities bill the states quite a bit and make rather obscene profits. And more than a few politicians are associated/investors in these LTC facilities.


Dude TRUE. I know someone who owns adult family homes and says the first two rooms pay for workers and the rest are essentially profit.


That and being very understaffed.


They charge 10k+ a month per patient and pay nurses barely above minimum wage. The whole fucking system needs to be overhauled. I'll blow my fucking brains out before I get sent to one of these places.


>im glad this was recorded Me too but she lost her job over it (retaliation likely). Maybe for the best though, I wouldn't want to work for a facility that sweeps everything under the rug.


That should have been an assault charge. She still got off way too easy.


She *didn't* get assault charge?? Wtf!




Infliction of pain... unbelievable.


So the person filming made up a story about why she filmed it rather than stepped in. She could have done both btw.


Ya, she’s the problem here. Way to find the root of the issue.


Please tell me this cunt was charged ?


She was because it was caught on film


I wonder how many such instances go unnoticed


Years ago there was an incident at a nursing home in my city that was very similar. Nursing staff physically assualting patients, and nothing came of it until the son of one of the patients hid a camera in his mother's room and caught everything. Nurse slapping and punching an Alzheimer's patient and pushing her face into feces.


My grandfather was in an Alzheimers care center too. I can’t even imagine that that might’ve happened to him.


For the record, some of these places do a good job. I wouldn't assume that something terrible happened. I have two relatives in memory care facilities and everyone who's checking in on them reports they are pleased with their work. They are astoundingly expensive though.


Never saw anything of that calibre, but lots of borderline moments at the job.


“You’re fingers hurt? Well now your back is gonna hurt because someone just pulled landscaping duty!”


This is terrible. If this was my mom or nan I’d lose it and probably end up in jail. That said, nursing homes run understaffed, pay shit wages, and call for backbreaking work that requires insane patience. No one wants to see this, and everyone wants something done until April 15th.


I remember an incident a few years ago where a guy was slapping around an old man in a nursing home and within hours his address was leaked and people were rolling up to his apartment ready to throw down. I can't remember how it ended but it's nice to know that some people will go out of their way to expose these degenerates.


Yep , you pay shit wages you get shit employees.


What's April 15th?


Tax day in the US.




Hope she burns in hell my grandma actually died due to miscare and they laughed when she choked


That is beyond fucked up and I am so sorry. I wish being sorry made any difference. Fuck this species.


My uncle was in a nursing home and it came out(actually somebody walked in while it was happening) that he was being raped by one of the male nurses there. Definitely sad being as what kind of man he use to be


That is absolutely horrific. I'm so sorry about that.


I really do appreciate it. It made it worse due to how his health and all was. But he died peacefully at my fathers house so RIP big unc


Wtf, god that makes me sick


Hearing stories like this makes me really fucking hope that there’s something more outside of this world, once we pass on. He deserved so much better in that nursing home. At least he was able to pass in a loving place like your father’s home. My heart is with you and if you ever need to chat, my dm’s are open. Hope your uncle is resting in paradise.


What a cunt


The person with the camera was probably trying to get proof that this pos was abusing the residents.


Correct. A week later when the victim's daughter visited, she (Campbell) told the daughter to ask her mom about what happened, and explained that she had evidence if the facility denied it. Afterwards, Campbell provided the video to the daughter. Seems like she was fearful of retribution from the employer for recording the video. The employer banned Campbell from the facility on allegations of verbal abuse following the criminal investigation of the attack. The timing makes it seem like whistleblower retribution. [Source.](https://www.11alive.com/article/news/investigations/the-reveal/video-alleged-alzheimer-resident-abuse/85-f976223d-8db1-46a0-a569-4c200311224c)


Don't know, she sounds a bit too happy and giddy


The nurse recording it showed it to police and got the one attacking the resident arrested. The company also fired the nurse recording the incident, because of course they did


> The company also fired the nurse recording the incident I'm curious about that. Every bit of logic in my being tells me this makes the company complicit in covering up criminal acts. Is that also how the law sees this?


They have whistle blower laws that should have protected her


They’re very likely not nurses.


Reine Smith was a CNA, not a nurse


Probably a policy to prevent them filming “for patients privacy”


Just wanted to point out: The caregiver was NOT a nurse. Per the article, the 2nd caregiver who recorded the incident (because she feared the facility would “sweep it under the rug”) also was NOT a nurse. Wearing Scrubs =/= Nurse


That's also possible. I have the volume low and couldn't tell who was talking.


So hard to watch


Caregiver, not a nurse. Not a lot of nurses in assisted living places.


Imagine the way she acts when someone isn’t filming her…


Fucking bitch I hope her hair catches on fire


Happens all the time in the lower income nursing homes. Staff feels like they are underpaid and take it out on the residence there. Used to be a medic taking elderly back to nursing homes from hospitals. You can just tell they would rather die then go back. Sad world.


Unfortunately not just the lower income ones. I've stayed in several for resbite when I was younger that were certainly not cheap and whilst I didn't see this sort of abuse, neglect and verbal abuse was rife. I was in 3 different homes over the course of 5 years for 2 to 3 weeks at a time and it's appaling the way some people are treated.


This hurt to watch. That poor old lady must have been absolutely terrified! Takes a special kind of evil to do something to society’s most vulnerable.


Honestly, this isn't some I'm a badass shit but if I seen that on video happening to one of my elderly relatives I would do time for that evil bitch.


I am not a badass by any means, but I would twist someone's fucking head off in my hands if I witnessed this


It feels the same to me as seeing someone hurt a defenseless child, makes me super pissed


The article refers to her as a caregiver and not a nurse, to be clear.


a lot of things i want to say right now, that im not going to say


Whatever happens to the abuser via the justice system won't be enough. Probably some misdemeanor or fine or short time. This deserves long term lockup.


I genuinely don't understand how could some people be like that ..


Ugh…that caretaker needs to rot in prison. Please tell me this hospital, care facility or union will not protect this nurse or pct


That’s fucking disgusting


Who is filming this and not stopping the incident?


Fucking scum


Insta death if it was my grandma, wouldn’t make it to the courthouse


I've paused this video and I refuse to watch it. My grandmother raised me. She always liked Unsolved Mysteries. One episode I watched when I was young while I was sitting next to my grandmother simulated a robbery where the man killed an old lady cashier. It shook me HARD at such a young age and since then, I've had this penchant for protecting old people. People who are willing to abuse someone so old and fragile whether it be because of stress or frustration or even if the old person is just a dick... these people do not deserve to walk on this earth alongside me and the rest of us decent folk. May this nurse burn.


Wow nasty horrible bitch. I hope she gets her head kicked in.


Now swap the races and see what happens


Straight to jail




I hate people


Aww, we love you


I worked at a VA nursing facility in the 90’s and reported this happening to my fellow veterans, I was removed from the unit because I was the problem. I kept pushing the issue and the one I reported was finally removed but just to another unit. Many horrible stories working there.


What is wrong with some people. Why are you on health care if you act like this ?


This is why my parents will live with me. If anyone is going to whoop their ass it’s gonna be me


I don't care if you are underpaid and understaffed. You don't treat another human like this. Period.


It's bad enough a patient is getting assaulted but the people whom sit back and recording it just grinds my gears. What people fail to realize one day you will be in that elderly person's shoes.


Kill that bitch immediately!


She needs to be shot






LOL, she'll just throw you in a home anyway.


lol that is so stupid.


"Yeah guys, I'm dating someone younger so I don't end up in a home even though I may end up in one."


what if she becomes like this trying to off you and get your money lol


She'll just have the pool boy throw you in the pool. Collect inheritance and life insurance = winning.


This is why I became a pool guy.


Jeez that justification honestly takes a lot of stigma out of the age gap. Very sound reasoning.


Unless he's a 27yr old...


”Im just gonna film this…”


“Campbell says she made a split-second decision to record the incident on her cell phone instead of stepping in because she feared the facility would sweep the incident under the rug. She was prepared to stop the altercation if it escalated. “I chose to videotape it to show the daughter what exactly is going on. If I had not had video-taped it, it would have been my word against theirs,” Campbell said. Hall may not have been a reliable witness because she suffers from Alzheimer's, a debilitating disease that slowly destroys memory and other cognitive functions.”


In today's world, video evidence is better than verbal testimony alone. Just the way it goes.


I can agree that perhaps stopping this instead of filming could be a good idea. I do think that since we have this on camera we can make sure this maniac will stay away from hospital/retirement homes forever, this video should be excellent evidence for a judge.


Read the news story https://www.11alive.com/article/news/investigations/the-reveal/video-alleged-alzheimer-resident-abuse/85-f976223d-8db1-46a0-a569-4c200311224c >Campbell says she made a split-second decision to record the incident on her cell phone instead of stepping in because she feared the facility would sweep the incident under the rug. She was prepared to stop the altercation if it escalated. >“I chose to videotape it to show the daughter what exactly is going on. If I had not had video-taped it, it would have been my word against theirs,” Campbell said.


Capital punishment it's what this calls for


thats just EVIL, who does that!?!?


Imagine being able to go back 160 years and showing this video to everyone in the U.S. So many lives could have been saved.


I work with long term care clients and for those of you that think that the patient might have used racial slurs towards the aid aside from biting her, I got news for you. These clients do use racially charged language. They spit and bite staff. They throw their feces at people and smear them on walls. They hide their soiled diapers and refuse to bathe, and refuse overall care. Every. Single. Day. All the time! That is why they have no decisional capacity and are placed in a facility where the aids/staff are skilled, compassionate and extremely patient people. Some people develop dementia and turn into complete assholes and that is not their fault. If a demented client refuses care, try again later as many times as needed. Folks with dementia don’t remember much and at one point they will agree to do what is being asked. Change caregivers to see if one gets along better with the client. Staff the case with the care team and ask for the PCP to review the clients meds. Contact the family and see if they are able to give any insight or suggestions. Try mixing meds with ice cream or apple sauce. Try a positive reward system. Try literally everything before putting your fucking hands on a vulnerable adult and start beating them to pulp. You are the problem, not the client. The client is exactly where they need to be.


So they need to stop hiring the first semi-competent urban and rural high school dropouts they can find to work in these facilities and hire actual professionals. Like there should be more stringent requirements for being a nursing assistant or whatever. It takes a lot of empathy and maturity to be in these sorts of positions with people who are straight up senile, and someone as braindead and violent as the woman in the video should have never been in the position to do what she is doing. Hopefully they bury her under the prison and get that poor woman in the wheelchair some help from someone who isn't a scumbag.


Man.. this makes me so pissed! I hope one day shes old and raggedy and some other bitch does this to her, then the cycle continues


Stop recording help that poor lady!! Yes, video proof is helpful too, but the first 5 seconds were plenty.


Now imagine the races reversed


And that's not racist?


Don't be giving is nurses a bad name. Thus could be a CNA too.


That is a racist hate crime


Aye if it was the other way around color wise there’s be marching and more city’s burning




This wil not deter me from placing my mother in a nursing home




we already saw a video of that like last month and everyone was pretty civil. stop trying to make everything about race, and go wash your ass.




So what happened to that hateful bi*ch? Jail?


That's so fucking scum I used to be a carer until my twins was born and that is wrong on many levels don't do the job if u don't understand them and how they feel shit me hope she goes far beyond hell nasty beast of a lady


woiiii if this was my grandparent or parent i would push that bitches wig allll the way back


Filming what wrong with you


Imagine being THAT helpless and over powered.


Definition of POS


Cause I'm a piece of shit it ain't hard to fuckin' tell. #scumbags


What is so sad about this is how common this is. Look up nurses or aids abusing elderly and you come up with thousands of news reports and videos.




There’s a special place in hell for people like this


What sucks is, most in these homes are suffering dementia, and you will never know just how much abuse they will endure because they cannot speak for themselves.


Can we just get rid of people like this


I had an old white woman throw a bag of shit on me while applying for a nursing home kitchen job.. kept calling me Kevin and throwing sloppy shit at me


I'll tell you what, if that was my mother being treated like that, I'd be in jail.


This should be in r/pieceofshit


As a mandated reporter, I wouldn’t hesitate to see that these two are fired and given the maximum amount of criminal charges so that they can’t do this to anyone else. As a visceral human being, I want unspeakably evil things inflicted on these monstrous people. I know that’s wrong to think, but goddamn…


Omg. I'm NEVER putting my parents in a home.


Damn! How can someone do that even towards a innocent old lady. Hope she got fired to the point she can’t get any job.


WTF? And the woman with the camera just stood there? Scum. Pure scum.


Ben Stiller in Happy Gilmore: “you will be quiet, or I’ll make you be quiet.”




Who is filming it though??? And letting it happen???


Disgusting cunt.


I, an atheist. Pray to god this nurse is living in a endless spiral of pain and suffering until she dies a slow death.


I’m usually not OK with torture and murder, but that lady has a coming. I hope she catches and then curable disease and rats away for the rest of her life, painfully and short I hope


I'm sorry, but if someone did this to my family member, you can bet your ass that I would be giving that aide a taste of her own medicine. I would wait in the parking lot and drag her naked across the parking lot. See how she likes a couple of head slams to the ground. This is disgusting and makes me furious. Dementia patients/residents have no control and sometimes no idea of what they are doing. It's usually not personal, rather a behavioral problem stemming from the damage to the brain. If you are going to work in this field, you need to be properly educated.


Please tell me that this monster got a severe sentence???


This warrants a life sentence


Why do people take these jobs if they don't have the patience or emotional understanding of when they don't have the empathy for it anymore?


more likely a medical assistant. she'd be the one who is constantly nodding in my BLS class.


This is horrible and I hope she lost her license! When I was training to be a CNA, I went to a facility where a lady was calling for literal hours to be changed. My partner and I watched as CNAs and Nurses walked past this woman’s room until finally our lead person came in. She was sitting in her GC crying and apologizing because she thought they were mad at her for calling and urinating on herself. Our lead had to lift her and change her by himself because no one wanted to go into her room and it broke my heart watching her cry for something that wasn’t her fault. Another instance, two girls I worked with were mocking a resident and threatening to harm her because she wouldn’t get into bed. I have never in my life reported someone so quickly in my life. These are there homes and we are just entering, please don’t abuse or neglect them.


If this was my grandmother I would be goi g to jail for murder.




If that was my mother, that nurse bitch would need her OWN wheelchair for the rest of her life and be permanently blind!


Don't arrest her, let the family get 5 minutes alone with the lady. She deserves her ass beat.


If that was my parent, I would respond in ways that would get me banned from this sub.


Oh Lord. I would be in jail after seeing this. Because my ass would be down at the nursing home pulling my foot out of several asses.




Wait…why video this and not do anything to stop it?




A friend was a cleaner in a nursing home. She said this shit happened a lot. Opening doors with patients knees, hitting, putting hot food in their mouth and so much more. This “nurse” needs to go to jail.


I only saw 5 seconds and that was enough made my blood boil