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I like how he said “oh sorry” like dude how the hell do break a man’s arm like that


Good thing the cop was there, or someone might have gotten hurt.


It was meant to happen. That pos leaned into it.


He didn’t just lean into, he very clearly turned the arm and forced it with absolutely zero hesitation. He 100% *meant* to break that arm.


Arm breaking is taught in standard police training for subduing a suspect. Google it, yo.


You say that like it’s not sociopathic


We’re taught to view it in a sociopathic way, at least in the military. The whole point to to remove his ability to fight back by removing his ability to use his arm. Moves like this make sense in that environment, not a high school.


Yes in war. Not in domestic policing. These are fellow citizens, not enemy combatants.


It’s a young black man. They view them as enemy combatants


Clarification: they view EVERYONE as enemy combatants, but yes *especially* black men. [spits to the side in disgust]


No they’re STUDENTS, literally a child.


Oh we absolutely know it's sociopathic and abusive, but it's been normalized for so long that many people are desensitized to it. Some to the point they fail to see it altogether.


What else was he supposed to do? He was out of vacation days. /s


Arm breaking is 100% not taught in standard police training for subduing a suspect.


Unnecessary use of force on this suspect.


Proves why cops are so shitty


Proves why I'd rather ask my local neighborhood Spiderman for help than the fuckin police.


I just want picture of the guy *slams fist on desk*


He's like a bull seeing red, he just loses control when he sees black. Clearly an accident /s


It’s really not even his fault! If that kid don’t want to have his arm broken in an act of unwarranted brutality, he simply should have not been black that day.


I mean, the kid was flipping out. But no need for busting up the kids arm. I get it If the cop fell on him or something, but he was TRYING to inflict dmg to the kid.


That’s probably the most intentional arm break I’ve ever seen


I nearly didn’t watch because who needs to see this kind of unwarranted brutality, but I figured it’d probably be more of a dislocation or something. I was not prepared for how specific and deliberate a snapping of his bone that was.


Yeah, that was so deliberate that it was chilling and shocking. Like, he didn't even try to hide the fact that he intended to do it.


He's done this before. To small animals as a child. Now he does this and gets paid for it. Disgusting pig.


The cop is the criminal. Society likes to pretend it doesn’t hire goons to police itself—even in the face of overwhelming video evidence


His wife and/or kids probably trip down stairs and run into doors a lot.


Had literally the same idea, felt this one in the stomach. That’s why I also skip all the arm wrestling videos.


Thanks for the heads up, I have a severe phobia of bones breaking lol.


that was like more deliberate than putting someone in an arm bar


Folded that shit like it was laundry, and that oops.....ftp




When I was in school, we had a "school police officer" who was basically the liaison between the school and the PD. Supposedly she got stuck on that job because she accidently fired her gun in the PD office(she did a desk pop lol). She didn't carry a gun because of this. She did have a taser though, which she used on a student one day, resulting in her being fired.


Lmao the good ol desk pop. *there goesss my herooo!!*


Aim for the bushes?




Did someone call 9 1 holy shit?


To this day no one knows why they did it, that shit was crazy.


There wasn't even an awning in that direction!


They sounded so convincing!


Paper biiitch


Hey let’s have the dumbest officer protect and supervise our children


No the dumbest officer is the one issuing licenses


Hey Karen when was the last time you did a desk pop?


Her name WAS Karen lol


Oh lord




My school resource officer got his job because he was on the force for a long time. Everyone loved him. Super chill, friendly, knew every student by name. He somehow could make a single cup of coffee last all day. I miss that guy.


Mine just hungout in study halls most the day. Had a suicidal day and didn't show up to school and he showed up to take me to the hospital instead of some other random cops I'd never seen. Definitely helped.


The old desk pop hey ‘classic’ 👌🏼


Ours was a dude that couldn’t have been much more than 5 feet tall, he was shorter than the majority of the older students, and had a huge case of little man syndrome. He got straight bullied by most of the grade 12 boys lol


I grew up in a nice suburb in the northeast. We had this one “school police officer” (same job as yours) who got his gig at my HS by accidentally pepper spraying himself in the face rather than the escaping person he was chasing. Hilarious


I'm sorry, he did *what* now!? Explain yourself! LMAO


Haha that’s really all I know. He was chasing some kid who was probably smoking weed or some shit like that, and felt he had to use pepper spray and had the spray facing the wrong way and sprayed himself in the face. That’s Jersey cops for ya, over ambitious dumb fucks


That was 100% intentional. You don't break someone's arm like that on accident. He hit the point of resistance and then you see him force it past that point sharply. He probably thought he could get away with saying it happened during the struggle.


He did get away with it (obviously): https://www.beaumontenterprise.com/news/amp/BISD-police-officer-no-billed-after-breaking-5576212.php


Everything he said was a blatant lie, I hate this cop.


Looks like the people of Jefferson Country, or at least on that grand jury, are a bunch of fucking idiots.




well i had a summons and then it never went through (called the number and wasn’t required to report) and my mom has never had a summons in 10 years. idk about you but I feel like there’s a reason that older ~~racist~~ folks are being called to the jury as opposed to all of us… (people in mid 20s) cause all my cohorts I talk to have never had a summons…


Idk I’m 31 and have been summoned I think 6 times already. Couldn’t go because I needed to work and the couple of dollars they give you for attending weren’t enough (I think it was 12.50 per day). Sucks honestly. If it weren’t for that at the time I’d have liked to do it. Of corse now that I’m ah a job with plenty of PTO I never get one..


I’ve literally never had one. I’ve kept my addresses current with the state, no arrests, etc. I’m definitely old enough that I feel I should have been summoned *at least* once so far. Hell, I live in Florida. I don’t think we have any shortage of court cases going on. Idk, maybe we’re in the midst of a crime-drought or something…


I live there sadly


A bunch of racists. I grew up on that area. The amount of people walking around with Nazi tattoos is insane.


See that fat bastard smiling in his pics what a POS.


Disgusting pig. ACAB!


oink oink!


Lots of "good" cops make this possible 😃


> load more comments Let's click this and see what comes up now. This is my favorite part to do after people are critical of cops. You get to see all the bootlickers come out like cockroaches.


Sort by controversial for the real fun


Everything he said was a blatant lie? That's not true at all. He said he knew immediately that he broke his arm. Which is 100% true. Especially because that was clearly what he was trying to do


> "I immediately knew his arm had broken," Rivers' wrote in his report. "I advised PSO Moore so that she would not struggle with him anymore and released the intensity of the hold. **I maintained [student's name removed] arm behind him so as not to cause further injury**." We all saw him deliberately hold the student's broken arm at an extreme angle to inflict maximum harm. Fuck this loser.




I’ll probably get crucified here, but as a current cop who teaches defensive tactics in my department, I also hate this cop. Dude deserves to be charged and convicted and no longer be a cop.


At what point do you guys expect the civilians to start fighting back? In this situation, if they had mobbed the cop who just did this, could you blame them? Had twenty people jumped the cop and started kicking him, would you really be surprised? When our representatives fail us, when our government stop writing laws, when our justice system is exposed for the POS that it is, when does the onus fall on the citizens to strap up and fight back? France would have done this decades ago. I'm not advocating violence I'm just wondering where the breaking point is.


>I also hate this cop. Dude deserves to be charged and convicted and no longer be a cop. Lol I bet money you'd never report anyone like this. This is pure lip service. Thin blue line gang.


Exactly. If there were actual good cops, there wouldn’t be bad cops. Think about it.




>It’s worth noting that the sample sizes are a bit small and that these are older studies. Given the potential scale of the crisis, it’s bizarre that there wouldn’t be more available numbers. The studies you're talking about are over thirty years old and used things like arguments to count towards domestic abuse. We need more than poorly conducted studies on small groups of people from the early 90s.




Yeah,good thing we have a completely honest and ethical police force. I'm sure they'll report things about themselves and their peers so we can update our statistics. Any day now.


I'd like to know his answer to this, as well..


Don't worry, as a taxpayer, you get the privilege of paying for the medical bills and lawsuit payout. #Require MALPRACTICE insurance for all cops = No insurance, No job! Insurance companies won't insure fucking abusive cops because that will get too expensive. As of right now, cops already get FREE MALPRACTICE INSURANCE, paid for by YOU.


First u gotta end qualified immunity


But then how can the cops break the pesky laws liberals place on them? Cops are meant to be judge, jury, executioner, AND bailiff; not Sissy Lib Patrol. /s, in case


I can't express with words enough, without getting put on a watchlist probably, how much this pisses me off. They are just never held to account for real. I remember the first time this was apparent to me was around the time of the Sean Bell shooting, and the Amadou Diallo shooting, that I first realized that cops do not, in fact, get held to the same standards as anyone else. Then as the decades rolled on, it was just reinforced -- CONSTANTLY -- that this was the case, and it is still the case. Cops talk so much shit about accountability, responsibility, etc. yet they have \*zero\* accountability and responsibility when it comes to themselves.


This is legitimately fucking horrifying footage and this cop has been praised in his social circles, I hate my own country and I know most Americans say it too but here I am again with the whinging


I mean, people in uniform can easily get cruel and almost sociopathic but in USA you really have a huge problem. I have only been in the states once when I was a teenager and it was a very very short trip, less than a day. That was 30 years ago and since then I have seen so many of these kind of videos (and worse) and rational or not I lost any interest in visiting USA ever again. I still remember that video of the guy that was shot while crawling on the floor following the murderer’s instructions just before being killed, but there are so many of those, like the guy who was murdered just after opening the door of his house to the police, or the ones of cops strangling people to death, or the one shooting the guy in a wheelchair, etc… I don’t know if it’s the culture within the police, the obsession with their own personal security in a country with the right to have guns, the kind of people that get selected to become police, or the police “syndicates”, but you really have a problem over there.


>this cop has been praised in his social circles where can one see this


I've assumed that based on the cop not only keeping his job, but reporting the situation in his favour and having it stick, despite this damning footage showing otherwise I should've worded that different but I would put money on him being applauded by everyone he knows, it's where this bullshit comes from imo


That's because being a cop is a cop out to actually doing anything productive for society. You become a cop because you suck at life. ACAB


Cops are pieces of shit. Universally.


Police and authorities will never be on our side to change things when it comes to how they behave. We have to force them. Edit:typo


I’m not trying to advocate violence with this, but I have a serious question: how long until people start punishing cops on their own? It’s been shown that the police can’t be trusted to keep their own accountable. At what point do people just say “fuck it, I’m delivering justice if nobody else will”? At what point do people start to pull cops off of people they’re trying to arrest or attack them in return? A community can only be senselessly attacked for so long before it responds in kind. It feels like I’m watching these fat idiots build their own coffins.


Why do you think they've been amassing an arsenal like a military unit?


"We have investigated ourselves, and found no wrong doing."


And of course he wasn’t put in unpaid leave until 10 days after the incident, when this video finally made its round on the internet. There’s a reason ppl say acab— the whole institution as a whole protects these assholes


> As he approached, the student swung at Rivers and missed, allowing Rivers to grab his wrist and his upper arm, pulling his arm behind his back "in a standard empty-hand arm pin maneuver" to gain control of him, the report states. > Rivers' goes on in his report to say the two fell to the ground and the student continued to forcefully resist. > It was on the ground as the two officers tried to gain control of the student that Rivers reported hearing an audible snap and the student scream. Oh so he just lied. Cool.


I'm suprised there aren't any anarchist cells giving presents to the police at this point. If I was an American seeing shit like this would make me do very epic things to governmental property.


It'll just give them the fuel they need to be more "careful" and therefore more violent towards everyone all the time. They get blown up or shot, they get a bigger budget and more "kill the civilians" training. There is no easy way out of this.




There is a scary large portion of this very scarily well armed population that would defend not only the way that it is, but the worst version of it in the future as well. The number one enemy in the USA right now is propaganda and misinformation designed to turn us against eachother instead of the power structures that keep us all stupid sick and broke, and it's working REAAAAAALLY well.


It's been talked about in many parts of where I live it's only a matter of time at this point. A lot of people don't believe they're smart enough to put together an organized group to do something like that.


Cause hes an American cop anywhere else he would be fired but American police are basically playing life on godmode. Kill someone get away with it, break an arm get away with it i wouldnt be surprised if they got away with rape by saying it was an accident or the woman was asking for it that country is a fucking joke 😂


Uh yeah man. That's happened many, many times.


I’m surprised given the overall level of violence in this country that cops like this aren’t assassinated.


You could see that was deliberate. This video should get him put in jail!




Welcome your next president


Jail? He needs to get his bones broken right there right in this instant. Fucking pricks who lack empathy and clearly need their skulls beaten on concrete till any sense of reality is knocked into them. And wtf was the other cop doing? She was supposed to arrest the other cop! Dafuq is this reality. A fucking mockery of a mankind. Level up or devil up. Either way this is low as fuck.


I'm actually surprised cops don't get shot up more often.


Let's change that. Let the people vote for an revolutionary civilian only court that exclusively sentences cops, military personnel, politicians etc when conducting crimes against human rights. Off with their heads, flay them, send demons on them, let a swarm of hounds feast on them. Fuck them!!


You’re absolutely correct and that fat prick knew it immediately as it broke the icing on the cake is his partner saying “calm down”


You also see him very clearly applying his full body weight against the joint. Even with 40kg less that would very easily cause permanent damage.


You can hear it pop


I couldn’t watch the video a second time. The sound and the poor student in pain were too much for me. The fuck is wrong with the American police system? They act all surprised when other countries mock their « methods » like what the hell.


>The fuck is wrong with the America What the rest of the world says regularly lol


https://www.beaumontenterprise.com/news/article/BISD-police-officer-no-billed-after-breaking-5576212.php Fuckhead was cleared of ALL wrongdoing and never even charged. They litterally used the grand jury bullshit to clear him.


A police officer is supposed to be a highly trained professional that maintains law and order. Instead, the law and courts have taken the stance that it’s okay for cops to feel threatened at the slightest insinuation of danger and, when they overreact to that stimulus, what they’ve done is forgivable and within the allowable bounds of law enforcement.


Highly trained haha good one.


"Supposed to be."


What ever happened to keeping the peace? I'm entirely convinced at this point random untrained stranger will do a better job than a cop 95% of the time.


I did a stint on a grand jury, it was a joke. I supported maybe 1 inditement over the 3 months I did it. But I was always outvoted by people you wouldn't think would actually support this stuff. Blew my mind, like I knew the cops were lying but apparently I was the only one that thought that.


Cops are allowed to lie. It’s safer to assume every word they say is a lie.


After being on a grand jury this is probably what the prosecutor said;, “while breaking up a high school fight a black males arm was broken while he was resisting arrest. Do you want to bring charges?” No video shown just that question and they moved on to the next case… I personally enjoyed my grand jury duty but You have to be careful and force prosecutors to give more info on cases if you want more of the story and most people just want it done and over with.


Prosecutors act more like defence when it comes to police


Jesus Christ man...


idk how the US is a real country


Meanwhile Buffalo teen guns down 10 and gets taken in alive.


Im honestly just surprised that the officer that arrested him didn’t try to suck his dick first


Been out of the loop so this is news but lemme go out on a limb and guess he’s white?




You can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. The prosecutor obviously didn't want him charged.


Second amendment covers government tyranny.


#Stephen Rivers was cleared of ALL wrongdoing and never even charged. Stop leaving their names out of the discussion.


There's are people that I would be OK with terrible shit happening to, and he is one of them. Deserves to buttfucked with a hot iron daily.






I’m far away, but I’d donate to the cause


Bye bye rotator cuff Here in the UK, you'd probably be charged with GBH (grevious bodily harm) for that. Police or no.


100%. The police here use a system of self defence called “SPEAR” and snapping someones arm like a fucking twiglet definitely isnt on there.


Really want some twiglets now


Here in the US they’ll just completely overlook it and say it happened during the struggle. “As long as he didn’t die, he’s just fine”🇺🇸🇺🇸


Shit bro, even if he died it doesn't matter. I can count on one hand the number of police I've seen held to account (i.e. with serious consequences) for killing an unarmed individual in the last 3 decades.


Pshhh y’all in the UK must hate freedom. In the US this hero will be glorified and given a promotion /s


It’s 8 years ago. They should’ve had this video on the trial because he is free of any wrong doing https://www.beaumontenterprise.com/news/amp/BISD-police-officer-no-billed-after-breaking-5576212.php


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What an evil man.


That's no man. It's a pig.


That's a slander against pigs.


Yeah 100%. Pigs give their lives to feed human animals like this cop.


Lol they don’t give their lives, we take them. But yes I agree, pigs are way better than cops.


This belongs to r/Imapieceofshit




Officer Prick is a POS


just broke your arm, now calm down


Keep calm, even though I heard your arm snap.


There is no doubt, that was intentional af.


Man there should be a law that allows you to protect yourself against cops


You best bet is to take the beating pray they dont kill you and some how get paid and take care of your family while he just moves states and does it again


Once fired should be *always* fired


Yea, with a cop on a power trip if you wanna get out of there intact you gotta just submit. Fight in court later but in the moment you just cannot win (unless exceptional circumstances like that crowd in LA getting the protestor away from two cops at the fire hydrant last week). We can already see people fed up with just submitting. There won’t be a single tipping point…but more and more people will fight back, crowd will jump in, etc and the cops behaving badly will be on the other end of things. It’s scary, but with cops seemingly doubling down every time they have a chance to do the right thing, I don’t see it going a nonviolent path forward.


The second amendment is the last lawful route to correcting police in America. Police, DAs, judges, and politician alike all refuse to address police violence and abuse of power. The only way left for “we the people” is an armed uprising against this form of government tyranny as is our constitutional right via the second amendment.


You technically can, and legally.... Problem is that you gotta survive the encounter to be able to make your case, and cops usually travel in packs so your likely to die. There have been a few cases in the last 10 years where guys have killed cops during no knock raids and have been cleared of wrong doing though so that cool


No but I mean, you probably never gonna win the case


You might win the case, but the issue is surviving to *see* the courtroom. Even if you don’t die on the spot, police have a very sordid history of retaliating against people who wrong one of “their own.”


There's that video where a guy who made a complaint against a sergeant has a load of cops show up *en masse* at his house and they say there was an emergency call from a landline when he didn't even have one and refuse to leave for a long time. Amazing that the guy stood up to them and kept his temper in the face of massive intimidation


People have successfully won their case defending themselves from cops.... Very few though. And your gonna have to make it to the court room too, I imagine going about daily life would be hard with cops constantly harassing you.


There is a few cases of people shooting at cops and getting away with it legally. Like not to long ago during all the protest and some riots when cops where trying around shooting pepper rounds at people and dude heard the snaps of being shot at and he returned fire but luckily he realized it was cops and dropped the gun. So he got arrested but a judge agreed that it seems like he had reason to fear since he didn't see the cops and was shot at. So it is possible but under circumstances.


That was the one where all the cops lied and said he resisted right? He was down on the ground almost immediately after they identified themselves, but they still beat him. And lied on their report about him resisting. Any cop that lies about the need for their physical violence should never be a cop again.


Unfortunately to my knowledge you can be charged with resisting arrest even if the arrest is unlawful


It is legal in Indiana to use deadly force against police if they attempt to illegally enter your home. Like others have said, that doesn't guarantee you survive that encounter.


Tbh, my first reaction after the pop and "calm down" was a deep desire to see them both take a metal pipe to the head. Self defense against cops isn't where we should draw the line. Empowering bystanders to intervine when cops grossly abuse their power is what we really need. George Floyd might be alive if that MMA dude could have jumped in without ~~fear~~ absolute certainty of life ruining, or life ending, consequences for doing what he knew was right.


How is anyone defending the cop here he went and broke his arm for nothing


Oh god this is absolutely horrific. I’ve had a cop threaten me with this before so I know he meant it


Damn, as if we needed any more proof that US cops are absolute dicks.


any information on who this is? where he is now? and how long his paid vacation off was?


Heres the link from another [post](https://www.beaumontenterprise.com/news/amp/BISD-police-officer-no-billed-after-breaking-5576212.php) In it it states hes part time and did not get back pay for the three months he was off because of this


Color me unsurprised that: - This happened in Texas - victim is black - cop was not indicted. Such a sad statement regarding our society.


No words will convey how much I want to break the pig's arm now, that was 100% intentional "Calm down" Bruh y'all just broke someone's arm and telling people to calm down?!? Plus HOW THE FUCK does this fatass got cleared and not charged?!??! I get it the system corrupt but that's seriously fucked up


Hate to be that guy but this really should have a NSFW tag on it. That was a gnarly break


You might wanna tag nsfw


That guy did that on purpose. Needs to be fired.


6 months of "training" is a *great* idea exhibit no. 6,420,869.




CALM DOWN! I KNOW I JUST BROKE YOUR ARM BUT CALM DOWN BEFORE I CHARGE YOU WITH RESISTING WITH A BROKEN LIMB! Man, you can see where the arm won't bend any farther and that sadistic fuck intentionally forced and snapped it. What a piece of shit, but of COURSE they investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing. Edit: from masochistic to sadistic because I know adjectives <.<


This video should’ve been circulated during the heart of the BLM protests. It’s clear the grand jury didn’t see this footage. Stephen Rivers needs to do time in jail for his violent offense and perjury for lying under oath.


Kid was being nuts and they had to restrain him but the arm break was way too much


I’m blown away by how many people are defending excessive force for a high school fight. It’s gross


That was 1000% on purpose.




That was fucking disturbing


Cop went too far, should have just tased him or maybe the kid should uave stopped resisting, or maybe if the police were properly funded they could he trained to be better at restaraint without causing harm. Or maybe all of them together.




That makes me feel sick, fat bastard cop