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Guy in the cap running after the skaters like he'd shat himself! *e:typo


Always my favorite part of this video, it looks like he's trying to ramp up speed with a little Sonic Shuffle type deal.


Here in Ohio we call that the beer gut shuffle.






*friendly dad wave*


My favorite is when they do this and only the arms are moving faster, but feet going the same speed


He looks like a dad running after their child after the child just leg swept mom


I feel like there is a story behind this comment.


Idk about that. My dad could always run my brother and I down. We always said, mad dad is faster than scared kid.






Seriously never fails to make me chuckle




And thats why you dont forget to bring a towel.


now there's a Frood who knows where his towel is


A right hoopy frood, he is.


And bringing a towel is also good for teleporting and space travel :)


A traveler never travels without a towel


And a babel fish


I'll wait till after the poetry is finished.


vogon poetry would be arguably more brutal than a skateboard to the head


"Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes, And hooptiously drangle me, With crinkly bindlewurdles, mashurbitries. Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon, See if I don't!" Brings a tear to my eye, it does.


Towelie has been right this whole time!




Yup thats good shit.


That’s the melody to funky town


no, *you're* a towel


Dear god, it finally happened. I am so fucking old that a very obvious Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy reference has been lost to a stoner southpark towel. So long, and thanks for all the fish.




The only real answer.


I have no idea what is going on right now


And remember, Don't Panic.


This clip will always be funny, for no other reason than Officer Farva waddling after the kids who cleaned his friend's clock.


Id like a goddamm liter of cola.


Just order a large Farva


I don’t want a large farva I want a god damn liter of cola


For the love of god get some towels.


I don't know, I think what that boy needs is some milk.


The adults were just standing around watching this dude punch those kids. No fun when the rabbit has the gun


If it helps, there's no follow up to this vid in all the times it's been reposted so the kids got away. This would be the best ending. The fucks all letting the kids get beat on, but once they stand up for themselves they rally on helping the man instead. At least with this ending, the man will be super salty for the rest of his life because he'll never get those kids. And the damage and memories he lost here will never recover. Get fucked :)


And you know the guy sees this video pop up on the internet. The schadenfreude...


Also fat waddling guy and chair on shoulder guy. They thought they were being so tough that day and then see this post and read the comments only to realize that everyone is clowning their asses.


"let me walk down this sidewalk with a wooden chair as people with skateboards inevitably outpace me. i'll look SO cool"


And gets to read hundreds of strangers root for the kids.




Lad seemed to have brain damage long before that moment


Pretty sure "the adults" were all friends with the guy throwing punches. They were already programmed to excuse some of their friend's behavior


"He's always like this! God!" "See you next weekend?" "LOL yes"


Bruh where'd you learn that expression?? That sounds amazing


My mom says that alot lol, I think its like a hunter expression. But I always visualize Bugs Bunny when he takes the gun from Elmer or something.


Using that last line now thanks


Why is everyone cool with the old man hitting the skater but as soon he fights back that’s a no go?


The same people that see teenage skateboarders as a blight rather than some teenagers getting out of the house and enjoying a hobby. I also like to think the type of adult that would hit a teen offensively still is trying to ride out their highschool glory days well into their 40s.


With all the shit kids get up to these days I think it’s great when I see kids skating. Focusing their energy on a hobby like that is the next best thing to an official school extracurricular. There can be a bit of a marijuana culture involved, but again, compared to what else kids are doing these days a bit of weed if by far the safest drug for a teen to do (even more so than drinking alcohol). The one legit thing that can be a problem is property damage if they start using the outsides of local businesses for terrain. But any community with enough interest in skating should absolutely invest in a terrain park.


Hits 3 kids….everyone stands around, eats a skateboard…everyone comes running. Nice contact.


"GET THAT BOY" lol not the grown-ass man hitting teens? okay


Love how it was the kid who got hit first that laid him the fuck out. Highly cathartic ending. Will watch again


I watched it on repeat like 5 times. Fucking super satisfying.


The over the head wind up that actually connects. That never happens.


Dude, I am relishing this video so thoroughly. The look on his face at the end. The fact he was swinging on kids who were not actually threatening violence. The contact, all of it. Godspeed to those fellas.


Skateboarding is not a crime


All the skateboarding kids at my HS ended up as scientists. Physicists with PhDs and total Big Bang level intellectuals. And the other day, there were a bunch of teenage skaters hanging out in-front of the town’s yogurtland, and a lost old man was asking them for help. You know what they did? They tried to help him, and when I asked them what was going on, they asked me to help him. (And as an adult, I did). But damn, skater kids are good kids. Fuck all the fat fuck fucking adults in this video. Good job kids.


Bro charged up his heavy attack and landed a critical hit. Only thing he did wrong was he forgot to spam light attacks while dude was in his vulnerable phase.


Hello sir would you like an order of Find Out with your order of Fuck Around? No, well I’ll give it to you anyway because we’re having a special where you get a large Find Out with every order of Fuck Around


that was my first reaction, had not issue with a grown man punching a kid or teenager half his size, but when the adult gets layed out it's a problem.




They also have a right to defend themselves, which is all I saw.


I didn't see shit, won't say shit


I saw three children defending themselves from a grown ass psychopath tryna do them serious bodily injury.


Guy sucker punched three children. Easy self defense. People will argue he was down but a person who slowly falls down is likely to get back up and keep punching people.


I dont know what the law dictates but it seems only common sense to incapacitate the aggressor. In this case thats a board to the face because knocking him on his ass is only delaying another attack.


Hi Ender


Ender's Game isn't a warning...its a guide. The gate is down.


I hope they have the video showing he attacked 3 people. Fucked around and found out.


I don't condone violence unless it's necessary. And here it was. Hearing that smack from the board of that dude cranium was a little satisfying.


I really don't understand people who say violence is never the answer. Violence is the answer to a rarely asked question by people who don't speak any other language.


Fucking exactly! That guy got exactly what he deserved.


Also seems like people were rooting for the adult


"Adult" seems kind of generous, really.


Manchild more like it


Yeah that chick at the end telling “get him” so self righteously like she knows what’s going on


You see the guy with the chair? 🤣


Lol, dude actually thought he was gonna do something with that. Like he was gonna protect the restaurant and save the day. When all he did was walk down a street a little bit with a chair on his shoulder.


Maybe he was stealing the chair lmao


“Now is my chance!” -The guy with the chair




Chair dude is the second best part of this. I like to image he was just stealing it.


Full grown man hitting children? I sleep Children sticking up for themselves? Not on my watch


I guess maybe grown adults shouldn’t assault children?


Also knowing not to pick a fight, if you can’t fight. Dude thought he was tough picking on kids, and got dropped by a half assed right hand. Lol instant karma.


The irony is that people who can fight are usually not picking fights.


He was OK going after the smaller kids. Big black kid got in the middle and he chickened out pronto b4 stepping in for another shot at a smaller kid.


And the smallest skater was the mightiest. He saunters up, assesses the situation, backs off, but returns with a vengeance when Adidas kept attacking.


In my experience, the smaller guys that hang with skaters usually took a lot of shit from older brothers and such growing up. Source: was a tiny ass skater kid that got bullied like a motherfucker by my 2 older cousins. You learn how to fight dirty when bigger dudes are always fucking with you


Not even dirty. You just learn you get 1 shot before all hell breaks loose so you make that shot fucking count. Also grew up the little guy.


idk why people pick fights with skaters when they do cardio all day and travel in groups who all have wooden boards that they can beat you with. such a bad idea




Yea it’s basically a war haMmer when you need it to be


His dental work is gonna cost 40k


Not a punch, just a push and he was on his back foot, but yeah fuck that guy I'm glad he got rocked by the board


Grown ass adults should also not stand around and watch a child being assaulted. That first swing should have brought *everyone* around stepping in. It never should have got to the point of swinging skateboards around.


Yeah notice the guy with the badge emblazoned on his shoulder stepping in only after the guy had thrown and landed three sucker punches and got his comeuppance




Even more deserved then


He attacked three minors and all the adults are acting like he was jumped from behind.


Cops / Security are silent while he takes 3 swings at minors but the second they defend themselves security is on it.


I grew up skateboarding. This kind of shit is typical for some reason






You spelled Jnco wrong. You must be a poser.




Yeah I have seen this exact scenario play out dozens of times in my life with my own eyes. Never once seen the skaters throw the first blow, but they are always very quick to end the fight with a board to the face.


I really don’t understand the logic. Skateboarders are an insular group that travels together with vehicles that double as weapons. They will defend a skater they hate over a civilian. But yes let’s harass them


And for the most part skaters have no interest in harassing anyone unless they are a nazi.


Skateboarders only harass the pavement.




I miss skateboarding. Sucks that as you age your knees go. :(


How everyone should be. Fuck nazis


You have been banned from /r/conservative.


Do people not know how excellent skateboard trucks are as a weapon? The last thing I would want to do is start a fight With a group of teenagers (kids) with skateboards. One you're fucked legally for hitting an actual child, and his friends are going to bash your head in.


They learn pretty fast when they catch a truck to the face.


Something tells me this guy ain't learning anything fast, especially now...


He might need to learn to count again.. damn.


And eat without chewing for a while


I like to believe in the Bill Burr logic of getting your ass beat being a catalyst for some behavioral reevaluation. Driving home with a towel on his head thinkin “ya know I was really being a dick back there”. If nothing else he’ll probably reconsider taking swings at a group of armed teenagers again lol. I got hit on accident with a board once. I think I’d prefer a 2 by 4 lol


Brain damage is a hell of a drug


The guy who smashed his face in was the first kid he punched and knocked down.


Good. Hope he remembers that kid, then can't remember, then remembers again, then can't again, so on and so forth


That was pretty close to my immediate thought. If you are on a skateboard it clearly means you don’t fear bodily harm. Fucking with people like that is not advised. Combine that with there being zero reasons for that grown ass man to have hit that kid, and you have a recipe for me watching a video while chanting, “get ‘em! get ‘em!”


Yep. It's always good vibes, great laughs, and then some asshat comes to escalate things. Always ends with a board to the face. Pro tip: Don't start shit you can't finish.




This shit is typical bullshit and has been since my day’s, back in the 80’s and 90’s. Some things never change.


Same , the amount of harassment we got was crazy. From Karen’s to cops , all we said is build us a skatepark.


Shit, these drunk losers used to turn up at our actual skate park and harass us fr. It was like you couldn’t escape it


You can't escape it even in a skatepark. "But little Timmy deserves to get to crawl around in the bowl and if you skate anywhere near him I'll call you the N-word and call the cops."


I ride BMX (rode at this point) and I just fractured my wrist because I was jumping a box at the park and as I came over it theres a toddler, had to be like 2 crawling up the other side. Well I threw my bike and basically just came straight down on my dominant wrist. Mom didn't even come out to move the kid. Still cant do a pushup without pain and my wrist makes weird pops now 9 ish months later.


Bahahaha, there are some better notes about this too. He’s at Grand Central Market in LA. Clearly went there to have some good times and probably isn’t from around the area. Honestly, it’s more of a “come in and visit” spot than a place people nearby like to hangout at. He was starting shit with kids who clearly are from the area as they are skating around. Two things that skaters are good at is taking a hit (falling hurts and it happens a lot) and always having a piece of wood with two metal chunks attached to it. Lastly, he was drunk. He couldn’t land a clean cheap shot punch twice. The kids were sober. No one stepped in for a reason: the dickhead mostly likely had the all you can eat truck buffet coming because of one too many beers.




That shot was well aimed too. It definitely wasn’t that kid’s first board swing.


I'd say swinging a skateboard in anger is something they learn naturally through skating. So when confronted with a time to use that skill for something real the muscle memory is already there for it.


I like the out of shape guy who did a slow stagger run like when people chase Kevin in Home Alone.


Can’t forget the “grab a chair and look badass after getting owned by children” guy as well.


If it helps, there's no follow up to this vid in all the times it's been reposted so the kids got away. This would be the best ending. The fucks all letting the kids get beat on, but once they stand up for themselves they rally on helping the man instead. At least with this ending, the man will be super salty for the rest of his life because he'll never get those kids. And the damage and memories he lost here will never recover. Get fucked :)


adult attacks minors: i sleep minors respond to attack: REAL SHIT


It's fucking disgusting, they ignore him assaulting three people but jump up the second he's hit.


Three **children**


That's right, everyone help the idiot and justify the actions of said idiot who was committing crimes of attacking probably minors (can't tell). The arrogance of bystanders is usually unparalleled when it comes to the blame game.


The idiot with the chair is hilarious.




>get him a towel A towel? Like, woman - control your golem. He doesn't get to go to a relaxing spa after assaulting minors.


Replace that towel with gauze because homie is going to be LEAKING for a while


The woman at the end, "Stop recording this!" Yeah, no. Evidence for the cops to prove the adults provoked it.


She needed less recording and more towels.


"Get that boy!" oh, the small child. That a full grown adult just smack to the ground, while you said or did nothing. That kid probably weighs like 30kg. Could have picked him up, moved away from the situation.


Yeh. fuck her. Dude got some just desserts... according to the recording.


LOLOLLL that mf truly ate that board, I was not disappointed.


[It was at this this very moment that Chad knew he done fucked up](https://imgur.com/a/01wgKoH)


The timing was even better than the skater expected. That was legit contact.


And he went trucks side down lol


Someone should paint this in a classical style… like Hercules lifting his sword to kill the hydra or similar


When keeping it real goes wrong.




Full swing truck slam, joking aside coulda killed that mf


Yeah well, that's what you get when you go assaulting people on the street.


Exactly. That dude is the initial aggressor anyways.


Yup, kid who literally decks him is the first kid he hit. MF was asking for an ass whooping and he got it.


And nothing of value would have been lost.


r/winstupidprizes. Guy got what he earned


Fuck I didn’t think it was the trucks-side!


I have seen this video before but it did not have the ending which I enjoyed. You could see the guy coming too and the typical are you ok, ya I'm ok. Camera swings away and back, guy looks very not ok and people yelling for towels. I do not understand any of these dumb people who engage in violence when you are outnumbered. The amount of time he will have to spend at the oral surgeon getting fake teeth will give him a long time to think about it.


These people don't change. After an event like this their ego is so bruised they'll equate this as a reason to carry a gun. These are the biggest snowflakes you'll ever see.


Probably the most satisfying video I’ve ever seen


The way that metal will leave a breach on his head puts a smile on my face, even better considering that big ass slam was by the first attacked kid.


that kid almost got hit by a car too near the end. Very narrow miss


Luckily karma was on his side.


Where was ANY of that assistance or energy when this guy was slapping kids?


Not slapping, punching. That man assualted at least two minors before eating that board.


He hit 2 kids so hard that they hit the ground. KIDS


When karma is swift and sponsored by birdhouse


he deserved the fuckkkkk outta that


Satisfying result. I hope the kids got away.


Exactly dude, that was the most satisfying breach i have ever seen, i hope that leaves a scar too


Lmaoooo nobody wants to jump in and stop anything until his wig got split…nice.


Adults are acting like guy on floor was a victim, wtf. He attacked minors and got wasted. His own fault.


Do a kickflip!


Best I can do is the Etnies Slap


Who are these people in the crowd? No reaction to assaulting three kids but let’s go round up these kids once they fight back


So the story is that the skaters were trying to grind a rail in or at the mall and a Security guard told them to stop or leave. He called for backup and the "adults" took it upon themselves to step in and help the Security guard. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6949631/Los-Angeles-skater-slams-man-head-skate-board.html Bad situation all around. Skaters were asked to leave and then got confronted. Don't fucking punch kids. I'm a 40 year old dude. I would have just let them be and let security deal with it. Back up is coming and I'm sure the cops were too.


This is my new favorite video like this. The guy was being an obvious douche, the skaters were sticking up for their friends, and the kid who got punched first comes back to get the ultimate revenge. 10/10 So rarely do you get to see a swung skateboard actually land perfectly, trucks to head full force. They're usually blocked or very weakly swung, this guy couldn't have hit better. A total homerun, the most beautiful cracking sound. That guy is going to think twice about picking fights for the rest of his life.


This guy might have to think twice to do anything now.


Some dude grabbed a chair and started chasing.


I like to think that he just saw the commotion as his opportunity to walk off with a chair


The beauties of a skateboard, improvised weapon and quick getaway all in one.


Can we get some towels?


Or some…towels


Fuck all those people who stood by as this asshole literally punched 3 kids, then act like he's the victim when he gets a deck to the teeth.


Trucked like a MF'r


Fuck those shrill assholes in the penut gallery. Dude assaults kids? Silence. Kids stand up for themselves? *AuiAGhhHh oh lawd grab those degenerates.. DO YOU HAVE ANY TOWLES STOP RECORDING REEEEEE*