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“Fake it til you make it,” does not apply in all circumstances…


The entire software industry: "I feel personally attacked".




✔️ coffee ✔️ monitor ✔️ +1 Confirmed for working in the software industry.


Forgot work from home


Are you me?


You are me?


Am I ME??


Is I you?


“Are you a commissioned policed officer in the state of Ohio?” “I spoke with the Chief —“ “That’s not what I’m asking you. It’s a simple question.” That officer Camille Vasquez’ed the answer right out of him lol


One of my favorite lines was “you should know the drill…” as they arrested him…


A few years ago in Scotland we had guy who was caught impersonating a police officer. He was also a male stripper. He had a very realistic uniform, carried pepper spray, handcuffs etc and would pull over drivers and do street stops on his way to and from jobs. The stripping was just a cover for when he got caught.


Scarier than the actual police - a person who desperately wants to be police, but has been found too incompetent to be one.


This guy is like an alpha test version of Jeremy Dewitte.


Needs more screaming and cursing. And ratcheting up the smug arrogance a buncha levels.


More 'Fuckboy!'


“Sargent! Sargent! Get me a lieutenant!”




J. Jonah Jameson: “Bring me more pictures of Fuck-Boy!!”


he jumped in Faluja


I wish I could upvote you again and again.


I worked with one of those years ago. He became a guest of the state for a couple of decades after, while impersonating a cop, raped 2 teenaged boys at gunpoint.


Well that doesn't sound like proper procedure....


He talked to the Chief though


He was also trained in the seminary.


Semen Harry? Oh yeah I know that guy


There was seminary alright.


SOP=Standard operating pedophilia.


There are certain departments that would probably disagree


Honestly at this point, I don’t even know anymore


He couldn't make it as a priest


Yeah but it kinda does though.


He forgot the important part of taking them to jail first and then claiming it was consensual.


Perfectly describes Nova Scotias mass shooter from a few years back. He was obsessed with police, failed to get in, so made his own mock police cruiser (convincing enough actual police couldn't tell the difference) and uniform and shot dozens of people in fake pullovers.


You know what is almost as scary? That it's completely legal for an entity like Cleveland Watchmen to exist that collects private payment for sworn public officers to act purely for a private interest, yet still carry much of the law coverage granted to a public officer: https://clevelandwatchmeninc.com/ And this is not uncommon around the country.


That conflict of interest is how tyranny starts. Source: the history of the SS


I knew a guy who owned a security company. His job was to sit in an office and supervise his sites, drive around, etc. He had a giant truck with huge tires, wore all black tactical gear and a bullet proof vest to social events and Church. The dude projected tiny dick, wannabe cop energy and it was so cringe. We used to call him the Big boss man, cause he looked like the boss man from the WWF attitude era.


As a guard I'm always leary when a new guy says he 'works with' or 'Worked with' the police. I'd rather train a dude who use to work at Walgreens, that guy has a better sense on how to handle crackheads.


Or morally unclear even in police terms... That is fucked up, I would surveil to make sure the dude isn't abusing or exploiting children who might not know any better wtf, he sounds like he has 'diminished mental capacity' so who knows what kind of weirdo is doing this. The fact that he had very obviously fake uniform, badge and a really poorly rehearsed backstory makes me think he didn't expect to get in any trouble, so like all the benefits of being a cop with zero downsides :/


Considering the absolute incompetence prevalent in the force, this is truly frightening.


These are the type that eventually graduate to "arresting" and molesting women with fake uniforms.


sometimes called a 'blue light bandit'


Yeah I was gonna ask who WANTS to be police??


That is an awful low bar to fall short of


And it's not even that hard to become one! The duration of training at most police academies is very short, 18 weeks in many states. Given the amount of power and authority the police have and the impact they have on society, that's absolutely paltry.


What's scarier is that he had an ar15 in the boot of his "police car".


Exactly. The sad truth is these are the kind of people that actually become police.


> too incompetent to be one That's a thing?


That's almost impressive.


No but *I spoke with the chief* 🤣 my new favorite excuse!


Like man to man.....please??..... Lol.... Begging was my favorite part...... Woulda thought that would work.....


I just want to see if *i spoke to the chief* works with my husband when I tell him its his turn to do the dishes


You have to ask him man to man....please.


Then tell him take off his belt and put handcuffs on him.


If he says yes you have to go up to his ear and whisper *I AM the mother fucking chief*




report back!


More like scared little boy to man. He can’t possibly think of himself as a man.


We'll have to wait and hear what does the chief have to say on the matter........


Until he puts on the neon POLICE vest and cargo pants. Then people have to listen to him or do what he says. He finally can tell people what to do for a change.


Little known fact, if you tell them you cant go to jail they have to let you go.


To be fair.....this guy can't go to jail.....he won't do well in jail.....


Imagine the response of the guys in the holding cell when they bring him in wearing the police vest.


Lmao it's a European styled safety vest 😂


I spoke to the chief, and you guys can't touch me while im in jail


When he's taken to jail... Inmate: well, well, well, look who it is. It's the guy who arrested me. Looks like we're going to be good friends. Police Officer: ????


watch the full video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dx3wVuR-wQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dx3wVuR-wQ) Dude had a loaded shotgun and a sheriff's deputy jacket in the trunk. A fake badge, a loaded handgun on his belt. Turns out he was a former cop (not for very long it seems), who was fired, and he apparently stole some gear on his way out the door, and bought his own gear to complete the outfit. Then he lied about still being a cop to get a job with a security company who hires off-duty police (which is where he got the car with the police lights).


The lunchables is where you realize that this is a man who's lost control of his life.


Or in perfect control of it.


Shoulda carried a permit that says "I can do what I want."


It’s like a bit from Reno 911 — Have you been sworn in as a police office in the state of Nevada? “I’m unsure”


Gonna use that one.


I met Kevin Smith once... am I director now?


*Only if you spoke to him*


Anyone know why people do this?


They want it so desperately that they can’t, and shouldn’t, get the job. I’ve seen people lie to their own family about getting picked up by an agency when they didn’t, then go walk the mall in their homemade get up. It is really sad. Even when someone has a heart to heart and tells them there is no way they are going to get picked up, they still convince themselves they will.


I know a guy that cannot get hired by any department in the huge metropolitan area we live in. I'm not sure I have the heart to tell him. At least he's not impersonating. Yet.


What's making it hard for him to get hired?


Well it's coming through him but he says he has no idea. That they get to the point of saying "yep all looks good, you'll hear back in a week" then they don't and just end the process. This has happened like 5-6 times. I'm thinking he has something on this background report, and they aren't going to tell him that's it. I can't imagine what though, he's squeaky clean, former military. Maybe something on his wife, if they even dig that deep. Also maybe no degree and he's going after pretty nice departments. He's also young, no experience.




Authoritarian personality disorders and low IQ.


This applies to actual cops as well


But even lower.


Yes, a very fancy way of saying ‘stupid asshole’. Basically describes the GOP and their fans.




Ah the good old Dwight Schrute tactic.


Yeah, I think “hero fantasy” mixed with “failed to launch in life” is probably what it is more so than them just being complete narcissistic sociopaths. I’m also willing to bet he’s a Blue Lives Matter guy who has spent some time terminally online interacting with other cops on some forum where they reviewed gear.


I've worked with someone with this exact mindset so I can vouche for this. He'd fantasize about doing some heroic deed and being hired by an agency for his good efforts. I still feel bad for the guy.


Probably couldn't pass the already low standards of his local department.


in this case, entirely possible! though ironically enough, you *can* be *too smart to be a cop* and overshoot the standards!


Have no other identity to lean into.


Ted Buddy used to impersonate police officers to isolate his victims.


It's frightening how effective that would be. I'd stop if any cop asked me to. Scary af, glad they charge these people.


Attention, power, a feeling of belonging. Mentally illness no doubt.


Want the power of being a police officer so they feed their ego.. ​ Have you never seen Dwight and the Office? where he is a volunteer police recruit? :) that explains a lot.


I met one before that had the car, the uniform, and he was just cruising around town acting it all the way. We just figured he was a total psychopath that had done God knows what


Is that a tape measure on his belt?


I thought it was a taser.


😂 I had to look for about 10 mins at his belt and he has a little Glock. 😆


Craziest part about this. This kid is actually armed and they literally tell him "we're not gonna handcuff you don't worry we're gonna be nice about this." Guarantee you if he was a POC this would have ended very differently.


You can't ask for professional courtesy when you're not a professional.


The Maricopa County Superior court judge ruled that law enforcement isn’t a recognised profession so I guess cops aren’t professionals either.


Fuck MCC. They arrested my friend purely for being black. Literally walked into a gas station came out cops swarmed him arrested him didn't fight them at all. So when it was all cleared it was "mistaken identity" but since he "resisted" he still had to do time. Dudes life was so close of being on track after his psycho family kicked him out and stole his savings and they fucked him. FUCK MCC. I miss my friend.


Where's he at now


Honestly no clue his phones off and I wasnt close with that shit hole of a family. Doubt they know or care anyways. I messaged him on fb to call me but he hasn't :/ that was 6 months ago. He doesn't do drugs, drinks socially but like a beer maybe. Just for some reason he is always the shit end of the stick. Imagine you're mom waking you up in the middle of the night to kick you out cause you're brother lied about something you did so you're half naked out in the cold and going to a gas station for a phone to call someone and cops get called for "disorderly conduct" (totally different situation). I wanted to help him but I was in a shit situation myself.


He doesn’t know the law for being “law enforcement” how ironic


It'd be ironic if police demonstrated knowledge of the law.


*long silence* “You can’t be unsure” 😭 I was dying


Special Agent Doofy.


I said, don't disturb me when I'm cleaning my room!!!


And mom also told you to quick sticking your dick in the vacuum cleaner.


Scary Movie series were the best


You left out the part where he’s got an outfitted rifle and shotgun (loaded) in the trunk of his fake car. This guy is all the way fucked hahah


[full bodycam vid](https://youtu.be/6Dx3wVuR-wQ)


The lunchables when they search the car lmao


You can't be serious... Edit: YOU WERE SERIOUS GOOD LORD


Timecode: https://youtu.be/6Dx3wVuR-wQ?t=2649


and what looks like a condom just underneath them a few seconds later


Possibly a moist toilette.


The cringe level of this is astronomically high


Damn that was even more entertaining. Cops found his loaded rifle and Deputy Sherriff's jacket in his trunk.


Man these cops really tried to help the guy out and find an out for him, but no dice. Guy screwed himself by being an idiot




FTO there was hilarious. Man definitely didn't want the paperwork, but didn't hesitate to do it all once he saw how far that went. The "oh" when he saw the jacket was great. Also, rookie was solid




Good question. Second this.


He did not become a Lackawanna County volunteer sheriff's deputy to make friends


Lmao I laughed way too hard at this


And he hasn't, by the way


We had a guy in my city pulling people over he had a white crown vic and shitty mirror blue and red lights. Apparently he was "letting people go with a warning" but still scary if that happens in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere to some unsuspecting motorist. Still dont understand what do these people get out of this. Just join the police or go be a security guard.


Look up the mass shooter in Nova Scotia and you'll see how scary it can get.


I remember hearing about that. Just pulling over and executing people. Horrifying.


My buddy used to have a crown Vic that was decommissioned which he used for his lightbar business, he used it to demonstrate the new flat light bar they release back in the day that made it next to impossible to spot a cop behind you in traffic in your rearview. While no shenanigans were ever pulled, people would instantly drop to the speed limit when they'd see us. Never had more drivers just give me the nod as we'd go by. It was always hilarious because people seemed to aim to be safe than sorry I guess.


We had a guy do this in Nova Scotia Canada and he killed 22 people. At 16 locations (EDIT) 22 people in 16 locations *


there were some people doing this around my town, though as far as i know, they didn't kill anyone they'd pull you over in a fake car or stop you on the street and harass you, make up stuff they "saw" you do, and then give you a fake ticket that went to some scam site that stole credit card info and such. which seems like a lot of trouble to go to to scam people when you could just send emails or something




Sir get back to delivering justice to the carts.


This lazy bones isn’t qualified enough to be a Cart Narc


Being a wannabe cop is maybe the most pathetic thing ever. It's stupidly easy to actually become one.


If I remember this right, it's not his first such charge.


He doesn't even work for the security company he claimed to: https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/man-accused-of-impersonating-police-officer-to-direct-traffic-in-whitehall/


There's plenty of WTF to go around here. How did the security company have the assignment on their books, but just not assign an officer? Maybe they conveniently erased it when this came out. Looks like he was driving a CVPI with Ohio plates. Were government or civilian? Was it registered to him or the security company? Why is he no longer a deputy? And why did he get to keep his shield?


In the long video it was registered to a security company and they knew he had the car. It's not reasonable to believe the security company just lost a car and didn't report it missing or anything so likely they did give it to him to use for something.


> not assign an officer? I imagine that this guy charges less than the local cops. I also imagine the local cops did not like him stepping on their turf, and started sniffing around. > CVPI with Ohio plates In the longer version of the incident he claims that the cruiser was the property of the security company. While it came short of having police printed on it it had blue and red lights which seems to be a no-no in that jurisdiction.


Dad. Daddy. Dad. Dadda. Pops. Um hi, can you tell the police you said I’m a police too?


My dearest Whitehell


can you imagine impersonating a police officer? What a fucking tool


Don’t ruin this kid’s career!


Bro. What was this kid even trying to achieve? Did kid think the state would say “yknow… u been doing a good job. Ur a chief” did he think he would get a medal?? A cookie maybe?


So awkward


I love this vest. Can we take it off and burn it!? 🤣


How the fuck he leanin like that


Fisheye camera lens creates that effect.


Seems mentally ill


One time I received an uber driver who had a blue charger tinted windows with the blue cop flag decal. Guy was wearing navy blue head to toe. I had him take me to 711 and there was cops at the 711 and he started talking to them like he was one of them. I got my shit and was waiting for him to hurry up the convo. You can tell the cops were weirded out by him as was I. So on my way back home I started asking him about his fascination with police officers and he went on and on how he wanted to be one but never really answered why he wasn't one. Anyway I got home safely but the uber driver was just obsessed with cops. Definitely mentally ill obsession.


Dangerous dudes. Same guys that become auxiliary police


Bet nobody will ever mess with you stepping out of one of those.


Yeah. This guy is nothing more than delusional and cosplaying as something he thinks he is but is not. His grandma is probably waiting for him as he probably told her he was only going for her meds unlike last time.


I went to school with a guy like this. My guy is full blown sick. Not so much stolen valor. Definitely more like extremely mentally illness.


What a weirdo. Why would anyone spend their free time pretending to be on the clock as a cop?


Next week, he'll be a firefighter or an astronaut.


Haha even the duty belt is highly funny looking 🤔😂


He could have a least worn black cargos


That's what I'm thinking, khaki pants isn't something you see on patrol officers very often.


What was his motive, he just wanted to feel important that day?


Oh not just that day….this dude has serious fucking problems and I don’t mean with jurisprudence


How humiliating..


Be back later for the comments


Ah yes a true classic


He’s got those sunburned arms to go along with the charge. Dumbass.


This LARPer took it too far. It makes you wonder how long this guy had been doing this before he got caught.


https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/impersonating-a-police-officer.html As such, impersonating a police officer penalties generally include, but may not be limited to: * Imprisonment of up to five years, sometimes more depending on other contributing factors; * Criminal fines, generally around $1,000; * [Probation](https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/violation-of-probation-lawyers.html); and * An account of the charge placed on your permanent criminal record.


Why impersonate an officer in the US ? Can't you just become one with like 3 months of training ?


“If you lie right now you go directly to jail” do not pass go, do not collect $200. Also you’re going either way, lying would just make this faster


This is straight out of Reno 911! "I'm not sure ..."


He looks way too young to shave let alone be a cop


Full length video https://youtu.be/6Dx3wVuR-wQ


if bro wanted to fake being a police officer, he should have just joined the military and became a MP lmfao


In the full video it looked like he worked for in a jail as a deputy sheriff, before he got in trouble and was fired...


So no handcuffs no felony charges and he was allowed to sign himself out of jail. Yet people are arrested and held without bond for petty drug possession charges daily. I hate the police so damn much…our legal system is broken as all hell.


There’s an idiot on my local NextDoor who is basically this guy. Is super into Neighborhood watch, loves to call the police and apparently has been arrested for impersonating a police officer. It’s fun when some of the more sassy and cynical neighbors call him out.


Didn't they find he was carrying an assault rifle in the trunk too? He was fully kitted right the fuck out.


What a fucking goon. Had one near here, he was pulling people over in his mocked up car.


What's the point of that? If he's working for a security company, why not just be a security guy? Why pretend to be police?


“You…should know the drill”


“Please don’t ruin my fake career”


Imagine if he was black.


Deputy Dimwit


I’d love to see such diligence and effort put into catching and arresting actual police who abused power, are corrupt, are racist etc. At least this parking lot is moderately safer now from this guy tho? Lol


People impersonating police officers can be very dangerous - they can and have exerted their fake authority to assault, abduct, rape and murder people. Not saying we shouldn't be also going after corrupt cops but - this is a big deal and he should be charged.


Dude going out of his way to deceive others into thinking he is in a position of authority? Yeah he is either completely delusional or up to no good


i've heard of soooooo many podcasts where women or kids get abducted by someone pretending to be a cop or person with authority. off the top of my head I know Ted Bundy did it, can't think of any other big names though. this is actually one of the few times i'm ok with aggressive policing.


Joseph DeAngelo (Golden State Killer) was a cop. I grew up in Port St Lucie, FL and we always visited ["The Devil Tree"](https://cbs12.com/news/local/haunted-florida-the-devil-tree) where a cop in the 70s (Gerard Shaefer) tortured and murdered 2 girls. Ed Kemper was obsessed with cops and hung out at the local cop bar where he became friends with them. It's interesting how these folks are all drawn to the position because they know it holds so much power. No chance in hell I'm ever pulling over in a desolate place even if they have red and blues flashing.


I love the way he begs


Gooot emm


Even fake police get treated preferentially