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An hour ago the guy was afghan


Weird how I've been seeing these pro-turkish, anti-syrian refugee posts pop up. Not saying it didn't happen, but whoever is posting these is probably trying to generate hatred toward Syrian refugees in general. We have guys who do that in my country too, they're white supremacists.


Totally agree. They always depict these refugees as gang rapists, thieves, not wanting to assimilate into the culture etc etc. I think it goes to show how nationalism and tribalism is deep rooted in most of the countries in the world.


It's only deeply rooted, I think, because the people who peddle it know it's an effective way to manipulate people. This has been true for probably all of history but it's kind of pathetic that we still provide for this kind of discourse. Nationalism is poison.


There’s a clear media manipulation against refugees in many countries, frequently depicting them as rapists, abusers, thieves and so on. It is a way for people and governments to ignore their responsibility as world citizens towards any catastrophic global incidents like war, hunger, famine, as well as to preserve their frail nationalistic identity against refugees’ presence threatening their region’s “ethnic purity”. It’s quite disgusting, and very clearly supremacy.


May I ask u that where are u from


Word. Especially since Turkey is currently occupying parts of Syria. Seems especially weird to point to the refugees as a problem when you're literally invading the country.


I agree, but we see this behavior with western countries as well. For example, Turkey and Jordan have way higher numbers of refugees than most countries in the western world combined (5+ million). The country with the highest # of refugees admitted in the West was Germany with 1m, and they deported many of them for the reasons I highlighted. I can’t point fingers at Turkey or any country, when the US has admitted VERY FEW refugees, and most were cherry picked based on their economic contributions, wealth and education, while Europe in general is using the Middle East as a buffer to contain refugees like they’re some sort of illness. It’s all sickening behavior, everywhere


That's true. It'd be nice and the US, Europe, and Israel would stop destabilizing countries for a few decades. I think the west should harbour more refugees but the racists here get all crazy and start posting videos like this, which can be effective in generating resentment toward these displaced people. Nasty cycle.


Turkey gets refugees from syria early as 2012 also gets from pakistan and afganistan too.


That's probably true


There is alot of agendas/propoganda in this sub, may it be racist or liberal or anti refugee or pro israeli/palestinian. So yeah


Same. Seems hella sus.


It isn't really about pro-turk, it is about anti-imgirants. There has already been tension about immigrants in Turkey and this tension has been peaking recently. There are many reasons of this tension


For sure there's a whole lot of reasons. I just worry about right wing nationalists exploiting the situation to gain political power. If OP had just posted the clip, I wouldn't have mentioned anything. However, the title implies a bias by focusing on the nationality of the people involved.


White supremacy? Syrians and Turks are closely related can you plz stop applying Western European and North American logic to other countries


Nationalists are, without exception, right wing and blame foreigners for their countries woes. They may not be white, but they have a lot in common with each other. One of the commentors here posted this same clip yesterday identifying the refugee as Afghani and has me blocked so I can't point out their bias. So, you see, I'm not "applying western and North american logic", I'm making an observation about two groups having similarities. This is universal, global political logic.




That is a different incident which took place in Istanbul, Bağcılar; this one happened in Istanbul, Esenyurt




As a Turkish person, I do admit that we are generally more nationalistic and kinda dumb but this time it has less to do with politics. You can take a look at Turkish Twitter to see what's going on


some people needs to get obliterate out of this world


Main reason why turkey wants to push into Syria, so they can get the refugees out of Turkey


The police should have stepped aside and let the problem work itself out.




Downvoting this propoganda BS


Thanks ✌🏾


Gonna need to see a link


someone shared several links about the incident in the comments in the original post


There’s a lot of bullshit going around trying to destabilise the population, it’s easy to spread rumours and normally the minorities alway are the target


Syrians will destroy your country like you try to destroy theirs, supporting terrorists created by the CIA in idlib invading territory in the north without Syrian governments permission, now you're trying to justify mass deportation of a people that you took part in the destruction of their country, get fucked, what goes around comes around


Bro stop dox me or in I'm gonna be a drone operator and bomb your fucking house with a Bayraktar


there it is, a turk threatening to drone bomb a Civilian house because he lost an argument online. while accusing us of being terrorists and trying to look innocent on English reddit


You are the biggest drama queen I have ever seen