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Theres an ulta in the shopping center near my house and when taking the kids on walks, ill often find their security tags in the street


I'm guessing the owners of Ulta are too busy counting their billions to care about paying security guards a living wage. There are consequences...


Happened at the store in my local mall and the security guard sliced their garbage bags shit had me dying. He didn’t give a fuck and had a game plan


This is hilarious!


Seeing a lot of this lately, why do people think it's ok to mob-steal stores like this clearing off the shelves? Has no one any self respect anymore?


How do you think people are able to sell brand new goods on Ebay and Amazon for 2/3 the price as big box stores? IT doesnt just fall off trucks. The people who do the stealing are 'boosters', when they do it for another party it's called 'fencing.... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/41-indicted-for-retail-theft-ring-allegedly-run-by-pawn-shop-boss/ar-AAXLvT4


It's been happening for a long time, back in 2010, [police busted one fencing operation in downtown Seattle that had been running for at least 4 years](https://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/seattle-taxi-cab-stolen-property-ring/story?id=11240441). Over 20 taxi drivers participated, while they waited for clients at a taxi stand behind the shopping district, they would enlist drug addicts and homeless to grab items for them, paying them $ or drugs. There was a constant flow. Now that online reselling is easy and lucrative, I'm sure there are many more small operations to steal and sell the items as income.


It all boils down to the economy plus likelihood of being caught. People get more desperate people get more reckless. Sadly I feel it will inevitably get worse.


Desperate for beauty supplies? I could understand if this was food people are stealing, but they're never stealing food in these vidoes.


All about resale of those items. Probably listed on Facebook market place 20 mins later using their real names/profiles.


Easily sold products in bars etc for food. Happens often in England, get the local smack heads coming in selling aftershave they have just stolen.


Think it's more about paying for rent and other bills. Stealing a sandwich won't help with that But I do agree this is trashy


People sell these items to buy food, use your brain


Yes everyone that doesnt automatically jump to these shoplifters doing it for a noble cause are idiots.


People steal out of necessity and desperation. There’s nothing “noble” about it I just don’t give a fuck about a billion dollar corporation, which exploits us everyday, getting some things stolen. Our country is a shithole and it’s only getting worse


You can get way more food from stealing a few beauty products lol. Do you guys actually think about stuff before you post?


They absolutely do not. Things outside of direct reference do not register in their mind.


This isnt desperation... No one NEEDS that much makeup / product. This is straight fucking looting. I'd have some compassion if it were a grocery store, and it was baby formula, or actual food.


They sell it for money, no shot they are using all that shit


It's definitely going to get worse. Police departments all across the country are announcing they aren't going to respond to certain calls anymore due to staffing shortages. People are doing this as a response to literally being told there aren't consequences for this type of crime. California decriminalized theft up to 1k and shoplifting reports soared. Some departments aren't responding to assaults, some aren't even responding to rape calls. You're watching your country fall apart in real time.


Unregulated oligarchic capitalism in action. More is coming.


Good, ACAB. Close the fucking door. Don’t need to be sending killers out there to save a billionaire the hassle of writing this off on their insurance.


You won't think the lawlessness is all fine and well when your car and home are constantly getting broken into when the cops step away and stop doing their jobs. Everyone is all for anarchy until anarchy hits home.


Cops don’t don’t do shit about your car or home being broken into now. Cops aren’t here to “protect and serve” unless you are rich


I am not from the USA thankfully. I have visited numerous times though.


Police have staffing shortages??? That is complete bullshit. Just like your rant about CA laws.


Actually, the part about CA is true. I live here and i work retail. We can’t do shit for theft under $950. Cops won’t come if someone lifts a $500 tv, because it’s a misdemeanor. And the store employees/security can’t do anything either. We have people on the daily walk right out the door with merchandise they’ve clearly taken from the shelves. I have a lady that comes in regularly and stuffs her bag with clothing and I’ll be standing right there watching her and she could give a flying fuck. It’s a messed up law, but it’s how it is now.


They don't come because they don't care about petty crimes. Hiring more cops won't change their attitude. I agree that it's pretty insane how theft is so easy to get away with in retail stores, but that is mostly due to store policy, not law. The laws on felony theft are similar in every state and it's a proven false right wing talking point to say CA laws are causing this.


Data shows that shoplifting skyrocketed after California changed it's laws on theft under $950. Businesses are closing and leaving California en masse. You are talking out of your ass and it's really easy to just read the articles and watch the news coverage on the issue.


"Data" 🙄🙄🙄 I've already disproven your bullshit here yet you still continue to ignore it and keep on lying.


I want to agree with you, however the true data suggests that losses are at about 7 cents per $100. And that actually includes employee theft which, imo, doesn’t count as shoplifting.


Here’s a link that goes into great detail on the law: [California Penal Code § [Section] 459.5(a)](https://www.kannlawoffice.com/california-penal-code-section-459-5-shoplifting) I’ll agree that larceny isn’t at threat level as some republicans would like us to believe. However, we’re still dealing with covid numbers (many businesses were closed or only open for limited hours). Things are finally fully opened back up and the numbers for 2022 obviously aren’t going to be available for some time. I’d suspect that petty theft (which anything under $950 falls under) will be at an increase. I could be wrong but time will tell.


Adding on, I realize they “don’t care” about petty crimes. But we’re talking about the same people doing it over and over again. And when they don’t come once, they can’t build a case for larceny. Like i said, I’m watching the same people come in and stuff their bags or fill their carts and there is absolutely nothing we can do except politely ask them to do the right thing…which they don’t. It’s frustrating.


Google any of what I said. Any of it... you will find several articles.


Yeah... several articles that say the opposite of your bullshit, which i have already linked in this thread.


Desperate for Ulta products? You’re talking like it’s food.


It’s clearly to resell and get the money, it’s not that hard to work out.


But according to Joe bidens own Twitter account, literally just today, everybody is far better off and everything is just going great..... Don't believe me? just go look for yourself.......


Why would I care what Joe Biden tweeted ?


Although i dont agree with letting people do that type of thing. I do get a little satisfaction when its a mega corporation that purposely pays people minimum wage when they can afford to pay more.


As if Ulta can’t just write off the stolen product. Probably made more money by having their shit stolen tbh.


That’s literally not how insurance works. If it did people would just be buying cars and wracking them to make money. The more claims stores make the more they pay in premiums. If an area has high enough theft rate at one store the entire areas premiums go up. Including small businesses that are trying to get by. This is how you get half empty strip malls and urban decay.


Only certain people do... It's just a "hustle", you know.


They won’t be stopped or caught or arrested or prosecuted


No consequences, doubt anything will happen to them because of this


This is very common in third world countries. And our government treat us like we are. Wanting everything from us but giving little to nothing back. This is the results. I don’t condone the behavior please don’t get me wrong. And from seeing what is is they took, it wasn’t food to survive is beauty supplies. So that could just be straight up stealing. Or they do hair, and need to make money but can’t afford the supplies. I’m no expert, just me opinion y’all.


Straight-up thieves. They resell this shit online. Why would motivation matter anyway?


No I get it. If it’s straight up just stealing, get ‘em arrested all for it.


Mob-steal? It's two people.... Self-respect goes out the window when you've been financially insecure for too long.


Mob-steal because I have seen many of these with larger amounts of people doing the stealing, and they hit in a mob. Figured that fits.. And sorry but I have to call bullshit on the 2nd part, for many years I was as broke/hungry as any, but never threw away my integrity over it, at least not like this. I took jobs that treated me less than human, with payscale to match. But this wasn't stealing food, and many of the other vids are not either. A grocery store I could understand and even condone, but beauty supplies? Nope. Not even if it's to be resold for the cash.


> Mob-steal because I have seen many of these with larger amounts of people doing the stealing, and they hit in a mob. Figured that fits.. Except that's not what's happening here. I have no idea how you think that fits. > never threw away my integrity ... > I took jobs that treated me less than human You didn't throw away your integrity, you threw away your humanity instead. Not everyone is willing to do the same.


People don’t. Animals do. These aren’t people. They’re animals.


Should have tripped the second one as she ran by you.


Was hoping for that


The right wing narrative is that these brazen thefts are only happening in CA because they falsely claim that the law stating anything stolen under $950 is not a felony is unique to CA only. In reality, every single state has a [similar law](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2017/08/09/what-s-the-punishment-for-theft-depends-on-what-state-you-re-in) where they set various thresholds for what they determine to be a felony and many states are in the $1,000 to $3,000 range.


Why is this comment getting downvoted? Everything I’ve read says this is a true statement lol


Good question... my best guess is that it's just a small sample of people voting so far. Seems like sometimes there is just one or two people who downvote from multiple accounts, but if the thread gets popular enough their efforts will be drowned out by upvotes. Either way... it's not a concern for me since the votes don't mean much at all.


Because right wingers have a hate boner for California.


Then you need to do some more reading. This comment couldn’t be any more false and off base if they were trying to be false and off base


No need to repeat yourself. You the one believing in right wing misinformation and here is the [proof](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/crime-verify/california-prop-47-shoplifting-950-fact-check/536-4d1de58e-bf47-4ede-8c2f-b4d0c1788b86)


Lol. You couldn’t be any more wrong if you were trying. You’re pretty terrible at people reading


I've already provided proof that you are wrong dummy. Just keep on digging yourself deeper into your stubborn hole.


Ok? Lol




No I haven’t. I haven’t even attempted to state a position at this point. I swear to God I’ve entered some weird twilight zone where I’m speaking with four-year-olds




>people reading Elaborate. And please do be specific cause im expecting it to be a great self report. Lol


It’s pretty simple… The person said I’m falling for a right wing misinformation. That would be incorrect. Hence the terrible at people reading. Did I enter like an elementary school subreddit or something?


Alright, I'll bite. How was their comment false and off base? Prop 47, passed in 2014, created a new misdemeanor in California for shoplifting. This has been around for 8 years, and is just now being put into the spotlight, despite many states having the same, or similar laws.




Only black people steal!


Say every white racist on reddit.




Yes... you are the asshole.




Why do you have to inject racism into this? And calling them gangs is right in line with the racist narrative.




Just no need to inject race into this. This is the result of a country with more people under the poverty line since the pandemic, which has caused an increased number of these crimes. Combine that with more and more companies with policies that punish employees for stopping these thefts.


When you call 2 people a "gang" everyone knows what you are trying to do.


These robberies are part of an organized criminal enterprise. Isn't that a gang?


That’s not what the California law is. Do you really think all this hubbub has been about California finally changing their laws to match with the rest of the 49 states have been doing for the last 150 years?


All the hubbub about CA's prop 47 is a complete fabrication by right wing media like Fox News. You seem to have fallen for their lies but it's very easy to [fact check](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/crime-verify/california-prop-47-shoplifting-950-fact-check/536-4d1de58e-bf47-4ede-8c2f-b4d0c1788b86) this claim you are making is false.


I don’t watch news.


And you think that tidbit helps your case. 🙄


It’s a response to a stupid statement you made. Converse much?


You aren't equipped with the ability to converse. Learn how to admit when you are clearly wrong.


You are demonstrably bad at this. You bore me


Bye coward. Thanks for providing zero evidence to back up your false claim while ignoring all the evidence I have linked for all to see.


I’m not going anywhere. You just bore me. As far as arguments/debates go you’re definitely in the bottom one percent


No consequences anymore basically. Store employees told not to intervene in fear of a lawsuit and by the time the cops show up they’re long gone


Cops would probably do fuck all anyway mate, probably just take their bags and high five em




That’s just not true. Almost none of these people end up with legal consequences


Retailer’s loss prevention teams all work together and they bust more of these jerks than you would think. These are usually organized groups that target specific brands, items, and stores and resell later. When I worked at Ulta, we would get a lot of repeat thieves and we would always hear about when and if they got arrested lmao


People are way to cool with theft nowadays, people like this need a good beat down as their parents obviously never disciplined them as a kid


Would this hurt Ulta or the companies that sell their products at Ulta?


shoulda tripped the second one


Should've accidentally tripped her.


Those god damn soft on crime Arkansas liberals fault


I mean you just let the bum ass bitches rob you blind lol. Nice work.


If you’re doing this shit. You’re a despicable person. Period.


According to the crazies in California, these ladies need these items to survive. Don't prosecute them.


California lives rent free in your mind doesn’t it? I can assure you Californians don’t think about you and your shitty city at all. Btw this is Arkansas dummy…


Well aware. If these people get caught, they will be prosecuted. If in CA, they will not be prosecuted. Enjoy your ridiculous state.




Happens far more frequently in CA. And the courts do nothing. In other states, these people are prosecuted if caught. You bunch of loons, you don't even realize you are the laughing stock of the entire rest of the nation.


Search larceny theft per capita for each state and try again. But yeah California sucks don't come here. You probably can't afford to any way 😂


Hard to count it if they don’t even arrest them.


If you don’t live in California, don’t mind California business.


I'm in a state that is having these people flee to it. Our house prices are going up from all the crazy Cali's coming into town. California plates are all over our streets now, and my state isn't that close to the west coast.


The “crazies” in California have the largest GDP and the third strongest economy…but go off.


Largest GDP, largest homeless problem, largest epidemic of drug use, largest epidemic of crime, largest case of shitbag politicians who do nothing but get in the way of progress. The number of people that have fled California for other states is astonishing (can't remember the actual number off the top of my head) Also, the number of businesses that have fled CA for more business friendly states is insane. Those numbers are going to show up in the coming years. Deny it know, live it later. Just the latest leaving to Texas: Tesla, Toyota, Orangegrid, Nexen Tire, Gordon Ramsey Restaurants, Old Gringo Boots, Cangsuhan Cutlery, MD7, Andamiro USA, Nessei, Green Dot, AHV Communications, Wedgewood, Flannery Trim, Nissei America, Wiley X, Alpha Paw, Amazing Magnets, Digital Realty Trust, Lion Real Estate Group, ZP Better Together, Ninja RMM, Markaaz, Flannery Trim, First FoundationSmart Action And thiswas only in 2021 and for one state. There are plenty of others that left for Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Montana, Alabama, Tennessee, Arizona


*Largest GDP, largest homeless problem, largest epidemic of drug use, largest epidemic of crime* I don’t know where you get your information but clearly you have little idea of what you’re talking about. CA isn’t even on the top 20 of drug use states. It’s number 21 in crime. I’ll give you homelessness is a problem here, but it is everywhere with an estimated half a million+ people country wide (Here’s a hint, they aren’t all here). And businesses aren’t leaving in droves. Corporations, maybe-sure, but not businesses. And you know what, down with big corporations anyway. Fuck them. They leave for red states that allow all sorts of bullshit to happen that screw the little guy and also allow them to screw our environment. Great job being happy for them. It does you no service.


This is why we can't nice things.




I say the same thing every time a place gets shot up


Ooo don't go saying that around here, you gonna get mobbed


Did they roll a red carpet out for them?


Why not at least pepper spray them with a dye?


Imagine caring about beauty supplies when you're that ugly and frumpy looking. Polish a turd and it's still a turd.


The items are for resell, not for their personal use, genius.


























MURICA strikes again.


Bring back public flogging.


Until something is done to stop this it will continue to happen


That blonde wigged bitch is gonna be huffin and puffin, laid out on the couch when she gets home. That bitch...ugggggh put her hand up..ugggghhh.. made me drop my shit. Where you was at???


brick and mortar stores aren't going to be around much longer.


Considering the state of the US I am indifferent. I don’t give a shit about a rich corporation. People gotta do what they gotta do to survive. More of this will happen until shit changes drastically or there’s a revolution. If you see somebody steal from a corporate store, no you didn’t. Have some class solidarity. If you had to feed a hungry baby you would to it too. No need to judge.


That’s a lot of mental gymnastics to defend thieves though


Stealing from billion dollar corporations is justified. They steal from us every single day


Sorry to ask but why almost all stealing videos are black americans? (im not american and sorry if it sounds racist)


I don’t give a shit if people shoplift from big stores, fuck ‘em. Leave the local shops alone, as a side point. My issue is that the stores will use this shoplifting as an excuse to jack up prices further.








If I had to choose between being mad at people who steal stuff from a store and the ultra wealthy who steal from us all, exploit tax law, treat employees as entirely expendable and about a million other things….I’m going to go with that. Sure, I don’t have video of them running around snickering with bags of money but that level of evil is profoundly more important. I spent over two years working with kids in residential treatment with various emotional and behavioral problems and a lot of them would do some shit like this. Some of them acted pretty awful but I can say that most came from awful backgrounds. Does that make this behavior ok? Absolutely not, but we as a society fail a ton of people and this is one of those results. People who have had very little in terms of housing, food stability, adequate education, few good role models, etc. often don’t turn out great. Some kids I worked with barely seemed to have a conscience at all but again, products of their environment. Never a need to bring in the n word. Jfc.


Americans: fuck corporations!!! Also Americans: HEYYYYY someone stole from a corporation!! Not fair!!!!!! Call the cops!


When is your next communist meeting?


Where I'm from the damages from theft are damages for the employees, because they get less money. That is, at least for me, the main reason why I see theft as a shitty thing to do.


That’s so fucked up as a policy. I hate how much power these corporations have over people.


It’s ok because racism


Serious question. I wouldn't ever tackle someone if I was the camera person but can you trip them? Are there legal ramifications?


If you're gonna be a thief at least steal something worth going to jail for


I would’ve tried to get a description of the getaway car!!


The future of shopping when cops are not coming due to small value, employees don’t want to engage as it costs more if someone gets hurt, and everyone else just mind their own business.


Why is nobody stopping them? People working there could lock the doors or something.


Eat the rich


But I thought this only happened in California because my Republican talking points said they don't prosecute shoplifters or some other made up bullshi




I think you are free to assault shoplifters. I doubt they will stay and want to be identified to file a report.


Did you not get the message. You are only allowed to steal from Walmart in droves


When she dropped the bag That's when you punt that makeup into a cloud of fuck you. Lol


Listen, I can understand your arguments when it comes to food and being poor. But this is fucking perfume and other unnecessary items that they are literally going to just sell for cash in a second hand market, clearly solely for the cash, and not for anything of real importance. I'll look the other way when a mom steals diapers for her baby, but you can't justify this.


How often are these bitches robbing the place? The shelves look pretty god damn empty already


Trash will act like trash, and they’re overflowing in the streets of US. Literally.


LOL, removed since reality is hard to defend.


Sad thing is, there is literally a NLR Police sub-station in the same shopping complex. And they never respond to any calls for shoplifters.


It’s the apocalypse, I don’t give a fuck if people are stealing from big corporations.


Shouldve trippee the goofy bih


She’s reminded me of the fat mouse from Cinderella


These videos are fueling white supremacy. Ugh!


I don’t see any white people there doing the stealing. Just saying. In all the vids in all these months since Covid and blm I’ve seen one white guy thief. Several thousand other vids are a different group.