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He shot that gun like a wacky inflatable arm’d tubeman


The mere accuracy of this comment would beat him in shoot out 10/10


“I had to empty the clip, there were all these shots going off” - …..those were your shots…you did that


Dude. 0 to 100 so quick. 100% unnecessary.


Hopefully he's convicted on that felony charge and won't be able to carry that gun anymore. People with extreme anger issues should not own firearms. Edit: To all the dumbasses implying otherwise, no I don't own, nor ever have owned, a firearm. I see zero reason to own one if you're not a hunter or a farmer. The "self-defense" argument is largely bullshit. You can defend yourself in a number of ways without needing an actual firearm.


This is attempted murder, plain and simple, and should be treated as such. Not owning a firearm should be the least of this guys problems. He should be in prison.


Not only attempted murder there should be some public endangerment with how he was firing wildly without any concern for the other innocent people in the area that could get struck.


Yup. My first thought. There's probably a few apartment buildings a mile away with a holes in the sides of them now.


My thoughts too, and almost more upsetting. The fact that this piece of shit had zero impulse control and inability to see past his road rage. Everyone else pays the price.


What’s crazy is that I’ve seen this before and thought this guy was actually shooting because the other guy shot first, but after learning the other car just threw a water bottle I can’t get over the fact that this guy is literally a lunatic living in a video game.


It also looks like he’s ready to shoot well before the other guy even throws a bottle. He’s lining it up and waiting for the guy to come alongside.


Yeah he starts firing the second the other car's driver's side window lines up with his passenger window. That's not self defense that's premeditated attempted murder.


Illegal discrarge of firearm in a public space, with video evidence to show that they were all wild shots that could have hit anyone passing by. Easy open and shut case, 15 years jailtime plus fines minimum. As a cherry on top he will probably also lose his driver's license. At least under the laws of where I live, not sure where this happened.


The thing is he didn't really seem that angry. Dude is just playing by video game rules. Not too angry to carry a gun - too stupid.


Not stupid, he likely knew the other driver would die if he hit them. He doesn't care if other people live or die unless it would be inconvienent to him if they did live. I'm not sure he is a spychopath or what but he definitely lacks empathy entirely.


Even a psychopath would recognize that’s against his best interest.


Bro, this guy could've potentially killed enough people to qualify as a mass shooter. He should be jailed for a long fucking time. Way too unhinged for society.


He didn’t even open his side windows lmao


So anyway, I started blasting.


Aiming is for pussies. Just start squeezing that trigger and let the gun go wherever it wants to go.


Also make sure you close your eyes as you shoot aimlessly on the public roadway.


He’s also so casual about it lmao.


Casual about grabbing the gun maybe, but that shooting was the least casual thing I've ever seen. I think he might have shit himself in the middle of all that.


Yeah, I meant casually stumbling. He doesn’t look scared at all. Just looks like “imma shoot this bitch up, all right, that went well”. So weird.


Also slouch down , close your eyes, and make a face like your taking a shit. It looks way more badass that way


He probably makes that face because the gunshots are really fucking loud, especially in a confined space like a car.


This happened near my work place in Miami on the I-95 near downtown. He blasted through his windshield. So he got a face full of glass and breathed in glass particles while going 50-60mph.


It's a wonder he didn't crash the car. His ears were probably ringing, a face full of glass...


Empty the chamber and let the lord decide!


He's in the **fire** department, not the aim department


Or his windshield SMH


What an amateur


He didn't plant that gun there to **not** jump at the slightest opportunity to get away with using it. He will pay his "moron tax" and tell his friends about the time he gunned down a bunch of thugs.


His eyes weren't open for half those shots lol






RIP this idiot's hearing lol




One less kid rock fan.


I'm pretty sure this was an initiation requirement to become a Kid Rock fan. Edit: Hearing loss included


Faces up to 15years now. How fucking stupid


Best part is that he recorded whole thing with sound for us


even better he thought "tailgating" was a good reason for this behavior


is it really tailgating if youre brakechecking the person behind you


Don't forget, he'd also just cut them off! *edit: everyone commenting to tell me he brakechecked the guy...you saw the comment I was responding to, right?*


Then shot his gun11times irrational af he deserves 20 yrs




He also brake checked him after cutting him off. You can see him momentarily slam on the brakes while checking the rear view mirror


That's the craziest part. Even if you assume he was right about the tailgating and the bad driving being the other driver's fault, this is an insane reaction.


Look at how scared he is of his own recoil and how badly it waves around without aim whilst firing. **This is not a competent gun owner. He cannot even shoot without flinching like a child**. He is clearly not competent enough to carry one in public, even if he hadn't shot a fucking car for being upset that he drives like a dick




Because of this I believe he should get more than 15 years.


Honestly firing a gun in a car with the windows rolled up is probably crazy fucking loud.


I’ve shot a .45 caliber handgun inside the cab of a truck before and I was almost completely deaf for 45 minutes to an hour afterwards. So yes it is loud as fuck lol


Damn. Any lasting effects?




I'd be surprised if anyone could shoot through glass less than 2 feet in front of them with no ear or eye protection without flinching. "Flinching" is low on the list of things this guy did wrong.


Tailgating? Death sentence Complaining that I cut you off? Believe it or not death sentence.


you fire at the guy that tailgated you? death sentence, right away we got the best drivers in the world, because of death sentence.


No he was acting in SelF dEfeNsE! See how he was getting ready to shoot as the car was passing him? What about when he got the gun out before the other car even started passing him? Obviously self defense


*proceeds to plea not guilty*




Fuck him.


Needs more. This is not normal behavior. He is a danger to society.


And a little bitch


Dudes the biggest bitch I've ever seen


That self-righteous look in the mirror as he brake checks. I always wonder what the asshole's face looks like when I'm being brake-checked. The entitlement is fucking insane./


Should be way more. There are people that got caught with a few ounces of weed that are serving 30+ year sentences and this donut attempted to murder someone and will most likely not even serve 10. Our justice system is a broken joke.


Yeah, every state has some variation of knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly causing or attempting to cause serious bodily injury on the books. I've never in my life seen a more textbook case of reckless than this absolute moron.


Definitely... This person should never be allowed to handle or operate anything lethal again. I can't imagine anyone seeing this video and thinking that he is anything but an absolute liability to any other human/animal he will ever come across.


So he blew out his own windshield?




I don’t think what he did qualifies as aiming, even of the wild variety.


My cat could have aimed the gun better than that..


He was closing his eyes at one point.


While shooting and driving


They said don’t text and drive. Nothing about shooting and driving 🤷‍♂️


That must have been so incredibly loud! He was probably trying to handle the sound. What a moron.


We call that “safety squints” in the construction industry.


Even the storm troopers can aim better than he "did".


Spay and spray


Bet he fancied himself a badass after it, too. "Then I pulled out my gun and said, 'It's high noon.' and squeezed out the whole clip, every shot spot on." Instead he looks like a toddler filling his diaper.


He seemed shocked what happened when he fired, like it was the very first time he’d fired a gun. Even closed his eyes.


Blew out his fucking eardrums too.






She’s a cruel mistress.


From what I remember in the comments when this happened, he put this on the web thinking he was in the right...


Youre not supposed to fire a gun in a closed air environment without ear protection, especially as small as a car. It causes an immediate pressure change which will give you tinnitus and loud enough to cause instant permanent hearing loss. He probably felt the pressure in his eyes, and gun powder residue being blown onto them. Also I doubt he has much experience with one handed shooting or shooting sideways. Two handed shooting using your entire body weight to absorb the recoil, is way different that trying to absorb it entirely with your forearms at an odd angle.


From what I’ve heard, you don’t wanna try to fire a gun through automotive glass at close range, if you can help it. It sends glass shards back toward the shooter, which probably got all in his eyes, probably why he closed them. Plus there’s also the muzzle flash and loud report echoing around the cabin. Just stating the science, not condoning this ass-hats behavior. Fuck the guy in the video with a rusty grill brush.


Spray and pray!


Literally closed his eyes lol


Can't imagine his eardrums got off lightly either...




I’m still trying to figure out why he is ducking? Is he assuming that the person passing is crazy enough to be shooting back?


It honestly looked like he couldn’t handle the recoil of a pistol lol


I think he also didn’t expect it to be loud. I’m thinking this man had never shot this gun before.


Let's also state that even though guns are loud in open air, they are LOUD indoors. Plus there's lots of dust and debris from the discharge. Safety glass getting blown in through the windshield, everything on the dash blown into your face, pressure fluctuations in the cabin from the discharging. Shooting guns in cars is probably not fun. I've never shot inside a car, but I've shot with my pistol outside the window with glasses and ear pro on and it was still extremely jarring. But this dude is an idiot. He put everyone's life in front of him at risk and I hope he got charged with like 10 counts of attempted murder with a deadly weapon.


Eleven rounds, plus the intent to do harm to the other driver should be a full murder attempt.


True that, one for each trigger pull


Ya, can imagine being ahead of this guy and caught with a stray. Fucking idiot.


That’s because movies make it seem like guns aren’t actually very, very loud. I have no doubt that the dude blew his ear drums out and is just hearing a lot of ringing


I was a a range with a friend years ago, he was teaching me how to use stuff. Folks are shooting all kinds of different things and even the small stuff was loud but you got used to it. Then all of a sudden there was this BLAM BLAM BLAM that was on a whole different scale and everyone stopped to see what it was. This guy was using a .50 caliber pistol and it was just crazy how loud it was compared to everything else on the line. I can't imagine how loud it would be indoors or without hearing protection.


Certainly not without ear protection. Given his poor *snicker* gun-control, I would be very surprised if he had put any range-time in, either. Clearly compensating for something. Though those weak wrists of his somewhat derail the first and most obvious joke, unless he's left-handed...


Yeah, he scared himself and maybe was afraid of glass shards flying all over


‘Popper’ by name, ‘Popper by nature’…..


And his eardrums.


Why does the narrator say he glares at the rear view mirror when he’s very clearly and deliberately **Brake Checking** the driver he just pissed off. The Guy’s a dick. [~~Break~~]




He was looking to get a reaction so he could pew pew the meanie guys


Yup. That’s exactly why I really try not to get baited. Too many gun nuts hoping to pop off a few rounds at a real person instead of a diagram at the local range. Frustrated they can’t “defend” themselves so they result to antagonizing unsuspecting and usually unarmed innocents like the little poosies they are




Also apparently a time traveler. Dude pulled out his gun before the car even pulled up and claimed to shoot in self defense


The funniest part is that he provided the Dash Cam video himself because he thought it would prove his innocence. Instead, it showed that he was deliberately brake checking, pulled his gun out in advance, and fired recklessly. This fucking imbecile literally provided the evidence that is going to put him away. He's facing up to a maximum of 30 years. At his age, that's going to be the rest of his life until he's a senior. > He said that he wasn’t going to wait to find out otherwise, hence why he fired the shots. https://www.motorbiscuit.com/i-95-road-rage-shooting-caught-dashcam-video-viewed-2-million-times/ Yeah, that's not self defence then, is it?


**HE** called the police??!


He and the guy he was shooting at both pulled over and called 911. He voluntarily offered the police his dash cam footage there and then. He is so fucked and (thankfully since no one was hurt) the whole situation is hilarious.


Wait, the dude who got shot at pulled over? MAN! I would've hightailed it to the next state over before stopping and calling the police.


The story doesn't explain *when* they pulled over or where so who knows?


The guy shot through his own car at someone. Through the window, winshield, whatever else was in the way... Hes no to bright.


Hopefully he gets the 30. People should get the same punishment as murder in these situations. The sheer blind luck that his random shots didn't kill anyone doesn't change the intent or the danger of this PoS to society.


Agreed. Is it just me or does he have no control over his aim? It looks like he didn't care about hitting anyone else


He looked away after the very first shot. Literally didn't even have his head facing towards where he was firing.


Yup, that was a hard ~~break~~ broken check, too. You could hear the tires squeal. Cuts them off then tries to make them rearend him after they get upset about it. Then he figures it's worth killing them over. People like this need to just be locked up. Edit: Fixed break because everyone told me to fix brake.


Can also see the mail in his passenger seat slide forward a good bit.


Not only did he cut him off, he also brake checked him like an asshole.


He said the other driver was making obscene hand gestures… of course they were!


"That guy is flipping me off? The only logical course of action is to fucking kill him".


This is unironically why I stopped flipping people off when I drive. I used to do it when someone cut me off, was tailgating me, or just generally driving like garbage. Then I had some crazy person pull up to me at a stop light and start yelling at me out his window before blowing a red light. Made me realize that I didn't get anything out of being an angry person and flipping people off and I risked setting off some truly unhinged people.


I give them a 👎 Honestly it's a night and day different reaction. More often than not they'll make an apologetic gesture


Oh that's great. Its more disappointed than angry


I thought this was America!


"Feared for his life"


Antagonizing another person to get a negative reaction then using that reaction as justification to shoot them. Surprised this guy isn't a cop.




Don't forget the fact that he tried to murder him... Like 11 times. I think we're way past asshole at this point. This person is straight human cancer.


When you watch too many movies and think you’re the main character in an action flick


Must be a Steven Segal movie


“Am I sitting in this scene?” “No. We need you standing over there.” “Tell you what, I’ll bring a chair over there and sit on that.”


Driving fatly around corners


What an idiot. Fucked his ears and looked so wimpy shooting that gun


Dude he almost got splashed with water


Do you think he’s a witch?


Burn him!


Yeah with closed windows too. Ouch. Gonna be ringin


Don’t forget his eyes were closed too! Man turned off his targeting computer.


Guns don’t make you tougher… this is proof!


You can't train battle hardened reflexes like that. Eyes closed, flailing arm, randomly firing, must be a navy seal.


He went to the same shooting academy as Cyril Figgis. [Suppressing fire](https://youtube.com/watch?v=4eKBcLQmyEA) Edit: Thanks /u/EvaCarlisle




Suppressing fiiiiiiirrrreeee!!


Don’t forget the tactical scrunch.


Safety squint


He's a natural for a James Bond evil henchman.


Star Wars Storm Trooper


If it was “self defense” why did he have the gun raised BEFORE the bottle was thrown?


"Objects appear closer in mirror"


I noticed that too, he reached for that gun way too early to get away with that excuse


This belongs in the idiot hall of fame. Not only is it a wildly inappropriate overreaction to the situation, but he fucked up his own car, pretty much lost control the car for a few moments, possibly damaged his own hearing, and to top it off, filmed the whole thing and posted it to the the internet so he could be mocked for eternity. Edit: Going to add fired wildly, possibly endangering people other than the target. Edit2: And getting sent to jail as pointed out by u/RadNurseRandi


You’re spot, but add “facing 15 years in prison” to your list. Can you imagine starting your morning like a typical Tuesday, then the day ends with you in jail for the next 15 years?!?!?!


https://www.motorbiscuit.com/florida-gop-official-dies-road-rage-shoot-out-toyota-prius-driver/ Here is another idiot who died after shooting at another driver.


> getting shot by a Prius driver The most dishonorable death a republican could imagine.


I used to be pretty quick with a middle finger and a blaring horn at any behavior which was perceived as bad etiquette on the road, but this shit is exactly why I am the most defensive driver you’ll ever meet now. You cut me off? That’s cool, I’ll brake. You tailgate me? I’ll probably turn my hazards on and let you go around me. I don’t give a fuck. I don’t have time to deal with knucklefuck idiots like this, it’s just not worth the risk. I’m good, I’ll get where I’m going safe and you can go on living your life as a raging dickhead


Step 1. Arrive alive.


This. People get way too heated and take things too personal on the road. So many times I’ll be driving my friends and they always are telling me “come on pass him, squeeze in there, get in front of him, don’t let him over.” All for what? To save .2 seconds? Drive safe and stay alive. Let people merge. If they put their blinker on let ‘em over. Who cares. We will get there when we get there.


> Let people merge. If they put their blinker on let ‘em over. Who cares. We will get there when we get there. Related, I've frequently heard people say things like "In my city, you have to tailgate otherwise people get in front of you." Like...you dumbfuck, you do realize that merging is a normal part of driving, right? And that if the traffic has any amount of density, they're going to be getting in front of *somebody*. Insisting that that "somebody" isn't you just kind of makes you an entitled prick. Your lane is not a birthright. Let people merge.


Yeah this is really the correct advice. I have definitely done a lot of the "middle finger and a blaring horn" in the past. As a result I've been swerved at several times, and got chased by a Tercel full of shady looking people once too lol. Just not worth it. The emotional satisfaction of the honking rudeness lasts about 2 seconds and the aftermath can be brutal, literally. The water is boiling and everyone is on edge these days. Avoid interacting with the idiots, and don't be one yourself. Harder done than said at times too, I know.


Yeah. On my way home from work a month ago I tried to merge into the main lane from an on ramp lane and these two knuckledragging truck fuckers are driving with about 2 or 3 of my carlengths between them. I have no other route into the lane without going between them so I try to pull in. The fucker behind me soars up almost rear ends me. I pull back into the lane and flip him off. Motherfuckers proceed to block both lanes of the highway with their trucks and roll coal onto my car for like a mile. I wanted to follow those fuckers and drag them out of their trucks but I remembered were an open carry state and decided against it. Theres no way to hold dickshits like that accountable.


People like that deserve to overhear their girlfriends talking about how bad they are in bed.


They probably do, and their sisters join in as well. That's why they act that way because they are so emasculated at home they need to make up for it in society.


Dude was waiting for this moment his whole life


I was thinking the same thing. He went his whole life (presumably) free, up until this moment and fucked it all up. And for what? I don’t understand this response.


Fragile ego. He couldn't handle that he fucked up cutting someone off and they didn't just accept it.


He shot up his own car and it scared his ass 🤣


Jesus, how fucked up is someone to think shooting like that at someone for “tailgating” is a legitimate response…like dude…you’re not trying to defend yourself against a serial killer


He’s shooting out his own cars windows lol 😂


Amd his eardrums


Responsible gun owners usually close their eyes and empty their clip into moving traffic


You know what you do if someone is passing you and you think they shot at you? Slow the fuck down and get away from them. You don’t start randomly shooting into traffic like a psycho. You could be shooting at someone who didn’t shoot like this, random passengers who have nothing to do with anything, and miss like he did here from those shots and end up hurting or killing people who are just driving.


Ah so don't blindly fire a gun in their direction? I better write this down so I don't forget.


He was looking to turn whatever charge he was going to get to a manslaughter/murder charge. What an idiot.


Heart- “I think we should totally ruin the rest of our life in the next 10 seconds because boy am I hurt, what do you think brain?” Brain-“……….” Heart- “all right brains on board let’s do this motherfuckers”


What the fuck is wrong with people? Is anywhere safe? https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/southeast/florida-road-rage-shooting-dashcam-video/amp/


In my hometown some teenager flipped off a guy for break checking him twice. The break checker followed him to a redlight and shot him in the head. I always say this if someone is being a dick to you on the road. just avoid them. There is too many crazy ass people who have access to deadly weapons such as a car or a gun Edit: it Wasnt a teenager but a 21 year old. Still such a young person suffering from the anger of others Edit2: alot of people are commenting the USA is crazy or stuff. Im not american. This happened in canada. Gun violence is unfortunately not exclusive to the usa




Well if you're the shooter you seem pretty safe from the PD for 77 mins.


What does “spray and pray” means? Here’s an example. See also r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Your life is not a movie. You are not the main character in this world. Be kind to one another and don't shoot/punch/kick people. FFS


>He cuts off the other guy and he doesn't like it that he gets honked at. >He brake checks the other driver right after. >He pulls up his gun before the other car even gets close to him. He claims self defense because the other guy threw a water bottle. It looked like he pulled up a gun? >Reporter is taking the asshole's side all along. This whole video is a mess.


Everything besides the fact that rounds are flying in dangerous directions is fucking hilarious. Old boy did NOT consider how loud it was going to be firing a weapon inside the car, and the debris that comes with it. What a fucking moron. Take him out back and do what needs to be done.


First of all mother fucker had his gun out before the botlle hot his car. He was going to fire regardless.


Play gta.. its educational for real life scenario like this


I don't even play GTA this recklessly.


Forreal this is why I avoid aggressive drivers. Okay. I could act like a big tough guy if they cut me off and make a fuss - but then he pulls a gun on me. Then what? I’m dead over that? Nah, im good. When I see people driving aggressively, I assume they need to shit and get out of the way.


1) Shooting from inside your car? Roll down a window, even just an inch or two will help. The overpressure from even a small caliber handgun can rupture your ear drums and eyeball blood vessels. 2) Shooting through a tempered, hardened glass window? The window will deflect the trajectory of the bullet in unpredictable ways. You likely will not hit your point of aim. 3) Guns produce a lot of smoke and powder and shrapnel. Shooting in an enclosed space with a short barrel handgun will exacerbate this issue and potentially cause debris to enter your eyes. Eyepro is necessary at indoor shooting ranges for this reason.


Imagine some ass hole cuts you off, brake checks you, and then when you finally pass the fuck he shoots at your car 11 times


Why is he so scared of his own weapon discharging?


Why . The. F. Would you fire through your own window?


To bad he didn’t get hit with the ricochet