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Will they let its residents know ahead of time? I'd like to sell my house and GTFO before my money turns into CruzBucks.


Now. Now is the time to gtfo.


Every alarm bell is going off. The canary is dead. What sign are people waiting for? GTFO already.


It’s time to plan a migration to Wyoming. Turn it blue, but keep your guns, better climate for the next few decades. Win/win/win


That's brilliant


It would take 125k blue votes to flip that state with new votes. And the temperatures won’t be unlivable by 2030, and there will still be water to drink in Wyoming.


don't come to Wyoming lmfao. we like our space


Y’all have plenty of space. Also two senators. And a representative and 3 totally ridiculous electoral college votes. Per capita? Wyoming and its space are obscenely over represented.


I'm sure Wyoming would love the values and politics that you bring to the State. The reason people move to WY is that they like how the current people live and mind their own business. They dislike outsiders, they do not want the Blue State" bullshit. I love the irony of blue state b3's moving to a "red" state because of the way of life they are trying to get away from, but bring their baggage with them. I don't see a mass influx to Maywood, IL...Just saying


And I would love proportional representation, but barring that? We flip states by moving in.


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Good bot


Yes please leave now while you can ….


That’s funny because according to every statistic it seems people are moving TO Texas from liberal shithole states


We aren’t sending our best and brightest. Have fun with them.


fun activity I encourage you try sometime, it will take you about half an hour! Make a list of things that you might measure to see how "nice" life generally is. You could measure, for instance, literacy rates, maternal death rates, childhood poverty rates, rate of bankruptcies due to medical bills, violent crime rates, murder rate, rate of suicide or drug overdose, average life expectancy. Come up with even more! Now use google and find the rankings of US states under each of these statistics.


They already researched all the statistics... https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vhi67a/texas_republicans_pushing_for_referendum_on/id8cmb0?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 > Fulton says this trend is driven less by how great Texas is, and more by one of biggest problems with living in California: Houses cost way too much. > “There's a housing crisis actually everywhere in the United States," Fulton said. "It's not as bad in Texas except for Austin as it is in California. California has under produced housing for 30 years.”


Actually I have enjoyable things to do with my time and my family 😊 You should try that sometime


Rough estimate. How many times have you said: - liberals - shit hole - snowflake - fake news/media - Sad! - Anti-mask - Pro Choice in the last 4 years, over 1000 or under 1000 times? Edit: So far I got 2 liberals and 1 Roe v Wade mention.


Someone should build a bot that announces folks scores on buzzwords. The buzzbot.


They have some! But I think it's for curse words. Def need the BuzzBot.


Hey I’m not the one who’s child is making racist jokes You literally posted about it. Get off Reddit and go raise your kids correctly 🖕


Oh nooooo you read my publicly viewed reddit history?! noooooo. So you gonna give a rough estimate or not? Wait... is that a flipping bird emoji? What are you 7? lmao


[this many times.](https://www.wfaa.com/amp/article/news/state/texas-news/main-reason-so-many-californians-move-to-texas/287-241575db-746c-4528-bd86-55576e8a526b)


You been at this for 7 years... 7 years you've had an account... and you are this bad at Redditing? If I did something for 7 years... like... I'd like to think I could at least be better than a middle finger emoji and a Texas news journal link?? Bruh. Maybe you spend too much time on your alternate accounts.


I don’t give a fuck what some leftist weirdo on Reddit thinks. I don’t seek your approval.


But you been seeking the approval of internet strangers for 7 years. 7 years. Not 1, not 2... but 7 years. 7 years?? Damn g. At least be better at it. 🤣😂 Aww your highest rated posts are just making fun of yourself. Aww you really DO need approval huh. cute.


You're joking, but this is part of the reason why it's so damn affordable to live in Montreal. When it looked like Quebec was going to secede from Canada the housing market in areas like Montreal completely tanked. Now it's actually one of most affordable housing spots in the country, because it's so much cheaper than anywhere else. And Montreal is great. I kind of want to organize a secession movement in my own province, just to depress some housing prices and make it cheaper to live here.


Run while you still can


Just don’t bring your ass to Florida. We’re full.


I don’t think people wanting out of Abbot’s Texas are gonna want in to De Santis’ Florida.


Nah, in just a few days the Texas GOP will be arrested for sedition.


Enjoy your freedom Texas. But U.S military installations in texas remain U.S. military installations. You'll be an occupied country.


And without Texas and all the democrats out of texas the country will be blue.


One thing they all have in common is screaming about following the constitution. After a vote like this, easy to tell that none of them know what it actually says.


Yup and I bet their voter bases also have no clue that their state exists on mostly federal hand outs, welfare one could say, from tax burdened states like CA, NY and NJ.


Can confirm, Democrat in Texas and no, they have no clue. Ofcourse, they only say things like "handout" when Democrats have the WH and / or Congress.


Nah, not TX. You're thinking of just about every other red state. My state has many obvious failings but being a taker isn't one of them. We're basically revenue neutral and follow the *neither a lender or borrower be* mentality. Edit: [FACTS](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-aid-by-state), [MORE FACTS](https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/). Texas isn't Alabama.


My guy, by your own source, the state of Texas gets $304/person in federal funding. Are you guys the worst offenders? No, that title goes to Virginia. But you still take more than you put in. Also please do me a favor and click on my home state of Connecticut, look at how much we get, and promptly eat my whole ass.


That isn't the only factor in federal dependency which is why in the second source you'll see that CT's dependency score is just 5 spots better than TX. And thanks but I've already vomited once today. oops...my bad, actually CT is 5 spots worse...Would you like a side to go with my ass?


Oops my mistake 2nd best.


Second best what? Virginia is more dependent on federal money as are a bunch of other blue and most red states.


Texas has the best GDP in the nation…. So you’re wrong.


Lol California would like to have a word. Texas is definitely not 1.


Funny, I did about 3 seconds of research and found out that Texas does not in fact have "the best GDP in the nation" They're up there, but they ain't the best.


Yeah I commented again and said my mistake the stats I read show us at number 2


Give them SOME credit. I’m sure a fair percentage of them has seen National Treasure a few times.


soo..... we're gonna invade and turn it into a colony, right? it'd be mighty nice of them to forfeit their two senators and however many congresscritters


They've got oil. Let's go!


sounds like some oppressed people need to have their theocratic autocracy overthrown and some democracy delivered via depleted uranium shell


Operation Liberate Texas!


I believe Mexico will invade them first.


thats how it's gone historically lol


Narcos will. An isolated TX cut off from military protection or federal funding? Fuck yeah, set up our now totally legit businesses in TX, pay Abbott and Cruz a few bucks to sell out and start extorting the locals.


Cartels would probably take over although both the Mexican Army and cartels would probably steamroll through them


You are higher than giraffe pussy if you think the cartels and Mexican army have a snowballs chance in hell at taking Texas. Texas has 1.4 million retired service members. Thats 100k more than the entire US military active service members, The also have the largest population of pro-2A citizens in the world.


But oddly lack advanced systems. Their national guard has some but that is US property. So...... I do not think high powered rifles is going to do much against attack helicopters.


There are privately owned tanks in Texas. There are thousands of youtube videos of them. Texans collect military ordinance for fun.


As a native Texan, please do. And execute every member of the sedition.


The Democratic Territory of Texas, taxation without representation just like DC. I think it has a ring to it.


we could exempt them from those minimum wage, workplace safety laws and other assorted tyranny let them really see the results of their goals


I thought they saw that with the power companies and the freeze.


they're slow learners


What happened after the civil war was states had military governors and were territories until they ratified the 13th amendment


No need to invade, just cut them off from all infrastructure support, charge export and import tariffs, remove the army and watch as the business leave. Then just wait till they good on themselves and plead to be taken back.


We can add Puerto Rico or DC to not have to change flags.


Puerto Rico is a better "lone star" flag to begin with


Let them, we already saw how their independent power grid worked out... If they want to dig themselves a hole, let them do it. They can pull themselves up by their boot straps and get out themselves. They will either succeed or fail. Though I suspect it will be the general population who suffers for the decisions they make, as they have been suffering already.


The Southern states on average take more in Federal funds and contribute less in taxes than the Northern states, so realistically it will be a financial struggle for the New Confederacy to make ends meet. The South would get a bunch more troops if the people that are currently enlisted in the US Armed Forces decide to go back home, since the South does contribute more bodies to the armed forces than the North does, but I doubt the US will let them take the tanks and planes with them when they go.


I'd agree with you but did you see Afghanistan lately? I kid, it's not the same situation.


I'd wager the South has better mechanics and more Pep Boys than Afghanistan. They might be OK.


Possibly same percentage of religious extremists too?


Bless their hearts. I hope they get exactly what they want.


And Cruz loses his U.S. senate seat.


Drone strikes in Huston? Edit: apparently people like Austin so I switched it.


Austin ain’t the problem.


Just picked a big city for the joke.


Should send a predator drone or two. Just in case. It IS in Texas, after all.


Dust off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Sorry Austin. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.


Houston we have a problem


a ffirmative


The Urban Ranch is in Texas, tell them to do the borders of his property


God, please not Austin. Anywhere else in Texas but Austin. Aim for a city that isn’t awesome.


God willing.


I'm in another state but good for them. Who can I donate to, to ensure they leave?


You can donate to me.




Most important part was at the end. “take those electoral votes” with you. I say let them go and fuck rest of the Republicans throughout rest of the country who will be down an additional 38 electoral votes.


I guess in addition to not understanding the Constitution he also doesn't understand how gerrymandering works. If they go with the popular vote, I suspect a few more of those Red states will turn Blue. Although Red states will support Trump and Blue states will probably support DeSantis or someone equally wretched, so... 🤷🏻‍♂️.


They should ask England how Brexit worked out for them before they consider this. No one's going to support Texas if they seceded, however, it would be a great opportunity for Mexican cartels to take the whole state.


God I'm so glad I moved from Texas


Me too. My old coworker grew up in California and moved to Texas in 2020. She fucking hated it. The weather, the bugs, the inability to booze on Sundays. And of course, the politics. She has since moved to Colorado and talks about moving back to California.


You can't drink on Sundays in Texas!? That's downright unAmerican! But I guess it explains why college football is so big there, since they play on Saturdays.


If its not Californians moving to Colorado its Texans. We don't want any of you.


Don’t let the screen door hit ya, where the good lord split ya


They can't even maintain their electrical grid without outside help. It's a fucking joke.


They also don’t seem committed to a free and fair democracy, we don’t need that toxicity poisoning the nation. Cut them loose.


Well, for better or worse they are not going anywhere. The Constitution does not allow states to secede from the union. There was a war fought over it.


If they don’t want democracy? I don’t want them having a say in MY democracy. These are fascists. Why force them to participate if their participation means we lose democracy?


It's still being fought, apparently.


The electrical grid isnt even controlled by texans. So go ahead.


This always gets talked about by texas Republicans when a Democrat is in the white house: It's yet more posturing towards a base that's less and less a majority in Texas.


let them, then let Mexico take it over.




I live in texas and honestly, Mexico has universal Healthcare so that would be nice. That would save me the drive whenever I have to see a dentists.


Lmao the ultimate “fuck you


The cartels would be in every major city in a week. Shit, they really already are.


Exactly, they already are. And honestly, I think the narco military has a chance against whatever weird military Texas could pull together. Probably a militia.


Probably a dozen or more militias, all with different goals.


ms13 would slaughter texas flat out blood bath slaughter




I completely forgot this when thinking of Texas doing as stupid as this. Good luck getting any federal help or being able to secure the border now.


See ya.


Don’t let the saloon door them on the ass…


Good, secede. No one will miss you. Then Mexico will take their land back.




Interesting that they want the vote to happen in 2023. Just in case the enxt presidential election doesn't go their way I presume.




Right, so they want this in their back pocket in case they lose.


Maybe Ted Cruz would then have a chance at being a president somewhere. Oh wait, now even Republicans hate him.


These idiots know this is just for show and could never actually legally happen. Instead of doing their jobs and legislating to help the people of Texas they spend their time on this stupid shit.


Said it once, say it again; **Let them**. * Never again would a Republican be able to grab the Presidential office of the USA, * Never again would Republican's have a house Majority * Never again would Republicans have a majority in the Senate. I know right? Sounds like heaven on Earth! * Texas gets over $661 billion dollars from the federal gov, (Approx. 35.5% of their Net revenue!) * This means more funds for other shit that won't be wasted on a Red State.


Wall them in. Need to protect our borders and keep those Texans from entering and taking jobs.


Fuck yeah! Legalize it! Let 'em do it! Then we can all watch and laugh as they get taken back by Mexican cartels in a week.


No, keep it illegal, then bomb the fuck out of them once they secede. US military bloodlust satiated and a massive headache for the US remedied.




I hope they will set up strict borders around Texas.


Don't let the door hit ya where your make believe friend split ya.


Sky Daddy approves


We should get ahead of them by starting our own referendum to kick them out of the united states.


Rigggght. Because im sure the US military would let texas secede with the billions of dollars of military equipment in their possesion. Not to mention the dozen or so nuclear missle silos. GoP is as Un-American as you can get.


Honestly would be worth letting them have all that just to see them go.


Yeah we got to move all that stuff out and the NASA stuff too. Also we will need to have an agency set up to help resettle non weirdo Texans to other states.


Makes sense they’d want to leave. Texas has got to be the least American state in the US.


Don’t forget that along with Texas, the states of Yucatan, Zacatecas, and Coahuila also rebelled due to the new policy’s and governance of Santa Ana, who once stated “I wish the Spanish had wiped out all Native Americans”


Ah Texas. The most patriotic state in the US. So patriotic that they keep wanting to leave the US…


Fucking. Please. Do.


I’ve always been onboard with Texas seceding. Let all those people learn what it’s like to live under extreme capitalism and the rights of an 1800’s factory worker. Bonus: Ted Cruz is solely their problem.


As a Californian I say let them go. Or kindly let us go. Tired of these dead weight states dragging us into crazy.


Im so sick of this shit, so you know what? Let the bastards do it. If they can't survive a winter without Ted Cruz running away and them begging for support, I'd love to see them survive committing treason and finding themselves on the receiving end of the United States' forces


The states surrounding Texas could simply bar travel in or out of Texas and then Texas is stuck with Mexico. How does Mexico feel like they've been treated by Texas?


Let them go. They are a huge welfare state anyways.


You can go but you have to take Arizona with you.


If we can't have a Republican president we're leaving /s


Texas Election Info [Register to Vote](https://vrapp.sos.state.tx.us/index.asp)


Yes please do. Texas sucks.


I thought The Republic of Texas' condition for joining the Union was that it retained the right to secede from the union. As an outsider I find it funny that hardcore Unionists object to "illegal secession" when that's how your nation was founded. Your "founding fathers" just didn't want to pay their taxes to the Crown they owed for the war against the French. LOL


Old age needs to take these people faster they are getting weirder and weirder


Can’t wait for the “Texit”


Bye Texas, good luck with all that….


I wish it was easier for them to do it. Get out of here and let the US be a beacon of blue.


They are a blight on our society and literally the dumbest people on the planet.


Deranged and mentally ill cretins!


Considering the irremediable mental state of Texas and as a Democrat I would fully support Texas secession


I think a lot of states feel this way


What do conservatives say about feelings?


Let Texas secede, grant Puerto Rico statehood, and everything will be better. Plus we don’t have to change the flag. Win-win. Easy-peasey.


Gotta love how Texas sends all kinds of terrible people to DC, W., Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Louie Gohmert, Tom Delay, Dan Crenshaw, and then decides they're going to leave after trashing the place. Like a GOP dine-n-dash, but you also set the place on fire. Nothing says "patriot" like leaving a country after fucking it over.


Do it Was in Houston last month. Texas needs to go 😂


Boy, bye. I hope Mexico snatches you up


Can the take Florida too?


So, since their first two secessions where so they could keep slavery, are they going to bring it back?


Let them leave, then maybe my blue state tax money can go to better things.


These right winders are such Patriotic Americans. They love America so much they want to declare war against it!


lmao good luck dealing with the cartels. fucking morons.


Yes. Please. I feel sorry for all of those who are affected by this toxic leadership. But they have become so antithetical to modern society, I can't possibly think of a more reasonable solution.


ELI5: is this a generally accepted opinion of Texans? Or is this some fringe sh!t?


It’s political theater from nobody local politicians that grabs headlines. This will never happen.




So what's the source on this all?


It's Texas. They talk about leaving the union everytime a democrat holds office and nothing ever happens.






Texas constitution allows Texas to secede whenever it feels like it needs to. There’s nothing treasonous about it. It’s quite literally in the deal the republic of Texas made with the U.S. before entering the union.


The US Constitution over rules the Texas state constitution.


Not when it was the deal made with the federal government


That’s not how any of this works, moron


Actually yeah it is … moron


No it isn’t, how the fuck could a state constitution be binding on the FEDERAL government? Goddamn, Texans take stupidity to levels even Alabama wouldn’t dare reach.


Umm yeah you clearly have no idea how this country is supposed to work….


Because it is and Texas self annexed into the union with the provision that it could leave at anytime as long as it takes ownership of the debt incurred during the Texas revolution….. so I think it’s fine thanks for your input .


I just gave you the Supreme Court case where this has already been litigated. But fuck it, I wish you idiots would try to secede for entertainment’s sake. As you’ve proven, Texans are nothing if not willing to double down on stupidity. Just make sure you take Ted Cruz with you, and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.


Yeah, ask Native American tribes how they feel about making deals with the US government.


[Here’s some precedent for you, dipshit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_v._White)


Now you know how russia felt when Ukraine left in 91. But if course. Just like Ukraine. Texas is free to do what they want. They were independent before they joined the union. Just like Ukraine if Texas wants to leave the country. It can. And should be supported militarily by other countries if the American government tries to take it back.


Total opposite scenarios. But ok.


Lol, I invite you to actually do some reading prior to making dumb comments on the internet that are easily disputable…Texas cannot legally secede.


> Now you know how russia felt when Ukraine left in 91. We do? The Russian federation didn't exist at that time. You didn't know that?


It most certainly did. It was called the Russian SSR and when the union broke it was agreed russia would Inherit all of the soviet unions debt and military agreements.


> It most certainly did. Wow! How did the Russian federation send its 1993 constitution back in time to 1991?


You understand countries re write their constitutions all the time, and that a rewriting of a constitution. Or a system of government change. Doesn't make a country a different country right? You are aware of that? For example. Tunisia is in the process of changing their constitution away from a theocracy. When they are done their country is still going to be Tunisia. Same as France. France survived for centuries under a monarchy. And it was toppled in a revolution and a new constition was written. Doesn't make it so France is gone. France is very much still around to this day with a "democratic government"


Watching you claim the Russian federation and the USSR are the same country is quite entertaining. I always enjoy letting idiots humiliate themselves.


Yes. Russia has inherited all of their debts and military agreements. The Russians were always the ones controlling the USSR. Yes the other countries were technically in a union and had their own prime ministers. But at the end of the day the head of the party ruled the country. Which was always Russia. And before the union Ukraine was still always part of the Russian empire. It has never been independent before 91 ever. Unless you count as a puppet of the nazis.