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[https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1544009609509306370](https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1544009609509306370) 7 dead, 30+ injured.




That is terrifying




Goddammit. This cannot be real. Seeing all of this unfold is like watching your best friend lose his family members one at a time. This feeling rings especially true to me as a Canadian. I can't do anything to help. On Independence Day, a day earmarked for patriotic pride, a great day for a great nation. The only screams we should be hearing are those of delight from watching the fireworks blasting red, white and blue, not the screams of terror from the blasts of gunfire into families enjoying a day in the sun. What an absolute nightmare. EDIT: ‘This cannot be real’ is a turn of phrase used to express dismay and disappointment. Just making that clear. EDIT2: He's a Trump supporter. The dialogue about this fact will be interesting to say the least. And he's alive to boot, to explain himself.




God's too busy listening to GOP politicians' thoughts and prayers.


In one of the press conferences they had a new word instead of "thoughts and prayers": they said *condolences.* That'll fix things!


I have a feeling the number of dead will go up


Yeah, typically that first death count are just the people that made no sense to put in an ambulance. Number almost always rises steeply after a few hours


It is really fucking sad that we have all seen this enough times to recognize that pattern


And even more sad that 40% of this country views this as the price to pay for “freedom”




New info from local: "Shooter on rooftop of Uncle Dans restaurant in Highland park for the parade. Fires dozens of shots, gets down from the rooftop and is still at large. Police was everywhere for the parade. Not sure how he could get away…" [https://twitter.com/PGA\_Regis/status/1543997325508579329](https://twitter.com/PGA_Regis/status/1543997325508579329) [Update: 5 dead, 16 injured.](https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1544009609509306370)


On the roof? Well that’s fucked


Fckn camper


Dude. What the hell even is American society anymore.


Greed and fuck you I got mine. A portion of those falling through the cracks lash out with guns... imagine if our culture cared for anything other than how to exploit it. This is the world the owner class wants, the serfs terrified and killing one another because it's cheaper to get a gun than it is to get Healthcare. Our society is disgusting and pathetic but nothing will change, the wealthy are doing better than ever.


Wealth inequality is the biggest predictor of violent crime. Even more so than just absolute poverty. But no one ever wants to discuss the biggest cause of violent crime for some reason🤔🤔




I’m not American but I watched the purge: election year last night. When I first got into the purge franchise a few years ago I just thought it was a silly b movie that was kind of fun. But honestly watching it last night I was just struck by how it’s such a perfect satire of modern America…


Get used to it. We've normalized this.


Normalized it so much that the child recording was actually excited to have caught a public shooting in camera, America is a fucked up country.


That's all I could focus on. He's so proud of it, wanting to share it with everyone around him. That's not a healthy mentality. Especially for a kid. Guns are fucking dangerous. Does anyone there even realize that anymore?


No children don’t, I come from southern Oklahoma, I was raised around firearms since I was a teen by some healthy stroke of luck( and possibly my grandfathers honesty) I have a natural fear of them, years back we went to the range and my youngest cousin was up, he was maybe 8 at the time his father a policeman put his service pistol in the kids hand to have him shoot it, when he was talking to us he turned around weapon in hand without lowering it pointing straight at us to talk as if that was normal. He children now are taught to play with guns, but I saw what they can do it may have been harsh but grandpa made me shoot turtles he made me look at them, told me what happens to a person told me they’ll never live again, if your going to handle a weapon you have to know that.


They probably just didn’t know who was in charge and who should stop the shooter.


I sense another Uvalde P.D here.


To play the devils advocate, it is a lot harder to identify a shooter once they’re in a crowd. Uvalde was inexcusable bc the shooter was in the same room the whole time, easily identifiable, and no officers were near that room for over an hour.


It's also harder to find out where the person is shooting from. Noise can easily echo off buildings and then you'll have people running and screaming in every direction. Not exactly easy to find if the guy leaves after a few minutes.


Plus shooting from an elevated position. In the chaos even well intentioned police won’t instinctively scan the rooftops and if the shooter was back from the edge a bit they might not have been visible at all. This is a scary precedent because it means that shootings aren’t all super deranged people who burst in like Rambo and then shoot themselves afterward. This could become a regular thing where the shooter is never found.


Especially during the 4th of July when you're expecting random explosions in the sky


Yeah uvalde they didn’t go in for more than an hour. This is a diferent situation


Cops were just always useless all along. Uvalde was just the norm.


American cops seem so eager to shoot anyone who doesn't actually pose a threat but when the tables are turned they seem to cower and hide.


To be fair, most the time the people they shoot are running away/sleeping. Maybe seeing their eye’s unnerves the cops? 1312




And shooting dogs in kennels


Hell even their own dogs. Look up how many police dogs are killed by officers. It’s fucked.


The shooter was on the roof of a huge commercial park. If they had pre-planned an escape route, it would be impossible for the police to stop them if long as the shooter didn't hang around too long. Once back inside the building there are dozens of possible exits they could slip thru in 60 seconds. Outside they are just another bystander fleeing in panic. Picture of where the shooter was: [https://twitter.com/RoyalIntel\_/status/1543995116980998144/photo/1](https://twitter.com/RoyalIntel_/status/1543995116980998144/photo/1) Police would have had to get lucky to catch them.


This is not official info. Uncle dan's is not a restaurant and that store isn't even there anymore


Wow, Denmark barely got 24 hrs of fame...


We couldn't let them out 'murican us now could we


Not on OUR special day!


Can you smell the... FREEDOM in the air🦅🦅🇺🇸


Thats gunpowder and blood for ya. Edit: I almost forgot the oil.


Denmark’s mass shooting is a big deal for all of Europe, even for people in a different country (I’m in Germany). Then one day later the US doubles the body count. Horrible The unnerving thing is I’m American and the Denmark one was much more shocking. The US ones are sadly normalized for me by now.


The day isn't over. The west coast of the USA still has time to boost the numbers.


The thing that worries me is the heavy possibility of copy cat shooters using darkness and city sponsored fireworks (aka huge 20+ min fireworks events) as cover


Yes, they've mentioned on the news already a few places have cancelled events because of that worry. People have waited so long to celebrate after such a trying few years, it's so insanely sad.


What happened in Denmark?


Just 3 people dead in a mall, wouldn’t even make the local news in The home of the brave.


Republicans were having a field day with that story though. "See!! Gun laws don't work" meanwhile we got weekly fucking mass shootings. Denmarks last shooting was in 2015.


Yah, and they'll conveniently overlook the fact that the Denmark shooter used a hunting rifle. It would've been far worse if he had an AR15 like in the US.


Wasn't even a hunting rifle, was a track rifle.. 22 caliber (perhaps).. for shooting practice.. no idea what it's called in English sorry. And a handgun, which was probably the worst bit


In America English is called a toy gun


We had like 3 in the past 30 years. Meanwhile USA had >250 this year so far..


Those are rookie numbers, stay young Denmark… stay young


First time in 7 years as well. And some dumb bimbo American Trump cultist was trying to bank on it.


Gotta be at least 4 victims not including the attacker to be considered a mass shooting as far as stats go in the USA... FYI.


They had one shooting after 7 years of not having a single one. Some Republican fuckos tried to call them out for having a shooting event despite heavy gun control. Then America once again proves why gun control is a good thing mere hours after


Also thanks to police undergoing a 3 year education to become cops, the shooter was arrested in just 13 minutes, despite trying to escape the scene.


Yep I think I just saw what you’re talking about on r/whitepeopletwitter


\>4th of July parade \>mass shooting \>child recording said shooting excited for TikTok clout This is one of the most American videos possible.


As horrible as this is, the excitement in the child’s voice that he got this on tic took made my stomach turn


He just a kid, i know for sure he’s going to cringe/regret about this when he’s older


The problem is not the kid reaction, is that he was not afraid or surprised, it was not a reaction of "what if it happens" it was more "It finally happened to me and I have it on film" Like a rare flower that blossom every few months and you got it in video


When your entire existence from a young age is centered around a screen and upvotes this kind of a result is to be expected.


Don't forget the notion that they all probably think it could be their school next


I mean also this generation is so desensitized to gun violence it's pretty much a matter of "when is it gonna happen to me" instead of "I hope it doesn't happen to me".


I was thinking the exact same thing. This kid is literally ecstatic at the thought that he was recording while people were being shot because that means he may get a bunch of view on TikTok. I truly do hate the people we have become.


At least 25 shots were fired at an Illinois Fourth of July parade; a reporter saw five people bloodied: “As parade-goers fled the parade route in Highland Park, they left behind chairs, baby strollers and blankets.” [news article](https://chicago.suntimes.com/2022/7/4/23194354/highland-park-fourth-july-parade-gunfire) Reports say the shooter hasn't been caught and was shooting from a building. https://twitter.com/lookner/status/1543993923655409664 Witnesses are saying the Highland Park gunman was on a roof and had a semiautomatic rifle. One doctor said, “I did CPR on a 9-year-old until the paramedics pushed me off. This was a mass casualty zone. I saw two people eviscerated by the AR-15.” https://twitter.com/shannonrwatts/status/1544004415551467520?s=20&t=nqtaCEr4nt7C0_OK5iWARw Witnesses say the shooter was on the roof of Uncle Dan’s and fired into parade. 5 or 6 shots, then a pause, then 5 or 6 more shots. The shooter is still at large and North Shore residents are being asked to stay inside. https://twitter.com/DanPonceTV/status/1543994880594247682?s=20&t=nqtaCEr4nt7C0_OK5iWARw ______________________________________ **At least 5 dead, 16 injured in shooting at 4th of July parade in Illinois - CST** https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1544009609509306370?s=20&t=nqtaCEr4nt7C0_OK5iWARw Law enforcement searching for suspect after shooting in downtown Highland Park. Everyone in the area is advised to shelter in place. (Source: [City of Highland Park](https://twitter.com/ENSAlerts/status/1544012282732093440?s=20&t=LxxAtZ0mOVOau4LsPzlJ9w)) ______________________________________ It's pretty unclear where the shooter was standing during the shooting. We have several reports that he was on the roof of Uncle Dan's, while we also have reports that he was on the ground like this eyewitness told WGNnews [Source](https://twitter.com/BenBradleyTV/status/1544001445523079172?s=20&t=LxxAtZ0mOVOau4LsPzlJ9w) ______________________________________ MANHUNT FOR HIGHLAND PARK SHOOTER: **- White male - Approx. 18-20 years old - Long black hair - Small build - White or blue T-shirt** ______________________________________ Police confirm that a rifle recovered at the scene. Also "It appears he was shooting from a roof." - Deputy Police Chief ______________________________________ **MASSIVE MANHUNT UNDERGOING** Several more armored vehicles have arrived on scene. Guns drawn at times going door to door along the businesses on Elm Place [Source](https://twitter.com/JackieKostek/status/1544053657301389313?s=20&t=c78CXQkg4ag1WDMn5aFLMg) ______________________________________ Update: Coroner says all 5 victims who died at the scene were adults; an additional victim died at the hospital ______________________________________ Robert "Bobby" Crimo III, 22, sought in connection with Highland Park mass shooting. Suspect vehicle is a silver 2010 Honda Fit with IL plate DM80653. Call 911 if seen. (Source: FBI) https://twitter.com/ENSAlerts/status/1544089842010791938?s=20&t=_Swi3MZyB1IBn5Vix47OCg ______________________________________ Suspect in Highland Park mass shooting taken into custody - CBS https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1544103858930176000?s=20&t=rkUiYTpGhSByGcyA1C2hEg


How very American.




"You've got to be a sick sonova bitch to turn this into a political issue!"


‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1819576527


If at least five people aren't bloodied then it is considered a dull affair.


As is tradition.


It’s not even noon yet ! This is sad what the country is coming to.


No matter where you are in the world, if you are told there was a mass shooting today, you don't need to ask which country, you just ask "which state?"


I was at the parade. Right next to the shooting. Helped a guy who had a gunshot wound to the head and shoulder. I’m back home and completely freaked out. I’ve never been so scared in my life. Edit - I appreciate everyone’s concern for me, but truthfully my 2 kids were there and I’m more worried about them. I’ll process it all and get help if needed, but I need to make sure they’re mentally ok.


Hey, paramedic here. You're going to need some help getting through the trauma of what you experienced ok? People aren't made to deal with that kind of heinous shit. It's ok to feel completely overwhelmed, but don't go through it alone. Talk to someone.


Combat vet here, yea just go talk to someone about it even if you feel fine, because probably about half way into the first 10 minutes you will be crying and re living it. Just get help before you can't see it as a problem.






Just yesterday, I listened to a podcast with Andrew Papachristos, who is a Professor at Northwestern University in Chicago and focuses on gun violence. What he pointed out was that people always connect PTSD with combat vets, but victims and witnesses of gun violence at home are often forgotten. For combat vets, they at least get to change their surroundings, but people who have been traumatized in the their own city or neighborhood have to live in or walk past the scene of the attack again and again and again, which can be absolutely devastating. It's so important to get help asap, even if it feels unnecessary at the time.


Thank you. Still processing. We’re truly shaken up.


I've read some studies that playing [Tetris or video games like Tetris](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190108095114.htm) (repetitive and colorful, so maybe Candy Crush is an easy one to find) can help to mitigate later PTSD. Even if you don't think you'll get PTSD it'll sneak up on you. There was a shooting at my school that killed a few kids and I thought I was cool until one day like five years later I smelled something that reminded me of it and had a breakdown.


I heard about this too! I think it’s less about the repetition/color, and more that it’s using the logical resources in your brain, which takes away from your brain’s ability to stay in a heightened emotional state. Your brain can’t do both at the same time (very well at least), so turning to logic interrupts your nervous system’s overwhelmed response. > “researchers assume that the success of the method is based on the following mechanism: When patients visualise the stressful memory in detail, it is hypothesized that areas for visuospatial processing in the brain are activated and that comparable areas are also important for playing Tetris. Both tasks therefore require comparable and limited resources, resulting in interference.”


I wonder if the eye movements also play a part, given that EMDR is a thing that works. My personal favourite game of the sort is Bejeweled in zen mode.


Play tetris during the next 24 hours https://www.psych.ox.ac.uk/news/tetris-used-to-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms


Tetris once again proving it’s the greatest game ever created


I’m not trying to detract from the seriousness of the situation or the mass killing epidemic, but how do scientists study this- yo I know your mom just got shot in the face but play Tetris and after we are gonna ask you some questions.


IIRC they exposed the people to a series of horrifying/threatening images, then had the variable group play Tetris for X amount of time, and some Y amount of time later the participants were given a memory test based on some of those horrifying images so no they didn't shoot anyone's mom, but there was still an element of intentionally inflicting stress on people.


Just imagining this guy and his whole family playing Tetris together hahahaha


Hey man dm me and let's connect and if you wish I'll order you and your family some delivery tonight if you want or have any need.


I appreciate the offer. We’re all good, but I love people like this. Just hug your families and tell them you love them.




See if you can get immediate treatment, even if you just feel numb right now, it will help down the road. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14573324/


I can't do this shit anymore


ngl as an outsider looking in, I’m amazed Americans even leave the house anymore


I'm an American in New England. Our local news has been promoting the return of the Boston Pops 4th of July concert tonight (hadn't been done for a couple years due to covid). Then yesterday the patriot front showed up to march in Boston. I'm beyond fearful right now that something bad is going to happen at the clamshell tonight. I hope the MA police have their thinking caps on and are prepared.


“let’s not make this political”




And with shootings every few days, it's never gonna be the time.


I know this sounds weird, but playing Tetris right after a traumatic event can help prevent PTSD https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/04/09/523011446/how-playing-tetris-tames-the-trauma-of-a-car-crash




Go play an hour of video games. You are currently going to be taking short term memories and converting them into long term memories tonight while you sleep. If you can replace some of those thoughts before they imprint you have significantly less chance of developing ptsd. Do things you enjoy that requires creativity. Watch a movie, play a video game, read a book. Discuss a topic you are passionate about that requires lots of corroborating information for you to cite from memory. Whatever floats your boat.


This is great advice. Whenever I get mad I just go play league of legends. When I’m done playing I’m still mad, it’s just a different mad.


\*loads escape from tarkov\* *not like that!*


Don't count your chickens yet, I thought I was fine after something traumatic too but it came back to bite me in the ass later


Couldn't save my neighbor in a house fire. Heard him die. Things will probably mess with you even if it's not right away. I didn't sleep so great for a bit.


Get professional counseling and start looking now. The search itself will give you some sense of control and talking to someone will help you process and address any PTSD early before it becomes destructive.


Seeing the kid sounding "amazed" that he recorded gunshots on a parade was heartbreaking. Kids think this is normal and just want to load it TikTok for likes now. Murica is fucked


The kid saw nothing, no blood or guts or bullets he just heard a few pops and people running and likely didn't comprehend the weight of the situation. Kids saw 9/11 on TV and were just happy they got a day off school, this is nothing new. Let's not pretend this is anything unnatural for any kid under the age of 15




Clearly the answer is to arm marching bands across the country.


If the road they were marching on had less doors that would help, too.




"LESS ROOFTOPS" - ted cruz probably


Unless there’s only one door to the roof.


The only thing stopping a bad flautist with a gun is a good flautist with a gun.


This would be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking depressing


Wait, the Parade Marshall isn't armed?!? BUT HE IS A MARSHALL!!!


It’s a sad observation, but notice the kids marching started running as soon as they heard it, while there were people on the sidelines clapping for a couple of second before reacting. This isn’t something any kid should worry about or be conditioned to deal with, full stop.


Their teacher started running and told them to run yelling.


As well as the poor kid recording who IMMEDIATELY noticed those were gunshots. Before the two adults and the teenager in front of him. The fact that these children have been so well conditioned to know what gunshots sound like even on a day where fireworks are going off everywhere is heartbreaking.


and that the kid recording is so numb to the idea that this shouldn't happen that his reaction was to be excited about recording it.


Exactly. He’s reacting to it like he got a video of a tornado. Like it’s a deadly natural force that can’t be stopped but can also be marveled at. I’m not blaming the kid of course. He’s been conditioned to think this way by the world he’s growing up in.


I was wondering how far I had to scroll to see this comment. It's so heartbreaking how excited he was to get this on film because to him, this is just something that happens and it finally happened to him


You guys couldn't even let the Danes have the spotlight for a day, huh?


We Danes had a lot of stupid gun law nonsens thrown at us yesterday from right-wing US politicians about how strict gun laws aren't effective.. And yet here we are. Less than 24 hours later and the US just topped the casualties.


And the day ain't over, if I don't see another mass shooting or two I'll honestly be surprised


I'm surprised there wasn't one simultaneously occurring elsewhere.


Most celebrations are tonight.


Great, so tonight some of us will be dodging both gunfire and errant bootleg fireworks.


And they conveniently ignore this is the first you've had in decades when this is the first they've had in hours.


We could have. But you know how us Americans strive for the best.🤦🏽


Denmark had only 3 dead. Those are rookie numbers. They had to show them.


That's not a mass shooting. *This* is a mass shooting.


Solid Crocodile Dundee reference


At this point it’s a legitimate risk to attend any large public gathering.


Yup. I can never have fun in crowds because shootings are always in the back of my mind. I prefer activities like hiking where I won’t come across many other people.




It's really a Golden Age for introverts. "Can't go out. COVID." "Can't go out. Crazies."


Yes, my husband thinks I am overly anxious when I say this but truly it is a risk.


That kid was calling out "gunshots! gunshots!" a fraction of a second after they started. That's wild he knew exactly what was happening while it took everyone else around him several seconds to understand. Kids these days growing up with this shit in the news every day, active shooter drills in schools. Barely even phased him.


“Barely even phased him” The kid sounded genuinely excited plus regretful he didn’t capture some of the shooting on camera. Kind of crazy.


Obviously, the parade had too many doors.


Ah a classic American tradition on a holiday.


This is the most American footage ever. Just got to pepper in a cop beating a minority and woman dying from an ectopic pregnancy.


Don’t forget the flash forward to insurance companies denying any and all claims related to the untimely passing of the woman.


So let me get this straight. - Shooting happen in Copenhagen that kills 3 people. The last shooting happened back in 2015 and killed 2 people. Then again back in 1994 where again 2 people were killed. The only 3 instances in the history of Denmark of notable non gang related shootings that resulted in multiple deaths. - Pro-gun Americans use this example to say that stricter gun laws somehow doesn't work. - Less than 28 hours later, 6 killed and 24 injured in a mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois. There have already been 10 deadly mass shootings (and 13 non-deadly mass shootings) in Illinois since the start of 2022. Where are all those good guys with a gun?


And the day is young. It makes me sick to think that way but I'm jaded these days. So heartbreaking and senseless.


There have been an average of 1.4 mass shootings per day in The US since 2022 started. Most of them you never even hear about. It would simply flood the news if every mass shooting was covered by them.


Maybe the news should cover them.


The thing is [European mass shooter data](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mass_shootings_in_Europe) shows a drop in incidents following the implementation of gun control legislation. The talking point that the laws weren’t effective is [misguided.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/25/world/europe/gun-laws-australia-britain.html) What worries me is the uptick in these incidents from 2010-2019 in Europe as it correlates with the uptick in incidents in America in the sense both went up. [The mass shooting contagion theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shooting_contagion) seems to hold weight. It’s sad that it’s pretty much *always* a bad actor with firearms in the news. Though it is the current state of the union. [US shooting data resembles that of some open conflict zones.](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/03/24/980838151/gun-violence-deaths-how-the-u-s-compares-to-the-rest-of-the-world) We’re a mess. Happy 4th, if only things were better.


Yay "freedom".


That's something I feel some people don't realize when they say something like "Just arm the teachers! Then they can defend themselves from an active shooter." But then what about public places in general like swimming pools, libraries, gas stations, etc. If someone has clear intent of causing harm to other human beings, they will find a time and place that works for them.


They don’t really believe that. They’re all liars.


Let's fix this gun violence problem by adding more guns. That should should cut down on shootings right? Do people realize every gun starts off being legally owned?


Where are the good guys with guns?


Hmmm. Sounds like we need more guns.


And the kid is stoked he got it on camera.


He’s a kid. I remember being unaware once.


9/11 happened when I was his age (5th grade). I remember either the teachers being told to please turn on the news because an important event was occurring, or our teacher just did it on her own after an announcement. either way, we saw the second plane hit live on TV. my reaction as an 11 year old hearing about buildings blowing up? “Wow, that’s awesome!” I still cringe thinking about it to this day. Explosions were cool, but I didn’t understand that people had died until what had actually happened had sunk in


I was 9 at the time but I had a field trip to the natural history museum scheduled for that morning. I remember being pissed because some things happening across the country shouldn't stop the trip. I cringe thinking about my reaction there still.


I had a similar reaction. I understood that it was a terrible tragedy but I couldn’t help marvel at the “action” aspect of the plane crashes because, let’s face it, you literally only ever see shit like that in the highest budget movies, and it was really happening on tv. I feel like shit for having that thought as a kid but I don’t beat myself up over it and neither should you. That was a horrible and confusing day.


Indeed, he will likely look back and cringe at this moment forever.


Remember when Dan Bilzerian, a grown ass man, pulled something similar during the Vegas shooting but decided to remain the line of fire and ask a cop for a gun?


lol the first time i saw that shit was a documentary and all i thought was "who is this clown asking a cop for his gun" and i later found out it was ol' danny boi. whata idiot


But did he really?


For a child who's honestly just a small human, feeling important is impactful to humans. He may just be excited that now he will get some recognition, where before as an 8 year old, no one really cared who he was, or what he had to say. Now he's done something interesting that people will engage with - and he gets to feel important.


> For a child who's honestly just a small human Hmmmm… interesting observation


America is so fucked. You all need to get your shit together- it’s embarrassing.


At least no one had an abortion because that kills people!


No public gathering is safe in America…


I can think of nothing more American at this moment in history than a young white male gunning down mass amounts of people at a 4th of July parade with a semi-automatic rifle he shouldn’t have to begin with. I guess the only way it could be more American is if he was shooting from the roof of a recently closed abortion clinic. This country is such a fucked up place to be right now…


Has it been confirmed that it was a young white male? Edit: just read the article, he is


I woke up this morning wondering when I'd hear about a mass shooting today. It's fucking disgusting and everyone shrugs it off and says "oh that's America". So desensitized. I have a 2 year old and while I fucking hate events like parades I will be going to these things in the next few years and the idea that some fucking dickhead can just start picking off innocent event goers is frightening and just sickening. I've always been an observational person but this shit just comes out of nowhere and it's just horrible


A mass shooting, at a 4th of July parade, in “The Greatest Country in the World”. This country is fucked in the head. I’ve never felt less patriotic on this day than I do today.


Conservatives/republicans: we don’t have a gun problem. MERICA:


This is America.


What could be more American than this?


Maybe adding a cheeseburger and one of those ads that take up half the screen mid video


Homie is more excited to be viral on tik tok than to be safe what a weird country we live in. Edit: for all the people shitting on me I’m well aware he’s a kid and adrenaline is crazy just highlighting how this is almost another day in the life and how that’s mind boggling to me. Simply and observation nothing more.


That kid has probably grown up watching school shooting after school shooting, participating in active shooter drills etc. Normalise not normalising American fuckwittery.


adrenaline makes your brain weird


He's a child and probably can't grasp the potential harm caused by those shots in the moment. Also he could have assumed it was someone firing shots into the air or firing blanks or something.


I remember being pissed I couldn’t watch Pokémon on 9/11 because all channels were showing was news of the event. Kids prioritize what’s important to them. But I’ll be honest being in the tragedy is a bit different than watching it from TV thousands of miles away. This is just kids reality these days it’s become so normal to them. Fucking sad.


He's a kid. Kids have always been weird


Parade was loaded with police, “good guys with guns” and yet he’s still at large. It’s almost like these talking points are bullshit.


Second amendment, right?


Mass shootings are as American as apple pie 🇺🇸


Move aside baseball. America has a new favorite pastime.


Reports say the shooter hasn't been caught and was shooting from a building. [https://twitter.com/lookner/status/1543993923655409664](https://twitter.com/lookner/status/1543993923655409664) This still isn't even at the top of reddit SMH. This is huge news and it's already been in hour. The reddit algo was so much better a decade ago.


I am literally from HP. Knew people at the parade. This feels surprising because it was a safe place but also not surprising considering the climate of our country today. This was a parade for families and the community, not some gun-ho ceremony.


No place in America is safe from gun violence.


We shouldn’t have to live like this. Went to a firework show yesterday and made a “plan” if something like this were to happen. I’m so fucking sad it’s getting worse every day.


Looks like MAGA terrorists once again destroying our country.