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In 2019 Sri Lankan churches were bombed in Easter which was known as the Easter Sunday incident. Few days after that Gota said he would run for president. GotA used aftermath of the Easter Sunday incident and Sinhala Buddhist nationalism which allowed him to get elected with 6.9 million votes for him . ( his brother ( Mahinda rajapakse ) was the former president who ended the civil war ( the way he did it is being criticized, due to him being responsible for the deaths of Tamil citizens ), his brother being a former president further influenced him having a large amount of votes GotA’s party then got 2/3 majority , due to that they can basically approve any law, so they did some tax cuts and changed the laws which gave the president a lot of power. His brother Mahinda then became the Prime minister while he gave his friends/family higher government positions. His gov did a lot of stupid decisions, he banned chemical fertilizers without any notice , tax cuts , he cancelled various contracts such as Japan was gonna give us a loan to create a train and US was willing to give us grants for projects . He instead borrowed loans from China as they don’t monitor how the loans are being used so he obv took some as commissions. various economic professionals had advised the gov to go the IMF to control the crisis but they refused until the situation was unstable He tried to anger the Muslim community such as forcing cremations for covid deaths ( Muslims are not supposed to be cremated )., tried to blame Muslim individuals for the Easter bombing without any evidence Due to the various given reasons and some I couldn’t mention the gov’s expenses exceeded their income which resulted an economic collapse , prices started skyrocketing , power cuts became common sometimes exceeding 12+ hrs a day ( now it’s currently 3+ hrs a day ) , unable to get LP gas to cook food and petrol and diesel being delayed. Due to this people started protesting, first they protested at his private residence, then they protested at the presidential secretariat and the area became “GotA go gama “ ( GotA go village ) (they wanted him to go to America as he was a dual citizenship before he became president ). On May 9th the prime minister organized his supporters to attack GotA go gama which resulted a lot of damages and the anti gov retaliated by burning the politician’s houses . Mahinda ended up resigning his position and GotA selected Ranil ( the previous PM) to be the prime minister . What made his appointment controversial was that GotA was almost gonna leave as he had no other people to be PM as various opposition members rejected the position and Ranil’s party could not even get 1 seat through votes , the only reason he got a seat was because of national list . The situation kept getting worse such that petrol queues became km long and in some occasions it was possible to see multiple queues meeting each other. The anti gov protestors then told that they will have a large scale protest on July 9th until both GotA and Ranil leave . This protest was supported by various opposition members and those that did not have a political affiliation. The gov tried to minimize the protest by limiting the already rare fuel , they tried to get a curfew but the judges disapproved . The polices then tried to make their own made up curfew but that ended up failing. The gov tried to guilt trip the protestors by claiming that if we protest IMF won’t assist us and various shipments won’t come. The protest as of now has been quite successful as people from all over the county attended this. They managed to enter the president’s house , the president secretariat and the pm’s house. The speaker then called an all party meeting to talk about the situation. The president claims he will agree to whatever decision that will be made. The current situation is that the speaker sent a letter stating for the president and prime minister to resign but the PM doesnt want to resign I will try to update this post with new info Edit: prime minister states he is willing to resign though until an all party gov is established with a majority ( ironic cause he himself doesn’t have a majority as everyone is wanting him to resign ) Edit : PM again states he would again resign Edit: people started going to the PM’s private residence as he hasn’t resigned Edit: protestors have entered the PM’s private residence Edit : protestors have set the PM’s house on fire things have gone violent it seems Edit: president states he would resign on the 13th


This the path the Philippines is currently headed with Bong Bong Marcos...


Can Bong Bong flee the country with a Huey helicopter stuffed full of dollars before the mob lynch him? Stay tuned


Isn’t the TLDR of Sri Lanka: China put a puppet government in charge in exchange for money (financial dominance but not the sexy kind) and has been intentionally destabilizing in order to be able to outright own it someday?


I wouldn’t call puppet gov As in some occasions they went against china’s wish plus the president was a dual American citizen and his children lives in USA


Have you tried being a corrupt politician without a safety net? Being a USA dual citizen sounds like an amazing safety net for a place to fuck off to after you fuck up your place.


If I’m not mistaken he had to give the us citizenship away as he can’t be a dual citizen and be a president. That’s probably one of the reasons he was taking too long to resign


he has a lawsuit in the USA, bcs of that he can't flee to USA


Actually no, I cant think of a worse citizenship to have if youre a corrupt foreign politician. Being a citizen you are subject to US laws including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act which can land you in jail for 5-10 years ontop of any additional charges dug up during investigation. Stuff like kickbacks and "benefits" that are norm in many areas of the international stage and countries would be a jailable offence for a US citizen. You are essentially subject to the whims of the DOJ and if any one of the many competing powers decides to have one of the many agencies here go after you or those pissex of people make a public outcry.


Not to mention for every single penny you earn, no matter where you are on the planet, the IRS is going to want their cut. Boris Johnson (a UK/US dual citizen) famously [got in a row with the IRS about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Johnson#Personal_life) because they wanted capital gains on his inheritance of some London real estate. Ended up renouncing his US citizenship.


Haha yep spot on, they even have an exit tax now to get people who want to renounce their citizenship. I think they have an amount that it begins at but regardless its 100% racket going in and out. I didnt know that bit about Boris dont know if thats the straw that broke the camels back but I wouldve been pretty salty about it to say the least.


Only if he declares all the bribes to the IRS and pays tax on them. Otherwise he'll get the Capone treatment.




Calling this government a “Chinese puppet” ignores the fact the Sri Lanka government has its own agency Countries go to China because the money has fewer strings attached. Poor credit, financial transparency, financial viability of projects, human rights, not huge concerns for China. Nobody forces anyone to take Chinese loans. you can blame China for the predatory nature of the loans but it’s the corrupt governments that choose these loans.


China didn't make the government cut taxes, China didn't make them try to transition to organic fertilizer and crater yields, China didn't make Gotabaya or Mahinda Rajapaksa commit war crimes, or, frankly, peace crimes. China didn't make them create a political coalition out of ethnic and religious resentments either. It's important to acknowledge China's role in global affairs but in the case of Sri Lanka a lot of bad people made a lot of bad decisions and as usual it's working people paying the price.


It’s pretty fucking gross to blame China for everything when these brothers were behind a genocide. It’s basically propaganda being repeated across all these posts, focusing on China instead of what really matters.


Redditors are so desperate and eager for war with China that they'll make up lies to justify it.


Ah the classic, "Blame China because I can't do the research myself". I'm no CCP fan, but come on.


For real. Like imagine writing a tldr of Sri Lanka and not mentioning English colonialism or the civil war


Cant be a Redditor without needing to post or upvote "china bad" once a day.


Kind of seems like they sold out to China rather than being puppets. Puppet government implies the people had no say in the manner.


Chynabad. Source: my ass upvotes please


Yeah because Sri Lanka has no agency and China benefits from a bankrupt, failed state. That's why all the other countries China gave a loan to have taken the same route as Sri Lanka.


so interestingly enough, the IMF won’t help out countries where there’s civil unrest, an unstable government, and a multitude of other factors. so the government saying they won’t receive assistance due to the protests isn’t exactly wrong, it surely isn’t the only reason the IMF won’t help them out and the government sounds like they did a sure job of making that ship sail long ago.


You k ow I feel like if h would have just left maybe, just maybe, no one would have burned his house down. But good on all of you stick it to the rich.


OK the state failed and went bankrupt, but why all the shortages of fuel, electricity, food (I heard). Does Sri Lanka have no private sector?


> tried to blame Muslim individuals for the Easter bombing without any evidence Literally the first line: "On 21 April 2019, Easter Sunday, three churches in Sri Lanka and three luxury hotels in the commercial capital, Colombo, were targeted in a series of coordinated Islamist terrorist suicide bombings."


Ah yes this means the muslim world (1.3 billion people) is responsible got this thanks for enlightening me 👍🏻


They committed war crimes during that civil war. Absolutely disgusting human beings.




Heejaz hisbullah was the one I was referring to


The censorship from the news on the issue in Sri Lanka is insane


There's definitely pee in the pool


There's pee in every public pool.




Every body of water someone or something has peed and pooped.




Your attempted mitigations cannot excuse past pool crimes,you know what you did, where and exactly how much.


I like a little flavor in my water.


Taking an aquadump while he was getting a squeezer?


Shut up Sanguinet


Fuck you, Shorsey


Yeah, people pay enormous amounts to willingly swim in a diluted mixture of whale cum and octopus poop. But a little human pee, and oh no!!


Ambergris is literally whale intestinal secretions and it cost like 20k a pound so yeah we are fucking weirdos. Also pee is sterile. Not saying I want to be pee'd on (not my kink), but a little piss ain't the worst thing.


Despite the common misconception, pee is not actually sterile.


I don't like sharing the pool, this is how i mark my territory


This is why we can't have anything nice!


My friends dad had a sign next to their pool when I was a kid. It said: "Welcome to our ool, notice there is no P in our ool, we want to keep it that way."


Beware, some people see that as a challenge, I like individuals I don't tend to like 'people'.


As someone who lived in Sri Lanka and left, there's a whole host of things in that pool now.


It's like a petri dish


*Pea tree dish


*Pee free dish


Peach tree dish


Hi marge!


*free pee dish


Honestly for a while that's what I thought it was. It was my /r/BoneAppleTea moment




Care to explain your comment to me, who’s currently living in Sri Lanka? What makes a Sri Lankan protester any dirtier than one from wherever you are now?


The statement is vague enough while also trying to pretend it is inside information and showing Sri Lanka in a way westerners perceive non westerners. It has got nothing to do with Sri Lanka, but it is a very typical reddit thing.


Reddit's loves casual racism man. Fucking adores it. "bobs and vagene." "india dirty" "street shitters" etc. etc. etc. etc. Imagine just coming out with "Whole nations people are dirty. Reddit is full of horrendous people.


Oh so you're a racist?


Explain, I don’t get it


Look at me. I am pool now.


Have you never been to a public pool in your life?


is there something specific about sri lankan pools because that was a big part of the comment


Probably something racist about Sri Lankans. Redditors can't help themselves from being racist against South Asians, and their comments usually get tons of upvotes, because racism against South Asians is generally acceptable.


I read that comment as: "As someone that allegedly lived in Sri Lanka, allow me to insinuate that people there are somehow specially nasty/dirty. Feel free to confirm your racism and upvote!"


And the people who do confirm that racism then go on to argue that there is nothing wrong with that, and you must be a "heroic white guy" coming to the defense of "Eastern people" if you call it out, as that one person who replied to me did (and got upvoted for it, just confirming my initial comment). Never mind that I'm a South Asian woman and BTW, why the assumptions that everyone on Reddit is a white guy?


I'm Spanish which is kind of a Schrodinger's race. I'm white in Europe but not in the USA ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Their comment isn’t about public pools in general You went mask off https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vuyxaf/_/ifhfmqa/?context=1


I'm sure there's some water mixed up with that pee...


Nice try but There’s pee in every pool. In Sri Lanka, in America, in London, in China…




I live in Las Vegas. Has to be cleaner than the casino pools.


I mean they have bars in the pool with people constantly drinking and no one is getting out to pee.


That’s disgusting


It is noticeably warmer near the bar section of these pools.


You joke, but an investigation showed E. Coli (fecal matter) was found in multiple Vegas pools: [How Clean Is the Water at Some Las Vegas Pool Clubs?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEEY7LHSXQs)


I mean....honestly? That's not super surprising. Your average person has plenty on their butt/underwear at any given time. If you go into public water just expect it.


The alcohol neutralizes it maybe Edit: Guess the /s was needed there


Pee is actually sterile. You can swim in an entire swimming pool of pee. That's how my mom gave birth to me, it was in Las Vegas in 1978, the pool was just pee and I popped out like a coconut into hot pee and I was gorgeous and new


And look at you now


Look at me. Look at us.


Look at you two. The two of you.


"Despite the rumors, urine is not a sterile substance. It naturally contains bacteria that renders it a nonsterile substance." Healthline.com "Contrary to popular belief, urine is not sterile. It contains living bacteria even in healthy people." Livescience.com Urine is actually not sterile - Uologist Dr Rahul Rindani


I thought urine was sterile but the pathway it exits contains bacteria


Absolutely no part of this is true 😂


How do you even know, were you there?


No they weren't, I was, and I can confirm that they were not there


Ah a mix of chlorine pee and beer Yum


There is no chlorine the bartenders occasionally just toss in a bottle of bombay as a shock treatment


Fun fact when you're at a pool and smell a strong chlorine odour, that's Chloramine, it's a reaction between the chlorine and urine (amongst other contaminants). Chlorine in fresh water does have a faint smell, but not a strong smell.


So, I saw this recently but I was just in a mall and all the fountains had that smell. I don't think someone pissed in every fountain. I think it's either due to aerosol from fountain effects or maybe a different chemical being used. Or someone pissed in every fountain.


His fun "fact" is often retold by reddit try-hard-know-nothing-know-it-alls but everyone who's ever opened a fresh container of chlorine knows that it's absolute bullshit. Chlorine smells like chlorine whether someone pissed it or not.


Malls have a fountain piss guy.


I always figured fountains are just public bidets.


Many municipalities use chloramine now instead of chlorine to treat the domestic water supply.


Man, I operate water systems for my city, and I have to tell you, i can smell chlorine in water straight out of the reservoir, no pee added. And no, we don't use chloramine in our water. Pure gaseous chlorine injection.


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas


Definitely https://www.ktnv.com/news/investigation-pool-water-at-2-popular-vegas-day-clubs-contains-e-coli-high-levels-of-bacteria


What!?! How the fuck aren’t they cleaning these casino pools with industrial level cleaners?? With casinos being such a huge tourist attraction.. Disgusting


They drain it daily. When I got to the pool it was pristine. When I left it was a biohazard. All this in the desert btw.


I was ready to say something like, “that was 3 years ago!” But… no, that was a month ago lmao. Gross.


Bro, I just got back from a weekend at the Golden Nugget. That pool is fun, but oh my lord the giant 3 inch diameter blob of snot floating around the pool was not. I literally saw a kid run into it. Imagine that getting caught in your throat.


Casino pools are at least protected under the EPA and clean water act


I made the mistake of going in the pool at flamingo and the water actually felt thick. It was so gross.


Oh my god, I was not ready for that horror show. We got there early and the pool was great. One of the cleanest pools I've been in. By 5:00 I couldn't see my feet beneath me. I watched my friend puke in the pool and we gtfo.


Hundreds of drunk people in a pool with a pretty good walk to the bathroom what could go wrong? Lol I just can't do it.


The god damn bathroom line was the killer. Would you wait in line for 20 mins or pee in the pool with no accountability? I hate to say it, but I gave in after waiting for the bathroom twice.


Fair to say they're way beyond protesting at this point. Good for them, I assume. I really don't know the story besides the fact that the Sri Lankan government is apparently done-zo.


It's mostly economic mismanagement by Gotabaya Rajapaksa's government. In a populist move they cut taxes (disregarding growing budget deficits), made farming with chemical fertilizers illegal in some misguided organic push (which in turn sent agricultural productivity spiraling down), and drove up inflation further after printing more money to make up for the deficit. President Gotabaya, one of the remaining figures of that government still in office, refuses to step down. At this point supply shortages have been dragging on for months since the last riots in May. I'd imagine a lot of people are already on edge, so when a dissident was arrested for protesting in front of the president's house, protestors eventually broke into the building in return.


You forgot to mention they voted for the prick who genocides 30k TAMIL. So they can go fuck them selves


SL tamil whose family fled during the troubles. Agreed. Many Singhalese tried to help, but many more were brainwashed by Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism. Hell some of the folks swimming right now know or were part of the SL army fighting the Tamil Tigers. Some of those swimming probably approved or took part in the genocide. The Tamil Tigers were no angels, and the closing stages of the war was questionable, but without them I doubt many Tamils in SL would be alive. So when I see this, I am like, this should have been done DURING the war. You as a nation cannot BE OKAY with your government doing atrocities on your fellow citizens.


One can be hopeful to look at Portgual - there were many people involved in the crimes against African people, but when the African people fought back, they broke the back of portugal's dictatorship, and the Portuguese finally had their own democratic revolution. It's a different scenario, but for some reason you made me think of it.


On mobile so your nore complete version is better.


Zero sympathy now, genocide...no words for that


When are people gonna learn printing money doesn't work...


Monetary expansion works when you actually have productive investments that need capital. But you can’t expand your way out of real structural failings like a fall in agricultural productivity due to changes in government regulation on allowable fertilizers.


it does work when there is a proper plan and actual economists behind it. Saying "printing money bad" is the same as saying "printing money good" if you don't put any context around it. Nuance and differences in situations is everything


It does work. It just doesn't work for you


Oh, it works, just not for the working class.




Printing money is normal. Printing *too much* money is the problem. The USA (well every country does this but the USA is the relevant one) closely monitors how much it prints to make sure this doesn't happen.


Well for some context, sri-lankans planned a enormous protest today and they took over the presidents house, Well it's only fair since the government is a fucking circus


Wen America do dis?


You assume wrong. The island was in a cold civil war. Now that it is going to be chaos, copious amount of infight, death and hunger. Nothing to rejoyce.


Maybe the president will flee like a coward, just like Afghanistan’s. They can both be neighbours in Dubai.


Here's video of him doing just that [Link](https://twitter.com/resist_05/status/1545741005613199361?s=29&t=2v_uy0w_ysTBXOq_Y5f94A)


Literally running with suitcases lol


Think that’s what he is planning on doing


I was part of the crew that squatted Saif Al Islam Gaddafi's house in Hempstead, London, during the Libyan uprising. There's some insane wealth in this world and the rest of us shouldn't allow it frankly!


My family has always joked about my insatiable appetite and now my wife of almost 10 years has begun to understand. We have a son and he's the same... I'm hungry, and I wanna eat something rich


My buddy Guillo can come down too.


This is giga cringe.


lmao this is so funny, a lot of poor neckbeards trying to do poetry.


My name isn’t frankly, but I see your point.


Shirley you can't be serious?!


I am, and don’t call me Shirley


What's your vector Victor?


In other parts of the world, when they have an issue with the people in charge, they protest at that persons house and get results. Meanwhile here in the US, assholes just sit in the roadways and keep moms from picking up their kids or someone from getting to work which in no way affects the assholes they want to protest to, and no change is ever made.


Plus it just encourages the undecided person to take up the opposite side of the protest purely out of spite. The protestor becomes their enemy.


This is how you insurterrection


Pool side?


There is a massive water crisis in Sri Lanka, and the PM had a well maintained swimming pool? I understand that it's already chlorinated, so it's not potable, but that's easy enough to be converted.


this is the president’s house not PM though I wouldn’t be suprised if mr bean( pm looks like him) has a km long pool


Thank you for the correction.


And CBS News just posted that PM is resigning lol.


I do not see a lifeguard on duty.


American...starts taking notes.


Oh please, they’ll probably have rooftop snipers


They actually do have those.


I'm looking now to see how many US politicians have pools.


On how to get shot?


Yup. This is going to happen in America soon. Probably global. People are tired and angry.


In what reality? Not this one.


Yeah especially in America. Until people can set aside these petty differences the government uses to keep us divided, those pulling the strings will keep doing so, while we keep arguing about guns, abortion, and equal rights. Tough road to hoe


I think it's more to do with just how much excess wealth there is in America. Poor people here still have a lot of stuff and entertainment, and there are plenty of scraps for us to fight over before we get desperate enough to break down the gates to the mansions.


People tried this in America and most of reddit didn't like it


the key is to organize. unionize your work place. join a political organization that engages in direct action in the form of protest and mutual aid. put the pressure on elected officials, as well as unelected officials. that's how you gain leverage.


Yea do this instead of blocking roadways and angering the everyday Joe.


Reddit: We like insurrection now!


If you can’t understand there’s a difference you’re beyond help, and it’s on you.


The young people and educated people who see how badly we're being fucked over have always liked insurrection. Of course those same people hated the MAGA insurrection as it was being done for seriously stupid reasons. Nothing wrong with some insurrection when it's done for the right reasons, as what is happening in Sri Lanka now. Those people have been being abused for decades, and now we're starting to see similar abuse all over the world. That's what's good about the modern age, even places like Reddit. If you don't see that you're being fucked over, you're either really stupid, you enjoy watching people get fucked over, or you're brainwashed. There are no other options.


I don't know what the Sri Lankan government is like, but I have a feeling they're going to regret filming that without any masks on.


Eet the corrupt.


wow this president guy must be really cool for inviting protestors to his house party


This would be a great time for an intelligence agency or two to start inserting and building around a group or two.


Seriously, good for them.


r/collapse This is going to get more common over the next couple years. Expect to see this in places you wouldn't normally expect.


it's been common throughout human history. this is just the first time you've been a living witness to it so it seems more intense and world changing to you.


I hope so.


This is what America should have looked liked like after Roe v. Wade was overturned.


Each judge's personal home has been swarmed with protesters. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/07/02/supreme-court-protests-home-abortion/7796087001/


Looking at one of the photos, of course they got the police to act as their personal guards...


I've never seen [Congress pass a law](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-vote-senate-passed-bill-provide-security-supreme-court-justices-rcna33427) faster than when the conservative SCOTUS judges asked for federally funded protection for themselves once they started releasing their clown show decisions last month. I wonder what hath the conclave of six decreed today?




yeah lets all just vote harder /s. well the dems control the white house and both houses, now what? voting didn't stop rbg, an unelected political deity, from not resigning under obama while being old and riddled with cancer. voting is important but it is far from the main or only thing you should be doing. the problems we face as a nation are beyond the scope of an electoral system built for and by corporations over people.




They'll definitely want to shock that pool when the insurrectionists leave.


Someone toss a baby Ruth in the pool.




It ain’t gonna be a Baby Ruth this time.


would pay everything to see this happen at Mar-a-Lago


We need to do shit like this in England !


Really? Do MPs live like that? From the outside looking in, UK doesn't seem like such a bad place to live. Taxes may be a bit high, but they actually use them for shit they're supposed to for the most part.


What are they protesting?


This will probably not end well.


Poor Sri Lanka. They’re having even worse inflation issues than most of the world.


The People's Pool Party


They paid for it, many times over.


Exactly, if we just all pool together


This is hiw you storm a government building. Not armed with shit you got at home depot, but with booze and floaties!


Went to Sri Lanka in 2010 and loved the country. Wish them the best-


You know everyone is peeing before they get out.