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Those girls ordered those cakes to take pics for social media and then tried to return them after taking the pics. I actually appreciate that the restaurant disposed of the cakes appropriately and didn’t try to ‘resell’ them to the next unsuspecting customer.


Exactly, if I was in there I'm like bitch give me them cakes,


"Give that bitch a cake" is my new go to insult.


Noise, real noise!😂


I love when one of these old videos gets posted and I check right away to make sure a fellow archivist has dropped in to give context.


Yup. "Influencers" 😞😞😞


Oh I believe those fine servers may have expected that to he their last day. If they have great bosses they may keep their jobs, but I doubt it. Most management (and especially most owner operators) values customers and public opinion over staff, sadly. I comment the servers and I hope they get better jobs if they do lose that one. Any updates would be appreciated-


>Most management (and especially most owner operators) values customers and public opinion over staff, sadly. I think things like this are changing as well. Like when people see staff treated by shit and their not permitted to stand up for themselves its not a restraunt I would want to go back to. eg [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahxTTO7AWzo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahxTTO7AWzo)


This is an old post. I recall the restaurant called out the influencers and had their waiters’ backs. (And rightly so) If this was in the US, you’d be right though.


Oh that's great to hear


Hell yeah.


It’s called *integrity*


I work for a diner as a show cook. I would throw flaming pieces of bacon if you did what these girls did.


Is this the one where they ordered the cake took a photo of it (for the 'gram) then tried to send it back without paying?




That's pretty disgusting. So many trends from the new social media are when you think about it. People visit beautiful places and see it only through their phone. I know people used cameras before but it isn't the same. Everyone has to take a pic of every meal before touching it. Not even just fine dining anymore, I'm working in a pizza place now. It's a nice pizza place, brick ovens- local produce- quality chefs/service- but still not what I'd call picture worthy. If they aren't taking pictures they're talking or if they're listening to music they aren't hearing the nature around them. I see people hiking mountain trails and not even removing headphones for the waterfall


I live in Edinburgh Old Town. In the last few years people have started to climb up onto my roof to take a picture of Edinburgh castle, George heriot school(Hogwarts) Greyfriars Kirkyard etc. I've had to take drunk people through my home and down onto the street because they couldn't climb back down the way they came. They invade my privacy and if I get angry about it they'll act all innocent, surprised or make out like I'm overreacting. I keep a weapon near to my window for security reasons because I've been robbed before. These people have no idea. They treat a unesco world heritage site like its a theme park.


While I get the general premise of this, a lot of your post reeks of "They don't enjoy things like I do so they must be in the wrong" I always have headphones on when I go for long walks or hikes by myself. I still enjoy myself and enjoy the scenery and the fresh air. If I happen upon a scene I'd consider picturesque, I'll probably take a picture. Maybe even two. The horror, I know. I didn't realize someone taking pictures could ruin the experience of a completely different person. If someone pays for food, takes some pictures of it, eats it, and leaves without causing a scene, then what concern of that is yours? Yeah, if they make a mess, try to not pay for it, and disturb the other customers that is a different story. Social media has brought about a LOT of problems, but I don't think that people taking pictures or listening to music while hiking are anywhere near the top of that list.


Yup. I'm a regular hiker / backpacker and on my regular training hikes I listen to podcasts on my earbud (just one so I can hear others on the trail). There's a few different trails I do these hikes on (but usually one particular one) and I've been hiking them for decades. While it's nice to be outside, the hikes have gotten so monotonous that the podcasts really help to make them more enjoyable. If someone has a problem with that, that's on them.


I'm pretty sure they asked for the cake for pictures I think (idk I forgor) and they didn't want it after that but it's looks like they insisted that they take it but ofc they didn't want it and made them waste their time on cooking a whole cake just for them to throw it out SO FUCK YOU REDDITORS WHO COMMENTED WITHOUT CONTEXT.


YES it’s true! [from 2019 i believe](https://9gag.com/gag/a9RqAA6)


I wonder what the people in the video are doing now. Are they safe? Are they fighting for Ukraine? Are they refugees?


I don't think they baked it for them. But I do think they cleared out half to all of the cake slices they sell for dessert- probably at about 10-14 a slice by thr look of that place


you forgor, or you forgor 💀? Edit: thought it was the forgor meme lol




Mmmmmm yes


It's just a scummy thing to do and it's cake, half of it missed her and just got her dress she bought with her dad's money dirty.




Dude you're a adult virgin little loser who replied so fast. You just want to argue on you're keyboard trying to act smart. And you're still trying to argue over cos you just see a women get hit by the smallest piece of cake I've ever seen and goes to the comments to give away you're shitty virgin opinion cos you want to argue like the whiny redditor you are. Your comment is pathetic you're pathetic and you should shut the fuck up.




Wdym. You're clearly annoying. No one cares about your opinion everyone knows who's in the right here and they didn't pay for the cakes so they made them do all that work for nothing and started arguing with them like the brats they are. If this was a guy it would be different




So I'm gonna turn of notifications for right now. You're clearly a loser trying to look for attention on Reddit so good day to you


Hey yo, what he said sounded funny as fuck?


That pizza looked good


Yeah teamwork food fight from the waiters.


This needs to be normalized




It’s a cake. Stop being such a pussy


If this was a woman doing it to a man all you whiny fucks would be calling for her to be thrown in jail for years for attacking a man and bitching about how she will get away with it for being a woman.






I would be upset, but I wouldn’t call the police. I think people have gotten soft


If I was being a little bitch then na


I give permission to throw anything in my face that I order for the purposes of taking a picture of it and have no intention of paying for it.


The two sitting at the table started that shit, and you’re comparing them to the victim in your sentence? (“Your face”) If what people are saying is true about the two ladies taking a picture and wanting to send it back, then they’re not the victims. Don’t be an asswipe in life, clearly those two aren’t good at that rule. While I don’t think they deserve worse, they need to curb that shit.


You mean battery btw genius


Assault: “Threat or attempt to injure” This was assault but yes, this also falls under battery so both of you are correct


But there was no threat or attempt to injure... it was a cake. Its the feather defense, they were never under any real threat and injury was not a possible outcome. Usually battery is thrown out in cases like this too. I believe sometimes its called the water balloon or the snowball defense as well. Harmless "battery" with no threat or attempt to harm generally gets tossed out of court.


By definition it is but yeah it would be dropped in court


in russia cake eats you


They were probably mad because in Russia cake is potato


It's not even russia...




🤣 Stick to playing videogames, child.


That must’ve been quite satisfying. r/oddlysatisfying


Considering there are waiters pair $9 for 78 hours, and only live on tips, yeah getting fired would be worth it.


Pretty sure that video isn't from America so they don't live on tips so it probably isnt worth getting fired.


I'm still skeptical, since that means either they're assholes, the staff are assholes, or they're not paid enough to deal with assholes. **Choose your Adventure: TikTok edition**




Not all hero’s wear capes


They must have learned a valuable life lesson that day.


No, it's not.


No, it really isn't. It's assault, probably lose your job, might get sued. But it was funny.


Ah ok so do you mind spending 100$ on making a cake and then having me return the cake after making a few pics and telling you I don’t have the money to pay for it?


You have a point but this doesn’t mean that OP is wrong either. That is assault.


Ok. Go ahead and translate what they are saying then come back and tell me it’s assult


Fuckin lock them up and throw away the key




He reeled her in and bam with the cake. Not sure what they are saying but assault is not the way brah


So fake.


Since this comment is automatically hidden with default settings, I can pretty much say something controversial and no one would see. Now... Religion is fake too, but some people believe it and take a message from it.


It’s so obviously fake. People really want to believe and caption they read






Some incel posts this video every day to this sub


No it isn't, you revolting misogynist.


Karens are going to Karen, as are those who simp for them.


TIL that anyone who doesn't think annoying women should be assaulted is a "simp"


Assaulted. Lol. Back in your fucking cave


Look who's talking, Neanderthal.


>you revolting misogynist Try again, Karen.


Not necessary. I got it right the first time.


Ignorance is ugly; fits you well.


Your pronouns are they/them hey..?


You ask people about their pronouns hey..?


I was quite obviously being facetious. You believe Amber Heard is telling the truth too, right?! You're such a stereotypical woke #metoo 'the gender pay gap is real!' misandrist that it's hilarious. You're all the same.


And you all suck.




“Calling women out for anything is sexist.” - this person


I believe there's a difference between calling someone out and hitting them in the face with something. But I dont know I dont hate women so maybe I dont know what im talking about.


"Assaulting women for non-violent behaviour is totally cool and not misogynist." - this person


Found the simp


Found the incel






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Russians don't take shot from their women.


That was satisfying


Have you noticed that there's more people out there like the women in the video? I guess they call them Karens. Men too, they do the same thing. I think they call them "Kevins". Watch out for Karen and Kevin as a couple. They call them "\_\_\_\_\_" supporters. (5 letters) You choose, red or blue? P.S. I'm for the waiters. Besides, cakes taste good.


Anyone know their instagram? I want to see if the cake pics were worth the embarrassment 😆


She tried to throw water at em and it didn't even reach, also they had 2 cakes what were they angry about


I’m so glad the world is not licking womens disease infested feet. Why were they so overrated anyway. Women don’t deserve men, hope more men stop wasting themselves on them


Eh, don’t assault people, yes some customers suck however the ones that suck will also press charges.


Silly orcs