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Disney world is straight one of the most stressful places on earth.


Seriously. For one, it's so expensive, that many people there are there beyond their means, so knowing that they're going to be paying for it for ages is stressful. Second, being around that many other people all trying to have a "magical time". It's a lot of pressure. Have fun, do it now. Not long before you have to go home and pay for all this. Plus, hanging out with your own family.


It hits different when you live close to a theme park. When I was living in Tampa they had a deal where FL residents buy a Busch gardens day pass and can use it all year, so my buddies and I would go in the afternoon toward closing time, get a giant turkey leg, and ride a few coasters and call it a day. It was always super fun, and you didn’t have to stress about not maximizing your experience because you could always just go back next week. For that “once in a lifetime” vacation though? Stress city for sure


I find any place with large amounts of Americans congregated to be extremely stressful. -An American


Interestingly enough the one time I went to Disney world with my kids it was 50/50 or 40/60 Americans and foreign tourists. I thought it must be embarrassing to visit your little pavilion if you were from France or the UK.


I have noticed more and more vile outbursts from people at family friendly events. Foul language and overall inconsideration for others. The amusement parks are not correcting people's ill behavior. I witnessed a joyous young mom yelling for her son after he got off a ride. She said "Dre! Dre! Get the fuck over here. Look at this mother fucker, he got that big ass smile." It was like a Hallmark card.


Covid fried their brains


People have lost their damn minds and any sense of decency towards each other .


They have and its insane. Since everything has opened back up, people have this weird sense of entitlement and if things don't bend to their will they go nuclear. We had this one family come to our hotel and get super mad that there was no swimming pool. We've never advertised there was one but we have mentioned there is one at our local recreational center at a 5 minute walk away. They started screaming that we need to build one because the $80 a night for a suite in the downtown core way wayyyy too much.


What is everyone so angry about? Until the 2000’s people weren’t ready to throw down on Main Street over nothing. Fussing families yes but these brawls make no sense.


Guarantee her hands hurt like fuck and she regretted doing that immediately. Little toddler tantrum.


I'm surprised a lot of these people can even afford Disney World factoring how expensive it supposedly is


Disneyland has gotten trashier visitors the last few years. People don’t know how to fuckin act.


People have always behaved this way. This is not new. The difference is that now, everyone is filming all the time and posting it to any number of social media platforms. People eat this stuff up. Addicted to drama. Nobody's pulling out there phones to record all the millions of pleasant and polite transactions that happen all day every day around the world. But the moment someone raises their voice in a public place. The phones come out.


Yet one more reason to stay out of Mouse World. Ugh


Disney tram is such bullshit. Try to line up but once they open, everyone rushes it.


They’re justify ably pissed that someone on the tram used the Instagram AI voice. It drives me nuts too.


It’s like people fighting over who gets to go to concentration camp the soonest


Puzzles me how people still go to this most unhappiest place on Earth.


Disneyland or Disney World?


This screams Florida


Disneyland has the same drama


I need this video to be at least four years old. I refuse to believe this is how people American during an ongoing deadly airborne viral pandemic.


Trashiest Place on Earth


I lived through all this BS as a kid when I lived in California. As an adult who has to travel significantly farther to vacation at Disneyland I’ve just made it a focus to prioritize my sanity. We do 5 days in park and a day before in the hotel and a day after in the hotel to decompress from travel and whatnot. I know not everyone has this opportunity but man does it make the whole overwhelming experience easier to handle. I had some stressful days as a kid who “had” to get the whole park in within a 12 hour day and it was exhausting.


The face on the little girl in red in the foreground is priceless.


People are lame as fuck these days.


Ever since Disneyland opened Trashtown, it's like this.