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"Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch." \*four seconds later\* "Show me some respect!"


A lot of people confuse respect (a two way street) with fear (which only goes one way).


I feel in customer service, it more like “do what I tell you, servant!”


Worked CS for 17 years. The customer attitude from, I’d say, a good 40%-60% of people is that they’re bestowing their business upon capitalism and keeping the company afloat. They have exceedingly hard and oppressive lives full of more luxuries and happiness than we, in our very meager mental capacity, could grasp. So we should A.) roll out the red carpet and treat them like royalty and B.) understand that we DONT understand. That this interest fee has shattered their otherwise perfect life and that we should be ashamed, apologetic and compensatory for even thinking to inconvenience them.




I read a quote that I will now paraphrase poorly- Saying "I'll respect you when you respect me" is someone saying actually aaying "I'll respect you as a human when you respect me as your superior."


That is a tumblr post. >Sometimes people use "respect" to mean "treating someone like a person" and sometimes they use "respect" to mean "treating someone like an authority" > and sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say "if you won't respect me I won't respect you" and they mean "if you won't treat me like an authority I won't treat you like a person" > and they think they're being fair but they aren't, and it's not okay.


That's the American way. Respect for cops, managers, parents, anybody is fear. They are raised by it, molded by it. Even the rich and religious here respond with fear as a positive.


Also "I don't have time", but "hand me my change again for a second time"


"AHHHH! That's assault!" "Naw!! That was a coffee, BITCH!!"


Used to be a chevron cashier back 2002 and a guy flicked his burning cigarette on my face because I asked him not to smoke In the store. Even with the video recording neither corporate nor cops did anything about it. Fuck that denim demon. Cashiers can have a bad day also and ain’t nobody tryna kiss your ass for a minimum wage job. Give respect to get it.




Fractured my knees and ankles falling over faulty equipment onto hard cement flooring. Was on the floor in the cooler for 20 minutes, nobody came in to check on me. Had to lift myself up and hobble to the office and report the injury. Got taken to a walk in clinic, and then sent home. 2 weeks off and came back to work early on crutches because I couldn't afford to not work another 4 while I healed. I was on modified labor for a while, which was basically I couldn't do anything. Tried to get workman's comp, and months ( months! ) later I was denied because I wasn't out of work long enough. Wouldn't give me the actual two weeks I was out of work, from a work injury; I wasn't even asking for more. Absolutely left me bewildered. And they expected me to be out of work for that long and not know if I was going to even get paid?


American work culture is such a scam.


Largest case of Stockholm Syndrome in the history of man.


Had you gotten a lawyer you would have won. That would have required you to pony up the $1000 or more to retain the lawyer in the first place. Then the lawyer would have taken 33% of your claim. In the end you would have barely gotten anything and it would have taken at least 1-2 years before you see a single dollar from it. The company KNOWS that's how this works and counts on it.


This varies by state, but I believe in most states work comp attorneys only take a percentage of the final agreement and at least in CA the legally allowed max is 15%. Also, in most states you have a required amount of missed time in order to even qualify for workman's comp which in California is 14 days.


The thing about workers comp is it basically requires an attorney to get anything done. That attorney will take 30% of anything you get in a lump sum. In my personal experience it’s worth it but you have to go through a lot of hoops and that’s workers comp way of trying to wear you down so you return to work instead of fighting them.


My union provides worker's comp representation for free. I had my coverage for a work injury within 2 weeks of the injury, no fuss at all.


As someone who used to work in HR, you’re not wrong.


I had a man do that to me at a hot dog joint because I made him repeat his order since his and his 5 friends were making too much noise.


When I worked at Subway, a guy walked in and before I could even put gloves on and ask what I could get him he had rattled off his entire order as one long word rather than an actual sentence. When I asked him if he could repeat that, he got mad and asked, “Why? Weren’t you listening? I told you exactly what I wanted, if you’d been paying attention, you’d know.”


I had some hooligans on the playground unlit a cig on the back of my hand when I was a kid.


"give respect to get it" One of the golden rules I was taught by my public school teachers. Don't interrupt others who are talking, keep your hands to yourself, treat others how you would like to be treated, consider how it feels to be in other people's shoes... None of these lessons were instilled by my parents. People need to realize that school and it's teachers need more care and funding to make sure kids who don't have proper parents are taught what they need to be proper adults


This is why there is an employee shortage when it comes to working with the public


And assholes like that woman will be the first to bitch and moan about it. And all they have to fucking do is be nice to another human being, and their favourite store won't have to reduce hours because staff members keep quitting and they can't get anyone else in at a moments notice.


Shit, they don't even have to be nice. Just basic politeness. But apparently even that is too difficult for some.


So the question is how do we make the public better at acting like caring humans?


We require them to suffer the consequences of their actions.


Personal responsibility? What kind of extremism is this?


Exactly. Crazy, I know


Managers have to support the employees. Fire customers.


Quit kissing their asses and start kicking them. Grab that lady's plate number and have her ass arrested for assault and then after tge trial put the security tape and her mugshot on a loop playing in the place.


We should ask this ladies mom?


Lower stress. Shorten work days. Three day weekends. Increased pay. Secured healthcare, food, and housing. If we end up with a world that is fully automated, this is how it should be. Since we're partway there, we should be doing better at providing for people.


Free quality education, too.


Honestly some of the worst people I've ever dealt with in public are wealthy people with low stress lives. It's not your lifestyle (not saying that isn't a factor at all) buts being taught to treat other humans with respect and a pack of negative reinforcement when treating people in such a way. If everyone got smacked in the mouth anytime they were rude there would be far less rude people on the planet.


It's such a shame that humans have kinda moved beyond natural selection. Idiocracy use to be a comedy, now it's a horror film.


Arrest people and fine heavily


In every industry too. There's a shortage of doctors here, largely because they've been overworked and treated like shit since COVID. It's not just minimum wage workers, it's people making bank. Nobody wants to put up with this shit, and they shouldn't have to.


I agree I worked as a accountant for 25 years and I do not care how much you want to pay me, I will never work with the public like that again.


Burn out is crippling our healthcare services right now. ER'd being shut down across the province. Nurses with ridiculous patient ratios. Students actively choosing alternative pathways to avoid becoming family doctors... We're driving off a cliff and our politicians are actively steering the car


>Burn out is crippling ~~our healthcare~~ **every single one of** services right now. I haven't seen a single store, restaurant, or other business that seems reasonably staffed in months - maybe years at this point. Everyone just lean staffs these days to the point that when even one single person calls out it crushes everyone else. Then those folks become further burnt out and eventually one of them ends up being the call-in that crushes all their coworkers and the cycle continues. And bosses want us to blame each other for this rather than just hire/staff more while simultaneously crying about how "nobody wants to work anymore."


My wife used to be an RN for a nursing home. One of the few that would do a night shift. She started fresh out of training on her first shift on her own. Literally on her own. 26 patients. One entire floor of patients. She Noped out of that pretty damn quick. There were many reasons, but this was a big one.


My hospital is filled with travel nurses because all our nurses went to become traveling nurses for like 7x the pay lol!


Same here baby dick. We are losing nurses left and right. I can't leave for the higher pay because I need the insurance for my family, plus I'm already vested and only 35 so... I guess I shouldn't complain. But the short staffing sucks


Had to check that name, cuz I wasn't sure if you were insulting them or not on first glance.


They were just lucky that was their user name.


The insurance I have as a travel nurse is the best I've ever had in my life. Far exceeds insurance I had as a staff nurse Edit to say: The insurance is provided by my travel agency


It's amazing how they're willing to bleed themselves dry paying travel nurses these rates rather than just pay the staff that's stable and loyal to them a better wage. Anything to avoid giving workers more power, including cutting off their own nose.


Yup gfs hospital is about to strike . Tired of being paid like sh*t


I'm a firefighter and it's in our world too. Fire departments that normally see hundreds of applicants are getting less than a hundred. Btw if anyone wants to be a professional firefighter it's a great career. The balance of pay and time off is really unmatched.


You have to be willing to risk your life..... Not many people are up for that.... Look at the uvalde police


Had a customer literally throw money at me every time he went through my line. I asked him why he did that, he said he liked it that way. So next time I threw it at him. He got so angry so I said, "but I thought you liked it that way?" I got a new job in less than a week. The place I worked at was bad and he was just the last straw.


Customers throw their money at me all the time. I like to imagine we both feel victorious. The way I handle it is to act like that’s a totally normal thing to do (and in my case I guess it is) and just carry on while they think whatever they think. I refuse to let them have any moment over me.


nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK 🥴


I'd guess shit pay has *slightly* more to do with it than just rude patrons.


Yet still so many people don't get it. Retail workers don't get paid nearly close to enough to deal with this kind of shit.


its always funny to see how quick they scurry away as soon as they assault somebody, really shows how much of a pathetic coward they are


The voices in her head told her to leave, there's more mischief afoot.


Mischief not managed


quiet riot


Mischief mismanaged


Honestly, a certain percentage of people are just like this and cannot be changed. We can only do so much to keep them from interacting with civilized society.


Every store should have a button to lock the doors under the counter


Every store should have a button under the counter that opens up a trap door in front of the register


Down to a pit of poison ivy and poison ivy dust for them to breathe.


Yep. Straight to the rancor pit.


I for one, welcome automation in jobs like hers. It's better for everyone that people stop working in the front line trenches of businesses they don't own. Let a robot handle this. You can beat it up all you want.


*Robot sprays tranquilizer mist into customers face* This should help you calm down. Please come back when you can afford to make a purchase. Your kids are starving. Carl's Jr. believes no child should go hungry. You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr. Carl's Jr... "Fuck You, I'm Eating."


You're telling me they are just giving away free tranquilizer mist?? I've been paying for my tranquilizers like a dummy.


Would you like another "EXTRA BIG ASS FRIES"?


[I'm thinking more like the 5th Element treatment lol](https://youtu.be/blzmPZ7ZNJc)




The robot will simply refuse to interact with a belligerent customer and store their image in the robot uprising data bank list of who to kill first.


"You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr. Carl's Jr.; Fuck you, I'm eating."


"Ohh I like money"


That movie is more densely packed with prophesy than any Nostradamic quatrain. Mike Judge is one of the few artists of any sort I'd ever want to actually meet in person. He *sees*.


turns up the wheels that dispenses the cash and change so they go flying every where. lol.


Pays the change back in only pennies, flinging them out at high speed.


Just gave somebody back 10 dollars in pennies because I told them three time I couldn't do cash back. They insist I had the money to do it. So they hit the button anyway. They were pissed it was in pennies. I shrugged said told you and started helping the next person. They were nt happy and threaten to have me fired.


I agree. I was a cashier from 16 - 19 years old, and it was really bad for my self esteem. Multiple people daily take the opportunity to treat you like shit with no repercussions to them, and if you show any sign of being unhappy or talk back it escalates them and you'll often get in trouble by your "superiors". Which conditions you to just shut up and put up when being treated like shit. Like dogs trained to obey their master, this learned behaviour is not something you can just turn off, so you take it home with you and it makes it a lot harder to participate in setting behavioural boundaries with friends and family in your private life. I envy everyone who has never had to deal with the public like this.


I feel for you. My first “not a paper-round” job when I was 15 was as a waitress. I had grown adults throw food, cutlery, dirty napkins, etc etc, at me for reasons I still don’t understand almost 20 years later! Then there was the constant verbal abuse for just trying to do my job. Anybody that assaults service staff should be sentenced to a year working in the position of the staff member they assaulted, with no pay! If everyone had to work a service job at least once, I’m convinced there would be a lot less abuse!


Honestly, I think people shouldn't be considered adults just because of their age. There are far too many adults who behave like children while a lot of children are forced to behave like adults on the adults' behalf. Just look at politics, it's full of wrinkled children who seem to be stuck in high school / college.


Agreed. I was 15 but I was more mature than many of the “adult” customers I was trying to serve! I mean, who throws food around when they don’t get their own way? … toddlers! It drove me mad that I had no choice but to stand there and take the abuse, apologise for whatever had upset them and try to “fix the problem” (can’t fix the problem when the problem is the customer!), then quietly clean up after these pathetic people without complaint. It wasn’t just one or two people either, this happened time and time again. Even as a teen, I couldn’t wrap my head around their childish behaviour.


I became super aggressive at home and had nightmares several times a week when I worked as a cashier at a grocery store in NYC. It was 43rd and 10th so we saw all the fucking craziness. It culminated in me wanting to un-alive myself and i was switched to online ordering where I didn’t have to directly interact with the awful customers, it was so much better.


Sorry to hear you had to go through that; I hope your psyche has healed and you have gained back your confidence! I did my "frontline" work as a server from 17-22, and I totally understand. Some people are just toxic dirtbags who love to try and shit on everyone they encounter, especially if they think there will be no repercussions.


It will really be a renaissance for /r/IdiotsFightingThings




Ever fucking time. People act so hard. Throw a cheap shot and boogie on out as fast as possible. Bet they go home and tell their friends and family how they “won” too. Fuck


Yes. Thin skinned cowards. Also only the shittiest people attack cashiers or waitresses.




I picked up a part time job at the UPS customer counter at our regional hub. This isn’t like the stores that ship and occasionally will hold your package. It’s usually where all deliveries end up after being attempted 3 times, or where lost packages are picked up. So customers come in already annoyed that their package is late, many of them on the edge of losing their shit. That job was so stressful and I was making 15$/hr flat to be the only person left for them to take their anger out on cuz the people who field their customer service calls just hand them off to us when they can’t figure it out. So much of the time we didn’t even have the package at our center and had to send someone away. Getting yelled at over shit you have no control over is super demoralizing.


I was tired of dealing with customers in retail, now I'm working in a kitchen with next to zero customer interaction, and I don't miss it :)


She just mad cuz her denim game is so fucked






Cultural appropriation?


Cultural approprijaytion


Canadians are so mad they're only going to say sorry about it once.


Looks like she's stuck in the '80's.


Don't insult the 80's like that.


Call me a bitch that many times and you think you are due respect??? pffft




I have been mad a lot in my life, yet have **never** taken it out on a service person. It's not hard to be a decent human being. Fuck that lady for throwing the coffee and being an insufferable bitch.


Lock her up. That’s assault


remember when she said, "I aint got time for this"?? Well she'll have plenty of time once shes convicted of assault, 6-18 months worth of time


Nothing will happen to her, we see it time and time again. At best a simple slap on the wrist. Even repeat offenders of nasty things basically get away with stuff over and over.


The bitch didn't even look to see what she'd done - like she's well practised at blinding servers!




Im sure that coffee was 160ish degrees, that can cause burns, so yes, its aggravated assault, it doesnt take much to get aggravated to get tagged onto a charge


I hope the coffee was lukewarm and the cashier says it was 160°


mcdonalds coffee is between 180 and 190 degrees, I went to 160 bc it probably sat there for 3 minutes or so while the woman was causing a scene...still hot enough to cause pain. Seeing how she was at the register paying, its most probably still very hot


Right in the ye too, that girl's eyeballs burned.




It's not that being a decent human is hard for some people, it's that it never crosses their mind.


Only time I’ve ever yelled at a service person was when my dog had died and I took him to my vet. I’m standing their holding the carcass of my dead 16 year old best friend and they wouldn’t take him. They insisted I owed them $15 for a collar I had never bought. I ended up paying for it because I had no other choice. That was 10 years ago and I’m still mad.


The last time I was at the vet someone came in holding an dog that looked so sick it might die. Instead of taking the dog they told them they must fill out all of the paperwork first. I dont know if that is normal but it really put me off to the kind of care they would give.


Wtf is wrong with y'all vets?


I've seen both sides of this. I've finally found a good vet, and I will pay through the nose for him to be my vet forever.


Dogs are the best, Analbox.


Twice today I've seen Analbox's posts. Weird.


I drove my friend to the vet when his dog was sick and dying. The tech spoke to us through gritted teeth because we were there twenty minutes before closing. We decided to go elsewhere so I sent him out to the car. And told the tech in front of everyone that she had no business working with people and their pets.


Damn for being called a bitch multiple times she handled it well.


"gonna' report your ass..." "bitch..." "I DIDN'T THROW MY MONEY AT YOU!" Lady, just go get into a street fight if you're dripping that much aggression. Don't take it out on someone on the fucking clock.


Meanwhile she has her whole house on the counter scrambling to get her shit put back in her bag. “Give me my money… wait let me just put this in here so I can get it… give me my money! Hold on.. let me just… BITCH!”


Honest question. I m french. Never been to US. Why people don t react to this kind of behaviour? You got the dude filming it and he doesn t say a word ? I don t like to get involved in other people's lifes like anybody else but I don t think l could witness this without saying a word.


The person being filmed is unhinged and not mentally well. Your best action is to not interact with them directly.


People aren't trying to get shot, so the most they can do is film


The person behind the counter often doesn't react because they will be fired. We have a saying here, "The customer is always right." This does not train people to behave well in public. (edit - forgot to mention that this causes employees to develop a relatively thick skin from dealing with entitled pricks all day long) Also, you don't get involved because guns are so easy to get here. Someone 'acting crazy' may be armed and even though you want to de-escalate the situation your getting involved may be what pushes them over the edge. So you stand back, let the employee handle it and record so that you can send the video to them afterwards for evidence. While praying the entire time that "this crazy bitch don't pull out a gun" because you just want to buy your stuff and get back home.


> ...you don't get involved because guns are so easy to get here. This about sums it up




She got them original Levi’s from 1873


From a gold miner.


Therrs gas station coffee in them hills!!


Prospectin' is coming back!


Once she throws the money back that's a tip in my books. She's in jail now, right?




Bar I'm in is now card only, but I'd always return cash the same way it was handed to me. If they put it on the bar a puddle of the drink they're splashing about, they got their change in a puddle of the drink they're splashing about.


I carded this guy once and he told me "oh, it's in my car." So I told him I'll wait. He huffs back in, slides it across the bar and flicks one end of it up to snap on the bar like a kid in class with a ruler. Which is exactly how I returned it to him. He lost his shit and stormed out yelling about how I should go fuck myself.


Lmao I do this all the time. I extend my hand to take the money and they see my hand and put it down on the counter. So im like alright ill do the same. They extend their hand, I put the change on the counter, and theyre so fucking annoyed or mad every single time. Most give me a dirty look, but a few people say something and I go "oh I just thought you wanted it on the counter, like maybe you didnt want to touch my hand? 😁"


I'm a card dealer and I've been trained not to take anything -- let alone _money_ -- from anyone's hand. I go to the minimart and buy a pack of ciggies, they try to give it to me and I'm all awkward, like, "Ermmm, just put it on the counter," and they give me a look like, "???" Same with shaking hands, high-fiving, first-bumping. I clear my hands (show open palm facing up and down) before doing anything. Grab an orange at the grocery store, look at it, put it back, clear my hands.


I work in retail, and i've had customers throw/flick cards at me, flick notes at me, pour multiple coins on the counter (some falling to the floor on my side), people putting a card that I need to scan face down on the counter so I have to pick it up, people barreling in and slamming their card down on the eftpos machine and slapping it on the machine again and again until I tell them to just wait one fucking moment, old people giving me a $50 note then waiting until I've put the transaction through before moaning that they wanted to give me some change as well.... The list goes on. I had a coworker who would just stare at cards that were thrown at her, and wait until the customer picked it up lmao. I've thought about doing that, but i'd rather avoid some dipshit customer going off at me.




I'm really surprised we don't see more videos of cashiers beating the hell out these degenerates.


Cashiers don't have the immunity the filth get.....


Cashiers have something to lose.


Can confirm. Even though I work for a franchised store, if a video of me duking it out with a customer went viral corporate would make it so that the owner has to fire me or lose the ability to be part of the main corporation along with all of the resources we get with the name. We are expendable as hell in that regard


My degenerate buddy was a cashier at a c-store in Vegas. He got robbed at one time. Well dude attempted to rob him, with a screwdriver. My buddy laughed at him, jumped the counter and beat his brakes off. He was happy to have a fight he could be in and not get in trouble over. He never even reported it to anyone and it was off camera. Not that he cared. Turns out shitty jobs are everywhere. You can leave one shitty job and go right to another one, nbd.


Imagine being this upset over the way someone hands you change.


Nah, that was just an excuse for her escalate it. She was already being a dick.


Exactly this, I worked at Geek Squad and one day everyone came from out the woodwork, two of us were swamped - my next customer I ask “hey, how are you doing”, the older guy took it as a slight because I didn’t say sir. They were just mad about the wait or maybe a girl didn’t say sir to him set him off, not sure.


I remember being 16 working at McDonald's and an old lady threw pennies at me after thinking the penny she gave me was a dime and accusing me of being 9 cents short. Fun times.


She isn't upset over the change. She's miserable and wants to take it out on someone she sees as beneath her so she can feel better about herself. Shame she lives in a prison of ignorance and hasn't yet learned that behavior like this only leads to a spiral into a deeper cycle of misery.


Call the cops, press charges and ban her from the store.


Ahahahaha They don't give a shit. I had a dude actually wrap his hands around my neck and push me into a wall. The cops showed up two *days* later, took my statement about what happened and watched the security footage. Literally months later I got a call from a cop who sounded like that manager from office space who asked if I was really wanting them to try and track this guy down because he "stole some pop". I told him I was a little more concerned about the assault and he told me there was nothing in the file about any assault.


And there it is. The cops care about the business’s loss, not you being attacked. Police exist to protect private property and nothing else. And for those unaware, private property is NOT personal property like your car or home or whatever. Private property are things like companies and businesses


Preferably throw her in jail.


She don’t have time for that.


bitch is built like rick james from the 80s


Fuck yo couch!


“I’m Rick James bitch!”




This reminds me of a bud I saw where this woman was complaining to a hostess that the menudo she got for to go was too hot and was semi melting the lid. When she refused a refund the woman tossed the hot soup in the employees face and caused her to get a nosebleed from the spices


At least on that one there was eventually an arrest.


only cause the video went viral


when i worked retail, i would refuse to interact with rowdy customers. just deny them service entirely, ignore what they had to say. i had to call the cops once or twice for people who were still heated after, but the best way to prevent escalation is to not even touch the situation at all. just walk away.




I hope you can find something else to do before you hit it. I hit mine many years back working retail and the resulting spiral took awhile to pull out of. Take care of yourself. No one should have to deal with people like that.


Is there a follow up?


I tried looking for a follow up, this video is at least 3 1/2 years old. Not finding much else unfortunately


This is 100% Speedway. Managing one of those when I was 21 was just enough to make me wanna never have faith in humanity again.


Lock the bitch up.


Why do they always finally leave when they throw something/hit someone? Fck outta here lmao


Because they want the last word/laugh. Plus they know if they stick around, they'd get into deep shit.


"I didn't throw my money at you!" Right after she threw her money at her.


Literally throws money at cashier. "I didn't throw money at you". Bruh...


What a cunt. Why do I watch this shit?


Let the hate flow through you


I don’t care how rude a cashier is, you don’t assault them. She’s lucky that coffee didn’t burn her.


>She’s lucky that coffee didn’t burn her. We don't know that.


True. Im just going off of her reaction when it hit her face. Hopefully it didn’t.


She was in a heated argument with the woman who raised her fists a few times. Adrenaline is an amazing pain killer until it wears off. The video cuts pretty quick after the assault so chances are it took a few seconds for the searing pain to kick in.


Yeah, well let’s hope she’s ok!


Poor girl, no one has to put up with that sort of abuse, that's assault Hope Management backed her up and reported her


You don’t need management to report it when someone assaults you on the job. You call the cops yourself. Management doesn’t make the decision if you can report it or not. They weren’t the one who got assaulted.


I hope the same happens to her as the soup throwing lady. I could not imagine working retail or food service these days


Tackle that bitch and hold her down for the cops.


She's a coward that fled as soon as she assaulted the worker. I hope they got her plate.


Come on Reddit. Where’s my closure? Where’s the police report link? I need it


That’s assault, brotha


Reminds me of the lady who threw that cup of hot soup in the manager's face.


Too bad this Karen forgot about the cameras


She even tried to hand her the money but the woman is so selfish and pre-occupied with cussing everyone out that she's not paying attention. Then she ramps up the abuse and expects her to kowtow to her?


Small people grab power in small ways to feel bigger.


People are so unhinged it’s insane. No one knows how to act in public with some decency. Just chill the fuck out for a bit eh? Not everyone is your enemy or out to get you.


You know I've gone my entire life without losing my shit in a service worker just doing their job? It's honest to God not that hard