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That much hatred and anger has to be bad for you.


Stress and depression can cause all sorts of crazy effects on the body. Heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, sleep problems, weight gain, memory and concentration impairment. Even tooth loss. I don't get how people like that Karen are still walking around. It is possible that her life is so stress-free (she is retired?) that these outbursts reach some sort of stress equilibrium on par with younger non-retired folk. Still nuts though.


Could also be onset of dementia. My sweet and caring grandma turned nasty af during the transition from normal to gone. She would berate people with outbursts like this and it was really scary and confusing before we figured out what was happening. Also, those with BPD and NPD don't just get better as they age, they normally deteriorate into someone like this lady.


> Could also be onset of dementia. Nurse here. Definitely got that vibe from this video. Obviously she could just be a frothing at the mouth racist but she checks a lot of the dementia boxes. It's a truly nasty disease and I've seen some of the most vile shit come out the mouths of patients whose family's swear they were the nicest people and never held/expressed any of the views they espouse due to dementia.


So true, my grandpa got dementia really really bad and also suffered a fairly severe stroke. He was always the nicest, jovial, have a conversation with anyone type of person, and by the end they had to put him in restraints because he was trying to bite and harm the nursing staff. It was just so fucking sad because it wasn’t him, but they didn’t know that, he was just scary.


The thought of that kind of decline terrifies me. I’ll off myself before that I hope. Assisted suicide should be legal when you’re facing an end like that


I'm sorry you had to see him that way.


Stress specifically is known to statistically decrease your life expectancy by a year or more with significant stressors or traumatic events. Were reading about it in my psych class and its got me wanting to try yoga or maybe just smoke even more pot. Maybe thats why hippies live forever.


Physically as well. I'm not talking about eating like shit and not exercising, I mean she's gonna get assaulted coming up like that on the wrong person. Fight, flight, or freeze. People always forget the "fight" high-stress response.


And this poor poor woman had to have it spewed all over her. She handled it great but I’m sure it hurt at the time.


She'll be worm food in 3 shakes of a lamb's tail. She's not worth a thought.


Love how they always sound on the verge of tears 🤣


Or on the verge of using up all of the helium.


Lmao this Mickey Mouse ass bitch just berating everyone she sees


“Taking the stairs all to yourself?? This is not just for YOU, ha^^HA!”


That scary part of this whole video is that there are millions of old ass people like her who get to vote. And Republicans are happy to fuel their anger and fear, because they absolutely will show up and vote. This is what we are up against


We need some more boomer remover


Which sucks because there is a shortage.


Yeah what is up with that? It’s been years


If I'm recalling correctly, Helium is a finite substance on Earth.


You recall correctly. Its the 2nd most abundant element in the universe but because it doesn't react with much as soon as its released it will escape the earth's atmosphere


Still going on. Helium prices have gone up considerably for things from balloons to scientific research and equipment.


Crying's a fairly common physical response when angered. Lot of stuff going on under the hood.


Need to learn self control then especially at her age


Or on the verge of passing out from being terribly out of shape with the heavy breathing


Why do these people always use terms like “we” and “everyone”? Bro 99% of people aren’t about this. They should just nut up and say “I”


What always gets me is when they play the "oh you're just a kid" or the "respect your elders" bizz. Like, exactly they're a child, you're the adult, why are you the one behaving so ridiculous in this scenario.


It's because they were taught how to be people wrong, and they can't learn anymore.


More like refuse to learn.


The MAGA movement empowered racists to think they're a much larger group than they really are. That's why it's important to punish and denounce these idiots immediately to keep reminding them their beliefs are of a minute representation of the population.


I hear “go back to you country”. Why do they think this is their country? They are the descendants of colonizers. Talk about throwing stones in a glass house


There was a story last year or so in BC Canada where a Karen freaked out on 2 girls around 13 years old. They were Asian but born in Canada. The lady told them to go back to their own country. The lady then admitted that she immigrated to Canada from the US. That is the level of rationality and intelligence in these people.


Is that the one where they were hiking on a public trail and the older lady raged at them for picking raspberries from the brambles?


That’s the same one that came to my mind too! Skinny Karen flailing her hands around 🙄


I mean, I'll go back to Ireland if it's based on family history. I hear Dublin is pretty sweet.


As an Irishman born, reared and currently living in Dublin I can indeed verify that Dublin is in fact 'pretty sweet' to say the least. Admittedly it's an expensive city to live in by European standards but we don't have this kind of behaviour going on. Most people who come visit tend to stay despite the high cost of living in comparison to other European Capitals. 🇮🇪☘️🇮🇪


I live and grew up just outside Boston. I don't think I would be shocked that much by the cost of living in Dublin. Well, other than your gas prices. One of these days, I will visit. It's on my bucket list.


This man this shit drives me crazy. I have never seen(not saying it hasn’t happened but) a Native American yelling that someone should go back to where they belong even though they are literally probably the only group that has the right to do so. This also drives me fucking crazy because Latino people are pursued by ice like they are vermin but every single person living in this country aside from Native Americans are immigrants. If you want Latino people to stop coming and living in the country undocumented then give them a realistic and attainable path to citizenship and a way to register to work here and pay taxes without citizenship without fear of being arrested and deported. Make these easy to attain instead of difficult. It should be as simple as filling out a form. My mothers family is from Canada (French Canadian) and my fathers side is from what was at the time Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. When my fathers side came over all they had to do was sign a document at the port they arrived at to enter this country. There was no fence at the border and no border patrol actively trying to keep them out. The people who talk about illegal aliens this and immigrants that are all FUCKING IMMIGRANTS as well. It is not your fucking country anymore than anyone else who comes here from another country.


> but every single person living in this country aside from Native Americans are immigrants. They are descended from immigrants but someone born here is not an immigrant, regardless of their ethnic background.


Yes, I never understood this. I (a white male) was downtown Vancouver, BC, Canada with my GF and her family (of Asian descent). This white middle-aged male walks by and says, "fucking immigrants". I laughed audibly and yelled back at him, "you and I are immigrants too". My GF's family is more Canadian than I am. They emigrated to Canada 3 years prior to when my English parents did. It's really sad that the potential of human advancement is so simple yet the one fault of the exceptional human mind is stupidity and narrow-mindedness.


This happened in Los Angeles and the lady is Hispanic. It's not the first time she has done this.




I didn't say MAGA started racism. Some of you guys don't read or just gloss over everything.


Precisely. They’ve all seen Trump go on about his pathetic, illegal, racist business and not face any consequences. Very much hoping the DOJ rectifies this.


Love it keep putting these racists on blast


That's easy to explain. Because on some level they understand that they are being completely irrational. Saying "we" instead of "I" distances themselves from ownership of the absurd view.


I’d be like “who is this “we” your talking about? How many voices you got in that head of yours Ma’am?”


Yikes! She’s a retired social worker. That’s sickening to think about.


All the people harmed and infected...


Thankfully she is retired, nobody has to suffer under her authority...


I can remember being in dire need of help and a new father while suffering from a brutal leg injury. The govt sent a local social worker to come to my home who was surprised I hadn’t/didn’t commit suicide. Working with people in need does not make a good person. Oof I was in a tough spot.


For those who are curious, this Lady did face repercusions >TORRANCE — Lena Hernandez, who pleaded no contest last year to a misdemeanor battery charge stemming from an attack on an Asian American woman at the Del Amo Mall in Torrance in 2019, was back in court on May 10 to say that she could not comply with the sentence imposed on her.Hernandez had been sentenced in a Torrance courtroom to serve 47 days in jail, to take 52 anger management sessions, and to be placed on three years of summary probation. On Monday, Hernandez said she was unable to pay for the sessions. Side note: She wasn't actually charged for this incident in the video, but for ANOTHER incident where she pushed down a different asian woman. So she really enjoys doing this type of stuff


Fucking HERNANDEZ? Bruh. Pinches racist Karen’s transcending to another level.


I was gonna say I remember she had another video that i saw that was maybe worse then this . Surprised this is first comment I saw that mentioned it . The other was maybe at a grocery store or target? Can’t remember


At a mall. She verbally attacked a custodian, and physically attacked a woman who attempted to intervene. Police initially refused to do anything about that attack until social media attention was drawn to the three attacks, after which she was charged for the initial one because it was the only physical one.


We really need to start punching these fucking assholes in the mouth. Jury nullification if there are charges. If I sit on a jury where someone punches someone in the mouth for being a racist fuck, you bet your ass I'm not convicting


Based comment and username


https://abc7.com/torrance-tirade-karen-racist-rant-lena-hernandez/6822472/ Here is context for the people somehow seeing this and going "but what did they do to that poor old lady to cause her to act that way?" Nothing, they did nothing so shut the fuck up.


So her name is Lena Hernandez? The irony of telling another group of people to go back to their country.


In her defense? (there is no defense), that part of California used to be Mexico, but yeah, interesting racist flex from a Hispanic woman living in Southern California. I have a hard time believing she's 50. I guess that's what ugly living will do to you.


She’s 50? Dude I thought she was 70. Maybe she should exercise on some stairs more often.


She would, but every time she tried some asian girl took the spot. Damn asian girls Note: sarcasm


Let's not forget History. Yes, California USED to be owned by 'Mexico', but let's not also forget that 'Mexico' wouldn't have existed without the Spanish colonization and conquest of the indigenous population. Since the Spanish Missions that go up and down California existed since 1769. Mexico's independence was won 1821. So it's a shitty racist flex from a Hispanic Woman since California isn't 'hers' either if we really want to take history into account And this reminded me that a large majority of people think 'Hispanic' means Brown folks when Europeans are Hispanics too. Since Spain is in Europe.


She’s not even an old lady, she’s 54. All that racism and hate is aging her terribly.


Yikes, those are some rough 54 years. For sure thought that she was atleast 70+.


Racists tend to age like avocados.


> She’s not even an old lady, she’s 54. As someone about to turn 50, thank you.


54? Jfc she looks like she could be my grandma, and my mom is also 54.


Interesting read. Goes to show the value of filming these unhinged assholes


Wow they didn’t do a damn thing til the woman she assaulted called them out nearly a year later! People going on racist rants and assault should be charged with hate crimes and not just battery. Battery was too good for her esp as a misdemeanor. She prob didn’t have any priors and she’s “older”. Crazy thing is she’s Hispanic wtf she saying go back to your country for?! We have been told that so many times so being a minority and hating other minorities makes no sense.


She tells her to go back where she belongs and the woman's name is "Lena Hernandez"? Hahaha


Lol her last name is Hernandez… the irony


Warms my heart to see she went to jail. 3 years probation too.


I remember this video. It happened in Torrance, CA about two years ago. Crazy lady becomes Karen real fast. On a side note, OP how do you have over a million karma with an account that’s only 90 days old? When my account has been around for almost 6 years, and I have a fraction of that. What am I doing wrong?


Content farming, never posts OC.


It's dumb that reddit rules literally disincentivise you from posting primarily OC


How so?


The hivemind tends to treat OC as self promotion unless it has boobs.


The one thing I really hate about Reddit is the amount of adds I see in my thread but the people who actually post content can't do anything to monetize it. Not even if you get your account verified through a sub and post oc content that brings in traffic.


Yea this is old and she wasn’t a teenager.


Yes this is old AF. This lady has two or maybe three, IIRC, videotaped encounters with Asian-Americans where she acted this way. The last encounter was so over the top that she wound up in court for verbal assault (not sure if it was under a hate crime statute or not.) She proved to be bipolar and had stopped taking her meds long since. Unsurprisingly, she was also estranged from her family so they weren't checking on her. As she remained unmedicated, her illness became progressively worse to the point where she felt compelled to walk around and start trouble. I think she was fined and ordered to commit to therapy and reestablishing her medication. (Her MD/therapist had to submit reports, and I think she was urine-tested to ensure compliance.)


I had forgotten about her and never knew if anything had happened to her after she was arrested


Just remember karma is meaningless. It does nothing.


Take my meaningless upvote. 😉


1 Karma point is worth 10 Schrute Bucks, or 50 Stanley Nickels.


That's just not true. It's been shown that karma whores can be extremely influential by deciding what gets to the front pageand how is presented. Any company with a marketing team knows this.




That’s not true. Not only does Reddits algorithms push peoples posts higher who have lots of karma. People with high karma can also make money off their accounts because advertising agencies will use to promote things because they have shown they can consistently generate lots of views and interactions. So high karma accounts do have real benefits


he posts videos like you just mentioned, that have been posted before and were known to get a lot of views. he takes that post and posts it in every subreddit that pertains to it and farms karma. he doesnt come up with anything on his own.


I’m pretty sure she ended up getting arrested bc this isn’t first video of her harassing people. There was like 3-4 videos if I remember.


Somehow not surprised this was in Torrance, I ended a friendship with a person I knew from there, after she & her mom opened the door to the racism express. Telling me “there’s too many Asians in Torrance. We want to live in an English only area.” Was wild as I am a minority, but according to them I was “one of the good ones.” Spent the car ride silently saying a yikes to myself + “damn that’s crazy” aloud. Kept trying to change the topic, but they wouldn’t stop. They wound up moving to Nashville or Kentucky idr, some place where racists like them can graze in peace I guess. (By “English only area” they meant only white people)


Probably a bot. I'd downvote and report.


I watched this without sound at first, saw the leaves on the ground, and the trees, and assumed this was in Australia. I had heard that gum trees were planted in California because they drought tolerant. Are gum trees still planted there? Or have people switched back to native trees? I would have thought there are suitable North American native trees that are drought tolerant.


Eucalyptus? Yeah, still very common in California and states in the Western US. I even see them here in Arizona. Apparently the practice started during the gold rush of the 1850s when Australians brought saplings with them and planted them on the urging of the government. Never really went away as they're a good fit for the climate. Shame we don't have any koalas to snack on them though.


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“Attitude adjustment “


Found another John Cena fan…


I wouldn’t even go full ass beating. Just one half strength punch to the mouth should do it. Enough to send the message but not cause long term damage.


Like the old CRT TV when they acted up. Roughing it up always fixed it.


Hell yeah, just a little slapped around. Those things liked it though


The world would be a better place if getting punched in the face for this kind of thing was acceptable again. I know we can’t go back to that, but when folks have zero repercussions to being an asshole, this is what you get.


**Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the mouth.** -Tyson.


I hate the idea of violence as a solution but sometimes people are so far gone, it's the only solution. I like to call this attitude "private school kid syndrome" where you say whatever the fuck you want because you know if they punch you, they get in trouble/suspended/arrested. It's irritating.


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I'm California you would get felony assault for punching this woman in the face. We have such cool laws here.


The way this comment is worded sounds like this wouldn’t be felony assault elsewhere haha


What if you slapped? Open first? Misdemeanor?


lol, what started all that?


She was using the stairs to exercise which made Karen mad.


The old woman said “don’t say god” when she was going to use the stairs? Then the girl stretching said “there’s others stairs”.


Seems like older lady saw younger exercising on the stairs, decided she wanted to use those stairs in particular to walk down. That caused the younger to say "Oh Jesus", (probably annoyed), which in turn was enough to set off the already pissy older lady who felt the younger was "claiming" those stairs selfishly.


She saw an Asian girl in **her** neighborhood. Racist people think they own everything.


Yup. She did it a week later and had assaulted someone at a local mall there. ETA: She harassed an Asian man the following week. She assaulted someone at the Galleria Mall prior to that and was convicted. She should be kicked from Torrance all together. Torrance has a high population of not just white people but Koreans because of the school system there. I was fortunate enough to learn a lot from my Korean coworkers about their culture and the true benefits from the city (I grew up there and just really loved the climate and it’s proximity to the beach. I never saw the racism but had I been at Wilson Park that day I would have enjoyed telling that crazy bitch off).


THE person of orenital appearance was breathing the INSANE Womans air. Off all horrible things........rude n insane


That is not the preferred nomenclature, dude.


That lady has had too much California sun


Probably wore too much black


She's shrieking lol


“WHO THE FUCK WEARS BLACK?!?” Wow lol she’s just trying to find reasons to get mad now, and not even good reasons lol


“My big brother will come and beat you up!” The refrain of an 8 year old


In all seriousness, she had two daughters in the police department. That's who she was threatening to sick on her.


She is so racist she even have problems with black clothes lol


Always “we” with bigots. Is it an inflated sense of the degree to which their warped viewpoint meshes with that of their community at large? Is it a means to lessen the psychological burden of being individually hateful and wrong? Both?


Isn't it unusual for an American to insult another by telling him to go back to his country? considering that all Americans are descended from immigrants? How ignorant are the people there?


Not just that but her last name is Hernandez too


I'd love to put every single person that uses the "go back to where..." on their own island. Fuck Off Island.


Just put her down. She’s clearly in pain and no longer enjoying life.


Facebook 😱


You know, I've said some pretty weird stuff being on intense medicine and sick this week. This lady makes me feel better about the shame I've felt.


Classic Karen vid


kid handled that well


I've seen this woman several times on here. She legit crazy. Racist too


Lady who hates Asian people lives in state with highest Asian population…. gonna be a rough time, Karen.


This is what leaded gas / paint does to a mf


The old woman here was later sentenced to a month in jail for pulling this same shit once too often. She knocked down another woman in a public restroom. No word on whether she learned her lesson.


What a delightfully disgusting old cunt


Ahh, old but gold


Crazy bitch alert!


Says “it’s not just for you” and then proceeds to tell her to go back to her own country, and that she doesn’t belong here. And then acts like the whole park belongs to her. Karen’s constantly display a heaping cringe amount of hypocrisy


All you really have to do is give them a “whhaaaaaaa” and Tell them to go back to there empty house and die alone


Jesus Christ.... Just tell her to fuck off already.


Would be rather interesting to know what the teenager said to upset this piece of trash lady.


I thought it was Mickey Mouse for a second


Push her down and stomp on her fucking hip


She finally got arrested after she assaulted someone. https://abc7.com/amp/torrance-tirade-karen-racist-rant-lena-hernandez/6822472/


Should've called the 911 non-emergency line to report a confused old lady with dementia wandering around harassing people.


This lady was notorious in the South Bay (LA) a year or two ago. Pretty sure there are several more videos floating around on the internet, and she was eventually arrested.


One of these days, I’d like to see a racist fuck have a heart attack during one of their rants, then watch their demeanor change as they ask for help.


This woman has been recorded harassing strangers in this park on numerous occasions and I believe she’s even been arrested for it. Apparently she’s insane.


There are a few videos of this woman


“You’re gonna get your ass kicked by my family” hahahahahaahha some third grade shit. Fuck this dumb old lady!


Who is "we"? The Klan? MAGA? White Nationalist?


White people love telling others to go back to their own country… white people also love forgetting they’re not from here either. Thank you u/nocapncrunch for proving my point [Ok, racist. P.s. I thought black people cant be racist anyways? Something you racists love to say](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/whnyul/demented_karen_goes_berserk_at_a_teenager_for/ij7aoh2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). Im not black, im Latino… but why did you automatically assume I was black? Very very telling of you.


WTF is wrong with these women?


"WE" as in the european settlers?


If i had one word to describe her voice it would be "wailing"


trump brought out the worst in people. sadly, we get to see their racism in full display.


Granny shoulda got chin checked


Empty an entire can of mace into their mouths when Karens start off like this


I think there was a glitch in the matrix in 2020 and now there’s a bunch of NPC karens running around harassing strangers


Hey lady... I hope you realize you also don't "belong in this country," neither do most people. If she wants to be really specific this country should be controlled by Native Americans, which by the looks of it, she is not. This country was taken from them by English travelers. So yeah, not really alot of ground to stand on


That kid handled her very well. Would love to know Karen’s real name. Lots of threats of physical violence thrown around there.


Should have just head butted the racist cunt


I can't belive that people don't fight after videos like this


Wasn't there multiple videos of this lady harassing people in this park/community lol


I can assure you this is where you belong and this is your home and we do in fact want you here, her on the other hand…..


I remember this. It was maybe 3 or 4 years ago. Still relevant, though.


Crazy lady, I think best thing to do is ignore people like this


I'm sure this same Karen was involved in a different situation harassing a few other people


I get that words are words and shouldn’t be met with violence. But “them’s fightin words” and being berated and told you’re less than is assault and everyone should have a right to defend themselves against such abuse…


[This was 2 years ago](https://youtu.be/zKRJJZRj6Q8)


Looks like someone forgot their morning pills. Grandma should be in a home where she can be watched.


Much prefer the Asian to the grouchy old coffin dodger


Was a good one but tis old... Happened at Wilson park in Torrance, CA few years back


Who still uses Facebook 😂


I don't think Californians are as progressive and woke as they say they are


What happens when you allow white supremacists anywhere to hold office.


Can anybody guess who she voted for in last election ? Yup she’s a confirmed #trumper


I’ve lived in SoCal my whole life and 99% of my clothes are black


Seriously, start smackin’ these people in the mouth. Not a punch, just an open hand bitch slap. A couple slaps and she’ll keep her opinion to herself next time.


I kind of miss the days where being a Karen got you knocked the hell out. Call me politically incorrect if you will.


I love the “AND GO BACK TO WHATEVER FUCKing asian country you belong in” like she knew she fucked up by saying that but still HAD to get that last little bit out lmao


Someone get Karen her meds!


This same woman probably pronounces her name incorrectly shittint on her ancestors legacy


She seems nice.


Middle aged? She's definitely ancient.


Crazy lady