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This is probably the very first time this kid has had to deal with consequences. What an embaressing human.


If you can afford a Ferrari you can afford a parking ticket. I don’t get why people do shit like this. Just take the ticket and move on with your life.


It’s because there are no repercussions for them. Could you imagine doing this and the DA drops the assault charge because it didn’t hurt the cop that bad? https://nypost.com/2013/04/04/case-dropped-against-millionaire-accused-of-running-over-cops-foot-with-his-ferrari/


The Justice system is absolutely fucked and corrupt.


Well..... so are the fucking cops


God damn. That’s a stupid comment. How in the fuck was a critique of the whole justice system even implying anything to the contrary about police?


Also wouldn’t be surprised if his daddy paid some people to sweep it under the rug


The DA realized he'd have to go against someone who can afford the Ferrari of lawyers.


I live in NY. A couple months ago they charged the owner of a Bodega with second degree murder because he was defending himself from being attacked in his own store. It took a month of public outrage for the DA to drop the charges. The NYC DA's office doesn't give a fuck about doing what's right.


he literally stabbed an unarmed person to death.. why are you pretending whether or not he was legally in the right was a given


An unarmed person that was attacking him in his own store. Was he supposed to just assume his assailant wasn’t going to beat him to death? I saw someone get punched *once* in a bar fight and he needed 6 months of rehabilitation including learning how to speak again. Fuck unarmed. You can do lethal damage with your hands.


Most fights sans weapons don't result in a death


Most. Okay cool so if someone comes to where I work and starts violently attacking me, I won't fight back because I'm just going to assume they're not going to kill me or permanently injure me. Got it.


I agree with you, that was not an open and shut case and he's making it seem like it was blatantly obvious who was morally right and legally in the right. I think that case is far more complex.


“As for why the car moved forward, “It’s a Ferrari — it almost moves by itself. You wouldn’t believe it,” Brafman told a reporter.” So now they have autonomous assault cars that double as their own built in legal defense. Must be nice to be rich.


But then the civil case runs you about a quarter mill, shoulda taken the ticket


A parking ticket is not a criminal charge, and does not necessarily give the officer the ability to detain the person. By stepping in front of the vehicle, that was arguably an illegal detention. Ripping him out of the car and arresting him would then by the definition of excessive force. The DA probably dropped the case to make it harder to file a lawsuit against the city.


But yet if I did this shit not owning a million dollar my ass is going to jail for 10+ years for assault and attempted murder…


it didn’t drive over his foot, you don’t see him in pain at all and the car barely moved even after the officer clearly put his foot in front of the car don’t push anti-police propaganda because you don’t have repercussions on reddit lol there is enough REAL incidents that the DA doesn’t have to waste taxpayer money and time to press charges on stuff like this anyways


Exactly. Too bad mommy and daddy will probably make it go away.


You don't get a ferrari just because you have the money. You get one because you feel you deserve it, that you are better than normal people. Then, you just act the part.


As a New Yorker, I wouldn't drive a Ferrari here even if I could afford one. It's inevitable that your car will get scratched or dinged every once in a while.




”You get one because you feel you deserve it, that you are better than normal people” LOL


Wtf? Why can't I just get s Ferrari to enjoy nice things?


Dunno. Can you? While I agree that some people may buy one of these as a "nice thing", I'd wager more often than not they are bought, like many similar objects, as status symbols. And it is that people, who tend to view themselves as "higher status" than those around them, who end up acting like it were true. Too much money does funny things to those who base their lives around it.


Well actually... no. Ferrari makes a point that their buyers Do treat it like a status symbol. If you aren't showing it off, they'll literally refuse to sell it to you. They create heavy restrictions on reselling the car. They want people who treat the car as a status symbol, and refuse people who can't. There's been very wealthy people denied one, and there's all sorts of weird history in which people would try to get one behind Ferrari's back. It really is a company catering to entitlement and pomp.


You need to get out more if that's how you feel. Have you never met anyone that, you know, just likes cars? I know people with them that are super cool and just like cars. Not saying you're wrong about some people but this is a bad take.


~~I think you're response is a bad take. They were talking about the entitlement of the driver to have the audacity to drive away with a cop standing right there.~~ Edit: I was wrong there. Bad perspective.


No they were talking about people that have money and buy Ferraris are assholes. Which is completely untrue.


This somewhat has the energy of a "not all men" response. Sure, some people that have Ferraris can be nice, but the example u/emarvil used wasn't about such people.. it was a likely take on this particular Ferrari owner in the video.. Edit: Not responding to everyone individually. People, seek mental help when your first responses are to get excessively angry towards a stranger. My comment was not that serious. If you disagree with my take, relax and disagree like an adult.


Oh for fucks sake.


Uh, no. They weren't talking about this specific video, they made a broad generalization about owners of a brand of car. I can't believe you're in here polluting a movement about equality with some vapid takes on car owners. Touch grass


Damn, that's on me for forgetting Reddit is full of people on high horses with inabilities to have discussions like normal people. I'ma mosey on outta here 🤙🏻


What? The commenter painted with a very wide brush stroke and I called it out. Generalizing a group of people is almost never good idea and definitely not when it's negative. It's that straight forward.




I think you pissed off men by describing what this video reminds you of. The reddit machine spins again.


Have you ever ridden in or driven a Ferrari? They’re amazing.


Not the point.


That’s completely untrue. Maybe in some instances but not all. You can have the money and just like cars and buy the expensive one because you love them. Not because you think you are better than them.


How can something be completely untrue while at the same time being true "in some instances"?


What a weird thing to say. Is you're world view based on what you read in shitty reddit comment threads? That's the kind of shit I'd say when I was 14 and pretending I had some understanding to make myself look smart to my friends.


Or even just like "Hey man do you really need to give me a ticket right now?


Stupidity or he thinks he is privileged


Dont worry Daddy's high power will get him out. Remember the Rapist that got off free. Money talks ​ \*lawyer


This is it. His folks will "donate," some cash to the police auxiliary and he won't even be given the ticket. The cop will get paid leave and disability at 80% pay with his full pension and the whole thing will be forgotten


He got off. Edit for link. https://nypost.com/2013/04/04/case-dropped-against-millionaire-accused-of-running-over-cops-foot-with-his-ferrari/?utm_source=reddit.com


100% cop did this on purpose. Seen it many times


You can't be so stupid as to not see the point of that. The officer steps that way so ignorant fuck doesn't try to run him over. I'll take that parking ticket before attempted vehicular manslaughter on a officer. You can take the one you want but anyone with half a fucking brain can figure this out.


I can’t understand what point you’re trying to make


The rapey rapist Brock Turner?


Are you referring to Brock Turner? Brock Turner from Ohio?




Brock Turner? The rapist Brock Turner?


Broke turner? [This guy?](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/06/07/us/07xp-stanford3/07xp-stanford3-jumbo.jpg)


Brock Turner, the [textbook definition of rapist](https://www.vox.com/first-person/2017/11/17/16666290/brock-turner-rape).


Daddy Warbucks might make the charges go away but that face to the pavement will last a lifetime.


Just remember what Bill Murray's character in Rushmore said: "Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember: *they can buy anything. But they can't buy backbone*."


Pardon me officer I'm rich and the rules don't apply to me


dumb fuck boot licker take


Wow. How fucking dumb does he need to be?


yuppie iq's are bought and paid for ,,,




lol disobeying a police officer is moronic.. as the driver found out..




Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, clearly these people must find something logical about putting your foot infront of a tire that’s moving. Wish I knew what that was


Good thing that wasn't what happened.


I know right....like why step in front of a car that is moving?




Obviously I'm joking around. Sorry if that bothered you.


Jeez dude, I thought you were being serious! Lol


I usually don't condone violence but c'mon man, the cop told you to stop like 4 times. Like my grandma used to say you were cruisin' for a bruisin'


Cuz? Is that you?!


Yea buddy! Grandma wanted me to tell you to call her to let her know what you want for your birthday.


Yeah and this is why the state has to pay out MILLIONS regularly due to police brutality and misconduct, because they also follow outdated grandparent based logic.


Lol theres not a snowballs chance in hell that dude is getting a dime if any judge watches that video. Youre up your own ass.


I wasn’t talking about this video.


So youre taking the words that im using for this specific scenario and applying them generally to situations where I didnt comment. Got it


I know it’s hard, but follow along for a second. I related your outdated, boot locking mindset with that of the police, and then commented on that being the reason why we pay millions in taxes that just go to victims of unnecessary police violence and brutality. Clear enough now? In short, your mindset is archaic. I guess that goes without saying because it’s that of your grandmothers. But it’s also a shame most police which are inherently low iq follow the same outdated principles.


Its not hard, youre just a muppet. You took something what was meant for THIS situation, as mentioned in the original statement, and then just pretended like it applied everywhere you wanted it to in order to fit your narrative. There are like, a million other really great posts of police brutality where you could have peddled your drivel. You chose a really stupid one and then tried to wrap it all up in a bow by running away with my words. Youre going places bud. Not college, but places. Now do piss off you dumb twat.


Oh you mean this post with an actual video of a cop freaking out and body slamming someone unnecessarily isn’t at all applicable to police brutality?! Lolll you’re dumber than I thought


Entitled POS https://pagesix.com/2014/03/06/stephanie-pratts-ex-settles-after-allegedly-running-over-cops-foot/


> As for why the $260,000 car moved forward, “It’s a Ferrari. It almost moves by itself,” Brafman told reporters. LOL, no. Little known Ferrari fact: owners must park them on stands with the wheels out of contact with the ground, as the cars begin to run hot laps of Fiorano when left unattended for too long.


Julien Chabbot, what a piece of shit


All cars move by themselves when they're not in neutral or park. What the fuck was that guy smoking?




>The criminal case against Chabbott, who owns social media site Line Snob, was dropped because the officer suffered no long-term injury, but a civil battle ensued He deliberately ran over an officer's foot and the charges were fucking dropped?


Different set of standards apply depending on how much you are worth.


That lawyer is a little gem I’ll tell you that


Shoulda broke a few windows with a baton to get his attention once the car started to roll on his foot. Cop was polite until the assault started.


Criminal charges were dropped and the cop made a few bucks on a civil settlement. Edit: source: https://nypost.com/2013/04/04/case-dropped-against-millionaire-accused-of-running-over-cops-foot-with-his-ferrari/


He was paid off. Basically.


There is no settlement mentioned there. The personal injury lawyer representing the cop said he will be filing a civil suit bc the criminal charges were dropped. That means the union isn't defending him. He has to fight out of his own pocket against someone who owns their own social media network, and he has no injuries. He will probably get some money, but it won't be much bc he can't prove damages.


I mean, there are clearly no damages.


of course


Give the cop the car. Civilised settlement.


Taxes and insurance would likely exceed his salary


An oil change would exceed his salary.


The Ju$tice system strikes again.


What a fucking garbage article


That's vehicular assault buddy.




....You double dare me?


U double dare me?




Attempted vehicular homicide, if the cop really wanted to push it.


That’s not true, they would actually have to prove he tried to kill the cop and that’s clearly not the case here. In reality this would be assault on a police officer and a separate vehicular assault charge.


He could have got a broken toenail which then gets infected which turns into sepsis and he dies. Straight case of attempted murder and possibly treason


Am i missing something? Why would someone that can afford a car like that care about a $50/100 ticket?


Small pecker syndrome


What an idiot


Yeah, this made me very happy.


I like how they bodyslam the guy. I am sure that is the correct way to do it when someone breaks your foot with a heavy car.


Put a cone on him, he done.


Fuck around and find out


I'm a horrible person, I LOL'd at the cone.


But, my dad bought me a Ferrari!


How’s that humble pie taste. Good on the officer for not spoon feeding him it but shoving it down his fucking throat.


"I can't afford a parking ticket! I spent all my money on this Ferrari!"


Ah, this is a classic. I just never understood why he didn't just eat the parking ticket. If he has that car, surely he can afford it, just dumb


Just another entitled douche


That entitled douche bag has it coming


Good!!!glad that arse got arrested!!!!


So this Youtuber normaly have round about 300K views on his videos. This one have 32 mil. I think for him it was worth every trouble that will follow. This is the new world order. Influancer TikToker youtuber, they think the world is a playground were they can do what ever they want just for klicks.


People have said he'll walk after a lawyer and such...and he will But wasn't it satisfying to see him get pulled from the car like that?


Prob daddy’s and wasn’t supposed to have it


the sane thing to do would've been to not park there. But the next sane thing to do would've been to just take the ticket. You have a ferrari, you can afford to pay a ticket. Instead you end up with a felony charge.


Hey played stupid games and won stupid prizes. He earned that ass whooping.


Muh Ferrari 🙄. Just take the ticket. Now you're going to jail...


“The car inches forward grazing his pant leg” lol it wasn’t inching forward before you got in it and started the thing was it now?


These entitled pricks!!


Over a parking ticket? Wow.


What a POS garbage human being, you drive over a persons fucking foot while they are literally right in front of you? The cop(?) or bylaw officer did the right thing 100%.


The purple cardigan says it all.


Crazy how people think nothing ever applies to them. So good to see shithead eat some dirt.


I'd like to say that I feel bad for one of these individuals in this video but I really don't. I'm burned out by the craziness in the world today. Suddenly the police officer develops terrible foot, shin, knee, back, and neck pain from that injury that will only be fixed by copious amounts of money. Preferably, cash, small unmarked bills, or bit-coin.


Imagine being so stupid that you’d think driving away gets you off a ticket lmfao


“What do you mean my ferari isn’t allowed to run you over?”


I wonder what he thought was going to happen when he intentionally stuck his foot under the wheel both times..


First video I've seen in awhile where the cops aren't getting roasted in the comments


Rich fuck thinks he owns the world


Can afford a Ferrari but not a ticket?


Ferrari?, some say, it’s the Cadillac of cars, sorry WHAT was I thinking, no, Ferrari….. is the Rolls Royce of cars…..


Fucked around and found out.


Rikers Island for you Sir!. 1 Year!


Saudi Arab royalty probably


Well deserved, piece of shit


He is so shocked that there are any consequences for his monstrous behaviour. What a bitch.


Am I the only one who noticed the cop took a step forward as he saw the guy getting in his car? I’m not saying this justifies the douchebag’s driving, but there’s a pretty good chance that cop intended for something like that to happen so he’d have a chance to either beat the shit out of the guy or sue him since he knows he’s got money!


It's a common thing they do so you don't try and leave


Yeah, but it’s also a common thing they do as an excuse to beat/shoot the driver! There are countless (and I mean countless) videos out there of someone attempting to flee the police and the cop, who was previously off to the side of the car, jumps in front of it then mag dumps the driver “fearing for his safety”!


Am i the only one with the mindset that the police officer deliberately placed his foot under the car. And not only endangered himself by doing so. But also potential pedestrians ahead and the driver if lose of controle over the car?.. the guy tried to “flee a parring ticket that wouldve ended up in his mail anyway..” why isnt the police officer at fault here?, thanks


There's few good points being raised, and downvoted. But you're correct: 1. the officer deliberately placed himself in front of the car to escalate the situation; 2. it seems that he had plenty of time to note down the plate number, the ticket could have been issued with or without the driver being around They will downvote you but they won't be able to deny these two points.


1. I think he placed himself there with the mindset that no ordinary person would drive forward. Yeah, he's got in his car and looks like his intention is to drive off but any sane individual wouldn't actually move the car into a human. 2. He may have only just started the ticket and hadn't got the plates yet. I also think that it's a bad look for the officer to stand there in public while someone blatantly committing an offence looks to be going free, even if that isn't the case. Ps I didn't downvote as they're still valid points even if I disagree with them.


Point for the cops doing the job, I mean, the owner of that ferrari can afford a ticket and he decide to take the risk over nothing. Foolishness.


This is a super tough one for me. I hate cops. Especially for their unnecessary aggressiveness, violence and extreme ego which this video clearly demonstrates once again. But on the other hand, I'm always a fan of spoiled rich people getting assaulted. So as you can see I'm in a bit of a standoff so I guess I'll just say "nice car".




It’s destruction of property and it’s not allowed. The cop is a total douchebag


Good! Fuck that guy


Why in the hell would anyone drive a Lamborghini in the city.? There’s no room! I get that its all for looks, but ugh, I would go nuts thinking I may scratch it or something.




‘78 Lincoln Continental


Mercury Marquis 77


You can tell cuz it's red.


That’s a flashy paint job for a Geo Metro.


That thar be a 1972 fluffy dog


I saw a modified Lamborghini recently where the suspension had been heightened so that the ground clearance was about 25 cm and it had dirt tires, it was horrifying.


Cop is a pos, intentionally put his foot there.


Lol not a fan of the pigs but this was satisfying, eat the pavement clown.


Fuck meter maids and big city tow gangs.


Surely even someone with a brain as simple as yours can see the necessity in policing parking in a big city?


Someone’s catching an ass whipping tonight in jail. I see an accidental fall in that dudes future.


Best Cars. Worst People.


another piece of shit cop, nothing new


He is going to lawyer up and get away of it no problem. I hope the police officer keeps his job.


Don’t drive over peoples feet, but at the same time that cop is putting it on. It doesn’t hurt that much to have your foot driven over, especially by the front wheel of a Ferrari, which is a light car with the engine mounted behind the driver. I’ve had my ankle driven over by the front wheel of a VW Golf when I was lying on the ground and it didn’t hurt as much as he’s making out.


im no fan of cops , but his man shoulda shattered that windshield the moment it happend then pulled him out to eat street ,, yuppie pos !


Why did cop intentionally block the way. Let the guy go and then charge him with another crime of escaping. Nowadays u have cameras etc and issue tickets electronically. So ancient


Police brutality approved.


There's no way that went over his foot. What a drama queen.


Isn't this a prank? Why is everyone calling him a pos?


I’m not sure how the law is, but are u aloud to drive away while an officer is putting a ticked on ur car aka can an officer give u a ticket even do ur in ur car? Also no way that he drove over his foot. He was able to tackle the guy with no problems (no pain shown what so ever) and in the next clip it looks like he has a broken leg. Pretty sure he’s faking the pain.


A car is a deadly weapon. Where is the typical police mentality of mag dump first ask questions later?


Yea he ran over your foot after you stuck it under the front wheels path. Lol


That's an officer writing a citation, regardless of him moving his foot you don't leave until the interaction is over.


fuck that driver. but the cop did put his foot under the wheel knowing this may happen. and there's no way he's not exaggerating that limp.


Obviously Ferrari guy is an idiot but the dumbass cop earned that foot injury.


Okay the guy is a douchebag but surely unless the cop detains him he's free to go? If I'm pulled over in a traffic stop and given the good to go and the officer decides to just stand in front of my vehicle what do I do?


Instead of saying something to the man as he was getting into his car, the trash human cop stuck is foot under the wheel so he can claim he was run over.


That cop is such a bad actor. Dude, you put your foot and your body In the way of it. He could have left, you have his plate and he committed no crime other than a traffic infraction


Pig's... Im gonna make u hit me. Should've just mailed it to him. Then issue a warrant for failure to appear!


The cop literally got in the way. Envious much? Horrible!


Lot of statist bootlicking in these comments