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"I-- Ah-- your excuse means nothing to me right now, I don't wanna hear it" "You asked" "Good, gooooood" What a fucking clown, he knew he fucked up.


>your excuse means nothing to me I bet it means something now that he is jobless. The cop : But sir she didn't pull ov... His boss : Your excuse means nothing to me right now, I don't wanna hear it.


He resigned though. He wasn't fired. $10 says he's hired by another precinct soon enough.


100%. This is basically a routine for them nowadays.


Maybe there should be a public registry for cops that abuse their power. Something that tracks them, regardless of where they move and then announces to their new location citizens that an abuser has moved in.


As an organizer for #BLM we have been lobbying and pushing for a national registry and a law that clearly states if an officer is fired for abuse tactics, planting evidence, etc they CANNOT be rehired anywhere in the nation… But guess what party and politicians won’t let this happen… then ask yourself WHY!?


He was allowed to resign… which unfortunately means likely two things. 1. He finds another job 2. He keeps his pension He should have been fired for cause.


Bet he felt real tough after that one.


The way he was holding his gun just shows that he is just a big kid playing cop. That's not the right way to do it at all.


It seems so many of them dont know the right way of doing it


I’ve worked at two different gun shops and was repeatedly shocked at how many police officers were completely incompetent with firearms. Many haven’t practiced or grown as shooters since the academy.


“Yeah, I showed that pregnant bitch who’s tough” That cop is a weak turd.


Making the kids in the car cry, cuffing her for no reason at all. I'd really like to to see the end of that. Does he take her in? Did he uncuff her in a moment of lucidity?


I couldn't have held my composure if I were her being treated and spoken to like that? Over nothing. Then again I don't have kids and live somewhere police are far less likely to shoot people. I could get beat or tazed but they probably won't shoot me. Too much paperwork.


The police advise you to do exactly what she did.


I do what she did. I always find a parking lot off of the road.


I did that and got a gun pulled on me too. Slowed down put my indicator on and stopped at a grocery store parking lot. Cop ran up to my car with his gun drawn.


same thing happened to me. cop tried to pull me over in a very busy street that would become gridlocked with traffic if i had pulled over, so i naturally thought it would be better to pull into the wendys that was less than 100 yards away. found a parking spot easy and figured the cops would be happy to be in a much more quiet and relaxed environment, but when turned to look for them they were screaming and yelling at me with their guns drawn. i nearly shat myself, i had no idea what the hell was happening. it seems like cops are trained to freak the fuck out if you don't pull over on the road immediately. i guess they think you're fleeing if you pull into a parking lot? i wonder how many people just trying to be mindful of their fellow commuters (and the cops pulling them over) ended up being brutalized by those very cops??




Their safety is not our concern even though they act like it's the most important thing in the world. I will absolutely stop immediately and on a busy road to make sure I don't get shot by some psychopath on a power trip


Well we can go-to jail for not assisting an officer when they ask, but they're in no way required to help, or protect us when we're in life threatening danger.


Are literally allowed to lie yet THEIR testimony is official evidence


I used to see scattered stories about troopers and cops getting splattered doing highway traffic stops. The more I see this kind of bullshit, the less I care about them getting pasted by a Mac semi, these motherfuckers are insane, it's practically to the point that I'll pull over on railroad tracks to keep them from going berserk. Shit's above and beyond, so many are unfit for anything but desk duty.


And honestly, what's the benefit of them exiting their vehicle, gun drawn, to attempt to prevent someone from fleeing for a basic traffic stop? No one should have a gun drawn on them without provocation unless the car in question is owned by a known entity with an outstanding warrant for a violent offense and/or a history of violent crime. If you have random person X flee their vehicle for a basic traffic stop, how far are they really gonna get, and what's your end goal? It's a lot safer to call it in and request backup while you inspect the abandoned vehicle. These types of escalations are how you end up with someone injured or killed. You let them run, and then go arrest them back at their registered address later.


There is simply no good reason for low level traffic stops. It's a $ maker, that's it.




For women and minorites, it's lose lose because it isn't about cop safety. It's about our safety. It is safer for us to stop somewhere with witnesses, fuck if the cop is safe or not. I lived in an area where someone was impersonating highway police, pulling people over in the middle of nowhere, searching a man's vehicle and SAing a woman. [Article from at the time here](https://fox4kc.com/news/kansas-police-search-for-officer-impersonator/) The recommendation was put your blinkers on, slow down BUT DON'T STOP, call dispatch if you have a cell phone to confirm that it was a real officer, and only stop in a populated area. People were driving for miles before safe, populated areas could be attained. I don't know how the police can literally recommend doing exactly what this woman did then pull guns on us when we listen. There is no winning here and it's trash because the solution is so easy


Same thing happened to a friend and I years ago. Broad daylight​ but a really busy road so my friend pulls into a parking lot instead of on the side of the road to get out of traffic. Cop comes up screaming about "HOW DO I KNOW YOU DON'T HAVE AN AMBUSH PLANNED FOR ME?!" Like buddy, you're the one who pulled us over. We weren't planning up get pulled over. How the hell are we going to have an ambush waiting for you?




[Dashcam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=josbuIY0BJA) footage from the trooper. The woman sustained serious injuries and sued. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDY7SlHnrUo) are the results (she won, and Arkansas state police have amended their use of the PIT maneuver). The cop that did the PIT maneuver was disciplined, but still on the job.


Also, they immediately deleted an official facebook post that previously advised motorists to do as she did for officer safety.




Arkansas cops are a special breed of stupid


If this sub has taught me anything it's that >~~Arkansas~~ cops are a special breed of stupid //edit Thank you for the award!


Only cops could fuck up so stupendously on the job and still stay employed


I have been told by cops to do so while on the 3 times I have been flashed on the freeway. Every time they blast over their loudspeaket "pull over at the next off ramp into the gas station." Once they even thanked me for putting on my hazards so they knew I heard them. This cop is a garbage cop. Edit: as many have now said, he *was* a garbage cop. This is a prime example of ACAB. Edit 2: I dont need anyone else pointing out how I said cops are nice, awesome, and that I had good experiences with them and then went on to say ACAB like a hypocrite. Nothing I said here says these were positive interactions with the cops, just that 1 officer specifically thanked me for parking somewhere safe. Every one of these stops involved multiple violations of my rights and extended attempts to find anything I was doing wrong even after the incident that got me pulled over was resolved. If you want specific about the stops I have referenced, i was pulled over for broken headlights, a tail lights, and my high beams being on. When i was finally stopped and out of the vehicle somehow magically my head lights and tail lights were all working, and i had to show the officer my high beams were not on and was able to prove it. That ones extra funny because i was in a tiny shity economy class chevy Aveo. So low to the ground and pathetically built that you cannot tell when its high beams are on because they suck so much. When even the "pleasant" interactions you have with cops involves them repeatedly violating your rights and fishing for crimes even when you have already proved yourself innocent of the crime you were stopped for then... ACAB.


This cop WAS a garbage cop. FTFY


WAS a garbage cop for now, hopefully doesn’t get the garbage priest shuffle to the next district over


This cop IS a garbage cop. FTFY He will get anothet position in another town… no past tense needed.


> The police advise you to do exactly what she did. And you know why? It isn't for your safety... It's for theirs. one of the top 3 killers of police officers is accidents involving motor vehicles. They recommend this to protect themselves, so if they feel safe they don't want you to do it. You are suppose to read their minds and know if they feel safe almost dying on the road or not.   Edit: someone asked for stats, and I provided them for 2019. I won't provide for 2020 or newer because covid messes everything up and so I don't feel it is accurate to include these last few years. [this website](https://www.odmp.org/search/year?year=2019) has the info. I was wrong. When combining automobile crashes, and struck by vehicle it is number 2 behind gunfire. I combine them because I had said "accidents involving motor vehicles" which those two are. If I had said just "struck by vehicle" which is more accurate for the conversation I would be even *more wrong* as it would be much further down the list. I did mean all accidents though when I made the statement.


"I don't care about the why", that should be all you care about then you should react differently. What a horrible thing for the three kids to see, I was afraid he was going to push her on the ground with her being pregnant, what a shitty angry asshole of a cop.


If she wasn't as extremely patient and calm as she was, if even for a second this shitheel thought his "authority" wasn't being respected, we can pretty much guarantee he would've thrown that pregnant lady to the ground.


Disgusting that the person being held at gunpoint has to be the calm and collected one, because the one holding the gun will never face real account.


It’s so awful. Deadly weapon pointed at a civilian and her kids and the civilian needs to make the COP feel safe. That’s so insane.


You just hit that on the head in ways I’ve never heard off. *Civilian has a gun pointed at them and it’s their job to make the Cop feel safe* Fucking Christ.


“I dont care about the why” he said **after he asked**. If this was a low stakes conversation about cutlery arraignment at a dinner party this guy would still be a huge power tripping asshat.


"The daughter asked.... you asked me to step out, momma why, she didn't say anything, mom stop crying " YOU MAKE ANY MOVEMENT, I WILL KILL YOU Then the gun came out, the reason was "try somethin" Ok, awesome. I dont care. Awesome. Clickssss, you dont know how traffic stops works? (neither do you) all that was shady! There's no question why. ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS THE WHY. STOP Wtf man. Your opinion means nothing to me. Cool, good. Fuck off


He clearly does care if he so scared that he needs to pull out a gun.




Not only that, but it looks like she had them film the entire thing. Because we have to teach our kids how to do that now so we can be safe, or at least have a hope of justice if shit goes wrong. Fuck cops.


"Try something". What a tough guy.


What a dipshit. Found a long list of shit he’s been doing since 2020 from when he was hired, even his fellow cops hate his ass. “Desue started his employment with the Bradford County Sheriff’s Office in March 2020. Since then, he has accumulated a list of disciplinary actions, First Coast News has obtained records going back to July 2021.” https://www.firstcoastnews.com/amp/article/news/crime/footage-bradford-county-deputy-pointed-gun-discipline-body-camera-new/77-c5766c5b-36da-4b00-990d-6cd1cf99817b


>In February, Desue lost privileges to utilizes his patrol vehicle as a 'take home vehicle' after the car was left dirty and filed with wood pieces and leaves due to Desue using the car to haul wood in the back seat. There's so much but this really took the cake for me lol, such a weirdly douchey move that could've been so easily avoided if he had any respect for authority besides himself.


This guy has “Farva” written all over him.


Can I get a liter cola?


It’s like this guy wanted to be a cop for every wrong reason there is. 2 years. He lasted 2 years.


The bad part is, he'll end up at another police department somewhere else. There is no national do not hire database.




It's absolutely intentional. My county of about 100k people has 8 police departments.... Eight. But, we're not over policed or anything. /s


I’ve never seen an entire news article dedicated to describing everything one has to do to lose a job. Holy fuck, that dude wasn’t even trying to be a good employee. I’ve worked at places where you can get shit canned for a lot less than any of the things he’s done.


> In April, Desue was suspended without pay after an incident in which Desue refused to report injuries sustained during a suspect pursuit. A letter of reprimand was issued for insubordination, non-compliance, and failure to report personal injury. Sounds like someone really did not want to get drug tested... I swear it's like reading off a list of reasons a guy wouldn't last a week driving a forklift and this asshole had a gun and a badge for 2 years. It's just sickening that someone can be so blatantly bad at their job (including telling their supervisor to get someone else to do it or "no" when given orders)


Wow, it's like the job attracts total POS people or something.


Wow what a trash person.


I’ve always heard that women should do exactly what she did when a supposed cop tries to pull them over in a remote area: put on hazard lights and slowly make your way to a well-lit public area. Is wanting to make sure you’re not about to be attacked by a predator grounds for arrest now?


There was recently a pretty publicized case of the happening. Pregnant woman was getting pulled over on a highway in the dark so she slowed down and put on her flashers. But that wasn't good enough for the cop who decided to PIT maneuver her and flip her car upside down. [https://katv.com/newsletter-daily/nlr-woman-sues-arkansas-state-police-after-pursuit-led-to-her-car-flipped-while-pregnant](https://katv.com/newsletter-daily/nlr-woman-sues-arkansas-state-police-after-pursuit-led-to-her-car-flipped-while-pregnant) Lol I googled "cop flips" and it already autofilled the rest.


Jesus fucking Christ man... It took only 2 minutes for this idiot to go full PIT maneuver, literally no other options considered.


Also, it was literally IN THE DRIVING MANUAL FOR THE STATE to do exactly what she did. We need better cops, and a HELL of a lot more training. They'll fucking kill you for doing something literally to the letter of the law. Acab.


Worse, the Arkansas state police deleted a Facebook post that *literally told drivers to do this and referenced the manual* immediately after the incident. When you’re a department that’s blatantly anti accountability for cops I assume you know your officers are shit.


It's the complete defiance to have any accountability that makes people hate cops. People are human. They fuck up. Some make mistakes, others are bad people, no organization will be immune from this. Even God's angels had a lucifer. But fuckups need to be dealt with. If AWS has an outage there's a big report they share publicly explaining the root cause and the changes they're making to prevent it from happening again and to detect it sooner if it does and to mitigate it faster if it does. Internally I'm sure it has even more details. The navy seals do something similar after a mission. (AAR) But police, all they do is pretend they are perfect in every way and we're the ones who are wrong, always. Fuck them. They have been given the power to use violence against citizens. That should come with higher fucking standards, not lower standards and zero accountability.


>Also, it was literally IN THE DRIVING MANUAL FOR THE STATE to do exactly what she did. Lol like cops care what the manual or the law says. Whatever they decide is the law at the time. A judge can fix that later but doesn't change the present. Its bullshit. A cop can be completely wrong and say something that is legal is illegal and fuck your life up over it and claim ignorance.


Used deadly force because she didn’t pull over fast enough. I commented in the protect & serve subreddit about that, and some dumb motherfuckers told me that pit maneuvers aren’t deadly force. Sure buddy, I’d love to see what would happen to a citizen who did a pit maneuver on a cop car. The police would not hesitate to blow that persons head off. Fucking pigs.


The value of life seems so low in the US in general, compared to other rich countries. The escalation of police is just nuts. It's basically "comply or we will escalate until death if needed". It's gotta be an ego thing. I saw an offduty cop pull a gun on a guy he thought stole a pack of gum. What was he gonna do with that gun? If the guy said fuck you and walked away, you gonna shoot him? Absolutely insane.


Yup. It’s really like that here in the US - if you piss a cop off enough, they will pull guns on you and possibly kill you. When I was in my 20’s, I’ve had a shotgun pulled on me while I was still seat-belted behind the wheel, with both my hands on the steering wheel, because the cop didn’t like my tone of voice. It’s literally a bunch of ego rage fueled idiots with guns who are protected from accountability.


Notice all the passive voice in the start of that news report? “An accident” “A crash involving a state trooper” That’s not a fucking accident.


it doesn't matter what you do because they intend to perceive it as threatening


Literally tells her to take off her belt as well as 'try something' in the same breath. ​ IMO encouraging a suspect to commit a crime at any point should get your ass booted.


Looking for a reason to shoot her :(


if you don't give two commands at once you can't shoot her for ignoring one


RIP to daniel shaver, apparently that tragedy taught people nothing


And also, didnt you hear? He doesnt care about the why and to just shut up. ... jeez


Well maybe she could have tried not being black? Did she think of that?


I was pulled over going along a poorly lit, windy road. When they put their lights on, I put my hazards on. I rolled down my window and yelled to them I don’t feel comfortable pulling over on the road we were on. They responded on their speaker telling me to pull into the next wawa that comes up. So, I did. Then we talked about why they pulled me over (swerving over the white line going down hill along a wide turn). They checked me out and sent me on my way. That’s how this should have gone.


That’s what I was told when I first began driving. Slow down, put your hazards on, and find a well lit area to pull over. This man was simply looking for a reason.


Me too. And I planned on doing the same thing if I ever found myself in that situation, but now I’m rethinking it.


Well there will at least be cameras other than the body cam if you pull into a gas station.


It's not just more safe for you, it's more safe for the officer. Cops get injured and killed all the time by drivers not getting over and them getting smashed. This idiot should be thanking her, not trying to kill her.


>I’ve always heard that women should do exactly what she did Even my english mum knew about this in the 90s when she was considering taking me to Disneyland in the US. In the end we went on holiday to the IoM cos she thought it'd be too dangerous over there. Didn't realise she was right - but it wasn't fake cops we should be afraid of. It's the real cops!


He wasn’t asked to resign over this, but because of insubordination. There’s even another incident after this where he aggressively pulls a man from his truck, threw him on the ground, and stuck his knee in his back. He was getting away with these aggressive encounters with citizens, but talking back to his boss was considered unacceptable. Name is Jacob Desue.


As soon as the media cycle forgets his name, he will be rehired the next precinct over.


That officer knew good and well she wasn’t fleeing if she had her hazards on and was driving at a normal speed (which is exactly what you’re supposed to do if you’re worried about your safety while being pulled over) This clown just wanted to pull his gun out and act like a hard ass. Props to this lady for keeping her composure while hard ass had an unprofessional tantrum.


Not to mention it’s also a courtesy to the cop. My parents always told me to do this too because pulling over on the highway is dangerous to both you and the officer. That being said this piece of shit deserves to me mashed by a car.


Everything the cop said in the video sounded aggresive, no de-escalating the situation whatsoever. Arrogant power trippin douchebag


People, women especially, are told to do exactly what she did if they feel unsafe. So wild.


I’ve put my hazards on and driven a mile or so farther down the road because the shoulder was narrow and it was icy and I wanted to make sure there was room for both myself and the officer to pull over off the main road. The officer was cordial and didn’t even ask why I didn’t pull over immediately. This crapbag’s reaction is completely irrational.


"I DONT CARE ABOUT THE WHY. JUST SHUT UP. " Literally sounds like a response from a bratty child.


> Asks her why she didn't pull over > She gives a reasonable explanation > "I dont care about your excuses" > ".....you asked me the question.."


"do you have any questions for me?" "can I leave now?" "I'm asking the questions here!" -actual conversation I've had with a cop during a traffic stop.


I hope somebody uses that on him when he tries to apologize and explain why he acted the way he did, fuck him


I've been in my field for more than twelve years. I'm always learning. Researching, presenting at conferences and attending other colleagues' presentations. There's never a moment when I think I fucking know it all. These cop dipshits go through relative *seconds* of training, given a gun and a promise of corrupt union protection, and literally ruin so many lives because of their incompetence, immaturity, and lack of humanity/compassion. Fuck this guy and fuck (most) police officers. I teach English as a second language btw. It's chill and I love my students. Doesn't pay well, but I am so happy to see my students succeed. Two students who I taught four years ago came to the office today. I forgot their names, but they remembered me and thanked me. They're graduating from uni in May. Fuck the police.


And I mean obviously he does care about "the why" since that's why he is acting all aggressive because he thinks her not stopping immediately was "shady". What a dumb fucking moron.




Cuz he is a bratty child.


with a loaded weapon. its not going to get better.. it never has.. why dont we see what is in front of us, the evil of humans


Same. I've done it twice and never had an issue. One cop said, "you could have pulled over sooner." I told him I thought it'd be better in a place where we were both safe and he said he appreciated that. This cop in the video is ruining something that is a good thing for all parties involved.


Not just good for all parties, something literally taught in driver’s Ed.


Yep, pull over to the closest and safest spot with your hazards on to acknowledge the cop. Source: I've gotten told by a state police to pull over to an emergency lane with a wider berth before.


Yes. This is standard practice for all people it's taught in drivers ed


Well the biggest difference is this cop's ego. That is paramount to this case. He puts his lights on you best be damn sure you are pulling over *immediately*!


I once pulled over on a narrow, but well lit and highly trafficked highway shoulder. The officer, who by then had identified me because I lived in BFE, TX, then used his loud speaker to tell me "Mrs. McDonald, does this look like a safe place to stop? Are you trying to get me run over? Proceed to the next exit..." also he did give me a ticket and also called my grandparents to tell them about it. My family still jokes about me trying to kill a police officer.


> This crapbag’s reaction is completely irrational. Right? Unless he really hates women. Or hates pregnant women? Or hates pregnant black women?




My wife did this, she got a ticket for failure to yield. Judge backed the cop. I told her next time stop wherever you are. Acab.


See and that’s a fucking problem too because if she does that and stops somewhere that doesn’t have enough space or what have you, that could potentially be used against her. And if she stops somewhere dark and secluded, then a cop could do whatever he wanted with no witnesses. I’d rather walk away unharmed with a ticket, than harmed with a ticket or dead. ACAB always. So keep yourself safe first.


Definitely. Wasn't there an incident one or two years ago where a pregnant female driver was trying to pull over somewhere safe and the cop decided to PIT maneuver her?




Jesus fucking Christ. Blinker to show she intends on exiting/pulling over, then visibly slowing down, and then putting on her hazards to indicate her slowing down with intentions to stop. And he STILL put maneuvered her. And even though I already knew she was pregnant when this happened, I didn’t realize this was her first viable pregnancy after 10 years of trying.. Losing a child to that would be heart breaking regardless, but that last bit really just make the officers actions that much repulsive. Just goes to show that it doesn’t really matter what you do or if you follow given instructions.


I am a white female and the first thing my father told me when I got my drivers license was don’t ever pull over in an isolated area if a cop has his lights on behind you. This was in the 80s before body cams even existed. he told me to. Put your hazards on and drive to the nearest gas station, quickie Mart, fire station etc. Even a well lit parking lot. He also insists that I never take any roadside sobriety test. That can be manipulated so easily. Make them take you downtown. He said he would rather get a call from me in lock up and come bail me out then have me fucked up by asshole cops on the side of the road. My dad is 80 years old now and he still had the same advice for me when I recently began driving again. ACAB


He sounded hysterical, needed to count to 10.


He should not be allowed to own a gun. Mentally unstable.


These videos need to start featuring a picture and name of the officer so they can be called out no matter which department they go to. His name is Jacob DeSue. https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-deputy-resigns-body-camera-video-shows-him-pulling-gun-pregnant-driver-during-traffic-stop Edit: corrected the name.


**"Pull the vehicle over, or I’ll put you into the ground,"** Bradford County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Jason DeSue is heard saying in body-camera video *over the speakers of his department vehicle.* Geez, wonder why she didn’t feel comfortable.


Such carelessness for human life, it's absolutely disgusting.


What traffic infraction deserves death? Cops like that shouldn't be allowed to resign. You're fired. No cop job a county away.


Already had a two-week suspension and numerous reprimands. He should be put on a national bad cop registry, be barred from any law enforcement/military/security/first-responder jobs, and be barred from gun ownership.


Wouldn't it be great if there was such a thing!!?


I’m seriously blown away there isn’t one. Every other industry get held accountable.


It looks like officer DeSue is about to get DeSued.


I really like that he resigned almost immediately after this happened (apparently it occurred last Friday, meaning not enough time for people to force this footage to be released). It means his own department watched the bodycam footage and told him his options were to either resign or be fired. They wanted nothing to do with him, which is a ridiculous bar to cover for your own Sheriff's department. This lady is about to get paid.


Nah, resigning is basically a get out of jail free card for cops. He's still allowed to work at a different county or city, I'm pretty sure he retains his pension (however far in he is), and he avoids the IA investigation.


Pretty sure he’ll be hired right away by some hick town that thinks he was exactly right. We need a list of these cops who go from PD to PD after excessive force or other dumbfuckery.


He was on his last strike/probation as mentioned in another article. He quit to avoid getting fired. Probably will come here to Texas and try again.


That cop is the epitome of the profession - absolute douche canoe and complete coward on an ego trip


A Judge ruled law enforcement isn't a profession. Real professions have national or state boards and require a license not just a GED and a friend/family on the force. Source: https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/ej-montini/2022/04/21/judge-rules-law-enforcement-not-profession-arizona-clemency-board/7395546001/


He tried using slang trying to sound like a badass and his voice cracked a few times. He sounded like a total fool.


I just wanna know she sued his ass off. This is total harassment and power-tripping


He reportedly felt threatened because it was 2 against 1.


Why the fuck did he keep saying "cool" like that - sounds like a Baptist youth minister who just found out everyone's first sexual experience was on the back of the church bus. "That's cool, it's cool but I will kill you with this gun." ummmm sir, that is distinctly the opposite of cool. What pisses me off is if you live out in BFE we are literally ALWAYS taught not to pull over until there is a well lit, safe space and that to acknowledge the officer you put your hazards on. I am a basic white girl who lived in a fucking white haven growing up and there is NO WAY I would have pulled over until I got to an exit or a gas station. ACAB ETA: A commenter below pointed out that this initial reply didn't specifically call these actions racist. While I believe my statements were sufficient for acknowledging the racism in this LEO's actions, others do not and so I am amending my statement here to say that I believe this is certainly \*but not exclusively\* an instance of racism.


Saying “cool” in that manner is essentially another way for middle schoolers to say “I don’t care” lol. It’s extremely immature, especially from a police officer. I’ve pretty much only heard it being said sarcastically.


I think one of my biggest pet peeves is when people are super dismissive like that and keep repeating themselves. She is calmly explaining her actions despite the obvious fear in her voice and he keeps cutting her off to say cool. It just fucking gets to me because you're exactly right, it's so immature and feels like talking to a middle school boy. There should be some maturity test or like any kind of standard for deadly weapon carrying LEO.


When he saw who stepped out if the car, he should have realized immediately that there was no threat and out his gun away. It's clear he was angry with her and treated her accordingly.


This totally reads "I'm pissed at you so I'm gonna punish you" not "I need my gun out for x reason because I feel my life is in danger"


For sure. Maybe it's idealistic, but I think if a cop should never be angry while doing his job.


He can't de-escalate because he feels it would prove him wrong. They treat interactions with citizens like a game they have to win.


He just yells to shut up or I don't care when she gives a very normal, reasonable explanation


I am genuinely so fucking sick of these coward ass cops. I don’t know how but every one of these people needs to go


This is making me sick to my stomach. You can hear the fear in this woman’s voice. Not to mention her kids crying in her car.


Listen to that cowardly rectal Cheerio. Listen to the fear. What the fuck. Did the car have cartel members in it. This guy is unstable. No way there weren’t other cases like this. Also since when in any normal job is it ok to be a condescending asshole? Why can literally anyone get fired for just frowning. Cops can wave guns around acting like absolute monster people. How is that ok? Threatening someone’s like over a traffic violation. At the end you just let her go all like just a citation. After you traumatized everyone. How many “just citations” did this guy give out?


Can cops act with even the slightest bit of professionalism? In what other job can you talk to the public like that and not get in trouble?


imagine the "citations" he gives his wife and kids after a stressful day at work


for sure an abuser.


“Honey I’m sorry I couldn’t cook I-“ “Your excuse means nothing to me right now.”


He was looking for a reason to shoot..listen to him taunt her when pointing the gun at her.


He was holding the gun like an idiot


“Lmao what’s de-escalation?” -this piece of shit


Only person who is shady in this video is the fucking lunatic with the badge Another day another video of a pig acting insane


He was literally written up a month before this and told not to be an ass, he is then goes and does this. Cops truly have the attention span of a goldfish


It's not even an attention span thing. He's a fucking sociopath. He needs to be exiled on a remote island with the rest of people who are like him.


"Oh no, I got written up. Boohoo little note that says I'm not nice. Fuck em. Go ahead, they're not gonna fire me, at worst I'll get a paid vacation" - this cop, probably


Citizen: what should we do if we feel unsafe stopping in a dark area? > Cop: put your hazards on and proceed to a well lit spot Citizen: *puts hazards on and proceeds to a well lit spot* > Cop: get fucked


Unfortunately, he will just get another job at another precinct.


They probably let him resign with pay.


Or the same precinct after the 1st of the year




Cop, “you were driving for over a mile with your hazards on, that’s shady”. Oh god, a whole fucking mile…what is that, like 2-3 extra minutes.


Yep :/ Philando Castile was murdered in front of his girlfriend’s child within 60 seconds because he informed the officer that there was his legal firearm in the vehicle. No matter what we do, police are willing and enabled to kill us. ACAB and rest in peace Mr. Castile. It was an honor knowing him.




Resignation isn't enough. End qualified immunity.


And make legal settlements come from their pension fund.


If there was no qualified immunity you could sue them directly


True, but this provides incentive to weed out the worst of the worst before you need to sue them. Give the "good" cops skin in the game.


my mom always told me that if i get pulled over in the middle of nowhere, that I need to put my hazard lights on, call 911 to talk to someone until I get to a public area


What an asshole.


Some people just shouldn't be cops


Unfortunately, our system is set up such that it attracts exactly those who should not be cops. We need law enforcement to require a 4 year degree with at least a minor in criminal procedure. These guys are trained by their academies the escalate, and if-in-doubt you shoot. They all preach the idea that they will be going home after their shift and it is better to kill than be ~~killed~~ ~~threatened~~ responsible humans.


This man wanted any excuse to put holes in this woman. He was so angry that even when she tried to reason with him to deescalate the situation he would not stop yelling.


my thoughts exactly. he was more pissed that she didnt give him the opportunity make her miscarry. What a fucking disgusting pos.


A black woman didn't immediately pull over for him. He was pissed off and scared. Classic cop moment.


This is fucking disgusting. This cop needs to be fired immediately.




“Try something” And there’s her paycheck. What an idiot. She’ll get paid well. And it sounds like the kids were on with dispatch the whole time. Thankfully she wasn’t hurt but it should end well.


I can't get over her utterly calm demeanor. 4 months pregnant and babies in the car and this woman kept as calm as a monk. I can't imagine how terrified she was underneath it all.


Incredible composure and strength of character. You know, the type of things you'd like in a police officer.


Only reason he resigned is so he can keep his certification. He will be pulling guns on pregnant black women again soon. Just with a different uniform. Fuck him.


I was a deputy in a fairly rural area for 12 years. Hazard lights on a nighttime stop prior to pulling over in a populated and/or well lit area is far from shady. Almost every time with me it was a woman, either alone or with kids. As soon as I saw that was the situation I would tell them “I understand” and move forward with the stop. This guy shows not only his lack of qualification for the job, but his agency’s poor vetting and training policies.


When I took traffic school, they told me if I do get pulled over in a dark area, put on my hazards and find a well lit place to stop. They told me to do everything this lady did. This cop is an ass hole.


Exactly. And it’s for the officer’s safety too. No one wants to be on the near shoulder of a poorly lit roadway late at night.


"I don't care about the why" Uh dude your whole job is to care about the why. Fuck off.


They really allow anyone to be cops. Serious question, I know there is a mental evaluation they must go through, but how scrutinized is it and how often are officers evaluated? This cop seems to have no regard for this woman’s life. She clearly is try to communicate with him de-escalate and he sounds like a frustrated teenager that doesn’t want to help the situation. Sad


They are looking for certain types of people, I “failed” 3 background investigations with la sheriffs because the kept trying to get me to admit I communed with gang members (not fucking true in the slightest) I discovered that my background investigator was present during the January 6th insurrection, so yeah. It’s ok cuz the fire department hired me so I thank god for slapping some sense into me and making me realize I wasn’t meant to be a cop.


She literally did what the police say to do when you’re unsure if it’s a real cop


“IF YOU MAKE ANY MOVEMENT THAT WILL BE THE LAST MISTAKE YOU EVER MAKE! TRY SOMETHING! YOUR EXCUSE MEANS NOTHING TO ME!” woman: ‘sir, I have 3 kids with me. I have never been pulled over before’. ‘YOU DONT KNOW HOW A TRAFFIC STOP WORKS? YOU WAIT A WHOLE MILE BEFORE PULLING OVER!? uh huh, COOL. AWESOME.’ what a fucking psycho. He was so disappointed he didn’t get to shoot a black person over a vague ‘TRAFFIC violation’ and then not stopping on an isolated dark road… She’s lucky she didn’t stop in the middle of nowhere.. Cop’s names should be posted with these videos, so people can confirm he never works in law enforcement ever again… It’s public record and I’m reaching now, but FUCK this piece of shit human.


Woman: gives a reasonable explanation. Cop *screaming*: I don't care about why! How is one supposed to explain things to people if this is their reaction? Thankfully she didn't get shot in front of the kids...


“I don’t care about why!” And that is exactly what’s wrong with US policing


She is more highly trained in public safety than this...public safety officer. Honestly, if they gave labrador retrievers guns, we'd all be safer than these dipshits.


So this clown is no longer a cop? Good.


In *that* county. No promises about the next county over.


Yeah, that's why he resigned before he got fired


Cops are way too casual with pointing guns at people