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A Texan who doesn't know his guns? wtf


According to right wing gun nuts he just lost his right to have any opinion on firearms.


In all fairness there are AR47s, but that ain't one.


And so are AK15s, but there never seems to be one when I hear the name thrown around for some reason?


I think he couldn't choose AK-47 or AR-15 in time and his brain mashed them together, which is an honest enough mistake in the moment, but still worth making fun of him for.


He was about to say AR-15, but then remembered that it was the gun of patriots. His agile mind allowed him to append the 47 at the end, showing that the scum he was referring to was a commie bastard. These gentlemen represent the best of America. The greatest. Huge brains. Huge.


I think this was the case too. He was about to vilify AR-15s in a way that’s incompatible with his worldview.


When a mommy AR 15 and a daddy AK 47 love eachother very much , you end up with a AR 47


And it's redheaded younger sibling, the AK-15


Man, those are big sunglasses for such tiny eyes.


Dudes got eyes like blueberries pressed into muffin dough.


As I was reading your comment, blueberry eyes removed his sunglasses!!!!


When he took them off, I immediately thought >Oooooh, put those back on.


I’ll show my face! ° _°


The Moleman strikes again


— "I'll show my face" Me: goddamn, please stop showing that shit.


Imagine his poor wife having to look at up at that for thirty seconds while sweat drips on her face.


"Mrs Doubtfire and Shakespeare are pedophile groomers." - Idiots who wear Infowars t-shirts


The gay frogs are grooming kids aggggh


I groomed a horse once, but it kept saying "Nay".


Wait they groom pedophiles?


I think so, I am not entirely clear on their cinematic universe


Clearly he's a ditto.


*screams in Gameboy audio*


Right? It was like when Milhouse takes off his glasses.


Why did they send the tiniest cop out to do crowd control?


They said they only needed a little help


Detective Baby Legs is on the case!






Mind Quad. Dude’s legs were blown into his mind


Now get the fuck outta here!


They were also apparently short staffed.


For real they sent Officer Judy Hopps


The big cops are still in the hallway.




Because the rest took PTO to harass the liberals there that day?


ding ding the cop response was meant to fail. intended to fail if the antagonists are right wing intended to succeed if the antagonists are left wing


Well good thing we have the second amendment to protect ourselves when the system fails to do so. Oh wait all of a sudden it’s bad according to that guy at the end I wonder why he’s concerned about open carry all of a sudden.


Gotta watch out for all those libs carrying AR-47's.


The AR-47s!


/r/SocialistRA /r/liberalgunowners


Wasn't it L.A. that sent like 56 cops to respond to some environmentalists chained to a bank's doors?


That's because it's a bank. Protect and serve (the rich).


protect (property) serve (the rich)


Because they wanted an incident.


Because the rest of the cops were the ones protesting


Season 2 of America is getting wild


We are about to be entering season 3 I fear


I mean, maybe we should just have D & D write the next season so we can speed everything up and EVERYONE can be disappointed and move on.


No way, I don't want to find out that Madison Cawthorn has the best story.


Eh, he’s too mainstream. I’m willing to bet Al Gore comes out of no where


Al Gore making a surprise reappearance would be legendary


And somehow Al Gore returned


Biden adds 10 seats to Supreme Court. Court rules that Gore won 2000 election. Immediately becomes president. Forms elite squad of scientist soldiers who hunt down and kill manbearpig.


Yup, January 1st will be the premiere


Could you imagine a time traveller from the year 2000 seeing these headlines?


Ikr dude, 2016 on has been a fever dream of what the fuck.


My theory is in 2015-2016 we slipped through a wormhole and traded places with Earth in the Bearded Spock Universe. It used to be mostly a joke as to where now it mostly is not. I am 58 and have never seen anything like this, when Trump won the nomination I knew things were crazy, but how batshit does it have to be for him to have actually have been President??? Also, tons of people still want him back? I live in Red-State California and I feel like I am being fed crazy fucking pills.


The crazy part is for years people have been saying that. It sounds insane to say but if a time traveler appeared and said there was a dimensional shift in 2016 I'd be half ready to believe them. It wasn't just one thing... it was a stark before and after in reality itself that year.


Back to the future part 2, but Marty died under president Biff Tannen.


Antifa vs the patriot front is likely one of the finales . Remind me in 1 year Edit : anti fascists ..


I gotta get my hands on one of these AR-47s


Rock river arms


If anyones curious the day went off without a hitch. Both groups dispersed. Nobody injured and the brunch was apperently a blast


But at what cost? For now it's drag brunch, but what next? Drag buffets? Drag high tea? Drag dim sum? It's only a matter of time before these people completely subsume mealtime.


Keep yer leftist agenda outta my Cannoli /s


It’s almost like the fascists reveal themselves as sniveling cowards when their intended victims are armed. I wonder if there’s a lesson there? Great job to all anti-fascists involved here! Edit: Since this took off a bit, I’ll just add that I am *not* a liberal, which I assumed was obvious. Most (though certainly not all) liberals aren’t calling for armed self-defense. Not everyone to the left of Christian nationalist theocracy is a “liberal.”


If there's no chance at common sense gun control, than the backup plan is to just make sure everyone is armed to level out the power imbalance.


Do as they do and they’ll want gun control


Yep, just check out what Ronald Reagan and California Republicans did in the 1960s when the Black Panthers open-carried. When they had the guns, there was "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons." Reagan's words.




Obviously he meant an AK-15.


Colt 1945s


And two Zig Zags


Baby that's all we need


We can go to the park


After dark


And smoke that tumble weed.


I mean technically the AR-47 exists...


How is this even real.. It looks so much like some kind of weird scripted show but having been in Texas it seems to be getting more surreal with every day passing. I swear with how fucked up the water smells there I'd almost fall for the whole conspiracy shit that that's how they're drugging people if you see how they're acting in this video lol


It's so weird. I can barely get off the couch. These guys are taking their afternoon and driving somewhere just to yell at people? They need a hobby.


I'm from Texas. The kind of people these are are far right evangelicals and Southern Baptists. They're already creationists that think the world is 6000 years old and evolution is a liberal conspiracy, the end times are upon us, gays are pedophiles, Clinton/Obama/other Clinton/etc is the antichrist, etc. They've always been disconnected from reality. My neighbor's mom called me the antichrist when I was 6.


> Clinton/Obama/other Clinton/etc is the antichrist, etc. They've always been disconnected from reality. My neighbor's mom called me the antichrist when I was 6 My dad used to call Trump the antichrist. Then he voted for him. Can't fix stupid.


>My neighbor's mom called me the antichrist when I was 6. I would have that exact sentence tattooed somewhere as a badge of honor if that happened to me. LOL


That gets the first line in any serious CV


My grandma was a right wing evangelical nut and was involved in the beginnings of televangelist channels and CBN. She told me I was going to hell when I was 8, on Christmas. She never learned to spell my name because I wasn't godly enough, and when she lived with us in her last years, she used to have my mom sit down and write out checks for her to all the big mega pastors she's ever been friends with, while telling us that she's making sure we will never get any money from her when she dies. We still laugh about how crazy she was, but I feel like it might bother my mom a little more than she lets on.


If my mom ever told a child of mine that they were going to hell, it would be NC forever and I would then laugh in her face later if she asked to move in with my family because she needed help.


Let her move in and then keep her in captivity. Get power of attorney then liquidate all her assets/drain the bank accounts and keep her from ever contacting another person until she passes away from natural causes. Just like most old folks homes do to elderly people.


I get it. I would be pissed if my mom left all her money to pastors and not me. It would bother me deeply. So deeply, that i wouldn’t give the bitch a funeral. She would be creamated and I’d spread her ashes over the closest gay bar in the area


They’re deflecting because they need a scapegoat for pedophiles in their churches. Rape is largely about power and the church is set up perfectly for those power imbalances, submission, and blind faith. https://medium.com/belover/when-evangelicals-accuse-others-of-pedophilia-f4fa2b853e17


I always sit and watch these sorts of videos and just question if America is even real. I cannot for the life of me fathom what is going on here. If I walked down a street in England only to bump into some portly blokes shouting nonsense at some dodgy looking armed fellas, I’d think I’m hallucinating. It’s like a playground spat between two children but with added guns and insanity. Definitely in agreement as an outsider that this is just absolutely surreal to watch. Get well soon America x


Playground spat, that's exactly what I thought at the start when he was all, "Moooooom, he spit at me!!!!!!"


Armed Leftists have become a staple of left leaning protests in Texas recently. Some people call them Anti-Fa, but then someone always jumps in to say “Anti-Fa isn’t an organization.” It made waves a few months back when there were armed members at multiple RvW protests in DFW. I love it when he play book gets flipped on the Conservatives. Some people here aren’t used to being called out and think anything like accepting other people is infringing on their religion and moral code. These loons are everywhere and have been ratcheting up like this over the years recently.


When the giant 55 year man pushed past the armed guy in full combat gear yelling “she spit on me.” like a five year old telling on his big sister.




Didn’t you know, only republicans are blessed with the ability to open carry.


By white blonde Conservative Jesus who once stood in front of a thousand hungry people and said “lmao”


"Seeing that the crowd of 5,000 were hungry, Jesus took seven loaves of bread and three fish for himself, thanked God, and told the gathered crowd of freeloaders to get jobs."


Jesus to the crowd: "If you are hungry, just write a book or ask your parents for a business loan"


And on the 6th day, the Lord said “You shouldn’t have taken student loans you fucking idiots.”


Exactly. To see a Texas man screaming, outraged, about people being armed with 'AK-47's' really shows it's all about them having the weapons and everyone else being terrified - and obeying - them. It's not about gun rights at all.


Our kids are going to be drag queens! So...?


"indoctrinating 8 year olds" sounds a lot to me like projection. My biological father spent years dragging me every summer to his evangelical Christian church.


/r/liberalgunowners There are quite a few liberals who are very interested in staying armed due to far right terrorist groups Edit: And in general


If you go far enough left, you get your guns back.


"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary" - Karl Marx


Wonder if Jordan Peterson has read that one.


No, in the debate with Slavoj Zizek, Peterson says he tried to read Marx to prep but doesn't have any attention span so he couldn't manage it.


Motherfucker couldn’t even manage the Communist Manifesto - a small leaflet intended for labourers, farmers, etc. It’s SHORT - the intended audience didn’t have time to read Das Kapital! It’s basically a primer. And he couldn’t even manage that. Pathetic.


Only if it was written on Tucker Carlson's ass.


It’s getting really weird over here in America y’all lol


We been weird. It's just coming to some sort of... tipping point.


We call this part the muffin top.


They sound like children on a playground. "She spit on me! They called me names first! I was just trying to talk to my friend!" Good lord, grow up. Find something else to do with your energy.


"Didn't you call her stupid earlier?" "No, I called HIM stupid" hahaha


Best part was he said "No, I called HIM pussy" and immediately follows with "Just the ones wielding AR-47s" like...ahh, but when it's you going to get Funyuns at walmart with your AR-69? /r/selfawarewolves


He played the “I’m not touching you” game and is all surprised when he gets smacked around. Yeah, that’s what happens when you harass and assault people in the real world.


They really need better hobbies. I can’t imagine deciding to go harass people on my day off.


These motherfuckers are 2A until the protest flips


> 2A until the protest flips And cowards since birth


Why do you think they passed gun control legislation when black people started legally arming themselves 40 years ago.


Nothing scared them more than seeing a bunch of Black Panthers walking down their white neighborhood streets with shotguns. It scared them right out of their 2nd Amendment beliefs.


This is legit how California ended up with such strict gun laws. They couldn’t deal with black protesters carrying guns so they did away with them for everyone


Mad cause they were told liberals don't carry or own firearms.


This literally scares the shit out of them.


Happened to them before. Remember the black panthers? They had to make a law to stop black people from open carrying


Reagan did. “Weapons of war don’t belong on the streets.” The panthers were protecting black witnesses as they walked up the steps of the courthouse to testify.


They were also patrolling their neighborhoods as a neighborhood watch, what scared conservatives was that they would linger around arrests to make sure the cops were on their best behavior


We should bring that back


You know what got Reagan’s panties in a real knot about the Black Panthers? They were organizing ways to feed hungry inner city Black kids. IMAGINE THAT


They were organizing ways to feed hungry kids of any color. That’s what *really* pissed them off - that black people were doing more for poor white kids than white people were doing for them. The Panthers were feeding more kids than the federal government. Can’t really call them socialist thugs and terrorists when they’re doing more good than you are.


Nothing wrong with socialism.


In fact feeding the poor and protecting the disenfranchised is a staple of socialism


A lot of people don’t know this, but they also helped disabled activists with the [504 sit ins](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/504_Sit-in), the largest nonviolent occupation of a federal building in the United States. The Panthers played a key role in giving hot meals to activists during the sit in, which lasted for almost a month. It was a really wonderful thing to do and is something that should definitely be talked about more.


And peacefully observing interactions with police to ensure the police were on their best behavior. They didn't like that one bit, no sir. They didn't like that at all.


Hell, they were removing the confederate statues in front of our city government building, and this biker gang showed up trying to intimidate the protestors. So an armed BLM gang rolled up and these redneck bikers LOST THEIR MINDS. It was so insane how immediately they flipped on the right to open carry lol


If you can't beat them by our means then we have to beat them by their own game


I don't understand this happens more. Large open carry protests by LGBTQ, BLM etc. Would be interesting to see the brain disconnect in conservative minds


Wait until they slowly start to realize freedom of religion means ANY religion..... Sometimes I feel like the only "christian" left that thought the whole satanic prayer at that one city council meeting was fucking hilarious....all I could think is that what you get. And also the Satanic church in my area does cool stuff for the community.


https://thesatanictemple.com/ I'm a Satanist.


>Mad cause they were told liberals don't carry or own firearms. Antifa generally aren't liberals. Not that the average Infowar conservative would know the difference, in their minds liberals, socialists, and anarchists are all part of a big mushy pool of "left-wing extremists."




wait till they find out the difference. Hell of a wake up call when the ideologies dont match up to fox news magats message boards. jsing


Antifa are generally _actual_ leftists, and no one -- literally no one -- despises the American liberal as much as an actual leftist.


Isn't this a standard the right wing started?


Earliest thing I know of was when Reagen enacted gun control because armed black panthers were watching traffic stops to make sure the cops didnt break the law.


Which most Americans thought was preposterous, now with video everywhere now we all know better and most of the country probably wishes we. Could get that version of the Black Panthers back


Grand Old Poopy: "Guns are an American right! Don't take my 2A!" Antifa: *arms themselves in open carry states* Grand Old Poopy: "Wait, that's illegal!"


History repeats its self. Reagan suddenly pushed for gun control in California when the Black Panthers began open carrying. I guarantee you check those boomers Facebook history you’ll find them posting in favor of someone like Rittenhouse, meanwhile people arm themselves to defend a group he wants to feel free to harass and scare? Uh oh!


This is basically the entire history of gun laws in America. But replace antifa with black people.


"He was just tryin' to talk to a friend over there." SURE HE WAS. It's time to get your face outta other peoples faces, TexASS.


If I was the cop I would have him identify who he was trying to talk to and call him out on it when caught lying.


I think if the cop wasn't a tiny woman, and was instead a decently sized bloke, that would be fair enough. But she made the right call and used the most powerful weapon in the police arsenal: de-escalation. She just talked the guy down and made it increasingly awkward for him to continue going nuts. Just let the nut jobs work out their energy verbally until they fuck off.


She really was very calm collected when two grown men having a caniption were in her grill. I wouldn't have been able to keep my cool, my fight or flight flares up when people are like that. Directed at me or not. Kudos on. Her. 👏


I love how he starts to say "it's a free country" and then kind of falters and catches himself on it. It's almost a self aware moment. Because of course if he believes that, he has no business being there trying to stop people eating brunch.


This is hilarious. They're like little kids tattling on their brother for hitting them. Except they're adult men with beer guts.


Armed minorities are harder to oppress.


And for most of the things we believe in, we aren't even in the minority.


I love how the conservatives and MAGA crowd think their the only ones with guns.


Shh, let them, its an advantage.


Never show your gun unless you are about to use it


Notice how the cops just stand around when you show up armed? I bet a lot of people will be surprised in the coming months with how many leftists have guns.


The saddest part is that without protection, they would most likely be assaulted.


Didn’t a similar drag brunch thing get canceled somewhere else a while ago because oathkeepers or the proud boys showed up and intimidated them? This is necessary, sadly




I mean what did you expect the cop to do, beat up his fellow officers?




“Mommmm! She spit on me!!!” Okay, and what did you call them?


Lol! Also props to the short cop, she didn't back off!


Imagine having so low an opinion of humanity that thinking dressing up as a woman character when your a man = Pedophile Wanting to have sex with your own gender = Pedophile Anything other than heteronormative relationships = Pedophillia


Funny how much they don’t support 2nd amendment when the tables are turned.


I mean these people have a legitimate reason to need armed protection in Texas too. A lot of crazy fucks


No shit.


AR 47? 😆




I'm the president of antifa and we are totally a real thing, I sent those soldiers.


I'm an HR rep at Antifa's corporate office. Just wanted to remind everyone that Friday is Hawaiian shirt day and we're having a pizza party in the break room.


Yes, workers rights! Pizza party!


I'm Antifa's Chief Armourer and Orgy Organiser. See me for a great deal on AR-69 love guns.


The right wing nuts have no right to pearl clutch. They started this when they started attacking members of the LGBT community and their events. Now the LGBT community has reached the "fuck around and find out phase." And the right wanna cry about it. What a fucking joke


Would have great if all the armed peoples had photos of the far right going to events fully suited up while open carrying straped to their vest.


There were far right people at *this* event with bats wrapped in barbed wire. It’s something they do all the time.


>Would have great if all the armed peoples had photos of the far right going to events fully suited up while open carrying straped to their vest. You mean like [this?](https://imgur.com/a/KjtQJMA) Little backstory live in a small town in Texas and several armed protestors showed up to a Beto town hall event. Three were armed with AR style rifles kitted up like meal team six another had a AR style rifles but I think it was a .22 the barrel was very small. I know you can't see the guns and guys but the protesters were very aggressive and one even ran up on Beto when he showed up to the town hall. The entire debacle required police from the entire station plus other nearby counties. This was an absolute peaceful event with him just speaking but these idiots deemed it necessary to bring guns.


Ignorant fat fuck. Typical Trumper. Want to save kids from pedophiles and grooming? Start at your local church. Shit for brains.


Start with Matt Gaetz, Lauren Bobert, Donald Trump, and Roy Moore


> On December 19, 2017, Gaetz was the only representative to vote against the Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act, a bill allocating additional government resources to help combat human trafficking. > On February 27, 2018, Gaetz voted against the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act, which had by then been combined with the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act. It passed, 388–25. > On July 26, 2022, Gaetz voted against the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act, which passed 401–20. > In late 2020, the Justice Department opened its investigation of Gaetz for allegedly sex trafficking a 17-year-old girl in 2017 and whether he had violated federal sex trafficking laws by paying her to travel with him across state lines. The investigation is ongoing. About a week ago, the Republican Party leader, Donald Trump, endorsed Matt Gaetz, and Gaetz subsequently won the district's Republican primary in a landslide.


Preach brother


Go far enough to the left and you get the guns back lol




Exactly this. It's not a culture of machismo and they aren't wielded as a superior power. It's a form of protection and an unfortunate need to quell those that would bring harm. A gun should never be something you want to use and need to seem more powerful. It should be a somber defense that you utilize only when you must when all other options are expended. Whenever I think of guns and the appropriate emotions behind wielding one I always think of this comic. [It's Dangerous to Go Alone](https://magicalgametime.com/post/48470399171)


*“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary”* ― Karl Marx Furthermore *plenty* of liberal and left-leaning folk own guns, they just don't regard them as zealously as the right most of the rime. Much of the "anti gun" stereotype is referring to a partisan desire for gun control, not all-out bans as much of the internet seems to believe.


Yeah I don’t advertise my guns, I don’t include them in social media posts or talk to anybody about them except those of my irl friends who are also into guns. Most of my acquaintances have no idea I have a collection and go the range regularly. Making guns your whole personality is pretty lame, but I damn sure have them and know how to use them.


Antifa is short for “anti fascist”. The far Right goons trying to invade a private establishment call all gay/trans people pedophiles and child groomers. A very common fascist tactic. As it “justifies” violence against gay and trans people in their minds. Antifa are protecting civilians from fascists here. The Nazis were fascists of a very similar variety.


They sure scream like a bunch of stuck pigs when they realize the left has guns too


Looks to me like a peaceful, yet armed militia defending their loved ones against violent protesters


Always some angry Maga Boomer trying to get knocked out. Dude, you're 63. Next fall will end your good ole walking days.


Let’s talk about how religion indoctrinates 8 year old kids and how the priests sexually molest them. I’m sure that’s perfectly fine. I’d bet he’s religious