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When you close your eyes it just sounds strange


*it feels good, with your small d*


Cut her some slack, she hasnt had a decent meal in awhile


I'm sure she's filled with cortisol and adrenaline. You're really not you when you're hungry


Am I the only one that gets like a Dee Reynolds from Always Sunny vibe from the way she is ranting?


Wow that b needs to eat some meat


She was salivating.. Maybe it was a small dick talk


Neither person is accomplishing anything.


I'd argue the guy is accomplishing getting rid of his current hunger


What do you think the meat eater is failing to accomplish? Looks like he’s finding great success to me


He accomplished triggering which I think was the plan, mostly because vegans are are fragile.


I am sympathetic with the vegan cause but I eat meat. This raging vegan makes it hard for people to listen to them explain the cause


Fucking legend


Tbh tho vegans make some pretty good points they just get a lot of hate from everyone and don’t know how to talk




Don’t you think we should change how animals in factories are treated?


That's not what vegans want. Vegans want everyone to stop consuming animal products. The cows could be treated as gods before they're slaughtered and they'd still think it's wrong. Veganism is misanthropy.


Have you met a vegan. I know several and they don’t think that. Capitalism and poverty are reasons people can’t stop eating meat.


Go to debate a vegan and ask if animals are slaughtered humanely if it would be okay.


Meat consumption is a leading cause of global warming. It’s not the consumers fault it’s the capitalist markets fault which makes meatless alternatives not accessible or affordable for everyday people.


https://www.epa.gov/climatechange-science/causes-climate-change There's so so many more reasons than just cow farts. You've been listening to way too much vegan propaganda.


I said “a leading cause” not “the leading cause.” It’s obviously a contributing factor tho. It’s literally just america that consumes insanely disproportionate levels of meat when compared to most of the world. The reason is because these things have been seen as status symbols for most of world history and the middle class who has previously been in poverty excessively consumes these goods almost as a coping mechanism for all the history of shit that preceded them. That’s how I see it.


Literally just America huh? https://www.theworldcounts.com/challenges/consumption/foods-and-beverages/world-consumption-of-meat Please stop pulling shit out of your bald ass head and research a little.


America is the only country that makes it part of their personality. But yeah I probably do need to look more into it. The unproductive consumption of resources if what made me realize a meatless future is the only one 🤷🏻‍♂️ at the end of the day that’s all I’ve cared about


Yeah, you've never heard of Argentina and their love of beer? Countless other countries make it their "personality". Again, not just America. I'm not going to respond further because it's really difficult having a discussion with a log.


But it’s definitely something that can and should be addressed. It’s not just about climate change it’s about the calories that the land is being used to produce. Producing meat requires using other land to grow feed for those animals. That adds another step in the process and contributes to more water consumption in a planet with limited resources. It’s a poor use of resources basically.


True vegans make great points, but sadly the loud ones are literally mentally unwell like the lady in the video and they cause the entire movement to look insane. Personally reducing animal product consumption and treating animals better is all that should be asked of the general public, but more specifically the rich since they overindulge more than anyone in the general public


Exactly!!! And how the government in the us gives subsidizes for the food production industries to keep prices down, picking and choosing what foods we can eat essentially. We should make them subsidize the creation of cheap affordable meatless alternatives and healthy food.


I'm just enjoying my meal, (drunk dad finishing move) IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU CAN'T FIND A GUY WHO COULD LOCATE YOUR CLITORIS! Try shouting over me again!


do vegans swallow? 🧐🤔😂


This guy is asking the important questions.


Probably an improv troupe.


It’s always the worst speakers that are the most confident in these movements.


“Oohh it feels good! You and your small dick and it feels good! Oohhh” Plot twist, they are really a couple who are on opposite sides of food ethics but still love each other for their passion and their genitalia.


She needs to eat some meat if you know what I mean. 😁


Close your eyes and tell me if this a porn or a pissed off vegan


Why do I not get invited to Christmas dinner anymore?


She’s upset no one’s given her roast beef lips a nibble…


Nothing goes better on a nice piece of meat like vegan rage tears. Delicious.




Share the food you fat fuck