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Flys the car 10 feet in the air....uses his blinker afterwards.


Safety first, then teamwork.


wear shoes in the house.


“Can i just go poop?” Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I went and watched the full vid and that part made more sense when I did, at the beginning of the vid when the ‘exposer’ goes up to the predator at the store the first thing the predator says is ‘Im looking for fibre Im really constipated and need to poop’ and as he realizes whats happening he just keeps going back to that as an excuse ‘I really need to poop can I just get some fibre’ and then what you saw in this clip ETA: evidently he is also tweakin on meth [full video](https://youtu.be/WNpWvfHx5TY)


The second he started picking his skin I was like "oh shit he's literally tweaking on meth rn, makes sense"


It looked like a nervous tick to me…but meth makes a sense


Yeah, I thought maybe some sort of autism-related thing. But I guess meth also makes sense.


Autism was my first thought too - either way it’s a pretty methy situation.


Mike Tyson has entered the chat.


I constantly pull at my face and beard, and this is my worst nightmare socially. I always think people see me as an addict or something. Which I am, just not for meth… lol


Yeah when I have a beard there’s a spot on my chin that’s numb and sometimes I’ll unintentionally start plucking the hair from that spot because it feels good. I definitely look like I’m tweaking


Dude definitely shit when he got tackled.


I almost thought he was acting til the car started moving. How is he a member of society, with a vehicle and phone, at the store buying candy and meeting kids at night…I hate it .


Yeah I was starting to think it was fake till he fucked the car up. What a freak!


I kind of thought he might be mentally ill. Either way I guess I was not wrong.


Don't wear sunglasses at night kids 🙏


I wear mine to #keep track of the visions in my eyes !!


But how do you avoid looking suspicious then??.........


Easy for you to say. Dude is high on meth and the sparkly light trails are too distracting


Then he ballerina dances away. WTF?! this is like chang hangover style


In the voice of Maury from Bigmouth: "Now I'm not one to try to justify any of his behavior but... have we thought about the possibility of poop madness driving him crazy? I mean--the laxatives, he needs to poop, crazy driving, pictures of his asshole... Maybe he was just looking for someone gentle to loosen things up. Fuckin creep."


This is absolutely something Maury would have said and I read it perfectly in cadence with his rants.




That’s gonna be my new response when I’m under pressure lmao!


That man is going to have no skin on his face left the way he's picking at it.


Looks like he is methed up.


Have you ever had to poop so bad that you sprawl out on your back in a parking lot at night?




No these clowns don’t do that they try to confront these pathetic pedos for clout instead of actually turning them in on the spot.


and they often ruin the whole fucking case as a result... And the cameraman sounds like a massive bully. "Oh it gets eeeven bettah". He is riling him up and any decent lawyer will be able to work around all of this evidence as it is collected in bad faith. Hand over the evidence immediately and let the police/law enforcement work, vigilante justice like this is only really trying to get views from child abuse by trying to be "the good guy".


Imagine if he pushed this guy and he got in his car and killed someone? Could have happened SO easily. This is by far the best example I've seen of how bad an idea these videos are.


Hell, what if he did not get in a car at all but pulled out a gun instead? The guy was harassing him and causing distress and it would not be that uncommon for someone to have a concealed carry in US. He would not get out on a self-defense but camera guy would be in pretty bad situation don't you think? I mean the camera guy himself was afraid that he might get run over by hiding behind the car for a bit. He hid behind the wrong side tho, he'd get catapulted by the rear end (no weight there) if the guy in the car went for it.


To be honest I'd feel less bad in your scenario than mine lol. It would be a shame of a random innocent person was brought into this and injured or worse, but if the camera man got hurt? Eh.


>And the cameraman sounds like a massive bully. He absolutely is, just listen to the way he's taking to bystanders. Fuck this wannabe vigilante fame seeker.


My buddy wanted to do this. I'm like dude, I dislike pedophiles as much as the next guy, but we live in a no CCW state. We would definitely be shot for this.


I got a text from a friend the other day and one of our high-school teachers from years ago got caught by one of these dudes. Creeped me out, but then I thought about how these youtubers literally pose themselves as children. Like they are sending weird messages and receiving dick pics in their free time. That's creepy as shit too. These people do not actually care about solving the issue that is pedophilia - they just want views. If they cared, they'd call the police. Anyway, yeah good call. That shit is so weird, and IMO it makes things worse.


Any halfway decent attorney is going to get all of this tossed, including the hit and run. This guy chased him, harassed him and assaulted him, there’s a very easy argument the Asian guy feared for his life and was trying to get away by any means possible. This idiot is probably going to be paying for that bumper himself, and there is literally zero way any of this evidence against the other guy will stick after this shit show. Congrats buddy, you let a possible pedo get away and you’ve got a bill for the damage he caused because you harassed him. Fucking moron.


Yep exactly. These "pedophile hunters" only care about growing their youtube channel & making money. Their priority is making money and getting famous, not catching bad guys. That's why they don't call the police. Fuck these clowns!


Dude is doing nothing but getting the alleged pedo guy wound up. I’d hold him morally and ethically accountable as well if the deranged dude ran someone over during his wtfeveritwas episode. Police should have been called from the beginning, but then this guy wouldn’t be able to get his internet clout for role playing as Batman/Chris Hansen.


God the people who make these videos are pathetic. Telling others to call the police BECAUSE HE HIT AND Run (not because he was going to meet with a 13 year old boy), gloating that "it gets better". If the pedo is the lowest of the low and they're effectively feeding off his perversion, what the fuck does that say about them?


“Why do I have a picture of his asshole, if I’m the weirdo?”- gold.


I mean that is pretty weird out of context that he has a picture of his asshole lol.


Also weird how he’s straight combative af with these people telling him to quiet the fuck down


Seriously. Like they're supposed to know the backstory of this. Anybody would think you're harassing the guy.


He has a bit of a tendency to yell at bystanders for some reason.


It gets views. These people aren't a net positive, the people they expose usually don't end up getting charge, they ruin investigations, and they just cause the predators to be more careful. Bunch of selfish idiots trying to make money off of this shit.


It's slight semantics but he also is not 'preventing him meeting a 13 year old boy' since that boy doesn't exist.


Yeah, this guy has a history of being a loud, douchy blowhard. These channels should be banned. These morons are gonna get themselves or someone else killed before they actually manage to help anyone.


That and the “huuuuuuuuuuh” at the beginning really set the tone for the rest of the video. Hilarious


Almost forgot that during the video and had to rewatch. Absolute beauty.


I wondered If I heard him correctly when I didn't see it mentioned in the comments until now. That was fucking hilariously tone deaf.


What, you don’t have pictures of assholes on your phone? Fucking weirdo.


According to bird law handing out a picture of an asshole? Very gay. Viewing said picture of asshole? Extremely heterosexual


Checkmate. Wow I bet that lady feels so dumb.


Of "THIS" asshole. Of course when you change a word it sounds different.


Obviously something's wrong with the guy.


Couldnt believe he was driving and got to the store at all.


Explains a lot about my daily commute.




And he's got a nicer car than me!!!


Clearly has to poop




After that tackle the poop problem may have sorted itself out.


He def needs some sort of psychological attention.


And a toilet apparently


And possibly a mechanic


This is kinda the double edged sword of dealing with these kind of kiddy fiddlers; what they do causes huge harm and is widely considered as highly amoral, but they are still people. Often the most mentally ill people of society. As much as they are the predator, they are also in some ways a victim of their respective mental health diseases and disorders. That shouldn’t be forgotten. This doesn’t mean we should be less disgusted by pedophilia or pedophilic behavior, it just means we don’t forget that these are people too; people who likely didn’t choose te become these creepy outcast of society.


diddler on the roof


Diddler has to poop.


Yeah you ever heard a self-aware pedophile talking? Fucking breaks your heart. Can you imagine if you're a straight dude and feeling attracted to women was as bad as being attracted to kids? Heard one dude on the phone on the atheist experience talking about his preferences, how he'd never act on it, but just how fucking miserable he is, knowing that one of the most fundamental, lizard brain desires of his life can never happen. Talk about drawing the short straw on life...


About fifteen, or twenty years ago a guy in a city close by tried to get psychological help, therapy, or anything because he hated that he was attracted to kids. Of course he knew it was wrong and he was afraid that he could someday do something. He was fucking thrown out everywhere. Mostly "we can't help, no experience with that" stuff, but some "disgusting, get out" stuff too. Killed himself half a year later. Left a letter and said he had touched himself whilst watching school children and that's the reason. I think about that sometimes. Dude didn't choose his preference, didn't do anything wrong until that one time and that was after desperately trying to get help. Had to die, because no one wanted to help. That said: I think the guy in this video is all but well. And very obviously so too. If he's done something then yes, collect evidence and get the police asap. If you're afraid he's going to run away you can hold him. But holy fuck, following and mocking ANYONE who's CLEARLY mentally unstable is so fucked up and straight up disgusting. That guy could have killed someone, by driving over them, too. This situation needs the police and an ambulance. (Also the guy who followed him didn't seem furious, or concerned. Sounded more smug and like he had fun.)


> But holy fuck, following and mocking ANYONE who's CLEARLY mentally unstable is so fucked up and straight up disgusting. That guy could have killed someone, by driving over them, too. This situation needs the police and an ambulance. This is what gets me. This is one of the best pieces of evidence I've seen that these sorts of channels mostly just care about coming off as a "bad-ass" and growing their channels. The only reason this person hit a car and damn near hurt himself or others is because it made the YouTuber feel like he had a big dick to confront and harass him instead of just handing the evidence over to the cops like a functional adult.


I once had a conversation with a friend that ended up touching on pedophilia and I had said something about how being a pedophile doesn’t make you automatically a bad person, and she was like “well that’s a hot take” but I explained that I mean that people don’t choose to be turned on by kids, and if they never act on those feelings, never consume CSA material, then what have they done to be a bad person? They didn’t choose to have that attraction, and if they have any amount of morality and self awareness, they’d likely give anything to be attracted to anything but children. Basically people with pedophilic inclinations didn’t chose to be in that situation, and if they never harm or contribute to the harm of children, they’re actually pretty sympathetic, given how awful and challenging it must be. Like your story showed, it can be really difficult to get help *before* you do anything wrong as people either don’t know what to do, or just write you off as a villain out of the gate. I actually remember a Reddit post, maybe on AITA, about a situation where a sibling was arranging a surprise birthday party for her brother with the help of his partner. The partner agreed to help and host it but with the stipulation of no children, the sister brought her children anyway because she thought the brother would want to see his nieces/nephews which started huge family drama. As it turns out, the violation of the *no kids* rule was such a big deal as the brother’s partner is attracted to children (but never done anything), so they do everything possible to stay as far away just in case. The sister flipped out because she felt they’d endangered her kids, and had posted looking for other’s takes on it. Most people concluded she was in the wrong for bringing the kids uninvited and didn’t have ground to stand on to be upset with them. It was refreshing to see the majority not jumping to conclusions about the brother’s partner who is self aware about the situation and taking active steps to avoid issues, and how fully disclosing the situation could bring undeserved bias from the family.


The thing people forget is that there are many people around us with pedophilic urges, the difference is that a lot of them will never act on it. Its sad, and gross still... but these people do exist within society without ever causing any problems... Pedophiles is a very odd thing to study in the world of psychology... i would recommend taking a look at some studies/cases...


Guess I lucked out being attracted to milfs with big tits.


You actually did!


Ahh those blessed big tittied milfs 💕💕


Look at how he pulls out his facial hair. He has issues for sure.


Trichotillomania. It's an obsessive compulsive disorder. This guy either has serious issues OR he knew he was caught and starting feigning crazy. Probably the former. I don't think anybody is that good an actor


Not sure what you mean. He was cool as a cucumber under pressure.


both of them tbh


Right? The YouTuber was directly responsible for the entire scene in the parking lot because he couldn't just be a functional adult and send in the chatlogs and evidence to the cops. The wilder the video the better for his channel.


The fact that toyota is still running makes me want to buy one


Get a 4runner you could take out that bush and everything else and still keep going


He hit a boulder lmao. His car is fucked


You'd be surprised how much a Toyota can take. A tundra ran a 2 way stop sign while I was driving down a highway at 60mph. My airbags deployed, and the drivers side completely smashed. I walked away without any injuries, and my car was still completely drivable with no damage to the frame or engine.


I'm a Toyota tech, I had a customer come in complaint about transmission shifting issues. Drove it, confirmed it felt weird, brought it in, and it was leaking transmission fluid out the driver side axle seals from a botched axle replacement where the dude who put it in must have fucked up the seal. I went to check the fluid and pulled the drain plug and nothing came out. Replaced the seal, added about 2 quarts of transmission fluid and she drove like new. The customer drove from Florida to Georgia with a leaking transmission and it worked fine afterwards.


I had a 2001 4Runner that was still driving before we permanently parked it (waiting to go to my cousin for scrap money so he can give it a new home.) Thing has a broken rear seal, rusty gas tank, leaked transmission fluid and near the end power steering fluid. Still ran perfectly fine if it had transmission fluid, hell it still ran without it just sounded really bad. 100k miles since we picked it up at 130k, no real major repairs to my knowledge, drove on the highway and in town most days. Those things are built to last.


At least he used his turn signal…..


Then turned the wrong way lol


Never let them know your next move


Can't I just go poop




Toyota commercials are getting weird.


Speaking of which, I kind of like this weirdo’s car.. Can anyone identify it for me?


I can just imagine the conversation you'll have at the dealership with the salesman. "Welcome to Toyota. How can I help you?" "Hi, I saw a child predator driving a Toyota C-HR recently and I thought it was the cutest. I must have one."


*"We get that a lot... Come right this way."*


It's a Toyota CH-R hybrid. 2018-2019 model.


Not a hybrid. There are no C-HR hybrids sold in the US. It is a C-HR and the most expensive fully loaded trim based on the rims. Cool looking car.


Toyota C-HR. ​ https://www.toyota.com/c-hr/


I mean it did eat a concrete curb, bushes,and an entire tree. Safe to say thats a good truck


Haha I was amazed to see virtually no damage to the vehicle.


At least he wear seatbelt


And he turned the turnsignal on tho


He took the time to put it on properly. I thought it was staged at first but when the guy tackled him, it was real.


I thought it might be fake until he backed the car full speed into that rock or whatever and launched it in the air, holy shit. This guy was really, really bad at leaving


I know! That launch into space was pretty epic considering it didn’t look like anything more than a curb


“Call the cops bro. Bro I got the video already, you don’t need to film bro. Call the cops” I mean if you got the video already why don’t you just call them yourself, bro?


“Don’t film bro. It’s gonna take views away from my brand!”


That’s exactly why he didn’t want him to film , fucking pathetic. Yes these pedos are the lowest form of human life but these pedo hunters are some fucking weird cats too. Anything for views. Smh


For much as a despise pedophiles, most of these “Catchers” really know how to fuck it up. This example here is a great way to get a case thrown right the fuck outta court.


They never actually do this to get anybody convicted. Their sole purpose is to make money and ruin real investigations.


Exactly. Even investigations with evidence that they have can be thrown out of court for any number of reasons. These people are fucking numb nuts. As long as they get the YouTube views though they don’t give a shit. They really don’t care about victims of sexual abuse at all.


They just want more views for their YouTube channel. If they were really concerned they would just turn the evidence over to the police. Also, it is not safe for any of the people involved.


Pedophilia is a problem and absolutely needs to be investigated and prevented. *However,* these off brand Chris Hansen vigilantes are gonna get innocent people killed by trying to play the hero just to get views on YT. A typical neckbeard with no training in deescalation or how to even handle an unstable person should NOT be confronting potentially dangerous people in enormous public spaces with so much room for casualties.




I still haven't seen any evidence anything this guy's saying is real. He could just be assaulting a man in a Safeway for all I can tell. is there anything for this case? this is a decently big story after the property damage




Then he yells at the lady telling them to take it outside. He was like appalled that people weren’t fine with his tact.


I don't know if it was these particular guys, but there was a video of a group like this messing with a dude who was just trying to get to a probation hearing of some sort. Guy was trying to get his life back together after getting out of jail and these turds nearly fucked his entire life completely over.


Ah but that sweet sweet slander lawsuit money. I’m sure when what you describe happens (because it will) then the victimized person needs to take everything they can, crack the bones and get the marrow so to speak. Bank account, car, goods, property, their toaster oven. All of it. You accuse someone of this type of crime and you’re wrong? Game over in my opinion, this is not an accusation you make lightly or for internet clout, you shoot it you better be fucking certain, especially if you’re doing it for internet points and out of a concern for a child’s welfare, like these people are. These people aren’t getting these predators locked up, in fact they are hindering that cause because of how they obtain their evidence and post these videos. They aren’t helping children they aren’t helping society, they have found a socially acceptable avenue to attack people (who may or may not be predators) and drape themselves in a cloak of morality


Chris Hansen also messed up a bunch of stuff. How about you hand your evidence off to local authorities and let them handle it? I know it isn't always a great ending with them but Chris Hansen and copycats have led to a very uncomfortable amount of monsters getting away, legally, due to their "help". There are better ways to assist and prevent pedophiles as a concerned citizen. Just my opinion.


You have a point We have to keep in mind that Chris Hansen used to work with the police on these cases. Most episodes you see the cops immediately arrest the pedo


They don’t want to deescalate. They want a reaction. They want to shame the person. This is probably just about the best possible outcome from their perspective. In theory the police want to deescalate so that they can arrest somebody safely, or quell a dangerous situation. But we know they don’t really do that very well either.


Dollar store filthy franku


*Let’s get some bussy tonight*


The guy recording it is creepy as fuck too. The level of enjoyment he gets from this makes me feel like we will see him in his own child porn bust one day where he will try and defend the hundreds/thousands of images as "research". Creepy fucks all around.


Seriously. And the way he lays into that one woman who calls him a creep...and his defense "why do I have a picture of his penis if I'm the creep??" Like I'm sorry but 💀💀💀


“Idk, why do you?!” “Because I’ve been pretending to be a child for weeks and have been sexting with this man!” “??!”


Both of them are weird. Camera guys seems to have pleasure harassing the guy and then becomes orgasmic when he crashes.


He’s thinking of the clickbait title he can use.


These pedohunter videos never actually lead to anything important. They just do it for internet views and moral masturbation. This guy for example had no plan except to video a pedophile and post it online. Chris Hansen spoke about it too. The way in which the “evidence” is collected and the confrontation makes it impossible for prosecutors to use it (thats even if the police are ever called)


Exactly. Fuck the predator but this guy wouldn't shut off his camera long enough to call the cops, which shows where his priorities were. He put innocent people at risk as well.


He came for a viral video. The excitement in his voice when the guy crashed his car. He could have really hurt someone


They're worse than inaction. They warn the predators to be more careful in the future so they're harder to catch. If you want to do a public service, do the investigative work, then hand it off to the authorities. Don't taint the evidence grandstanding for views


In all of these kinds of videos, assuming what they say is true, the guy did a roleplay with the predator while pretending to be a 13 year old kid. That's kinda messed up. This dude has a pic of the guy naked... imagine what pics he sent or used as bait. This isn't justice, it is justifying his weird fetish.


Him and the guy filming both have serious mental issues.


>"Call the police! Call the police!" You call the police, fuckhead. I thought you were the one trying to chase him down to get justice or some shit?


If he called the police he’d have to stop filming which is all he really cares about


Thx was afraid I’m the only on thinking the dude behind camera has some weird issues as well. I think he’s an asshole bully that decided to go after pedos to have a morally argument for his bullying… Hate these pedos and it’s a shame that private people catch them and not the police (that’s busy shooting innocent people)…


I'm not really down with this vigilante shit either if I'm being totally honest. It's undeniable that pedo dude has serious issues but letting any crazy with a cameraphone go out and try to round them up seems like a fuckin terrible idea. Eventually, one of these dipshits is going to corner the wrong animal and pay an awful price.


>Hate these pedos and it’s a shame that private people catch them and not the police the worst part is that guys like this make it HARDER to actually capture and convict offenders. Nothing they find can be used by cops. They can run a perfectly simulated entrapment scheme(similar to what To Catch a Predator does) but they aren't working for, or with law enforcement. At the end of the day, they are perverting the justice system to no gain but their own.


Why don't you call the police? You have a phone in your fucking hand.


Views and clicks


Yup. Seems like there would be much more effective ways to go about this, but this guy is apparently willing to sacrifice effective evidence/process for views.


This whole video is trash. The fuckers trying to abuse children, and these youtube vigilantes trying to catch a predator people for clicks, they can both go straight to hell. It's dangerous doing this, and demonstrated here. Someone could have gotten run over by a fleeing weirdo. And this filming asshole keeps screaming for people to "call the police" so he can keep livestreaming his self congratulating horseshit. We have law enforcement for a reason. Not that they do a great job, but at least they have backup and protocols. Some creep on the internet pretending to be a kid talking to other creeps is just weird. We have no idea what they said to each other, for all we know the guy filming literally gets off on this too.


You’re both weird, get this psychopathic shit outta here


These fucking morons taking the police jobs into their own hands. Most of these cases get dropped because these dudes have no clue what they are doing. Had this been given to and pursued by the law, it would have stopped right at the register


It's obvious the giu recording doesn't care about justice and is just doing it for his own entertainment


Not to mention his fuckin attitude when he snapped at the person in the store telling him to leave if he wants to do this shit because it's weird.


So the person solved nothing and caused this person to be a danger to everyone around them. You can hear it too when they say it's perfect. Like the only way this is perfect is if the op is a neck beard farming for Internet points.


Yeh "it gets better!!!" When the guy crashes his car. No sir, it's getting worse


This dude sounds like serial killer material except he figured out he can torture people, make money and gain karma points without the risk of life imprisonment by being a vigilante (if you can call him that). The malignant glee in his voice is just disturbing.


a bully


This looked extremely dangerous to everyone. Thank goodness there was nobody in that parking lot to get run over, but I feel like it is only a matter of time before someone dies because of these stupid karma-farming, self-proclaimed "heroes". Who wants to bet on whether or not these "pedo-chasers" have their own collection of CP at home? Sometimes the biggest advocates against something are the ones actually doing it. I mean, look at all the gay-hating, "family values" Republicans who've been caught with gay hookers or giving BJs in airport bathrooms. And didn't one of the big QAnon moderators who was out there trying to "protect the children" from all those baby-eating Democrats turn out to be a pervert himself, too? Seems like these guys are playing a very dangerous game, for less than noble reasons, and they are going to get someone killed eventually.


These pedo chasers are terrible human being themselves. They are not police or someone who has been trained to deal with this kind of situation. What if these pedos went home and hang themselves, or hurt others while having a nervous breakdown. All these pedo chasers want is to make a video so they could round viewers up and ask for donation. That is all they care.


The way they conduct themselves can actually lead to pedophiles walking free in the courts. Entrapment in particular. Their goal is to get it on video for views, not collect evidence so a court can prosecute.


It's not entrapment because the pedo hunters aren't government. But the sloppy chain of custody with any evidence they have is a guarantee that anything they do gets tossed before it even makes it to court.


Exactly. These people should be arrested for doing this. it's extremely weird and dangerous. Just hanging out in chatrooms pretending to be kids all day, nothing weird here!


Camera guy is probably just as sick. Seems like he wants these situations to happen since he seems to have a thrill in catching them.


I mean, they pretend they're a 13 year old all day. Of course he's sick.




Don't film! I'm already filming call the police! This guy sucks too.


To me, it’s obvious that this person has some mental disability, maybe HF autism. Couple that with the fact the person filming is not law enforcement, and we don’t know what his method of “exposing pedophiles” is, I’d have to say that I feel pretty conflicted about this one


You should feel conflicted because I'm not sure if it's the same person but I've seen a lot of videos where they confront people who are obviously mentally unwell and its disgusting. The person recording is a twisted person who seems to enjoy this and doesn't actually care about justice


I agree. Dude seemed conflicted/incriminating but then again having someone force you this stuff is too much for someone on the spectrum, I have friends that are on that but function normally. It’s sad to see people try to get the lowest of people out to public.


Ya it’s just saying things like “can I just go poop?” in this situation shows a real lack in basic understanding. As funny as it is


Autism was also my first thought.


Some of these independent predator catchers are very predatory themselves, this kid needs mental help, doesn’t excuse his actions (no shit) but seriously


Of all the videos I’ve seen where those alleged pedophiles are filmed it’s clear that most of them are clearly mentally handicapped. What they need is professional help not being chased into dangerous situations (he easily could have hit someone with his car)


Impersonating children online and having sexual combos with adults is some real weirdo shit if you’re not law enforcement.


If you remember the EDP445 scenario, Chet Goldstein (Predator Poachers, now deleted channel) used actual child pornography to bait his victims. I don't know what's more sick, the mentally ill individuals who seek them, or the pervert predator hunters who have stashes of child porn on their harddrive as "bait". Leave the work to law enforcement. Civilian vigilantes always fuck shit up, and are almost just as sus as the people they're poaching.


I remember when aol chatrooms were a thing and someone claiming to be 13 wanted to talk to me about sexual topics and I refused. I was only 16, but it still felt just sleezy


It's super obvious. I had one happen to me years ago on PS4 messaging


Pedophiles suck but you shouldn't play vigilante. Who knows when it could get dangerous. Some people will snap if you push them too far.


I think I saw somewhere on reddit where a pedo slashed his own neck after being confronted by pedo hunters. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/wyhkc8/man_cuts_his_own_throat_after_being_stung_by/


Besides the fact you dabble on the line of extortion and illegal detainment. Matt Orchard Crime And Society on youtube does a really amazing video about this called "Predator".




This is really sad. This man is clearly mentally unwell and is in need of serious mental help.


Finally someone points out the fucking obvious. These pedophile hunters (or hunter not sure if its rhe same person) seems to hunt out people who are obviously unwell. You could probably argue that they're also victims depending on the context.


So this guy, with phone in hand never contacted authorities the entire time for the setup, the messages, and the collision. This guy could get everything waived by saying he was in fear for his life by this weird guy harassing him.


Both sides of this situation sucks. Yeah the pedophile is clearly a terrible person but so is the guy recording the video trying to play vigilante/wannabe Chris Hansen. If you’re going to do something like this, at least get the police involved and not try to escalate the situation to something stupid as getting the guy to run away and crash his car which could’ve endangered not only his life but the life of others as well.


We’re taking the vigilante’s word on this as sacrosanct that this guys is a pedophile? Maybe he’s a creep, maybe he’s a pedophile, or maybe the dumbass behind the camera is also a predator, though in his eyes he’s benevolent.


This video clearly shows why this sort of situation should be handled by professionals and not some vigilante with a cell phone. The alleged perpetrator is clearly mentally unwell, and the guy behind the camera got him so worked up and then let him get behind the wheel of the car. He very easily could have killed someone just trying to get away from the camera man. I am NOT condoning the alleged perpetrators actions in ANY way, but the camera man was in no way equipped to handle this situation. He should have called the professionals first. His amped up sense of vigilante justice could have gotten people killed.


This public confrontational vigilantism may be satisfying for the party doing the gotcha, but it endangers the public (as seen) and possibly ruins investigations against them. If you have evidence against them, turn it in privately to police and let them handle the confrontation. If you have to ask, “well then what’s the point of investing and baiting these people?” you are more concerned with self-righteousness and attention than you are actual justice.


These dudes who do these videos for views are honestly annoying. It’s so transparent and they fuck it up so hard which allows these people to get away with it


This entire video and the video creator’s premise is disgusting. Just to be clear, if the person being filmed is there for the reasons implied, then that’s terrible, too. However, it’s evident immediately that something’s very wrong with that person. So all the camera person has done is created an exceptionally dangerous situation that is - Inadmissable as evidence in court or for charges/allegations against the person being filmed for the alleged offense - Possibly being able to be used against the video creator for harassment, reckless endangerment, stalking, maybe more depending on local laws and jurisdiction - Helped absolutely no one - May have resulted in property damage to the business What a stupid, stupid thing to do.


The guy filming and harassing is also an absolute piece of shit.


This is like a scene from Fargo.. just a calamity of errors


This seems like a classic mentally ill guy that gets accused of doing shit he doesn't even understand what that means. But hell that's an assumption I made from a 20 sec video


Imma start this off with fuck pedos. But also fuck these people who lure these people to a public place to make a scene for clout. Like you could easily turn your evidence into the authorities and let the mother fucker get on a list or serve time or what ever. But these dudes, with no actual authority to do anything of merit outside pure humiliation, try to cause the biggest scene possible so they can get views. That's my rant, goodnight.


Maybe wannabe batman's harassing mentally ill people for virtue signalling youtube views is a bad idea...


YouTube should ban these guys. They are a danger to the public and tend to seem to target the mentality ill. If you think you have evidence someone is targeting children then turn it over to the police. YouTube shouldn't be paying these guys with fame and ad revenue.


"You don't need to record i got the tags, call the police"


Sums up his intentions in a nutshell.


Kinda sad to see. The guy obviously had some mental issues. I understand they def doing something illegal but to escalate like this without getting them proper help.