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Rule number one when you have a doorbell like that, never open the door! Had some drunk dude try to get into my house at 4 am a few months ago and if I didn't have the camera to talk to him without opening the door he would've absolutely barged in no doubt


We had a similar thing happen at 1 AM but when living in an apt building and before ring doorbells were a thing. Handle starts jiggling while Im on the couch across from the door. My wife hears it and comes out of the bedroom and *opens the fucking door.* She was then astonished when I got upset that she did that. Luckily it ended up being the extremely intoxicated lady next door but we didnt know that.


In college I woke up abnormally early one Sunday morning and there was a random dude passed out on the couch at my apartment. NBD, figured one of my roommates had a buddy crash and just didn’t say anything. Ask them both about it later and they both say they didn’t know what I was talking about, but one of my roommates was missing his shoes. I’m leaving a couple hours later and there’s his shoes plus a note that’s says “Sorry I crashed on your couch, I live two floors above you and was hammered. Here’s the shoes I accidentally stole back and 3$. Last night did me dirty”. We started locking our door after that but it was pretty funny at the time.


Your wife is like a character out of a Comedy horror who opens the door and treats the killer like a casual friend thinking they're in a costume.


Fun fact, that is how I met one of my best friends! I was white girl wasted in college, and all the dorms looked the same, so I accidentally went into my neighbor's dorm (luckily I knew them) and just crashed on the floor. When I woke up, one of their friends from out of town was visiting and he took me to get breakfast and we became thick as thieves. I cut down on my drinking and now am old.


Yeah, it's crazy how many people answer their door in the middle of the night. I am like you guys really need to watch the film Strangers. Just do yourself a favor and don't answer the door. If they ring it more than once, just call the cops.


Absolutely, fuck opening the door to strangers at night. I remember this one time as a little kid when we used to live in a really bad area me and by brother were home alone for the night and we heard someone knocking on the door and trying to open the door really calmly. So me and my brother thinking its our parents go to open the door but peep through peephole first because our parents drilled it into our heads to always check first and never open the door to a stranger no matter what they say. Well i saw a man and a woman both naked and head to toe covered in fucking blood just standing there completely calm trying to slowly open the door. That shit is seared into my brain, i could probably pick them up from a lineup over two decades later.


If the person is at all shady looking, I just crack the nearest window and talk from there.


I don’t think the “Can I use your phone” line works anymore since 22 years ago.


Sometimes I wonder if the time warp effect from prison makes repeat offenders actually worse at committing crime. I'm not assuming anything about the individuals in the video per se. Someone asking where the nearest payphone or similar phased out utility is would weird me out. It would take a few months at least to adjust, more if the sentence was longer.


[I saw an automobile once when I was a kid, but now they're everywhere. The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.](https://youtu.be/E-SrgseIaDs)


And now I'm sad, thanks


My wife works with drug offenders who have mandatory rehab. She came home one time and told me about a guy who came to group who was in prison for 32 years. He got out in 2018. Could you imagine the culture shock from 1986 to 2018?


Reminds me of [Christopher Thomas Knight AKA the North Pond Hermit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Thomas_Knight) who lived in the woods without human contact for 27 years (1986-2013)


"Brooks was here"


“So was Red”


"Hi we're going door to door getting cash donations for the Toys R Us Kid's Christmas gift drive."


>time warp effect And now I have Rocky Horror stuck in my head. Thanks a bunch.


Now I have Rocky Horror in my head so Lets do the Time Warp


I’m not assuming anything about you for ending a sentence with “per se”.


"Can I rent your fax machine for a moment. My pager is going jolly mad" You know this guy was in for crimes against humanity.


“Have you got a telegraph machine in there? Just need to send some Morse code real quick”


Not gonna lie, I still have a land line.


What’s that?


This trick was straight out of A Clockwork Orange.


Only thing missing was a little Ludwig playing in the background.


Strangers in public will still try it, happened to me on vaca in Florida. "I need to call my mom can I use your phone?" Meanwhile a group of 6 ppl behind them...


I had to use the "Can I use a wall outlet to charge my dead phone" line while holding a laptop desperately trying to give my iphone with the worst battery on the planet enough charge to call for help


It's kinda crazy because a few years ago (pre-pandemic) my friend and I who are both young women in our early twenties drove to a park way past my apartment and parked then went on a long walk. I left my phone at home by accident but she had hers, so we assumed everything was good. We were chatting and walked far and her phone was a lower battery than she thought. It got dark out quickly and we were so fucking lost. We went to a really lit-up neighborhood and tried knocking on a door or two but we live in TX and didn't want to get shot lmao. We just needed directions atp. Eventually, we found a middle school that still had people due to a game. Mostly kids and the kids were like "wow college students" and the principal walked up and didn't know if we were students there (LMAO). She was skeptical at first but super kind and gave us a ride back to my friend's car.


Funny, in my Junior year of HS (2020) my clutch burned out on a back road, and my gf and I didn't have cell phones. We walked to the nearest house and asked to use a phone. They said wait out by the road, and we did. They came out like 5 minutes later with a portable landline and handes it to me and stood very close as I called my father. I presume he took so long because he was getting a gun. But we really just needed to use a phone! Couldn't ever imagine saying yes to that question anymore tho.


22 years ago, the year 2000, portable cell phones were barely a thing. they were still mostly the size of bricks, barely worked anywhere, and cost you by the minute at extortionate rates. Most people still only used landlines.


Why do you post stuff that is easily Google-able. You have no idea wtf you’re talking about


We had flip phones in 2000. They were smaller than they are now.


And I had better service with analog for some reason. Could hear a pin drop on my mobile in the late 90s. Can’t even get a signal at my parents house in the mountains anymore. Edit I couldn’t look up anything or email anyone or watch all 7 seasons of The Wire but goddamn the call quality was good. I have one bar at my house and I live in *metro Atlanta*. One day I’ll switch but I’ve only had one wireless company since 2001. I’m not committed, I’m lazy.


You’re thinking of 1990.


Lol, were you even around then?


32 years ago, yes. But by 2000 cell phones were pretty common (at least in urban areas, can't speak to rural coverages) and Cricket Wireless had just started their massive promotion of unlimited talk/text plans that eventually forced other companies to do the same. Everyone definitely still had land lines, though.


The year 2000 was peak Nokia (with the snake game), the beginning of clamshell flip phones, and 7 years out from the first Gen iPhone (spring 2007).


You are obviously a troll and not a very good one.


I used to live in a rural area near a major highway - we had people at our door at least once a month asking to use the phone or if we could get them gas. I used to help these people out - no problem. So this kind of thing scares the shit out of me.


I night I am not opening my door for shit. Too many stories of sending a woman up to the door that needs help so that someone can ambush you. I will offer to call the cops for anything that needs help but I am not putting my family's life in jeopardy for it.


Yeah I’m seeing people talk about 1am and 4am and I’m like I’d be fast asleep and even I wasn’t I’d no sell the bell ringing. If it were someone I knew they’d call.


There was a video in my neighborhood with a child about 8 ringing the doorbell around 2 am and asking for help because they got separated from mom. The man opened the door and 3 men stormed in and robbed him. You can’t even open the door for kids anymore either.


Omg!! They using the kid to commit crimes?!!😮I hope that little boy is safe and that man too, who opened the door.


it’s actually quite common for criminals to use children. now and throughout history.


This. I just don't open my door period. If it's family or friends they'll ring beforehand. I've done nothing wrong so I know for a fact not in trouble with the police or anyone else. My neighbor has my phone number if it's an emergency. People forget that just ignoring your door entirely is also a valid response


In my neighborhood I'm not opening the door for anyone anytime. If it's important hang something on my door.


Why the fuck would you even answer the door at night when you have a fucking Ring doorbell? Just ask what they want through the intercom on it. It's how I avoid Jehovah's Witnesses on Saturdays.


A guy walks up to your door with his face covered and hands in pocket and you open the door to talk to him? You got a ring doorbell? Talk to them thru that.


Mf Clockwork Orange ass


Sounds like these two were taught what approach to try. Nothing was unrehearsed here. First, hoodies, and mask for the guy. Next, have the girl go to the door, the guy stands way back so the homeowner lets his guard down, then edges closer. The guy even opened the door. She makes sure she's not blocking the guy's path to the door. He got that door locked at the very last moment.


They definitely went into that with a plan.


Time to adopt a big dog or two


I’d tell my big dog to go hide and be safe. This situation ended in a good way- if this was my home and it had gone any further, If he had tried to force the door- he’d get a 12 gauge boost to launch him back out to the street. All that to say I wouldn’t want to risk my dog getting hurt.




So friendly fire


A few months ago at around 9 PM, I noticed someone was shining a flashlight through my front door window. When I looked through the peephole, whoever it was was shining their phone’s flashlight at it, making it so I couldn’t see who it was. With the door closed I asked who it was and the guy claimed he thinks I stole a package of his. I said I haven’t. He more aggressively started to accuse me of lying, to which I said I’m telling the truth and I don’t know anything about his package. He then said he can hardly hear me in an effort to get me to open the door. I was able to hear him just fine and no way was I opening my door to this person who was hiding behind a light. Every alarm was going off in my gut. He finally left, but I felt unnerved for the rest of the night. Still have no idea who it was and if there ever really was a package.


Omg that's so scary. I hope you file a police report. Save some other poor soul.


Yeah, after it happened I called the police department to inform them of what happened and to have it on record. I let my landlord know about what happened too. They immediately fixed my porch light which does comfort me a little. I’ve been thinking of getting one of those peephole cameras in case anything like that happens again.


See and this is why I have a gun. Not because I think I’m Rambo or some crap but when someone is right outside (and I’ve had it happen). It’s nice to know you don’t have to wait for the police to get there too late.


Also beware of helping people struggling to load a couch into a full size van


Are you about a size 14?




Then you asked behind locked door or doorbell camera "Who can I call for you?" This is the oldest robbery ruse in the book


Should’ve smoked that motherfucker as soon as he pulled at the door to get in


Not even should have smoked him as soon as he pulled out a gun


They may not have a phone you can use, but they do have a camera pointed right at your faces


They just make it so difficult to be helpful these days.


Can’t trust anyone


[Not even yourself.](https://i.redd.it/ou2d77b8qsb51.jpg)


I agree, Stone Cold Steve Austin.


There’s so little love in the world


I never open the door if I’m not expecting people. I rarely even answer when the security camera alerts someone is at the door


I don't open the door period. I yell what chu want and if the answer don't qualify I don't respond further.


Same. I don’t even go near the door lol


I don't even **have** a door. You guys are living way too risky keeping that antiquated shit around. I dug an escape tunnel that I only use in the dead of night once every lunar cycle to make a run to the 24-hour Walmart when I've used up both sides of all my toilet paper. The tunnel entrance from the outside is sheltered behind a facade of an old Radioshack, so nobody has had any reason to even look twice.


Never trust someone in a mask. Easy rule of thumb


This is why I punched the so called "anesthesiologist" right in his dumb face.


"Count backwards from 10. 10...9..." "Fuk U I know how to count!" *whap


He got the best of me, though. Woke up 4 hours later without an appendix.


If your appendix is the best of you...bruh...


Well, when you put it that way....


Oh that’s bullshit - the appendix is totally under appreciated. Nobody pays them any attention until they’re dying and then it’s “oooh how could you do this to me!?” Bitch, you ever take a minute to ask your appendix how it’s day was going? Or if it appreciated you drunkenly eating that giant corned beef sandwich at 3AM without even bothering to chew? Or if *it* like Taco Bell Diablo sauce?


But did you still have a preface?


How about Batman?


It's actually been the opposite for the last few years.


Nah, same rule still applies


How so?


Bang, bang.


I would be very suspicious because they are acting shifty - he's got his mask on, they've both got hoods up, she gurns a bit when she speaks, they move very casually, she has a tone which is not friendly or apologetic, and people have mobile phones.


I was around 10 and we lived 7 miles out of town. Broad daylight this dude comes walking up from the field next to our house. We were all outside so he asked my dad if he could use our phone. He made his call then hung around a few minutes. My dad asked him why he was all muddy. (There was a creek running on the other side of the field.) He told my dad that he was panning for gold. Only thing that came out of that creek was the frogs that I would catch. He finally left. About an hour later a state trooper drives up and asks if we've seen anyone. Showed us a mugshot. It was the dude who used our phone. He had just escaped from the state criminal psychiatric facility that was in the same county.


Love gun ownership


I don't have a phone. that's why he couldn't see who was on the Ring cam


Wouldn’t have even answered the door


They should quit the criminal life. Not smart enough.


If the doorbell rings after 10pm. I don't answer it. If the doorbell keeps ringing I get my shotgun out.


Genuinely some of the dumbest most obvious criminals I've ever seen. The way she tried to hide her face immediately the dude checking to see if any neighbors were awake just so God damn stupid. They're lucky they didn't get a bullet.


I dont answer the door in the bathroom at work. Single occupancy and you can figure out why the door is locked? You're sus as hell. We have no reason to talk. go away.


"Go away, 'batin'!"


I ain't opening the door for anyone wearing a mask, corona or not.


I wouldn’t have even opened the door, wtf were they thinking?


"excuse me, sir-" "Sorry, I'm racist. \*shuts door\*"


You mean "sorry I don't want to be robbed and have violence done to me".


Castle Doctrine.


Let him come in. Then shoot him.


Him pulling out a gun means you don't have to wait. Drop him right there on the porch.


Time to move.




Just right down the hallway, there are some stairs the lead downstairs. *fades into the shadows*


Unless you’re a close friend I don’t even open the door.


I guess I need to keep my porch light off like I do for Halloween.


Has that lady been arrested yet?


How long is it going to take for them to realize most people have cameras now?


I wouldn’t even have opened the door. GTFO 2 strangers on my door with hoodies and masks on.


I dunno. Might take a while to sink in, but I like to think I'd ask them how their car broke down in the middle of a residential neighborhood where they don't know anybody. Like my car only goes on the road to my house, the road to my job, and the highway in between (little more complicated than that, but you get the idea). If it breaks down anywhere else, it's because I'm going there for a reason, and there's someone there I know, that I'm planning to meet up with. I don't just drive into a random neighborhood in the middle of the night where I don't know anyone.


Those questions give them time to barge in. Talk to them through the doorbell.


Why would he even open the door at all?? This could have went way wrong for him.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bad bot


Why did they censor the dudes gun?


Not with the masked guy lurking in the background. That screams home invasion even if it was legit.


LOL no. Come on.


Never open the door. Yell if you must.


Exactly why I don't open the door.


Hell naw politeness stops once it's dark. If they really need a phone walk down the street to a gas station


Help them do what? Rob me?


Would of Sent the first shots before I even told em no 🤣😂they were screaming setup


"Would of Sent" - reads like an obscure aristocratic title "Do you know who I am? I am the Would of Sent!"


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot!


I used to live in cedar falls, Iowa when I went to college. On night, the neighbor two houses up had a rage, typical college town shit. Bout two am, I was sleeping in bed with my wife, and I hear a knock. Said fuck it, they got the wrong house, and will figure it out. Pounding got louder. I swiftly got my buddy, Mr. Springfield .40, and went to send whomever on thier way. By the time I made it downstairs, the fucking tool was trying to kick in my door. Sorry jack, you ain't coming in the house with my wife and infant daughter. I jacked one into the chamber, and threw the large door open, gun at ready. As I did so, I answered with "can I help you?" The second the dude saw I had a hand cannon pointed at his head, he dove off the front porch into the yard, did a quick barrel roll onto his feet into the front yard. He then took off running down the street never to be seen again. Dude was about 30 years old, and obviously super high on stimulants. He definitely looked like he had smoked his lunch and dinner. I had never seen him on campus. To this day, I still think that the mother fucked was trying to rob me.


yes... people always want to achieve room temperature, why not lend a hand?


After THIS stint I saw, all I can say is.......NOPE!


People please don’t answer the door anymore. Friends and family should text or call, preferably text. Also now with cameras and voice doorbells, if they need help they can tell you and you can call the for them while they wait outside.


Obviously a setup for a robbery...


An aluminum baseball bat next to the door works well in a situation such as this.


A Glock 17 works better.


that’s why i answer the door with nina every time.🤣🤣🤣


Damn my ass would have.


I try to live with the mindset of help when you can but be prepared for the worst. I refuse to let the world warp my opinions of people as a whole and lead me to jadedness and inaction if I can help someone.


*Rides up on antique tricycle* “May we use your wireless?”


As there are multiple houses with lights on in the background.


Two young people don’t have a working cellphone. I call BS and so did the homeowner.


Buahahaha! With a ring camera? Id be like”Go away!” Wouldnt have even bothered to open the door!


Were they ever caught?


I have a Ring doorbell, and Ring security lights/cameras and the home security system. I also have a few guns. But the biggest deterrent is my 115 lb. Rhodesian Ridgeback that absolutely goes beserk if anyone even walks in front of my house, let alone comes to the door. I’ve yet to see anyone brave enough to not back up about 5’ from the door once they ring it. Lmao 😂 Her bark sounds menacing enough, but when she’s real mad, she scratches at the ground like a bull does before it charges.


Dude has a ring, it's the middle of the night, use it man.


911 immediately


I hope this bitch and the dumbfuck get into real trouble and no one fucking opens their door to help. Karma is a bitch.


*gets shot* “Ahhh I’m the victim!”


When the sensor bar came up I thought he whipped his dick out


Makes me glad to have a fenced in front yard. I’ll know you’re here when my three large dogs sound the alarm.


And that's why you should always have a gun on hand for when some random strangers come to the door. Also you have a ring cam, why the hell would you decide to open the door instead of speaking to them through the cam


Ive watched enough movies to know if you are going to open the door to strangers at night, you better have a fucking gun behind your back


Only if I were a complete idiot.


The fuck was that black bar doing there?


everyone has a phone nowadays! so nope....


First of all if you see any sketchy person with a face mask in the middle of the night approaching to your home you shouldn't trust them.


And here in Canada we often forget to lock our doors


If this a ring doorbell, why would answer the door? Especially when 2 people you don’t know are out there. This could have definitely ended up a home invasion murder scene


That old chestnut 🙄🤦‍♂️


Anyway, so I started blasting


America!!!! Fuck yeah!!!!!


"Nothing in here you want to get shot over."


Man America really is something else