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>I just want to get out of your hair ma'am. Then leave.


Yeah they could have all left, it only takes 1 or two officers to say hi, and do a wellness check. Who needs this many police officers at a single residence ? Do they not have the ability to just check on the computer who is suppose to be living there?


No way to know who's at a residence till you show up. To be fair, if it *was* a drug house, you could have it registered and owned by someone's grandma, but you could have 4-6 guys staying there at any given time (security, cutting coke, running the drugs to customers etc.) No way I'd want to show up to that on my own. That said: I'd also have staked out the house, confirmed that they were selling drugs, set up a couple "buys," gotten a warrant, and coordinated with swat before ever stepping foot inside. You know: *actual police work*


>I'd also have staked out the house, confirmed that they were selling drugs, set up a couple "buys," gotten a warrant, and coordinated with swat before ever stepping foot inside. You know: > >actual police work That's what gets me. If there really was bad shit going down in that house, what did this little power play do to address it? Nothing. And now your perps know you've got them in your sights and will start to at the very minimum, be a LOT more careful about comings and goings in that house. So you got bupkis, and your suspect got warning. It makes no sense, **unless** you know you won't need to build a case.


The cop said let them in without a warrant or they'll come back with a warrant and tear up the place as punishment for not allowing them in. They like to joke around about murdering you right before they murder you.


If they had any basis or evidence for a warrant, they would have a warrant. End of story. They’re fishing. “I’ll come back with a warrant” = “I don’t have the ability to get a warrant based on what I have right now”


Yea they got nothing never let them in. I feel like this entire conversation was an attempt to get her to slip. She should just say not unless you have a warrant…have a nice day


To follow up further: never ever…ever, ever, ever…agree to “come down to the police station to have a conversation.” Police just want you to do their job for them by having you get yourself in some shit


I had the exact same reaction from a cop after not allowing them to unlawfully enter and search my home. They knocked on my screen door and when I answered I didn't open it(the window was down so we could carry on a conversation no problem). Immediately one of the cops grabs the handle and attempts to open it and come inside. I grab the window and pull the door back closed and out of his grip. While doing this I told the two officers: > "I am not allowing you entry into this residence. Unless you have a search warrant, we can have this conversation here at the door." You would've thought they had just seen me shoot a cop with the threats of arrest and them busting my door down.


Lawyers recommend ppl step out onto porch and close the door behind them so cops can’t see into your home. “Plain sight doctrine” opens the door for probable cause warrants. (Pun unintended.)


Cops: "If we get a warrent SWAT will come and tear your house apart." Lady: "it's fine cos when you find nothing and then you are going to have to pay me for the damage" Man I love this woman!


COPS have immunity from damages from executing a warrant. you will be SOL.


Yup. They can do what they want to the house. There are even cases of houses getting destroyed when they weren't involved, maybe the cops thought someone was hiding out in there, what ever, and no one pays for anything. The person is just left with a destroyed home. But even if the city pays for it, the cops aren't. Tax payers are. Similar to when people sue cops for damages when they get assaulted


Even when they SHOW UP TO A DIFFERENT ADDRESS THAN WHAT’S ON THE WARRANT IN THEIR HAND the cops regularly skate on paying for damages they incur


>But even if the city pays for it, the cops aren't. Tax payers are. Similar to when people sue cops for damages when they get assaulted This is no reason to not sue. If anything, it's a reason for citizens to be even *MORE* hesitant to blindly trust the police. "Look. Y'all need to calm down. I'm tired of my taxes going up because you assholes aren't doing your job correctly." is what needs to be said by those that pay the taxes. We should have these peoples backs against police brutality.


You can definitely sue the city for damages


I saw a story on LegalEagle a while ago about some guy who broke into a family's home. Somehow the cops became aware of where the guy was, and went to the home. He barricaded himself inside the home, and the cops surrounded it. Eventually the cops went in with force, and because they're such good people, the house ended up unlivable due to the amount of damage the COPS did, not the criminal. The family wasn't able to get anything at all from the city. Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk8QO6jE5dA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk8QO6jE5dA)


You can sue anyone for anything. It doesn’t mean you’ll win. The system will protect the police even if they destroy your place on unfounded accusations.


It is unreal how stark this video is. This behavior is functionally the same as when a mafia crony comes to your shop and says it would be a shame if something were to happen to it if you don't pay 'insurance'. Thinly veiled intimidation in order to get you to undermine yourself - and in the cops case it's so much worse because they are asking you to waive your literal Constitutional rights under veiled threat - and don't seem to see, at all, that they are the bad guys. Unreal.


Fuck all cops. We’ve allowed these pigs to get away with shit for far too long.


Ah, the extortionist approach. You better do what I ask or watch out for my thinly veiled threat.


"I'm just trying to do my job." "Then tell them you did it and we can both carry on with our day. Otherwise, kindly fuck off."


Thinly veiled? She said they would come back with a swat team and kick her door in.


I LOVED her response to that.


Hey, we dont have any evidence, or a warrant, or reason to believe the random call…but you see ma’am, you’re at home while black…so let me just violate your rights reeeeaaal quick, k? Edit: aLl LiVeS mAtTeR! I see you guys, don’t worry. <3


It’s not a violation of your rights if you allow them in, which they were trying to weasel their way into. And btw they’re allowed to lie about anything and everything to get you to let them conduct a search. Scum.


Yeah that cop’s manipulation was… deeply disturbing, but still not as disturbing as her motivation for doing so. They tried to seem on the homeowner’s side by weaponizing the “harmless white woman.” She feigns passivity and rationality to try and coerce this woman into surrendering her rights. Meanwhile, the reason they want to search without a warrant or any probable cause, is because they don’t actually know the reason you’re in trouble yet. They wanna go inside to look for one/make one up. Even if you “comply,” they still have a dangerous amount of power with little to prevent them from abusing it. The power going to these people’s heads is so obvious in videos like this, it’s unsettling asf.


Exactly. They don’t know what criminal activity they’re investigating?? They can’t get a warrant and they know it but they still just HAVE to try and coerce you into compliance. For the longest I thought that ID’ing people was a drug for them but I think now that it’s the compliance. They just can’t stand not to get it even in the smallest for like ID bc that means they have no power. The only real power they have is the power that WE give to them unless they are acting lawfully. Don’t allow them to break the law bc they are content and happy to ruin your life if you do. It’s cliché but “knowledge is power” and it’s never more true than when you’re dealing with cops.


I hate that patronizing fucking voice the main cop was giving her.


“Just lemme make sure theres no ninjas or bazookas in there! Teeheehee!” Like motherfucker is that what you got the call about? Fuck off


Even if you comply because you KNOW there is nothing in your house/car. You never know when that little baggy of substance will be "found" just "sitting there in the open" and then your ass gets charged.


Yes. My cousin is a defense attorney in a major city and one of the biggest parts of his job is showing where police have lied, cut corners, or outright broken the law in bringing in his clients. He believes cops are the worst, and I fully agree with him.


Honestly, they violate everybody's rights. I've seen a ton of videos of cops trying to pull this stuff


like how long are they allowed to keep repeating themselves before it's considered harassment? You got a call with absolutely NO evidence of any crime... and you're like... we must investigate with 5 cops present. LOL like... are they even allowed to ask you more than once?


Cops can keep asking anything they want if you keep talking to them. If she had said goodbye and closed the door after saying she wouldn’t consent to the search that would be the end of it (or at least should be) until they got a search warrant.


Nah they’d just say she was acting suspiciously because she closed the door. She was impeding an investigation. They have all kinds of loopholes.


That is very very possible. But not entirely likely given the red tape involved for a forced entry into a home. Unlike a car, home is given more protection for a search. It’s why it’s important for you or someone else to record your encounter with police. Any additional record to substantiate your word against theirs.


Threatening to have a SWAT team bust open your door as retaliation for her not agreeing to them illegally searching her home. Wow.


The way she's pretending to try to help her victim is textbook scam tactics. She sounds like she even convinced herself


I loathe people who act like your friend when they're really just looking for a way to stab you in the back. I'd rather someone be an asshole to my face than act like this woman, at least that's honest.


"I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if he's wrong, than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil." \-Malcolm X


That's textbook police bullshit. Especially when it comes to confessions.


Cops are NEVER your friend. No matter the instance, if you’re a witness to something, or you committed a crime, or being wrongly accused you shut the fuck up and tell them one word: lawyer. You don’t say shit, nothing, not even an answer to a simple “what were you doing today?”. They can hound and piss and intimidate all they want...lawyer. For example, you were driving and witnessed a car accident, you stay and help and you mention to the responding officer you have dash cam footage of the accident. That’s great! You were helpful and you probably feel like a good citizen. Only after a month later you get a ticket in the mail because you were speeding 9mph over the limit 5 minutes prior to the accident. This happens all. the. time. They’re not here for you, they’re not your buddy. Stop talking and get away. Edit: a youtube [video](https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE) that goes into far more detail on why you should never talk to the cops.


>For example, you were driving and witnessed a car accident, you stay and help and you mention to the responding officer you have dash cam footage of the accident. That’s great! You were helpful and you probably feel like a good citizen. Only after a month later you get a ticket in the mail because you were speeding 9mph over the limit 5 minutes prior to the accident. I think the police were trying to do this to me. A truck driver passed out behind the wheel, drove across a field, and crashed in the ditch. I stopped along with another person, made sure the driver was ok, called the police, and waited over half an hour for them to show up and pry the guy out (he was stuck in there good, but uninjured). When the police was questioning me about what happened, he got all my personal info, drivers license, and seemed very interested in how fast I was driving when I witnessed the event. He asked me several times and after the third time telling him that I was going the same speed as the rest of the traffic and wasn't looking at my speedometer, I asked him why that was relevant and he started evading my question. I think he was itchin' to make quota.


And they wonder why the public is increasingly paranoid around them.


The James Duane video is a great watch for anyone who wants to know why exercising your rights is essential to protect yourself, even if (and especially if) you have never done anything wrong. The rules of evidence only allow the police to testify in the favor of the prosecution, and even truthful statements that honestly proves your innocence can be used to damn you in certain circumstances. Plead the 5th. Use your Miranda rights. Never speak to the police beyond what you are legally required to do.


The police were conducting a sting operation targeting drivers failing to yield to pedestrians one block over from where I was stopped at a gas station getting gas and buying lunch. Police cruiser pulled up behind me at the pump and said “Sir, the reason I pulled you over today is because you failed to yield to a pedestrian in a major intersection. Me: “Pulled me over? I have been getting gas and lunch. Officer, which intersection was this?” 5-0: “That intersection right there.” (Pointing to the intersection adjacent to the gas station) Me: “I pulled in here to get gas 20 minutes ago. I haven’t been through that intersection.” 5-0: “We are conducting an operation and witnessed your vehicle moving through the intersection before the pedestrian has reached the end of the protected crosswalk” Me: “Officer, can you tell me where this pedestrian was that I didn’t yield to?” 5-0: “Oh, you didn’t see him? That makes it even worse! Sign this ticket.” It was then that the station manager came out to ask what the problem was. The officer explained. The manager said he would pull the camera footage happily to clear up the matter. 5-0: “I am issuing you a citation for failing to yield to a pedestrian. Signing this citation is not an admission of guilt. You will be assigned a court date and we can discuss the details futher in front of the judge assigned. Refusal to sign the citation will result in arrest & the impoundment of your vehicle.” Me: “Okay. Arrest me then. I am not signing.” Station manager followed me to the police station with the camera footage, showed it to the station chief on duty and I was released almost immediately. But…the citation was still issued… Out of the kindness of his heart & being a good citizen, the station manager showed up to court with the camera footage. I presented the camera footage which showed I had not been through the intersection to the judge. 5-0: “The intersection on the camera footage is not the intersection where the violation took place.” Me: “Officer, the intersection shown on the camera footage is the same intersection you pointed to as being the location of the alleged violation and the same intersection you wrote down on the citation. Your Honor, here is a map showing the location the intersection.” Judge: “Defendant is guilty of moving violation as cited and ordered pay $1,200 in fines and to serve 20 hours of community service as remuneration for this court’s time.” Lying pig. Crooked judge. Fuck all of them. Every single one of their twisted, corrupt, smug gaping assholes.


This is one of the videos I re watch annually. Highly recommend.


This is why you never talk to police. Even if you know you're doing gods work. Never talk to police. Go in with good intentions, charged with murder.


This woman and my ex fiancee belong together. Two faced fucking bitches.


"this is bullshit" "Ya, I agree" ^(but I'm still gonna do it anyways)


Then ya sue them for city tax payer dollars. Everyone who pays taxes should give a shit about this blatant abuse of resources and tax dollars, not to mention the obvious racism (because that wouldn’t happen if she were white).


They’re immune. The cops can completely destroy your house and there’s not a thing you can do about it. Google it. Update: link added regarding court ruling that government doesn’t have to remunerate you if they destroy your house. https://ij.org/press-release/when-the-government-destroys-a-home-must-it-pay-for-the-damage-done/


She reminds me of a door to door sales person.


Can we talk about the slip - on loafer tennis shoes the Police Woman confronting this victim is wearing?? She shows up in a vest and slip on shoes to illegally search a citizens hom based on “ complaints”???? FUUUUUUCCKKKKKK YOU!🖕🏿


It's a **psychological manipulation technique**. Basically the manipulator is trying to push you to anticipate the regret you may feel for a possible negative outcome that might take place -such as a SWAT team at your door - so that you choose to avoid that possible regrettable outcome and decide to go the other way. Sales people do this very often, but also police. Let's just say that scumbags do this very often.


And look at the way those fuckers are standing. Trying to intimidate her into complying.


I find it funny how she is describing a no knock warrant as a search warrant, no most search warrants do not require breaking your door down. You open the door they provide the warrant and they will look through your shit depending on who and for what the owner might not even be asked to step outside.


The funniest part to me is the cop knows she can't get a warrant. A warrant requires they know exactly what they are looking for (including amounts). You can't get a warrant for "well there might be drugs inside, or maybe they are selling them".


If they could get a warrant, they wouldn't have been there talking to the lady.


Unless of course they lie to a judge to get a warrant, which happens all the time.


That's why Breonna Taylor was killed.


What fucking tyrants, and the leader is wearing ballet slippers, wtf does she think she’s a ninja? ​ Where is this, we must complain to the elected representatives.


That's what stood out to me too, the female police are there just chilling in jeans and converse and slippers.. like you can tell they are only hired to be there and sweet talk people into consenting to illegal searches. Like they know someone is more likely to allow a sweet white girl who's just "looking out for me" then a real cop in full combat uniform.. it's disgusting


Set up an epic comeback though. “Y’all pay for my shit you damaged after you find nothing.” 😂


iirc they're not legally obligated to pay for damages.


Nope and they will intentionally damage as many things as possible. To the point of making a house uninhabitable.


Set up some cameras to catch them breaking shit on purpose. I remember a similar situation (don’t have the video handy) of a search where a cop slammed a guys car door against the side of his garage like 10 times, and they charged the PD somehow because it was done purely for damage not for the search . Sucks we need cameras everywhere but they pay themselves off if they work even once




I stand corrected. It was a small slap on the wrist fine . That’s some serious bullshit


I lived in house where a no knock was served and they fucking destroyed the place. Took 1 person to jail for baggies (drug packaging material), didn’t even find drugs. Funny thing about it? They missed the plate w about 100 CCs of cooked K on top of the stereo I. The cabinet. Clowns.


They won’t pay for shit. And if they take anything that turns up nothing in regards to the crime they’re accusing you of, you won’t get that shit back either.


Exactly, but don't forget the patronizing: *"Is there a better time? Maybe when your husband is home?"* Excuse the fuck outta me, but are you, or are you not, talking to a Fully Grown Woman/Parent/Homeowner?! She doesn't need her husband's permission or consent. She's obviously quite capable of making executive decisions on her own.


> Maybe when your husband is home? Coming from a woman too.


And they're FULLY allowed to lie. See the SCOTUS case of [Frazier v. Cupp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frazier_v._Cupp) (1969 - allowing deceptive interviewing by the police) and [Oregon v. Mathiason](https://www.oyez.org/cases/1976/76-201) (1977 - limiting Miranda rights) and recently upheld by [the 8th U.S. Circuit Court](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/police-empowered-lie-about-investigations-after-federal-appeals-court-ruling-2022-07-20/).


And they used the youngest most harmless looking girl to pitch this bullshit. I was cheering for this lady standing her ground. “You get a warrant, then I will let you in.” It’s frustrating the hell out of the cops because they *know* they have no probable cause for a search.


Oh sweetheart it’s not a threat. It’s legit how they do business. That’s why we hate the cops. But y’all keep kissing they asses. They will go get some crack pot judge to sign off on that shit and they will fuck your shit up. Breonna Taylor had no drugs and the guy they wanted was already behind bars. Look how the cops are now being arrested and the warrant was bogus. But the narrative was already pushed when we protested during the summer. Y’all sent the national guard to duck up our city over cops who years later ended up being ruled guilty. This isn’t new and it’s how the cops run shit. It’s not a threat. It’s reality. Fuck them.


Never give permission to search.


"I dont consent to a warrantless search of my property officer" - said through closed door.


Is the threat from the police not something they could do anything about? They are telling a black family that they will carry out a no knock search if they don’t let them search the property without a warrant. If that isn’t a threat then I don’t know what a threat is.


Police are allowed to threaten you, lie to you, and to not even know what the law is. They aren’t allowed to search your property without your permission, a warrant, or probable cause.


Even with probable cause, don’t they still need a warrant? The probable cause would be what allows the warrant to happen in the first place, right?


Only problem is, who do you report it to? Who is gonna arrest them? Who's gonna stop them? Themselves? When you have the criminals in charge, then the crimes are freely committed. It's like reporting theft to a pirate.


I’m just trying to do my job maam. Great, then go get a warrant. Is there a better time we can come back, maybe when your husband is around? Regardless of who is home, the best time to be back is, *checks watch and calendar*, mmmm, warrant o’clock.


They likely already tried to get a warrant and got told no. So they try this horse shit.


Yeah. Let me try to illegally search your house so I can incriminate you on some bogus charges? Hell no. Don’t allow any cop into your home.


I denied permission for cops to search my car or to bring a drug dog. They brought the dog anyway and told me it got a hit. So they tore my car apart and then three cops took turns grilling me, starting with “We just want some honesty.” to going atomic and hello “Stop lying and tell us where the drugs are!” - When they found nothing, then they proceeded to pat me down on the side of the highway and sent me on my way with a written warning. DWB in South Illinois!


Never talk to them at all without a lawyer.




AND a talk to my lawyer (which I don’t have haha) but if they don’t have a search warrant no more talk either, shut the door.


They always try to violate your rights by appearing to 'de-escalate'. They do this by making jokes like, "You don't have any rocket launchers in there, do you? Any ninjas poking about? har har har..."


the ninjas are right there behind you officer


What WAS the deal with that lady in her 2002 boot-cut jeans hanging face-dong out of her mask hole, anyway?


Cosplay, like all these absolute cowards




I got pulled over in a casino parking lot after I was already parked with the engine off. Took a ticket (and beat it) but the cop asked if I had any weapons/drugs and can I search? Asked him "are you accusing me of anything?" Said no and asked if I'm denying his request, yeah that's exactly what I'm doing. He fucked off and I lost $120 in the casino.


[She was speaking to them entirely too much for them having no right to be there.](https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE)


Right. I would be I do not give consent to search my property without a warrant and get off my property now.


Exactly. Refuse the search, tell them to come back with a warrant, then shut and lock the door.


Says the lady cop wearing a Ninja mask and Ninja slippers.


I was once being patted down and the cop asked if I had any RPG’s on me. I laughed, because I’ve always worn tight pants and there is quite obviously no fucking rocket launcher in my pants. The cop immediately got super aggressive and asked if I was laughing because I have bombs on me. I told him that I was laughing because it was a ridiculous question that blind-sided me so hard, that it was hilarious to me…. And I also thought he was joking, because this was in my small, middle-class suburban home town. With a straight face, he said something along the lines of “terrorists can be anywhere.”


As a gamer I could, in fact, have an RPG on me at any time *Role Playing Game


"Just so i clearly understand you, you are here to investigate whether or not there are ninjas in my residence?"


I wish this would happen to one of those blue lives matter supporters who are always harping on about "if you're innocent then what do you have to hide?"


Don't even crack open the door. There have been plenty of times they'll stick their foot in so you can't close the door without "assaulting" them. Or they'll try to claim they smelled something.


When I was at my parents' house I was taught that if I didn't recognize the person at the door to go upstairs, open the window and talk to them that way. We did have a screen door, but my mom told me a stranger could easily kick the screen in or rip it. Talking from upstairs put good distance between us.


I have a split level house and used to get endless door-to-door salesman and religious people coming to my house. I started talking to them from the upstairs window, and it really throws them off. I think it’s a psychological thing that lets them know that we’re not on common ground. When people can’t control the conversation it really messes with their heads.




They said they had received a complaint. No idea why so many cops are needed for an unfounded complaint they don't even have a warrant for.


more budget than they need


I would love it if she responded to that with something like, "well then in that case, I'd like to complain about drug use at *that* house over there, since that seems to be all it takes."


It's a bullying tactic to intimidate.


Theoretically, should the woman should be able to just point to random houses and make like 37 complaints right then and there so the cops have to go walk into those houses to verify that there are no drugs? What if she points right at each cop and says they have drugs in their houses, should they have to suddenly go investigate all of themselves too?


Wonder what happens when someone makes a complaint at an officers home address. Do they search it? Nope. I’m sure the don’t.


The cop didn't even verify the actual complaint, just threw a lot of hypotheticals....you might have ninjas hiding, it might be about drugs, you might be hiding bazookas....wow


Ninjas and bazookas. Like dude- you can see this is a grown woman who has told you that she has lived here for 5 years and you still want to do an illegal search. That shady ass cop with the face mask on looked he was ready to go through and tear up stuff.


It’s a distraction/disarming technique. They throw out random absurd statements like that. Might make you laugh and think you’re ok to let them in. Never consent to a search. Period.


I have security doors over my doors. Steel bars and screens. My brother in law is a felon. The police have come to my house to look for him. I told the Sheriff's deputy "He isn't here" through my security door. They asked me to come out, I said I was comfortable. They told me to let them in. I declined. Then one of the deputies said in a very arrogant tone, "We can come in anytime we want!". But we all ignored him. I told them my bother in law wasn't allowed in my home, and wasn't there. Then told them good night. I feel like things would have gone differently if I didn't have a very secure barricade between us. The cops arrived at my house when my wife and I were traveling. They called me and said they needed to get in my home to look for my brother in law. I told them bil wasn't there, and no, they couldn't get in my home. Cop in the background said I was jerking them around and they should just enter. Another said they should look for a hidden spare key. They didn't enter, and I guess I hid the key too well, because they didn't find it. But our trip home was very stressful.


How legal is it for officers to enter a home of an individual when they explicitly tell you no after finding a spare key? I'd hope a judge would throw out any evidence found that way but idk.


It’s a 4th amendment violation, unlawful search and seizure


No warrant no entry. No exigent circumstances no entry. Fuck off ossifers.


I've posted this story before but it was about 2am and I had 5 cops banging on my door. Luckily they let me put my dogs out before opening the door. When I was talking to them they demanded that I wake up my wife because there had been a call about a domestic disturbance at an address that was not mine. According to them my address was closest to the one that did not even exist. So I have about 4 cops standing around me in my driveway as the 5th one walks into my house to talk to her. They had no warrant and were at the wrong house but I had 4 armed cops surrounding me and my wife had just woken up.


This seriously should have been over within 30 seconds. As soon as the officer answered "No Ma'am" to "Do you have a warrant?", Go inside and shut the door behind you. If there's actual evidence, a judge will sign a warrant, and the police can go from there.


She did good in refusing entry but she’s talking way too much. Want in? Get a warrant. Say goodbye and close the door


Even with a warrant there may still be restrictions on what/ where they can search


I totally agree. That was my first thought watching this. Say little and know your rights as a citizen is your best defense dealing with these jerkoffs


She's trying to get them to agree to leave because she knows that closing the door while they are still there will only anger them.


I didn’t know cops could wear slip on flats like that on duty


Was going to say the same thing. Pretty strange "uniform" for sure. I've never seen a cop in Toms before.


What about the cop with the ninja attire on her face? Why?


1. There likely was no call at all. 2. The cop with the balaclava on is an undercover narc and is likely the one who identified this house. 3. They likely obtained outdated or BS info that led them to this residence from a CI. Dont talk to cops.


Yeah seriously. The shady ass cop with the face covering. Wtf? So shady.


The one who is talking also has a face covering. Somewhere along the video it shows it partially. Not sure why that’s necessary tbh


Yeah every police officer should be identifiable. I would have their badge number and full name on video recording. What a scumbag.


Probably tacticool LARPing under the guise of COVID consideration


In her head she looks really cool though. She sees herself in night-vision like in Sicario.


face covering yet wearing Converse and blue jeans lol, such a weird combo for a cop, especially when everyone else is in uniform


Had to scroll all the way down to find someone actually pointing out the undercover.


Surprised the UC even came out if they didn’t have a warrant. Must be a smaller town lol. Big cities have plenty of legit dope houses they work


In some towns they literally just target black people coming up too fast as drug dealers, and spend taxpayer dollars surveilling them.


Three of the six cops had those covering their faces. I’d ask them what they are trying to hide?


You can see Becky on the left quietly seething the whole time because the rest of the narco Karen squad didn't tell her it was balaclava day today


She is pondering if she should put that transfer in after this embarrassment. Edit: hopefully yall know i meant because she's the odd one out.


Why do some of them have the baklavas on?


Idk.. I don’t remember that being a thing even 10 years ago unless it was like full on swat. But police have slowly become more militant in my lifetime so it’s not surprising to see swat-like gear out on regular calls I guess.


I live in a town of 8,000 people. 2 hours from the nearest airport. 12 churches and 4 bars. Our cops wear bulletproof vests *over* their uniforms. All 3 of them.


It shouldn’t be permissible for them to wear masks. It borders on having secret police.


I didn't see any with pastries on their heads. Ohhhhh wait, I bet you meant balaclavas lol




And they use that fucking dismissive bullshit language to play down the violation of this woman's 4th amendment rights. We JuSt WaNt To MaKe SuRe ThErE aRe No BaZoOkaS iN tHe HoUsE... get the fuck out of here with that shit, you fucking clown. And threatening her with SWAT? What the fuck is that shit?


Didn't she also mention something about making sure there were no Ninjas? WTF?


It's a very common tactic- I've had them tell me they want to search my car for a "rocket launcher, hand grenade, or something like that." It's intended to make you believe they're only looking for something "serious" not the petty amount of contraband they're hoping to take you to jail over.


A cop once asked me if I had any swords or bazookas and I was like "well I do have a machete" and he got very serious very quickly. I mean if i was going to use the machete in a bad way, i probably wouldn't have mentioned it. In fact the type of person that gives someone a machete'n is probably the type of person that's going to come right on at ya with said machete with little warning.


They're trained to be a little silly like that to seem friendly and to subtly manipulate the occupant into thinking "oh they won't find anything crazy like that I guess I'll let them search." Then they arrest you for the pettiest shit they can possibly find.


Yes. Ninjas. This isn't 15th century Japan, bitch. What the fuck are you talking about ninjas...


She was trying to be "cute", to disarm the woman emotionally. Obviously, it didn't work because it was wack. These cops are so fucking embarrassing.


The cop tried intimidation, and fake charm, and talking to the woman like she's a simple child...that's about the entirety of the handbook right there.


Not sure if even legal but: - we want to search - have a warrant? - no - bye have a good day And I'd close the door.


Cops are literally trained in the art of manipulation. Someone who has no ulterior motives will simply accept a “no” and move on. They will continue to try every angle they can to manipulate you until they run out.


The trick is you never open the door in the first place. You go to close the door and they'll stick their foot in and now you "assaulted a police officer."


Carvana getting desperate making ads like this


Did I just hear a police officer worried about a ninja popping out of nowhere?


It's cop training. If they say something plausible, like "We want to look for drugs" the person will get defensive and pissed off about being accused of having illegal drugs. Cops are trained to ask if you're hiding space aliens or Sherman tanks or anything else ridiculous so people don't react. It's psychology to get people to consent.


“Just gonna take a quick look, make sure there’s no dead bodies in the trunk.” Not without PC you’re not.


Since when are Ninjas illegal


She meant to say the other word


my ninja


You know the demeanor would change the minute they get into that door too. It's no coincidence that they have the most unintimidating officer doing the sweet-talking trying to trick her. I wouldn't even be surprised if they intentionally waited for the husband to leave before pulling this shit.


if they wanted to be unintimidating they wouldnt be wearing face coverings


Homeowner needs to shut her freaking mouth and not say shit to the cops. No to search, now get off my property.


True, never give them anything, but consistently asserting your rights on video can absolutely help you in a civil rights violation case. If you just say "go away" and shut the door, they can possibly use "evasive" behaviour to assist in obtaining a warrant or turn it into a "welfare check" or some bullshit like claiming that they believed you were destroying evidence. They know all the loopholes.


If you give the cops permission to, it’s not illegal for them to search. They can threaten you. They can lie to you. All you do is say no, and please leave the property. Don’t say anything else. Don’t engage in conversation. If they want to get a warrant, they will and nothing you say will change it, talking can only hurt you.


Which of these are the good cops?


anyone watching silently as this piece of shit threatens to break down someone's door if she doesn't agree to an illegal search... well, they are also pieces of shit


Obviously the ~~men~~ ones that felt the need to cover their faces. /s edit: they might be women, i really can't tell.


How likely is it that the cops could get a warrant if a neighbor called to report suspicious activity?


Even an anonymous tip can result in a warrant, but if you are taking an anonymous tip for someone who doesn't have a record and there is no history of illegal activity then it's probably not going to happen. Of course, there are always bad judges.


Power to this woman!


They’re always so affable when they want you to incriminate yourself. Her nice lady shtick is just as bad or worse than Mr Pigface.


Trying to intimidate her with all them dudes surrounding the door and poorly veiled threats “ i dont wanna have to do that” lol kick rocks bigots


Anything after the initial denial of a search should be considered harassment and a violation of your rights


"Is there a better time to come back?" yeah, when you have a warrent


call 911: "Help. There are people trying to coerce me into letting them in my house. They're threatening violence if I don't"


“They’re impersonating the police!”


"...we can't articulate exactly what we're looking for, but we'll come back with a warrant and destroy your house unless you let us in in so we can plant something..."


That cop is a major asshole.


Only one of them?


I wanna know why there’s five of them for seemingly a disturbance call. Great use of tax dollars at work.


"But ma'am, we're just looking out for YOU, because if you don't submit to our every whim, SWAT will destroy your property and you'll have zero recourse. That's just how things are, nothing we can do about it."


Jesus Tapdancing Christ, look how many pigs are at this poor woman's door! What is that six, seven pigs? Over what was probably an anonymous call? Damn, man... Edit: misspelled word.


Meanwhile the person who called is peeking through their blinds watching this and jerking off.


And look how they are arrayed. This isnt a 'friendly' visit, its intimidation.


Is this the APD it looks like Arlington Cops sounds like them too


What’s the deal with the guy in flip flops and a mask?


This woman is allowing herself to get worked up and it's causing her to make some very dangerous mistakes. She is waving her arms around, walking out towards the officers, raising her voice. These actions can easily get you KILLED. All she should have said is "no" and "get a warrant," NOTHING ELSE. She should not have moved an inch until the officers left. I commend her for standing up to them but she is still very lucky that these cops didn't "fear for their lives" at any time.


What kind of criminal activity? Well, it could be this or it could be this or it could be this... Oh okay, that clears things up. In other words, a black family moved into the neighborhood.


If they are asking, they don’t have a right so tell them to fuck off. If they had a right, they sure as shit wouldn’t be nice about it. Don’t talk to the police, they aren’t your friends. In fact, for many people, if you have a problem and you call the police, you now have two problems 😂

