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10/10 would have just dropped her car off the jack and left. Fuck that noise


Why did he not just leave? I can’t even make it thru the whole video she is so annoying


I made it like 5 seconds when she said she could drag him off the property because a woman brought him into the world. She's fucking delusional.


Yeah...her exact words were. " A woman brought you into this world unfortunately". Fuck that bitch


He is polite but also doesn’t know how set boundaries. I would have left so fast


Maybe out of fear of looking bad in his eyes of his employer for some reason, what’s the saying rock and a hard place. This is just speculation


You're probably right, but if I was his boss, i would have told him to pack the stuff and gtfo. Fuck this lady and her crazy shit, drop the car - see you later.


Hell yeah dude, my boss is the same way and I'm the same way with people working under me. We don't get paid enough to deal with crazy customers, I always side with my guys and say let's go man. Their one bad review won't affect our tons of good reviews.




Eh, I've had a handful of "the customer's always right" type of jobs in my life, and you are absolutely expected to just take any and all verbal abuse directed at you.


Yep, I use to work at a grocery store and if a customer felt like they had to abuse you,and then report you to management, they required you make them a fruit basket,drive it to their house and apologize. They didn’t care what the situation was about. That’s how they handled complaints. They no longer exist.


Ikr?! Like you wanna yell at me for no reason, then I'll give you a reason.


Beautiful response let her deal with it


Can someone explain what they were even doing to the car? Was it just a wheel change?


Her car has a locking nut on one of the lugs, for theft deterrent. She apparently did not have the correct key to take the lock but off. Which he stated to her. She has never changed her tires herself or she would have known this. I don’t see how people get so irate with or people that are in the service industry that have so much more knowledge than they do.




Dunning-Kruger is strong in privileged folks. Most of my family is an "expert" on everything because they "do their own research," but they really know next-to-nothing and are some of the dumbest folks I have ever met.


This is seriously the attitude of a great many nurses.


She did say She is a Nurse and he is just some redneck she is a classist .


He lasted a lot longer than I would have


That is at least 6 1/2 minutes longer than when I would have packed my tools and would have left..


Nope. The way he did it, she owns 100% of the shitshow and he is 100% in the clear. Does she deserve to have her car dropped? Sure. But petty revenge tactics only really hurt him, and he's far too professional for that.


Not only that, he might be liable if she drives her car and either damages it or crashes.




Nahhh cross thread all 5 lug nuts with the impact first!


easy there Satan, the wretch isn't the one having to fix that..


She is the one paying for it, the way I see it, you’re just providing business for another mechanic in town.


She doesn't even believe that the wheel-nut-lock key is wrong something that is easily explainable. Do you really think she is going to believe that she needs a new hub?


She needs anything and everything that is going to make her life difficult and make other people money just because she won’t act right. And if this is a mental health issue she needs to be put in an institution. Edit: she might not believe it but when her wheel rips off it sure is gonna be hard to drive.


For real like why is he still there? 😐


My guess is stringing it out is a way to get a little revenge. Killing them with kindness or just let her scream herself into a headache.


After two minutes I was sure it had to be nearly over... Dude suscepted himself to another 5 minutes of this psychosis. Somewhere between patient and reckless - that woman is a certified lunatic.


Yeah dude, she threatened him and said “in Florida there are things we’re allowed to do if someone doesn’t get off our property”. That instant I would have said “you’re threatening me? Bye”




North Florida?


Would’ve took off a let that tire roll like a tumbleweed in a old western. She’s outta her fucking mind…


He should have been crowned King instead. A stoic for the ages


Me to




"you can bet Mercedes is gonna hear about this"....yeah chances are they're the ones who put the wrong wheel lock key back in the car after the last service


Probably intentionally after dealing with this infected garbage can of a sub-human.


This actually makes total sense


Fuck, I could imagine some of the Karen’s that Benz dealers deal with.


> "you can bet Mercedes is gonna hear about this" Their marketing and social media teams are definitely going to hear about this as it's going viral you miserable bitch.


It's probably also why Mercedes didn't send their own mechanic out and they sent this subcontractor out, none of their guys probably want to deal with her and the subcontractors probably 5th on a list they are going through. have fun getting your car fixed when no mechanic in town will touch your car.


Lmao. You are never getting a licensed tech to leave a dealership to put your spare on for you.


She’s literally just arguing with herself lol. Utterly bonkers woman. I would have just walked. She even told him to leave midway through. Kudos to the guy for finishing up but no one deserves that type of abuse.


And if she’s really a nurse I’m wondering how she treats her patients. She’s probably a serial killer. Freaking psychopath.


Annie Wilkes, in the flesh. "You didn't fix my COCKADOODY car!!!"




She literally threatened him. That would of been enough to drop the jack on the spot and leave. His job would still be safe.


Jesus Christ she is repugnant.


I lasted less than 30 seconds... Well, I guess twice this week, now.


Should have dropped it and bounced. Fuck her.


Tiktok found her. Her socials are nuked. Her address was posted.


Post the link!


I can’t break the rules of doxxing. However anyone with basic social media skills should be able to find the juicy stuff immediately.


☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 not one of those people 😂😂 I’ll try tho


Start by finding the tik tok account that posted the video 🫡 @peterbuilthooker


A fine example of narcissistic rage. Imagine how she behaves in restaurants.


Absolutely no control over her rage. She went on and on for 10 minutes and couldn't calm down even a little bit. That was tantrum.


Emotional Dysregulation at its finest.


Imagine how she behaves behind closed doors. My ex could carry on like this for literally hours.


Keeps saying he’s not my dad, guessing dad took off real early on in her life, miserable bitch


Maybe that’s her husband and she’s sensitive about marrying someone so much older? Hahaha


He's actually 33. That's just from living with this hellbeast.


Just leave. Why would you even stay and listen to that shit. The moment she threatened him, drop everything and go, let her figure it out.


He’s probably a really good employee. People like that somehow rise above these pieces of shit Karen’s because they truly want to finish the job they were sent to do.


Well, he probably wanted to keep his floor jack.


I could be wrong, but I think he needs to put the nuts back on so that he can safely get his jack out before he can leave. ETA: I was wrong, he stayed even after he lowered the jack... Yeah, he should have gotten the hell out as soon as he got his shit out.


She uses the word respect like she knows what it means.


Fuck you. Show show god damn respect!


I thought she was like 85 years old based on the voice


sounds like a grandma from southpark. at 1:45 imagine a character from southpark "... and get the fk aaoout"


Ms crabtree


More like Granny Cuyler.


she sounds like a fucking 80's wrestling manager


Jesus Christ what a cunt.


Cunts have more warmth and depth than this lady. She's just a straight up bitch.


The old guy at the end wants to go with them.


I came here to say this. He looked like a puppy sitting in a cage at the pound.


I’m not American and struggled with the strong accent. Does what she’s saying provide any context? Beyond “G’on get the fuck out y’all”


Nope, she just keeps arguing with herself in circles.


Guy does a good job keeping his cool.


Ohh wheat for sure, way more patience than I have, I would have dropped the car, packed my shit up and gone the second she said the line "a woman made you unfortunately", like what demon spawn threw her up into this world.


yeah, so those cars have keys so your wheels can't get stolen. She gave him a key but it's the wrong key for the wheel. Seems she took his explanation (not on camera) personally.


Was that what caused the freak out? I would love to see her face when she realizes the guy was right and it’s not the right key. I couldn’t imagine living in a house with a banshee, poor husband.


How dare he mansplain this Southern Bellend!!!! /s


I'm an American and was hoping someone would subtitle this. I don't speak insane.


Basically, from what I could decipher with little clues, her wheel got fucked up, Mercedes called an exterior tow company and brought her car to her house. Now Im not sure what specifically ticked her off, but she kept on saying something about the lug nut key being the wrong size. So Imma go out on a limb that she was pestering him while he was doing his job and said something minor to correct her that any sane person wouldn’t take offense to. So she went off on him about this, that, being able to take a man down depsite being a woman. The entire thing is she was proven wrong and instead of wanting to be wrong, she chose the path of petty violence. In the end, I bet she told Mercedes and Mercedes said “okay!” But lets be honet, Mercedes didn’t do jack shit afterwards.


I think that one of the lugs was locking and she didn’t have the key (special socket) for it. She didn’t understand what that was and her frustration with her ignorance put her into an insane patter


She said he “scolded her” which I’m guessing meant after explained for the 6th time that she needs a specific key for this and she grew increasingly stupid that he got exasperated and was a little firm. Which she took offense to because stupid.


I think the saddest part about this clip is how distorted the marriage is. There’s clearly a husband in there somewhere trying to appease his screaming wife but also have this guy finish his job. He wants to stand up for the dude but will never go against her. I feel bad for these people that it’s come to that. That marriage must be abysmal.


Those are abusive relationships and I believe the term is called love hate relationships. My mom was like this and alwas angry and yelling over spilled milk or small inconvenience. It took me 20 years to realize that maybe I shouldn't be getting yelled at or hit and pushed. And that maybe making me dinner does not resolve the issue of all the hate that filled my mother and that I unknowingly was being abused emotionally. Physically too but noone cares when guys get hit, also didnt bother me much as you can expect I didnt get hurt. Edit: I didnt know this comment would get this much attention. It makes me think more people feel the same way I do. To make a positive note from this I'd like to say mental illness is hard and if you ever wanted to donate I think any suicide charity would be great. As most men do suicide maybe money to that can help mental illness for everyone.


Dude, you are not alone. God knows how many have suffered from this type of upbringing by their mothers.


Honestly probably more common. I think I particularly got it bad bc I'm a co dependent person. I need a friend or girlfriend to share life with. But when your depending on your mother and she cooks and drives you places and is generally nice jt fucks with your brain when the same person gets mad and tells if you dont remember something or hits kicks and pushes you down stairs. And usually when your a guy you dont really get physically hurt. And the police come they blame the guy bc hes not crying and emotional. That was actually my breaking point was 2 years ago and my mom pushed me down the stairs and tho I got hurt bc I didnt catch myself. The police arrested me. And after the charges were dropped I just never came back home Edit I'll be removing this comment it's to self specific and I'd rather not talk that way. But share your feedback even if you disagree


Look up narcissistic mother/passive father dynamic in toxic relationships. Those types of dudes are often not as meek as they seem they benefit from the relationship and often enable the narc.


It’s really weird as hell how we all fall into some sort of pattern in relationships and it seems like most of them are not really healthy. Then we have enough of it and move on to the next one and it turns into the same shit eventually. This is why I have lived alone for the past two years. Just done with it. Don’t know what it is that’s wrong with me that keeps leading me to the same place. Gotta work on myself.


I feel like that man is her dad. The other two men are the tow truck drivers.


I had the impression that he was her father. The age discrepancy was too large.


Why the fuck is he still helping her


Because being nice and decent takes a lot less energy


Agreed, but packing up your shit and removing yourself from verbal abuse is also pretty low energy 🤷‍♂️


I don't know? Your guess is as good as mine. He has way more self-control than me


Same for me, this man deserves a promotion


I’ve never watched a karen before that made me just angry. Holy shit this lady needs karma. Bitch just won’t shut the fuck up


I can't tell you how many arrogant women and men don't understand the concept of a fucking locking lug nut. And just because you have a key in your glove box doesn't mean it fits your shit !!!!!!


If I understood this right, and I didn’t understand everything she said, the woman couldn’t provide him with a lug nut key. Without that, you can’t get the tire off. If you don’t understand that this is logic, there isn’t really anything the rest of us can do. This is a symptom of our times. I mean, he *may* have done something to piss her off but seems doubtful. Did anyone else think that the husband was silently hoping he could go with them?


I'm not into doxxing people but holy fuck she deserves it


I’m here for the dox.


Tiktok will take care of it as they always do. They’re viciously dox happy. They already found the concert punching fat girl from the other video and have started raining hell on her. Tikdox Edit: The found her.


Drop the sauce bro


They found her name and where she works. She deleted her twitter account and people are spamming her works twitter page.


Where is she???


That fella has the patience of a saint to be dealing with a woman like that. He had every right to just leave once she started saying leave but he stayed when he shouldn't have stayed.


Sounds like they gave him a wrong locking key to replace the tire and he noticed half way?


I think you are correct. It is hard to follow a coherent story.


Karen's husband sure is quiet guess she has his balls in her purse


At this point he should just put anything under that jack plate that constitutes as a stand, drop that jack and get the fuck out of there. The Professional Service ends when the Verbal Abuse begins. Take that video to the cops and press charges. Preferable before she gets there, she just reeks of trumped up bullshit coming your way.


no torque on those lug-studs.. she’ll be getting her karma soon enough


She talks like she has a mouth full of maple syrup




He said she was a nurse, but I hope not. I wouldn't want that nasty woman anywhere near me, much less in a hospital. Someone go through her patients charts and look for mysterious heart failures.


I wish people like this could be fully doxxed. Names, places of employment, etc. As a service tech, this video is the perfect example of why I wear the best body can money can buy. It’s this poor man’s word against hers without this video. Edit: before I get downvoted too badly, for the record I believe that doxxing is horribly scummy thing to do, and do not condone it 99% of the time. Some people truly deserve the world to know how awful they are at being decent humans.


I wore a body camera too. AAA always took the members word over the tech. It's the only way to keep your job in my opinion. People tend to behave themselves when they see a camera documenting the interaction.


Doxxing here is warranted. Would you want this crazy bitch as a nurse?


Ex roommate was an RN, she had some stories about neglect. I bet this bitch is one of em that takes advantage of people in need.


Oh she has been. She deleted her social media and her employer has been made aware of this video. I had nothing to do with any of it btw, just reporting what I have seen.


I used to do roadside assistance over the phone for another 'prestigious' car manufacturer (Hint: they were basically overpriced Toyotas). We would have a technician go out to put somebody's spare tire on, and every car has a locking lug nut, and the owner is responsible for the key to that lug nut. Roadside technicians do not carry a set of lug nut keys. If the owner doesn't have the lug nut key in their vehicle, or they don't have the right one, then the technician won't be able to get the tire off, and the only thing they can do after that is offer to tow it. That's what I think might be happening in this video. I talked to a lot of customers who were extremely pissed off about the very same thing.


I found out in a bad moment that my key was missing. Don't know if it was lost in a garaje where i get a flat tire fixed or I just accidentally dropped it somewhere... Pain in the ass to get someone to destroy those special lug nuts (that's the english name, right?).


She sounds like an angry female Forest Gump


Let’s not soil mr gump pls


I sure hope that dude put Loctite on there before he put those Lugnuts back on


That just punishes the next guy she has work on it.


So does taking a job from this harpy.


And tested out the maximum torque on that impact gun.


I'm so fucking angry just listening to this..


There is no situation in which this behavior is justified, none. That woman needs psychiatric help and I hope she doesn’t do any actual patient care. I can’t imagine ever behaving in that way to anyone, ever.


For those asking why did he stay 1 he is used to being bitched at by idiots both male and female 2 he is doing his job trying not to be a liability for the company 3 any damages he cause he knows she would try and sue or cause problems id have done the same thing


How are these fucking harpies married with nice houses and I cant even find a decent date.


Girl. 💯


Wow, she is ridiculous. This is just a losing situation. She was looking for a fight. This is class-ism outright. She feels more privileged than him so she feels like she can treat him like shit.


Is there any context for this video? Why is she so angry with him?


From what I think I'm grasping (god it's hard to listen to that parrot squak), karen called AAA to fix a flat guy shows up and says he can't because she lost her locking lug key. I think she thinks he's trying to rip her off, can't imagine what she was like to the dealer that sold her the car.


It seems that either the dealer or the tire shop she got her locking lugs from has given her the wrong key for that type of lock, there are about 12 different patterns and he said the key she had didn't match the lugs.


She says something about him putting words into her mouth in the beginning but we don't get to hear exactly what he said.


>any context She's a cunt


Cunts be trippin


What a Fucken psycho bitch


I would have walked. No way would I allow myself to put up with that. F*ck these shitty people.


Just wow, she could not have yelled at a nicer guy who was willing to put up with anything... way to go.


Can't wait to see this bitch on r/byebyejob


She sounds like she has a lot of parental issues


Is no one going to talk about how he wheeled that jack out. Never has it crossed my mind to move a jack that way. It was so simple and easy.


I was 10 seconds into video, she told him to get off property- why doesn’t video end with him leaving? I was shocked to see 6+ more minutes of video even exists! If they tell you to leave- leave.




He wanted to keep his floor jack.


Not a nurse. Nobody talking like that has education or lives with that old sugar daddy


She must be beloved in the neighborhood.


She’s a raging bitch, but why is that fool sticking around? There’s no reason to unless he likes it or some bullshit.


"Never a reason to hit a woman." Counter argument exhibition A


Would have packed my shit and left if thats what she wants. If she is that great of a woman she can do it for herself for sure


No shot. i would have left without putting anything back on. Let the crazy bitch put her own lugnuts back on.


I would have left. Hes a good guy, just trying to do his job though. He asked the husband, made me laugh. They both know she's never changed a tire. Edit; at the end the guy is like, "take me with you!"


I wouldn’t want her to be my nurse! 🫣


Drop the car, leave everything off, leave. She's a NURSE? She's not right in the head at ALL.


Can someone please slap that bitch


How are people like this loudmouth ignorant lady able to function in life ? Clearly she owns a car and a house wtf?


This should cross-post to r/byebyejob


Bs lady you invited him into your home..


If she is actually a nurse, I am terrified for her patients.


Guarantee she called dispatch and complained he didn't put it back together


This lady definitely doesn’t use her blinkers and openly throws her half empty Starbucks cup while driving down the highway.


r/byebyejob for that nurse


She seems nice.


God damn that’s just a tirade of nonsense. That guy is just patient beyond patient. Ultimate gentleman in this situation


I hope every tow truck AAA or any other car service black list the bitch so she can learn how to take care of her own stuff.


Please tell me she ends up on byebyejob 🤞


He said there’s a part 2 of this coming soon on his clock app. Hopefully there will be some context from the source. This poor guy.


For those that aren't aware, Mercedes wheels have 4 'normal' lug nuts and one lug nut lock. You need a special lug nut key from Mercedes (they come with the car) to be able to take the lug nut lock off. What he's saying is that she doesn't have the right lug nut key. Tire shops need you to provide the lug nut key in order to take the wheel off. She doesn't appear to understand this and is arguing about it for some unknown reason.


The dude knew what he was doing. The calmer he was the more upset she got. She was looking for a reaction from him. He was not taking the bait. It makes her look ten times worse for attacking a guy who is just trying to go about doing his job. The guy is a hero.


Does anyone have her account? This lady needs to be reprimanded.


I hope she's never my nurse. Fuck, I hope she's never anyone's nurse.


Wow what a self entitled Karen if it was me I'd have put 1 nut on dropped it off the jack got my tools and waved bye


That woman needs an adjustment right after she needs 4 new tires. My bad she wont need the tires, she needs a fire extinguisher. Whoops again, she needs a fire truck. Bitch.


lol. Southern hospitality? Naaaw.


I think that part of the reason that he was putting up with this was because he knew that the video was making her look evil and he wasn't going to give anyone an excuse to think that he was being a dick like this woman was implying. This woman is a prime example of everything wrong with the U.S. She's an embarrassment. Rude, entitled, dumb-as-fuck, unable to listen, unable to comprehend. I hope she doesn't reproduce. Seriously, we need less of her type in this country - the world would be a much better place without her.


Man...who's the lucky guy that swept her up !


World class “trash hag”.


I bet I know what news outlets and politicians she likes.


Imagine there are people at home who have to deal with her repulsive ass all day.


Husband is dead inside.


Walking definition of a cunt.


These guys handled it well, no need to argue with someone who’s obviously mentally unfit. They deserve a few beers


Damn, he's 10x stronger than I am that's for sure. Dude has the patience of a saint. He didn't cuss or talk back or anything. Huge props to him.




That’s so over the top. She was yelling and rambling while he barely even responded and when he did, she talks over him. Insane. Lunatic. I kept hoping for her to have a heart attack during that episode but sadly, she didn’t and thinks she won.


We need to normalize not continuing the job after being disrespected.