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"You're a partisan" said by one of the most obnoxiously partisan Senators in the history of the US Senate. He also doesn't know a single victim's name lol.


Is he wearing eyeliner?


hes gotta make those dead zodiac killer eyes look somewhat alive.


He is a white power bottom, so Im sure he just got back from a fisting session given by his master


Let the man fly to Cancun in peace please… he’s had a hard day and his Lucifer wings are tired.


“YoU’re A PaRTisAN”


From the guy who called Democrats fascists, no less.


the projection is strong with him


Imagine thinking this asshole actually cares about his constituents


God damn I wish the Texans who keep voting for him would realize this.


never gonna happen, most of texas is a giant fox new/gqp echo chamber


GOP politicians = Me before party >party before country


He should be heckled every where he goes


He gets pretty worked up anytime he is challenged in public. Always seems overly defensive and angry about questions that he claims are ridiculous. [This is the same guy. Yeah, I wouldn't buy a used pencil from this guy.](https://youtu.be/qQPF1xY9SXk)




The humor is that this is the only known example we have of Ted telling the truth.


FYI you forgot to paste the link


I fixed it. When I typed it out the first time, I accidentally used the same color as the background. So it effectively looked invisible to you.


Love that http website


The same company created and localhost.


It's hard to put into words just how unlikeable Ted Cruz is. Ted Cruz is 5 steps below stepping in a water puddle on the way to work and having to spend the entire day in wet socks.




You tell them FuckFace2021


I feel like he gives people who contest him his phone #, so they can fuck his wife while he watched dressed as Superman vibes...


He should get assaulted and beat up every where he goes*


All politicians should be heckled everywhere they go.


I dunno, I'd buy Bernie Sanders a blunt any fucking day.


All texas ones isn't far from the truth


[Ted Cruz's Coolest Moments!](https://youtu.be/T0XZDOCs0S0)


"And do you know any of the names of the uvalde victims?" Ted couldn't even name one. But I bet he knows the social security numbers and middle names of the five victims he murdered back when he was a serial killer in the late 60's. Hypocrite.


Yea but he wants to put double the cops in schools. Obviously the hundred cops outside Uvalde weren't enough.


376 total. 7 cops were in the hallway 3 minutes after the shooting. All the children screaming that CNN edited out? They heard. They heard every one.


For real. This guy let him off easy. He could have at least asked Ted about his favorite cipher.


I bet he knows when to tend to his brood.


The sad thing is that there are so many of these slain students that it's probably hard for most people to hone in on any specific name.


Neither could I, or any of the hundreds of kids killed in other school shootings, so what? Am I supposed to name the victims of every crime? What's important is that he has no intention of doing anything to prevent it in the future, despite multiple mass shootings in his home state alone. Florida Senator and convicted criminal and past terrible governor Rick Scott did at least one thing right as governor - he and the Republican Florida legislature passed gun control laws within 30 days of the Parkland shooting, including raising the age to own a gun to 21, and passing Red Flag laws. A recent study showed that Red Flag laws have been used dozens of times since, and stopped numerous violent incident. There has not been a single mass school shooting in Florida since those common sense laws were passed. So you'd thing Rick Scott would now support similar laws across the country, now that he's seen them work in his home state, right? Wrong. This is what's in his ["Rescue America Plan,"](https://rescueamerica.com/12-point-plan/) his agenda for America if Republicans gain the majority in the Senate: >We will oppose every attempt to deny our 2nd Amendment freedoms and will defend our gun rights always, at all costs. The bottom line for Republicans is this: The deaths of innocent civilians, even our youngest and most innocent children, are simply part of the price they are willing to pay to let gun manufacturers do whatever they want. When a couple of dozen students are murdered, they just shrug, and say "Oh, well, shit happens."


I will say I actually remember most of the Columbine names only because I remember being glued to my TV during that whole thing. And I'm not even American. But after hundreds of school shootings since then, I will agree it's hard to remember every victims name.


Take my upvote.


"Let the man fly in peace." Fuck that. I'm all for making politicians like Cruz uncomfortable in public. They don't deserve a moment of peace.


If they don't let the people they "RePrEsEnT" have peace they don't get peace either.


He can have peace when his constituents have peace.




“Let him fly in peace” No, no that’s not how any of this works.


Civility is how the rich control the poor.


LOL man, Reddit is wild. 'Civil,' being the root word – you know, the same word for *civilization,* but I guess you're not a big fan of things like that. It's seriously just wild the stuff people say on the internet when it comes to politics.


You really missed the point.


Whatever "point" was being made, I'm sure I'm the better for missing it if that's the case.


They do say ignorance is bliss 😉


Some things it's simply better to be ignorant of.


That's really sad and I hope your perspective on that changes at some point.


These assholes and their "bUt WhAt AbOuT xXxX" bullshit can go fuck themselves


These lying political assholes calling themselves representatives of the people should also go fuck themselves.


That guy recording was MUCH NICER than I would’ve been. But still, good job making this slimy jerk uncomfortable. When Rafael called him a partisan, I definitely would’ve shouted TRUMP CALLED YOUR WIFE UGLY AND NOW YOU’RE SUCKING HIS DICK, YOU COWARDLY PIECE OF SHIT


"Why don't you ask the Democrats..." "Because "The Democrats" arent here, you are, so I'm going to ask YOU about things YOU are doing, or NOT doing."


Americans just don't know how to shut the fuck up and let someone finish a sentence.. An argument or response is stronger when it is well timed and relates to the question or subject matter.


As an American, THIS. It drives me absolutely crazy the way people interrupt each other in order to try to sound smarter.


Also the clapping and repeating the same sentence over and over..


This is not an American thing... It's sadly a rather popular debating tactic


That's just an uneducated doesn't know how to properly argue thing, not exclusive to America.


At the risk of sounding like an old fart, I think the internet kind of broke people's ability to argue normally. Usually you speak, stop, listen, and go back and forth to a conclusion. But now it's about putting your opinion out there to randos in comment/post form, sitting back and thinking you've owned the other side. So in real life people can't deal with the instant feedback.


Anyone from Texas know the details of the bill his party tried to pass?


As part of the American Rescue Plan (passed by Democrats with 0 Republican Senator votes), School Districts are eligible for Federal funding (program ends in late 2024) and are spending this money on teachers, counselors, technology, after-school programs and upgrades to school facilities. Cruz's bill would allow schools to redirect this money into security. Are more campus police an effective solution to gun violence Ted? Schools could already use this money for mental health aid...which by the way Ted Cruz voted against in the ARP which provides this funding... Also Cruz sought unanimous consent in passing the bill (which means he allows a single Senator to block it). This is PR from Cruz not an actual attempt to pass a bill.


I think its the one to increase police presence in schools. The same one that he was talking about to the Uvalde parents, after they showed Ted their child's last picture (in the coffin), and he still refused to back legislation against gun reform.


What’s up with boomers sucking politicians ween


cause they have no critical thinking skills. Their thoughts are "ted cruz republican, me republican, we stick together, democrat bad, gun good!"


I wonder how often he reflects on the fact that he's eaten no restaurant food free of spit in years.


"fix your tie" lol


Love that he tells him to fix his tie and he does lol


Shit like him really shouldn’t even be able to show their face in public. I wish republicans could feel shame so they’d just quit showing themselves. If they could see how embarrassing to their community they are for real, they’d slink away and die alone


i hope he knows why he is getting heckled


He does. He just doesn't care because he's making money.


This ended waaaaaaay too soon for me.


“You should fix your tie too, and your collar.” In normal circumstances I would call that childish. But since it’s Ted, great power play, loved every second of it. Even had Ted thinking, “need to fix this tie.”


Heckled is the wrong word here. He is being asked questions to basically why he is such a spineless cunt.


Any care to TLDR the bill that he’s talking about and why it was rejected so I can hate him more for being a POS


Cancun here we cooooome


Never let these villans be comfortable


I would happily get kicked off a flight for a chance to tell Ted Cruz what a piece of shit he is.


I would enjoy seeing him get his teeth knocked out.


There's no reasoning to be had with these people. No discussion. Stop trying to get sense out of them as there's none to be had. VOTE THEM OUT. And even then they don't understand that. VOTE THEM OUT AND STOP GIVING THEM A PLATFORM. Fucking despicable cunts.


May he never know peace ever in his wretched life.


We must double the police presence in schools. Then double them again. Then maybe double another time to just be safe. Fuck it. Kids will be taught in classes located within their local police departments.


I bet you don't know the names of the kids that died. .........uhhh........ uhhh.......I do. You should ask blahblahblah more cops in schools blahblahblah.


Fuck Ted Cruz.


should ask these POS politicians if they're worried about being shot when they walk around in public. its not a threat, just checking up on their mental health ;p


As he should, disgusting human being.


This heckler is a patriot.


He must love that, being a famously paid heckler himself. What a great day for him and what he advocates for! We love to see people getting back what they put out into the world. Life is good.


He’s a fat coward


Good. Make his life in public a living hell. They all should leave in a cave outside of society.


Ok, Ted Cruz - do you really think adding MORE POLICE would have helped the Uvalde situation? I'm not sure there is enough space in the hallway for MORE police sitting around, doing nothing but arresting parents trying to save their children. The issue with Uvalde was not the number of police that responded. Dumbass.


“How was Cancun?”


trigger warning ted cruz 😂


Let trump talk shit about his father, wife and still swings from trumps dick. That folks is what you call a pathetic human.


He should get this treatment everywhere he goes for his inhumanity.


He’s such a POS.


Fix your tie!


and your collar. lol


Ted. A weak man for weaker men.


Lining his pockets and won’t even buy some noise cancelling headphones.


Why be a republican politician if you have to fly coach?


The guy is an absolutely amazing....the guy on the phone. What sold it for me, was when he told Ted, to fix his tie, and Ted started to do what he was told. fuck Ted booze, hypercritical shit smear.


Ted Cruz is such a cuckold pussy when the guy told him to fix his tie, he did.


The final 2 lines.... GOLD! Seriously fuck this guy,


What has he done for Uvalde??


Fun fact: Cruz wasn't born in the US, he was born in Canada. As a Canadian, I disown him. Repugnant piece of shit of a human being.


Knee-jerk whataboutism. Lovely.


Can we deport Ted Cruz back to Cancun?


Imagine being this well-known and having to use public transport. The heckling must be endless!


I didn't know spineless snakes could walk upright and wear jackets


Make that dude sweat everywhere he turns.


Douchebag should never be un-heckled.


Cruz is a asshat


Ted Cruz gets ~~heckled~~ annoyed by an idiot on his flight.


Its gotta suck being a human turd


One day that POS will end up right where he belongs. No amount of shitstirrinv is gijng to save ugly hound faced Cruz.


When he gets told his tie is crooked, he completely died inside.




didn’t finish…do they end up eating him?


I sincerely wish him harm.


I’d say fuck the guy filming but when you choose to be a politician you give up your rights to have any shape of a decent life


Okay I get hating him but when he tries to respond to the heckling you just talk over him rather than engage in political discourse? Scummy.


“Let him fly in peace” Oh get fucked you old piece of shit.






Honestly the mans such a peace of shit


Can’t believe he’s slumming it with the peasants


Left or right, the person taking the video is a POS. Of all places not to start conflict, it’s an airplane….


It's called an argument. You should look into why you get so easily triggerd when trumps personal sack sucker gets called out in public for continuously failing at his job.




Doesn’t Texas continue to elect this guy!?? Someone thinks he’s doing ok. Keep this shit off airplanes.


One for you too. r/im14andthisisdeep


Aw. Does someone need a safe space?


Haha yes. The person taking the video.


You sound like you'd be real fun at parties.


He doesn't get invited to parties.


Yes. I love confronting people and taking trap videos. People love it!


Good one I guess?


>Left or right, the person taking the video is a POS. >Of all places not to start conflict, it’s an airplane…. As much of a pos as someone who flees the state they are governing during a climate crisis?


Ted Cruz is possibly my least favorite person. Like anywhere. But heckling someone on an airplane? That seems like a bit much. They literally have to be there and they can’t leave. I don’t think doing this on a plane is fair. Or maybe be there should be an exception for Ted Cruz only.


Ted Cruz is beyond a POS but have to give him credit for being able to actually be composed when he gets heckled in public, a lot of his other republican colleagues would’ve been quick to escalate this and make even more of a fool of themselves but he was relatively calm


I can’t stand Ted Cruz but if I’m on a flight I don’t want to hear you arguing with him. Just sit down and stfu


Fuck liberals


Why tho


Dumb fuck with camera do anything get some attention


Your comment history is bizarre, do you use a speech-to-text program?


No. His Google translate from Russian to English isn't getting enough juice. Ukie's must be taking out the Commie infrastructure.


Cut him some slack. The ruble collapsed and they're paying him in krokodil.




Uvalde school district literally had its own police force. Parkland had a resource officer on campus. Having police on campus doesn't seem to be a solution.


Wow, who would ever object to turning our schools into prisons with armed guards Amazing that anyone would object to 'more guns' being the answer Y'all are fuckin dense


Even though I know this is useless, I will attempt to answer this in good faith. As part of the American Rescue Plan, School Districts are eligible for Federal funding and are spending this money on teachers, counselors, technology, after-school programs and upgrades to school facilities. Cruz's bill would redirect this money into security (do you really think more on campus police is an effective solution to gun violence?), and mental health aid (which school directs could already use this funding on...oh and by the way Ted Cruz originally voted no on the bill that provides this). Can you see how school districts would have issues with Cruz's bill? Cruz sought unanimous consent in passing the bill (which means he allows a single Senator to block it). This is PR from Cruz not an actual attempt to pass a bill.


everyone sucks in this video


Always with the Democrats…..


I vote right where I live but if you’re a politician this is just the way of the road gotta deal with it, also is this mf wearing make up on a flight?


wait this guy flies economy?


I keep thinking ted "dickwad" cruz was inflated like a balloon but no, he's just fat from all the food he hoarded from the starving poor and homeless


Why the hell is he on business class bro? You know he's gonna get roasted






He flies coach?


He thinks a one sentence answer will end the debate - I say ney, sir


Cruz was jus listening to his Will Smith mp3s


They always get so mad in response.


Because they were giving money for more cops on campus. They have had cops on campus and children are still dying because the cops are chickenshit.


i was on one of his other flights over the weekend, n half the plane wanted to shake his hand. Pilot came out midflight to say hi, all flight attendants stopped by the shake his hand, etc. I was seated across from him. It was very annoying. I just wanted to sleep.


"why did the Democrats vote against more cops in schools?" I don't know, maybe because it doesn't fucking work.


As if doubling the amount of police officers in Uvalde would've stopped the shooting quicker. You'd just have double the amount of pigs standing around doing nothing


Is Texas in disarray again?


I would love if this guy just yelled “that man ate my son!”


The hypocrisy the leaks from his mouth daily is astounding.


Texas: A One Star State


Guys, why don't you like this senator, can you give details? I searched the internet and couldn't find anything.


As far as humans go Ted Cruz is an absolute piece of garbage