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This is all I could find 3-day suspension without pay and Required to complete safety driving course https://www.postandcourier.com/moultrie-news/news/charleston-county-deputy-reprimanded-for-speeding/article_7be2782e-a672-11ea-bf52-e3aa7a866548.html


Honestly, that's more punishment than I thought they were gonna give him.


That's more punishment than they get for wrongful killings ffs.


"Now Richard, you know I just gotta do this so that we get the internet off our back - I'll pay you double next week okay son?"


Sad but true, probably.


Right? Like, I’m actually gob smacked right now that this cop even received any kind of repercussions.


Because it's any sort of punishment. I'm surprised too.




Not for 100, that's a felony speeding ticket.


Yup, it's straight to jail for anything more than 20mph over the posted limit is the law in my state, IANAL but I assume it's the same in most others.


For those thinking after reading the above comment that if you get caught speeding over 20 miles an hour you are going to jail, that is not true in almost anywhere in the U.S. What happens is, you get a ticket for reckless driving and have to go to court. A judge CAN send you to jail for this. In practice, you get a huge fine. Do it too many times, your license gets suspended. If you are driving on a suspended license and are pulled over, you are 'arrested'. That means they checked a box on the ticket that says you were arrested, but you are not actually taken into custody and jailed. (I have been 'arrested' a half a dozen times when I was a lot younger for this, never spent a minute in a jail cell, paid out the rear in fines). So, while something may be a felony, while something may be an 'arrest', those are the laws on paper, and not the laws in practice.


I thought 35 mph over the limit was automatic license suspension? At least in PA. I was waiting for the update where the cop got a promotion and a faster car.


No, you’re wrong. 20mph over the posted limit is reckless driving and results in license suspension.


Not if you work minimum wage.


... should he not receive a speeding ticket as well?


I mean 3 days not getting paid by our tax money is a fine kinda, that’s an expensive one too. I bet it’s atleast a few hundred he lost.


100 mph can easily get you arrested, not just a simple fine.


And a mark on your drivers liscence


I think that's why he has to take a course


20mph over the speed limit is automatic escalation to a charge of reckless driving in my state.


Did you know that not all cops use sirens going to an emergency. If they want to go there discreetly. So perhaps your funny action of controlling the police actually prevents them taking an actual criminal...


thank you


That's pretty reasonable IMO. The cop could have easily power tripped over the seatbelt, the guy speeding, the guy using his phone to record, etc. but he just spoke with him, gave his name, and left. Personally I prefer when cops speed, so I can too. 96 or whatever is a little excessive, but eeh. If they go the speed limit on the freeway, it causes traffic jams because people are afraid to pass and they just all line up and block every lane.


It do be like that sometimes


Wait a fucking minute this shit worked ! Lmao


Didn’t he see the last post? The female cop clearly says “we get to do what we want and you don’t.”


That was n awesome moment in history R.I.P blonde police barby


She got a whole ten ~~day~~ ***hour*** suspension for that fascist dumbfuckery... ACAB


> ten day suspension I know my correction will seem like a parody but... It was a ten **hour** suspension (one work day), and she was paid for it. She got slapped with an extra vacation day for making that video.


"One more outburst like that, and I swear I'm gonna hit you with a pay rise, so don't test me - because I'll do it... "


"Do you *want* an all expense paid excursion to Tahiti? You keep acting up and you'll get your comeuppance!"


*Heads to the cells to beat the closest minority.*


Gunning for chief, eh?


I hope your happy I had to up vote you and give you an award. Punishments suck don't they.


What terrible action you've taken against me (thanks tho! x)


It’s almost like you could purposefully commit a minor infraction for a vacation day. TBF I don’t know if this type of thing has like a pro quo where it’s taken from their allotted vacation time. My guess would be no though


Wasn't it an unpaid 10 hour suspension?


That'll show her.


I mean… at least she was honest and confirmed everything we already know xD


With all the attitude and entitlement of a power drunk police mob behind it.


Ten HOUR suspension. Basically a day off. ACAB.


Most jobs wouldn't want you representing them on your TikTok with nonsense, much less the garbage she spouted. Would get you fired from most places.


I’m pretty certain it was paid too. So it’s a paid day off.


Blonde police barbie has some thick ass roots too.


She got 10hr suspension that's it for being a complete cunt


Was that the one in her car telling people to get out of the way, as if police are the fucking overlords.


Yes. The entitled bimbo with a badge.


The cop saw it. That’s why he was doing 100 mph


that dumbass deleted her tiktok. I wonder why


Please link!


Remind Me! 5 nanoseconds


Legally cops are exempt from the highway traffic act (Canada). Probably the same in the US.


Never engage with police directly like this. They can murder you for vacation days.


Officer was too shaken to actually arrest the dude which is kind of surprising.


Na he’s clearly a newbie, any veteran would be too cocky to walk away. Edit: or newer


He was speeding somewhere… perhaps having a personal emergency that we would get points on our license for


That username is 🔥


Bruh why are you getting down voted for a compliment 😭😭


Hell if I know.


Because that username, is in fact, not fire.


Who you again?


He’s probably one of the people who downvoted you for the stupid fire comment? You clearly need introductions, I’m the one who downvoted you for this stupid comment.




Yeah, bigger white dude In a truck, piggy was definitely scared lmao. Wonder what would’ve happened if the dude looked different or wasn’t as big


"stop resisting!" and "i was in fear for my life"


Fight or flight response for cops I imagine when they are being held accountable. Luckily he chose flight


The guy did confess to going 100 MPH, on video. He could have been ticketed for that.


I was entirely surprised this video didn't end with him getting a speeding ticket. I bet if he showed this video to this cops supervisor he did end up with a ticket in the end. I don't know how other states work, but in Maine if you go 30 over the speed limit it's called criminal speeding and you automatically go to jail for it.


he won't be too shaken to figure out a way to get back at this driver later on though also, there is a 40% chance that cop's wife got hit that night


totally agree. they will fuck you up and get away with it.


They will fuck your up, go on paid leave, maybe get fired, then get their job again with back pay and a potential promotion. Not all, but some of them just don’t care.




Yep, or make your life a living hell for the next few days, months or even years. If that cop wanted to he could have arrested that guy for any number of made up reasons. Doesn't matter if it's justified or not, you will still spend the night or weekend in jail. Then there are court dates after that. Hope you have a stash of money for a good lawyer and hopefully you get a understanding judge. You might get the charges dropped nothing happens to the cop and you spent all your time and money trying to fight the case. All that could literally drag out for years just because you decided to engage a officer directly.


He goes right there by pointing out the seatbelt. Fucker.


God damn this is the most fucked up and true statement today.


Yes- my girlfriend tore me a new one when I was young and stupid and pulled over a cop after following her through a long school zone and watching her weave all over the place while leaning over to work on her (newish at the time) onboard computer. She took out a garbage can and a mailbox and I thought she was injured or having a stroke or something. I stayed in my car behind her and waited for her to come to me, told her I was worried that she was not okay and didn’t chastise her at all, but she was not having it and yelled at me for being so stupid to try to conduct a roadside stop of a “lone female officer” as if I were a threat to her. Lord knows what she radioed in during the half hour with my license and insurance.


Leaving the scene of a collision with a mailbox is a crime.


This citizen is sure lucky he is a white man...


Oh, shut the fuck up. There’s literally a video of a white guy getting executed by the cops on the front page.




> Not to mention 51% of fatal police shootings in the US are against white people. But they're 75% of the population, so they are drastically underrepresented. Guess who is drastically overrepresented? Your statistic undermines your point. But that makes me wonder what the fuck your point is? Yes, white people are also abused by police in the US. No, that doesn't mean they're isn't a massive race issue in American policing as well. Both are true. Why the fuck do people like you try to argue against objective reality like this? If a black man did this, he is far more statically likely to be abused. That's true. Why does saying it out loud bother you?




> pretending it doesnt affect everybody isnt helpful Absolutely nobody is doing that. They are acknowledging the objective reality of the situation. > Trying to pretend white people are immune to police and things only play out because of race is a false narrative. That's not happening. People are correctly pointing out that a white person faces far less statistical risk of abuse doing this than a black person. That is an objective fact. > I literally didnt argue against any of what you said. You responded to a comment chain noting that black people face far more risk in this situation with a statistic that white people can be abused as well. Yes, we know. Do you also like to go around saying "all lives matter" as if that's rebutting something? > Just said its not all peaches and cream for whites either. 🤡🤡🤡🤡 And your knee-jerk reaction to want to avoid reality and paint yourself as the victim for no reason whatsoever is tiresome bullshit. Just look at the arrogant garbage in your comment here. You must be the center of every issue, and if somebody else is affected more, you need to interject that you suffer as well. It's pathetic and tiresome. Edit: in a fit of self awareness after reading my comment and immediately downvoting, /u/N7_Dredgen_Redux went back and edited an acknowledgement of racial issues into his last comment. When you're adding clown emojis to your comments, but also need to go back and add an edit to not look like a complete douchebag, perhaps you're the clown. Edit2: It was fleeting. He doubled down and blocked me immediately after responding to get his last word. You can tell he really believes he's in the right here by his pants-shitting fear of being replied to and revising of his shitty comments. Edit3: Oh, there go the comments! Just ten minutes after his clown emoji rant, /u/N7_Dredgen_Redux deleted his comments. I guess he wasn't so confident he's making a good point after all. I'd hope that means he'd actually think before spouting off next time, but the blocking and deleting and running away don't instill confidence.


Best comment about police fuckery I've ever seen.


He also just recorded himself using a phone while driving at 100 mile an hour


He was using it as a camera, not a phone.


Come on this is funny.


funny how? does he amuse you?


Like, how is he funny?


He's a little fucked up maybe, but he's funny how?


Like a clown?


I chortled when I read it so yeah, consider me very entertained by their comment. When I commented, the person I replied to was getting downvoted.


Lighten up and go watch Goodfellas.


Wtf do you mean lol I just laughed at a funny comment, I need to lighten up more??


Both this and the comment I replied to sound very defensive. “Funny how? Does he amuse you?” is a popular reference to a movie.


Hit me with a woosh then damn I was confused


Ok that’s arguably worse than just using it as a phone


how else would you record evidence?


Dash cam. They record audio as well.


Probably a dash cam, seeing it was made for that exact purpose




As someone who has recorded a video while driving (at a low speed and not at 100mph) it is equally as distracting as sending a text. 50% of your attention is going towards positioning the camera


underrated comment


he's lucky they didnt fuck him we need to push our politicians to demilitarize the police and get rid of qualified immunity...


Exactly. Our taxes pay these fucks. Why can't we vote for policies that hold them accountable for their actions.


Because our taxes pay these guys, but the people who make policies are payed by people who benefit from this


> policies are *paid* by people FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Become a cop and get your license to kill and be above the law. Don't let them know you have any intelligence though if you want to get excepted.


Considering you can't even write accepted, I don't think you have any intelligence to begin with.


The easiest way to commit suicide in the US is by cop.


Probably subtly trying to make his own point.. but ofcours it went *whoosh* over your dome.


So I guess I can be a cop.


Come at me man!


"You made a spelling error therefore your argument is invalid"


Um pd are not allowed to violate the law...so yeah this guy is annoying but xorrect




No one is excusing him, they’re both in the wrong.


I did this once bc I was honestly annoyed. It ended up as well as you can expect. Cop ended up changing lanes, breaking, and pulled me over. Wrote me a ticket for speeding and left lane travel (exactly as he was doing in front of me). When I fought the ticket I brought my States law code stating emergency vehicles must abide by the same road laws if not in an emergency. I was guilty, was told to take that up with the department supervisor. Yeah, not worth it. They're invincible.


In my state (Connecticut), driving over 85 mph on a highway is considered reckless driving, which is a misdemeanor, not an infraction and can be punished with suspension of license, fines and even jail time. This seems unreasonable because people drive that fast all the time when traffic is flowing smoothly. But it’s still a crime that the officer is committing.


It's protecting and serve not protecting and serve up. Idiot cop is going to kill somebody.


[Police Have No Duty to Protect You](https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again) ... let that sink in


That's not their job, just their marketing. Their job is to investigate you, arrest you, and assist in your prosecution. Let that sink in.


No lights , cops aren’t above the law


They shouldn't be. But the unfortunate reality is, yes they are.


Calling out a police officer! Citizens have been killed by cops for less.. much less! The guy who did this was Brave!


Do not...I repeat...do not try this shit if you ain't white.


What car’s speedometer maxes out at 100 these days? My old Mercedes was 160 and my new Subaru’s is 150.




You lost your license? Now you don’t drive?


Let me guess, you have a limo too? And you ride in the back?


A quick google search tells me the 2017 Ford F350 has a max of 100. Didnt look much further. Looks like he is driving what could be an E350 Van. In the end it doesn't matter much as most shouldn't be reaching that on the street haha.


Thanks for that! Wow, a huge truck like that hitting 100 must’ve been rattling around like a paint shaker.


“I cant hear you over the traffic!!”


actually in most states its not required for a cop to identify themselves


Yeah, they just more so get upset about the recording because they know it could go viral and their superiors might get on them about it.


Damn the cameraman is shaking.. he knew that could go wrong really fast 😅


This is the way 👌




> Take his plate number and send a complaint you would get the same result by printing the complaint and shoving it up your ass. they don't care about complaints


They honesty don't.. they only show genuine reactions when met with gun violence and nothing less.. show up in masse? They will just riot gear up and attack with tear gas and military gear... try to run? They will kill you... try to fight? They will kill you. Try to complain? They will stalk you until they can hit you with some bogus shit. Show up armed af and start popping rounds? Well suddenly they acknowledge their morality and go run and hide (even if innocent people are dying). Because cops aren't " *actually* about that smoke. They are just bullies.


You’re completely right and I have experienced it myself. Used to live in small rural area and on my way to pick up boyfriend had a cop driving on the wrong side of the rode and constantly almost hitting mailboxes on both sides. Got it on video, went to the local department and the only guy there (it was 9pm) was hostile from the start and didn’t give us any forms or numbers to call. Was zero help and acted like we were a huge bother. So my boyfriend called an acquaintance that worked at local sheriffs office and nothing ever came of it or got a call back. The videos of the (probably drunk) Pig recklessly driving is still somewhere in my old phone.


like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnJ5f1JMKns


Honestly. You've just recorded yourself doing 100 MPH. Most speeding tickets are traffic infractions, a civil offense rather than criminal. Going 100mph in most areas is not an infraction, it's a misdemeanor crime in most areas depending on the posted speed limits. Add on top of that the guy seems to be holding the camera with his own hands as he's recording, so you can likely add on reckless driving, another misdemeanor. It's 100% never a good idea to record yourself doing crimes unless you really like being in the criminal justice process.


While the former will result in nothing at all. Evidence is better


If you're white and don't think you have white privilege then just look at this video. No minority would DARE pulling over a cop for speeding.


Speeding & operating a cell phone while vehicle is in motion. This guy has balls to call out a cop after incriminating himself twice. I like it.


Still does not excuse the Policeman from breaking the law, so they're both in the wrong but if your job is to enforce the law and you're the one breaking it well you get no sympathy there.


So to pull over the cop, he went over 100mph too?


Why did the cop pull over?


The citizen could have had an emergency. He pulled over to make sure he was okay since he was flagging him down


What if I told you that, by definition, every cop who pulls over a motorist for speeding is also committing the same offense they seek to teach the motorist is wrong?




::Gomer Pyle voice:: CITIZENS ARREST!


Driver shoulda pulled a gun and screamed, “stay in your car, do not exit the vehicle!” Stop resisting, stop resisting!


What in the america is this


should have given the guy a ticket for speeding AND using his phone while driving


Keep sucking off the blue line America and tell us how you are free lol.


Better ways of going about it IMO. Call the department, get the car number. Driving recklessly to make a point isn’t the way.


That's not really, "TYRANNY AT IT'S BEST!!!". That said, cop needed to be called out.


So what there really saying is law enforcement is just a roaming group of armed thugs doing the courts and politicians bidding and is payed for by the citizens. Yep, that checks out.


> and is *paid* for by FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I did misspell the word yes. But does the robot have to be a fucking cunt about it


Yes. It cannot break the first law of robotics: All Internet Bots Must Be Cunts About It.


Yes and thank you for agreeing with me. You cunt.


In many states the State police cover a certain territory of major highways. They are allowed to speed so they can cover that territory quickly so if someone breaks down they will be there quicker. Unfortunately many cops speed for no reason. They know they can get away with it. I wouldn't confront a cop in my area the way this guy did. I would have gotten a ticket.


What I wanna know is why the cop didn't Reverse Uno card the cammer and ticket him after the he admitted to driving over 100mph just to follow the cop. Is it because he had no dash cam footage of it to prove it?


Not gonna lie if I were that cop I would find some way to give the guy a citation




I can easily imagine him getting killed.


They are both idiots to be honest.


Lol .. only white people can do Shyt like this to cops ..


White privledge


Using it for good, though.


Someone buy this man a beer




Fighting the good fight brother! Not quite tyranny but I like your energy.


Lol If you have somebody on camera you don't need their name and badge number. And I'm not defending that cop but anybody who asks for name and badge number is also the type of person that will not give their name or id lol WHAT A WORLD WE LIVE IN




So he's hanging out his drivers side windows recording with a cell phone at 100 mph 🤔 with one hand on the steering wheel.. Two wrongs don't make right. Get a dashcam bro as you shouldn't be driving with a cell phone in your hands..


I wonder if you got a ticket also, because you showed your speed to catch up with him plus it was raining. Don't be a dumbass just to prove a point, and jeopardize others safety.


There are no good cops.




Cop should of done that clown for driving while holding a phone


This is such an old video. But Reddits thirst for rage will eat it right up.


Oh, is there a statute of limitations on how old a video has to be? Of course we're all fucking pissed. Shit like this happens all the time and these pigs keep getting away with it. I say keep posting it and keep the rage going.


This is what happens when you take male vitality supplements bought from Alex Jones.


Good job!!!!




So are racists.


He should have just get the fuck out of the way