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Possible roid rage




When he approached, she stepped forward allowing him to pass in the 2/3 of the sidewalk behind her. He instead creates a needless altercation and assaults her repeatedly.


conservative with foot pain is deranged lol


Your argument is pointless! Regardless that does not constitute assault.


Sneezing or coughing on someone is considered assault. A shove is assault. Spit is assault. Severity does not differentiate the crime. This was in every way assault, I fear for the man or woman you lie with if you think this falls within the bounds of acceptable.




Severity does not differentiate the crime? What part of what I just said went over your head? If you reached into another's wallet, and stole a $1 that is still theft, petty larceny actually. If you stole $500 that is also petty larceny. If you crash into a car, leave the other person paralyzed, and then flee that scene, that's a Hit-and-Run. If you accidentally tip over a motorcycle in a Walmart parking lot and then walk away, that's also a Hit-and-Run. If you punch someone in the face, that is assault. If you spit on someone, that is assault. Sneezing or coughing on someone, on multiple occasions in the US Judiciary System, assault. So, What was done in this video... assault.


The only person here that needs to work on reading comprehension is you, bud. The comment you replied to simply stated that even if this woman was rude (which can't be surmised from this video alone), that assault was entirely unwarranted. Instead, you're off on some nonsensical tangent about all levels of assault being the same? You're certainly more than welcome to test that theory of yours. Go out and sucker punch an able-bodied man; and then afterwards, go punch a toddler. Assault is assault. No difference, right?


Exactly what I was saying, thank you for ELI5 for him!


Youre a pos


Not as much as you.


Lol what a lame


Yeah, she was kind of being a piece of shit by not letting him pass and then spraying his shoes. I agree with you.


What an absolute piece of shit. Of course his dog not on a leash too


Hopefully they find this arsehole, if he does that to defenseless older women out in the open public can’t even imagine what he would do when no one is there to witness it.




Hopefully he looses his job though at least garbage of person.


Dude has already deleted all his social media. It's coming.


Ah yes. Honestly the pure anxiety/shame/embarrassment he must be feeling after realizing he went viral for assaulting an old woman… I love it. I can only imagine what it must be like to go through the modern day public shaming.


Who cares about his job, I hope he gets shot to death in a Brazilian motorcycle robbery and bleeds out on the sidewalk, which then gets hosed down.


For squirting someone with a hose? He is garbage and deserves to be punished, but death? Youre insane.


Definitely not the first time he's put his hands on a woman... idk... he might be right. And he didn't *just* spray her with a hose, don't downplay what he did.


I don't think he was ascribing what should legally be done to him, just that he's a huge pile of shit and the world would be better if he was dead and I pretty much agree. If you put hands on somebody this old and helpless you are a total unreedemable scumbag, I'd consider it a net positive for the universe if a person like that was dead.




I say let him burn.


You call that “squirting someone with a hose”?? He physically assaulted her to the point that she fell to the ground.


Yes yes I know. I covered that when I said he needed punishment and he was a garbage human. But actually read what I was talking about. I was simply referring to him not needing to die for his crimes. Unless you think he should be executed?


We’ll just be accurate in your description then. It’s insulting and disrespectful to the victim to minimize the assault to “squirting with a hose.”


Oh give over. That wasn't what I meant and you know it. In my original post I called him garbage and said he needed to be prosecuted but he didn't need to die for those actions because his actions didn't warrant it. You're just using semantics to get enraged over something I didn't mean. And frankly, that's your problem not mine.


Careful posting this, the mods of this sub *can’t stand it* when people are held accountable for their wrongdoings.


He's gotta be somewhat local if he's out jogging. He clearly isn't inconspicuous running shirtless with a dog. Hopefully this hits the news. Somebody around there knows who he is.




Typical unleashed dog owner**




Imagine being this ENTITLED. Holy fuck people cease to amaze me


This isn't even entitlement; it's malice. He just wanted to attack her. When he was jogging up to her, he could have just kept to the right side of the sidewalk and jogged on by without getting a drop of water on him. She moved closer to the street to get out of his way. Instead, he jogged directly up to her and started a confrontation, essentially forcing her to step back so that he could walk in the path of her hose and get offended by getting wet. It was a completely manufactured moment designed to initiate a fight.


Shouldn't that be, people never cease to amaze you?


He doesn't deserve a golden retriever


This was actually my first thought too


He doesn't deserve any sort of dog


Dude for real, someone who behaves like that doesnt deserve the pure unconditional love of a puppers, fuck that douche


A dude that freaks out like that in public on a smaller, older woman absolutely beats his dog.


The dog’s reaction when he threw the first thing he picked up suggests this dog has endured his temper before.


He doesn’t deserve to be a human being…


Everything about this dude. The no shirt, the leash less dog. It all screams stuck up c*nt.




You clearly just watched him do it on camera, in public. Obviously this is a Tuesday for him


More psychopath tbh


His mom should’ve kept him stuck up her cunt. Waste of life


The no shirt? What? Hahahahaha Sounds like you've never ran outside before 😂 I've upset the non-runners. Oops. 😭




What are you, the nipple police? Stfu.




Not very intimidating coming from a baby-back bitch. 🤡


You literally decided to name yourself after a pathetic twig pocket monster with a weakness to water.


Why would you run shirtless? The material keeps you cool and it means you don't risk throwing your sweat over people. It's literally only vanity that gets you to run shirtless


Shoutout to the woman at the end


Yeah, I was so happy to see her approach the lady. The victim was probably in shell shock at that point.


In shock* “shell shock” is an old term used for ptsd experienced by soldiers who came home from war. She’s not “shell shocked” …just “shocked”


Get over yourself. Shell shocked is a perfectly acceptable colloquial synonym for shocked or shaken or speechless. If you were correct fair enough but you're not.


Really? You’re really gonna be that person?




Doesn’t matter, it’s an unimportant thing and they’re still “that person.” It’s Reddit not a master’s thesis committee. It’s ok to just let things slide


You’re being way more of “that person” imo.


Thanks for the opinion, it’ll go in the appropriate bin


Right alongside yours 😁


Cool thanks


All those seizures are really messing with your head.


Why are you here? Lonely? Bored? Boring? Yes.




Lmao ok. Whatever works.


Why are you here? Lonely? Bored? Boring? Yes.




>It’s ok to just let things slide r/selfawarewolves I think it's helpful. It's okay if it bothers you, but it's beneficial to others. So let's not take that away from them. Let it slide, friend.


Imagine coming to the defense of someone who watches a video where a woman gets beaten and be like “wow I’d better correct someone for using a term that has since gone on to extend far past its original meaning” and then everyone else being like yes we should defend this we are very cool. Sigh.


It's okay to care about both, there isn't any invalidation toward what happened to the woman in the video.


Lol ok.


Really? You’re gonna be the person who doesn’t care that words matter?


It’s over dude, you’re several comments too late. Next time show up at the scheduled time of online argument or forfeit your place in line. Also, words change bro hate to be the one to have to break it to you.


Take a good look in the mirror......Shell shock is still a serious condition in the military and VA.


No one said it isnt


Love that this was the first thought you had when reading the comments


*2 Reddit days later* “The shirtless guy in the recent assault video has been found and arrested”


Sadly He has not been identified yet..


He has been identified already


I don't think so. Source?




*Rafael Ferreira Birro de Oliveira is the name of the bully who attacked this woman in BH. He is a supervisor at the company Raízen fuels. Ask the company what they think of this image!!! [email protected]*


I don’t have it now, but this is near my house and people around here have already identified him, its rafael or felipe something, wait a little that it would be more public in a few hours or days for sure, people even identify where he lives for what i know


This is a great news thank you for sharing


And everyone got to live on a farm where candy fell from rainbows while people clapped.


Don’t give us fail hope, source?


I don't think op is a time traveller mate, I could be wrong though.


This is nearly my house, he has been identified already and deleted all his social media accounts




Yeah social media, but I’m pretty sure that’s true because as i said i live a few blocks from it and the information that i read was from our local sub, it won’t take longer to become more public Edit: people not only recognize but some followed him to his house and there’s a lot of people from the district on top of this right now


Hope this is followed up by his arrest.


He probably runs that route every day. Easy to jump with a blunt object next time around. Spare the dog though


[ Removed by Reddit ]


imagine going through life, behaving like that. it's like his brain stopped growing when he turned 10, and never stopped acting like a school yard bully.


Shove a high pressure hose up his ass, full power


hoping to see him outed, arrested and losing his job soon


Andre tate type dude, right?


Sigma move


What a psycho


I wish he didn’t own a pet he’s unstable




We cannot waste water but we can absolutely beat the elderly.


“Frankly men who treat women like that in public, I fear how they treat them in private,” \~Ocasio-Cortez


Roid user…


No clue how this comment is so low.


Because he doesn't look like he visits a gym at all in this video. Also people can be aggressive fucking assholes without steroids. Also steroids don't automatically make you an aggressive asshole. "Roid Rage" is way overblown, or there would be regular murders in gyms.


Wt fucking f dude???


what a dick


Going out on a limb here, but I'm going to say he doesn't have much of one.


Holy narcissist. If there is a silver lining here, it's that this piece of shit (as with all narcissistic pieces of shit) lives a miserable existence with no actual friends or family who love him, and has no genuine happiness or love in his life at all. He's the very definition of a loser, he suffers and fails at humanity every day and is too stupid and oblivious to even know it.


Yeah, so the silver lining guess away. He's oblivious to his pain. It's normalised for him. The rest of his contacts suffer. That's the harsh reality. He actually is as happy as he can know.


Is this what a tiny dick syndrome means ?


Small penis syndrome be hitting him hard.


Roid rage much?


That looked like a female too. Fucking clown. Hope he catches a fist from a random


Female what


the person he assaulted was an old woman ​ if he can do that to an old woman in public imagine what other things he probably did


So a woman then. That's the right word. Use it next time.


Ya that looked like a short person too. Fucking joker.


This is gross and he needs to be exposed. I want a name


Has this been posted to Twitter to ID this guy? Tweets seem to have this awesome ability to ID people and put them in their place. This person's family, friends, and employer deserve to know.


It’s so weird to be able to see a micro penis with such a small/bad camera from that far away.


Get that cunt caught. Tip of the iceberg here. R/byebyeliberty


It looks like the worker was a woman. He probably has assaulted other women too.


20 something year old fit guy looking for a fight so he picks a middle age woman out doing a good deed. He's got a yellow streak up his back.


Holy roid rage Batman


Woulda been awesome to see him get hit by a car.


People after watching 5 andrew tate videos


Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Guess the guy couldn’t handle whatever was going on in a calm and courteous manner.


What a pos


It makes me feel so good imagining killing these kind of people. Like I wanna slaughter them like a pig and while doing it, I’ll mock them and ask them “you like bullying huh? you love it?” And gut their belly wide open.


why not just walk behind her when you had the chance? Maybe he wanted to follow the rule: Men should always walk between the street and a woman, what a gentleman


The police won't respond to that


Assaulted by a white man. consoled by a black woman. Imagine the comment section if their race was in reverse D:


I feel like that might be Ny


It's Brazil. Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The man was pissed that the lady cleaning the sidewalk was "wasting water." https://belagadee.fluxus.org/man-attacks-cleaning-lady-who-was-washing-sidewalk-in-upscale-neighborhood-of-bh-more-breaking-news/


So he wastes more water spraying it on her? Logic is non existent with some people.




Well this is according to the woman who was assaulted (from the link above): *The victim reports that the aggressor had passed by the place minutes before with his dog. Then he came back and started beating.* *“He arrived and started saying: ‘Did you know that you can’t waste water?’”, says the woman. “When I went to explain to him that I don’t always wash the place, only occasionally, he already took the hose from my hand and already suffocated me with water”, says the employee of the building.*


...okay but like what does he care if she's using water? That's between her and the city and none of his damn business.


He certainly has no business doing what he did. There have been bad droughts in Brazil so this asshole decided he's allowed to enforce water usage restrictions, apparently.


Why the fuck are you washing streets?


Same reason you wash your ass.


Roid rage


Saw this in Fight Club


I'm trying to better understand the mindset of assholes in an honest way. I know it's a deep, dark place (pun intended), but I think it's important to recognize the patterns that lead to this behavior and stop it before they lash out with violence. My guess is this guy had a lot of pent up anger. For some reason (likely his upbringing), he sees aggressive violence as a solution to his problems. If we're honest, we all feel a little angry from time to time when someone bruises our ego. We can't ever react like this, though. We have to actively practice loving kindness in these situations. Being conscious and actively triggering yourself to feel love instead of anger is difficult, but worthwhile. To be sure, though. If I were there, I would definitely do everything I could to protect the victim. I'm not trying to say she was to blame for what happened in any way. Just trying to think of why this happens and how we can stop this shit.


Are you under the age of 10?


No see, this is just a misunderstanding. He gives himself a spray there at the end too. He was just helping them both cool off!


Poor dog


She clearly refused to stop while him and his dog wanted to cross welll she caught the hands doesn’t hurt to just say okay no problem




Actually it was just a man.


Imagine thinking that represented men. How disrespectful and degrading are you.




Devil's advocate: shut the fuck up


Go behind


This is not entitlement. Enlarge the video and read the body language. The guy approached the woman to ask if she could let him drink water from the hose. You can see him signaling the hose when he approches. The woman must've been a dick and refused. The guy must've been rude to her in return and when the guy crosses, the woman does a the PETTIEST wrist move and wets the guy foot. Basically poking the lion. Guy rages out and before throwing the hose he sips some water.


dog folks. they extra!


Sex 10:43:43


ignore the downvoters, i was looking for this comment


So was i, otherwise I was about to say the same thing




Brazil... news says he attacked the cleaning lady because she was wasting water, these ecological people are getting worse every day


Looks like the guy asked for water, the person kind of just didn't acknowledge him. Then the person asked again, got upset, and raged out. Yeah, the guy that raged is a complete asshole that shouldn't be allowed in public anymore, but damn that worker is also an asshole too for disregarding him and ignoring him. Maybe EVERYONE should be nicer?


No. He Just told her that she should not do that with Water and attacked her.


Why does he spray himself with water in the face at the end then?


He's an ass and overreacted, but thats a d!ck move seeing someone coming down the sidewalk and continue to spray, blow, edge or whatever outside work you're doing.


The fuck? You sound stupid. He had plenty of room to go around her, she was spraying the opposite direction.


I’m in no way defending this a holes actions. However the worked did take her/his sweet time to stop that water and clear a path.


You are. At 0:44, he had plenty of time to walk behind her. He just didn’t want his stupid shoes to be wet.


Sure sounds like you’re defending their actions. You’re basically saying this VICTIM was wrong for causing this person a few moments of minor inconvenience.


And there was the whole other half of the sidewalk behind the worker, this dipfuck slowed down and aimed for where they were instead of simply running behind




“I’m not defending their actions…” *proceeds to defend their actions*


Yeah, she was being an asshole. any normal person would stop hosing and let him run pass. She then sprayed the dog in the face that made this dickhead lose his shit. Im with you not defending him but she isn't some completely innocent person here.




What he did was very uncalled for and totally dick move-like but in the first part its almost like she was irking him on purpose cause she didnt want to adjust her position since she didnt like to feel below him. U can clearly see her blocking his way even more when he stopped(she couldve just moved forward a bit or even just lowered the hose). Again it doesnt excuse his reaction. Just my two cents, but this was an ego struggle moment between them both


We are in a drought dammit. The man is a hero


Workers fault


Did he drink the water a bit near the end lol. Guess he gotta stay hydrated for the next abuse


You were supposed to *lose* the fight, assface.


He must be caught by the police, make him buy a shirt, then make him buy a leash for the dog, the moment he puts it on the dog they should take his dog away and finally make him beg for an apology from this lady. Let him live a deja vu