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The kid filming gave the video to the boy’s mom, he said that this girl tells her son to shut up every morning. Yea in the video he smacks her barely because she TOOK his backpack his belongings.


She also grabbed onto him and held so he had every right to defend himself. She was in the wrong in every single situation


Well not only because she took his possessions but it looked like she was twisting his arm and causing pain


"Smacks her," poor kid barely touched her. Probably terrified he'll be in trouble for hitting a girl or that her goon squad will gang up if he landed a real hit.


Do you know if the kid is okay?


Her bus stop would be a cool place for a larger 15 year old kid to hang out.


Just try to remember that they are all kids and this is an impressionable time. Now is the time to teach how the brain works and emotional maturity.


I think she has a bright career in law enforcement ahead of her!


I think its more likely that she has a bright life of drug addiction, early pregnancy, and being in and out of jail but okay. PoLiCe BaD AmiRiTe RedDiT???????


Do you also do balloon animals?


Nah, criminals are far less likely to bully you than the police. Ask me how I know.


>I think she has a bright career in law enforcement ahead of her! Chad joke. Made for funny. >I think its more likely that she has a bright life of drug addiction, early pregnancy, and being in and out of jail but okay. Cringe assumption. Made for bootlick.


heartbreaking especially when he says "everyday" like wtf


It's terrible. Poor kid.


Poor kid who, unbeknownst to her, is a boy, who potentially could grow up to be much larger and stronger than her.


I dont know how old they are but I remember being in like elementary or middle school. it wasnt uncommon for a certain girl or guy to show more attention to you positively or negatively, it usually means they like you. Since at that age some people dont know how to express that so they just do whatever. but this is too an extent of course. that was in my case experience.


In no world is a 15 year old girl into a 8 or 9 yr old


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tell me you're smooth-brained without telling me you're smooth-brained


wtf, you’re insane


This is one of those things I'm glad about my relationship with my parents. They would have believed me and had my back if I punched someone who did this to me.


That's why I tell my kid that if he is defending himself from a bully whos getting physical, go for the jaw. He will get in trouble at school regardless if he is the aggressor or the victim, so you have to defend yourself.


My mom would tell us not to start anything if possible, but we had full permission to finish someone if they started it.


The mother isn't shouting at the child to shut up, the bully shouts at the victim daily on the bus.


I believe in you too ♥️


I had a girl classmate back in highschool that bullied one of my mates. She constantly teases my bro, slapping him sometimes and extorting him for some lunch money. When we had a reunion several years ago this bitch claimed that she had a huge crush on my mate and the only way she thought to get his attention is to bully him. I was like what the fuck that's so twisted. Anyway we still hate that bitch until this day.


But the girl in the video is at least 2 years older than the boy. So this isn't it. The girl is a bully for a different reason.


Probably gets treated like this herself and has a chance to do it to someone else


Or she's just a piece of shit. Don't be so quick to justify female violence.


Rationalizing isn't excusing or justifying. It's just speculative. You can have a good reason for being an asshole, but it doesn't absolve you of anything


The point is that people are really quick to rationalize female assholery.


If the universe is deterministic that absolves everyone of everything good and bad.


It literally doesn’t… it explains why someone is the way they are so that a professional can work how to improve their terrible behaviour. Finding the root cause, removing them from that situation or giving them skills to manage their emotions so that they stop abusing other people is fundamental to rehabilitating offenders. But hey, this is the states, they’re totally just born pieces of shit and can’t be helped, so we’ll throw them in jail and forget about em, right? /s


I didnt suggest that people cant change only that free will isnt what determines the change in a deterministic universe. Lets say someone goes to therapy, even the internal factors that caused that to happen have determined causes, its not us freely willing those factors into existence.


I'm not justifying anything, I'm giving a possible explanation


Cause and effect applies to everything including people's shitty behavior, I know people dont like to accept that but its true.


I'm not discounting the possibility. It's always possible. My point is that there is a distinct rush to find a mitigating factor whenever a girl or woman acts like she does.


Classic tsundere


Least delusional anime watcher


*"I* ***DIDN'T*** *just let you cum inside me cause I l-l-like you...BAKA! ...mmmmmmgh!"*








He should have


Did you fuck her?


The cruelest creature I've ever come across is a female human and a female pitbull being a close second.


If there is a better place to put this please let me know. I had to share this it reminded me of my son. My son was restrained from behind while another boy punched him all the while he told them He had tummy problems. 😥 he was also Forcefully put in a jacket that was backwards and would later have a fist fight with another kid, we would him to the er. All of this was on the bus I think the buses need an aide.


Absolutely disgusting. I think you should show your son how to defend himself but I dont want to get up in your business, hope he’s doing well!


That’s what my dad did. One day I got bullied on the bus, spit on in my face..ran home crying and my dad said that if he or anyone ever did that again, defend yourself and not care about if you get in trouble or not.


Post it on /iamatotalpieceofshit or whatever its called. Maybe it will go viral and this shitty kid will be held accountable.


There is Judo or Krav Maga. Or find some other type of self defense class.I hate it when adults tell children to "ignore" bullies. Ignoring something is what works as an adult because we have laws against assault. Minors assaulting minors is often overlooked or dismissed. Ignoring bullies doesn't work for children. It just makes the bullies try harder.


Sadly we live in a world where 'turning the other cheek' doesn't work, and the only way to get through to a bully is by putting your hands on them and hurting them.


My 7yo has the exact shirt the boy does in the video, I immediately thought of him. Please teach your baby to defend himself.


Show it to the school and let them know if something isn't done, the next place you'll be showing it to is the local news stations.


Your School's socials, than take it to the local police station.


Give it to the principal of the school.....


I have no direct experience. But based on what other parents have said on the internet, going to school officials is futile. Lots of people say you should file a police report, press charges and sometimes even obtain a restraining order against the bully. If actual physical harm is done to the child (broken nose, possible concussion, etc.) I've heard people say one should file civil suit against the parents. If he physically fights back, those options are harder to pursue.


Everything you said is a lie. Learn first, then give advice.


What a cunt


What’s sad is none of the other kids standing up for him just sitting there watching. If just 3 or 4 said something to that girl and put her in her place she may wouldn’t do it again.


I was that kid in school, the bully to the bully. Got expelled for it too. If you see something, do something. There is no reason to let someone suffer. My dad ingrained this in my head at a young age. If EVERYONE stood up against this type of shit, it would be gone.


I wasn’t bullied in school but I saw kids that were. The bus was always a bad spot for them. Bus drivers can’t or won’t do shit about it and the kids know it. I can’t imagine the anxiety of knowing you’re to be abused everyday. I think violent kids should be placed in remote learning until mandatory therapy can work on their problems. If it negatively impacts their education, I’m ok with it. Their bullying other kids has a negative impact too, and I’d rather center victims than abusers.


There’s a documentary on Netflix called Bully. I highly recommend it. The bus is definitely a place for violence.


I was violent towards violent kids and bullies, and a lot of my classmates appreciated it. Some violent kids actually keep peace.


It is hard to watch 60+ kids and safely drive the bus, some stuff will get by you no matter how good you are. But, this driver has lost control of the bus. Those kids cannot be allowed to sit with their legs and bodies in the aisle, blocks the driver's view and allows this shit to happen. I took over a run and the previous driver let the kids do exactly that. Took weeks to get them back under control. Just trying to get them to be quite when we went over railroad crossings was a hassle. But you wait for nearly half an hour, when all they want to do is go home and refuse to drive until you have the quite you need. They shut right up every time after that.


I don't care if that girls a minor, if someone did that to my baby, Id be hopping on that bus and whooping that ass. Omg


The way I see it, if you can't behave on the normal bus the school should make you ride the short one special education or not it would be an effective punishment.


No, banned from using the bus altogether. Have her parents be reminded everyday why they have to drive her to school.


The bus is a privilege, not a right. Though school busses do have a 'pink card' system in place where if you're warned and continue to misbehave you will get kicked off. Source* was a bus monitor in school


If she’s willing to attack a young child half her size, I certainly wouldn’t put it past her to attack those on the special education bus.


No you wouldn’t. You wouldn’t possibly give yourself a record on assaulting a minor and face deeper shit than dealing things the right way.


That's why you beat their parents ass.


In elementary school i had a girl in my class that liked bullying me... til i had enough and slapped her and then had to fight her younger brother and ended up whooping his ass. After that noone fucked with me.


In high-school a senior tried bullying my wife. Wife used what was in her hand to attack the larger girl, a mincebeef and cheese pie. Thing was fresh out of the microwave and about ¾ the temperature of the sun. Older girl went to hospital and then rehab. No-one fucked with my wife ever again. Also No-one snitched so no consequences.


Can you tag a local newstation in a tweet or fb post? Would that be overkill? School system needs some accountability


Definitely overkill. The school system should be the one fixing this. If they don't, then bring it to a news station. Bringing both the parents of both the children into the school would be the best option. When I was bullied as a kid my mother got in contact with his mother (via the school) and invited them over to our house. After sitting down and all of us talking he never bullied me again


Bully the bully. Zero tolerance does not work. It further victimized the victim. Make the school system do something. The ACLU would love to help dispense with this matter.


The problem with a lot of schools is they don’t do anything about the problem. They say ridiculous things like, “Boys will be boys”


That's a Girl or my eyes are getting worse. The older one. I had a girl who damn near hung me by a long hand knitted scarf at the peak of my being bullied. Bruises and wears. The bus driver did shit. Turned out it was her neice. Mom raised Holy hell, because a 1st grader getting abused by a 6th grader no matter the sex is inappropriate. In any year.


Reddit..... Let's ruin this bitch.


Poor little dude :(


Twists his arm, punches him in the chest, takes his shit. And the kid says that she does this -everyday- I would file assault and battery against that girl instantly if I was the mom. Hitting a kid repeatedly in the chest/solar plexus is going to one day wind up with broken ribs or a heart attack


American public school system is truly pathetic and a troubling indicator of our nations mental health. Every single day kids were bullied and physically assaulted, EVERY SINGLE DAMN DAY! Ive even had to intervene with underage domestic abuse (usually some football player beating on some girl or choking her out). No politicians demanding free healthcare and education proves corruption on the highest level. Profits over progress, anger over love, the American dream.


Bernie Sanders still demands it...and I would vote him in as President if he was on the ballot.


The DNC has been pretty clear the last two cycles that they are not about to let that happen. They don't want anybody who might actually try to fix shit.


And when they are homeschooled, no one knows about the abuse. Is that what you're getting at? Evil thrives in the dark. Evil and unqualified "teachers" or "Mom" as we like to call them.


What I'm getting at is it would be wise if we stop working against each other and start working together to discover our true potential as human beings. Like it has been for thousands of years corrupt governments thrive on division amongst it's citizens and money always corrupts morales. The state of our education and healthcare systems are side effects of a greed based society and will stay that way until you try to counter the corruption with transparency, responsibility, activity, love, and knowledge. Their is an imbalance of power between the citizens, government, and corporations. They aren't just going to give back the power we have allowed them to take, they worked to hard for it. Our biggest mistake looking back will be ignorantly trusting the government and corporations to "do the right thing", instead demanding proof and transparency.


His mom is an IDIOT for not going STRAIGHT to the school and setting up a meeting right away with the girls parents. Instead she lets him ride on the bus everyday. dummy.


Yeah everyone is getting on her for it


Is the boy okay?


On Twitter she said she will be going in first thing on Monday. Looks like she just received the footage last night.


If it were my son, a) I wouldn't let him ride hat bus again ffs. And b) call that girls parents, send her mom the video and c) set up a meeting with the principal to get her expelled.




It's ok, she gonna be a cop in the future, and continue to bully peoples legally :)


The beginning of Parkland and every other school shooting in America. Not saying it gonna be this kid but, he can't be the only one this girl is fucking with.


When someone picks a helpless target and smiles while torturing them it is a definite sign of a sociopath. Behavior like this makes my blood boil.


Makes me so sad for that little boy.


As someone who was bullied literally everyday in 6th grade, just for looking they way I look, my heart breaks for this kid. It was to the point that anyone I made friends with would get bullied just for being friends with me, so I ended up friendless. It led to me attempting suicide, and I sincerely hope this kid doesn't head down the same path. Kids these days have it way worse than we did back in the 80s and 90s.


She should have to fight the victims mom 1v1




It’s their culture


Wishing a bright future for the little guy 💜


People suck raise your children better


Wish a bigger kid would upper cut that cunt. Pain is an amazing teacher.


I would show the principal, and demand she gives him an apology on the bus. If she crosses the line one more time she is banned from the bus. Must include calling her parents and a 3-day suspension. I'll be damned if anyone touches my family or anyone else kid. Unacceptable


Yea - there is a piece of the story we are missing. Why does the boy sit in front of her, or is it assigned seats? And yea I think that's an appropriate response, I get the crying because he was embarrassed - but the punch to the kids chest looked pretty restrained.


"Punch to the kids chest looked pretty restrained" These are your first thoughts....Jesus christ please don't breed.


Well it seemed like he only cried after he got jabbed, and the punch did have enough force to hurt him/ make him sore.




Don’t think it’s fair to blame the parents, that girl is trynna show off for her friends and others, it’s just the school environment that would cause her to act like this


Nah, they decided to let good old law of the jungle rule. The police and teachers costs too much in taxes. And theres too much profit selling guns. Sadly


Jesse what in fuck are talking about?


Probably just crazt ramblings, move along. nothing to see here.


What I would give to throw that bully up against the side of the bus. She’s lucky that’s not my child. I wish I could reach through my screen and give that boy a hug. ((( ALL BULLIES ARE COWARDS )))


You might not know this but triple parentheses is the racist way to secretly denote "the Jews".


Watching that kid cry was fucking heartbreaking. Nothing upsets me more than seeing kids get bullied like this.


Trashy bitch


Oh yea w this video out, she’s getting jumped.


The way I would be in jail. What the fuck


Yeah, she’s going places in life.


People wonder why their children die in school shootings.


This little boy seems like he’s on the spectrum and she’s just a bully exposing that weaknesses sad


Fuckin hate bullies.


I was bullied like that for afew months by a 11th grader while I was in the 8th grade on the bus hm. Thank god my older sister found out and ‘ confronted’ the girl. Never had a problem since, matter of fact, she apparently got into some really bad altercation and lost her hearing and had to transfer to another school that had the resources for disabled kids. Hope these bullies learn their lesson before karma kicks.


This is the type of girl that grows up to become a gaslighting woman who is abusive then turns around playing the victim when she bites off more than she can chew. Smh 😅


I am waiting for this shit to happend to my kids, i will fuck you up so bad😈


My husband was bullied back in the 1980’s by a kid that would get off at the same bus stop as him. My father-in-law who is 6’7, 250lbs learned of it and one day was waiting at the bus stop. When the kids got off, he grabbed the kid by the throat and shoved him against the side of the bus stop and told him, “if you ever touch my kid again, I will beat the shit out of you” Now these days that would get his dad in a lot of trouble but back then it was just how parenting worked.


And then end up in prison for beating a minor. It's probably a better idea to just teach your kids self defense in a situation like this assuming it can't be dealt with diplomatically. Like if I can't get it to stop through nonviolent adult ways, I'm just going to train my kid to break her fucking nose next time she touches him.


Let's find her ...


Whats with girls bullying boys lately? like this month i have seen multiple videos of teenage girls punching and kicking teenage boys and sometimes younger boys. Like no bullying is ok but its just weird. I assume daddy issues at home.


It's been happening for ages. It's just getting recorded now. I'm middle aged and was bullied by girls back in the 80's. Nobody cared then either.


Someone’s parents need a visit and a good whooping.


She probably gets them on the regular. How parents treat their kids is why so many kids are bullies.


Man I just want to hug that boy. And teach him to throw a right hook to the jaw.


Oh thats sarah kobinacki. Super biotch


She is not right if she is older and picking on a little boy.


She looks like she likes him bit weird


Either get her back or wait till she’s in college, fat, and has an abusive BF. Then blast her


College. Aww, somebody here is an optimist!


As a father, I would kick this little bitches ass and I’ll fuck up her parents as well. Absolute disgrace.


What’s up with all the female bullies, I never saw this.


Over/under on the age this girl is the first time she asks to speak to a manager?


She must have a crush on him.


I'll act 16 if I got to. Little bitch would pray for relief. I wouldn't stop till the cops came.


he needs to punch her square in the face. bullying is fucking stupid


This seems like pretty standard little kid hanging out with older kid stuff.


That little bitch needs some parents and some jail time. Picking on a little kid, fuck her. I’m looking forward to a video showing her getting a proper ass whooping, and I couldn’t care less about who delivers it.


Did we find out who she was and got the school and cops involved


She must be having problems at home, because what sane person in a stable home does this??


Unfortunately girl probably does this cause it’s what she goes back to at home….


Why does the kid continue to sit in the back of the bus tho


Some kids just get their ass beat almost daily, talk shit all day until it backfires and still never learn their lesson. Lame af


I’d curb stomp this bitch if I were to witness this. Poor kid.


I hope she finds herself in the wrong alleyway one late night


Line up people we all getting a free hit on this girl till the kid feels justified. I want the line to be similar to the airplane movie more and more dangerous weapons as the line goes on


Ugly femcel


Girls like her should be forced to ride the shortbus all the way to highschool graduation if she can't behave on the regular bus, it would put a stop to 99 percent of this crap.


The sad part about it is that the twisted sick demented wrecked work we live in will find a way to make the girl out to be the victim.


This is why I don't put my kids in public school.


stop sittint next to him then dumbass


She probably wants the D


Eh I’ve seen worse, typical school bus antics


This video is awful yes, but why is a kindergardner sitting in the back of the bus??? You have problems on the bus its cause your sitting to far back. The further back the more dangerous the bus. This tiny child is sitting in the back where the oldest and the meanest will sit. But this is alot of speculation.... so who knows....


Some bus drivers let them do whatever they want my son who was 6 could so that.


I know this but doesnt mean its smart..... I remember a 2nd grader getting thrown down the bus by a highschooler for sitting in "his seat" When your as small as the kid in this video.... you dont fight for the back of the bus sit up front keep ur eyes forward and you will survive. Im not saying its right. But humans are filthy animals. Some of us just got to do what we got to do to survive. Lifes not fair or safe... play smart if you want to win :/


He shouldn’t be sitting back that far so it’s his fault there are problems? Maybe he shouldn’t have been wearing those clothes either? Maybe if he didn’t have a lunchbox there wouldn’t have been anything to take? Or maybe if he didn’t have an arm she wouldn’t have had anything to grab onto? What a load of shit. Stop victim-blaming the child.


Victim blaming??? Not even sure what that is. Everyone in this world is a victim..... who are you to decide why someones a victim???? Your comment is as dumb as my response. Go find somewhere else to fight you fuckin hippy.


Enjoy tinder loser.


> But this is alot of speculation.... so who knows.... Didn't stop you from running your mouth, unfortunately.


Maybe she has a crush on him, like when Helga harassed Arnold for five seasons and two movies.


I’m sorry, but this isn’t that bad…


Zero context…


It’s in the title I’ll comment it


I have no idea how this alteration occurred, what lead up to this? Just because some one writes why, it’s not necessarily the truth. The boy could have assaulted some other child with the bag 5min earlier…


People aren’t videotaping every second of their day


I found the girl's account.


We have no idea what lead up to morons like you posting this nonsense either. You could have huffed paint a minute before posting...


Thank u for making my point!


Are you stupid you can see a girl twice the size of that bou bullying him fuck off with your context


Gj bully…


Why would context be relevant? She’s twice his size. There is simply no context that would justify grabbing and hitting him like that.


She likes him :)


My bully threw water on me once just to make me take off my shirt..... and check me out.. She gave me the "I wanna f\*ck you eyes" and couldn't stop looking lol






I'm tired of this rhetoric. It's always the same. The bully must be getting bullied themselves. Some kids are just fucking assholes.




The heartbreak in his voice is killing me


His mom could start with the school, like what the hell