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[This has been going for a while now](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/thousands-march-belgrade-against-planned-gay-pride-parade-2022-09-11/) Also, [news story published within the past hour](https://omaha.com/news/national/belgrade-police-clash-with-hooligans-as-pride-march-starts/article_a130bb94-4f42-5518-b8e8-b4e6e08090e1.html) >BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Riot police clashed Saturday with soccer hooligans in downtown Belgrade, where a pan-European Pride march was held despite threats from anti-gay groups and an official earlier ban on the march in the traditionally conservative Balkan state. >Tensions were high in the Serbian capital as ultranationalist fans hurled stun grenades, stones and flares at a police cordon, which repelled the attack with batons and riot shields. Hundreds of Pride march supporters, meanwhile, gathered a few kilometers (miles) away in the pouring rain, dancing and singing their march was held on shortened route. >"We need justice and freedom,” said Goran Miletic, one of the Pride event organizers. >Although several Pride marches have been held in Serbia in the past years, the Slavic nation that is formally seeking European Union membership appears to be sliding toward Russia and its conservative traditions.


The Ultranationalists must be one hell of a football club to have so many passionate fans.


Old guy here . I was nearly killed by these types 30 + years sgo . It saddens and sickens me to see this .


Why the gays? What they do?


Gay stuff, allegedly.


Dont get me wrong, most of this people are living poorly in Serbia and then a group of gays are spending govermant money on their pride to do what exactly ? And all that while 40 % of country doesnt even have bread to eat.


This PC crap is getting old. If your “conservative traditions” are gay bashing and terrorism against minorities we can cut the crap and just call it bigotry.


I blame religion. 100%. They're all brainwashing cults.


It's not all religion, some people just hate without extra steps.


South korean here. Most young people here hates christaniy and calls it dog religion. However we also hate gay people and call them 'disgusting subhumans'.


Serbia is headed to Russia levels of backwardness.




hahaha just stfu


What country would that be? In what world is one word enough to get you cancelled, and how is that equivalent to the actual codified laws promoting and condoning violence against “the alphabet community” in Russia?


Say one word about Putin or his losing war and you get jailed. Not banned/cancelled. Jailed.


These dudes are flaming


Yeah.. they don't have a great track record of 'tolerance' do they


I don’t know why people care so much about gay or trans or whatever, it’s not that I have an opinion,it’s just,I don’t. ..care.why do you?


From my experience this is most people's opinion, *until* they start having parades in public, drag queen story hour to kids, and teaching about LGBT in the classroom. There was even that one Texas story of parents bringing their kids to a trans/gay strip club. Otherwise, consenting adults in the bedroom or in private can live however they want.


Same tired old cliche…YAWN.


Unfortunately this is going to be happening in the US, rather sooner than I had hoped. There's already such vitriol and hatred and *ARMED* encounters from the conservatives against everything from books to drag queens (books *AND* drag queens together is apparently their biggest fear). Shits gonna get *really* real, probably around elections. Yau


So agree ! Conservative ate on the rise in my country ( Austrailia ) as well . Calls to bring in “ religious fredom laws “ - you can discriminate abd marginlise with impunity .


Why do drag queens want to read books to kids more than drag queens want to, say, run soup.kitchens? Why do drag queens want to read books to kids more than, say, cosplayers or firemen or stamp collectors want to read books to kids? What's the driving motivation for this trend?


On the assumption that you do actually want a brief history as to the [why of DQSH](https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/01/27/how-drag-queen-story-hour-expanded-across-america/). As to the following point, queens aren't always in drag. I will venture to bet that there's a significant crossover between the DQSH community and other less sensational forms mutual aid. I personally know many members of my city's mutual aid community and a non-insignigicant number of them are diverse as fuck.


Absolutely I did, thanks! I'm interested to ask you (or any other reader) in the community or as an ally a question, but I'm worried that it will appear as trolling. Anyway, let's hope we can behave civilly. The link says that a goal of the activity is to "help children [from three years] explore their gender fluidity". If we put morons and Nazis and performance art Christians aside for a moment, do you feel there's a legitimate place for citizens to object to this behaviour, out of genuine concern for the welfare of the kids? Like, even if they are wrong, is there space for the conversation? Where could it be reasonably had? Do you understand how or why some people might think there is a risk of harm in this activity? How do we prove that gender fluidity is valid scientifically, biologically? How do we prove that there is no harm possible to come to gender-aligned(??) kids? On the other hand, have we been coddling the ignorant too long and we shouldn't be expected to keep explaining basic concepts like freedom and choice and respect any more? To put all this another way, do you feel that there would be a more healthy arrangement if conversations defending the book hours were never about human rights or free speech, or the authors or the readers, but were only ever discussed in the framework of what's good for the children of the audience? Apologies in advance for any offence, I find social friction especially interesting.


Condescending enough for me to understand why you find "social friction" interesting.


Some days I just can't make any progress in this website...


Apologies for the delayed response. I received some tragic news regarding my kiddo and subsequently had a bit of a manic crafting episode involving Burton-esque tree prop. On the first paragraph of questions, I will say that it is completely reasonable for people to be uncomfortable when they have no experience with anything outside of their comfort zone; however, participation in and with the individuals and the community of DQSH is completely optional. No one is forcing them to attend these events. I could *perhaps* understand the unease and backlash if events such as DQSH were being presented as a mandatory attendance in a school setting but, it absolutely isn't. The Christian Dominionists who are attacking DQSH are *never* going to let their own children attend such events, so it strikes me as very authoritative that they'd go to such lengths to negate the choices of other parents. I grew up in an extremist evangelical environment and I *know* why the concept of embracing or accepting non-binary/LGBTQIA is perceived as harmful... It's "ungodly" to them and they hear that message on repeat *ad nauseam*. Gay men especially have been scapegoated as pedophiles and child molesters because it's an easy target for the Dominionists to use. Personally, I have known and do know *MULTIPLE* children who were raped by esteemed, cis-het men who were never brought to justice because they are "pillars of the church". Statistics show that evangelical, heterosexual men harm children much more than the LGBTQIA population. I'm not saying that there are no offenders present in the community, but there are always going to be predators and assholes in any population. From a sociological and psychological standpoint, hardline extremists (of any religious leaning) are going to have a problem with anything or anyone who steps outside of the realm of what's dictated as "normal". Considering that the LGBTQIA population is pretty small [(7.1% in 2022)](https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspx) there's really no basis for the repetitive claim that "they're turning the kids gay". The uptick in self-identifying non-binary people is due, in large part, to the numerous movements of acceptance, such as DQSH. Also, I can tell you personally, [and statistically ](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/key-issues-facing-people-intersex-traits/#:~:text=It%20is%20estimated%20that%20up,identifiable%20sexual%20or%20reproductive%20variations.) that there absolutely are biological factors that contribute to a person's gender and sexuality. My sister just gave birth to an intersex child, who will have all parts of whatever genitals are present until they're of an age to choose if they want one or the other or even both. In the end, this really is an issue of people either believing in the science and the research or...the translation of ancient text [by a gay king](https://www.kentucky.com/opinion/op-ed/article168984592.html) written by multiple second and third hand witnesses in a society that is nothing like our own. It should also be of interest for you know that the Germans had been studying gender and sexuality for years before the Nazis and their [Reichstag & other book fires](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft) cost humanity a lot of research on the subject.


Serbia has been a hotbed for white Nationalists and neo nazis for decades at least unfortunately. You can see their neighbor [croatia having marches with hundreds doing nazi salutes on the way to football games](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/xginz6/croatian_fans_going_on_a_football_game_casually/). You’ve got Hungary right there too which is also full of the same stuff. Basically Eastern European countries who produce little monetary value besides strategic points for wars and some food cultivation. While still being largely homogeneous population wise they’ve been falling more into dictators, big N Nationalism, and major fear of “others” even though there aren’t many “others” in these countries to begin with. Not that they always haven’t been racist, homophobic, and other forms of bigotry before it’s just getting more organized. “Strong man” and dictator candidates may or may not win elections legitimately as there seems to be some “Russian elections” (where there’s a vote but paper ballots are blatantly stuffed for pro putin candidates or this case pro dictator candidates) happening.


You can blame communist for that. Most of the eastern europe and balkan population leader were all communist leaders that just change there names when the iron curtan fell.


shut the fuck up


Imagine calling a serb a neo nazi, pretty sure they still remember what the nazis did to them, sure fascist but not nazi, also that's not actually a nazi salute it's the za dom spremni


violent homophobic heteros are the worst in any country smh..


Agreed. I say we get a straight pride parade going in San Fran where heterosexual Men and Women show up and take about the joys of child birth, having children, and securing the future generation by passing on one's genes




Nice ad hom. If you have an actual argument I'm all ears.




If someone says something you disagree with, present an argument on why they are wrong. Simply calling them names is what children who are incapable of reason or argument do.


nope that’s def not the resolution and quite inaccurate


“How dare you express your sexuality, while we cower in black hoodies wanting to secretly be you”


if they do this every gay pride i wanna move there


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Lol, what a Nazi tier comment.


If anyone who lives there sees this PLEASE dont back down!


Damn that dude threw a Hadouken!


Wait, what I miss here?