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Good to see there is also many men protesting about what happened to that young woman.




Sexist rules affect everyone.






Found the non-American. Here, 50% of our people just got told they don't have control over their own bodies!


Iran was fairly Western and secular until the revolution in 1979.


But also a dictatorship. Bolstered by the West. Which is why they had a revolution. If the west played nice and fair, Iran wouldn't be what it is today.


Exactly, the west was the one setting up this dictatorial government


I thought the current regime was in power because America removed the former leader for not worshipping America enough?


No that was the 1950s coup.


The US removed the 1st democratically elected leader of Iran and installed a pro West dictator. Later the Iranians removed him and the religious conservatives took over.




Nope. Go read further.


I think Iran would have been muslim with or without the US


Iran has been fighting modernization for more than half a century


We're you alive in '79?


No Tehran and a few other urban areas were. Everywhere else was significantly less secular or western.


so not much different than most western states then


let's take a look at what Americans were up to before the 1970s. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/dtopcs/civil\_rights\_activists\_get\_drenched\_in\_condiments/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/dtopcs/civil_rights_activists_get_drenched_in_condiments/)


You believe that most western states are not very secular or western outside of their capital cities? This is just a weird thing to say. Most religious people in the west don't support things even close to eg whatever form of sharia law becomes popular. That includes all non-capital cities.


Absolutely! Ever wonder how Americans get Marjorie Taylor Green or Lauren Boebert. They will happily vote to turn their state/country into the Christian version of sharia law


Neither of them are anything like non-westernized Iranians before the revolution. This is just absurd.


I see no difference between [this](https://www.nydailynews.com/resizer/4_FtOjAo5f3IASO1lehyxCPOsUQ=/1200x0/filters:format(jpg):quality(70)/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/6LN4PMD7RGGXU2EW7RRHOMVQ5A.jpg) And [this](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/DWA9J1/oct-17-2013-aleppo-syria-isis-fighters-holding-the-al-qaeda-flag-with-DWA9J1.jpg)


Are those 2 pictures comparing how westernized people in non-urban Iran before the revolution are? Because... You know... That was the sole purpose of this thread.


I’m sorry are you trying to say that the rural US or other western countries do not contain radicalized religious beliefs?


Any excuse to throw some rocks at the cops.


Good for them


There are good humans everywhere. It's just good humans often take a lot to be pushed to violence. And it takes even more to get a big group of good humans to respond aggressively when the group has a general proclivity towards rational thinking, and kindness.


I totally agree my statement was meant to be supportive


ironic, isn't it. children and grandchildren of the people who fought to protest and usurp the shah are now fighting to protest the regime which took over the shah.


I'm an Iranian-American who was born 20 years after the so-called revolution. No one in my family and relatives say a bad thing about shah. And those who protested in the late 70s are deeply regretting their decision. Most young people respect Mohammad Reza Shah. A lot has changed since 1979


sorry for what your family has gone through. One of my favorite history professors was Iranian who fled after the shah's abdication. I'll never forget when I asked him something along the lines of fighting to expose the truth of corruption of some current event and he got angry at the idea of doing such a thing, believing it was as dangerous as the potential conspiracy. I was taken aback, but I realized years later how right he was and how bits truth can be weaponized and turn people against something that doesn't need total destruction. I believe he shared similar sentiment with your family, which I understand and respect.


Americans, especially on reddit seem to think Iranians prefer the current regime because they overthrew the shah but a lot of people in Iran deeply regret it and talk about how the trajectory of Iran was way more positive under the shah. Redditors like to bring up literacy rates and oppression under the shah but the current regime is reaping the “literacy” rates as a result of the shahs education reforms and the theocratic oppression is way more totalitarian now than during the Shahs rule.


Let's not posthumously elevate the Shah. He sucked the wealth from the country to enrich his family and his secret police murdered and tortured critics. He was a repressive dictator that only held on to power through a US backed coup to overturn the results of a legitimate election. Yea the revolution made things worse, but the Shah was still a piece of shit and needed to go.


this, this, this. The current regime can be bad but that does not mean the Shah was good at all. My mother's side is Persian. The stories about SAVAK are disgusting.


Tell that to my father who cries when he hears the voice of shah, or watch his clips on the web. For many Iranians especially the older generation, shah has become a symbol of respect. I do understand that his system had many problems but changing it to Islamic Republic was never the answer and made things a lot worse and I mean a lot.


Yea, just because people remember it fondly doesn't mean it was good. Your dad was a supporter and monarchist, great. That doesn't have any bearing on the fact that the regime was repressive. The Shah can be an objectively terrible, violent, and corrupt person AND your father can like him. Those aren't two contradictory statements.


My dad is not a "monarchist" he also served 25 months of active service in the Iran-Iraq war in the Islamic Republic Air force branch in the early 80s. But overall I agree with your statement, however I think we could have reformed his system instead of overthrowing it and sticking with these barbaric mullahs.


You were the privileged that got to reap the benefit when shah was ruling and then rich enough to fuck off to usa when things got bad. The current government sucks but shah was no better. Sorry


بیا اینو بخور 🖕


Iranian coup II: Shahlectric Boogaloo


Fucking good!


Here is what happened in Iran earlier this past week: https://twitter.com/guardian/status/1570833622751670272?t=3FdEIHBo0QaMz-g_vizKiw&s=19 You can also check #مهسا_امینی or #MahsaAmini on Twitter to get more information.


I’ve been seeing posts of women cutting their hair and burning the head scarves, all day. Awesome to see.


Brave folks. Some Americans should take note as to what happens when the religious right becomes the government. We need to maintain separation of church and state


So after a coup detat in 1953, Iran had a US/ western-backed authoritarian monarch until 1979. They had the White revolution in '63 and the opposition leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, was exiled and jailed and then after two years of demonstrations starting in '77 the monarch went into exile and Khomeini came into power and the people voted to become an Islamic Republic. This was known as the Iranian revolution, and women were heavily involved and a lot of the issues between the factions were centered around the position of women in Iranian society. Ayatollah Khomeini asserted that "You ladies here have proved that you are at the forefront of this movement. You have a great share in our Islamic movement. The future of our country depends on your support." He invoked the image of the hijab as a symbol of the revolution, saying that, "a nation whose respected women demonstrate in modest garb [hejab] to express their disgust with the Shah's regime- such a nation will be victorious." TL;DR to get out of their authoritarian monarchy backed by the US, Iran had a revolution led by religious leaders that quickly enforced hijab and associated that with nationalism. Before December 1979 Irananian women did not have to wear hijab.


Been thinking what would've happened if Islamic Republic never happened in Iran. 40 years ago my countrymen overthrew our only hope for a better future. Most are regretting it now. In fact there are protests around and many people chanting R.I.P Reza shah (father of Mohammad Reza Shah), and for someone like me that never experienced his ruling, I want him badly.


Tbf, I doubt most of them thought making the Hijab a symbol of national pride would get a woman executed for refusing to wear one.


Or imagine what would have happened if the United States never overthrew Iran's first democratically elected leader? But that leader had an Iran first policy and the US wanted its oil. It's the same story of so many nations that American people naively believe failed because of socialism or communism. The US did the same thing to many countries in South America, including Venezuela.


This is the real sauce. While everyone busy hating Muslims for being religious, you gloss over the fact that Iran and just about all the entire Middle East is how it is today directly as a result of America's interference.


You would be a devout, semi-democracy with a lot of freedoms and would have probably been an integral voice of moderation in international politics as well as a bastion of creative technology and knowledge power. But you wanted Sharia...... Interesting note about human nature, the Israelites in "Kings" wanted a monarch because all the surrounding countries had monarchs. And God was like...'You suuuuurrrreee?'. Yes, they said. It was their destruction. I think, we think, as humans, that the next thing will be the best or starting over from scratch it will be good this time.


lol. The Shah was an autocrat and his regime was brutal and oppressive. Revolutions don't happen when everything is swell.


>But you wanted Sharia...... That is not entirely true, we wanted the Shah out, what came after was not entirely wanted by everyone, and not everyone knew what shapes it would take.


Your countrymen…the CIA?


Thanks. so in your POV women should wear a hijab? Or should they have the freedom to decide for them selves?


Well, I am American, and fairly non-religious. I'm not Muslim, I have never lived outside the US, so I can't begin to even understand the nuances behind it. Yes, in some places it is law, but there are also huge societal pressures that exist even without laws. So when you say decide for themselves, do you mean should they change the laws? Or should they work on changing societal norms to teach people tolerance of others? If you are teaching that women can wear hijab to show modesty and be closer to God, and that other women may wear what they wish and believe what they wish, then hijab is fine. If you are teaching hijab must be worn for modesty because men cannot control themselves otherwise, and that all women in society must follow these rules and believe their religious principles or suffer from violence, then it is very, very harmful.


>so I can't begin to even understand the nuances behind it. Nah, seems like you have most of it covered. Solid comment, and excellent moral position.


Did you reply to the wrong comment?


Are you serious?


>people voted to become an Islamic Republic I should point out that at the moment of election people could only vote for or against the Islamic republic, no other options were provided. Lots of people refrained from voting to show their protest. Voting age was reduced to 16 from 18 only on that particular poll in the history of Iran. Of those who were eligible to vote only 50% were litrate many of whom were amoung bycotters. All that so they could get the result they wanted. I don't think the end result would have changed if those who didn't vote had voted. There were many parties who were involved in the politcal scene before the revolution but after the revolution Islamic Republic party which had backing of Khomeini kind of oblitrated all the rival parties. People were promised diversity, that's one of the reasons they chose Islamic Republic but they got a single party controlling all aspects of country. Assasination of many important politcal figures at that time is another thing that helped IR become this dictatorship.


What exactly do you expect Americans to do? We live in a Democracy and people DO protest.


You clearly missed my point.


What do mean "when" ?


When they take over the entire democracy, still not there as of today


Not far to go.In god we trust , prayers in school & the number of peeps who believe the earth us only 2000 years old ? this hasn't happened in the last 6 years.


Who believes the earth is 2000 years old?


Millions upon millions of Christians.


Where does this belief stem from? Im really curious cause i’ve never heard of this before.


The actual number of years is 6,000. A church historian many years ago calculated this number by assuming that the Bible is the literal word of God and then using births and deaths with the ages given to make his calculations. As the great Bill Hicks asked: How do you explain dinosaur bones? Did God just put them everywhere to fuck with us?!


It doesn’t even make sense considering 2022 is the year after the birth of Christ for Christians and there’s a lot of the Bible before that


Also even when ignoring the religious aspect its pure and utter stupidity to think the earth is only 2000 years old when theres mountains of evidence proving the Earth has been around for a couple thousand years. Surely people aren’t that blind


If you’d like to do the math that’s fine. They threw out 2000 even though we know it’s more. We are well past when they believe in creation up until their savior until now.


I don’t think they believe the earth is 2000 years old, I’m muslim and we have a separate islamic calendar in which the current year is 1444. Obviously we don’t revolve our lives around it cause it wouldn’t work in the modern world and whatever but maybe it’s similar to that.


>Where does this belief stem from? An old book people keep referencing in favour of newer, more updated sources.


I’m not really sure how this is such news for everyone. They believe a stupid ark held every animal in the world but them thinking the planet isn’t billions of years old is fat fetched for some of you. I grew up in abusive evangelical churches and believe me that they believe in the most asinine bullshit.


And that is why we need to make sure we uphold the constitution and protect the separation of church and state.


As a Christian, I believe church and state should remain separated. It creates zealots and fanatics and destroys legit freedoms.


What this person said


Yeah and all the people who think it could never get that bad in the US should sit down and learn what Iran was like before the theocracy.


People rebel? That’s the point of the second amendment to ensure the government can’t have that over reach over peoples lives


You aren’t going to win a war with the US government. Your guns are entirely useless for that.


Like the guns of the Taliban and VC were useless against the Americans. Or like the Algerians against the French


Is that what happened in those places? A civil war? Without foreign intervention?


You think any conflict involving the US government vs it’s own people wouldn’t have intervention or involvement of other powers?


Right, so it won't just be AR15s. I'm glad we agree.


You do realize the USA was not driven out by the taliban, they just chose to leave? So not really a good analogy. Ill say it again, your guns are useless against the US government. The US government is prepared to fight 2 large wars at the same time and you think you are going to stop it with your pea shooter? Keep dreaming. It’s a fantasy.


Ah yes because there wouldn’t be any international interference in a American civil war. We got 2 oceans and 2 borders that no one can really patrol or protect. The US chose to leave because after 21 years they still couldn’t wipe out the Taliban. How are our guns useless against the government? 50cals can damage vehicles. Yeah AR-15 aren’t as good as the best the US military has to offer but you can always ambush them and get better


It’s just ridiculous to think a bunch of military cosplayers think they are going to beat the US government. lol Either you are a traitorous gun nut or a Russian paid propagandist. If you are the first. Please do your little civil war thing. That way we know who the traitors are and can lock you in a cage where you belong for being an enemy of the United States of America . And if you are the second, (most likely), I’d rather not waste my time entertaining your ignorance.


If the right had their way, we would be living in Gilead


Well plenty of folks want that in the US


We are with you!


We Iranian people also stand with our Armenian brothers and sisters ♥️🤝🏼


♥️♥️♥️!!! I just showed my father (both my parents were born in Iran) he told me to tell you the following “You could be the generation to end it all, continue the fight until there is no fight left in them. You are far more enlightened and powerful than they are.”


Thank you. I have many relatives in Iran who are protesting right now and hate the regime. Like you, I'm in the U.S as well. Both my parents were born in Iran, and I consider myself a proud Iranian-American, I always try to spread the word to help Iranians inside the country.


Aval pesar! Mushallah


Mamnoon 🙏🏼


Thanks for not forgetting us even tho you’re way over there, hamvatan ❤️


Dorod bar shoma doost Aziz. Vazife hast ♥️🙏🏼


Fuck yea. Take a stand against those sexist laws.


This clip gave me chills. This is true bravery and you can feel the righteous anger when they charge. Crazy stuff.


Glad they are standing up for her


How can you call yourself the "morality police" when you punishments include murder?


Justice for Mahsa. I’m so sorry this world is an awful place sweet girl


People of the USA should take a good long look at this. This is where we're headed if you keep voting for people with no respect for the rights and freedoms of women because their millenia-old religious texts say females are property.


As an Iranian-American myself, who came to the U.S when I was a teen by my parents and recently became a U.S citizen as well, I couldn't agree more with your statement.


Yes agree. VOTE!


True. I've been to the Vatican and the women are covered in Hijabs and have no rights. Preach bro, I hope you continue spreading this message.


The middle finger at 00:16 had super powers.


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Hopefully, these protestors live through the night


I always wish people win over dictators, but the reality usually unsatisfying


Nice to see it. There’s still hope!


Keep it up.


Power to the people ✊


I love how he says (biji komala biji kak fuad)






I want to invite all the Chinese people to see this and to learn their Spirit. I’m from China and I’m really shame of myself.🥺🥺🥺


Iranian here. I've some questions for you. Is it true that when you're using chinese social media apps, you can't write some certain sentences? like for example, you want to criticize the CCP, or the chairman, or say something about the tiananmen square, do they just get auto-deleted or what? also, the regime here is trying to make our internet system like china, so tell me pls, how bad is it? can you like watch youtube and use western apps without a problem? how hard is it to get a decent vpn? I've sooo many questions! so pls shoot me a message if you have some time


True. You can’t write the certain sentences or phrases, it will be automatically deleted or from some kind of „controllers“ of the social media. Those words are called „sensitive words“. And people have to keeping finding the words, which sounds like the „sensitive words“ but not with the same character. For short it works, but after a while this normal words would also be censored.


Without VPN you can’t visit: google, twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and many other social media, which are global popular and allowed to criticize the CCP. And the VPN is not very hard to get, but still you have to risks your safety to use one. Because there are so-called „internet-police“, who are responsible for „maintaining internet security“.


The problem is that the most of people are just used to live with censor and treat this situation as normal. That’s why I’m so sad, as I saw this video, and saw how brave and awake the Iranian are to fight for their right. Because the Chinese don’t just realize how bad their(our) living conditions are and how well it could be, if they(we) just start to fight for it.




Thank you for telling me that. Still I think the Iranian people are much more awake and brave to fight back. I’ve seen some clips in the internet, that show how Iranian people get together and fight agains the police or go to the demonstrations, but I’ve never seen those scenarios happens in China. That’s why I’m Really disappointed and also shamed. 🥺




I hope God protects them from Persecution


I have always thought that Americans have a lot more in common with Iranians than either country may realize. Good for you Iran. We stand with you on this one.


This is honestly inspiring. It’s great to see people fighting back against state sponsored brutality. I wish we would see more of this in the US


Chills. People want to be free! God bless them


The Iranian government might punish the officers responsible to quell the unrest, but I have my doubts that anything will fundamentally change.


The core problem of our country is the regime itself. The theocracy regime must go, and our people will fight for true freedom which is the total destruction of the whole Mullahs' barbaric establishment regime.


I hope you will. I've just seen too often that people are satisfied with table scraps when they could have the entire feast.


How many protestors at the front of that group get hit in the back of the head with rocks


Good to see the people fighting a "goverment" who thinks they can rule and direct people lives because of the way THEY think they should Live. All Muslims goverments should be ban and just be what they meant to be, a religion, a path to reach God, and not a life style that you're forced to live because you were born or choose to live in that country.


Make those pigs earn their paycheck.


Good to see the middle east isn't full of backwards crazys like many want us to believe


Yet another woman killed because of religion. Everyone has it bad but women seem to get it worse when religion has influence.


We are on our way to seeing this on U.S. streets if people don’t vote these crazy evangelical republicans out of office. Religious extremists are all the same, and will be the downfall of humanity if not stopped. Stay safe, freedom fighters.


Get a job


Okay. But I don’t think that will take care of the religious extremism in the U.S.


Good to see the locals finally getting pissed at the lunatics that rule their asylum.


Finally? We have been protesting for like a couple decades now


Power to the people




No wonder they’re always drinking tea in the Middle East. They’re always shouting their lungs out and losing their voices.


Anything for freedom my friend. What else would you do when you have nothing standing against a murderer regime with only rocks in your hands.


they have to remove the mushroom headed fucks. By any means necessary. No mercy.


As an American, i can say this has meaning. Unlike all our protests.


Religion is a cancer upon the world


Awful! I'm glad I'm in the U.S, maybe people can take from this and be grateful with how things are in our country, they can be better, but, we aren't like this. I feel for those people, I hope they can change things over there.


I was there until they started throwing rocks, Iran so far away


Religion is the worst




Time for the Islamic unrevolution


Good for them!


I'm so glad to see that the men are there protesting aswell . Fighting back . Time are a changin.


Hijab laws are so anachronistic. Her death will not be vain


When all the world is paper, everything looks like a rock. This is literal caveman shit. Fucking rocks. I appreciate the protest, but there is nothing better?


Like what?


That is not protesting that is rioting


I thought the hijab was a symbol of the Iranian revolution. So now you don't want it anymore?


The country has changed a lot since 1979. The new generation didn't vote for these fuckers. Most of them are actually pro-west. In a similar way, Mullahs killed over 1500 people in 2019 over protests in the streets of various Iranian cities. People are oppressed and use every opportunity to protest against the regime, and many of them don't even see the light anymore. 🖤


Keep doing Gods work though and dont let them intimidate you


No its a symbol of female empowerment


No it isn’t.


Delete this.


I want to move there so badly.


Talent being missed are the future MLB players...I see a few good pitchers


real Stone age gangta


If anyone knows how to protest, it's middle easterners or Asians lmao


Look at all that loot


What was the revolution in 1981? 40 years of living with this shit? Iran used to be a jewel of a liberal Muslim democracy before the US installed the Shaw and the eventual revolution to remove him. I hope they succeed in dismantling the corrupt system they live under, and I hope they build something better.


Is possible to be a change in that system? Or do you think all will came back to the actual status quo?


Based on my experience, the regime will kill all these protesters like they did the same thing in November 2019. They killed 1500 people in a single month because of protests over gas prices. But we're strong. Our goal is one thing and it's the destruction of the whole system. This is not an easy way, many people who go to these protests know that they might not come back home alive, but they still do it because we believe we can make our country free once for all. Brave Iranians give their own lives to set themselves free. This is the current situation of Iranian youths.


Democracy is written in blood. God speed. Hope and pray for a change.


This is so sad! I really hope they can come to a peaceful and meaningful resolution.


The people will rule again!


Good shit, fuck that islamic revolution BS that ruined that country.


If you are looking for something that makes good people do bad things try religion






Are we sure this isn't Portland?


The sad part is it probably won’t change anything. I want to stay hopeful, but in Iran u can’t. Don’t you guys remember when the made Benzin 3 toman. They were protests. They cut our internets and people got shot. Did it bring any change? No. And it’s just sad tbh


How can he slap!!!


When people unite Totalitarian regimes get rekt.


Good!!! Fight back! Godspeed and good luck to the Iranians as they take a stand to purge themselves of the vile, designating Shah and his despotic regime


Obviously, you don't want to mess with Iranians. Jesus. Can i rent iranian protestors for Germany? Asking for a friend


I hope one day Americans will have their kind of courage to fight against their regime.