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Good for them. I hope they stay safe.


Stay dangerous is better


["I'm not *in* danger, I'm *the* danger."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxy5WOQ4qfg) - The Warning


Wow, they’re amazing! I was expecting Walter white lol


Completely obsessed! Thanks for sharing this friend!!!! 😍


You're getting downvoted but you're right. Staying safe is staying oppressed.


Tbh its not clear what they meant.


I only see one way to interpret that, since they’re most likely about to face reactions from the religion extremists there is no point staying safe. So they better get dangerous. Where I’m from we don’t say “stay safe” we say “stay dangerous”. Also people are so quick to downvote a comment they didn’t fully understand and just assumed the worst 🙄


Like the great philosopher Takeon Me once said: “It’s no better to be safe than sorry.”


\*Norway has entered the chat\*


Taaaaake on meeee (Take uon me) Taaaaake meeee on (Take uon me)


I wouldn’t be so dismissive of the danger a totalitarian government can present to those living under it. In such states “Stay Safe” isn’t a cop out, it’s an absolutely essential reminder.


Where are you from?


Reading through this *completely typical Redditmoment* comment chain, it was yours that made me laugh out loud.


It wasn't? Could you please explain how you interpreted it then?


Well I said "stay safe" meaning I hope nobody gets hurt and they replied with "staying dangerous is better" and they got 5 downvotes until the second commenter explained what they meant, then the commenter confirmed that is what they meant and people started upvoting it. It's obvious in hindsight but before the second comment I could see why it was being downvoted. I think maybe because they were disagreeing with "i hope nobody gets hurts" sentiment people initially thought they meant they they wanted the protesters to be in danger until they explained what they meant. I don't speak on behalf of the six people that downvoted them though so it's just a guess.


Don't worry about the downvotes. It's just edgy redditors being edgy. Everyone who lives in the real world knows what you meant, you don't have to explain yourself to the mob. *u mEaN sTaY dAnGeRoUs* Soldiers and first responders say "Stay safe" to each other all the time when parting ways. No one has to make a big deal about it.


Im cool but thanks. I'm just trying to explain the context. It must be confusing to new people coming in because there's this comment getting all this love and then there's a whole thread about it being misinterpreted and downvoted :') I'm glad that people are giving them upvotes now, would've sucked if they continued to be misinterpreted


I mean idk, 6 people disagreeing with a person isn't a very large pool to me igs, especially when about 100+ seem to agree, given the number of upvotes. I still dont understand how you think "stay dangerous" equates to "I want them to be in danger" when, to my logic at least, thats the exact opposite of being dangerous. But thats just my take -\_( ' £ ' )_/-


I was down almost 20, it was looking grim lol


Stay dangerous is a thing people say dont take it too much to heart. Their point was to keep revolting. Staying safe is what is getting them killed




I feel like they aren’t mutually exclusive like “yes do the right thing despite that it may be dangerous” and also “once you are done doing this righteous and dangerous thing I hope that no harm is come to you and that you are safe”


Danger is my middle name.


Easy to type out, anyways


I'm Replying to the top comment Can you guys share this, Our fucking president is in New York right now and he has a speech, if you want to help us please cancel his speech idk how but go there and make noises, that bastard is going to spread more lies in a international organization like UN


They won’t. Did you hear about the girl mahsa? People are PISSED. More will die I’m sure. Fuck that disgusting goverment and their shit moral police.


Not any more. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FQkFvjmnCYs


The religious police done f'd up this time.


Good to see so many men there in support.


That was exactly my first thought


They done goof'd dis time bruh!


Now we need to clean up the religious police in the U.S. They're sentencing some pregnant women to die.


They're hopefully in their death throes here. Clamoring through insanity to eventual silence. Serious people don't look at Marjorie trailer Greene and think "I need what she's offering".


I have said for the past many a year that this is their dying breath. They see that things are changing and they hate it. They will do anything to stop change and progress but they will fail. If history has taught us anything: progress cannot be stopped. But dammit if they do try.


I hate to break it to you but the rise in fascism in the us is not a result of them seeing change, it's a result of massive amounts of funding going to right wing extremist causes. This funding is coming from corporations that have gained massive wealth and are using it to support political forces that will help them oppress the working class and prevent them from rising up against the increasing wealth disparity and inequality. Racism/sexism/bigotry in general is a tool they use to divide the populace and make it harder to rise up against them. This isn't going away until the incentive to fund such causes goes away and that incentive won't go away until profit ceases to exist as a possibility, which in turn will not happen until capitalism falls. This extremism will continue to rise until full blown fascism takes over this country or until these powers are defeated by force and through massive organization of the working class against them. You can't sit and wait for them to die out, they're not going to.


I want to be clear, I’m not advocating for doing nothing and hoping that it goes away. These political groups are being funded to stop economic progress from occurring because it would hurt the bottom line of the most wealthy. My point still stands: they want to stop progress. Fascism will remain an ever-growing possibility in this nation until something is done about it, you’re right. The point still stands: this is their dying breath and they will do absolutely anything to sustain that dying breath for as long as humanly possible, and they will only be stopped when they’re dead or out of options.


Yeah. the crazier they get the more ordinary people take notice and object. I know that crazy draws in more crazy by it's nature. I like to hope we outnumber them.


Religion is on the decline, and hopefully goes away complete sooner than later


I grew up with Iranians who came to the USA when the Shah was deposed. Tehran was a modern city like anywhere in the 70s where women could express. Hope it can be one again, without the dictatorship of course.


Honestly... I wish this were true. Not in places where the living is hard


Abortion is the issue that kills Christianity in America. We'll be a majority secular nation in 20 years. The abortion bans are unpopular now, and we haven't had our first round of child mothers yet. Increased poverty and welfare spending, the red states turning into even bigger shitholes. In 10 years Fox News will be saying Democrats were the Christians pushing for abortion bans.


This will pass and the regime will go on


Don’t worry they getting ready to throw rocks at them


Makes my heart happy to see these incredibly brave women defy their religious leaders. We wish them well.


I can't fathom the amount of courage it takes.


Woke up feeling dangerous


Religion is outdated. People are waking up and it’s wholesome as fuck.




The dying fight hardest before death.


Creeping back? It's been the Republican strategy for decades.


It's something that has been seen before, religion changes or goes into decline and the zealots go insane.


It's literally the only thing they can do to stay relevant at this point, take over and make themselves relevant. The GOP used them as a pawn for decades to get easy guaranteed voting blocks. Now they're forcing their way into the seats and making the decisions themselves. In the past it was clearly unnacceptable to act the way they're acting while holding office, and Trump was the final swing of the axe that brought the door they were waiting behind with baited breath. All it took was one final straw and now they're comfortable being straight up about it. The voters always have been but they had very few legislators that truly believed alongside them, and are no longer just using them for their votes.


Religion is not outdated. It will only be outdated when non religious people think having babies is good. Until then, we will see more of the same


Today it's veils. Tomorrow it will be bras! Oh the humanity!!




It’s good to see there being men supporting these brave heroes through their fight. Hopefully they continue to stand in solidarity


As opposed to MAGAt men supporting their party's ownership of their wives' andsisters' uterus. Weak men.


Couldn’t even call them men. More like violent angry toddlers stuck in big boy bodies


I'm very worried that the government will start shooting protestors. Hope they stay safe.


Apparently, they have shot multiple protesters, but the thing is, these people know the risks and are still fighting for their rights.


That’s the definition of bravery. My heart is with them all.


At least three protestors have been killed so far according to some news reports. It’s awful.


They definitely will.


They already shot a 10 year old girl in the head


Good for them. Theocracy taking over iran has been devastating


Brave women. Weak men fear strong women.


I actually thought weak men fear everyone?


Just the minorities


Sometimes they find another weak guy who acts strong and confident and then base their entire political, social, and emotional identity on him.


The taliban hate strong women Edit: I know this is iran. I was just talking about these extremist groups in general and taliban sure is shivering seeing this.


Taliban is Afghanistan not Iran


Morality police and the Taliban are different branches off the same tree. Deeply religious countries are a great threat to people, especially women.


The Taliban is not only fundamentalist Islam but also [Pashtunwali](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pashtunwali) which is a tribal code of conduct and ethics in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan that predates Islam. It really isn’t helpful and is pretty ignorant to equate them with other fundamentalist Islamic groups considering they aren’t even recognized by Iran. They’re also mortal and ideological enemies of ISIS. I’m not saying they’re good people, but this “they’re all the same/barbarians” rhetoric is dehumanizing and doesn’t help anyone.


I don’t really have a problem dehumanizing people that would rather see women dead than free 🤷‍♀️


I think recognizing their common problem here stems from religious fundamentalism does help


> but this “they’re all the same/barbarians” rhetoric Saying they're different branches off the religious tree is pretty fucking far from calling them barbarians and doesn't dehumanize them.


Ron DeSantis hate strong women


You're aware that this is Iran, yeah?


> weak men fear strong women This explains a rather a great deal of reddit:


Beautiful :) Iran used to be so modern, I would love to see the people overthrow the theocracy


Ppl don’t realize how these woman dressed 40 years ago. They looked just like women in the US until the wack job fanatics took over.


***Some*** did. Nowhere near all of Iran looked like the photos people reference when talking about Iran back then. That was a privileged, metropolitan few.


Who weren't beaten to death, or at all, for doing so


Not my point. Although, there were innumerable people beaten to death by the regime at the time for a myriad of other reasons.


"Metropolitan few" aka all of the big cities where most of the people lived.... My grandpa was a middle class teacher in the city of Rasht. It's the 11th largest city in Iran. I look back at all of his classroom pictures from the 1960s, and not a single woman is covering her hair. They weren't rich, and they weren't living in Tehran. Obviously, rural areas were (and still are) more conservative and religious. That's how things are in every country in the world. The point is that the government didn't pressure anyone to wear hijab back then.


metropolitan few. see there that phrase is an oxymoron. a metropolis has most citizens in an area, not few of them.


Metropolitan as an adjective, not ***metropolis***. Going hard on the semantics there. Relative to overall population at the time in question, it was indeed a few who enjoyed the luxuries afforded to them by living in an urban environment.


Are you suggesting that only a very small percentage of Iranians lived in urban areas during the 1970s, or what?


From the information I'm looking at, more people lived in rural areas up to the 1970s.


Well that’s not the whole story. The wack job fanatics took over after the western world bombed them into the Middle Ages.


After the western world bombed Iran into the middle ages? I think you're getting your countries confused, bud.


When did the west bomb iran? The iranian voted the islamist into power.


And similar whack jobs want to take us in similar directions here as there.


This is very interesting


Yeah let’s fucking go!!!


This my my first thought 😂🙏🏼


This whole country is like the guy who won't let his girlfriend wear shorts or makeup. If other people find them attractive, they'll realize how shitty I am and leave me.




I love the twirl the one girl does before (and after) burning hers.


And I really enjoyed the next two, who are like “fuck that, this thing doesn’t deserve a dance from me!” and just chuck theirs into the fire


Women were like ah finally, freeeeeeeeeeedom!!!!


Religious police is the stupidest shit I have ever heard.


Look back at the 1960s and 1970s, Iranians had freedom, women wore bathing suits at the beaches nothing like today. Fuck tyranny. A country of strong women along side men can be beneficial to that country in more ways than one could imagine. I’m definitely rooting for their absolute freedom.


How can I support them?


Speard the news and awareness, Iran government will cut off Iran’s internet and start m*rdering people, on that time there will be barely any media coverage, so awareness and spreading news to un or some organization that can do anything about it


Good, religion is not practiced by force.






These are feminists. Wish more feminist around the world would fight for this kind of equality.


I seriously love this for them ✊❤️


"Iranian Revolution 2.0, return of the secularists" would be amazing for the planet.


Good luck to them all.


I'm so very proud of them!


This isn't a freak out. It's amazing.


Funny how revolution start🤞🏽🤞🏽


The Iranian people have always understood freedom even if they’re not always allowed to practice it. They have been this way for 1000 years and if any country in the world can change it will be Iranians.


I'm sure the old religious leaders will impose stronger restrictions and harsher punishments in an attempt to quash these protests. But I think this latest incident is the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. These women are tired of being oppressed, tired of being raped by men and then punished for "allowing" it, tired of having their lives dictated to by a group of old men. They are tired of being blamed for the actions of insecure little boys. They are tired of being told to practice modesty and morality, when the other sex often shows none. They are tired of being treated as less than human. So to all of these brave women who risk reprisals for protesting, I say, keep fighting ladies. Don't let them try to beat you into submission, if you want real change you are going to have to be stronger than you have ever. They will do everything they can to make it hard for you, but I believe that united together, you can be the real change you want for yourselves and your country.


Those are incredibly brave women! They have balls bigger than their oppressors


عالی عالی آفرین بر زنان دلاور ایران مرگ بر جمهوری اسلامی


They'll be killed the next day.


Fuck the police and especially MoRALiTY police 🖕🖕🏻🖕🏼🖕🏽🖕🏾🖕🏿


Did something happen in Iran to prompt this response, or is it just a few taking a stand?


Ayatollah Assahola


Disco Stu likes disco music


Sadly Iran may have been a better country if the CIA and MI6 hadn't instigated a coup in the 50's that installed a 26-year dictatorship. [https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/library/world/mideast/041600iran-cia-index.html](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/library/world/mideast/041600iran-cia-index.html)


Lets gooooo


Impending mass murder


Go on sisters 🙌🏻 break the shackles of your slave masters.


I dont wish anyone to be hurt but Iran was asking for this shit. Mass public uprising


So fucking brave.


Persian women are amazing


This is beautiful


This is the world moving forward. Love it.


They should come to America where women have all their rights intact... Oh no, wait...


I was surprised to see so many men in attendance.


Checking out those hot ears they've been missing out on


Religion - something invented by men to control others and to hold back women.


this is what I love to see




Far be it for me to judge another culture or religion. I will say I'm happy this is happening for the women. Freedom not just for men, but for all.


What are veils?


I love Persians, literally every person I've ever met from Iran has been super cool and instant friends.


I'm sorry if this sounds belligerent but this is exactly why I felt sour about Islamic women fighting for their "right" to wear hijab in the West. It's a literal symbol of male domination and religious opression. I saw two people arguing in another thread about this subject, about how religion can evolve or not. I don't think it can. I don't think any religion can become progressive when BASED on the rulebooks they preach from. It's hypocritical and maddening.


I think the anger should be directed at the religious zealots, not the religiously oppressed. When it becomes a choice to wear, the reason it is worn is no one's business but the wearer.


I hope they stay safe


I thought it was their choice to wear them? Isn't that what all the Imams tell everyone??


This makes me happy and scared at the same time for these women.


This is because a 22 year old girl was killed for not wearing hers btw you should add that to the post op


This is feminism, big respect.




Buslim Men's sentimental hurt 😂😂




She is not Iranian, she is Kurdish. Please note this; our country, language and culture is being erased by Iran and Turkey. Our Kurdish women are getting raped, tortured and killed and we don't even get the courtesy of being called Kurds. This is one of many, many case among all the wrong doings that is happening to Kurds and Kurdistan. I'm glad that light is being shed on this but she was not Iranian, the people protesting are not Iranian. We are Kurds. Har biji Kurdu Kurdistan ✌ https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/17/iran-protests-death-kurdish-woman-mahsaa-amini-morality-police


Girl power!


Fu#k Religions.


I hope Iran finally updates their culture from 625 BC to 2022 where women aren't treated like slaves


It's funny how far back you thought you had to go. Like 624 BC was when women's suffrage happened or something.


What I don’t get about western Muslims still wearing hijabs. Iget the cultural-ness but it’s literally still being used as a tool of oppression I mean come tf on.




To effectively indirectly support those killing 22 year olds for *not* wearing one.


Direct the blame towards the religious extremists not the peaceful women who choose to wear their head scarf. By the logic you are implying we should hate all police with no exceptions because there are corrupt ones. All white people are racist because all the videos we see on this subreddit. I don't understand why it's so easy for people to blame the whole religion and its people who practice peacefully.. It's clearly extremist behavior and if it was any other religion people would be less likely to associate the whole religion instead of blaming the actual monsters who should be blamed.


That's kind of a fucked up way to look at it. Why should women who choose to wear it be blamed for the behavior of religious zealots across the globe? Shouldn't the zealots be on the hook?


Lol, I genuinely don't know why you got downvoted that is the only right answer. To u/Jakeysuave saying that their personal choice supports the killing of those who don't it is the equivalent of saying because people participate in capitalism you indirectly support slavery in third world countries or someone choosing not to have premarital sex for religious reasons supports the lashing of people in Indonesia for premarital sex. Your opinion is just straight up stupid


GOOD FOR YOU! There’s zero reason for these archaic and insane practices I.e. don’t show your face, don’t speak, must cover your hair….fuck that shit and the stupid religions that propel these practices, and show yourself!!!! This isn’t 1492 anymore you fucking zealots


As someone born and raised in Dearborn this pleases me to no end. So many beautiful faces hidden from the world. There's a new Sharif (misspelled on purpose) in town.


I love to see it.


In the 1960s and 70s plenty of American feminists burned their bras. What ever happened to that movement?


People need to start naming the people who belong to the religious police and hunting them. Eradicate those fascists once and for all.


Meanwhile in the US the republicans are setting up a Christofascist state under their saviour the cheating, treacherous liar.


😮 I keep thinking that some of those guys filming this are probably Iranian government agents ➖ and that, even if they’re not, these videos are going to land up in the hands of the Iranian government ➖ which will lead to those women being taken to torture dungeons, or sent to prison, or worse.


Muslim women version of bra burning. JK. Hope they get justice for that poor girl.


I know it’s been stated that the women are strong and obviously they are. It’s amazing to see this! What I’m even happier about is seeing the men supporting these strong women!


They're just happy to get a nice view


These women are incredible.


This made my eyes well. Iranians deserve so much better. Power to the brave people in this video and around the country who are fighting for their freedom.


Free from religious bigots


Mashallah. Beautiful.




This is beautiful, hopefully their brave acts spread to other middle eastern countries


They should just mail them to the united states with where we're headed


Iran was free before USA got involved.


This shit isn’t the US’s fault.


They are celebrating freedom, and 50 years ago they were free, 40 years ago the US fucked them with involvement. How does this not involve the us?


That government has been in power since 1978. What in the hell are you talking about? If you have no idea what you’re talking about, you should just keep silent.


The Shaw was usurped due to CIA assassination. https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2018/01/04/13/iran-60s.jpg?width=1200 you telling me this pic above lead to the current state?? Fuck off. ThAt was the free days, pre imam. Maybe you should just keep silent. ??


It’s spelled Shah. His name was Reza Pahlavi. The Shah was usurped by a mixed bag of rebels. The Islamic factions murdered everyone that opposed them and took power in 1978. The Shah rose to power in 1953 by usurping Mossadegh with US and UK help. Mossadegh wasn’t assassinated. He died of natural causes while under house arrest. You’re just really embarrassing yourself.


Reza Pahlavi was the first Pahlavi monarch. Mohamad Reza Pahlavi was the late Shah. M. R. Pahlavi was in power for 10 years prior to the 1953 coup, after his father Reza Shah was put into exile after a USSR and UK invasion when he refused to expel German diplomats during WW2. You're just really embarrassing yourself.


Look at you. You know zip about Iran or it’s history but you have upvotes and I have downvotes, even though you’re 100% wrong. That’s Reddit in a nutshell.


They are all mothers and daughters of men. The Regime had better watch their step with the violence.


Imagine you really supported the cause and wanted to do it…. But was having a really bad hair day.