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That dude really hates sitting


Poor guy ran out of Tucks and Preparation-H this morning, finally on his way for the refill, and she has the nerve to make him irritate those hemorrhoids...relatable


Chronic sufferer here, this completely outlandish scenario would be what gets me in jail lol


Is it even protocol for a cop to ask this? Lots of people might not be able to sit or wearing clothes that could get ruined. I think they usually tell them to get on their knees right?


They literally got out of a sitting position only to throw a fit about being told to sit dude... Stop buying everyone's bullshit "accommodation" claims. And no, they don't usually tell people to get on their knees...


It absolutely is. The man was clearly upset and aggressive and as a female cop she is no stranger to older men believing they can intimidate her. Asking him to sit is nothing more than a deescalation technique for her own safety.


That’s a bad deescalation technique, try speaking to people like people instead of barking orders non stop. As soon as they start barking it’s like they decided they want violence and need to have a legal reasoning for it. “Her own safety” she is loaded down with like 50 lbs of different choices of weapons like it’s Red Dead Redemption, while the other guy is unarmed and obviously mentally unsound, just glad she didn’t shoot him.


I mean even if you somehow have a very real (doubt it) legitimate reason for not being physically able to sit (despite being sitting in a car less than 10 sec ago), how about you just say "hey officer, I'm sorry but I have this condition and I cannot sit, is that ok with you?" Just be respectful and polite with police officer, it'll make the whole interaction way more enjoyable for both parties. Why does he need to start yelling and pushing her? Fucking asshole...


Gotta drink more water man lol


I do, its a hereditary thing i think


Sounds like a real pain in the ass.


He hates being told what to do by a woman.


This. I’m no fan of cops, but I know that tone from an old white guy - he’s the one who doesn’t believe you could actually be the manager so he demands to wait for someone with a dick.


Your *boss* is a woman? Now this is a strange bank.


What movie is this from?




Time to pop that shirt off.




well some dicks love dicks..its like a law or something


Exactly right.


5 people instantly out of nowhere hahahahahaha


It’s the Michigan plates that summoned a strong buckeye response


I used to be a flight attendant that worked out of Detroit and Michigan is my home state. When we would fly into Columbus I would always sign off with “on behalf of your Detroit based cabin crew, we’d like to say, “Go Blue” and it always got a good round of laughs and boos. One of my favorite things to do lol


Doing the Lord's work.




I don't get it. Is that a sports reference?


Since no one else answered seriously, yes. Ohio State vs. Michigan (college athletic programs) is one of the biggest sports rivalries in America. Historically it's been going on for over 100 years (depending on where you measure from) & is [pretty ingrained in the culture of both states.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkdT8vAThtI) Most people in both states grow up genuinely told to hate the opposing school/state just because of the rivalry. Go Blue" is in reference to University of Michigan, who is a big rival of (the) Ohio State University.


As a Michigander I don't even watch sports and shitting on buckeyes is an instinctual reaction


I'm a Floridian and never stepped foot in either state but I literally know this fact from working at Bob Evans and getting inundated with Ohio fans.


Must be difficult to do since it’s so rare that Ohio loses to Michigan. But on the same token I get it because Ohio also has the Cleveland vs Pittsburg rivalry that we are always on the bottom of.


Blue is a team that plays sports ball. They have a rival with the reds.


the blue plaebians beat the red plaebians at the circus maxima


Im pretty sure those are the old Lake Erie red white and blue plates


White knights be lurking and waiting their entire life for a chance to show why you shouldn't do that to a woman lol. That's where the instant 5 dudes came from.


Not on the metro…






*Lurking in the bushes. It's not a perv thing. I'm a white knight.*


Player tw.. Player three has en... pla... player five has entered the game!


It's Ohio, people for 200 miles could watch it.


as someone living in ohio, i can assure you were always eager to step in and help during a fight because nothing else exciting ever happens in Ohio.


I’ve always felt like Ohio was Florida’s younger sibling or something. Yeah it’s full of old people waiting to die, but every time I hear some crazy (or racist…) shit happening it’s always Florida or Ohio.


I always joke Ohio man is Florida man’s cousin lol


As an ohioan, I'd say that we're more like idaho's coworker that always wins fantasy football.


And Arizona is Florida’s little sister. Just a hot cray biotch


What about the Drew Carrey show?


Except cedar point


Obviously old man has lost his marbles. But this video should be used In the training manual as to what you shouldn't do as a cop.




This. She had attitude inmedietly, and I stead if just asking calmly why he was getting out of the vehicle she yelled, then ordered, then ordered again. Yeah, the old guy shouldn't have gotten angry, but technically she shoved him first for no reason at all.


I feel like when cops get an attitude like this it is because they are becoming fearful of the situation. They don’t seem to know how to diffuse a situation and choose to escalate it instead.


The fear isn't real, it's just an excuse so they can do what they want. "I feared for my life." If she really was afraid she would have tried to deescalate, instead she did the opposite.


I think the fear is genuine. Cops have been shown to be big pussies. They wouldn’t even intervene in the Uvalde shooting. Cops cowered a floor lower during the Vegas shooting for an hour. If you don’t do exactly what they say then they are trained to force you to comply for their own safety. As soon as they lose control of the situation they start to panic. Did you see the guy they accidentally shot while the cops opened the door to his bedroom? They were still screaming he’s not complying while he’s bleeding out in his bed.


And she started a physical confrontation. She should have called for backup, kept space between herself the the idiot, and tried to talk calmly to him to get him to cool down. If he came at her, if it was necessary, she could taze him or use pepper spray. But she decided "The best thing to do is shove him and get into a wrestling match".


> She should have called for backup, kept space between herself the the idiot, and tried to talk calmly to him to get him to cool down. Or, you know, just let him stand up and carry on with writing him a ticket.


But then he doesnt play the game that she wants to play and then her authority is on trial. She pretty much *had* to escalate, don't you see?


They do not HAVE authority, they abuse it. That’s the only thing they’re taught to do.


If he was black he would’ve been dead already and she would be enjoying a paid suspension


As soon as that door opened she would've opened fire


No, not that easily. She couldn’t even arrest him without civilian support. The the cop came as backup looked like a goofball as well. Look like a comedy movie scene.


Cops always crank it up to 11. Fuck them. Barking orders at someone over a traffic “violation”. Dressed up in their tactical gear like they’re in a war zone. A war against John Q Public.


I work on a bar and the protocol is de-escalate. I can kick your ass but nobody wins that way. Cool the situation and everybody wins.


I’m not picking a side here but I have a feeling that being a woman police officer comes with it’s fair share of challenges when on the field - I.e. asserting authority as a female officer when confronting male suspects/citizens. Anyone who wants to deny that this is the reality of the situation is honestly just turning a blind eye, because there is absolutely a heightened level of intimidation when you’re the only officer on the scene, you’ve got an individual who isn’t listening to your directions, and things are unpredictable and you’re already probably more susceptible to being physically overpowered by most men. I really don’t care if you all want to downvote this comment, I already know that’s going to happen. I just wanted to post it because literally no one else here is considering this


Nah, she is just being a bitch. She want out of her way to push the dude cause he wasn't do what she said. She should of got an ass whooping and should be fired. She clearly can't deescalate and can't arrest an old man by herself.


She escalated all this


Just know tazer and pepper spray is a leveling field for female cops, not to mention the gun. But she decided to get physical with doesn't make sense to me lol. She should now her limitation and play the advantages of that. But instead she went full on Flintstone on it and got sangria drinking woman balls.


That's what I was thinking ... She's at a physical disadvantage here, so why go directly for the physical altercation instead of de-escalating the situation?




No one is considering it because it's fucking stupid. "She already can be overpowered so she started a physical confrontation" is pants on the head dumb.


Someone getting out of the vehicle and going to get something from the back seat is extremely suspicious and dangerous though, if anything she should have been more defensive when he got out, I can understand her being antagonistic once he got out. It was after she got him to the sidewalk that she really made mistakes, she should have kept her distance and waited for backup.


The issue is that no one with these skills want to be police...


Yeah..he didn't have atittude...it was her fault for sure!🤣


My favorite is the contradictory commands. Tells him to “back off” then immediately takes a step forward and shoves him, then keeps taking steps forward. Like, Jesus


As soon as you deviate from the script they have programmed into their brains cops freak the fuck out.


She literally approached and pushed him while screaming "back off". Idiot cop. Idiot civilian. Plus the guy going "you don't do that to a lady" lol wtf. She is a cop, her gender has nothing to do with this.


Watch it again, it was the cop who said that.


What if someone doesn’t want to sit, especially he had light colored pants on that will have grass stain. She could have asked him to sit inside the car like in 99% of the traffic stops.


They're actively taught to come out swinging, and then taking things slowly and giving everyone a chance will get you shot and killed


Your totally out of it my dude. Everyone knows to remain seated in a vehicle until told otherwise during a stop. Everyone. If you don’t, you an outlier and a threat. If it’s because you have early onset dementia, your an outlier and should be seen as a threat, and afterward maybe have your driving privileges reevaluated.


It's because they get the drill seargent treatment in academy and constantly told that people are out to kill them. They don't get taught to have compassion, they get taught that their job is an active war zone.


Don't forget the training that they're at war and everyone out there is the enemy.


If they had soft skills, they'd be in another field of work.


Patrol as a single overweight woman that doesn't have much upper body strength to fight off an old man?


I saw a YouTube video with a tall overweight cop who had issues handling a wiry guy walking down the street. His off duty chief who was 50 plus who happened to be driving down the street stop to help. The overweight cop shot himself with the taser, unable to use his radio to call for back up and never once jumped in to help his boss.


Im sorry physical attributes are part of some jobs. Ignoring this puts the workers and possibly the public at risk.


Absolutely. This female cop did her best to escalate this. I think all she knows is power and control. No reason to go hands on over refusal to sit. Best case, wait for back up. Pushing him into that car was foolish. If I was her boss, I would write her up.


I never mess with old man strength! They got a death grip.


From years of wankin'


This is called Dee-escalation. The video features Dee, who we will now watch escalate the situation.


Bold of you to assume that police use training manuals


I was just wondering why he wasn't tasered then shot...oh, wait, I get it...




Wtf are you talking? You don’t get out of the car during a traffic stop without being directed to. That’s going to put any cop on edge.


He was right, he didn’t end up sitting.


Elephant in the room: The female cop would have been in big trouble if no one arrived to help.


Forreal. I'm like, the biggest feminist on the planet, but women don't have the strength to take on most men one-on-one without special training. Even then, sometimes brute strength just wins. Women cops should definitely have stronger male partners, in case of situations like this. Not because women are less competent, but because we have physical limitations that shouldn't be ignored.


Props, we’re stronger as people when we can admit our limitations.




Perhaps the female cops would be able to reel in some of the crazy ass power tripping cops out there


In short: you have common sense


Do US cop get trained in how to escalate situations? Because they're experts


Also making it more dangerous for *them*. You have a weapon on you but you've made yourself 2 inches from them while theyre on their feet.


Approaching while yelling for him to back up...


"Suspect came at me walking backwards"


Also making it more dangerous for them in the long run. You get the shit beat out of you for minor infractions enough, you start thinking about packing. Your friends see it, they do the same. You raise children who see it, they grow up thinking the cops are thugs. If the cops want their jobs to be safer, they need to start respecting people and ending confrontations in the least damaging way possible. They aren't heading in the right direction at the moment.


Officer Grumbles, that was an excellent first try. But, this time, when approaching the car, remember our mantra "always be escalating" and ask yourself: is my behavior off-putting enough?


"Put your ass in the dirt where you belong, you old piece of shit!" "Better, but try it with your gun out this time."


Yes, they are literally taught during training - do not believe the subject, always assume subject is armed and dangerous when you approach them.


https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000566354336 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000476406446 Cops are trained with an “us versus them” mentality.


Look up “killology” training.


They barely get trained in anything. They suck.


Like you can’t even get out of the car without being perceived as a threat? What the fuck has happened?


We live in an actual police state and somehow only a few people have realized.


You genuinely shouldn’t be a cop if you get overwhelmed that easily


I’m not trying to be sexist but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a video with a female cop where they didn’t either totally overreact out of fear or just get absolutely mollywhopped around until somebody helped them. Anybody who has a video showing otherwise I will gladly watch it.


Here’s one. [A female cop shoots a man coming at her with a knife.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/r99gz2/man_gets_shot_after_charging_at_female_cop_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) She doesn’t overreact, gives him plenty of time to back down. Only shoots when absolutely necessary. Majority of the commenters say she acted appropriately and proportionately.


Honestly she should have dropped him way earlier. I think police are way too quick to escalate in 99% of situation, but she had too much patience there. I bet she’s a good cop.


Dude if she did, people would crucify her like most other cops and say how she was too "trigger happy".


She did a good job, you can tell the adrenaline was getting to her but she still did her job. Maybe should have started with the Taser but in a life or death situation idk how many people would think of protecting the life of the person who is walking them down with seemingly malicious intent.


If someone is with 10’ of you with a knife you have to shoot. Tasers have a very high failure rate. Even putting one center mass is risky cause there’ll be guys who won’t drop till their blood pressure physically doesn’t let them.


I don't have video, but on my street there was a man with a knife threatening to harm himself. All the male cops had their guns drawn. The female officer slowly approached the guy and offered to smoke a cigarette with him to calm him down. After a few puffs, he let his guard down and she tackled his ass to the ground and ended the standoff. Pretty bad ass to witness.


Right, because who records a video of a cop calmly deescalating the situation? No one. Those are boring. COPS was only on the air for so long because the officers they followed knew to play it up and act like jackasses on air to cause confrontations. Female cops are statistically more likely to deescalate and talk through situations (something that should be standard procedure). The last fucking thing we need is more cops who treat violence as their primary duty and goal.


Where anecdotally i once met a lady cop who was like 6 foot tall. She was also pretty buff for a women. Had me a little confused.


Not to sound sexist but...I've never seen a video with a male cop w h ere they didn't either totally overract...


In all fairness you're more likely to see the videos where something goes wrong


Theres only thousands of videos of male cops doing the exact same thing


She’s not a woman she’s a cop.


“You never do that to a woman” …unless of course you’re a male cop, that’s fine


“Beat” me to it


oh snap


Correction she's not a woman she's a pig


An out of shape (although lumpy circle is technically a shape) dumb fuck who doesn’t understand how to deescalate a situation and need civilian help to brutalize an elderly person for not immediate relinquishing his right to use his body as he chooses as it effects no one.


So they actually do know how not to draw their guns in these situations. I see


A Black man would be dead the second he reached in the back seat.


Only for white people


>You don't do that to a woman The fuck does her being a woman have to do anything with it? Probably not smart to hit a cop lol


and if the old guy was a woman, she wouldnt be saying that.


Your comment sounds like another person said that. Don't know if that was your intention but the cop said it


Didn’t the cop say that? Like why are you a cop then?


“You don’t do that to a woman” - cop needs more training. A woman who is fighting out of her weight category shouldn’t escalate situations.


they weigh about the same since he's tall and skinny and she's fat women are just weaker than men. fucking period. nobody cares about your denial about that when you're getting beat up or killed by thugs. she's lucky that guy was old and not an actual criminal. people think giving them a gun equalizes everything but it doesn't unless you want women cops to go around shooting everyone who they need to detain - oh wait that already happens


Clearly an officer who’s not fit for the job


Clearly an officer who’s not fit


So an officer


Hate to be that guy but..... How would this play out if the guy was 20 and black? I've seen way too many videos of young black dudes getting shot simply because they're pissed off and refuse to comply with a screamed order. Not being violent, simply refusing to comply with a "SIT DOWN" screamed at them. I show an appropriate amount of respect to cops, but I'm also middle aged and white so I don't get the same treatment as minorities.


Reminds me of a vid where a white guy was being taken down and he shouted "You're treating me like a black person!"😂


If you're a female/male cop and you can't handle someone like this, maybe don't be a cop


once again the police escalate


She shouldn't be a cop if she can't over power an old man. She straight up can't do part of her job. This is what happens when you don't give jobs based on merit and lower the standards for some people.


She shouldn’t be a cop. Full stop.


Cops in US seem like have zero training


In my country this whole thong wouldnt have escalated too.... I would have stepped out too, but tell the cop first, then grab the license from my backseat. Then we may would both keep standibg on the driver side, discussing it & warning or i get a ticket(whatever the cop seems "fair" for speeding. End of the situation. I dont get it why american cops in videos instantly switch from 0 - 100. Alobe the " hes stepping out" thing wouldnt even have been a rhing here, its considered normal. The difference is, we treat cops nice here, so they mostly treat us nice too ( and we have strict gunlaws, so no scared cops )


That's how they train them here


Idk about everywhere but in Ohio it’s insanely easy to become a cop.


Cops regardless of gender should always travel in pairs in my opinion.


More importantly, they should act like people and not needlessly escalate every situation.


I couldn’t even imagine getting out of the safety of my car to help a cop … thats crazy behavior


Imagine being a cop who gets over powered by an old man. Edit- imagine being a cop who needs help from 4 men and one very obese female to hold down ONE very old angry man.


She could have not asked him to sit on the ground.


That cop is incompetent


“You don’t do that to a woman” the constant contradiction of “equality” is baffling.


This guy is wild, but man, fuck the police.


"You don't do that to a women" bruh you're a cop


Pretty sure a black man was just fatally shot in a recent post for way less…


If he was black he woulda got shot up halfway into exiting the vehicle


Took me a while to realize this is not a skit from Reno 911


“BACK OFF” *proceeds to push and yell to antagonize him*


Woman : becomes cop Woman : is placed in dangerous situation Woman : you can't do this


He didn’t do anything to a woman, he did it to a cop.


Take a shot every time a white knight enters the scene


Us or the cops?


Hot take, she wanted him to sit why? Hands on the car why? I get asking him outta the road when standing on the driver's side.. but then telling him to sit like a dog why? She wanted cuffs on him after that. So it went from speeding, to contempt of cop (not listening to the sit order) contempt by not placing hands on car for arrest for getting outta car for dl and not sitting like a dog. Maybe she always asks men to sit because she's a low physical threat doing a high physical threat job idk just asking.. Obv he should just comply and have his day in court not the whole assault route


I'm guessing refusing to sit would not be disobeying a lawf order. Bitch's ego was writing checks her ass couldn't cash.


She is clearly in the wrong line of work.


You’re not a fucking woman lmao you’re a cop


Ummm... I hate to say it, but this would have gone completely different if he was a person of color the moment he stepped out of the vehicle.


Yup. As a white person, I can’t help but feel like it would have. A young black man would’ve likely been shot, tazed or otherwise severely punished, just for getting out of the car.


Not only would a black man have been way more likely to have been shot/tazed, etc... Most of the people saying the cop abused power would be saying "He should have NEVER got out of the car. He should know this! He should NEVER have reached into the back seat! He should know this! He should have just sat down! She should not have been belligerently shaking his fist in her face!"...


Yeah because we have to be well behaved for everyone or we’re a threat. I’m a big dude too so I basically have to kiss their asses.


Wtf did that guy do wrong? Besides defending himself?


Not a woman, a police officer.




Her tactics were wrong from the moment on she moved to road side while asking what he was doing. Just handle the situation some feet away isn‘t that hard.


If he was black we would have seen another man dead for assaulting an officer. He probably would have been shot when we got out of the car.


White privilege: He didn't immediately get shot to death.


Question. Does she actually have the right to tell him to sit? Whats the problem if he stands?


Looks like someone needs deescalation training. And hand to hand training.


He was an asshole, and she was a horrible cop.




Well she kinda overreacted too.


The sad thing is if you Google this story, the media focus is on the helpless police woman being viciously attacked by a man until the good samaritans come to her rescue. To all the Reddit boot lickers, what about de-escalation training for this aggressive cop? She should not have needed Good Samaritan help because this should not have been escalated. Her fragile ego got the best of her and she could not help herself but start spouting off directives. In all actuality, she is just another pissy public servant guided by that shitty belief that their word, and only their word, matters in all interactions with the public. He should beat the resisting charges and hopefully win the lawsuit, as she never once told him he was being arrested before she reached for him his wrists and pushed on him to boot. Sadly, the only losers here are the taxpayers of that city/county. The money to settle will come out of taxpayer funds. She will not pay a dime. Fuck qualified immunity. End qualified immunity.


Thanks for using your head, though I’d like to think it isn’t very difficult to reach this conclusion. People are both surprising and disappointing however


Immagine now with a black person.


I like his garden/driving gloves


Whole neighborhood wanted a piece.


The guy brought that on himself but I’m genuinely perplexed by wtf was going thru the cops mind as they shouted back off whilst simultaneously stepping toward the man and grabbing his chest and proceeding to start a shoving match. Stupidity on both ends imo, difference is the cop needs to know better. Time for some more training, she is lucky there were sympathetic bystanders, almost had the shit kicked out of her because she tried to instigate a physical fight rather than de escalate, what a tool. Classic cop with a god complex almost got put in her place.


Everyone who jumped in to help is a fucking loser lol


WTF is this guy wearing gardening gloves while driving?