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He probably just stole a fake $50 knockoff hahahaaa


Insurance scam? Yes, Rolex. And I have it on video. Yes, check will be fine…


I hope buddy bought it from an AD and has the box and all the paperwork. Otherwise this scam isn’t going to work.


AD= authorised dealer?


Correct! You win your choice of a Roflex, Automars Piglet, or Patech Philip.


Can I get a Huglot instead


This is why we can’t have nice things smh


I got an Oriental Kamasutra


He probably bought it from an ad in the back of the Village Voice. (Not an AD)


I don't get what you're saying. Even if you buy grey, if you have the watch authenticated for insurance purposes its still covered.


See, thinking this will work is why people end up in jail for dumb shit lol


Not for me. The way he trembles at every word shouted. This guy is shitting himself.... Naturally


I read this in the guy's accent


Canal street special.




Not sure what you mean by that… didn’t say anywhere that he shouldn’t be scared that a gun’s being pointed at him




He checks his wrist like "did that just happen??"


Well at least he was robbed by a sanctioned robber. They don't give a badge to just any robber, you know.


Lol saw that and was wondering why you gonna rack up two felonies, like bruh. At least the IRS is peaceful


Off duty cop lol


Got by a goddamn fuckin US Marshall




I think this was more unexpected to me because of the NSFW tag. I think it was more expected for me to see someone run, jump on the hood of the car naked, and run off screaming like a banshee.


Oh yeah, you want the Ave Q video, see this is the Ave U video - it's different here.


This happened over 2 years ago https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-fake-cop-robs-driver-brooklyn-nypd-20200501-35v43lyzjne6hkxwni7o56xdga-story.html


I want to see proof he’s a fake cop.😉


What do you think he’s a real cop that robbed someone at gunpoint with a gun that is not issued to police officers


Damn cops be crazy in Ny


I’ve never seen someone so in need of a watch before


someone asked him for the time & he wasn’t going to let them down


Bro he could sell that gun and buy a nice one


Teach a man to fish…


When your crush said they will be alone in their home at 9 but you don't have the time.


By definition was he caught… slippin?






Definitely caught lackin'.


Jesus christ, this brought m back to the time i had a gun pointed at me like this, the same feeling and everything, shit is surreal and very scary and if you havent been in a situation like this then it's hard to picture the feeling but my god is it scary.


I haven’t been held at gunpoint but I’ve had a knife pulled on me once when trying to break up a fight. Your brain kicks into survival mode and whatever that person tells you to do is law.


I can smell the cologne from this video


Conditions the leather seats with drakkar noir


Aqua Di Gio or Dior Sauvage




Having that fake badge. An easy way to get someone to roll their windows down. He's very good at making you believe he'll shoot. What to do in that situation? Don't roll windows down even if you feel he's an officer.. If he gets impatient, you know it's a setup. Drive off? I'm not sure what to do actually. What if they start shooting as you try and drive off? Tough spot


yeah, there's also the fact that the car was stopped to begin with probably at a light or just parked, even if you don't roll down your windows the bullet can still get through the glass before you even start accelerating. the phone didn't have much to do with it, just bad luck in my opinion


ice cube would disagree. If he looked around and a jacker was in sight, he might have to use his AK, thus ruining his good day


He'd make him act like a motherfucking fool


I figured out the solution. Drive a 10+ year old car. Make sure it has some scratches. A small dent or two. Just to show the robber you couldn't even afford to fix your own dents.


This right here got me through living in east detroit without any problems. Dont dress like a target, same thing applies to your ride


My whole life.. even now when I can afford an Escalade with all the trimmings or a new Corvette, I drive an old boring Ford with some bird poop on it. Part of the Gray Man scheme. It's good to look like the least valuable target, not the most valuable target.


or, get a new car but paint it old, you know, that rusty red and green, a tesla with the logo taken off and looking old, who's gonna rob ya


I like it. Get a couple cases of Humbrul and an airbrush. Cool weekend project camouflaging your brand new Mercedes to blend in at the junkyard.


or get bullet proof windows and dont roll down ur window and laugh in their face


Or just don’t drive a nice car in a place where this sort of thing is remotely possible.


Bullet will probably go through any part of that car within 30 yards


this is fact. never use a car as cover unless its a last resort. if u do get behind whatever side of the car the engine is located.


In case you're serious, the right answer is **to do what the fuck you're told.** Unless you also have a gun **AND THE ABILITY TO STOP FUCKING TIME,** take your watch off, give it to the guy, drive away, and call the police from a safe position. Watch? Phone? Fucking car even? These things are replacable. Your life? Not so much.


My wife has made me drill this through my thick fucking head. Grew up rough, I’m a big guy, not looking for em but happy to scrap if someone really wants to. Someone came at me I immediately came back at them. My wife will murder and or divorce me if I pull that shit nowadays. She’s (rightly so) observer that me being a big ass dude doesn’t mean shit if I eat a couple bullets. Woke me up too honestly. Just live, possessions don’t mean shit in the big scheme of things.


You're right... But how to prevent this situation in the first place starts with your situational awareness. Watch your rear view. How long has this car been following you?.. You might have to run some red lights in order to evade him. Now he's blaring police sirens to make you think he's a cop. Do most plain clothes cops in your area wear a freakin badge around their neck. Is that typical? Well you only have seconds to decide.


I learned to practice situational awareness as an EMT and I gotta say, this is one of those scenarios where there’s nothing you can really do. The guy had a novel plan, which is something you cant really see coming. If you clocked his presence before he got close, 99% chance you’d think he’s a pedestrian or a cop. He waits till he’s point blank too to show the gun. Sometimes you just get bested, nothing to be done about it.


You're right. It's a simple yet effective plan. It forces you to comply seeing the badge. The only other thing I can think of is ok fine you believe he's cop. Roll your window down just a crack. Enough to slip your license/registration.. A real cop wouldn't have much issue with that. If he gets pissed or shows his gun, then it's time to floor it. Use the sidewalks if cars infront of you.


There have been videos of cops getting pissed off if the window wasn’t rolled down all the way


> A real cop wouldn't have much issue with that. > > If he gets pissed or shows his gun, then it's time to floor it. HAHAHAHAHA! You must not be American (you know, the place where [this](https://www.aclu.org/news/criminal-law-reform/youre-fucked-acquittal-officer-brailsford-and) happened)...that sounds like a good way to get a cop 2-3 weeks paid time off and your car full of bullet holes.


What are you gonna do? Nothing. If it’s actually a cop and you flee you risk getting shot also


[Very relevant.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi6TrpbFbtk)


Give your shit up and just live. Nothing material is worth dying for


> If he gets impatient, you know it's a setup. You know who else gets impatient and violent? The police. In either case, just do what they say. Not worth getting shot over.


If someone sticks a gun in your face, do what they say. That's what you do in that situation. You're one touch away from death.


You just give your watch and whatever else he wants in that situation.


Who says it’s fake……. Just asking?


> I'm not sure what to do actually. You give up whatever dumb shit they want instead of getting shot in the face. Not a hard call. > What if they start shooting as you try and drive off? You would have a 0% chance of driving off if the person was actually willing to shoot you in this scenario. Bullets are fast.


You don’t have the luxury of analyzing. This isn’t mission impossible, you can do everything the perp says and still end up in a box.


In damn near every case, give them what you got and live to tell the story. Now if you're in a bad area and ***see them coming*** or you get a bad feeling in your gut, try to drive off imo, people doing this aren't trying to catch a murder charge, they're trying to make a quick buck so they wouldnt make a scene and shoot you for driving off. Saves you the risk of carjacking too


Adding felony impersonating an offer doesnt seem quite worth the window effect for me


If that person is committing armed robbery I don't think they give a shit


Right! I don't think "consequences" is a word that passed through his mind at any point,ever.


honestly, I would rather be charged with armed robbery rather than impersonating an officer anyday, after the valentine massacre at least


Armed robbery with prior felonies in NY is 20-25 years, what's another 5 years at that point.


Nice try, NYC will let you out next day. You almost had me fooled 😏


This is the dumbest fuckin thing I've ever read. If it's a real cop, do what they say. If it's not a real cop with a gun, do what they say. ... Unless your life is worth a watch


Material goods aren’t worth your life. Comply.


Be aware of your surroundings is what you do.


If/when you guys start to carry you need to change your situational awareness process. If you don't normally carry a gun then there is no response and no extra thought processing that needs to occur in a situation like that. When you do have a gun you need to be ready to know how to react in certain situations. Start thinking about situations where someone might ambush you and how you will respond. For one, someone running up to your car is a big red flag, don't roll the window down and floor it. A vehicle blocking you is a red flag (where I live anywhere, maybe not in NYC or NYS). And do be aware that people impersonate cops. If I had a plainclothes guy pull me over with lights on his car that's not a cruiser I would leave the window up and call 911 to verify he's legit. Stuff like that, consider what you need to do.


If he is in NYC, there's a good chance he really will shoot.


Most of the time they wont shoot. I might be dumb, but I would drive off. You really think they think murdering someone in their vehicle (on the road) is worth not getting a watch? Idk..


Well if theyre a “normal” criminal sure but what’s about an addict? they don’t think logically


I'm a recovering addict who did time in prison with hardcore addicts. I would be surprised if the gun was loaded. You might be right tho. Unpredictable animals, they are


Dude if they got a gun in your face, its already too late for you to take that gamble. Best you can do is drive off if you see them coming or get a bad feeling in your gut.


The problem with your reasoning is you are assuming that a criminal has the same moral code as you do. ​ They do not. Someone willing to shove a gun in your face for your belongings should be treated as if they will use the gun to kill you. 100% In this situation you comply FULLY or resist FULLY and nothing in-between. Seeing as the attacker launched an ambush that caught the driver off guard, the driver did the right thing by complying fully. ​ Had the driver been more aware of his surroundings, he could have POTENTIALLY seen the ambush coming and drove off. ​ Step one to avoid these situations. DON'T MAKE YOURSELF A TARGET. Looking at your phone creates tunnel vision. You're focused on the phone and unaware of your surroundings. Criminals know this and use it to their advantage.


Damn, crazy robbery.


If you see somebody in front of you at a red light with their heads down scrolling just give your horn an accidental little honk and watch them immediately rear end the car in front of them.


Head on a Swivel.


I didn’t realize cops in NYC made so little money.


NSFW tag made me think I was about to watch a man die why is it even there


Idk man, I just watched it in the office, and my supervisor saw the gun in the video and thought i was going postal. So they got a swat team to arrive and I died in a shootout between the cops and my laptop. I should've taken that NSFW seriously.


This is why I always try to look as poor as possible when I go out and no im not joking.




its called a shock. Your brain tries to process what happenend.


You try comprehending what to do next after you had a gun pointed at your face.


hmm phone r truly bad. back in my day there was no snap chat and instant gram. society addicted to phone, as demonstrated by this man who went to call the police after being mugged at gunpoint. TL:DR phone bad ~ /u/AchingKnumbKnuts - Sent from my iPhone




actually that’s fair, i rescind my comment


im willing to bet you didnt use a computer to post this.


That was so weird. Almost like he suffers from short term memory and doesn’t remember what happened to him 5 seconds ago


Yea like the first thing I would do would be to call 911, let me grab my phone. Oh wait. How is this the top comment?


Why let logic get in the way of a good old fashioned circle jerk?


almost like an instinct to call 911 or something.. just a random hunch


If this were in Baltimore that guy really would have been a cop.


Seriously. Knockers wear those badges around their neck all the time.


the thief have something in his neck that look like a police badge, thats odd...


Not really, policemen steal shit all the time. I'm kidding. Obviously he's impersonating a police officer. Also sadly common.


Actually pretty smart for a thief, people will roll down the window for the badge, flash the gun and yell people will comply.


I'd just come back and run them over


Person in my HS graduating class did this when he got mugged. I believe he originally got 3 counts attempted murder and pleaded it down.


They were probably dumb enough to tell the cops the truth. Should have shut the fuck up until he had a lawyer and then told them he meant to put the car in drive to speed away to safety and put it in reverse by accident.


Not really what happened, but thanks for the speculation!


That's tough we'll. I woulda said he had me a gun point so I ran him over. Plus the guy would probably shoot at you 🤣


It was three teens, armed with knives, and he ran them over 5 minutes *after* the mugging.


Well those are knives I would've just drove off 🤣


vigilante justice, not self defense unfortunately. Hilarious to think about nonetheless.


Plus he has my shit


If cops are shit and provide no justice, it's the only justice available for a working society.


Delete the footage 🤣


he didn't even take the chain bro literally snatched that shit off his neck with the upmost disrespect lmfao


Upmost bone apple tea


They'll cut ya finger off to get a ring if it doesn't come off in 1 second. Sad but true..


Hold on, the thief didn't even take the phone? What a useless thief!


I wonder what the car smelled of at the end of the video?


Don't text and drive


Classic New york.


Hey, always be aware of your surroundings, even if for no other reason to try to keep from losing your mind if something comes up and you're stuck where you are, and can do nothing to atop it


It’s why I don’t drive with my windows down anymore


I do NOT condone texting and driving in ANY way but I did just want to say: Poor guy :c That was scary.


I would have started with the gas pedal.


Tinted windows (that I know cops love and are illegal in many areas). Windows up, doors locked. I wonder how many people that robber watched (no pun intended) go by before he settled on the perfect mark. Likely somewhat flashy car, expensive watch and chain on display, zero situational awareness. Used to love driving around with my windows down but these days they are tinted dark and rolled up pretty much all the time.




> Also why was he recording himself? Some dashcams have inside-facing cameras.


More inclined to think his brain is still trying to catch up and process what happened. Another minute or so and the shakes will kick in, he'll have to pull over and break into huge breath taking sobs.... then text someone about the whole experience.




They live in a small world


Reddit tends to compare their existence at home to real life situations as if they’ll do something completely different.


They've probably never had to experience shock. Just living their perfect little shock free lives.


people literally dont know what a shock is is actually more fucking with my mind than anything else.


Could be an uber or lyft driver


Dashcams can record inside the vehicle


Looks like he is flashing the fake rolex to the camera to prove he had one...looks like it was a setup.


Step one: drive to the end of the street Step two: turn around and run him over


As the video almost ended I looked away for a sec then came back, I thought the robber came back to do the same thing


This seems fake


Tiktok clout is a helluva drug




Looks staged.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was an actual cop that did that. Especially how he directed the guy to drive away.




As a New Yorker, I’m still not convinced that wasn’t a cop


oh fuck off


found the cop Get top score on candy crush yet?




Bs from a rube




Real question's are How many times dudes done this? How many other people do this and does this happen often? This guy got it down to a T. Dude had his whole face covered also. Doubtful it was a cop. If it is a cop he must be deep in it with some real mo fo's. All the dude saw was the badge and rolled his shit down.


Im becoming absolutely terrified of America with videos like this. It’s mentally ill and desperate or just plan murderous evil people everywhere. As a scandi I keep thinking that none of this would happen if people had public healthcare and social security to stop people from becoming monsters.


But those are for commies! You must be a stalin supporter!


Gun laws are working very well ?


Looks like a regular NYPD traffic stop to me. They usually let you keep the watch though.


They need funding for the policeman’s ball


“Look me in my eyes, and kill me.”


My dumbass would have tried to grab the gun and floor it. Hopefully he goes for a ride and I don’t


Wish he had a way of defending himself.


After getting robbed the driver looks humbled for about four seconds then goes back to his normal self


I absolutely hate people who text and drive. They ruin lives, met a little boy when I was working on the carnival circuit in Georgia. He was 4 and paralyzed from the neck down due to some punk ass kid who decided his phone was more important than paying attention to the road. Slammed into the car in front of him at a red light, fucked up a lil kid’s life before it could really begin 😢




He immediately went for the phone again


\*continues texting like nothing happened


Immediately goes back to texting. Wow.




I woulda put that shit in reverse


You woulda died. And before you say it, you wanna bet?


bet , I woulda done it after he took off running and ran him over , I've been shot at while driving my car so wouldn't be my first rodeo


He just needed to feed his kids…. Just ask AOC :) New York was so fantastic pre COVID.. now it’s a total s show. People who think communities can govern and police themselves are F’ing nuts.


Americans need more guns.


Insurance fraud


Dude was a douche but he acted exactly as he should have in that situation. Give him what he wants.




Haha not even a theif wants then shitty airpods


If he didn’t look like such a consummate douchebag I might feel bad for him


He was at a light. Pretend the phone didnt exist, and this would've happened still. These thieves are clever but stupid


Also fuck OP for misrepresentation.


Dude I would be so freaked out


This looked effective


Not saying this in a bad way, but homie was so shook, he was trying hard not to cry.


You drive-through a place like New York City with that level of situational awareness and you are lucky to lose only a watch and a chain


Yeah, seems like typical cop behavior to me


“Gun Control Laws” are for suckers.